The Event s01e13 Episode Script


Previously on The Event We need to look at this message as a declaration of war.
Thomas kept the location of the array a closely guarded secret.
We can't stop looking for him, we have to find him, Simon.
The time has come for you to leave this place.
You should have a say in your future.
And for that reason, I have split from Sophia.
Plans to make a place for ourselves in this world are already underway.
How many are coming? When are they coming? They had my daughters.
Daughters you were never supposed to have.
You help me find my daughters, and I will help you find your son.
Daddy! Oh, baby, you're all right! Everything you've ever told me was a lie.
Leila, that's not true.
I'm not human.
What am I? I will tell you everything.
But Sean can't come with us.
You should go.
I can't just leave you behind.
Sean? You're a part of me.
And without you, I have nothing.
Thomas took control of the Mount Inostranka facility.
He broke out 51 of his people, everyone willing to swear loyalty to him, and murdered the rest.
Many of the military personnel there were killed, and director Sterling was gravely wounded.
Thomas had all video at the prison wiped, but we have been able to do a computerized reconstruction with eyewitness statements.
In terms of his motivation for breaking out the detainees, we know Thomas intends on bringing many of his people here, God knows how many or for what reason, but maybe he needs the detainees to help accomplish that goal.
We've held them for 66 years without incident, and now this.
How is this possible? Sir How? When you first asked me to be your Chief of Staff, you asked me to be honest with you.
Yes, of course I remember.
That's still the case.
Sir, you're a good man, a kind man, who wants to see the best in everyone else.
People like you.
But is that really what we need in a President, especially in a time of crisis? Excuse me? The truth is, you can't stop Thomas because you're weak.
I have to say, Mr.
President, I agree with him.
You're afraid to take bold action.
And most importantly, you've trusted the wrong people.
As a result, the country is in grave danger.
I'm sorry, Elias, but you've forced me to take desperate measures.
I don't understand.
I offered you my friendship, my trust.
For the sake of everything we've built together, talk to me.
No, those are my words.
I said that to you.
They were, but you've lost control of the situation.
You've failed No, no, no.
so we've stepped in.
Madame President, are you done with the prisoner? Yes, General.
Should I take him to lockdown? No.
Just put him out of his misery.
Yes, ma'am.
What? What? If you knew what will happen once my people come here, you'd beg me to do this.
No, no, no, no, no! Elias! Elias, wake up! No! No Elias.
You okay? You all right? I'm fine.
Welcome, welcome.
Come, gather around.
You're gonna want to take a moment to get settled in, put 66 years of prison behind you, but we don't have a moment to waste.
Some of you will be taken to the portal array's location to finish the infrastructure.
Depending on your specialties, the rest will do final design work, helping us obtain the rest of what we need.
We own these homes and the land they sit on, but this is nothing.
Once we use the portal to bring our people here, then we will own it all.
Are you ready? I am.
Do you understand the size of the array we're building? The amount of fuel we're gonna need? This operation needs to work.
It will.
I'm counting on you, Hanson.
We recently discovered the helicopter the detainees used to escape.
Blake, sit down.
I thought you weren't supposed to be released until next week.
The doctors determined that keeping me in the hospital any longer would do more harm than good to myself and to them.
It's good to see you.
I've just reviewed the report on the Inostranka breakout.
Sixty pages to conclude that we still don't have a lead on the whereabouts of Thomas or the detainees.
Would you say that's an accurate statement, Agent Lee? Yes, sir.
I'm sorry, Mr.
So am I! But you're not responsible for the security at Inostranka, Agent Lee, the Army is.
Thomas didn't accomplish this with advanced technology.
He simply took advantage of your incompetence.
President, he took an officer's family hostage.
There's only so much any system can do to defend against Why weren't there any safeguards? Double blinds, like on nuclear weapons? Why? We never saw the detainees as the same kind of national security risk, Mr.
Well, you were wrong! Thomas is trying to bring God knows how many more of his people here, to do God knows what, and now, because of your incompetence, he has help.
Fifty-one new collaborators.
General, clean up your house, or our next conversation will be about your resignation.
Yes, sir.
If it makes you feel any better, General, you held up a lot better than I would've, assuming you haven't soiled your pants.
Is that supposed to be funny? No, it's supposed to be supportive and self-deprecating.
Anyway, I seemed to have misjudged my audience.
