The Dead Zone s04e04 Episode Script

Still Life

What do we have here? Mr.
I hope you can help.
No name.
See there? Some fan do loves me.
It's incredible.
You have no idea.
|This is an Andrew Lyne original.
Lyne Is he from Maine? Part of the artists' colony down|on the coast.
Man it's a big-time recluse.
Long fingernails and bad hygiene? He's a recluse, not a hermit.
Sounds like he was a patient.
Actually, a subject.
Art history,|Junior year of college.
The man's a legend.
Painted solid|for seven years then stopped.
Made his name on a series of|paintings intitled "Daughter".
Inspired by his girl Why'd he stop? She died.
Drowned or something.
|But this isn't her.
At least, I|don't remember this paint.
- Maybe he's working again.
|- If he is, that is big and I mean huge.
|But the question is, who sent you this and why? I don't know.
But it's gonna|look great over the mantel.
We have to find her, Why? I think she's gonna die.
Ah, so much|for the starving artist.
Hey, hey, hey.
|The good ones live large Walt.
Look at this place.
|No wander the guy never leaves.
The man buried his first daughter.
|There's no escape for that.
Hey, you know I think that's where he works.
|I'm gonna check it out.
Knock yourself out.
Remember, we're guests, not fans.
And I forgot my autograph book.
Are you sure he called you, Walt? Yeah, I've got a missing person|report right here.
Lyne? What do you think? Maybe some jilted lover was|scouring the beach at night, searching for a lost soul.
Sheriff Bannerman.
And Johnny Smith.
|The not-sosecret weapon.
I'm honored.
You've read the papers? My daughter admired your talent.
But what happened to your cane? Outgrew it.
It gave you an air of mystery.
Your power of precognition.
|I understand it works by touch.
It does.
My daughter is missing, Mr.
I need someone to find her.
Sheriff, it look's like we'll have to|do it the old-fashioned way.
Lyne, around the same time you called|the office by your missing daughter someone delivered a painting|to Johnny's house Did your daughter ever|talk about contacting him? No.
Can you describe the painting? Brown-haired girl,|under a moonlit window.
You've met Chloe.
Check this, man.
He really is|painting again.
We figured that out.
Make yourself comfortable,|gentlemen.
It's It's an honor.
So, my my name is Bruce.
|I'm a I'm a friend of Johnny.
Studied your work in college.
You should have got to|yourself a real education.
Actually, I'm an occupational|therapist by trade, but I have many interests,|fine art being one Mr.
How long has Chloe|been missing? Three days.
Feels like|so many weeks.
- How old is she?|- Barely twenty.
That mean that she's no longer a minor.
|So there is fully nothing I can do.
Or you, for that matter.
Well, it's not that she left.
|It's who she might have left with.
I'm concerned.
It's alright, Nora.
Miss Collins, my assistant.
I won't interrupt.
You starting over? Actually, I'm re-priming.
Lyne didn't love this one.
Lyne, the painting I received Chloe posed for you right here|didn't she? One of our first efforts.
|My favorite with her.
May I? Please.
Those clothes? Mr.
Lyne bought them for her.
For the paintings.
She was wearing white|There was blood on it.
Let's do it this way, Chloe.
You're hanging out.
Like a lazy girl on a summer's day.
But I'm not lazy.
On back.
It's been so long, kiddo.
I don'k know if I have it anymore.
It's gonna be amazing.
Must be exciting.
What's that, Mister Smith? Oh, painting again.
|Must be overwhelming for you.
It was like living in the dark,|those years after Julia passed.
You might say I was|wandering the beach with an old rusty lantern.
Chloe helped me find my way.
How was she came back|in your life Mr Lyne? I'd been sending money to her|since she was an infant.
But Chloe's mother didn't tell her|about my existence until a recent years.
She located me|and we were reunited.
Could she has gone back|with her mother? Heaven forbidden.
Her mother's dead.
So, she is your muse.
She's my "everything".
In my younger days, I use|to paint still lifes, Mr.
