The O.C. (2003) s02e09 Episode Script

The Ex-Factor

- Previously on The O.
:|- You' re a tough kid from Chino with an ex-girlfriend who's the|most beautiful girl ever in high school.
- Yeah.
But right now I'm here with you.
|- He snuck out to see his girlfriend.
- What are we doing?|- I call it "prepping the oven.
" What are we doing|in the larger sense? I'd like to place an order for delivery.
Can I get the crispy noodles|with shrimp and the calamari salad? Get the Vietnamese rolls.
|And the chicken with the spicy curry.
No, just one.
And Vietnamese rolls|and chicken with spicy curry.
You guys want something|from Thaiphoon? Yeah, some pad thai, please.
Yeah, Mom, will you order|a couple gallons of the tom yum soup? And then the salmon with the|chili-lime sauce.
And dumplings.
Okay, can we get some pad thai,|some tom yum soup - salmon with the chili-lime sauce-|- Dumplings.
And the steamed dumplings.
- We ordered enough for a small army.
|- I got an idea.
Why don't you ask|your female cohorts over? Lindsay's with her mom.
Family therapy|and to a Truffaut retrospective.
That's a hell of a double-header.
|What about Alex? - Howdy.
|- What are you doing here? Okay, that's not the warmest greeting|I've ever received, but I will take it.
I didn't expect to see you here|right now.
I'm kind of busy.
I wanted to invite you to have dinner|with the family.
I don't think it's a good idea.
My ex is in town.
Actually, in my office.
Waiting for me.
Your ex.
Well, part of the ABC's of the ex is|to step aside for the I and the U.
But the ex isn't technically an ex.
We never really broke up, officially.
|It's part of what we need to figure out.
But I really do wanna come|have dinner with your family so maybe we can do it|after the ex leaves.
Okay, so the ex is leaving.
|When? Later tonight? Staying the night.
That's cool.
|Staying the week? I don't know.
I didn't know|this was gonna happen, and now it has.
I have to deal with it.
It would be great|if you could just let me figure it out.
Just, in other words, stay away|while the ex is in town.
Unless you're cool|with the three of us hanging out.
Okay, well, I'm gonna have|to get back to you on that.
I like the new club.
- You ready to get out of here?|- In a minute.
- So what if Alex has an ex?|- Most people do.
That's right.
He's probably just|some meathead thug with her name tattooed|on his bicep.
Well, no threat to you.
Unless he's a thug with a heart.
He's done his time,|18 months for robbery.
It was wrong.
He understands that.
He's mature, he's sensitive, seasoned.
- So you're not okay.
|- Not at all, Ryan.
Not at all.
- He's spiraling, huh?|- Seth? He hasn't even begun.
- Hey.
|- Hi, guys.
Marissa, that's an amazing skirt,|and I love your shoes.
I really like your Your backpack.
Where's it from? L.
Well, I'm late for class.
But maybe|this weekend we can all hang.
- See a movie or go to Balboa Island?|- Yeah, sounds great.
Every day, she looks like she could|be on the cover of a fashion magazine.
Yeah? I guess.
- Good thing I'm not competitive.
|- What are you talking about? Nothing.
It's just, you know, you said it.
|Everyone has an ex and you seem to hang out|with yours a lot.
- We do?|- You do.
- Like, constantly.
|- Maybe you two should become friends.
We can all hang out,|and it wouldn't be weird.
Yeah, me and the Cosmo Girl.
|Yeah, that wouldn't be weird at all.
A massage.
- You must really need something.
|- Favor.
Ask me while you're giving me the|massage.
I'm more inclined to say yes.
It's about work.
As you know, the Newport Group's|reputation is pretty much in the toilet.
- It's well-deserved.
|- The board wants us to come up with a plan to improve the company's|image.
I figured who better to ask than you, the man who practically|invented hating the Newport Group.
Well, I was doing it|long before it was trendy.
