The Newsreader (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Once In A Lifetime

I just got my first
update, live on the desk.
MAN: On my hand.
(RAPIDLY) Good morning! Dale
Jennings here with the latest news.
Dire Straits have commenced
their Australian tour
amidst a ticket-scalping controversy,
with $27 seats fetching up to four
You could really have a
future calling horse races.
(LAUGHS) Chin up.
Hey, wasn't I I thought I
was reading the Thatcher story.
There was a late change.
60 Minutes are sending
female reporters to war zones.
Well, try your luck there.
See if they'll take you.
Run-downs, remove Helen Norville's name!
to get her away from here,
away from any medication
she might have lying around.
I'm just going to do this and
then I'm gonna get out of here.
Well, you're welcome to stay.
Bit of a rest.
I will bring home some dinner
and we can come up with a plan.
Noelene, give me Helen's home number.
But she's your place, isn't she?
You know, I am a disaster,
but I'm also relentless.
And I'm loyal.
I reckon we can make you a newsreader.
In position, please.
Stand by, control room.
Okay, on my cue.
- And action.
Well, after 75 years,
Halley's comet is returning
and Australia is being
gripped by comet fever.
So, join us Friday, 7:00pm
for Once in a Lifetime.
We look at the history,
the myths, the legends
Uh, sorry, actually, Geoff, it's
proudly presented by Ansett.
And then you
So, after you say
"Once in a lifetime"
- I know, I know.
- you go straight into the
It's right there. Thank you.
- Do you want to just use the autocue?
- No, no. No, I'm fine.
Bloody sponsor.
Well, after 75 years,
Halley's comet is returning
and Australia is being
gripped by comet fever.
So join us Friday, 7:00pm
for Once in a Lifetime,
proudly presented by Ansett.
A look at the history,
the legends, the, uh
The science of this
astronomical apparition.
Do you wanna have a look?
Damn it.
Well, after 75 years,
Halley's comet is returning
and Australia is being
gripped by comet fever.
So, tune in Friday, 7:00pm for
Once in a Lifetime.
Proudly brought to you by Ansett.
A look at the myths,
the history and the science
of Halley's comet.
Don't miss it.
And what are your memories of 1910?
I was seven and she was five.
I remember it was so light,
almost like daytime.
- All the dogs were barking.
- Yes, we had to lock them inside.
Oh, our border collie
piddled on the rug.
And what did the
comet actually look like?
Well, there were all these sorts
of explosions coming out of it.
Weren't there? Like fireworks.
- She was terrified.
- I don't remember that.
Oh, you were, Ruth. You were
crying louder than the dogs.
I just remember it was so beautiful.
Look, thank you so much, ladies.
If you don't mind bearing with us,
we're just going to get a couple
of extra shots of my reaction.
So you and Helen, hey?
When did that happen?
- What?
- She bit of a goer?
I reckon she would be for sure.
Uh, there's nothing happening
between Helen and I.
- Oh, right.
- Okay.
There isn't.
Okay. Just need a couple of shots
of you nodding, if you could just
Yeah. I know.
Who made the first move?
She big spoon or little spoon?
- Big spoon, I reckon.
- Big spoon, for sure. Definitely.
- Can we focus, please?
- Yeah, definitely. Sorry.
Are you going out?
I bought this for Saturday.
- What's Saturday?
- Geoff's 60th.
Do you think this is a little bit
too dressy for cocktail?
- Don't know. Don't think so.
- No?
It's just Geoff's wife hates me
and if I fuck up the dress code,
then I'll never hear the end of it.
But there's also this part of me
that's just a little bit excited
about the idea of her
fixating on it, so
Can I show you option number two?
You go and make yourself a drink.
Okay. (LAUGHS)
Hey, Helen, um,
have you been getting people
making comments about us at work?
Have you?
- All day.
- Who?
Um, camera boys, mostly.
What do they say?
Just lewd comments.
Ignore them. I'm sure
they're just bored.
So, what do you think?
It's confident, right?
- I like it.
Do you have a cocktail suit?
- I'm not invited.
- But I've got a plus one.
No, see, I actually think going as
your plus one's gonna make it worse.
