The Rig (2023) s02e03 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 3
[low, rumbling energy]
[Rose] Oh, shit.
[Askel] Bad dream?
[sighs] Something like that, yeah.
You won't find the answers in there.
You said Coake was making a map.
Coake is a talker,
not one to write things down.
This, erm This is the wrong approach.
You always this forward
with people you don't know?
I do know you. You're like me.
You want to control what can't be.
Once you know how it works,
then it can't hurt you, right?
I've been hurt plenty.
[coffee maker humming]
My mother was born under the midnight sun.
People come to this place
and think it never changes,
but every year it's made and unmade.
So, no two people stand on the same Pole.
Have you been there?
To the Pole?
Ahh, no. This was meant to be
adventure enough for me.
Not really the rugged explorer type,
you know.
But her people, when they travelled,
they relied on spirit guides
to show them the way.
They divided the world
into three realms
the surface, the sky,
and what lies beneath,
and they would listen for the wisdom
of those who went before.
Their ancestors.
[Askel] Exactly.
I said it was a good name.
[Rose sighs] Yeah.
It's a nice image, but science
and stories aren't the same thing.
[Askel] Perhaps.
Or perhaps what you need isn't a map,
it's a guide.
Control, we've got alarms
all over the place here.
The umbilical's under stress and there's
some kind of disruption in the water.
Shit. Shit, we're los--
[connection lost beep]
[through static] Shit. Shit, we're--
Shit, we're--
[connection lost beep]
Control, you getting this?
We've got a big problem here!
[connection lost beep]
Control, you getting this?
We've got a big problem here!
[loud rumbling]
[piercing blip]
[piercing blip]
[loud rumbling]
[piercing screech]
[breathing rapidly]
[Harish, muffled]
You alright? Fulmer, you okay?
Fulmer, you alright?
[muffled] Fulmer?
What the fuck--
Jesus Christ. Fulmer? Fulmer, you awake?
Magnus, we need some help in here!
- What happened?
- I don't know. He just went down.
- Need to get him to the Med-Bay.
- Can you hear me?
Rose and Murchison to the Med-Bay, immediately.
Medical assistance required.
[opening theme music plays]
[Magnus] I repeat, Rose and Murchison
to the Med-Bay immediately.
Medical assistance required.
- What is it?
- Your guy went down hard.
Did you see what he was doing?
Listening to the rover logs
from the attack.
He went down
right as the sonar pulse went off.
It affected him the first time as well.
It's his connection to that thing.
It has to be.
You thinking trouble?
Or an opportunity.
We still need to find that data drive.
Cameron must have hidden it somewhere.
But there's no way he's gonna
let either of us get near him.
Not us.
Maybe someone else.
Alright, let's take him.
[over PA] Hot food and drink
are available in Bay Seven.
Hot food and drink are available
in Bay Seven.
Back up at the gate.
[Hutton] Cat!
I've been all the way down and back,
every tent.
No one has seen Kacey.
Nothing on this side, either.
I mean, most people I spoke to
don't even know
where their own families are.
So, what are we gonna do now?
We've been everywhere.
Not everywhere.
[distant siren]
[over radio]
The search continues this morning
for survivors of the North Sea tsunami,
but rescuers say hope is fading
as concerns over fuel
and energy supplies grow.
We'll be talking later
[sombre music]
[over PA] Medical team to Bay Five.
Repeat, medical incident
in Loading Bay Five.
At least they've stopped bringing them in.
That's gotta be a good sign, yeah?
It's a standard emergency response.
They've moved from rescue to recovery.
What's the difference?
Well, it means the people
that they bring in now
are more likely to end up in here,
in storage, rather than back there.
I've checked with Doctor Sail.
These ones here
are still to be identified.
No. Cat, surely somebody else could--
You don't have to do
everything yourself, Cat.
Not everything. Only this.
Right. Right, okay.
And, er
only me, this time.
I'll wait. I'll be just here.
[sombre music]
[hook-and-loop fastener rips open]
[sombre music continues]
Christ. We're walking
with bloody ghosts here.
[distant helicopter, sirens]
- Come on.
- You okay?
Med-Bay's just round here.
[Fulmer] Look, I'm alright. I'm alright.
