The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants (2018) s02e11 Episode Script

The Trashy Tale of the Tumultuous Tubbadump

1 Let my name, Horatio Dump, withforth mean garbage for all eternity! The Piqua Tourism Bureau invites you to celebrate Dump Day by throwing trash all over our town.
From this day forwith, I, Horatio Dump, decree all trash shall be put in one place! A place I, Horatio Dump, call the Dump after me, Horatio Dump! - What's his name again? - Horatio Dump! Can't remember.
This is George Beard and Harold Hutchins.
George is the kid on the left with the tie and the flat top.
Harold is the one on the right with the T-shirt and the bad haircut.
Remember that now.
I don't buy this guy as Horatio Dump.
He's wearing neon socks in 1810.
And whenwith each year all shall celebrate dumps by Oh, no! Lozenge! Give me a lozenge! So George and Harold make comic books - We're cool! - Me, too! But they had a mean old principal Who told them what to - Blah, blah, blah, blah - So they got a hypno-ring And first, they made him dance Then, accidentally, kinda on purpose Turned him into Captain Underpants Tra-la-la! With a snap, he's the Captain Not the brightest man And don't forget, when he gets wet - You're back where you began - Blah, blah, blah Put it all together What could possibly go wrong? Now this is the end Of the Captain Underpants song - By George Beard and Harold Hutchins - Tra-la-la! And now, Mayor Hoppy McChapper has an announcement about this year's Dump Day celebration.
Okay, kids! Who's pumped to dump? I say "Dump"! You say "Day"! Dump! Day! - Well done.
- I know.
But we can do better, can't we? I'll do it myself! Dump! Day! Byah! Good energy in here.
Now, as you know, every Dump Day, we all throw trash everywhere and then the fun part, clean it up! Doesn't make any sense, but it's one of Piqua's proudest traditions to celebrate Horatio Dump.
And whoever honors Horatio Dump's legacy with the best trash tribute wins the Golden Dumpy Award! Byah! But wait, there's more.
This year's winner will also receive Eh? Enough extra credit to choke a horse.
Yes! Maybe a little more pizzazz there.
Try it again? Okay, maybe next time.
Byah! Byah! Byah All right, I'm running a little low on "byahs.
" Byah! Just another societal ritual hung up on ancient traditions.
- Thanks, Dante.
- Really, like ironing your harr.
Damage! And if this is about that guy who got rid of tra-aa-sh, why do we, like, throw trash? Why do we celebrate Independence Day with explosives? Why do we celebrate President's Day with mattress sales? And why do we celebrate Labor Day by letting Uncle Frank burn a perfectly good steak?! Because holidays don't make sense.
Last year, I threw a bunch of old tires in the river.
It didn't go so well.
But this year, maybe I'll win the Golden Dumpy instead.
Thanks, Dante.
Sure you will, Gooch.
We're pullin' for ya.
We gotta win that Golden Dumpy and get the extra credit.
Why? Because this plot device, the RankTank 2000, shows they need it.
I'll map it out for you.
George and Harold's grades are here, but they need to be here if the boys wanna go here, Lake Summer Camp, for summer camp.
I can already smell the fish we're gonna put in the other kids' bunks.
- Ugh! So bad.
- Yeah.
Okay, ideas.
What do you got? How about a parade float? We'll call it "Mount Trashmore.
" Already happened, 1994.
No problem.
We're loaded with trash ideas.
- Like, Trashasaurus Rex! - Done.
- A singing trashtet.
- 1962.
They sang like angels.
Good night, diapers Good night, diapers A trashcathlon.
Nobody did that.
2010, by Nobody.
- Where did you get all these old pictures? - Are you from the past? Nope.
I'm doing a photo history of every Dump Day tribute.
Should win me the Golden Dumpy and a scholarship.
But don't let that discourage you.
Maybe we should do what we always do at this point and make a comic to solve our problem.
When did one of our comics ever solve a problem? So it was Dump Day, and the town was having a sick party at the dump.
There were shady carnival rides and games, marshmallow hot dogs, snake jousting, and a battle of the bands.
Ga-da-da-dun, dun-dun, dink-dink It was a blast and as loud as a jet engine made of gibbons.
Boosh-ki-whoosh! Loud enough to raise the dead.
What? Yeah, 'cause Horatio Dump's final resting place was the dump.
And his ghost woke up and was all "Is that a jet engine made of gibbons?" And then he saw people eating caramel burgers.
Smack! And garbage skiing, arm wrestling rats.