So any ideas? Yes.
As a matter of fact, this is perfect.
- Perfect's good.
|- I just got a call to work with the Newport Housing Initiative.
|They want low-income housing.
- I was gonna petition the city council.
|- The Newport Group can find the money.
The housing board|gets a development.
And the company could do something|good for a change.
Honey, that's perfect.
You've earned more than a massage.
Where I come from,|that only means one thing.
I have a surprise for you.
I love surprises.
Especially when|they're named Jimmy Choo.
Am I about to get whacked? Hey, a cupcake.
It doesn't have stiletto heels,|but I'll eat it anyway.
You know it's not my birthday.
Yes, and I also know|it's our six-month anniversary.
Oh, my God, it is.
|God, it's been six months? - Holy mack.
|- I know, it's amazing.
I've never been in a relationship|this long.
- Neither have I.
|- Well, I think we should celebrate.
I would like to take you to a romantic|anniversary dinner at The Arches.
What do you say? So, what'd you say? You know, that I'm fasting|for an upcoming colonoscopy.
I'm sure that was the answer|he was looking for.
Look, Zach is so unbelievably great.
|But six months? I did not even date Cohen that long.
When did we get so old?|When did life get so complicated? I know.
Remember when we were little,|and it was just you and me - and the boys had cooties?|- Yeah.
And we had sleepovers and watched|Full House and Step by Step.
Oh, my God.
I loved Full House.
But my favorite character was named|DJ, so I guess that's ruined.
Look, forget DJ.
Forget Cohen and Zach and Ryan.
|You know what? - We need a break from the boys.
|- You mean a girls' night out? I do.
You telling me you couldn't use|a night without boys? - Well, Full House is on Nick at Nite.
|- Really? Thanks.
So great news.
Sandy has an amazing idea to kick-start|an image makeover for the company.
- I have better news and a better idea.
|- You haven't heard his yet.
It would be hard for Sandy's idea|to top the best idea ever.
- You ready?|- Probably not, no.
Oh, my-|There's so much you here.
A magazine, Kirsten, about Newport life,|restaurants, events, gossip.
Selling Newport Beach|as an aspirational brand.
Well, Sandy's idea,|which is in a different direction involves funding|a low-income housing development.
That's kind of cute.
I guess.
But, Kiki, we're trying to appeal|to the Newport elite.
We need to think about|who these people are: Bored, rich gossipmongers|who like to shop.
They're me.
And I don't care|about low-income housing.
You have a point.
- This is as far as I go.
|- Thanks for walking me.
Have fun at your emergency|comic-book meeting.
Why do I get the feeling|Seth won't be talking about comics? Yeah.
You okay? - Yeah, sure.
I like eating alone.
|- You know who you could sit with- No.
That's okay, really.
Get to know her, she'll stop being|my ex and become your friend.
Ryan, don't.
Okay, please.
|I'm sure they don't even eat.
- Hey.
|- Hey.
You guys mind if Lindsay joins you? - I gotta meet Seth.
|- No.
Emergency comic-book meeting? - Zach was summoned too.
|- You heard.
- Have a seat, Lindsay.
|- Great.
Thanks, you guys.
See you.
This is so good.
Great idea|hitting the drive-through for lunch.
It'll probably be hours on the elliptical|trainer working those off, huh? Coop exercising? Now, that's funny.
So you guys can just eat cheeseburgers|and look like you? No.
Well, sometimes we get|chili fries too.
Why? What are you eating? It's a Zone meal.
|It's low-carb.
So we were planning our|girls' night out for this weekend.
Do you want to join us? Me? What do you say? Okay.
So break it down for me, guys.
|And don't afraid to be honest.
Well, what you should've done is|tell her, "Take all the space you need.
I know this must be hard.
" Boom! You're a hero.
You look confident,|but like you still care.
Yeah, that is so the way|I should've played it.
When do we discuss|The New Avengers? Philip, your membership has been|revoked.
