The Rig (2023) s02e01 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 1

A seismic event can't happen here.
We're not on a fault line.
Well, we keep punching holes
in the Earth,
eventually it's gonna punch back.
Whatever cut off communication,
it's not just happening here,
it's the whole field.
Some of you've been waiting
for your ride home,
you're gonna have to wait
a while longer.
He's barely breathing.
Things happen that you can't control,
focus on the ones you can.
There's no radios, there's no phones.
This fog, these shakes,
do we know
if we're gonna get off here?
It's too late. It's already started.
It isn't something new,
it's something old.
And it's waking up.
Steady hands.
What you being shy for, boys?
I'm literally about to have a baby
with another woman.
Oh, my God, Cat.
Is that fog?
Kacey, you listen to me!
Don't go outside! Do you hear me?!
I've thought about writing a letter.
To leave behind, just in case.
We don't do that!
It's bad luck.
David Coake,
Pictor Research and Expansion.
There's something weird
about this Coake guy.
This Ancestor, if that's what
your lot are calling it,
it's spreading.
Ever since Pictor found it,
it's woken up all the way
across the North Sea.
We kill it. Before it does the same to us.
We weren't drawing oil up from the well.
We were sending something down.
Nature isn't a balance, it's a war!
You and the company caused this
and now you're trying to cover your ass.
The gap between each of the rings
matches the time between each
of the five major mass extinction events.
Which makes this last ring us, now.
Right, everyone else, strapped in!
We're getting out of here!
That's gonna kill thousands!
How long until we get back?
This chopper isn't going back.
What you talking about?
Where are we going?!
Move! Move! All the way down!
That's the way! Come on, people! This way!
Keep moving! Move! Move!
- All the way down!
- Where are we?
What's happening?
Where are Cat and Fulmer?
What have you done with them?!
All the way through!
- Keep moving!
- Are you mad?!
- Keep moving!
- Just tell us where we're going.
Go! Isolation!
This is for your own benefit!
Shift that big guy! Move!
- Straight ahead.
- Fuck off.
Where are the others?
Stay there!
- Don't you lock that door!
- Back off!
Don't you fucking lock that door!
Hey! There's nothing wrong with us!
Hey! Hey!
Cat. Cat
Fulmer? Shit! Shit! Fulmer!
Fulmer! Can you hear me?
- Magnus.
- What is this place?
They've locked us in!
- Open it!
- No one gets in or out.
Coake! Arsehole!
Let us out!
A State of Emergency
has been declared this morning
after a powerful Scale 12 tsunami struck
a wide area of the North Sea coastline,
including the United Kingdom,
the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.
The United Nations and the European Union
have called for
an immediate international response,
and world leaders are pledging
to send aid
and emergency workers
to the affected
Five minutes out, Miss Lennox.
- Copy that.
- The tsunami hit
in the early hours of the morning,
catching multiple major
population centres off guard
with flood waters
causing extensive damage to cities
including Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Dundee,
and Newcastle,
and inundating coastal areas
You'll see the facility
on the right hand side.
Let's hope they've kept it warm for us.
Pictor One to Stac Control,
coming in from the South-West.
One passenger
Right, okay.
Pictor One, winds looks good. Standby.
Helideck de-icing crew finishing up now.
Commencing checks for landing.
Confirm when the deck is ready.
Pictor One
Wasn't expecting the personal touch.
With her, you don't expect.
You watch, carefully.
Keep her circling for now.
Pictor One, await instructions
for final approach.
Something for our guests, first.
Have they been
giving you any trouble?
Not as much as I'd like.
This is Stac Control
And the two in the Med-Bay?
The girl is clear and lover boy
has passed the infectious stage.
Still have doses of the blocker,
if you want them.
Not yet. He may still be useful.
This is Stac Control.
De-icing team, clear the path.
Landing team to position
Guess she didn't get the message.
What's the status below?
More than we can handle alone.
Does she know?
Why do you think she's here?
Pictor One to Stac Control.
Final checks for landing.
Copy that.
What a fucking shit show.
We shoulda rushed them
as soon as we come on board.
There's not that many of them.
More than us.
Why'd they only take him and Cat?
