The Dead Zone s04e06 Episode Script

The Last Goodbye

I had a perfect life.
|I have been in coma since 6 years.
When i wake up, i found my fiancée married| to an other man Raising my son.
|Everything has changed Including me.
One touch, and i see things|Things that had happend, things that will happend You should see what i see Where are we going? Sarah, the whole point of a surprise is for me|not to have to answer these questions.
Walt, can you help me out here? Oh, oh wait.
|I'm just along for the ride Trust me.
|This'll be worth it.
Okay, you can look now.
You brought me to|'open mike' night? Yeah.
Oh my God.
Darren Foldes? Who the heck|is this Derek Foldes? Darren Foldes, Walt.
Son of the greatest|singer-songwriter of our generation.
Roy Foldes? You remmeber, I told you.
|I followed his tour when I was 17.
Roy Foldes! Didn't that guy drive|his car off a cliff right? This is a song|that you might know it was written by my father and it's called,|"I'll Remember.
" There's so much|too talk about.
How we'll work it out.
Think they will remember.
We gather pieces|seem to fit together.
So long all day,|so long all night.
So long you'll make it|through the fights and when|the darkness comes I'll remember.
The days when|we weren't afraid.
The days when|our love was strange.
Hey, Darren.
we really enjoyed|the show man.
Thanks for comin' out.
Well, it was it was loud! You got another gig in the area? I'm in Philly day after tomorrow.
|If they've sold any tickets.
Hey, is that your dad's Fender? One and only.
Bought it|off some guy on eBay.
You weren't close? No.
Would you mind if I check it? No Knock yourself out man.
All the songs written on this? I'll give ya a hundred bucks.
This thing used to belong to that|dead rock star, Roy Foldes.
Dude, that guy died|like fifteen years ago.
One fifty with the case.
What the hell,|I don't need it anymore.
Hey, man, you all right? Yeah.
I saw him! I swear|I saw Roy Foldes.
Johnny, he died 18 years ago.
His car dropped more than|100 feet into the ocean.
They never found his body.
That's true.
Wait a sec.
Let's assume|that he is still alive, why would he do that? That's a good question Walt,|I'll ask him when I find him.
You really think we could? What is this we stuff? You're not seriously thinking|about doing this are you? Still can't hear out of the right ear.
|Since when I become my father? That music really|brought me back tonight.
Made me think about things, old feelings.
Yeah, about John? No.
Well, I mean yeah,|Johnny was part of it, but it's not what you think.
No, it's just The music inspired me gave me a lot of the strength|in a really difficult time.
Then I think|you should go with him.
Are you serious? Yes, I'm serious.
If it's important you,|it's important to me.
So you don't mind me just|taking off with Johnny? I might mind you taking off|with johnny if you put it that way.
No, you know what I mean.
I do, I do.
Look Sarah, I never thought|I'll get married.
I just thought that someone|wasn't on the radar for me.
Then I met you and everything changed.
I'd finally met someone|that I could trust and someone who|could trust me.
So, if you want|to go find this guy, I think you should.
I'll be here when you get back.
You are just the most amazing man.
What's that?|I didn't hear you.
Shut up.
I haven't had a double scoop chocolate shake|since the last time we were on a road trip.
Junk food|the fuel of youth.
I can't believe we're on|the road trip looking for Roy Foldes? Hey, remember our|first trip together? We went to Woodstock right? Just to say we were there.
I met him once you know.
Roy Foldes? He was as far away from me|as you are right now.
I must sound like|some crazed fan.
You sound like somebody|that really loved the music.
So, you think his old tour manager|will know something? Maybe.
He's the CEO of|a major record label.
You know, there's maybe a handful a guys in the music|business that can make or break a career with one phone call.
I'm one of them.
But when I hear there's a psychic sitting in the lobby with|information about a rock star that's been dead for twenty years, well I've gotta take a minute, right? All right, Mister Smith,|you're on the clock.
I realize this sounds crazy but I have reason to believe that|Roy Foldes is still alive.
- Because you saw him?|- Yes.
In the flesh? In my mind.
I have no reason to lie|about this.
I figured since you|and Roy were friends, you might be interested to know that|he's still out there somewhere.
You know, Roy was like|every other rock star he was a self-centered|pain in the ass.
He was also gifted.
I'd put him right up there with|Dylan and Morrison on raw talent.
But he was not immortal.
He drove his car into|off a cliff the ocean.
They never found his body.
Okay, let me explain|something to you.
People fall in love with musicians because|they represent the best part of us.
And because they mark a time and place in|our lives that we don't want to let go of.
But I can assure you, Roy's|time has come and gone.