You're not there for me.
- I'm not there for you.
Beat it.
|- He doesn't mean it.
- He's just upset.
|- I don't care if you're in junior high.
I think you're onto something.
I like it.
|You know what? I'll call her.
- Tell her I'm giving her some space.
|- Dude, don't do that.
- What's happening?|- He's calling her.
- Give me that.
|- I'm leaving a message.
No, you are not.
Jeez, man.
- Forget calling.
I'll go down there.
|- No.
If I'm losing her,|I wanna see who I'm losing her to.
- You are not going down there.
|- I have to.
My paycheck's down- Yes.
That's perfect.
She owes me $38.
|I have to go down there.
Okay? How can I live|without that money? - I gotta eat.
|- What if I go down there? - I come with you.
|- I'll go down there.
I'll say I'm picking up your paycheck,|sniff around for the ex.
Check him out.
Report back|to me.
Maybe snap a few photos.
- Sure.
What do you say?|- All right.
You gotta apologize to Philip.
|He took that really hard.
He's always been the weak one.
Come on.
I'm sorry what|happened back there.
Heat of passion.
You know how it is? Sorry, sometimes|Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk.
Hey, I talked to the housing initiative.
|They are on cloud nine over there.
They're gonna draw up a proposal|for you to bring to work.
Okay, honey I don't want to alarm you, but there is|a giant Julie Cooper on the table.
It's Julie's idea for an image makeover.
|A magazine.
I'm assuming you nipped this one|in the bud.
Well, she did her homework.
|Ran the numbers.
- The proposal wasn't bad.
|- You're not considering this, are you? Well, there's a lot of ideas|on the table, Sandy.
Well, when you shoot down hers,|be sure to toss this.
It's giving me the willies, okay? Hi.
I'm here to pick up a paycheck.
|Name's Cohen.
So you must be Alex's new guy.
|The famous Seth Cohen.
I'm his friend, Ryan.
|I'm just doing him a favor.
I really wanted to meet this Seth.
- Yeah?|- Yeah.
I'm Jody.
You're the ex.
So you didn't see anything|at the club? I mean, there were no shady guys|hanging around Alex's office? Definitely didn't see any guys.
Are we meeting Zach here|or at the comic-book store? Here.
Now, you must have|seen someone.
Tell me this.
Who gave you the check?|Tell me everything that happened.
In fact, better yet,|reenact it word for word.
How are you? So good to see you.
- How are you?|- Good.
I'm good.
I'm terrible, actually.
|I think I freaked Summer out.
I don't know.
She bailed on our date.
Now she's doing a girls'- night-out thing|at the Bait Shop.
She's not returning|any of my phone calls.
I don't know.
Maybe new comics|will ease the pain.
I feel that pain.
Let's go down|to The Bait Shop tonight - and talk to the girls.
|- Or we could forget the girls.
Do our own thing.
|Have a guys' night out.
- I like my plan.
|- We spend every night with the girls.
- Let's try one night without them.
|- It could be kind of fun.
It could be just what I need.
|A reinvestment in my manhood.
A timeout to reflect|on what it means to be a man.
- Seth.
|- Yeah, I'm in.
Kirsten here? I was hoping|to have a bit of a chat with you both.
It's about this ungodly magazine|of Julie's.
You heard about it? Heard about it?|I got an 80-foot mock-up in my kitchen.
- It's gonna haunt me in my sleep.
|- I don't intend to let this thing go ahead.
If Julie launches it, she'll embarrass|herself, the company, the family.
So how you gonna break it to her? The woman's a warrior, Sanford.
|I'm not facing her alone.
- So that's where we come in.
|- The three of us form a united front.
Tell Julie that the magazine|is a terrible idea, that she'll regret it.
- What do you say?|- How about that? I actually agree with you.
- Relax.
You're gonna have fun.
|- Yeah.
