The Rig (2023) s02e02 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 2

[tense music]
You have to get them back!
Stop bloody struggling!
- Can we restore visuals?
- [Fulmer] It's not responding.
You've gotta send another rover out there.
- There isn't another one.
- You've got to do something!
Sort your shit out
or I'll sort it for you!
Listen to me!
They're doing everything they can, okay?
No one here is your enemy. Okay?
I need to help.
We can't help. We just have to wait.
Easter. Easter, get in the Wet Lock.
What about you?
Most things that live down here,
they can't see well.
But they're sensitive to sound.
That's why we put a limiter on the sonar.
- So?
- [Cameron] So, I'm gonna turn it off.
Give this thing both barrels.
Are you sure the glass can take it?
No, I'm not. But in here might.
Hey, hey! What you doing?
I've already lost two friends today.
I'm not gonna make it three.
Warning. Sonar limiter disengaged.
Warning. Sonar limiter disengaged.
Rover 2, this is Stac Control.
Do you read?
Switching to emergency channel.
Easter? Cameron?
Do you read?
[sonar bings]
Warning. Sonar limiter disengaged.
[glass cracking]
Warning. Sonar limiter disengaged.
[opening theme music plays]
[piercing screech]
- [Harish] What is that?
- [Fulmer] Jesus!
It's a sonar pulse.
From the rover?
Smart move. We suspected sound
might cause it pain.
Remind me never to get you a pet.
Rover 2, this is Stac Control.
Do you copy?
- Come in, Rover 2.
- You okay?
Easter, this is Magnus. Are you reading?
Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just--
- [Magnus] Come in, Rover 2.
- That was some buzz.
Rover 2, repeat, this is Stac Control.
Can you hear us?
[radio static]
We got your pulse.
[radio static]
Tell me you're still out there, lads?
[radio static]
Control, this is Rover 2.
[relieved sighs]
[Easter] We are now taking requests
on Radio Abyss.
All killer, no filler.
How about, Get Your Ass Back Here Now
by Fast As Fuck Boyo.
Ah, it's good to hear it, Easter.
Is Cameron with you, too?
Yeah, he's here, but that thing
did a number on us.
The Rover's tracks are jammed
and our cockpit glass is one crack away
from a very cold bath.
If you try and move this thing, we'll
we'll end up like the others.
We're not leaving them down there.
There's got to be another way
to get them back.
If we cannot bring them to the Stac,
we'll have to bring the Stac to them.
Coake to Bremner, come in.
You're sure it'll work?
We know their location.
If we can get to them, we can retrieve
the rover through the launch bay.
As long as that thing
doesn't come back for another go.
Ready to set the charges?
The Stac is frozen in hard.
We have to break open a lead
before we can move.
Easiest way
is to use explosives.
Right. Magnus and Fulmer,
with Bremner on the ice.
Rose, with me.
Hey, you're not the one giving orders
here any more, remember?
They need rescuing, this is how we do it.
There's one of mine down there
as well as one of yours.
The longer they're out there,
the more chance of it coming back.
And you said no wasting time
for measuring dicks, right?
Fine. Suit up, let's get this done.
You and me will monitor
from the Control Room.
Do you think it really wanted
to kill them?
They weren't threatening it,
but it might not even be the same one
as on the Bravo.
What, like, that was the kid
and we just met its mam?
It doesn't really work that way.
Not with an organism of this kind.
It's more like a colony.
But you're right about one thing.
Only one?
Sorry, what I mean is
the North Sea is young,
relatively speaking.
And this ocean is not.
The Arctic ice cap last formed
three million years ago,
so things can grow pretty big
when they have that long to do it.
How big we talking?
The Great Barrier Reef
only started growing 20,000 years ago
and now, er, it's the size of Japan.
Pretty big, then.
Try not to drop them or
we'll be picking you up with a sponge.
It's a worry. He's already tried
blowing himself up.
Once was enough.
We use this to cut into the ice.
Get as close to the surface as possible
without breaking through.
The blast has to project down
for it to work.