And sadly so has ours.
It was nice meeting you.
Oh Thank you for your time.
Do you know how much money|I've got riding on this? Do you? You want me to throw it all away|for what?! A groupie?! Crystal's not a groupie Nathan.
|I love her.
Berk, who is "Crystal"? Goodbye, Mister Smith.
Did you see Berk? I saw him.
What did he say? It's not what he said,|it's what he didn't say.
You saw something, didn't you? Berk and Roy Foldes were arguing.
Something about|someone named 'Crystal'.
It seemed personal.
Excuse me.
You're Johnny Smith? Is that a question? Doug Driscoll.
|Rock Life Magazine.
- What do you want?|- How about a quote? What are you talking about? A well known psychic calls the head of a major|record label to get the 411 on a dead rocker and you don't think|that's gonna.
leak? No comment.
We should work together? I'm gonna write it one|way or another.
What part of the word 'no'|don't you understand? At least look at this.
An address? Why should we listen to you? Because I can help you|find Roy Foldes.
Yeah well, you know, I've been in the personal|antiquities business for over 10 years now.
So you're some kind of collector? I like to consider myself, you know,|as a broker of broken dreams.
So you sell stuff that used to|belong to dead musicians.
I don't specifically specialize|in deceased rock star memorabilia, but I do consider it|a growth industry.
But do you have anything|of Roy Foldes or not? I don't know.
|Does this count? My God Exactly.
The 1981 Corvette that Roy Foldes|kamikazed into the Atlantic Ocean.
Fully restored.
- Do you mind?|- No, no go ahead.
Don't get too comfortable, I've got a buyer lined up.
Dude, are you okay? What happened?|Did you see something? Roy Foldes wasn't even in that car|when it went over that cliff.
Thank you.
This next is an original tune.
Play "I'll Remember"! What a load of crap! Play "I'll Remember"! Look, I already played that song.
|So could you shut up and let|me finish this one? Why don't you jump off a cliff|like your old man! That's original.
Grab a table.
|I'm gonna find a bathroom.
Small world, isn't it? Is it? We met the other night after|your show the other night in Portland.
Oh yeah.
I saw the show tonight.
Crazy, right? I can't believe how some people act.
How 'bout that guy in the front? He didn't look quite|so large from the stage.
I would have loved to heard|that original song.
That makes you|a majority of one.
What's this? That is my cellphone number.
I'm in town until|tomorrow.
No I'm I'm married.
Can't blame a guy for trying.
My dad was a real ladies man.
So I hear.
You never met him? I didn't even know he was|my father 'til a few years ago.
I'm sure he's really proud of you,|wherever he is.
What's that|suppose to mean? I just meant What is it with you people? I mean, I understand not being|able to let go of the music, but can't you let the poor|sucker rest in peace? What was that about? There's just something|so sad about him.
It must be tough to live your|life in the shadow of a legend.
You kids enjoy the show? Johnny you ready to start|working with me on this? I asked you to stop following us.
I'm not following you,|I'm following the story.
There is no story.
Why are you shadowing the kid?|It can't be his music.
What do you know about it?|Do you play? Sing? I'm entitled to my opinion.
You know what they say|about opinions? What did you see inside|the Corvette Johnny? Let's go.
You saw him, didn't you? C'mon, let me in on?! You show me yours, I show you mine.
|You guys, inside the Corvette what did you see?|Come on, let me in.
What's that? Darren's cellphone number.
He hit on you? Surprised? I'm impressed.
I was thinking if Roy really is out there maybe he's still in touch|with somebody from his past.
The question is 'who'? How far is it|to Rockland County? How did you know|about this place? It was mentioned on|a Roy Foldes tribute CD.
It said that his writing partner, Stephen Vickings,|retired and opened a vintage record shop.
We don't have any gangsta rap records,|if that's what you're lookin' for? We were wondering if you have|any Roy Foldes albums? Albums? Lemme guess, refugees from|the "Totally 80's" right? At least I cut my mullet.
We're big fans.
I must know all the|words of every song you ever wrote.
I followed the last tour|you did with Roy - You two must have been close?|- Like brothers.
I miss his energy.
His passion.
But mostly I miss his gumbo.
Gumbo? You never heard of Roy's|famous Cajun gumbo before? Now, that was worth|drivin' all night for.
It must have been hard|when he died.
Not if you're drunk 24-7.
|Here's some free advice: if you ever decide to dive into|a swimming pool at 3 in the morning, make sure there's water in it.
Seeing as how you guys|are such diehard fans, I've got something really|special to show you Oh my God.
Is this for real? The original lyrics to|"I'll Remember.