Squeak! And he was all like, "I be Horatio Dump's ghost! Why are ye kickin' it live at yon dump? 'Tis for trash, not parties! Will ye take it down a notch? 'Tis for trash, not parties, like I already said!" And they were like, "No way, Gramps! It's Dump Day! Have a dumpling!" Which is just a ball of garbage.
So Ghost Dump raised his ghost arms and trash piled onto him until he was a huge trash monster.
And he was all, "Now I'm Tubbadump, and ye will learn to respect the trash!" And Tubbadump started swinging his trash fists and hit people with old tires and empty grape juice.
Luckily, Captain Underpants was nearby digging through a pile of garbage 'cause he lost his keys again, when an old lawn chair hit him in the head.
And he turned to see Tubbadump and was all, "What's the hubbub, Tubbadump-bub-bub?" Which is hard to say.
And Tubbadump was like, "How do ye know my name?" And Captain Underpants was all, "I read the last page.
" So Captain Underpants pulled out some XXXXL undies and brief-bagged Tubbadump in cottony softness.
But Tubbadump broke free 'cause trash is sharp so you need to double-brief.
Then Captain Underpants saw a teetering trash mountain behind Tubbadump and was all, "Trashalanche!" Lolly-oh, lolly-oh, Lodel-oh, lo-hee-hee! 'Cause he didn't know how to yodel.
But it worked anyway, and a trashalanche buried Tubbadump.
The ghost rose to attack again, but Captain Underpants brought him a fried gum on a stick and they became dump friends.
The end.
Well, huh.
No one's ever done a trashalanche before.
Boom! This has everything.
Size, drama, garbage it's the trash trifecta! We're winning the Golden Dumpy.
We better.
'Cause if we don't, we gotta clean up all that garbage.
Or let Tomorrow George and Harold worry about that.
Man, Yesterday George and Harold really jacked us.
No problem.
Let's leave this mess for Next Week George and Harold.
Sorry, Next Year George and Harold.
Next Millennium George and Harold? Hey.
It disintegrated.
Good thinking, Last Millennium Us.
Hologram high-five.
See? Our trashalanche can't miss.
- There's a reason nobody's done it.
- Yeah, they weren't us.
No, that's not it.
I said, make this carpet glow! - Carpets don't glow! - We did it! Eliteanati Academy is coming to visit! - Ecstatic vocalizations! - At last! The Melvinization of this once wretched excuse for a school has paid off! And because Eliteanati Academy automatically takes the top student at every school, all I have to do is remain number one and I'm in.
It's finally happening.
When will they visit? - Tomorrow.
- Tomorrow? Tomorrow? Tomorrow's my favorite day.
It's when I make a huge mess.
It's Dump Day! And this year, the kids have to clean it all up! It's going to be The best Dump Day ever! Stop dancing, you featherless ostrich.
This school must be pristine for Eliteanati Academy.
So you're gonna make sure Dump Day doesn't happen at Melvin Sneedly Elementary! That means not a single shred of trash on campus.
What? But I just shredded all the school records to throw them on the floor! And I've been hoarding garbage for the past six months.
Lookie-Loo News even did a story on me.
This is your Number Three News, at two, on seven, at nine, on five, at 11, right now.
The city has declared your house a toxic hazard.
Your thoughts? Couldn't be happier! - No.
- But garbage! Uh, mess! Dump Day! - No! - But my rotten apple cores.
- Clean that! - Okay.
After tomorrow, we're gonna be heroes.
Trash heroes.
Right, but first we gotta make sure this trashalanche works.
Let's test-drive this junk slide.
While George and Harold were struggling to seize Dump Day, Mr.
Krupp was struggling to prevent it.
Don't do that.
Even though it looks like a lot of fun.
No, come on.
I just put you in You know what, why fight it? Uh! Oh! Oh, what the? Where? I didn't know what Wow! Where did all this trash come from? Bad trash! Whoo! Am I right, huh? You've seen it.
Wow, that trashalanche didn't work at all.
Only one can made it down the hill.
And that's why no one has ever done a trashalanche.
It's im-possi-ble.
Anything is possible.
We just need more trash.
- Like, all of the trash.
- To the trash mountain! Trash can! - Looks like a piece of trash to me.
- Well, it's not.
Because you failed so spectacularly at keeping this school trash-free for Eliteanati Academy's visit, we were forced to invent that the Suck-o-Trash 2000.
It will open a portal and send all the trash to another dimension.
