The Dead Zone s04e02 Episode Script

The Collector

He has brought us the most incredible today's special.
A multi-function conduction hoven that will really take care of all Just give me the damn phone number.
I'm so excited because we have all these ustensils and appliances.
Will they work together? Look at that.
I made a pizza dough in the food process.
Look at the I put even strench a bigger paddle.
My furnace not big enough.
It must be the fire|department.
Sarah Banerman? Hey.
I was in the area.
What's that smell? Ho nothing.
I was just burning lunch.
Oh What was it supposed to be? Grilled cheese.
Well, you got the "griled" part down.
Ever think|about getting a housekeeper? Just every time I get hungry.
So, what's up? Oh, uh JJ mentioned something about you having|an old baseball glove that he could use.
You're not have to come over here for|that.
I could have dropped it by your house.
Unless, there's something else on|your mind? Tough to fool a psychic.
Yeah Yeah, ok, uh I've been doing some volunteer counseling|down at the woman's outreach center.
They have a|program for homeless women.
Sounds great.
It is.
Truth is, I think I probably get more|out of it than the women in the program do.
What do you mean? Well, with Walt working on these late hours and JJ becoming more|and more independent Just have a lot of free time.
It feels good to|give back, you know.
Sounds good.
But there is more, right? There's this girl, her name is Erica.
I've been helping her through the|job training program.
A few days|ago she just stopped showing up.
I don't know, I just|I have this feeling.
Feeling? What kind of feeling? That she's out there somewhere|in trouble.
The center operates almost|exclusively on private funding.
This is where Erica's work station was.
I don't wanna die.
Please! Let me out of here! Don't Did you see something? Yeah.
We've got to talk to Walt.
This picture was taken a few weeks|ago at the community center.
That's the girl I saw in my vision.
Do you have any idea where she was|being held? It looked like a little girl's|bedroom.
Could be anywhere.
I checked all the emergency call|center.
Nobody named Erica Carlson|showed up missing.
If|that's even her real name.
Why would she lie? Women who come from|abusive relationships.
Sometimes them don't want to be found.
Sarah, do you remember anything|that she might have said? Somebody bothering her.
An ex-boyfriend, something like that.
She didn't really talk about her|personal life.
I should have|tried to get closer.
I'll take the picture out on the|streets, see if we can find anyone recognizes|her.
I'll go with you.
We'll do our best to|find her okay? Don't look at me.
Please I just want to go home.
I won't tell|anybody, I promise.
Please, don't.
Please, I just want to go home.
I'll do anything you asked me to.
Just please|don't Get dressed and fix your face.
Sorry, Com'on.
Hold on a second! I want to talk to you.
Sorry, officer, I was just waiting|for my mother to pick me up.
Your mother? For cheerleading practice.
Hey, I know you! No, I don't think so.
I never forget a face.
You're|that mind-reading guy.
I've seen a picture in the newspaper.
You're way hotter in person.
Thank you.
Hey, y'wanna touch me and guess|your future? Sheriff, you wanna Do you recognize this girl? My God Do you know her? I can't remember.
You can't remember.
Normally, it's too cold out|here to give you girls a hard time.
But you stand in the way of a criminal investigation,|I'll make it my top priority.
Her name is Erica Last name? I don't know.
I swear! She used to crash at my place|when the weather got bad.
She's a colleague of yours? She's a sweet kid.
End of story.
When was the last time you saw|her? I dunno, maybe a week ago.
She|stashed some stuff at my place.
Do you mind if I take a look? I normally do appointments.
Let me get this straight.
You can predict the winning Lotto|numbers, but you don't? It's kinda complicated.
It's crazy.
What's the point of having super-powers|unless there's some cash in it? Hey, why won't you just let the man do his|job.
How long have you lived here Tamie? Six months.
This place has been a transient|motel for the last ten years.
Can you at least tell me if I|have a shot at The Sweet Six? You know what, I'll tell you what.
You ask one more question and I'll predict|the next thirty days of your life.
And trust me, it ain't gonna include Ed McMahon walking through that door.
You keep money in this drawer.
I used to leave Erica a few dollars|for pizza.
Walt I think we need to get going.
Tamie, thank you for your time.
Tell me one thing, will ya? Yeah, if I can.
Is Erica ever coming back? We're working on it.
So we just follow this bus until you see the house from your vision? Yes, assuming it has any connection to|Erica's disappearance.
Listen I just want to say thanks getting|involved with this, John.
It means a lot to Sarah.
So, how are things at home these|days? Good.
Why? No, no reason.
Sarah did mention that JJ is growing|up.
Yeah? Yeah.
Just making conversation,|that's all.
Well that's weird she would bring|up something like that and then|just drop it.
It's not like her.