Who's to say they're not gonna
come back.
That's a cheery thought.
They had the most contact
with the Ancestor.
Coake's probably trying
to work out a way to kill it.
You and your fucking Ancestor.
Look what it's done!
Fuck's sake, Hutton!
People are grieving, man.
Why you gotta turn everything
into a fight?
the possibility
of fuel rationing and rolling blackouts,
as the full scale of damage
They never had a chance.
We ran out of time.
- I know.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
- Sorry for all of it.
Sorry ain't gonna
bring 'em back, is it?
Being there doesn't make it
our fault, remember.
Listen, I know you're hurting,
I know you're scared,
worried about who you've got
back home.
If we're gonna get out of here,
we have got to stick together. All right.
Yeah, but we're not together, are we?
And that's the fucking point.
What the fuck?
You fainted.
That was a big one.
They sound like they're getting worse.
What the hell?
- Are we--
- Still with Coake.
He's put us under observation, remember.
One big, happy family.
I thought it was gone.
But I'm still seeing flashes.
Flashes of what?
It feels like
Lots of that going round.
Rose was right, you know.
Baz, the Ancestor, all of it.
If we'd gotten behind her sooner,
we might've stopped it.
'Ifs' don't change anything.
You all made a promise you'd get us back
and you broke it.
I'm not doing the same, not to Kacey.
I want to go home. Now.
That's all I want.
You got family back there?
They're all in London.
It didn't get hit.
Manchester. Same.
Bet they're wondering
where we are, though.
My grandma visited me in Edinburgh once.
She said that was the whitest place
in the world.
Least we get to see it
before it all melts.
Last generation with a frozen Pole.
So, how are my heroes doing?
Step back!
- We're not prisoners!
- Step back!
What's going on here?
Step back. I said back!
- Let him talk.
- You too, big lad.
Leave it. He's not worth it.
Don't think I forgot about you.
Nice blast from the past.
Yeah, not that nice.
Listen, pal.
I've met plenty of 'roid gorillas like you
before and I'm not impressed.
So, why don't you back off.
And, Coake,
why don't you tell us
what you fucking want?
You gonna keep us locked up forever?
That depends on you.
You heard the chopper.
There's another one directly behind it.
Each one of these contracts
is a ticket home,
plus a $200,000 compensation package.
Let me guess, never speak about it again?
You can talk, as long as you say
exactly what's in here.
Anyone breaks the contract,
you'll find the sharks in Legal
are a lot less friendly than me.
Everyone stick with it,
you get additional payments every year.
Think of it as an early pension.
What if we don't sign?
Then, it's a long, cold walk home.
Oh, fuck you!
Maybe later.
I've got more of your problems
to fix first.
Magnus and Rose, with me.
We're not going anywhere until you tell us
what you've done with the others.
You're not going anywhere
unless you do as I say.
That's the choice, so make it.
What option do we have?
Sit tight. We'll be back.
The rest of you, this is your way back.
You get home, you get paid, you get out.
Trust me, you won't get a better deal
than that.
So, what's the big plan, Coake?
What are we doing here?
You're here because the company
can't afford for you not to be.
That wave destroyed almost every asset
we have in the North Sea,
not to mention the shit-show on land.
Pictor One landing.
Arrival crew standby.
This feels like a bit more than being
at the back of the queue.
You're not in the queue.
As far as the rest of the world
is concerned,
you're all still missing.
If I had my way, that's how it'd stay.
Why don't you throw us over the side
and get it over with?
Because I don't have my way.
You two stay here, grab coats.
Thank you.
If the weather changes I want to know.
You get stuck out here for a day
and it lasts a week.
That is interesting.
You know her?
- Coming through.
- Used to.
The Bravo crew all here?
All the survivors.
You sure about using them for this?
Bringing in another team means
telling them about the entity.
And everything else
you've been hiding up here.
The truth only spreads if you let it.
Rose, nice to see you.
You too.
Which must make you Magnus.
Morgan Lennox. Pictor CEO.
The boss of all the bosses.
Someone has to be.
And since none of you've has been able
to contain this chaos--
Er, it might've been helpful
if we'd had all the information.
What have you told them?