Yes? I'm sorry I haven't called sooner.
Inostranka was locked down.
I was waiting for confirmation.
Confirmation of what? Has Martinez found Thomas? No, and there's something you need to know.
Thomas, he didn't break all of our people out of Inostranka.
I don't understand.
He only took those who were willing to swear their loyalty to him.
He murdered the rest.
Forty-four of our people.
I'm sorry.
I was the one who put him in the position he was in, and I trusted him.
We don't have the luxury to grieve.
We have to find him.
Michael has the location of a man who is helping him procure components for the portal.
Hanson? Yes.
He's in San Francisco, laundering money for their operation.
How far away are you? Two hours.
Michael had to attend to some personal business.
Come in.
- Diane.
This is Samantha.
This is my daughter Leila.
This is Mr.
Come on up, girls.
You'll need to wash the road off you.
Okay, come on in.
You're gonna take care of each other, right? Be a good girl, okay? Go ahead.
Go on, Sam.
Go on up, I'm gonna be right behind you.
It's okay, sweetie.
It's okay.
I have a room all ready for you, okay? Okay, I'll be out back.
I'll be right there.
Dad, what if Sam asks me questions? About everything that's happened, about you She's not ready to know what we are.
What about me? You said you would tell me.
You and Sam will be safe here, okay? But there is something, isn't there? I love you.
Well, thanks for helping Sophia and me.
Now say what you've got to say.
Thomas is making promises of a place for us here.
And more and more of us are willing to listen.
I hope you're not talking about yourself, Carlos.
Look, I'm giving you the gun.
I'm not pointing it at you.
Thomas will be dealt with.
Thomas murdered 44 of our people at Inostranka.
Anyone who's allegiances were with me.
We need to find him and kill him or this will never end.
What have you got, Hanson? How long to move it? Forty-eight hours, deposit in same accounts.
Same accounts, good.
I need to use the back door.
Feds? An old friend.
Is it locked? Yes.
Let's go.
Open it up.
It's been a while.
Where is my son? I can't tell you.
You're on the wrong side of this, Michael.
Where's Thomas? You know what he'll do to me if I tell you anything.
He isn't your problem right now.
Get up! Get up.
Hanson, start talking.
No, no, no! Thomas was at a housing development.
What about the portal array? Where is he building it? He keeps everything compartmentalized.
But I know what he's after.
Which is? Fuel.
To power the array.
You're talking about uranium.
That's what I'm doing.
Helping him to get it.
Get the uranium, how? We're taking it from a nuclear power plant here in California.
No, Thomas knows how well guarded these reactors are.
He doesn't have the manpower to fight his way in.
He's not going to try.
He won't be within 300 miles of the reactor when he gets the uranium.
The voice imprint proves its authenticity.
It's Sophia.
Sir, we've made progress breaking the encryptions she and Thomas have been using on their phones, so the longer you can keep her on, Mr.
President Sophia.
I'm sure you have a lot to say but please, just listen.
At approximately noon on the West Coast, Thomas will portal uranium rods directly out of the San Onofre nuclear power plant outside San Diego.
Portal? The way he transported the plane.
To what end? The uranium will be used to create a portal on an enormous scale over a great distance that will bring many more of our people to Earth.
Damn it, Sophia.
But that is not the most pressing problem you have, Elias.
Thomas tried portalling uranium once before, in 1986.
In the Ukraine.
I'm with one of his men now who was part of the disaster that resulted.
You're talking about Chernobyl.
Sophia, you have to stop him.
I don't know where he is.
Then you have to give us a way to defend against your technology.
A strong magnetic field will disrupt the portal, which is why the prisoners at Inostranka couldn't be transported that way, being too close to polar anomalies.
You need to create a strong magnetic field at the site, or physically remove the uranium from the plant before he can act.
You told me your people at Inostranka were the only ones here.
You told me your people meant us no harm.
Why should I believe you now? Everything I've kept from you was to protect you.
From? No luck on the trace.
I know it's here.
I brought it.
It's in here somewhere.
Find it? Yeah, it's right here.
Leila? Why did you hide that picture of Sean? Don't you miss him? Yeah, of course I do.
It's just, thinking about him, sometimes, makes me too sad.
Hey, I'll take a beer.
Here you go.
I'll have a Jack and Coke.
Is that your girlfriend? No, no.
I know how that goes, but you'll find someone else.