" In Roy's own handwriting.
Let's try that one again Roy.
Hold on man! What's wrong, dude,|that was hot.
I'm not feelin' it.
Just gimme ten minutes|of fresh air.
Oh My God?! I am SO sorry.
|I didn't even see you.
It's cool.
|There's no harm done.
I am totally fired for this.
Here, lemme help you|with that.
Have we met before? Maybe in another life? I gotta go.
|I'm sorry again.
Hey, do you like music? do you like live music? Who doesn't? Have you ever been|to Elysian Fields? There was a girl.
There were a lot of girls.
Was Roy ever involved|with a girl named Crystal? Not that I recall, but we were|pretty trashed those days.
What about Elysian Fields? Now, that was a kick-ass show.
Too bad they tore it down.
The Field's are gone? Changed.
I don't believe this.
It's hard to believe anything|beautiful ever happened here.
This all used to be|green grass, and the stage sat|right over there.
And we were standing|right over here! There was a huge parking lot|filled with arts and crafts The camp grounds|was over here.
I was standing|against the fence trying to get a glimpse|of the band Come on.
Follow me.
ROY FOLDES! There he is! Are we allowed back here? It's cool.
|Just stay with me.
Roy you're late! I'm here now.
|Nathan, this is Do you know how much security|costs me in overtime? Come on, man!|Crowd's goin' crazy! I don't even know your name? Aubrey.
No, that won't do - What?|- Crystal.
With eyes like, your name|has to be Crystal.
Wait here.
Whatever you do, don't talk|that man.
He's the Devil.
The girl we've been looking for.
Her real name is Aubrey.
Aubrey I know that name Yeah, here.
Track one, no six.
Six feet under This is the last record|Roy ever made.
I'm free like you.
I'm free like you.
Six feet under.
Can you hear me? Wait! Wait! I finally got out.
I looked at the world|to see in your eyes I never figured it out.
What took you away Aubrey? Hear that?|"What took you away Aubrey".
How can you remember|that stuff? Some people hear the music.
|Some people listen.
We still need to find something|that Roy and Aubrey shared.
How about a motel room? What? It says here in the liner notes "I would like|to thank Sid and Bonnie at the Lakeside Motel for giving me a place to lay his head|while he made this record.
" We might get a hit,|see what happened.
I feel like a peeping tom.
Nothing but some puking prom dates|and a traveling bus tour of 'CATS'.
Maybe someday we'll unlock the|door to our own little house? Roy Foldes, are you asking me|to marry you? Only if you promise not|to tell anybody.
Because a happily|married rock star it's bad for business.
Have you told anybody? Stephen.
And Nathan? Nathan, Nathan That's going|to be a little bit harder.
Are you sure you want to give up|the life of a rock 'n' roll star? Aubrey.
Let me get back to you on that? This is it.
This is where Roy|and Aubrey stayed.
After we check this out, I'll drop your suitcase|next door to your room.
How lucky is business is off and|we could get the room.
Not exactly the penthouse suite.
I guess when you're in love,|the furniture doesn't matter.
Roy? What you're doing back so soon?|I thought you were going to the studio Aubrey was murdered.
|Right here in this room.
Why would anybody|want to kill her? I don't know, but I think she knew|the person who did it.
Walt? I found her.
Nassau County, Long Island, has a death|certificate for an Aubrey Henderson.
She OD'ed the same year Roy died.
But it says here the body|was found in her apartment.
That can't be right.
Johnny saw her die|in the bathroom of the motel.
Unless somebody moved the body.
Sarah, your quirky missing person's|case has turned into cold blooded murder.
And you should back off|and let the police take over.
After coming this far? We just|need a little more time.
Then, if we can't find Roy,|we'll call the police.
Allright, but promise me if anything else out|of the ordinary happens, you'll come home? Ok? Sarah? I promise.
I promise.
I'll call you later.
He's right, Sarah.
If we tell the police|they'll want evidence.
We need to figure out|who had a motive to kill Aubrey.
He asked her to marry him.
What? In the vision, Roy brought the|idea of them getting married.
He laughed about it.
How it might ruin|his rock star image.
There it is.
Who is suffer if Roy's|career suddenly ended? Oh, my God! What happened? Hi.
I figured you'd end up here.
They came out of nowhere.
|They were like ninjas.
They took everything.
They took|my tapes, my notes, everything.
And you think it had something|to do with Roy Foldes? Why would my editor kill|the story? Somebody wants this thing buried.
|Somebody with heavy clout.
Nathan Berk.
Berk? Bingo.
Who else has that kind|of influence and power? The guy is very twisted, and he's very dangerous, and very connected.
