The Neighborhood (2018) s07e09 Episode Script

Welcome to Pickleball

Looks like our new
neighbors are finally moving in.
Ooh, I hope they're fun and nice.
They're not.
Babe, you haven't even met them yet.
My point exactly. What kind of people
don't introduce themselves
to the neighbors?
And especially with all
that construction noise.
I hate to say it, but
I'm getting a tingle.
What does that mean?
The tingle is my intuition.
And I hope it's wrong,
because one new neighbor
can change the whole
vibe of a neighborhood.
Yeah. I just hope
it's not another Dave.
Me, too. That would be confusing.
But maybe he could be "New Dave."
And I could be "O.G. Dave."
Dave, do you even know
what that stands for?
I want to say Olive Garden
but I feel like that's wrong.
No, for you it's right.
Welcome to the block,
welcome to the neighborhood ♪
Welcome to the hood. ♪
What the hell is that sound?
It's 6:30 in the morning!
Don't take this the wrong way,
but are you on meth?
I wish!
Instead of being gently
stirred to greet the day
by my aromatherapy white
noise LED sunrise alarm,
- I was jolted awake by that
Whack! Whack! Whack!
Dave, you don't have to
do it. We all hear it.
What the hell are those new
neighbors doing over there?
I don't know.
Either they're building something
or they're killing something,
but either way it
needs to be finished.
See, this is what I was worried
about with new folks moving in.
We have a way that we
do things around here.
Now you go over there
and you tell them
how we do things around here.
Why are you making me a Karen?
I don't want them to hate me.
Go on now!
Tina, I'm wearing slippers!
You cannot argue with
people in slippers.
What if things go wrong?
I'm-a need some grip!
- Fine. Go change.
- All right, then.
By the way, you know,
Calvin, I like the pajamas.
I never pictured you as a pajama guy.
Just laying in bed, all cozy.
Dave, don't picture me in bed.
One-button collapsible,
portable, lightweight my ass!
I know it's a pain, but
my mom really wants
to take Daphne to the beach.
So your mama is in town
babysitting for a whole week?
What are you two going
to do with yourselves?
Ooh! I know what we should do.
We should go to the
Long Beach aquarium.
I want to see them
feed that red octopus.
That sounds fantastic.
But actually, I can't. I have a date.
A date, you say.
Yeah, just some guy I met on Tinder.
Tinder, you say.
That's great!
Good for you.
Okay, that's great.
- Yeah.
- That's great.
That's great. Great, great, great.
Marty, Marty, Marty.
You are buffering.
You're cool with this, right?
With your date? Girl, of course!
Ain't nobody worried about your date.
No, I'm just I'm just upset at this
non-portable playpen that I
hate with the fury of ten hells!
We can help you out, little bro.
Oh. Oh.
I was gonna do that next.
Thanks, guys.
All right.
Go on and get your groove back, girl!
Okay. Okay. Uh
(CLEARS THROAT) What's going on?
Going on? Man, nothing. I'm great.
I'm great. I'm great.
Don't start that again.
It's fine. It's fine. Courtney
and I are not a couple.
You know, we're just co-parents.
So, she's going on a date,
and I'm-a see a red octopus.
All right, now, Calvin, don't
worry, if this goes sideways,
I brought pepper spray.
Damn it!
It's just my inhaler.
Hey. Neighbors?
Hey, look. I'm Calvin,
right across the street.
This is Dave,
the next house over. Nice to meet you.
I'm Zak. No C, just K.
Okay, look, here's the thing, Zak.
This is a quiet neighborhood.
And there is an awful lot of
noise coming from your backyard.
Oh, my gosh. It's my
pickleball, isn't it?
Yeah, all I'm asking is
can you not play it
at the crack of dawn?
And maybe not at all?
Oh. I'm so sorry.
We didn't realize the sound carried.
How about we don't play till
9:00 a.m., is that cool?
Thank you. We'll appreciate that.
You know how it is
with pickleball, right?
You start playing,
you just can't stop.
No, I wouldn't know.
I don't play sports
that aren't sports.
Wait, you've never played pickleball?
You must. It will consume you.
Everything okay, honey?
Hey, babe, meet our new neighbors,
Calvin and Dave.
They are pickleball virgins.
Oh, my God, well, let
us pop your pickle!
I'm Sara, just an A, no H.
That's a thing with you guys, huh?
Come on in. We have extra paddles.
You know, doubles is twice
as much fun as singles.
Nah, I'm good. Thank you.
You hear that, babe? I think
our new neighbors are scared.
Whoa. Whoa. Ain't nobody scared
to play you at baby tennis.
You must be from that generation
that doesn't want to
be beaten by a girl.
First of all, we are allies.
And I will whup a woman.
That came out wrong. Obviously.
Whatever, it's on! Let's pickle.
SARA: Yours! Got it!
Hey, hey. (SHOUTS)
Ooh! Sorry, Calvin. Kitchen violation.
Well, that's game. You're
a fast learner, Calvin.