The Stac isn't just a rig, it's a mine.
Mining the seabed has been discussed
for decades,
but nobody could get the technology
to work, until now.
The Stac's our final testing facility
before commercial deployment.
We run a skeleton crew now.
In the end, it'll be largely automated.
Mining what?
Rare earth metals.
The kind we need
for renewable technology.
There's a whole dark continent of them
down there, waiting to be explored.
You must've been working on this
for a while.
Don't sound so surprised.
I thought you wanted Pictor
to get out of oil.
I also used to work in the tar sands,
so forgive me if I'm not convinced
bulldozing the seafloor
is necessarily a great step forward.
It's more like going from keyhole surgery
back to Medieval medicine.
Our modelling shows that deep sea mining
is far less damaging
than doing the same on the surface.
No one wants negative impacts,
but we all need what's down there
if we're to make the green transition
really work.
It's also where we first met
your little glowing friend.
And then, made killing it
top of your priorities?
My priority is the survival of the company
and the safety of the crew.
Which is why we need you.
Control, this is Cooper.
We're in the target area but we've got
bad readings coming through.
Suggest an abort. Fuck!
What the hell is that?
Back it up. Back it up!
we've got alarms
all over the place here.
The umbilical's under stress and there's
some kind of disruption in the water.
Shit. Shit! We're--
That transmission's from one
of our survey teams.
They're missing.
It came in just before we landed.
Out on the ice?
Not on it. Under it.
They got caught up in an aftershock
from the slide
when it churned up the seabed.
No contact since.
What exactly were they looking for?
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the largest
undersea mountain range in the world.
Longer than the Himalayas, the Andes
and the Alps put together.
And it runs from here,
down through Iceland,
right down the centre of the Earth
like a spine.
Or a seam. You know,
if we're talking mining.
Currents push deposits
up against the ridge,
creating mineral-rich areas.
And the Stac sits on a natural shelf
directly above one of these fields.
How far down are we talking?
The shelf bottoms out at 200 metres,
but beyond that,
the seabed drops off steeply
'til it reaches the abyssal plain,
four-and-a-half thousand metres down.
A lot deeper than the North Sea.
Yeah, it's about 15 times the height
of the Eiffel Tower, give or take.
I think I'll pass.
We've narrowed down the position
of the survey team to this area.
And you send them out into the dark.
The mining Rovers are connected
to the Stac by umbilical tethers.
They get all their primary air, heat,
and power from us.
But it snapped during the slide
four hours ago.
Emergency back-ups?
That's what they're running on.
They've got about two hours
of oxygen left.
If they're even still alive.
Let him speak.
We keep the crew here to essentials only.
I need more hands to bring them back.
I'm sorry? Are you asking us
to fucking help you?
After everything you've done.
It's not me we need to save.
Not down there,
but this is your show, isn't it?
It's your neck on the line
with the company.
Otherwise, why is she here?
Gentlemen, excuse us. Rose.
I regret not bringing you in
on this earlier.
Coake has certain skills,
but what's happening here
requires subtlety.
It seems pretty clear to me.
The company knows
there's no future in oil,
so they moved on
to carving up the seabed instead.
'Til you found what we found, and now,
you can't let us go back to the beach
because you don't want fingers pointed
and you definitely
don't want governments
poking their noses in.
They've sent you to ensure
that we don't make a bad situation worse.
That's certainly what I would tell
anyone else sitting in that seat.
But you are not just anyone else.
Because I'm special, right?
Except you used that line on me before,
years ago, and then you cut me off.
And I still don't know why.
I'm sorry.
I got that wrong.
But I did it because I knew
that you could stand on your own two feet.
I promise, the first I knew
you were in danger
was when that wave hit.
There you go.
Once you've signed,
you get home, you get rich.
You have any bright ideas
how to get out of here?
Well, I haven't brought my skis,
if that's what you're asking.
Come on, let's go. Time's wasting.
It's good.
If you're not on these choppers,
it's a long time 'til the next icebreaker
gets here.
Survival suits on.
Some of you will be heading down
to the chopper on the ice,
the rest of you to the helideck.
- Got it.
- See ya.
See you guys.
Two-hundred grand.