Well, she did say Forget it.
It's just No, what? I I think she feels neglecte, that's all.
Neglected? She actually used the word negleted? It's only natural at this point|in her life.
'Neglected'? That's a little|harsh, don't you John? Walt, stop.
I know, I've been|preoccupied with work.
But it's not like I work in a freakin' car|wash.
Walt, stop.
You try listening to everybody's|problems all day long.
Sometimes you just want to get on a|plane and want go to freakin' Las Vegas, you know? - Walt! Stop the car!|- What? What? Ho, this is the house from your vision? That's it.
I'll call it in.
Get an ID on|the owner.
Lokk, all that stuff about flyin' to|Vegas I don't mean nothing by else.
It's alright, I get it.
The owner of the house is a self|employed C.
named Richard Finney.
Thirty-three, Caucasian,|he's got no priors.
There's something wrong.
I|just feel it.
Nobody's comin' and you know it.
You wanna get outta here? You're|gonna have to do it yourself.
Listen, cover the back, right? Keep the head up.
I don't know|what we're dealing with here.
Yeah I'm on it.
Lookin' for somebody? ####### Did you hear something? I'm not sure.
Double pepperoni with extra|mushrooms? Can I help you, officer? Checked the house top to bottom.
|There's nobody here.
Alright, we've got to get out here.
Roscoe get|everybody out okay? Thank you.
You can't just walk away.
There's nobody here, John.
What do you want me to say? We're missing something.
Is there anything else we can do? No.
You've been very|cooperative.
Thank you for your help.
We appreciated.
Smith? He took you, too.
I beg your pardon? You were abducted, weren't you? What are you talking about? We're looking for a missing|girl, possible kidnapping.
If|you have any information I don't know what you're talking|about.
That's not true.
I'm going to ask you to leave|now.
Both of you.
We're going.
Sorry sir.
I saw her.
I was there, I was in the|room and I saw her.
That was strange.
What do you think it was all about? I'm not sure.
Case of mistaken identity,|I'd imagine.
That's probably what it|was.
You okay? Don't beat yourself up.
Nobody's|right a 100% all the time.
I'm not wrong.
She's lying.
What do you want me to do? Arrest|her for denying a vision.
I need you to hell over to|Harrison Street.
- The Raintree motel?|- Room 16.
Bring the print guys with you.
And listen anything that room knows, I want|on my desk in two hours.
I'm on it.
Don't worry something will turn up right? And what if it doesn't Walt? Walt! I can help you find her.
He doesn't know what happened,|does he? He's a good man.
He|won't understand this.
What's this? Have you been to the Raintree|Motel? I have.
Room 16.
I want you tell us about your abduction.
It was three years ago, December.
It was a cold night.
The kind of cold you feel|deep down in your bones.
It was late.
I had|worked all night long I was tired.
I crossed between two buildings|when he when he grabbed me.
Listen Lindsa, it's okay.
You're safe here.
Alright? He put his hand across my mouth.
I smelled chemicals, then I blacked|out.
When I woke up, I was in a strange place Did he hurt you? Not at first.
I was so frightened.
You're doing great.
Just try to relax.
He brought me pretty dresses and|expensive make-up.
He had this way|about him, gentle, but dangerous.
There were times I felt like I was|the only woman left in the world.
He punished me when I|made mistakes.
Mistakes? What kind of mistakes Linda? "The dress must never be wrinkled.
A neatly pressed dress makes for|a clean and presentable woman.
" "The makeup should be subtle.
|Too much makes a woman look cheap.
Hair should be neatly combed and|above the shoulders " Please?! Give me another chance.
|I can be what you want.
I can be exactly what you need.
There was a train whistle.
Right? In the distance.
I'd nearly|forgotten.
There's still run freight trains|out of Bangor.
Linda, why hasn't you come to the|police? I was faceless.
Living|on the streets.
Who was gonna|believe me? We will appreciate your help.
I just ask something in|return.
What's that? I want to come with you.
I want|to be there when you find him.
We just got a hit off the|photograph.
A positive ID on the|missing girl.
I have to call Sarah, tell her|I'll be late for dinner again.
Excuse me Linda, I'll be right back.
You're okay? I'm fine.
How's my beautiful wife? Any news about Erica? Well actually that's why I'm calling.
Bangor P.
got a|positive ID off the photo.
Her real name is Erica|Carter.
There's a mother up on Glacier Lake.
But we haven't|made contact yet.
Glacier Lake? That's less than|an hour from here.
I should have paid more attention.
Sarah, come on, it's not your fault.
We're so understaffed down at the community|center, I mean the phones don't even|work half the time It's amazing|anyone gets any helped.
Listen, as soon as this is over, you and me are gonna take a little bit of time.
Two summers special.