I can't leave you alone for five minutes? Give me a break, Mark.
Let's go.
No, actually, I'm not ready to go.
Come on, sweetheart, let's go.
No! Let go of me, you're not the boss of me, okay? Mark, jeez.
- Hey! You two.
Come on, you're hurting me! Really? Start that up again, I'm calling the cops.
Let go of me, Mark! Where do you think you're going? I don't want any trouble, okay? Mark Don't turn your back on me.
- I'm calling the cops.
Leave him alone! Hey, Mark, I told you, I'm calling the cops.
I'm just gonna go.
I said don't turn your back on me! Mark! You can't run away, little guy.
Hey! Hey! Get out.
Out! Hey! Jesus, Sean.
Hey, sis.
I didn't think you'd be home.
Police were here a while back, asking questions.
What did you tell them? The truth.
That I haven't seen you, haven't heard from you.
They say you killed somebody, on a cruise ship.
I didn't, I was framed.
By who? I don't know, but these people, they also tried to have the President killed, they're doing medical experiments on little girls I know it sounds crazy Did you go to the police? You don't believe me.
Why would they? Hey, I didn't say I don't believe you.
Listen, where's Leila? What does she think about all this? I don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know? What happened? I don't want to talk about it.
Sean Listen, I want to help, but If they caught you staying here, it wouldn't be good for Jimmy.
He's still on parole I'm not I'm not I'm not looking to stay.
I just need to get into Mexico.
Does Jimmy still know those guys who can hook me up with a fake ID? Yeah, he can do that.
But, so what? That's it? You're just going to run away? Sean, this just isn't like you.
I mean, you're telling me that you've been framed, and someone's performing medical experiments on kids, and you're just running away? Don't you want to stop them? Extrapolating from the Chernobyl data, if Thomas' portalling technology destroys the containment dome as Sophia suggests, the fallout zone would cover large parts of San Diego, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties.
Resulting in deaths, birth defects, cancers of all kinds.
The cattle and crops would have to be destroyed.
The land, useless for generations.
We have a scenario to move the rods covertly, yes? Yes, sir, but the rods will be transported in the cask used to carry waste out of the facility.
To where? We have a research lab at Camp Pendleton with an ion engine that can generate a strong magnetic field, sir.
So that even if their location is discovered, they'd be protected from Thomas' technology.
We could leave the rods in place.
Install a tracking device on them, and use that to find Thomas once he moves the rods.
Or trace the radioactivity itself.
Sir, that would mean allowing a nuclear meltdown to take place.
In order to capture this man, millions of people would be affected.
And what will the consequences be if Thomas succeeds in bringing his people here? That is an unknown, but But we have to start being proactive instead of reactive.
Now, do we have any reason to believe, anything at all, that Sophia is telling us the truth? I believe we do.
Go ahead.
At Inostranka, it became clear to me that Sophia and many of her people really are opposed to Thomas.
One of them sacrificed her life to save mine.
Not because of any fondness she had for me, but so I could stop Thomas.
I now believe that that is Sophia's goal as well.
And when the alternative is a nuclear disaster, we really have no choice but to trust her.
President, if we want to move the rods before noon tomorrow, we need to begin the process now.
She has backed me into a corner again with one way out.
Her way.
Damn it! Move them.
Let's go.
Move the rods.
I received an order from Homeland to shut down the power plant, but I'm waiting on calls back from my superiors.
Absolutely not.
You need to start the process of powering down now.
After that we will have to remove the fuel rods from the core and transfer them to another location.
What the hell is going on? We have intelligence that your plant will come under imminent attack.
They're after the nuclear material in this facility.
We have to move those rods before the terrorists can get to them.
Agent Lee, there isn't anyone shy of an army getting in here.
Look, I can't explain it to you, sir.
The last thing we have is time.
If you don't move those rods right now, a meltdown will follow and we are going to lose everything.
I've made contact with all of our people in the area that may be affected by the possible meltdown.
They're evacuating.
Michael, I I know there are others who are waiting to see which one of us will prevail, and a lot of them are betting on Thomas.
Our people are scared and confused, Sophia.
They've never seen leadership challenged before.
I'm What I'm trying to say is that we never could have gotten this far without you.
I haven't told you how much I appreciate you being here.
Thank you, Michael.
Tell me you have the rods in hand.
They're about to transfer the uranium into the casks.