How many?
We do two rows of twelve.
A hundred meters between each set.
Once the Stac gets moving,
momentum will do the rest.
How do we get down?
There's a ladder down the leg.
Should know by now,
there's always another ladder.
My favourite.
Are you expecting pirates?
Polar bears.
You wouldn't think
a 700-kilo killing machine
could sneak up on you out here,
until it does.
So, whenever we're on the ice,
we're packing.
But not sharing?
Can't be the hero all the time.
Ladder's this way.
[mechanical cranking]
[Coake] All mechanics stationed
and ready at the teeth?
[CRO 1]
Yes. Braking systems ready to go.
Prepare to take both modules
to transport depth.
Bring engines online.
Are the ice team down?
[wind howling]
Watch out for the black ice.
Don't need to be dealing with
pulling you out.
Team player, he is.
[Bremner] Used to be this fjord
was permanently frozen.
Now, it melts every year.
We mark out the weak spots
for the choppers,
but that out there is no man's land.
And if you fall through?
If you fall through, then that cold
is gonna hit you like a vice.
Hold on, Easter. We're coming.
Glad to hear it!
[Coake over PA]
This is Control. All personnel,
prepare to jack-down to transport depth.
This is not a drill.
Everyone hold onto something.
This'll be fast.
Engage leg lifters on my mark.
[cranking, clattering]
Time to move.
[tense music]
They're brave. I'll give 'em that.
Magnus doesn't leave people behind.
[epic music]
[drill whirring]
That's deep enough.
First charge.
[charge beeps]
Primed and synced.
Take it. Get that one done.
On it.
One down, 23 to go.
Feel free to do the next one.
You're doing just fine.
It's all about keeping calm
in the moment.
[drill whirring]
Next pair.
[ominous music]
Begin Subsea Module lift.
[over PA]
Subsea Module lift in progress.
Lift complete.
[over PA]
Subsea Module lift
- Legs locked for travel.
- [CRO 1] Confirmed.
As soon as the ice team are done, we go.
[CRO 1]
All crew, stations for transfer.
Subsea Module, are you ready?
Ready down here.
All hatches sealed and
the rover recovery system is in position.
All we need now is a clear path.
[tense music]
Two holes left to go.
I'll get them started.
When we're ready, you just flip and press.
[ice cracks loudly]
[ice cracking]
It's coming apart!
It's the waves from the Stac.
They're breaking the ice up
from underneath.
- [ice cracking like gunshots]
- This is not good.
Come on! Let's go!
This isn't safe.
Keep it calm, right? Let's get it done.
[rumbling, cracking continues]
Don't you fucking break.
Don't you fucking break.
[loud cracking]
[gasps] I thought that was me there.
Come on!
Come on!
[yelps] Shit!
Fuck. We've got to get him.
No, wait, wait.
We don't know where the cracks are.
Just take it slow.
- [Bremner] Hurry up!
- Spread your weight.
Hurry up! Move!
Move it!
- [deep rumbling]
- [Bremner] What are you doing?!
I'm slipping!
Just hold on!
Hurry up, I'm slipping! I'm slipping!
We've got you! We've got you!
Now, kick with your legs.
I can't fucking swim.
You don't need to swim.
Kick with your fucking legs!
God damn it!
What? What is it?
Ice team, what the hell
are you playing at down there?
We haven't got time for this.
Thanks for the fucking support!
Ignore him. Kick with your damn legs.
[gasps] The detonator!
We lose that,
we can't set off the charges.
- [Fulmer] Did you get it?
- Yes! Aah.
- [Fulmer] Boss?
- [Magnus] I got it.
Boss, you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine.
Come on, let's get him out!
Pull! Pull! Come on.
Magnus, Fulmer? You, okay? Over.
Yeah, we're fine.
Nothing a hot shower won't fix.
Well, that we can do.
[groans] Come on.
Two charges to go.
Then, don't waste time
talking to me, over.
Come on.
Let's go. Come on. Come on!
Easter, Cameron. You good?