I think we should keep
some distance, really.
Just for the next week or two.
What the fuck are they saying?
Calling me a slut?
I don't care. They'd say that anyway.
I just don't like people
talking about me.
Are you
Are you sure that this is
just about the gossip?
Is this your way of trying to tell me
that I'm a little bit too much?
We can still hang out after hours,
just not at work things.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
it is the duck's nuts.
It is very, very flash.
- Sounds a bit extravagant.
- Oh, come on.
It's your 60th, mate. Live a little.
This is an international luxury resort.
Conrad Jupiters.
I mean, Danny LaRue,
he's doing a show there.
- Come on, mate. You'll love it.
- No, no, no, no.
- I gotta I should be
- Going?
Yeah, alright, before you do,
more questions from upstairs.
They were just, you know, wondering
how you're looking
at the next few years.
- In what sense?
- Oh, just generally, you know.
I, uh
I think I may have sold 'em on that idea
of getting you back out
into the field a bit more.
- Really?
- Oh, yeah. I told them, mate.
I said, "Listen, Geoff Walters,
people forget about him.
He was a war
correspondent, world class".
- And this is in addition to the desk?
- Yeah!
But not necessarily.
Listen, mate, if you really
want to get out there,
do some investigative stuff,
some international stuff,
the CEO will back you
your own show, your own crew
Am I being given a push?
No, mate, but we both know
that the numbers have
Now, you tell me exactly what was said.
Nothing was said, nothing. I just did
I'm just aware of what happened
to that bloke in Perth.
That newsreader had been there
for five years.
I've been with the network for 30 years.
I'm in your corner, I'm in your corner.
- Could I get you anything else?
- Uh, no, thanks, mate.
We're alright. Thank you very much.
Are you saying that I should
consider my position?
All I'm saying, old mate, is that
you've got a pretty
great option now and
I couldn't tell you how long
it's going to stay on the table.
Okay, so we start with the general
introduction to the comet,
then the piece on Edmund Halley.
We got any more time in that?
MAN: It's already pushed out
to two and a half minutes.
(SIGHS) Okay, well, then we're
going to go to the BBC special
on the 'Ghee-oto' space satellite.
- Giotto.
- Sorry?
It's the Giotto space satellite.
Thanks, Dale.
Um, is there any more time
in the story on comet tourism?
There's a lot of footage of
Japanese tourists,
- Noelene, could you translate?
- I don't know Japanese.
- Oh.
What about your parents? Do they know?
- They're Korean.
- Huh?
- I'll find a translator.
- Great. Thank you.
Um, next, the National Boys Choir
is going to perform
What about the
Aboriginal mythology story?
- That's been dropped.
- Why?
The interviews were too hard
to understand.
- It's a family special.
- So?
for the Japanese tourist story,
but not okay for
the Aboriginal mythology story?
Correct. Yes. Where was I?
I don't know if a
live cross is possible,
but tonight, Melbourne Observatory
is having a family event.
You know, without
the Aboriginal mythology story,
this is basically just the
BBC special repackaged.
Well, Lindsay nixed
the Aboriginal story, not me.
So What kind of event?
They've invited families
to come to the observ
If you've got a problem with that,
you can go tell him yourself.
You know, walk in there
and say to him, "Look, Lindsay,
we are three minutes short on the
comet special, but I've got an idea!
"More Aboriginals!"
See what he has to say about it.
- You're pathetic.
- Oh! Unbelievable!
Un un unbelievable.
She begs to be part of this stuff,
gets here and acts
like a bitch on wheels.
The live cross idea
is worth considering.
They are expecting hundreds
at the observatory.
And who's gonna do it?
- You?
- I could, yeah.
Any more ideas?
No? Good. Thank you.
I can get three minutes,
maybe more, out of a live cross.
Going live isn't your strong suit.
I struggled with the updates, sure,
but a live cross is different.
Oh, God.
So, my options are an on-air choke
or a pack of blackfellas
no-one understands.
Fuckin' hell.
Macca, do you know
if the link truck is available?
- Yes. Okay, good.
- Thank you.
Noels, you're not you're not
making a trip to the canteen, are you?