Okay, hey, one more game? Calvin?
Nah. Tina's been texting me.
Plus I've been playing so long,
my drawers are sticking to my leg.
Hey, Marty.
MARTY: Hey. A little birdie told me
Courtney back in these streets.
Is that little birdie
six-one with a beard?
Well, let me ask you
would you like to get back
in these streets, too?
You know what?
If she's going to get
back in these streets,
there's no reason why I should
not be in these streets.
So yes. Give me streets!
Okay. Don't say it like that.
But it just so happens,
tomorrow night at Ernie's bar,
I'm hosting a balloon pop.
Oh. What's a balloon pop?
I saw it on YouTube.
It's a dating game where
a line of beautiful
women hold balloons.
Yes. And I bring out a single guy,
he tells the women about himself,
and the women who aren't
interested pop their balloons.
I'm in!
All right. You in, Malcolm?
I mean, your phone's dry.
Wait. So I just stand there,
and let the women
decide whether or not
they want to go out with me?
Yeah. Yeah, pretty much.
You know what, that would
take the pressure off.
I am terrible at choosing women.
I always end up overthinking
and picking the wrong person.
Yeah, you do that a lot.
- You're notoriously bad.
- You don't have to tell us.
Okay, okay, I know.
Please. You know what?
- I'm in.
- All right!
I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Okay. H-Hey. Give me some.
- All right, all right.
- It's gonna be fun, man.
- In the streets. Marty in the streets.
- Oh, oh, oh.
It's $50 apiece, with
a two-drink minimum.
Really, Trey?
Hey, man, you know when they
say love don't cost a thing?
They lied.
Dave hasn't come back.
Have you heard from Calvin?
No. You know, I knew
I had a bad feeling
about those new neighbors.
I bet you they're those
perky, chatty, friendly types
who insist on being your best friend,
and who pop over all the time.
Tina, you realize you
just described us.
Yeah, but y'all grew on me.
Hey, babe.
Ugh, there you are!
What took you so long?
We have been pickleball-ing.
Pickleball? Is that
what that noise was?
Yup, it's noisy, but it's fantastic.
Hey, and you guys should
meet our new neighbors,
the, uh, Zerleckys.
They're fun,
fun people, great hosts,
and you should see their dinks.
Excuse me?
Calvin, they don't get
it. They're not p-ballers.
Get your foot off my counter.
CALVIN: Nah, babe.
A dink is the word for a
soft shot in the kitchen.
So you play in the kitchen?
- You hear that, Calvin?
- It's hilarious. I know, right?
No, babe, the kitchen
is a zone near the net
where you're not allowed to volley.
So did you ask them
to stop playing so early?
Yes, yes.
No playing before 9:00 a.m.
Oh, but, uh, remember
- they have that brunch thing.
- Oh.
Forgot about that.
Yeah, so, except for tomorrow.
We're just gonna get a
quick game in at 7:00 a.m.
All right, look at that.
Another love connection!
Let's get these ladies
some fresh balloons.
All right, let's bring up
our next bachelor, Marty!
Good evening, fair maidens.
Wow. Uh, okay.
Uh, why don't you tell them
something about yourself.
Yes, well, uh, I'm a new father
Uh, no, see, see, I'm-I'm
not with the mother.
It was a one-night stand.
No! No, not like that!
She-she works for me.
You'd better start lying.
No. My truth is amazing.
Fun fact about me
I am quite literally
a rocket scientist.
Y'all don't like science?!
What is wrong with you people?!
All right. Well, that went
much faster than I expected.
That phone you're on?
- That is science!
Now y'all just wasting balloons!
Oh, my God. (GROANING)
That's Calvin and Dave, isn't it?
Hear that girlish grunt?
Yup, that's Dave.
Oh, this is so annoying!
We were gonna go fantasy
bathroom shopping.
What the hell is that?
It's this fun activity
where we plan a bathroom
remodel that we can't afford.
That's the saddest
thing I've ever heard.
Actually, that's sadder.
These women are brutal!
That's okay.
I'm just gonna lay
myself bare out there,
and let the pops come.
The pops sting, Malcolm.
All right, ladies.
Your next victim is my boy, Malcolm.
Whoo! Malcolm!
That's my brother!
Yeah, this should be quick.
Uh, hey. My name is Malcolm.
I'm a baseball coach at USC.
ALL: Ooh
Now don't get too excited.
I'm just an assistant coach.
I, uh, I can't be a head coach
because I dropped out
of college to go pro.
I did not make it. (CHUCKLES) Yeah.
I got hurt. Both knees are gone.
It's bone on bone.
Anyway, uh, after that
I kinda spiraled down.
Yeah, until fairly recently, I was
living on my parents' couch.
Uh, did you not hear him?
He said he was living
on his parents' couch!
On-on his parents' c
Look, Marty, I know you're
not having the best of times,
but you gotta buy another
drink. It's a two-drink minimum.
CALVIN: Okay. Hey, pickle point.