I don't know about good,
but I'm ready to get the hell
out of this can.
Roger that.
Go on.
We're safe enough here.
Rose, all charges down.
We're ready when you are.
It's your show.
Blow it.
I really hope that's them.
- [radio blips]
- [Rose] Ice team, you still there? Over.
Yeah, we're all good. Start her up.
Start the engines.
[Cro 1]
Starting main propulsion.
[over PA]
Propulsion engaged.
Transfer in progress.
Rover team, we're on our way.
Glad to hear it.
Back to the belly of the beast.
Rather that one there
than the one out here.
[helicopter whirring]
We'll be landing soon.
Once we're down, one quick job,
and then we'll help you find Kacey.
Where are all the lights?
They're rationing electricity.
Diverting it to rescue and recovery sites
far outside the impact area.
Must be a big area.
When nature kicks
she doesn't miss.
[power tools whirring]
[crew member]
[Coake] you were having
a little dip in the paddling pool.
Cameron and Easter
are getting cleaned up,
and then I'm sending them over
to Murch in Medical.
You had that hand checked out?
Ah, probably not a bad idea.
[Coake] Your slip up could've
compromised this whole thing.
- I didn't compromise anything.
- Don't give me your excuses
You get anything out of Bremner,
about the mission?
He's loyal, I'll give him that.
Not that it seems to be
doing him any good.
[tools clatter]
Big Blue really did a number on your toy.
If it can do that to a rover,
it can do the same to us down here.
The pressure readings they were getting
would collapse this place like a tomb.
So, tell me again, why you think
we should make friends with it?
How about so it doesn't
collapse this place like a tomb?
We've seen the damage the Ancestor can do,
just as much as you.
If we want to stop it,
we need to understand it.
I understand it just fine.
There was me thinking
we were starting to get along.
I don't believe a word he says.
Lennox gave you access
to the Stac's files, right?
Yeah, I haven't gone through them yet.
Hey, there's got to be something in there
we can use.
You concentrate on that,
I'll talk to Cameron.
Maybe he'll be more forthcoming. Deal?
[contemplative music]
I'm sorry, man, for your team.
Didn't say anything just in case,
you know,
ended up just like 'em.
They should never have been out there.
Fuckin' Coake.
[door opens]
Knock, knock.
Hope you guys played nice out there.
Spent most of it talking about you.
Comparing notes.
And? What did you learn?
Not much.
Your boy's pretty good
at playing it close to his chest.
[ominous music]
Hey, you did well,
bringing back the other team.
[scoffs] Uh, funny, I don't remember
you saying that at the time.
Or is it just your crew that's a priority?
No, it's not about priority.
It's about perspective.
I made the right call for mine.
But you did, too.
Yeah, they all seem to trust you.
Give me a good reason and I might, too.
But you ain't done it yet.
[sirens blaring]
[over PA] Missing persons
can be reported at main registration.
All efforts are being made to reunite
families and lost loved ones.
I repeat
[emotional music]
[overlapping chatter]
What the fuck is this?
It's a casualty clearing centre.
Survivors from the city are triaged here
and then moved to hospitals inland
or reunited.
Returning crews are the same.
We're supposed to be going to Edinburgh.
The city's off limits,
but if Kacey's been found,
she'll have come through here.
This is the place to start.
Right this way, please. This way.
All returning
Pictor's taken over these offices
to coordinate our response.
They'll look after you.
[phone ringing]
I'll be right back.
[worker] Bravo crew, any remaining
Bravo crew, into the registration tents.
Nothing that's happened
changes the agreement.
We get the rights to the whole sector
or we walk.
[Hubb staff]
Can I have your name and platform?
Penny Knight? Lovely
That's always been the deal.
Catherine Braithwaite, Kinloch Bravo.
Yeah, she knows what to do.
No, we make it personal,
we make it small.
We're as much a victim
as anyone else.
Come on, come on.
Still nothing?
I can't get her or her family.
It's all fucked.
Should be out there looking.
That's what she'd do for me.