Which is|why I wanna go drink this headache off in the nearest bar.
- What are you doing?|- I'm getting you out of here.
Walt can meet you|at the train station.
I'm not going anywhere.
Sarah, there's a killer out there.
|Ok, please.
I need to be here.
Why? Give me your hand.
It was because of you.
I used to come sit|beside your bed.
I would put my headset on|you and play Roy's records.
Everybody thought|I was crazy, but I knew we were connected|through the music.
I didn't know how was live without you.
But JJ needed a mother, and I had to move on with my life.
When I realized that Roy might be|out there somewhere, I knew that|I needed to find him.
I have to tell him how much his music|meant to me, how he helped me find the light|over the darkness.
And maybe, I could return the favor.
If Roy's death was a lie,|I need to know.
I need to see it for myself.
I'm sorry, Mr.
|I tried to stop him.
It's alright, Janice.
|Call security.
Hey you know, Janice, why don't you make a real|party and call the police while you're at it, ok? I'm a busy man.
|I don't have time Why don't you make time.
Christ! She's OD.
I don't know what happened.
She wanted to get some sleep|while I was up at the studio.
Look at me! Look at me!|We have to get you out of here, now I'm not leaving her.
|Not like this Are you kidding me? You know|how much money I've got renting on this? You want to throw this away,|for what? A groupie?! Crystal's not a groupie.
|I love her.
Roy, listen to me.
We're in the middle|of a North American tour.
The press finds this chick dead|in your hotel room and this is over.
You're over, boy!|She's already dead, you've got the next minute to decide|if your career dies here with her.
You were there.
You covered up Aubrey's death,|didn't you? Did you kill her, too? You have no idea what|you're talking about.
Lot's of money.
If Roy takes off with Aubrey,|you're back booking one hit wonders.
Can you imagine how much money could have been|made if John Lennon didn't married Yoko Ono? Maybe five,|six Beatles records.
It's big business.
I didn't kill anybody.
And besides,|Roy Foldes is dead.
What about his son? What about him? Doesn't he deserve a chance to know|what really happened to his father? Darren Foldes is a disaster|waiting to happen.
I've tried to help the kid,|that's the truth.
But the thing is he is never|gonna be his father.
I sent a guy down to tape|his show last night.
Play "I'll Remember"! Dude, I already played that song.
|So could you shut up and let|me finish the song? Why don't you go jump off a cliff|like your old man! Security, escort this man|out of the building.
I can find my way out,|excuse me.
Darren's show, the one in Philly Roy was there.
You saw him? He was in the back in the dark.
He watches his son play.
|That means if we find Darren We might find Roy.
Show's been canceled? That's what the sign says.
What happened? Jack Daniel's, Johnny Walker,|take your pick.
Why, he was drunk? Looked like|he'd been up all night.
You a friend of his? Yeah, in a way.
Well, if you see him, tell him|he's not getting paid.
And give him back this.
I was in Roy's Corvette again, as it was going|over the cliff.
Only it was different this time.
I was driving and this guitar|was in the passenger seat.
Where's Darren|playing tomorrow? I don't know.
The box.
Here they are! What's that? Memories.
Tickets stub, every concert|I had ever been to.
Ok, look We started in Portland.
Then to Philly.
Then to New York.
And finally, Boston.
Darren's touring the same cities in the exact|sequence that Roy did before he died.
It gets even weirder.
Do you know|what tomorrow is? No, but I'm sure|it's not something good.
Tomorrow is the anniversary|of Roy's death.
Johnny, I don't think|your vision was Roy's death I think it was Darren's.
How much farther? Maybe 30 miles.
Roy's car took a dive off|the cliff just after sunrise.
If Darren's recreating|his father's death We're never gonna make it.
Maybe we don't have to.
I'm busy call back later.
Darren! Listen don't hang up!|It's Johnny Smith! Who? Johnny Smith.
The guy who's|been following you around? What do you want?|How did you get this number? It doesn't matter.
I know what|you're planning to do.
Man, you don't even know me.
I know your pain.
At least, I can imagine it.
Trying to live up to the memory|of someone you never even met.
You have no idea.
Then tell me.
Tell me how it feels? Darren?|You're there? I love the music.
I love the feeling when you're able to reach out and touch somebody's soul.
That must be a great feeling.
Except nobody wants me, not the real me.
|They want that thing, that part of me that doesn't exist.
They want him.
If that's what they want, that's what they gonna get.
Darren, if you drive|off that cliff, you still won't be your father.
You'll just be|a Rock'n roll footnote.
You will be a bad joke that|somebody talk in a party.
That's the problem, bro.
|I am a joke.