It's not nothing.
It is to them.
Disasters like this,
there'll be inquiries, investigations,
journalists, parliaments,
government agencies.
If you sign that,
you've gotta lie to them all.
As well as all the people
you're rushing to get back to.
Pictor can't hide all this forever.
The truth will come out.
So, if you sign, when it does,
you'll be on their team.
Try explaining that to everyone
who lost someone.
Can't we just sign it,
get back and tell people anyway?
Have you got any evidence?
'Cause Pictor have got the lawyers,
and they've got the money,
and you better believe
they'll get the media.
They're running their corporate cover-up
playbook, page by page.
So, whatever they offer,
it's not meant to help us.
Coake was supposed to be up here.
Everything he did was off-book.
But you did still know
about the Ancestor, right?
So, is any of this the truth
or just a higher grade of lie?
The truth is that there is a war
being fought in Pictor,
inside the whole industry.
And it's not just about oil,
it's about the future.
You're right, Coake and his allies
just want to go from drilling holes
in the Earth to ripping it up.
But you have a different plan?
Not my plan. It's yours.
We move full speed into renewables.
Pivot the whole company.
Force the rest of the industry
to catch up.
And we release everything we know
about the Ancestor
so we can study it, properly.
But we can't do it yet.
Is the end of the world
not a good time for you?
I can't fight fires on all fronts.
If this project goes down
while we're still picking out caskets
for everyone that got hit by that wave,
chances are I am out.
And I very much doubt
that the Pictor shareholders'll replace me
with someone like us.
So, believe me when I say,
I need our very best people on this.
That's why I'm putting you in charge.
Well then, you better tell Coake
to let Fulmer out of whatever cell
he's put him in.
I already have.
Are you all right?
What'd they do to you?
I'm fine. We both are.
No thanks to that prick.
Cute. When you've finished,
there's more I have to show you.
I'm happy to report there's been
a change of management.
Where's Coake?
Still upstairs, but Rose
is running the show now.
So, we're going back?
Not yet. There's work to do first.
Come on.
I'm not making lunch for everyone
if that's what you mean.
It's a wee bit more involved than that.
A lift. Luxury!
I'll take a bit of luxury. Come on.
Getting a bit old for going up the stairs?
Aye, me and Danny Glover.
Who said we're going up?
Anyone else got a sinking feeling?
Coake said this place was
He wasn't lying.
Well, let's hope they didn't
build it cheap.
It's a lot of things,
but I don't think it was cheap.
So, this is what they did
with all the taxes they don't pay.
Hey, check this out. Some heavy kit.
Controls look standard layout.
Yeah, it's about the only thing that is.
Didn't you say you'd been here before?
No, not this part.
I worked on the topside
installing software on the dry dock
before they floated it out.
Never told us about any of this.
I'll bet.
Hey, is that Fulmer?
Coake gets all this,
and we couldn't even get decent Wi-Fi.
Tell me about it.
And Lennox just put you in charge?
She's done it before. Plucked me
right out of the graduate programme.
And if she hadn't,
we probably would've never met.
Okay, she gets points for that.
Scared I can't handle it?
No, no. I know what you're capable of.
Like failing to stop the wave
and nearly getting everyone killed.
That kind of capable?
You're deflecting.
And you don't have to do that anymore.
Not with me.
Well, that's good, because this time,
I'm not waiting around
for you guys to finish marking territory
and measuring dicks.
You've been out here too long.
Get on the comms
and make yourself useful.
We're getting this team back.
What've you got?
We've narrowed the search area to this.
How long to get there?
Once we launch,
at full speed, 30 minutes.
How long do they have left?
One-hour fifteen
before their air runs out.
No margin for error.
I wouldn't.
That water comes from outside.
Ah. It's pretty cold, then?
Yeah, enough to give you frostbite.
That's why when you meet someone
in the Arctic,
it's rude to count their fingers.
Welcome to the Stac.
No way. Harish? Is he with you?
Er, yeah.
Harish! Hey
Fuckin' hell.
Hey. Hey man, I heard about the Charlie.
Thought you were dead.
No, not yet.
Who's this?
Mm, good question. Harish?