Yeah, I don't think they're gonna
let us just walk out of here.
She's got plans for you.
Cat, you saw the doctor at the heliport,
didn't you?
Yeah. Fine. We're-we're fine.
Good. It's nearly time.
The sooner the press conference is done,
the sooner we can start looking for Kacey.
Okay. You've gotta tell me.
Why me, why's it gotta be me?
Because you have hope and
that's what the people watching this need.
- [door opens]
- [Fulmer] Hey.
Hey. [sighs]
A bit of light reading?
This is supposed to be everything Coake
had on the Ancestor since its discovery.
So, what you found out?
That's just it, there's nothing here.
Reports on the mining project,
equipment testing, impact assessments,
and all this data's been encrypted.
So, Lennox lied?
Not her. Coake.
He could have easily hidden all
the important data before she got here.
Trying to cover his ass.
And the company.
Sounds like we'll have to
go to the source.
If he even is the source. [scoffs]
Lennox said Coake's got allies.
People he's working with at the company,
they must be near the top.
This could be so much bigger.
You'll figure it out. We have time.
[scoffs] Yeah.
Time, my favourite.
[mysterious music]
[door opens]
Quite a sight.
Must almost make being stationed up here
worth it.
But that's not what brought you.
Are you playing the priest now?
Come to take my confession?
If that's what you need.
Everything we're doing here,
it's not for me or the company.
Societies depend on resources or
they don't stay civilised for very long.
Anyone who's been laid-off knows that.
Every living thing on this planet
steals energy to survive.
The only thing that makes us different
is that, right now, we're best at it.
If you take the whole history of life
on this planet
and condense it into one single day,
how long do you think
the human race has had?
Two thousandths of a second.
If we want to last longer,
we're gonna need every resource we've got.
You say that, but all it tells me is
we've fucked things up awful quickly.
You’ve got to know that we can't survive
by wiping everything else out.
You know, when I got into this game,
oil was meant to provide us
with a bright future.
Last time I was home,
things weren't looking very bright.
How do you think they look now?
That thing down there had its shot.
It's our time now.
Haven't you learned anything
from all this?
Pick a fight with nature,
you're gonna lose.
Tell me again how well
your plan worked last time?
Oh, you've no idea
what you're talking about.
But you have, right?
I saw you when it attacked the rover.
You're still connected.
What does he mean?
It's nothing. It's just flashes.
Why the hell didn't you tell me?
I'm sorry, alright.
You were so focused,
and it's not exactly easy for me.
Who cares about easy, it's important!
What did you actually see? The wave?
What we saw on the Bravo?
Will you listen to yourselves?
You don't get it, do you?
You're still wasting time
talking about the wave.
I only care about what it does next.
[newsreader] Rescue and recovery efforts
are ongoing tonight
You're watching that a lot.
There something you're looking for?
I grew up on the East Coast.
My mum's still there, I think.
You don't go back there?
It's, er, not exactly a happy house.
She drinks a lot.
I sort of thought I'd stopped
worrying about her,
but this, it's different.
Yeah, it's a lot to deal with,
that's for sure.
[door opens]
Ready for the next patient?
Oh, er, give it some air, take a pew.
[newsreader] a statement
from Pictor Energy CEO, Morgan Lennox,
who chairs the joint industry response.
- [Lennox] I know you all have questions
- Look, it's starting.
about the impact of recent events.
But first, it falls to me to say
that Pictor
and the whole North Sea family,
are victims of a terrible tragedy.
Aye, she moves fast.
Turn it up.
Efforts are ongoing to determine
all impacted facilities
and personnel. But due to conditions,
both onshore and off,
only limited information
will be given at this time.
- How many crew remain missing?
- How long will energy supplies last?
Ms. Lennox. Can you confirm the fields
and pipelines affected?
There will be a technical update
given shortly.
However, our losses are unfortunately
expected to be considerable.
Nevertheless, I would like to assure
all of those watching
that we are doing everything we can
to find our crews and to bring them home.
The others should see this.