Is there any chance you could get us
two choc milks, two pies
and a sausage roll, please?
- Extra tomato sauce?
- Extra tomato sauce. Yes!
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday, dear Geoff ♪
Happy birthday to you. ♪
- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
- Hip-hip!
- Hooray!
Thank you. Thank you.
How's Evelyn going?
Well, uh, she was just having
an altercation with the caterers,
so I evacuated quickly.
- Uh, Noelene
- I'll be with you in just a minute
Before you go, would you
would you mind
would you mind just, um,
typing something up for me?
- Uh, of course.
- Yes. It's, uh
It's my speech for tomorrow.
It's quite sensitive.
And I'd appreciate it if
you didn't let anybody know
the details in there.
- Of course.
- It's not quite finished.
I just want to see it in print.
I'll have it to you by
the end of the day.
Thank you. Thank you.
Could you pop that in my office?
- Mm-hm.
- Thank you, dear.
Hey, Noels, could we add a
Polly Waffle to that order, please?
Did the CEO mention if he
was coming on Saturday?
Well, I haven't spoken
to him today, mate.
Well, I've come to a decision.
I'll be offering more on Saturday.
Come on, mate.
What decision would that be?
The RSVP date was two weeks ago,
but tell the CEO that
we'll happily overlook that.
Never seen it like that life
All the cows and bullock
If we were making a documentary,
fine, but we're not. It's too boring.
Well, I mean, first you say
it's too hard to understand,
and now you say it's too boring.
That's because both are true.
She's she's
describing a biblical flood
that that
"That that that" Spit it out!
They believe that the
comet is a bad omen.
(LAUGHS) Oh-ho-ho! Settle in, kiddies!
That magical moment
we've been waiting for.
It's gonna kill us all!
MAN: We could try cutting the interview
and just do it with Helen's voiceover.
Do whatever you want.
Spend the entire day on it.
Show Lindsay a cut.
I'll tell you exactly what'll happen.
He will can the entire thing.
And you know what won't happen?!
Nobody will turn to me and say,
"You know what, Dennis?
You were absolutely right!
We should have fucking listened to you!"
That won't happen!
What do you want me to do? Cut it or
You right?
- Dale Jennings.
- Can you come to my office, please?
I'm sorry, I'm racing
out to do the cross.
Can you just please
bring me a glass of water?
I've gotta go. The boys
are waiting. Sorry.
Fresh from the market.
- Oh.
- No, no, no.
I'm done.
- You right?
- Yeah.
Can I just take a minute, please?
Yeah, of course.
Here we go again.
Thanks, Helen.
Oh. Thanks, Helen. I'm here
at Melbourne Observatory.
Thanks, Helen. I'm here
at Melbourne Observatory,
where observers have been lining up
Mate, every time you read it,
you sound more stilted.
Just so you know.
I might just check on the astronomer.
He said he's coming. Just relax.
Think of something else, maybe.
Hey, so, I noticed, um you and
Helen are keeping a low profile.
Is it over or has it just
kind of gone underground?
- Nothing ever happened.
- I heard she stayed at your place.
And I heard you made out
with her in Murray's
Stayed at my house on one occasion
and we had a career discussion
and that's it, it's
I don't know why
you find it so fascinating.
You know it's not just us, right?
It's the talk of the entire office.
- I don't know.
- MAN: Ladies and gentlemen.
- People like to gossip about Helen.
- I am so sorry.
Cloud cover is not
shifting any time soon,
so there's not going to be
any comet visible tonight.
- Are we still doing the live cross?
- Yes.
Excuse me! Excuse me! Hi.
He's here. 30 seconds.
Look alive, people.
You alright?
'Cause if, for whatever reason,
you're not feeling up to this,
just say so.
I'm fine.
And 10 seconds.
On my hand in five, four
Good evening.
Well, right now, as we turn
the calendar page to February,
we are on the brink of
a celestial sky show,
the likes of which hasn't
been seen in 75 years.
Bloody hell.
How does she do it, huh?
Nightmare off-screen,
camera goes on her
bloody magic.
Join us as we unlock the history,
the hype and the science
of Halley's Comet.
And we're clear.