It was only after my first portrait|of my daughter Julia, that anyone took notice.
But I lost Julia.
I do not intend to lose Chloe.
I'll need to see something else|that belongs to Chloe.
Before you 'see' something,|I should make a confession Chloe and I weren't always|on the best of terms.
Her mother and I never were.
I understand.
? Chloe uses her mother's|maiden name, Gelman.
So it's not to compete with|her famous father, I guess.
Where could you possibly go? Anywhere but here.
You have no money Chloe and|you're not gonna get a penny from me You can keep your money.
|I'm leaving.
Wait We haven't|finished our work.
Chloe, please.
Chloe! Who's Dylan, M.
Lyne? An art student at the college.
You said you're worried about|her friends.
Why is that? Dylan deals drugs.
He's an influence on her work.
Young people.
Modernist trash.
It's all surface.
Nothing underneath.
We'll do some digging John,|but technically she's on a runaway.
Walt, I saw that solitude.
Something's not right.
This place is amazing.
|That guy got peacocks.
That's great.
You guys if come off anything|solid, call me.
Be careful.
What now? Now we go back to school.
I'm tellin' ya guys,|Chloe never called me.
You're sure about that.
I haven't talked to her|in like, weeks.
That's a long time.
I told you.
She's just a friend.
|Besides, I don't have to tell you anything.
Even if you are workin'|for the old man.
We ready? All set.
You say good-bye? It doesn't matter.
You picked Chloe up|at the Lyne's place.
She had a suitcase with her.
|Where'd you take her? Look, you can tell us or you can tell|our friend with the shiny gold badge.
Probably not a good decision considering|your primary source of income.
I took her to the bus station.
Ok? She just wanted to bolt.
I swear.
I just took|her to the Goddamn station.
That's all.
The daughter of a world famous artist|traveling cross-country by bus.
She was broke.
I had to lend|her money for food.
She didn't blame the old man.
|She said he doesn't know any better.
In anyway, all the cash is handled by this|cockroach that poses as an art dealer.
Who? His name is Graydon.
Of course I'll make it happen to you|You have my word as a gentleman.
Ok, ciao.
Thomas Graydon? Let me guess.
The enigmatic Johnny Smith.
I guess you're not the|only psychic in town.
You heard I was helping Mr.
Spoke to Andrew this morning.
|He is very impressed by you.
"A young man of infinite vision",|I think he said.
Tell me if there's any loose|change in my sofa cushions? Yeah I see you've had a good year.
It's only going to get better.
Once you show|the new 'Daughter' series.
And you are He's an art critic.
You seen Chloe lately Mr.
Graydon? Not since she broke her|father's heart, no.
Sure about that, Mr.
Graydon? Personnally, this looks|an awful lot like Chloe's work.
That would look great in my gallery.
Forget it.
I just want what|I was promised.
It's my money.
Did you ask him? He said it wouldn't be a problem.
|He said to ask to you.
You know everything is negotiable.
Money use to be a recurring|theme with Chloe, isn't it? You fought about it, right? We had a conversation.
She wanted part of her inheritance|before she took off.
That's not up to Daddy, is it? Look Mr.
Lyne put me in charge|of his finances ten years ago.
So you gave her nothing.
Not much to give.
Lyne only lives on fancy spread|of his because he owns it outright.
Everything else is|leveraged to the moon.
Who's fault is that? The new daughters serie is|M.
Lyne's first significant work in years.
And it will make him|a very wealthy man.
And you? Well It's a team effort, isn't it? Use my number if you ear from her.
I keep tryin' her cell.
|She's not picking up.
The first cycle of daughter paintings|were estimated to be worth twenty million.
Maybe she sent it to me.
Lyne did say it's one her favorites.
Why play games? If she wants your help,|all she's got to do is pick up the phone.
Maybe she's afraid.
I swear she's trying|to tell me something.
What? I'm not sure.
How could you? What'd you see? I saw Chloe die.
I was the killer, Bruce.
|And same as my first vision, - I was|- You were what? I was Andrew Lyne.