- Um
- Ah, sorry.
Kyle Cameron. Sat Diver and Technician.
- We do a lot of doubling up here.
- Mm, looks like it.
And me and Harish, er,
we used to, um
Do training together?
Yeah. Yeah, something like that.
You really are friendly.
That's Rover team
commencing pre-launch checks.
All non-essential crew
to clear the Wet Dock.
Repeat, all non-essential crew
to clear the Wet Dock.
- Creepy, aren't they?
- Fuck!
Sorry. This is its natural state,
we think.
Or one of them.
What makes it glow?
Organic phosphorescent compounds
inside the cells.
They're called Luciferins,
from the Latin, Lucifer.
- It means, er--
- "Light bringer".
You know your biology.
Not quite.
Er, I'm Askel, Research Lead for the Stac.
You're from the Bravo, right?
Yeah. From what's left of it.
I'd like to speak to you all,
when there's time.
What happened there
needs to be recorded.
For the company?
Them? No.
Even with all this discovery
right in front of them,
do you know what they're interested in?
Polymetallic nodules.
Valuable rocks.
Rich in cobalt, nickel, manganese, gold.
And that's why Pictor's mining them?
That's why they're trying to mine them.
With variable results.
Ruining the last unexplored ecosystem
on the planet
before we've barely had the chance
to study it.
All the while,
they have a real discovery right here.
Something that might actually
change the world, if we understood it.
But who cares about intelligent life
when there's money to be made?
Can you tell why I don't get promoted.
We stopped Coake.
He's not running things anymore.
He never was.
Coake's just the instrument,
not the conductor.
Time's ticking. Barely an hour left.
They're ready to start prepping
the launch.
Don't let me stop them.
Rover team, good to go.
Bringing back memories?
Only the bad ones.
At least none of us are claustrophobic.
Yeah, not yet.
How up to date is your medical training?
About as up to date as the rest of me.
Take a radio and
check the Med-Kits are ready.
I'll put Cat on stand-by.
Cat's still up top.
Lennox wanted to see her.
You trust her?
More than I trust the rest of them.
That's the deal.
We take you back. We get you checked out,
and the baby.
You'll help me find Kacey.
Once you've done your part,
we'll do ours.
You have my word.
The promise of a boss.
I've had those before.
I'm also a mother.
And a grandmother. And a wife.
this is not the place for you, not now.
But the company can't let you go back
if we don't know what you're gonna
tell people when you get there.
The truth will come out.
Rose will see to that.
But if it comes too soon,
we won't have the evidence
to back it up,
or the resources to help you.
This is what's best for all of you.
This says, "no injuries sustained".
Standard wording.
I'll give you a minute.
But the choppers are ready to go.
Did she sign it?
She will.
Any others?
We've had some volunteers.
Good. It'll play better with more.
And when they find out, Magnus and Rose?
Let me worry about that.
You've still got a job to do.
We need that survey log.
Cameron's been briefed. He'll get it.
He better.
For all our sakes.
All crew, launch in 20 minutes.
- Repeat, all crew
- Fancy suit.
Pressure Equalising Dive System.
Only a couple in the world.
Means I can go out without blowing down
or going through decompression
on the way in.
Is it safe?
Unless your valves fail,
and the pressure crushes you
like a tube of toothpaste.
Or the battery dies, and you freeze.
Or your umbilical breaks,
you can't find your way back
and you're lost in the dark
until you run out of air.
Sounds real inviting.
Ah, takes a special sort, you know.
That's what's happened
to the survey team? Lost their umbilical?
In an aftershock from the slide.
It must've been some bump
to make them go dark.
But you're still going after 'em?
That's the job. They're my crew.
Dive lead,
report to Launch Bay 2.
Repeat, Dive lead,
report to Launch Bay 2.
Quite the beast.
What's its tolerance?
It'll take 40 atmospheres.
That's about 400 metres.
More than that and
How many crew?
One to drive, one to dive.
I want one of our people on it.
This isn't a quick dip in the pool
we're talking about.
If we're doing this,
we're doing it together.
Lennox put me in charge so,
if you want, take it up with her.
You're the boss.
We all set?
Yeah, we just need a pilot.