Oh, you stay here. I'll go and get 'em.
[Lennox] thanks to the sterling efforts
of our Pictor recovery teams.
We are joined tonight by members
of the Kinloch Bravo crew,
successfully retrieved from their lifeboat
four hours ago.
Medic, Catherine Braithwaite,
in spite of what she's been through,
has agreed to share their story with us.
Yesterday, during a scheduled shutdown,
we were alerted to the approach
of a significant wave front
which would exceed safe wave height
for the facility.
Following established procedures,
we were given the order
to prepare for evacuation.
Due to the speed
What is she doing?
This is Pictor. There's no way Cat
would sell us out like this.
Yeah, not just Pictor.
On impact, the boats
were scattered by the wave
and carried away from the Bravo
and our stand-by vessel.
Some crew suffered minor injuries.
After several hours adrift,
our lifeboat was sighted
by the Pictor rescue helicopters.
Did you notify the Coast Guard?
What happened to the Charlie?
Did you see the wave coming?
- Please, please
- Were there any casualties?
[Lennox] The panel and I
will answer questions after.
I'd like to thank the rescue team
and company personnel
for bringing us back safely.
And we ask that you give us privacy
to process these events
while Pictor helps to reunite us
with our loved ones on land.
And that's all I have to say at this time.
How many crew remain missing?
Were you afraid you wouldn't get back?
Do you know what happened
to the rest of the crew?
We lost sight of the other lifeboats
after the wave hit.
- What the hell?!
- Yep, figures.
But you still hope to find them?
I do.
Initial calculation of the epicentre
of the event
puts in the Kinloch field.
Do you have any comment on that?
There will be a technical briefing later
when we lay out the facts as we have them.
The primary focus of the North Sea family
is saving lives.
Never trust the suits.
Hey! She was still talking.
And we're done listening.
She's playing us.
I mean, you have to see that.
The files on the Ancestor, now this.
Trying to act the victim so the focus
stays on rescuing survivors.
Not why the wave happened
in the first place.
We don't have the full picture.
- 'Cause she hasn't told us.
- Don't.
Lennox is on our side.
Why else would she put me in charge?
Because she knew it would make you stay.
You're the one person out of all of us
who could've actually explained
what really happened on the Bravo
and the world would believe you.
She gave you what you wanted
so you'd do what she needed.
She wouldn't do that to me. I know her.
"Used to know her".
That's what you said
when she came on board.
- Don't twist my words.
- I'm not.
But you're putting a lot of faith
in the word of a woman paid to lie.
What if she's lying to you, too?
Look, Lennox isn't a saint
but she's not a monster.
She'll have a reason for what she's doing.
She always does.
That was Pictor Energy CEO, Morgan Lennox
with an update
on the unfolding of this tragedy.
The company has
Oh, you sold 'em out.
You signed the papers too.
Yeah, but you're meant to be better.
This ain't about us, this is about Kacey.
So far, the only person who said
that they'll help is her.
Yeah, the face has changed
but not the game.
This is the way it has to be.
I don't expect you to understand,
but I do expect you
to keep to your contract.
It'll all come out sooner or later.
You can't keep secrets
in this world any more.
And when it does, we'll be ready.
So, if you're thinking of telling anyone
before then,
know this: We don't lose, not ever.
[over PA] for Bronze Command
on Channel 6.
Repeat, Bronze Command required
Miss Braithwaite, anything to add
on behalf of your statement?
Miss Lennox, anything on behalf of Pictor?
They're saying this way.
Are they all from the city?
And along the coast.
Pictor's helping coordinate logistics
for the response effort.
You're never gonna get through that lot
on your own.
What is this, you volunteering?
Magnus told me to look after you.
Nothing she's done changes that.
These passes give you free rein
in the camp.
Any news, I'll find you. Good luck.
[sirens continue]
Jesus Christ, where do you even start?
We'll take it a step at a time.
One by one.
[over PA]
to T3 immediately.
Dr Sail, to T3
Okay, immediate threat to life?