Didn't trip or slip?
No. Fine one minute, then timber.
He smacked his head too.
Least now I know the answer
to that "tree in the forest" thing.
You might not hear it,
but it hurts like a bitch.
[door opens]
Full check, then write it up.
Not worth taking chances
with head injuries.
Look at me.
We'll, er, leave you to it.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[power tools whir, hammering]
No free rides here, pal.
[Easter] Didn't think I'd find you here.
Not had enough of tight spaces?
Could ask you the same thing.
I bet you're wishing you signed
that NDA now, eh?
Coake's deal? Nah.
You trust that guy and bad shit happens.
Ah, sounds like you had a taste
of that back on the Bravo?
That wave never would've happened
if he wasn't playing chicken
with the Ancestor.
He managed to leave that part out
when he got back.
Magnus needs to speak to you, man.
Your friends, they still haven't reckoned
with who Coake really is.
Aye, they think they can outsmart him.
Catch him out.
Even if they do, it won't matter.
He won't stop.
Not unless someone stops him.
Well, there's nothing obvious
that I can see.
Vitals seem normal, no sign of concussion.
No injury from the fall.
There's not much more I can do.
It's okay. Thanks.
Cheers, Murch. Appreciate it.
What were you doing when it happened?
Helping, like you said you wanted.
The rover missions were part
of Coake's plan for hunting the Ancestor.
I thought there might've been something
in there we'd missed.
- And?
- I don't know.
There was the sonar pulse and the ringing,
and then there was this other sound.
I thought it was the tape,
but then it was in my head.
What kind of sound?
It wasn't just one, okay.
It was lots, all on top of each other,
and it was a fucking mess,
just like the visions.
Baz always said we had to listen.
If this is part of the Ancestor's message,
part of it trying to be heard,
then maybe you could message back to it.
You mean you might be able to.
That's not fair.
This connection is the best chance we have
of actually establishing contact.
If we can do that, we might be able
to stop further attacks.
You might be convinced
that this is your fight.
That doesn't make it ours.
Easter and Cameron nearly died
down on that rover.
- Magnus and me on the ice.
- Why'd you stay, then?
- You could've left with the rest of them.
- I stayed because of you.
This isn't about you and me.
This is bigger than that.
It's nice to hear you finally say it.
[helicopter flying nearby]
She weren't there.
Well, that's good.
That's what you want, right?
Means she's out there somewhere.
Doesn't it?
Yeah, but by the end
every one
I wanted it to be her
cos at least then I'd know. You know?
So, what the fuck does that make me?
You didn't give up.
And that makes you better than most.
My family don't even know when I'm home.
They don't know when I'm away.
They're far away, safe from all of this,
and I doubt they've even stopped to think
that I'm not.
I let it-- I let all that drift away,
bit by bit,
thinking, you know, it's not too far away.
I'll get my shit together soon,
make an effort.
But it's a trick of the horizon.
You think,
"I can still see 'em,"
but they're already long gone.
Yeah, royally fucked that one up.
Don't act too surprised, will you?
if you're looking for sympathy
for absent fathers
Hell, no.
Wouldn't know what to do with it.
You didn't fancy
staying up with them, then?
Plenty of mess down here
without adding to the one up there.
Where'd you get to on the encrypted files?
Pretty far, actually.
Got to the last security block
when Fulmer went down.
And so now, all I have to do is
Open sesame.
Looks like, er,
Arctic procurement archive,
erm, board papers,
corporate strategy briefings.
I'm not seeing anything
on the Ancestor yet, but
this stuff definitely ain't
for public consumption.
At least we're getting somewhere.
Shall we show it to Rose?
Let's clean it up first.
See exactly how many needles
they've been hiding in the haystack.
Have you spoken to Easter
since the attack?
Er [clears throat] not much.
Been focused on this.
Erm, he seemed fine, though.
They always do, until they're not.
Don't leave it too late.
[over PA] Journalists are reminded
to stay within the media area.
Please do not attempt to enter
Medical or Restricted areas
Mr. York. This way, sir.
Okay. How we looking?
- We're good, yeah.
- Thank you.
The media tent is next door.
We're keeping the press back here.