Not only am I spending the night|with Marissa but I'll get to see my dad,|who barely acknowledges me.
He's gonna be out at dinner.
|I checked with Marissa.
So when did you guys meet? How did you start going out|in the first place? - Me and Marissa? Come on.
|- What? I mean, were you guys lab partners? - Fire-drill buddies?|- No, no.
Actually, it was my first night|in Newport.
I was I was sitting in Sandy's car waiting to|see if Kirsten would let me in the house.
And I walked down to the end|of the driveway and there she was.
We started talking, and I don't know, we just connected.
She wasn't like anybody|I'd ever met before.
Until you.
Have fun.
Hey, do me a favor.
|Take care of her tonight, all right? Okay, Ryan.
I'm not 8.
I promise I'll take care of her, Dad.
|Or I'll try, anyway.
Please don't feel like|you have to babysit me.
That's just Ryan.
|He gets very protective.
You'll see.
So Summer should be here any second.
So this is where you live.
I mean, of course it is.
|I mean, it's It's really nice.
Hey, you know what? How about an icebreaker? - I don't really|- Sorry.
- That's totally cool.
|- Not that I judge anyone who does.
- It's not something I do.
|- Don't worry about it.
That must be Summer,|so I'll just go grab the door.
You know, hang out.
|Make yourself comfortable.
What am I doing here? Okay.
It is 0700 hours.
Let the record show that guys' night out|has officially begun.
Okay, Seth, 0700 means it's 7 a.
Okay, nobody cares that you|were in ROTC.
Now, listen to me.
Tonight, Newport is our bitch.
Okay? So let's go out there,|and let's do what guys do.
- Yeah.
|- Ryan, what do guys do? We could head up to L.
You know?|Hit a club.
Go to Vegas.
- Road trip to Tijuana.
|- That didn't work out well last time.
But these are good shapes of ideas.
- You want to play video games.
|- So bad.
This Summer thing's got me|tied in knots.
I vote we stay in.
We should get you out of the house.
|It'll take your mind off things.
We can let the fun come to us.
|We have all we need for a perfect night.
We've got a working television,|a bevy of comic books.
Right? Okay.
That's all you need for a rollicking good|time, so my proposal is guys' night in.
Guys' night in.
- Well, here we are.
Just us.
|- Right.
This is so much fun.
So, what happens now? Well, we could walk by the bar,|see if anyone checks us out.
Hello? No boys tonight.
|That's the whole point.
Okay, well, we can at least|talk about them, right? Let's face it.
Without that,|we got nothing.
So boy talk.
Who wants to start? You know I'm rethinking|the whole sobriety thing.
You read my mind.
Maybe some tonic and lots of ice|would help.
- Are you okay?|- Yeah, burned me a little.
Do what you want|if you need to call him so bad.
What? I had no idea that you were gonna|show up out of nowhere.
I didn't have a chance to tell him|about us.
Why? Are you embarrassed about us? Sorry to interrupt but there's no paper towels|in the girls' bathroom.
I'm all over it.
That was a conversation|I did not wanna have.
Yeah, I know all about those.
|I have them with my mom all the time.
The nerve of Alex.
She has a secret|boyfriend the whole time - and never gets around to telling me?|- I know, man.
I wanted to celebrate our six-month|anniversary.
Summer heads for the hills.
- You've been going out six months?|- This isn't how I imagined our night out.
- Let's go the club and put up a fight.
|- Bad idea.
Why? Our girlfriends bailed on us|to go drinking at a club.
Have you seen Girls Gone Wild? - This is exactly how it begins.
|- He's right.
- I'm going.
|- Me too.
Seth, I'm telling you as your friend.
|Don't do this.
- You know something.
|- No.
No, I don't.
Don't ask me.
I am a man in the desert.
I'm dying of thirst.
|You have a thermos full of Kool-Aid.
Come on, give me a sip.
|Did you meet the ex? - I know you did.
|- All right.