Easter? Think you can do it?
Thirteen minutes to launch.
Yeah, I'll do it.
Want to see what this thing can do.
Are you sure?
I got this. You know me.
Always up for a new experience.
Er, excuse me?
If you're coming on this date,
you're not going dressed like that.
You made your choice?
Let's just get this done.
There's still time to say goodbye,
if you want.
She's not the type.
I thought it was quiet around here.
You not done causing trouble?
Yeah, I am, actually.
Ah, there's nothing for me here anymore.
Nothing for me back there either but,
except for these.
Dunlin's letters?
Well, his family are not gonna
get the body back, are they?
So, they should at least have these.
You gonna tell 'em what happened?
They'll get to know
what they need to know.
And it'll be better coming from me
you know, rather than some company cunt.
He's a charmer.
Wait 'til you really get to know him.
Ten minutes to launch.
Okay, so, power, lights, comms, pressure.
What else you got?
Think you can handle it?
If it's got a stick, I can drive it.
Quite a claim.
Sealing Launch Bay 2.
Repeat. Sealing Launch Bay 2.
Interior Wet Dock doors sealed.
Commencing pumps.
Ready to stare into the abyss?
Nearing maximum fill.
Rover equalisation complete.
Open exterior hatch.
One small step for man
Man ain't meant to be down here.
Well, if you'd rather stay behind
Control, this is Rover 2.
All systems online.
We're taking her out.
They've cleared the hatch.
Easter's matching course
to the survey team's estimated position.
They're on their way. Good work.
Control, at current speed,
we should reach the search area
in about 15 minutes,
Received, Rover 2.
They need to be faster.
Murch, you there?
Yeah, reading you. Med-Kits ready.
Okay good. I want you
on the umbilical station.
You got it.
We're not losing anybody else on this.
Since we've been here,
have you felt anything?
You mean, from the Ancestor?
I've had flashes.
It's not like before.
This is where Pictor first found it.
Down in the dark.
We're in its world now.
You're leaving? You only just got here.
Management is delegation.
I came for you.
Now, I need to clean up
the rest of this mess.
What about Coake?
He stays. Working under you and Magnus.
He's a useful tool.
Not sure about the useful part.
I've told him to give you access
to everything on the Ancestor.
Once you get the survey team back,
that's the focus.
So Pictor can find
a more efficient way to kill it?
The company's never gonna care
about this discovery.
I care about it.
And if it really did
cause that tsunami
It did. I was there.
Then I need to know if it's gonna
do something like that again.
- Or worse.
- It was a warning.
They don't work so well
if you cover them up.
If you ever get to my position,
you're gonna want to change everything,
make it right. I did, too.
But when you get here,
you learn you can only go all in once.
And that's what it takes
to make real change, all in.
If we tell the world now,
and we can't back it up,
then people are just as likely
to see this warning as something else.
An attack.
Then it won't only be Coake
trying to destroy it.
We've got to build a case
for protecting it first.
Well then, we better do it fast.
That's up to you. Don't fuck it up.
- Tell 'em to hold for five minutes.
- Will do.
- Hutton.
- Boss man.
I don't even earn a goodbye?
Some thought it would be better without.
But for me
Look after them.
I will.
Right. Here.
See you soon, Magnus.
That's it.
You still have to sign if you want
to get back. All of you.
Looks like we're staying put then.
Nothing I'm not used to.
It's not a game.
Yet, I can't shake the feeling
we're being played.
Think what you want.
Men like you always do.
Age before beauty?
Not on this flight, love.
You been out here before?
Not this far.
How they doing?
It's gonna be tight.
Closing in on last known position.
Shouldn't be long now.
How long 'til they get there?
About three minutes.
What is that?
Control, we've got lights.
They've found them.
Getting it on the sonar, too.
That's great, Easter.
Continue your approach.
Yes, ma'am.
Fifteen minutes to get air to them.
Looks like they're losing power.
Getting closer.
Come on, mate. Keep it going.
I think I can see it.
Stop here.
Control, confirm visual.
We've got them.
- That's great!
- Yes!
Let's get them that air.
Let the silt clear.
There's debris.
The glass.
Ah, poor bastards.