Cheryl, Cheryl.
- 10 seconds.
- Cheryl.
- What is it?
- Is my make-up running right there?
- I can feel it.
- No. No, no.
On my hand in five, four, three
Well, our journey begins
some 300 years ago
when a British astronomer
looked up the skies.
Edmund Halley, a personal friend
of King Charles,
managed to not only identify the comet,
but to compute its orbit
and lend it his name.
Francene Pulford takes
us back to the 1600s,
to a time of kings, courts and comets.
And we're clear.
And in 30 seconds.
- GEOFF: Get me Lindsay.
- Helen, 20 seconds.
Helen! Now!
Helen's in a bit of a state.
Okay, 15 seconds.
Just ask questions and listen to him.
Forget about it being live.
Just just listen to his answers.
And in 10 seconds
On my hand in five, four
Clear, please, Cheryl.
Three. Thank you. Two.
Well, amateur stargazers
all over the country
are preparing themselves
for this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Dale Jennings is at the
Melbourne Observatory
where families are already lining up
for a first glimpse of the comet.
What's the atmosphere there like, Dale?
Well, Helen, comet watchers
will have to wait just a bit longer
with heavy cloud forecast for tonight.
But I am here with astronomer Ian Lu.
Now, Ian, when do you expect
the comet to finally be revealed?
Well, we're hoping for
the cloud cover to clear
tomorrow evening some time,
and, uh, fingers crossed, we'll
be getting quite a space show.
Fingers crossed indeed.
Now, Ian, I've heard that
astronomers sometimes
refer to comets as apparitions
He could try blinking occasionally.
Oh, mate, he's doing alright.
We use the term apparition
because comets are,
in, fact quite ghost-like.
And we're clear.
You right there, are you, Helen?
I can do the next segment,
if you need a moment.
- I'm fine.
- And we are back in 10
You and I, Helen, we're gonna have
a little chat when you're done here.
On my hand in five
DALE: And when that occurs,
we'll be sure to broadcast those images
straight into your living rooms.
But for now, a picnic blanket and a
pair of binoculars will have to do.
I'm Dale Jennings
from Melbourne Observatory,
where the advice is to get
a good night's sleep tonight
because tomorrow, a once in
a lifetime light show will begin.
Back to you, Geoff.
Thanks, Dale.
Well, Tourism Australia is expecting
And we're out.
- Thank you.
- Oh, no, thank you. Yeah.
- Very good. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Did it go alright?
- Yeah. That was good.
- Was great.
- Did I speak too fast? My eyes ?
- Your eyes were normal openness.
- What about what about my head?
- Was it jerky or anything?
- Mate, you were good. You were good.
- Yeah?
- You were great.
- (LAUGHS) Yes!
Good job. Good job.
Holy moly!
REPORTER: Matched in space
by the heat of the sun,
there's literally thousands
and thousands of kilometres
Noels, you gotta watch!
And yet, in what is a
wonderful contradiction,
it's really nothing at all.
REPORTER: We'll be back
with more after the break.
You've almost missed the whole thing.
Oh, I'm just finishing up.
- Writing a novel?
- No. Give it back.
- Rob!
- What is it?
Um I don't know. What is it?
Just research notes or some
- Are you gettin' another beer, Brett?
- Yeah.
Can you grab me one?
Noels, you want a beer?
Forget you saw that, please.
- Geoff's leaving?
- Shh!
Well, can I No, can I see a bit more?
No. Step away.
What is he, um Retiring?
- Or are they ?
- You never saw anything.
Yeah, fine, but
does it say anything about
who's replacing him?
Please don't tell anyone.
A couple of us are catching
the comet tomorrow night,
if you want to come.
- I got something on.
- Ah.
Geoff's 60th.
You goin' as Mr. Helen Norville?
Shut up. (LAUGHS)
Hey, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Whereabouts? Where were you thinking?
My building. We've got
an amazing rooftop.
It's stunning.
I'll give you my number.
It's super casual.
Just, uh let me know.
It's fine either way.
- Oi, you ready?
- Yep.
GEOFF: We'll leave you tonight
with a very special treat.
The National Boys Choir joins us
to perform Once in a Lifetime
an ode to the comet's return.