Yes, I did.
- And who is he?|- He - He's a she.
|- What? Who needs a little more? - Somebody's gotta drive.
|- Not me.
Why don't I go track down some coffee? You're not scary.
- Thanks, I think.
|- I mean, before you were, like, scary.
Not like bogeyman scary, you know- Lindsay, you've got nothing|to worry about.
- Ryan really likes you.
|- Yeah.
Can a guy ever get over a girl like you? Summer, right? - We're in Comp Lit class together.
|- Right.
- I'm sorry.
I'm usually asleep.
|- Matt Miller.
So where's Zach? I don't know.
It's girls' night out.
|You know about me and Zach? We're on the water-polo team.
|Happy anniversary.
You know about our anniversary? He brought it up in the locker room.
Six|months is big.
We were talking about it.
So Zach's turning the locker room|into a Lifetime movie.
The water-polo team is very sensitive.
- It's tough to see from here.
|- Yeah, always tough to see from here.
You wanna try upstairs? Yeah.
Sure, why not?|I haven't scoped it out yet.
So Alex hooked up with a girl.
|It's not a big deal.
My girlfriend dated a girl.
|It's a very big deal.
- Only one thing can make it okay.
|- You're gonna hook up with a guy? I repeat.
There's only one thing I can do|to make it okay.
I need to see this girl.
Because right now my imagination's|just running wild.
- Dude, so's mine.
She's hot, right?|- Listen.
I know I'm supposed to be attracted.
I'm supposed to be turned on.
|I've read Maxim and Stuff.
But you know what? It makes me feel|like Alex is even more out of my league.
Maybe you should talk to her|when you calm down.
Got testosterone|pumping right now.
Testosterone being the key ingredient|missing from Alex's previous relationship.
I just need to remind her of that.
|Come on! - This should go well.
|- I hate traffic.
You have to think big picture.
|This magazine could go national.
America would be fascinated with|the lives of O.
's rich and fabulous.
We're all beautiful,|we're all dysfunctional.
Surf, sex and scandal.
It's a recipe for|a cultural phenomenon, don't you think? Well, I would rather hear|what Sandy and Kirsten have to say.
Let's not talk about work anymore.
Why don't we put her|out of her misery? Julie, it's a lousy idea.
Thanks for rushing to my defense.
|Really very touching.
It's my job to remain impartial.
- Objective.
|- And cowardly? Fine.
I'll just sit here and get insulted|by a man so ignorant about business he chose as a career|to work for free.
I don't work-|That's pro bono work, Julie.
Why am I defending myself? If you want|a business perspective, ask Kirsten.
I did.
She called Newport Living just the thing to keep|the Newport Group living.
- She said that?|- I wasn't that poetic.
Honey, I did some research.
This has promise.
I'm so sorry|it had to come out this way.
It's my fault.
I once again let myself|get caught up in the middle of this nasty game|of Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Well, this time, I'm out.
|You're all on your own.
He'll take the check.
- I'm gonna check the bar.
|- I'll look upstairs.
Seth, we can still turn around.
- Yeah, that's a good idea, Ryan.
|- Yeah? You take the lounge.
- Thanks.
|- Hey.
So where is she? - Because I'll totally fight a girl.
|- I have a job I'm busy doing.
If you came here for some big, dramatic|confrontation, it's gonna have to wait.
I will wait.
I don't know what my problem is.
|I just get so claustrophobic.
Sounds like maybe|you don't want a boyfriend.
Well, if he's not right for me,|then nobody is.
What are you doing here? - Tonight was girls without the boys.
|- It doesn't look like it.
What are you doing here with|Matt Miller? That guy'll hit on anything.
Thanks for the news flash.
- Are you making your rounds?|- Yeah.
That's what I'm doing.
- I'm checking up on you.
|- Then why are you here? I don't know.
Bad idea.
- Hey.
There you are.
|- Hey.
There you are.
My numb is tongue.