Actually, that can is trash.
This is the Suck-o-Trash.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
Why don't you go ahead and activate it? Why am I doing this? And why are you behind that blast shield? That's above your pay grade.
Let's just test er, ahem I mean, use the invention.
Press the button.
Wait, are you sure this is safe? - Yes.
Well, pretty sure.
- Good enough for me.
Garbage, garbage and trash Whoo-oo! Diapers and tissues And hangers and hubcaps Hey! Are you sure it's okay agh to stand here? No, not sure.
You're in mortal jeopardy.
Run for your life.
Run! Harold, this dump is full of trash.
It's more than enough for Trashalanche.
With plenty to spare for Valentine's Day.
We'll be garbage legends, like Horatio Dump.
But first "Local dump.
Open seven days a week.
Parties forbidden.
" "Come smell our stinky diapers.
" - Did that garbage just fly away? - Nah, garbage can't fly.
Whoa! I underestimated garbage.
Grab on! We can't let it get away! Worst idea today! Aw, this isn't so bad.
George? Trust me.
We're flying on trash With apple cores and used diapers Cans and old windshield wipers And a broken fast-food clown Let's trash this town The Golden Dumpy will be ours Let's tra Agh! - What's that? - Bail out! Huh? Ow! All that trash just vanished.
Must be some kind of magic show for Dump Day.
Magic is a con, you ocean froth.
It's the Suck-o-Trash 2000! And it sent all the garbage in Piqua to another dimension.
- What? But what about Dump Day? - You maniacs! You really did it! You took all the garbage! Now, we'll never win the Golden Dumpy, get extra credit, and make it to Lake Summer Camp! - Why are you telling them that? - Somebody has to! - No, they don't! - Your summer is ruined! And you'll never get the trash back because we're putting the Suck-o-Trash in our office inside an impenetrable laser security field.
Why are you telling them that? - Somebody has to.
- No, they don't.
What's done is done.
Let's just exit with an evil laugh and it'll be fine.
Like that? - We gotta get that can, man.
- You'll never get the Suck-o-Trash.
And your misery makes me forget my misery.
If only you were crying, so I could drink your tears.
What? Tra-la-la! Whoa! Why do I smell like shin guards? To the trash cave! Trash can! Here's the plan.
You're gonna sneak into Melvinborg's office, thread your way through the lasers to get the Suck-o-Trash 2000.
- Oh, man.
- What? I love that sound.
Me, too.
Anyway and replace it with a new can, so the Melvins don't know their invention is gone.
Then get out of there without leaving a trace.
- You got it? - Yeah, you want me to get inside this can.
No problemo! Seven hours and many squeaky markers later, Captain Underpants got it.
Kind of.
Okay! Time to use some acro-batatics acro-bra-triax acro-bratistics, acroba-za-racka Time to do some flips! Ugh! Whoa! What happened in here? Hmm.
Ah! I know exactly what to do.
Whoa! Wow.
Wait, which one do I take? Ow! Oh! Wait, now they're both in there! Mama, that stings! Wait, what do I do now? Oh, yeah.
Go! Tra-la-la! - I got both cans! - What? - Why do you have both cans? - Agh! You were supposed to switch them! Oh! You wanted the cans switched.
Now I get it.
I'm afraid there won't be any trashalanches today, thanks to my retractable robo-arm! You have a cool robot arm? Yes.
I have numerous robotic mechanisms because I'm a robot.
- Why don't you ever use them? - I don't know.
I guess I've had them for so long, I forget about them.
- You have a laser eye? - Yeah, it's a standard robot feature.
Enough! I'm half-cyborg! Accept it.
That be-diapered buffoon tripped our security system.
So we followed him here to steal back the Suck-o-Trash 2000.
We win! Pth-tt! Actually, that's a can.
This is your trash-ma-bob.
Hey, a button! I'm gonna push it! No! Interesting note the Suck-o-Trash, when turned upside down, - works in reverse.
- Curious.
- Perhaps it's out of power.
- It wasn't.
No? Just me? Yay! The dump delivers now.
Are you the son-of-a-guns who dumped a bunch of trash in my dimension? Have you got any idea what you messed up for me? I was on stage at the Gooey Awards.
About to get a Gooey for Lifetime Goo-chievement, when kersplammo! A bunch of garbage landed on me and it stuck 'cause I'm sticky! They took away my Gooey Award, because I was trashy, not gooey! It was a goo-tastrophe! Tough beat, man.
I feel for ya.