Base, this is Cameron.
Are you seeing what we're seeing?
There's massive damage to the Rover.
Cockpit is shattered.
They didn't stand a chance.
Fuck this!
Look at the front of it.
There's nothing we could've done.
Just don't. Don't.
He's the one who sent them out there,
and now I'm the one
who's gotta pick up the pieces.
Fucking bullshit mission.
- Should I
- No. I'll go.
Can you take over?
There's no way that was done
by an aftershock.
What now? Do we bring them back?
Base, this is Cameron.
Requesting permission
to investigate the wreckage.
Permission denied.
We'll mark the site
and plan a proper recovery.
That's not your call.
Well, I'm making it.
The mission isn't finished.
We need to recover the crew
and then check the crash site,
if we're gonna stand any chance
of knowing what did this.
Aw, come on, what youse playing at?!
What they arguing about?
Can't just leave them there!
How long will it take you?
Not long.
Fifteen minutes, tops.
They were your team, right?
So, let's go and get them.
If there are bodies in there,
they aren't going anywhere.
I'm not risking adding more.
You risked it all for your crew
you're saying
I can't do the same?
This is different. They're already gone.
You gonna tell the families
that are waiting for them?
If they're still alive, that is.
Control, we're commencing
recovery operation.
Easter, this is Magnus.
Stand down, that's an order.
Er, sorry, Boss, can't hear you,
you're breaking up.
Continuing with the mission.
At least some of your crew
know what's important.
Easter, you've got ten minutes,
then I'm reeling you in.
And when you get back,
we're gonna talk.
Yes, sir.
Cam, how we doing in there?
Wet Lock is filled, and suit equalised
to external pressure.
Opening outer hatch.
Don't keep me waiting.
How about you don't leave me behind.
Why are they still out there?
Cameron and Easter have gone
to investigate the crash site.
That's not essential to the mission.
It is for him, apparently.
I've never seen damage like this before.
Looks like a pressure failure
on the glass.
Entering Rover 1 now.
I've got eyes on a body.
I thought there were two.
Jesus Christ!
You all right?
What was that?
What's going on?
I'm all right.
Both crew accounted for.
Thank fuck.
It's a real mess in here.
Yeah, well, sooner you're out,
sooner we go.
Yeah, I hear ya.
Securing bodies for recovery now.
What's taking so long?
Fulmer, find out what's happening.
Easter, it's Fulmer.
Talk to me. How's it going?
Control, we're all good here.
Cameron's back. Recovery successful.
We're turning around.
Good to hear it, Easter.
Try not to bump the Rover on the way in.
Hey, don't knock my parking.
You know I'm always snug.
All Stations, Rover 2 returning.
- Repeat, all stations, Rover 2
- Whatever you're hiding,
we're gonna find out.
Just looking out for my crew.
Same as you.
I'm going up to the Lab.
Askel should see this.
I'll come with. Better to stay busy.
Lights. Something's triggering
the Ancestor!
Shit. We have to warn them!
This can't be good for the Rover!
- Hey, what's happening?
- What's going on?
Easter, get back right now.
Get back now!
- The Ancestor's out there!
- What?
The samples in the Lab,
they're going crazy.
Control, say again?
You're breaking up.
- You have to get them back!
- Calm it.
- You have to get them back!
- Stop struggling!
Holy shit!
Where the hell did you come from?
We've contact behind us. And it is big!
I hear you.
But it's not just behind us. Come look.
Control, you aren't gonna like this.
It's all around us.
I'm gonna push through.
Go. Go, go!
It doesn't attack unless you threaten it.
You've seen this before?
No. It's what I've heard.
Shit! We've got a pressure warning!
I thought that wasn't possible.
I'm reconsidering my idea of possible.
Control, you getting this?
We've got a big problem here!
We've gotta get them back.
It's crushing them!
Can we reel them in on the umbilical?
Murch, you got them?
We're pulling!
But it's got them locked tight!
We're losing the umbilical!
Leave it! Get out!
Shit! We've lost visuals.
Easter, can you hear me? Are you there?
You have to get them back!
You have to get them back.
Let go of me!
It's stopped.
No, it hasn't.
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