- I gotta go, alright?|- Ok, I love you.
Yeah, me too.
I'll talk to you on bed.
Let's go find this girl, come on.
Was this stuff in the Raintree? Dusted the room for prints.
Did you get anything interesting? Not unless you count two members|of the Cleaves Mills city council, the Mayor's brother and the town|librarian.
What is that? It's my lipstick.
Why is it so hard for you to|understand? Why can't you see|what I'm trying to do? What is it? I'll fix it.
Why does it have to be fixed?! Why can't you just do it right|the first time? No! Look at yourself! Do you think that's pretty? Do you|think that's what I want? Do|you?! You're just like the others.
Stop your blubbering.
I'm sorry.
I didn't I show you kindness and this is|how you repay me.
I didn't see anything I I won't say anything to anybody.
|I promise.
I believe you.
We can try again.
I'll do better|this time.
I promise.
I'm afraid our lessons are over.
What did you got? Erica, she tries to escape.
She|sees his face and he kills her.
And you have no idea if what you|saw is Erica's future or her past? No, but either way we gotta keep looking right? There's nothing about this guy|that feels remotely familiar too me.
He takes his victims|and then lets them go.
He dresses them up and|tears them down.
It's crazy.
Psychotic actually.
And now you tell me he's crossed|the line.
He's gonna killed this girl, or did|kill this girl, if we don't stop him.
John, I'm even don't know where to begin.
Maybe just begin at the end.
I flagged down a passing truck.
This road continues for another thirty miles along|the river.
Linda, listen, we won't get in Here! It was right here! This is where he let me go.
It|was dark and I was just standing there in the days until|the morning.
in a pouring rain.
There were other victims Six or seven maybe.
This guy, doesn't just abduct women he collects|them.
That was Roscoe.
Two-lane service road intersects a freight line about|80 miles north of here.
Let's go find him.
Come on.
I don't need whatever it is your|sellin'.
Carter? That's right.
Who are you? My name is Sarah Bannerman.
I got your address from the Sheriff's|department.
Sheriff? You haven't been contacted yet? I've|been gone since mornin'.
I know what this is.
I I told the|man my car's been in the shop.
Your car? No It's hard to hunt for a job without|one.
I only need another few|days to make things right.
I'm sorry, I don't think we are talking|about the same thing? You're here to collect the rent|money.
No I'm here about Erica.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell|you this, but your daughter is|missing.
Mrs Carter, did you hear me?|I said that your daughter is in trouble.
I got no daughter.
Not for nearly|three years.
What's that smell? Not the blue plate special, I|hope.
I'm gonna show the picture around|see if anybody recognizes her.
You're not eating.
I'm not hungry.
Mind if I ask you a personal|question? More personal than you wandering|through my memories? Why did you change your mind and|decide to help us? Do you have any idea what it's|like to have your life torn in|half? To measure every second of your existence|through the center line of one unimaginable event? Surprisingly, I do.
Why take|yourself back there? I want to see the look in his|eyes.
The expression on his face|when he sees me.
That's just a word.
You go through something and it|changes you.
It holds a mirror|up against everything that's ever, or ever will happen to you from|that point forward.
In some ways you could say that my life|began and ended while I was with him.
But you survived.
It's gotta count|for someone? Life should be about more than|survival, shouldn't it? How 'bout some dessert? No, thank you.
Just the check.
That smell outside? - The lye.
|- Excuse me? Lye.
To make the soap.
The factory is 'bout|10 miles up the mountain It's been closed for nearly three years, but you|can still smell the lye when the wind kicks up.
I'm such a klutz.
Do you have a bathroom? Underneath the big salmon, back in the corner.
I'm very very sorry.
Don't worry about it, just an accident.
Two steak dinners, rare, with all|the trimmings.
Looks like you|got company? Just a friend.
It's tonight.
There won't be lessons anymore.
Linda! Linda, we gotta go.
Walt! Did you see her? Do see who? Linda.
Did she come by here? Not that I have known.
Why? Oh, she took my car! How the hell did she got my keys? I'm such a klutz.
I'm very sorry.
Don't worry about it, just an accident.
She must have realized we were|close to him.
She remembered something, a touch, a taste, a smell.
You mentioned a soap factory? Production plant's there.
But|nobody goes up there anymore except Mister Sudz.
Mister Sudz? That's what everybody calls him.
I don't even know what his real name is.
He's the caretaker.
Personally, I don't know why|anybody would want to live up there cut off from civilization.
was he in here earlier|tonight? Come to remember he was He ordered Two steak dinners to go.
That's right.
I saw Mister Sudz, Walt.
He was picking up food.
Same food that was on the table when|Erica was killed.
We've got to go to that factory, hu? It's tough without a car.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! County Sheriff! Stop your vehicle! You comin' or what?! It seems somebody forgot to leave the lights|on.