You're drunk? - I think that I need some fresh air.
|- That's a good idea.
Let's get you out of here.
- Julie took off?|- She insisted on me putting her in a cab.
Apparently, it is my husbandly duty|to support her ideas.
She's got a point.
|Support each other no matter what.
It's the name of the game.
Which is why I'll support Sandy|at the board meeting.
Putting the marriage|ahead of the company.
- Bold move.
|- Go with Julie on this one.
You won't regret it.
You know, you're not as stubborn|as everybody thinks you are.
Yeah, it's just too much wine.
So how you feeling? - I feel so great.
|- Yeah? Let's go swimming.
- Come on.
|- Hey, swimming in the ocean at night.
Yeah, what's the matter?|Are you scared? No.
You all right? Jeez.
- How much did you drink, huh?|- I don't know.
As much as Marissa.
- That's a lot.
|- Well, I am on a liquid diet tonight.
No dinner too, huh? Well, in that case you hang tight for a minute.
|I'll go grab some greasy fries.
And a lot of coffee.
|The Dawn Atwood special.
- Fries sound so good.
|- Don't they? And then we'll go swimming.
|It'll be fun.
Because when the weather is cold,|the water is warm.
All right.
We'll talk about it|when I get back.
All right? - Okay.
|- All right.
Stay there, okay? You all right? Are you trying to wait me out?|It's not working.
Yeah, it is working.
|That's why you're not waiting.
Let's get this over with.
Come in and tell me everything|I've done to wrong you.
- Okay.
For one, you lied to me.
|- I did not lie to you.
I told you that my ex was in town,|and you filled in the blanks.
Blanks that you left blank.
You know, it's part of your move.
|It's kind of part of what you do.
You got your too cool Jem-|and-the-Holograms thing happening and blowing me off|is part of your act.
- You think it's an act.
|- It's a crutch.
The hair and tattoos,|whiskey and cigarettes for breakfast.
I've actually seen The Banger Sisters.
|Part of it, on cable.
And I know how the story ends.
I'll make sure to Netflix that so I can|be up to speed on your little theory.
Great, you do that.
The point is this was really fun for a while,|but it is just not worth it so I will see you.
So, what are you gonna do? I don't know.
Maybe find a new girl|to walk all over me.
Or maybe even be cool to me.
Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay! Ryan! What are you doing? Lindsay! She's out here somewhere!|Get help! - Lindsay's fine!|- What? I just saw her.
She's fine.
|She's passed out in Alex's office.
She went looking for you, ran into|Marissa, who was doing the same thing.
Yeah? I can't wait to see her.
What happened to you? - Is she okay?|- She'll be fine.
She's just sleeping it off.
- I should get her home.
|- I can do that.
- I think you've done enough.
|- Okay.
This is the part|where you blame it on me? You're right.
It was Lindsay's idea|to pound vodka and pass out.
- Good to see someone else messed-up?|- It was her idea.
- Okay, so it got a little out of control-|- It always does with you.
You spent last year trying to|drag me down with you.
And now her? You want to make a mess|out of your own life? Fine! Doing a good job of it, if you ask me.
- No one asked you.
|- What did you say? - Hey, Ryan, let's- Let's go.
|- I'm not leaving her here.
- I'll take care of her.
You go.
|- Yeah, come on.
It'll be fine.
Ryan, let's go.
Just call and let us know she's okay.
Let's get her out of here.
|Black-and-white milk shake, please.
So I'm sorry for being|Ultra Bitch 2000 tonight.
- Tonight?|- Fair enough.
It's just that|my whole dating experience amounts to a six-month angst-fest|with Cuckoo for Cohen.
So when I'm with you,|someone who is sane and normal it's like I was raised by wolves.
- Do you need the drama?|- Well, if by that you mean do I miss the wolves? No.
See, wolves, they pee all over the place|marking their territory.
But while I'm learning|how to not howl at the moon I need to take baby steps.