I think Chloe's|father is going to kill her.
Do you say he's going|to kill his own daughter.
I was standing over her, Walt.
I was painting her,|I was wearing his clothes.
It doesn't make sense.
I saw them argue.
|Maybe Lyne threatened her.
What else could spook Chloe|enough for her to take off? I don't know but|wherever she went, she's gone.
I send Roscoe down|on the bus station.
She didn't buy a ticket.
We've check the video|surveillance.
You've got her college file.
Cause of emergency contacts:|her dead mother.
Wait a second.
Maybe daddy|did threaten her.
You just said|it didn't make sense.
Yeah, I know Not to us.
But the crazy|artist guy.
I mean, think about it.
Lyne's made his career|on these portraits.
After he lost the first daughter,|he was in the dark.
For years.
If Chloe was threatening to leave,|he would have gone ballistic.
This is what they mean|by 'don't meet your heroes.
' Hold on a second, you guys|He came to me for help.
Scott Peterson called the cops, too.
Allright, point taken.
|Ok, but Johnny you know the drill I can't arrest a guy|for a crime he might commit.
Besides, we haven't even found|the victim, yet.
Walt, my visions are not an alter-reality,|they are reality unless we can change it.
Tell me where it's gonna go down and I'll bring|down an army on the freakin son of a bitch.
But you, you take it easy I'll take it easy|when Chloe's safe, allright? Hey, man.
You cool? Yeah.
I'll see ya.
It's my turn now.
Chloe? I'm not sure I want you|to see this.
My little girl's full|of mystery today.
Well, this is our special place.
Well It's fascinating.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Painting isn't just about|the picture, Chloe.
You must control|the canvas.
See, your colors and|angles are appealing.
But it's only the surface.
The surface.
You can't ever trust the surface Chloe.
It's always beautiful.
And it's almost always a lie.
Don't trust the surface Johnny, what's up man?|You look like hell Yeah, thanks,|I was up all night.
Doing what? Drawing Chloe In my visions, i was with her.
I mean, Lyne was.
They were at this old creepy place.
This the part when you say|"Redrum"? I get these images in my head.
|I had to keep drawing.
I thought you couldn't draw.
I can't.
These visions are having some kind of residual|effect.
You said you became Lyne, right.
So - I picked up his talent?|- Maybe more.
If you compelled|to draw these things, I don't know.
Maybe you're|picking up his obsession.
What? You're Dr.
Phil now? What are you doin'? This is it.
This is their very|'special place.
' I've seen it before Right Ha Right here.
|The Gamble House.
She was there with Lyne.
She was wearing the same dress that|she was wearing on the painting.
The one she'll be killed in.
Kind of like a party dress, isn't it? Yeah, Some legendary shindigs|happened at this house.
It still do if you believe the rumors.
Gamble House ranks with some of|the great salons in history.
All this from the one book? Yes it is.
|Parties were a little you know twisted.
Twisted? Freaky.
Like, ah, 'Eye's Wide Shut'.
Which would be fitting Lyne's view of the world.
|Sophistically calm on the surface but underneath,|unexpected, distorted, That's why he paints|with blurred focus.
To obscure the truth.
She's here.
Who? Chloe! John, I'm so happy you came.
Is anybody ever told you|you are stunning? Not today.
I still can't get over it.
You really are like something out of|an Andrew Lyne painting.
The resemblance is uncanny.
Graydon, about tonight.
I don't think that Just relax.
Play it like we discussed.
Is that? That's him.
My God.
This is Chloe, right? Would you like to sit for me, Chloe? Me.
Sit for you.
We could create something|memorable together.
Chloe has agreed|to come aboard.
To be a part|of your new family.
Daughter reborn.
What is it? She's not his daughter, Chloe's not Lyne's daughter.
Graydon must have recruited her.
To be Lyne's new muse.
To replace|the daughter that he lost.
Julia The guy can paint without her.
He's the one who found her body Right.
Julia had gone out on the water alone.