I always have been.
Darren? Dammit! What did he say? I think we're too late.
Headline reads! "Struggling musician commits suicide, album goes gold and nobody cares " Are you okay? I don't know.
I'm drunk.
Which is probably a good thing to be if you're gonna|throw yourself out of car movin' 60 miles per.
I'm just glad you|changed your mind.
There's still one thing|I can't figure out.
What's that? Who are you people? We're fans.
Big fans.
Looks like you dropped|some fan mail here.
"I've seen you play " " like your father.
"|" don't give up.
" "A loyal fan.
" I think I know where Roy is.
This is the place.
How's our boy?|He hasn't budged.
I still not think|he believes us.
Oh, my God.
That's him, isn't it? That's him.
What do we say? Just tell him how you feel.
Me? Yeah.
I'll be inside|if you need me okay? You look just|the way I remember.
I mean, you've get a couple of pounds|and you grew your hair but I could never|forget those eyes.
Lady, you got me confused|with someone else.
You're Roy Foldes.
My Name's Mitch.
|I'm a cook.
Gumbo, right? It wasn't your fault, you know.
Excuse me? Aubrey.
I know that you blamed|yourself for her death, but she didn't overdose.
|She was murdered.
By somebody close to you.
Who are you? Somebody that you helped through|a tough situation one time.
Somebody who want|to return the favor.
Roy Foldes is dead, he's dust in the wind.
Allright, well, maybe|you could tell that to his son? He nearly killed himself|a few hours ago.
And I imagine|he'll probably try again unless somebody gives him|a reason why he shouldn't.
This is awkward.
Yeah, it is.
I don't know|where to start.
I've I've heard you play a few times.
You've seen me on the stage? Yeah.
You're good.
You're a little heavy in the right|hand, but you can fix that.
I was born with these|stubby fingers.
Darren, there's just so much I need to tell you.
|Things that I need to explain.
I'm just We got time, right? Yeah, we got some time.
So you found him?|I'm impressed.
I don't know what|you're talking about.
Don't play games with me.
You just had to keep digging,|you couldn't let it go, could you? You sure this is what you want? You know there's no|turning back after this The world can deal with|one more dead rock star.
Thanks Nathan.
If you can't trust a friend|to kill you, who can you trust? You knew the whole time? This is none of your business! Nathan! It's over.
You helped Roy fake|his own death.
You know, for a psychic, it takes|you a long time to catch on.
So, if Nathan didn't killed|Aubrey, then who did? That's Aubrey's bracelet|wasn't it? That's right.
Would you mind? Roy? I think you better|bring Roy inside this.
Let's go.
You found him? Huh? I knew you would.
Found who? Right.
Make sure there's|tape in that thing, I am about to make|music history.
Doug! How do you feel about|a byline on the front page? You two come back for more|rock 'n' roll stories? No, we came to tell you one.
Man, I loved this record.
This carried me|through high school.
You could say it was the|soundtrack of our teenage lives.
Look, I got work to do You co-wrote these songs but you never wrote|again after Roy died.
How come? It's simple.
|I lost my inspiration.
Or maybe you never|wrote them to begin with.
You and Roy were childhood friends.
There were rumors that he let you put your name|down and collect fifty percent of the royalties.
Everything was fine until|Aubrey came along.
Roy get tired of the grind.
He wanted to get off|the road, right? Wanna settle down and get married.
|But that became a problem for you.
So, you had to find a way|to change his mind.
Seems you murdered the woman that he|loved and made it look like an overdose.
Roy wasn't thinking straight.
You murdered her.
It was his career.
You stuck a needle in her and left her body lying|on the bathroom floor.
I did what I needed to do! I ain't say anything more.
Oh, you've said plenty.
You get all that, Doug? Every word.
All those years, you think you|know what's real and what's not.
Then it all turns out to be lies.
Not all of it, right.
I know I promised not|to spill the beans but if you change your mind,|you can make offers, ya? - Yeah.
|- Yeah? - Yeah.
|- Okay.
So What happens now? I don't know.
It's seems like a waste of energy|to try to step back into the spotlight.
Besides, I think I might know|someone who can do it better.
I don't know what to say to you people.
Thank you seems|a little weak.
Just promise me|you'll never disappear again.
I'll make sure of that.
I hope we did the right thing.
They'll be okay.
Hey, don't cry.
I was just thinking about the|choices we have to make in life.
How you don't really know|if you were doing the right or the wrong thing.
Regrets? I have a husband who loves me|unconditionally, a little boy that makes|everyday seem brand new and I got a dear friend that|would do anything for me.
What's to regret? What's to regret?
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