Of course, the News at Six team
will continue to bring you
all the latest comet updates
as we enjoy an autumn
of celestial magic.
- This has been Geoff Walters.
- And Helen Norville.
BOTH: Goodnight.
I've waited a
lifetime for this night ♪
To see a midnight filled with light ♪
To watch the comet cross the skies ♪
To see the wonder in your eyes ♪
In every country everywhere ♪
From Australia to Japan ♪
We all will stand as one ♪
Lit up by a midnight sun ♪
Hold this feeling, hold this joy ♪
Black or white or girl or boy ♪
The moment is here
my grandpa promised ♪
Tonight we witness Halley's comet. ♪
- LINDSAY: Helen?
- One moment.
Open the door, please, Helen.
There's a bottle of Valium in
the bottom drawer of my desk.
Come on, Helen. Come on now.
- Helen?
- Jesus Christ.
Helen, open the door now.
I think I was really dehydrated.
I bet you were.
- What are they?
- They're Valium.
They're not very strong. Go on.
You get your things together,
I'll give you a lift home.
- Hey, Dale.
- Hi.
Hey. Are you seeing Helen tonight?
Look, I don't know what people
have told you, but we're not
Oh, I I just think someone
should give her a call.
- Why?
- Uh
because she's just
in a really bad way.
Like, probably the worst I've ever seen.
Thank you.
LINDSAY: How do you have it?
With the mixer, or, uh, neat?
- HELEN: Uh, no, I'll take it neat.
- Ah, that's the girl.
Helen, if I told you something
would you promise
to keep it a secret?
- Yes.
- You promise?
I promise.
Geoff's not going to be on
the desk for much longer.
How much longer?
Well, if he's smart about it,
he'll step down graciously tomorrow.
But, uh
if not
I can't see any of us
cracking an invite
to next year's birthday do.
- Who'd want that?
Upstairs keeps on asking me
is Helen right to go?
Is she ready?
And I want to be able to say,
"Yes, she is a superstar".
But, uh
then we have nights like tonight.
I always come good when it counts.
Now, while we're moving
Geoff out and you in,
we've gotta be a team.
We are.
We used to be early on, but
now all you do is scream at me.
I think you can handle it.
You want another one?
Hey, um, Helen,
did I ever tell you the story
of how I sold you to the CEO?
Well, he wasn't keen.
He wanted a blonde.
And I said, "Mate,
now, come on, listen
sometimes a darker woman, she's just
so much more sophisticated.
Like Faye Dunaway".
- You know what he said?
- No.
"Who's Faye Dunaway?
What station's she on?"
And I said, "Mate, Faye
Dunaway is a knockout.
She looks
just like Helen".
Anyway, you get the job.
And nine months or
so later, a phone call.
It's the CEO.
And it turns out that old Faye Dunaway
is a fucking blonde in Bonnie and Clyde.
And the CEO goes, "I
want that Faye Dunaway!"
But it didn't matter, because
you were on that desk.
And you were already a superstar.
That's right.
You know, Helen, no-one
has gone in to bat
harder for you than me.
I know.
Do you?
Because sometimes,
it seems you forget that.
Lindsay drove me home.
I just wanted to see
if you were alright.
- Well, don't leave on my account.
Mate, I don't think I'd ever do that.
Nah. I'm done here.
Good luck.
Is everything alright?
No. (SOBS)
Oh, mate. You serious
about that bow tie?
Yeah! Yeah, wardrobe lent it to me.
- Were they serious?
- Yeah.
They reckon pink is the
big colour at the moment.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. Don Johnson.
Miami Vice. Always in pink.
- You seen Liberace?
- What about him?
- Hey.
- Can I speak to you, please?
I'll catch ya.
You alright?
You already told someone.
- No.
- Jean just came up to me and she knew.
You only found out a few hours ago!
Maybe maybe she knew from Geoff.
She specifically mentioned the speech.
Well, maybe she overheard
maybe someone overheard us talking.
- No.
You told someone
right after I said not to.
Everyone was going to
find out tomorrow, anyway.
And, you know, if there's any problems,
I'll just tell them that I was
horsing around, being a dickhead,
and, you know, you'll be right.