She fell in the boat,|hit her head.
Her body washed up|on the shore of the beach The shoreline I saw it.
It was in this painting.
There's no beach|in this painting.
It was there, under my feet.
There's another painting.
|It was Julia.
You saw a different painting? Everything went white.
Like it had been painted over.
He re-primed it.
I can't believe|I'm agreeing to this.
It'll work.
The older paint's got a different|composition, so once we apply the It's nuts, Johnny! This is priceless art and you're about|to go Mr.
Wizard all over its ass.
I will not be a party to this.
Then don't.
Oh, man.
Wait, wait!|Alright, but if God's an art lover,|be prepared to do a lot of explaining.
She could be Chloe's twin.
That's the idea, my friend.
Julia Lyne died fifteen years ago.
Andrew Lyne is listed as the father on the death|certificate.
He and the mother were never married.
He did find the body.
But he was cleared|of any involvement.
As far as the world is concerned,|Julia's death was an accident.
That's because they never found|the murder weapon.
The rock.
He killed her, Walt.
I saw it.
You said you saw Chloe die.
Ok, listen to this.
The rock was in both visions.
That's why he painted over her.
|To obscure the truth.
The surface is a lie.
Don't you see the pattern? he daughter becomes the muse.
The muse becomes the obsession.
Obsession becomes murder.
I'm not going to|allow this intrusion.
That's a warrant, Mr.
|I suggest you read it.
Based on what? You are not going|to put my friend through this.
Your friend, or your benefactor? You just had to have some new|paintings to sell, didn't you? So you found the right girl and|turned her into his long lost daughter.
Wanna shake my hand now? Tom.
It's alright.
Let them see.
This is why I need Chloe|to come home.
To finish the new collection.
What about Julia?|Did you need her, too? I think she served her purpose.
|He didn't need the muse anymore.
What are you trying to imply? That you killed your daughter, Mr.
Julia was my life.
And Chloe, hopefully,|will always be, even though she's|not my flesh and blood.
Ask Nora.
Lyne, please,|i don't want interfere.
You can tell them Nora.
I remember Julia.
I also remember the day Mr.
Lyne|found her on the beach.
It was terrible.
He couldn't have hurt her.
Or Chloe.
Chloe's still useful.
- I love her.
|- No, you used her.
I am her teacher.
We had a mutually|beneficial relationship Then why did she run away? I don't know.
I need some air, Sheriff.
Compassion, young man,|compassion is not a crime, Compassion or obsession, Andrew? Which one is it, Nora? I only see what Mr.
Lyne|wants me to see.
He controls the canvas.
Well, nothing out of the ordinary.
Unless you count unfinished sketch of|the missing girl on every corner of the place.
We gotta missing something.
We're still dead in the water.
Did Graydon give you|back the warrant? Oh, yeah.
Still got the slime on it.
Chloe, Chloe stop Chloe, this is nuts.
|Don't do this to him.
Don't do this to yourself.
I'm not the one hurting him.
He's a great man and|you're destroying him.
You really fell for the all thing right?|The all Andrew Lyne mystique.
People should know that|he's controlled by a sleazy desgusting Listen real close.
Lyne's has his secrets,|guess what? I control them.
Now you, are|one of those secrets.
You can't hurt me any more|than you already have.
What about the old man? You think I could hurt him? So am I, there are limits to|what we can't pull up with here.
We'll be in touch.
He's worried.
He's gonna show up|any second and pull something out of his desk.
Something he doesn't|want us to find.
Remind me to bring you along|on my next bank heist.
Penobscot County papers.
Birth certificates.
|Name change documents.
For Lyne's daughter.
So come on - What's Chloe's real name?|- Not Chloe.
Julia? The dead one? You're not going to believe this.
She wasn't his daughter.
I don't even want to know how these|documents came in your possession.
I saw her die.
You better be right, John, or|it's gonna come back to haunt you.
Walt it's already haunting me, that's why I have to end it.
Make sure.
It's sharper than ever.
We have to find her.