No, crush injury to left eye,
the bleeding's stopped but--
Okay, er, T2. Mark them,
take them to Row 6.
Got it.
Let the nurses know,
come straight back out, okay?
Okay, what's next?
What's the row
No, I don't work here.
You look like you should,
unless you've got something better--
No, I'm looking for someone.
It's my wife. Kacey Braithwaite.
I'm very sorry,
I'm only doing triage right now.
There must be someone taking a register,
keeping track of everyone?
Yes, that would be me,
along with everything else.
If I could actually get to it.
[over PA] All patients must stay
in their designated areas.
Repeat, stay in your designated
[Dr Sail]
Pen please? You got a pen?
Um, here.
[Dr Sail]
T1, yeah.
Er, Row 8.
[over PA]
Crash team to T3 immediately.
Look, erm, if she's in here
then she's being looked after.
If not, the best place to look
is the camp gate.
But you'd do a lot more to help
if you stayed.
I can't. Not now.
If you don't find her, come back!
Leave me alone, Hutton!
- Hey.
- I didn't ask for your help!
Hey, hey, hey, come here.
What about those people back there?
They could use your help.
I'm not here for them. I'm here for Kacey!
Look around you.
Half the city's in this camp.
You're not gonna find her
marching around out there.
He said go to the gate.
[emotional music]
- [sobbing]
- [Hutton] Hey.
[crew member] And someone needs
to check the dive suit, too.
You still haven't done me yet.
Not so good at people. They're tricky.
You seemed to get on well with Cameron.
He's tricky, too.
Nice thing to say about someone
who saved your life.
- Hm.
- [Heather] He's right.
Look at this.
What is it?
Coake said the first team were out there
doing a mining survey, right?
- Right.
- Mm-hmm.
Look at the sea floor.
I'm looking but I'm not seeing.
Hm. Guess I've got to be the tough one
and the smart one.
Askel said the Stac is here to mine
polymetallic nodules
like this and these.
We passed those on the way out,
but there weren't any round the crash.
So, if the survey team
weren't looking for nodules,
what were they looking for?
[hammering, power tools whirring]
Better not be forgetting
which side you're on.
Well, I don't have a side.
Never saw the attraction.
Want to stay that way,
you'd better hand it over.
Hand what over?
The data log from their rover.
Don't play games with me,
unless you want to end up in a bag too.
- Is that a threat?
- Call it a promise.
I left it behind.
More important things to worry about.
Normally, I don't like lying,
but you better hope you are now.
That log is worth more than you know.
You're just a dog on a chain, Bremner.
One day, it's gonna choke ya.
Fuck! Those assholes.
[over PA] The cold work operation
is now complete for the port side,
port side aft, starboard, starboard aft,
on level two.
No luck?
Company have locked out all communication.
And that doesn't mean you guys were right
about Lennox, before you say anything.
I wasn't gonna say it,
and no one out there's blaming you.
Now that's good, because I didn't think
I did anything wrong.
This the mining survey maps?
I'm working on it.
What's with the attitude?
Is this about the visions?
I told you, I don't know
what any of them mean.
All I want is for them to stop.
And all I want is for people
to stop hiding things from me.
It's bad enough them doing it,
but you, too?
Maybe, this was a bad idea.
Where are you going? We're not finished!
Are you sure? 'Cause sometimes
it's really fucking hard to tell with you.
Oh, fuck you. [scoffs]
What do you know about hard?
You have no idea how much harder it is
for me, or Lennox.
We never get to be safe. Never.
Coake can screw up as many times
as he wants and he just keeps on sailing,
but we are always one mistake away
from losing it all.
And it doesn't even have to be ours.
So, you want to help?
How about you do something about that
and leave me alone.
If that's what you want.
It is.
Give her time. She'll cool off.
Oh, I wouldn't bet on it.
If Lennox wants to keep this box locked,
she wouldn't have given us the key.
But there are other people on board who
know what Pictor are really doing here.
Control to Gallery.
Gallery, hi, yeah.
It's Magnus.
Is Askel down there?