Not a bad place if your hobby is|kidnapping.
Or murder.
At least we know she's here.
And why she took off.
What do you mean? Shotgun's missing.
Probably came here to kill him.
This is Unit 1, requesting back-up on|Rural Route 6, ten miles north of the Linwood Inn.
Roger, Unit 1.
Back-up units are|10:13 to your location.
Roger that.
Unit 1 out.
Hey, we can't wait for back-up.
They gonna be here in twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes? This place is huge.
He could be anywhere.
He's going to kill her, If|Linda doesn't get to him first.
You ever see what a 12-gauge|shotgun can do to a human body? Put this on.
Let's go.
You stay here.
I'm gonna check the other side.
No way.
This girl is here because of|me.
I'm not going to stand here Fine, take this.
I don't do guns.
Besides, I might|shoot you by mistake.
How would|I explain that to Sarah and JJ? I don't like the idea of leaving|you unarmed.
Walt I'm a psychic, remember? Alright.
I'm a psychic You're|gonna be a dead psychic.
Please! Give me another chance.
I can be what you want.
I can be|exactly what you need You showed me exactly where I|needed to be.
Help me! Anybody there? Linda? I don't expect you to understand|this.
I don't completely|understand it myself.
When this is over, I want you to|tell them it was you that came after me.
Killing this guy is not going to fill up|whatever is missing in your life.
You really can't see it, can you? I have no intention of killing|him.
I never did.
You've come back to be with him.
You opened up the door to feelings|I'd forgotten.
Emotions I'd pushed|out of my memory.
Linda, listen to me.
What you're|going through, right know it's not your fault.
Ok? It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
You don't understand It happens to people who've been|kidnapped.
They begin to|sympathize with their abductor.
Do you understand? That's not how this is It happened to Patty Hearst.
It happens to prisoners of war.
I don't want to hear anymore! He's going to hurt you.
Not if she can be everything.
Not if she can be perfect.
Hello! Is somebody there? Yes, can you hear me? Help me! Erica, you need to listen to me! You know my name? I'm locked down.
I'm in a room! My name is Walt! I'm the County|Sheriff! You have to come and get me!|He's gonna be back any second! Listen, I can't get in this way! I've|got to find another way down! No! Don't leave me! I'll be back! I promise! Allright? Hello! Hello! Don't panic.
Walt's coming.
Don't panic, Walt's coming.
Why did you come here? For you.
I came for you.
Just give me another chance.
I'll be what you want.
I can be|exactly what you need.
You're full of surprises, aren't you.
This can't be what you want.
You have no idea what she wants.
Is this what|Erica wants? To be killed by some|lunatic so afraid that he lives his life hiding|behind a plastic mask.
You know nothing.
I know you.
I know your mother|was never good enough.
and your father demanded perfection.
That she could never give|him.
Neither could his little|boy.
How could you know that So you just keep searching for perfection, don't you? Perfection in faces of|these women that you take.
Then you throw them away like|garbage.
Get down on your knees.
I'm not going to tell you again! I don't want to hurt you, but I|will.
We can just go.
Nobody's going anywhere.
We've got a Shalf dozen cruisers|on the way to the hill right now.
You choose, Sheriff.
You can arrest me,|and watch your friend die.
Or you can step aside.
|It's your choice.
The tank! NO! I don't want to hurt you, but I|will.
We can just go.
Nobody's going anywhere.
Put the gun! We've got a Shalf dozen cruisers|on the way to the hill right now.
You choose, Sheriff.
You can arrest me and you can watch your friend die.
You can step aside.
It's your choice.
Walt, listen to me.
You need to|let this one go.
I've seen it|before Alright, Fine.
everybody just relax.
Take it easy.
Is it worth it, Linda? You don't understand.
The factory is full of|chemicals.
We have to find Erica I spoke to her.
I know where she is,|she's underneath this building.
Follow me.
Walt! Put this on - Ok.
|- Go, go, go! Oh, come on! It's gonna be okay.
I'll be right back, okay? Is she gonna ok? She doesn't want to go to the|hospital and she can't go home.
Now, you know what We could put that matelass out of the garage.
and put it the spare|room.
Ya, We could do that.
I mean, she's gonna need someone|to take care of her for awhile.
A little while, yeah? A week ten days tops.
I really think she can|turn her life around, I do.
How could she miss with someone|like you? Ok What about Linda? And what the hell is this that somebody go back|to something like that? Maybe for her the alternative was|worse.
Yeah, maybe.
We all need to feel like|we matter.
Even if it's just the|pain.
My guys are sifting|through the roughs trying to find her Any chance that somebody|survive a blow like that? It's very doubtfull.

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