I almost got the sack once
because Geoff stumbled over
a couple of words and blamed autocue.
I almost lost my whole career
over two words Geoff stuffed up.
Alright, I'll call around and tell
people that I got my wires crossed.
Just leave it.
Are you going? Tomorrow night?
'Cause my invite was Rob and guest.
No, thank you.
You sure?
You know, just so I can
make it up to you.
That wouldn't be making it up to me.
It'd be fun, though.
And what do you think
that would do to my career?
H Help it.
- Morning.
- Good morning.
You want me to make you a coffee?
No, thanks.
Are you sure that you
can't come with me tonight?
You're not still going, are you?
Don't you think you should take
a couple of days off work?
I mean, I was worried
about you last night.
Geoff's stepping down.
And Lindsay said he's going to make
the announcement at the party,
so I really want to be there.
I should go.
Are sure you can't just come,
just maybe until the speeches?
No, I actually have a thing.
What, like a like a date?
No, no.
Tim from camera's
having a thing for the comet.
What, just the two of you?
No, I think it's all the camera boys.
- Are you sure about that?
- Yeah.
Are you sure he's not
just testing the waters?
I'm talking about Tim Ahern,
the cameraman.
Yeah, I know. Gay Tim from camera.
Tim's not a homosexual.
All I'm saying is that every other
guy in that camera department's
checked me out, except Tim.
Listen, um, if you change your mind,
I'm usually an hour and
a half late to everything.
GEOFF: And what a privilege it has been.
As I look to the next chapter,
it's clear that my first love
will always be chasing the story.
Being out in the field.
So, my friends,
I think the time has come
to get my hands dirty again, to
step away from the desk.
I'm sorry
When was this decided?
I've been weighing it up
for some time now.
I see.
You know, I've been itching
to get back in the field.
For the occasional story, perhaps.
- Was this Lindsey's idea?
- No.
No, your first love is
not being in the field.
It's breaking news.
And if you think you'd get that
from a bit of field reporting
The desk just doesn't interest me
as much these days.
Every year, there's more and more
faff. Celebrity interviews
But, you know, as soon as you
step down, something will happen
some crisis, some global event
and you'll have to sit at home
and watch Rob and Helen butcher it,
and it will kill you!
- Wouldn't be Rob.
- Of course it'll be Rob.
They've been grooming him for years!
Building him up while they diminish you.
I hadn't realised they'd
been so successful.
MRS. JENNINGS: And the Carlisles.
They rang before it had even finished.
They said it was fascinating.
- It was just filler, Mum.
- It wasn't.
You could see Geoff Walters
was impressed.
He very pointedly said, "Thanks, Dale".
Well, he always says that.
It's in the script.
This was different.
Elaine Carlisle mentioned
something else on the phone.
- Yeah?
- About Adam Lindell.
Apparently, Adam's living
in the city now with a friend.
A man.
How would Elaine Carlisle know that?
Adam's not discreet about it at all.
She said he just rang
Shane up and told him.
He hasn't tried to be in contact
with you, has he?
Everyone agrees.
They owe you an apology.
The whole Lindell family.
Chops are in the fridge.
That should be enough
for Monday and Tuesday.
The casserole's in the freezer.
That'll keep.
Have you got any washing? Are you
using that basket I gave you?
- Hello?
- Hi, it's Dale. Jennings.
- G'day.
- Um, so
- Uh, they said it was
- So, just
You go.
The others have pulled out,
because of the cloud,
but, uh, they said it was
going to clear on the radio,
so if you wanted to come around,
I'll still be here.
We don't need the rest of 'em.
I'm actually going to go
to the party. Geoff's.
With Helen.
So make your joke.
No worries. No worries.
We'll do it next time, eh?
In 2061?
When the comet comes back.
Oh. (LAUGHS) Right.
I will see you on Monday.
Have fun at the party.
Party started an hour ago.
I've still got half an hour
worth of dressing to do.
- You look great.
- You too.
- Oh, Rob!
- Rob!
- Hi!
- Hello!
How does it feel to be here tonight?
Uh, Donna, one second. It feels great.