Yeah, I'll go get him.
We were just thinking the same thing.
Do it. I'm tired of playing games.
Time to talk to someone who will actually
give us some answers.
- Come on.
- [hangs up receiver]
They're coming down.
I'm gonna go find Askel.
See if you can find Cameron.
They'll want to question him too.
I'll hold down the fort.
[tense music]
Do you think Coake and Lennox
could be looking out for each other?
Neither of them are looking out for us.
I'm fucking sure of that.
[Coake] You keep your head down
and your mouth shut.
You are not to interact with them at all.
You stay down here
with your horrendous music,
doing as you're told,
just like you always do.
I didn't come here to lie for you.
That's not your decision to make!
You work for the company,
not your conscience! Got it?
Hey, Askel
What do you want?
You know, you might get more
out of your crew
if you weren't such a dick all the time.
This is my rig.
I can talk to him however I want.
I thought all facilities
belonged to the company.
Don't get smart with me.
I am very much not in the mood.
When is he ever, right?
That man is a brute.
Far worse than what he's hunting.
Magnus wanted to speak with you.
There's nothing useful in Coake's files
and there's no way
of getting through to Lennox
without him or Bremner giving us access.
Cameron's gone into hiding, too.
Whatever Coake sent him to do
out at the crash site,
he's not for sharing.
Harish, you installed some of the systems
here, right?
Could you crack open
these encrypted files?
You got it. Just watch me.
That's a start.
Pictor might not give us answers
but it's not gonna stop us
asking questions.
What about the Ancestor?
They found it during the mining surveys
and then they moved the Stac
to this location,
but there's nothing to say why.
I might be able to shine
an element of light on that point.
[sighs] Step into my office.
So, erm, what you call the Ancestor,
a good name, by the way.
It's an ancient living network
threaded through the sea bed.
We used to think of forests on land
as thousands of individual trees.
But now, we know they're all linked
by mycelium strands.
These living networks allow the trees
to swap nutrients, send messages,
and even help defend against attacks
from predators.
So, you think the Ancestor's the same?
A living network spread across
the whole ocean?
Yes. By analysing the samples that
Coake brought back from the North Sea,
we know that what you encountered there
is part of the same organic web
we've found here in the Arctic,
and it may even be much larger than that.
If you knew all this already,
what's Pictor actually doing here?
Pictor has invested a lot
into opening the sea for mining
but until they deal with the Ancestor,
it's too dangerous to expand production.
What about Coake's poison
from the injectors?
The original poison
works on the small scale,
but it kills too fast
to spread effectively.
It's like trying to destroy a colony
of bees by squashing the individuals.
To kill the whole swarm,
you need to get the workers
to carry the poison back to the hive.
So that it kills the Queen.
Poison the well, kill the whole village.
Exactly. Like any network,
we believe this organism contains nodes
that hold the whole system together.
Pictor's plan is to find
one of these nodes
and introduce the poison there
at its heart,
so it spreads through the whole system.
Coake was never interested in mining.
He's looking for its heart.
Unfortunately, yes.
So far, they haven't been able
to find it. But, erm
That's what the survey team were after.
And it's possible they found it?
It is.
That's why it attacked!
It wasn't going after the rover;
it was defending its home.
Coake told me not to tell you
any of this,
so, I hope you have a plan
of dealing with him
because I'm very bad
in the job interview situation.
[Heather] Don't worry,
Magnus always looks after his own.
But I'm a Pictor employee.
We need to find out exactly what Coake
[Bremner] Fucking Askel.
We should've fixed him long ago.
[Coake] We're not here to kill people,
just that thing out there.
Once I get the drive from Cameron.
Not only that,
it was waiting for them out there.
It knew we were coming.
And if we go after it now,
it'll know that, too.
Because it has a direct link
on board with us.
We need to break it first.
You got a plan for that?
I'm working on it.
- [machine humming]
- [rocks clattering]
[tense music]
You cold-blooded bastard.
You knew it was there.
And you still sent us right at it.
[closing theme music playing]
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