Hey, you look like Tubbadump from our comic! I don't know what that is.
Well, I was just gonna yell at ya, but a trashalanche is a much better idea.
- I think I'll make that instead.
- Yay! And destroy your entire dimension for being rude! - No! - Hey! No one trashes my dimension except me, Tubba-bubba-bubba-bubba! Because I'm mad messy, yo! Are you trash-talkin' a trash monster? This mess is gonna mess you up.
Argh! The incredibly graphic violence chapter presented in Recycle-O-Rama.
Instead of polluting our minds with trash violence, let's flip the can and use this fight to learn about recycling.
Which bin should Captain Underpants use to recycle this fork? Wrong bin! For plastic forks, you open this bin and make a wish with the Fork Fairy to turn the old fork into a new fork! Which bin should Captain Underpants use for this yogurt cup? Wrong bin! Yogurt cups go in this bin, so the Yogurt Ogre can use them to feed his ogre armada.
Which bin should Captain Underpants use to recycle this paper plate? Wrong bin! When you have a paper plate, throw it in the general direction of this bin and run before the plate goblin gets you! - Time to take out the trash.
- No! Give me that can, you trite trash trap! This can, you gooless, geeky guppy? You made a mess of me, so now I'm gonna mess with you.
Good luck finding this in the trashalanche! No! That trash train is moving, and we're still at the station! Come on, we gotta stay ahead of it by riding something trash-proof! Like me! I think! We've gotta find that Suck-o-Trash 2000 before the Melvins do or they'll trash our trashalanche trash tribute! Nothing yet! Just a milk jug, a busted toaster, sour sour cream, FBI cold case files, a DVD of Professor Drool 2: Stay in Drool.
Ugh! Terrible movie.
I'm a basking shark! Ulp! Welcome everyone, to the Dump Day awards ceremony! Byah! Brace for trash splashdown! Who's pumped to dump? Byah! Hmm I don't see a disaster on the Dump Day schedule.
Is this current? How ya like that trash? My goo-ness is a trash magnet.
And when your trash comes to me, I will cover your world with it.
This is just the beginning! No, this is the end! No, this is the end! Why did we make Suck-o-Trash look like a regular can? As I was sayin', this is the beginning.
I'm gonna spread this trash over your whole planet! And then you'll live on a garbage planet, and everybody will come here to dump their garbage on ya.
Which is what you did to me! And that's the end! - No, this is the end - Of our tribute to Horatio Dump! Wait, this is your tribute? It's it's glorious! Byah! Yay! Are you guys watching the Drool movie? - I taste metal.
- Congratulations, boys! You won the Golden Dumpy and extra credit! And a couple of byahs! Byah! Byah-hh! Thanks! We'll take the extra credit, but we can't accept this award.
Because it belongs to Tubbadump! Me? Really? An award? Oh, no, no, no, I I couldn't.
I don't have anything prepared.
First, I would like to thank my family, the Goobergs.
Mom, Dad this is for you.
My brother Goobert, my sister Goolia, the Gooey twins, I No, wait.
No, no, no, no not with the music.
Not yet.
No, I'm not I'm not done.
Please, I got more.
No, come on, you're not playing me off! Hey, expired club soda! I wonder if it's still got fizz! Oh-hh! I missed Dump Day! Must've been a good one, because my pants are gone and a rat is biting me! There.
Now everyone can see my Golden Dumpy.
This dump's way nicer than Gooville.
I'm staying.
Hey, neighbor.
What ya got there? Argh! No! My Golden Dumpy! "Eliteanati Academy hereby condemns Melvin Sneedly Elementary as a trash-sodden nightmare unfit for child or beast"? You have a laser eye? Why am I picking up this trash? Great question.
When I have a laser eye, I'm going to use it.
Yeah, you think you will, but then you have one and you never do.
- Kind of like a treadmill.
- I use my treadmill all the time.
It's not all bad.
"There was a sliver of light in the darkness, however.
" Ha! They're talking about me.
"Two stud" "Two students somehow managed to steadily improve their academic standing in the face of dire adversity.
Their names are" No-oo! "George Beard and Harold Hutchins.
Well done.
" It turns out enough extra credit was also enough to hand George and Harold the top spot on the RankTank.
Just above Melvin.
This is nice, but the real win is that the extra credit scored us - two bus seats to Lake Summer Camp! - Yeah, and nothing can mess that up.
Unless the Melvins put it all on the line in a special two-part season finale.
But what are the odds of that?
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