It's always such an honour, isn't it,
to raise the glass to a legend,
and, fingers crossed,
the clouds will stay away.
We might even catch
a glimpse of that comet.
- Hope so.
- Now, which way's the bar?
- Oh, behind me.
- Over here. Right.
- Trust you.
- See you soon.
Talk to you soon, Trish.
Nice to see you.
- Hey, Rob. Hey.
- Hey.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's with the bow tie?
Hey? Uh uh, wardrobe gave it to me.
- April Fools?
- No. It's for tonight.
They said it looked great.
What were their faces doing
when they said that?
Hey, hey, hey.
Did you, um, hear about Geoffo's speech?
- No. What about it?
- I heard he's, um
I heard he's stepping down.
Oh, well, that's bullshit.
I've heard from three people now.
Wants to be some
kind of roving reporter,
but apparently he's had a wobble.
Well, you shouldn't be spreading
that kind of crap, Dennis.
What? Your mate Brett told me.
- Well Brett?
- Yeah.
Brett spins a whole heap of bullshit.
And you're the biggest gossip
- in the entire building.
- Oh, fuck
And don't lecture me about gossip
when you're a gossip.
Okay, listen. Shh, shh.
Come here, come here.
50 bucks says he'll step down today.
I'm gettin' a beer.
- Hey, Rob, Rob, Rob
I thought we agreed
just Donna from The Sun.
Uh, yes, but we can't play favourites
and exclude the Fairfax press.
Donna! Hello.
Look at you! Gorgeous.
Oh, and Mr. Walters.
- Geoff.
- Geoff, happy birthday.
How are you feeling?
Well, it's wonderful to have
so many friends here,
and, uh, very honoured to
to have Premier Cain here.
Now, are we expecting your co-host
to be joining you this evening?
- Well, I
- Uh, yes.
Well, the whole News at
Six team is family, so, yes.
So, help yourself to some bubbles.
- I will.
- Hello, Anne!
Hey! Hey, good to see you.
Happy birthday, mate.
Hey! Evelyn.
You've outdone yourself. It's top shelf.
Any, uh
Any word on the CEO? I don't see him.
Uh, dunno, mate.
And how did things wind
up last night with Helen?
I heard there was quite a scene.
Oh, you know
par for the course.
Mm. Well, you're all
very patient with her.
- Mm.
- No, you are.
It's a credit to you both.
I don't think she'd last
five minutes anywhere else.
- Oh!
- Sir Robert.
Thank you.
Helen? Hello!
- Oh, look at that.
- Beautiful.
He told me it was all rumours.
- He was at her place last night.
- Was he?
- Yeah.
- Helen, can you just turn ?
I always thought he was a poof.
So, Helen, would you say that Geoff
has really helped shape your career?
But, uh, I mean, more than that
when I was a child, if something
happened in the world,
I'd want to hear it from
from Geoff Walters.
And, sorry, your name is
This is Dale Jennings, senior reporter.
Dale. Anything you'd like to add, Dale?
I'm just happy to be here.
- Great.
- Fantastic.
- Well, the party's in full swing.
- Okay.
Yeah, enjoy. Nice to meet you.
- You did good.
- Did I?
- Mm-hm.
- I'm not sure of that.
Happy birthday, Geoff.
- Stunning party.
- Thank you.
How are you, Helen?
And the garden looks more
beautiful than than last time.
And your I love your outfit.
And I don't think we've officially met.
- I'm Evelyn.
- Dale Jennings.
Mr. Jennings is a
wonderful young reporter.
Yes, I've seen.
Thrilled to have you here, Dale.
It's an honour to be here, sir.
Oh, I can't watch.
Um drinks?
Thank you. Let's just
get a drink from the bar.
That dress could it be any tighter?
Thank you.
Thank you all for coming.
Tonight marks not only
a significant birthday,
but also the 30th anniversary
of my very first bulletin.
He's fuckin' doin' it.
He's fuckin' doin' it.
Which was, as Lindsay well knows,
in fact, the first bulletin.
We covered the Melbourne Olympics,
man's first steps on the moon.
We went from black and white to colour.
I reported from war-torn South Vietnam.