- Like this anniversary thing-|- I got it.
And don't worry.
If we're still together when we hit|one year, I'm gonna totally blow it off.
I think that is the sweetest thing|anyone has ever said to me.
Alex called.
Lindsay's home.
Everything okay? I assume so.
|We didn't really have a long talk.
She hung up on me.
Which was maybe a hint|that I really screwed things up tonight.
I don't think me and Marissa|will be hanging out any time soon.
I was probably too hard on her, huh? There were flashes|of the old Ryan Atwood.
It just brings back old issues,|you know.
Marissa, my mom- You don't have to lump Lindsay|in that category.
She was probably just trying|to let loose.
Or Marissa pressured her into it.
I think if Lindsay was feeling pressure,|it was probably coming from you.
I mean, you kind of shotgunned them|into that relationship.
But, I mean, the girlfriend|and the ex as friends? I think that goes against nature.
- Someone could follow their own advice.
|- Yeah.
Yeah, I should apologize.
|It's just my pride.
What pride? - There's nothing standing in my way.
|- You wanna drive or me? - You.
|- All right.
And now my wife has given us all|the opportunity to find out.
Ghosts, et cetera, being only|creations of hysteria - Hey.
|- Hi.
I think everyone wonders|what they would do if they saw a ghost.
If you' re still angry,|you have every right to be.
No, well, that- That's good to know.
|But here's the thing.
I'm not angry at all.
Since I left the law firm, your father's|been grooming me to be his henchman and I've been letting him.
I think, in some way - I've been postponing the inevitable.
|- And that is? Figuring out what to do next.
Sandy, we can still|make your housing idea work.
I'm gonna go on record|recommending the project.
I appreciate that.
But I'd rather you didn't.
Julie's magazine will always|give me the heebie-jeebies.
And business-wise,|it's probably your best bet.
Besides, if I work with you your father will ambush us|every time we try to have a date.
That was the worst date|we've ever had, wasn't it? A double date with your father|and Julie Cooper.
Sounds like the plot of this movie.
Maybe we shouldn't both be here.
It's potentially too much apology|for one doorstep.
- We're not doing it at the same time.
|- That's good.
I don't think the synchronized apology|would work.
It's like you're stalking me.
But I'm stalking|with good intentions.
- I came to apologize.
|- So did I.
- Marissa's inside.
|- Thanks.
And so is Jody.
So you and me are outside.
Look, I don't know.
I- I was hoping this could be easy.
|For you and me to stay friends - you and Lindsay to be friends-|- We all live happily ever after? Yeah, something like that.
I know it seems like a million years ago|we dated.
But it wasn't.
- I know that.
|- And, okay, maybe you're over it.
Maybe it doesn't mean anything|to you anymore.
Maybe it never did.
But it meant a lot to me.
You meant a lot to me.
You still do.
It's not like that.
I I don't know what it's like.
Thinking|you and Lindsay should be friends - was a bad idea.
|- Why? I like her.
And if you do the math,|she's my stepsister, so I guess.
Clearly, it's gonna be strange for us|for a while.
Yeah, I know.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
That's what I came here to say.
I'm sorry too.
So you and Jody?|You getting back together? I doubt it.
She's kind of a pain in the ass.
- But maybe that's my type.
|- Right.
So then, I mean, does that mean|we can go back to before? Because I can forget this ever happened.
I'll wait.
Because that's what adults do.
|They wait.
So I'm waiting.
Adult style.
You ready? Yeah.
I guess so.
Thanks for coming by.
And I'm sorry too.
At last, you've got it all.
Everything I have.
- Even my life.
|- Hey.
- Jody went to sleep.
|- Cool.
- I think we've seen the last of the guys.
|- I wouldn't be so sure.
There's still, like, what,|four minutes of girls' night out left? I've had enough of girls and guys.
There's an old horror movie on.
Works for me.
Are you cold?
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