If we've got Graydon in custody,|then we know he can't be the killer.
But he is the man|with all the secrets.
Let's talk to him to see|if he knows any more.
Julia and I never met.
But you had this file.
Sealed information|concerning her real identity.
Pretty good insurance against|the old man letting you go.
Lyne isn't letting me go.
His life's gonna have a second act,|thanks to me.
And the new daughter|that you created.
I did what had to be done.
He picked up the brush, didn't he? All I did was feed the need.
Why do you think he invented Julia|the first time around? The crazy old buzzard can't work|without his muse.
So I gave him Chloe and trust me, that girl was|a willing participant.
Until you started hitting on her.
That is the real reason|Chloe ran, isn't it? You were all over her.
Last I checked, making unwanted|advances wasn't a crime.
Where is she? I have no idea.
I think you do know.
You let her run, but you're not gonna|let her out of your sight, right? I mean she's one|of your secrets.
How would you be a psychic|to know someone telling Chloe.
I mean, if she gets exposed that's very bad for business.
Last time I checked, obstruction|of justice was a crime.
I'll get Judge Cafferty a call.
|Get another search warrant Wanna we do that|as a matter of fact.
Alright her name is Laura.
|Laura Tierney.
Find her.
She's been hiding|on a friends house Hey.
No, no, it was glad|to see your number I never wanted this, either Really? That is great news.
Yeah Of course Of course I'll come back.
Come back It was a phone call She's going back for Lyne.
You cannot be serious.
I'm so glad you called.
|I came as quickly as I could.
- He needs you.
|- How is he feeling? Like he wants to make|things right.
Maybe we could work a little.
|Get his mind off things.
Why don't you put|on his favorite dress? It was Nora.
He's been so lost without you.
He needed to take a walk,|to clear his head.
What you said about Mr.
|It's true? He's been fired? Your leaving put everything|in perspective.
You won't have to|worry about Tom Graydon.
Ever again.
Main house is clean.
Let's check the lighthouse.
Wait a second.
This is Nora's.
Did you see that sunrise? Magnificent! Someone's full of energy today.
Thank you.
I've been thinking.
Chloe's an art student.
And she knows her|way around a studio.
She has a superlative|eye for color.
What are you saying? Maybe it's time for a change.
|Time for you to fly on your own.
Heaven knows I taught you|everything I can.
But I like it here.
|I like being with you.
It's best for both of us if you go.
And you'll be free.
She's not even family.
Nora Why do we have to live this lie? It's the truth.
My truth.
And I've accepted it.
|For you.
I told everyone I'm your assistant.
|But it's lie.
You are my flesh and blood, Nora.
But this you also know,|you can never be my muse.
Nora was his only real daughter Are you sure|he's on his way back? He'll be here.
I'm so glad you called.
You've been so good to me, Nora.
|In a way, I feel like we're almost sisters.
I see him.
I want him to look at you.
To find you exactly|where he found her.
Who? Julia.
No! Nora! No! No! No! Nora, wait!|Don't do this.
Listen I know it's all a lie.
And you|wanted me to see that lie, didn't you, That's why you sent me the painting.
|Stop the hurting.
I just wanted him to love me.
To think that I was beautiful.
Nora? Nora? Daddy? What have you done Nora? So in the end, my psychic friend, who's obsession do you think you|were channeling? Lyne's, or Nora's? Doesn't matter, it's gone.
You know what? I picked up a pen this morning, here's what came out|It's you and me.
I can see you catch my|masculine jaw line.
That's not your jaw|that's a hat.
He called me today.
He said I could|move on if I wanted to.
That he'd help me|out with money.
Is that what you want? There's this art school for kids|near my apartment I want to teach.
Save up.
Maybe go to France|and study the masters.
I still can't believe I did what I did.
But it was something I mean to see|'the great Andrew Lyne' painting again.
He just seemed so amazing.
On the surface.
I should get going.
I'll walk you out.
Laura? I think you should try Italy.
You'll do very well there.
Italy? Sounds "belissimo".

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