Darwin for Cyclone Tracy
and again for the Chamberlain trial.
And now this anniversary,
gently, very gently,
prodded by my darling wife
into this spot of reflection,
I realised that, together,
all of us have been writing the
history of this remarkable century
in real time.
And what a privilege it has been.
- Thank you. Thank you, all.
Take your 50 now?
We have less than 15 years
left of this century,
at which point I'll turn 75,
which is also the life cycle of
the comet that we'll see tonight.
Could it be a sign?
But it's been enough to convince me
- that I must stay on the desk
- ALL: Ohh!
at the heart of this
remarkable bulletin,
to see out this century.
So, now, my friends now,
let's all salute the next 15 years
we will share together
as we complete the story of this century
as only we can do.
- Thank you.
I'm gonna say something.
Listen, mate, do you
want to pay it up front
or do you want to pay me in instalments?
You walked away from the bet.
Uh, Geoff.
(CLEARS THROAT) Excuse me.
Um, I know that you see
yourself as a newsman,
but you are so much more than that.
The phrase gets thrown around a lot,
but you truly are a national treasure.
To Geoff.
Yeah, skip.
Come on, let's dance.
All I see ♪
Is washed away ♪
I am the voice ♪
Left from drinking ♪
I'll celebrate ♪
No, I'll be right, thanks. I'm
not much of a one for fizz.
Oh, go on.
You know, you're a savvy woman, Evelyn.
But, uh 15 years
it's a long time.
Not compared with
the 30 years of service
he's already given the network.
Yeah, well
the way his numbers
are, at the moment,
he'll be lucky if he makes one,
let alone 15.
When was the last time
you walked down a street
with my husband, Lindsay?
I'd say it must be over five years
because he avoids open streets now.
The public love for Geoff is so fierce,
they simply won't leave him alone, so
if you or the network
mistreat my husband in any way,
I can assure you,
the public response will
be utterly devastating.
Melanie, would you like some champagne?
Ooooh, ooh ♪
I'm searching for a better land ♪
- Heaven.. ♪
- GEOFF: Dale
DALE: Wonderful speech.
Thank you.
Yes, I wanted to say,
it's terrific to see Helen
in such good form tonight.
- It is.
- Yeah.
I've been watching you, Dale,
and I see a lot of myself in you.
You're a true news man.
Thank you. That's
I mean, I like to think that I am.
There's an effort to shift the
bulletin away from serious news.
It's been inching that way for years.
But I plan to put up a fight.
And I'm hoping I can
count on your support.
You absolutely can.
- Let's keep talking.
I don't wanna live in this place ♪
Heaven ♪
Must be there ♪
Looking counterclockwise ♪
Knowing what could happen any moment ♪
Maybe you ♪
Maybe even you ♪
Steadfast collapse ♪
You wanna go?
Always certain, any moment ♪
Maybe you ♪
You wanna stay?
Catch a glimpse of the comet.
Recline complete ♪
- Dream too sweet ♪
- (LAUGHS) Come on.
Let's say our goodbyes.
I can't do it, not with you ♪
Not even with you ♪
Maybe never with you ♪
And I'd sell my soul ♪
For total control ♪
Ah, fuck's sake.
Yeah, I'd sell my soul ♪
For total control ♪
Hey, the cloud's gone.
Where's it supposed to be?
It's there.
Isn't that just a star?
No, that's definitely it.
It's definitely a star.
It has a tail, see?
(LAUGHS) That's it?
That's it.
So, how are we gonna leave this?
Go back to work and then, next
weekend, we could go on a date?
- DENNIS: Dale?!
- You haven't heard?
Lindy Chamberlain.
GEOFF: The discovery of a child's
matinee jacket near Ayers Rock
has shed new light
on the disappearance of
Azaria Chamberlain in 1980.
Traditionally, this has
been Geoff's story,
but they want it to go to you.
The Chamberlains know me
if they're inclined to speak
to anybody, it will be me.
I will get this interview.
You get us to Darwin, I'll make sure
that I am the first person
that Lindy Chamberlain sees
when she walks free.
Tim! Ross, is she in there?!
This interview will make
you the face of News at Six.
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