We're also locking down the facility so when the portal opens, no radioactive material will be released into the atmosphere.
Do you have enough time? We'll be able to get it to Camp Pendleton before noon.
I'll confirm with you when it's done.
Yeah, go.
Sophia took the bait.
She believed I could portal uranium.
Simon just confirmed.
They're moving it out of San Onofre by truck in the morning.
Good work.
We'll be in position.
Sophia has served her purpose.
Take her out.
We have to trust in their counsel.
Michael has been helping us from the beginning.
No, no, but you're giving Michael Buchanan too much credit.
He went native! He's been with a human for over 20 years.
He's had children with her! What does that have to do with Sophia? It reflects on her judgment.
How can you say that? Look at Thomas.
Do you call that good judgment? Right or wrong, Thomas is trying to stand up for our people.
Trying and failing.
Carlos, our loyalty is to Sophia.
Okay, what if Sophia's not an issue? What if Thomas wins and gets our people over here? Do you know what that's going to do to this world? To the native population? It will not happen, do you understand me? Whose side do you want to be on then? What does that mean? What's going to happen to the native population? Please.
What is Sophia and my father trying to stop? It's your father's place to tell you, not ours.
I need to know.
I'm one of you! No, you're not! Stop it, Carlos.
She isn't.
She's half of one thing and half of the other.
Which means, it's not really clear to us what you really are.
And probably not even to you! I'm sorry.
What's taking you so long? Honey, it's right here.
Come on, let's go.
Knock on them.
That's how you can tell if it's ripe.
See? This one's perfect.
Who sent you? Who do you work for? What are you talking about? Who sent you and why are you following me? Something dropped out of your wallet.
I was just giving it back to you.
Get out of here.
You're crazy.
I'm not here to kill you so don't overreact and try something stupid because I will shoot you.
Back up.
What do you want? I want to know who you've been working for.
The people behind everything.
They need to be stopped, and you're going to help me stop them.
You haven't eaten in hours.
There you go.
You know, we can't stay here much longer.
It's only a question of time before someone comes looking for Hanson.
We need to find out what else he knows.
Taking him with us won't be a problem.
There's a loading dock around back.
He's locked down.
I'll bring the car around the back.
And eat something.
We're making good time.
No, no! Get down! Get down! Transport One to base, we need backup! Move it! Move! Move! Move it! Move the truck! Get it out of here now! Thomas sends his regards! Go! Go! Kill Simon.
Take the truck.
Hold your fire! Hold it! Check it! Check it now! Simon's gone.
Take the truck! We've got to get out of here! Move it! Okay.
You all right, sweetie? Okay.
Catch your breath, then stand up with me.
Stand up with me.
Come on.
What's going on? Thomas.
He's been playing us all along.
Come on, let's get up.
Thank you, Mr.
Thank you.
Blake, come in.
What's going on? The convoy transporting the uranium rods was attacked in transit.
What? Most of our men are dead.
Thomas has the rods.
It was an ambush.
Too well-planned to be an improvisation.
I don't think he ever intended on portalling the fuel rods out of the reactor.
I think he was just waiting for us to move them.
That son of a bitch! Mr.
President It's Sophia.
NSA has already been informed.
They're attempting to trace.
Put her through.
This is President Martinez.
I don't know if you're aware yet about the attack on your convoy.
I'll tell you what I'm aware of, Sophia, that I trusted you.
And once again, it was all lies.
No, and I'm calling you to explain.
Your technology can't be used to portal uranium out of the reactor.
So you had to trick us into moving it out into the open.
Please, just Don't tell me that's not what happened, Sophia.
It is what happened but it's not what I intended.
Thomas duped me as well.
He knew I would warn you and you would move it, which is what he wanted.
You want to prove you're telling me the truth? Turn yourself in.
I will prove my good intentions to you, Elias, I just need more time to find Thomas and to stop him.
We got her.
We broke through the encryption on her phone's carrier signal.
She's somewhere in San Francisco.
You can't narrow that down? No, we didn't catch enough of the data stream, but now that we've broken the back of their encryption, all we need is for her to make or receive another call.
Then we can pinpoint her exact location.
All right.
Get men in place on the ground.
Get your best tactical assault team.
I want her.
President, in the past, with Sophia, you've always taken the use of force off the table.
She has played me for a fool for the last time.
So if it's a choice between her escaping and the use of lethal force, may God rest her soul.

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