Oh! Ooh, yeah!
You see that spin for the win, baby.
Way to go, baby.
Sorry to win and run,
but I got to go ice my glute.
No! Hang out! Stay for a victory beer.
I'm making some wings.
Hey, you ain't gotta twist my arm.
Is there such thing as pickle elbow?
Actually, yes.
And Dr. Zak says apply
a cold beer to it, stat!
Can't argue with my doctor.
Yeah, I'll "nurse" one of those beers.
This guy is a riot.
Hear that, Calvin?
She thinks I'm a riot.
Well, she's dehydrated, Dave.
Okay, clearly I am not
getting through to you.
Uh, my dating history is littered
with broken relationships.
And I can honestly say that
90% of them were my fault.
I am terrified of commitment,
so I'm warning y'all.
You do not want this! (CHUCKLES)
Are y'all hearing me?
Look, I am a mess!
He ain't lying.
Malcolm is a mess.
Oh, damn. (CHUCKLES)
Hey, Kayla.
Kayla! Here comes Poppapalooza!
Malcolm and I dated for six weeks
and do you know what he did?
What'd he do?
He ghosted me!
Guilty as charged.
Pop away.
But this? This is a different man.
This is a vulnerable man.
This is a man who has
been working on himself.
Are you kidding me?!
You know what?
Give me one of those balloons.
No, no, no, ma'am.
You aren't in the game.
You don't get a balloon.
You don't tell me what I can't get.
But I just did, though.
- Hey, hey, ladies! Ladies!
No fighting. Ladies, no
fighting! We got rules!
We got rules! Two-drink minimum!
Tina! Dave just texted
that he's eating wings
with the pickle people.
And I made dinner!
Okay, it's a heat-and-serve
from Costco, but I heated it.
I burned it.
(SCOFFS) But he doesn't know that.
All right, you know
what? I saw this coming.
I told y'all I got a tingle,
but nobody listened to me.
Now I'm gonna be the one that's
gonna have to shut it down.
Ooh, here's your chance.
New neighbor, ten o'clock.
Hi neighbors! Hey.
I just wanted to introduce myself
and drop off a peace offering.
I know we've been making
a racket. No pun intended.
I'm Allison.
Isn't that sweet? I mean,
we were just talking about
how we were looking
forward to meeting you.
I'm Tina.
I'm Gemma.
And intended or not,
that pun was delightful.
I cannot believe this.
All I wanted was one date
without having to choose.
(LAUGHS) Now I've got
seven women calling me.
I don't even know her name.
Hey, hey, hey.
I hate you.
Courtney? What are you doing here?
My date was a little
I don't know, just kind of like
Yes? Yes?
He was a little off.
How unfortunate.
I had him drop me off here
because I did not want
him to know where I live.
Oh. So you led a crazy
man to our house?
Do you need a ride home?
Would you?
I'd love to! I mean, yes, I can.
I got you. Come on. Right this way.
All right, Marty.
You're smiling way too big.
Am I? Yes.
How's this?
That's better. Okay.
Marty, don't skip.
Huh, that is so interesting.
I've never met a dental
hygienist before.
Well, not one who didn't
have her fingers in my mouth.
Well, now you have.
And I gotta say, your
gums are spectacular.
(LAUGHS) Waterpik.
Knew it.
Ugh. Well, I've got to run.
Oh. Great meeting you.
Yeah. You know, Calvin said
how much fun you guys are.
You know what? You all have to
come over for dinner sometime.
And I am not taking no for an answer.
Then yes!
- Oh, hello.
- Hi.
You know, Calvin, I
owe you a big apology.
I mean, I was so wrong
about our new neighbors.
Okay, thanks, but,
uh, who was that lady?
Who? Allison?
Who's Allison?
The woman you've been
playing pickleball with.
You mean Sara? Who's Sara?
The woman we've been
playing pickleball with.
I've never seen that
woman before in my life.
What y'all talking about?
Wait a minute now.
Yeah. Look. On the left.
That's Zak's wife Sara.
GEMMA: But that's Allison,
and she's putting her
hand on Zak's back.
That's just friendly.
Now it's going down to her butt.
That's a little too
friendly. Okay, I get that.
- How you doing?
- Hey, now. (CHUCKLES)
How y'all doing?
Well, now Sara and
Allison are holding hands.
Okay, and Zak's kissing Sara.
Okay. All right, now.
- Now he's kissing Allison.
- Okay. (CHUCKLES)
I knew it. I knew it, y'all.
The tingle is never wrong.
Those people are freaky deaky!
Okay, Zak with a K.
Yeah. Looks like they're doing more
than playing doubles over there.
Can't wait for that dinner!
(QUIETLY): Not gonna happen.
Okay, girl! (LAUGHS)
- Your pickleball days are over.
- Mm-hmm.
I just bought this whole outfit.
Yeah, and I just ordered mine.
What you say now?
I-I can return mine.
I mean, soon as it come,
it'll just go right back.
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