It's this way, sir.
Danni, 'morning. 'Morning.
- You get some sleep?
- More than you, I'll bet.
We all have our burdens to bear.
How's the call sheet?
Long. Energy Minister, Prime Minister,
US Energy Secretary, Saudis and Russians.
A full house. Anyone would think
the sky had fallen.
Is your family all okay?
They're fine. Holiday in Spain,
if you can believe it.
They're more worried about me.
You're doing well.
Right now, we keep our heads down,
try to stay ahead of it.
That's more than enough for anyone.
Thanks. Also,
Darian York is here.
He insisted.
Managing to stay comfortable?
Not as much as you, I'd be willing to bet.
Well, the company put me up in a hotel
outside the impact zone.
Not exactly luxury living,
but it's nice enough.
Shame you're not there too.
They do a lovely breakfast.
I try to stay where I'm useful.
Makes sense, it's good optics.
Speaking of, your girl did very well
in the press conference.
- Even I believe her.
- She's not a girl.
- And I told you she would.
- Careful.
I'm almost getting the slight impression
you'd rather I wasn't here.
I'll have to try harder.
[both laugh]
It's funny.
But the board is watching very carefully.
If there are any further complications,
there could come a time when consistency
must give way to necessity.
Darian, your dad's money
might create the idea that you
own this company, but you don't.
You're one of a diverse range
of investors.
So, if you're here on serious business,
tell me what it is
and let me get it for you.
You found the map to the heart?
[Magnus] Not that. Something else.
Coake and Lennox told us the Stac
is a prototype, right? A testing facility.
Yeah, for deep sea mining.
That's the "what."
This is the "what comes next."
This data shows that what's going on
is much bigger than we thought.
It's not just one mining site.
They're after the whole region,
even the places they can't reach yet
cos of the ice.
They're trying to grab
as many of the rights as possible
mining, oil, shipping, processing,
the lot.
Exactly. Ports, refineries,
construction yards, you name it.
All the infrastructure you need
to strip this place down to the bones.
They're not the only ones either.
You see that document
on the right-hand side?
That says that there's
an international licensing auction
due to start in three days.
It isn't just Pictor.
All the majors are out here fighting for
every scrap of sea and ice they can get.
Strategic planning at this level
goes decades ahead.
It's no surprise
Pictor are looking at this.
But look at the world
they're planning for.
Lennox said she wants Pictor
to lead on decarbonisation
and green energy, be part of the solution.
- This isn't a plan for any of that.
- This is a plan for when it all melts.
That doesn't mean
she's not fighting against it.
You don't turn a tanker like Pictor
on a dime.
Doesn't look like she's turning it at all.
This isn't what we're here to do.
You're supposed to be looking
for information
on the Ancestor so we can protect it,
not playing corporate detectives.
It helps to have the full picture.
Yeah, well, this isn't it.
So, how 'bout we all get back to work
and then you come tell me
when you've got something
we can actually use. Okay?
[Darian] When that ice is gone,
we don't just get what's underneath.
We open up all of Greenland
and the whole northern coasts
of Canada and Russia for extraction.
Sea and land.
Oil, gas, mining, gold,
Uranium, it is all there.
And we instantly cut the shipping time
from China to Europe.
Do you understand what that is worth?
I know how much it will cost.
Less than you stand to lose
if the licensing deal falls through.
I know that you have never been 100%
behind our plans for the Arctic.
I'd hate to think
that all these interruptions
would further dilute your focus.
If you are here to question my commitment,
you've picked the wrong week to do it.
So, unless you had another reason
for coming--
Only to impress upon you
that the board is watching.
Business goes on, just like life.
Then I appreciate your attention,
but mine is needed elsewhere.
And Darian,
next time you've got
something to impress on me,
feel free to call.
I'd hate for you to waste your time,
given how very valuable it is.
[door opens]
Heard you took a fall.
I'm alright for a nurse, thanks.
I know you all think of me as a monster,
but I've seen what that thing inside you
can do to a person.
It saved Baz's life. Mine, too.
[Coake] And killed a lot more.
Or did you think I didn't lose anyone
when that wave hit, too?
You want to blame it all on me, fine.
But when we first found it,
before we knew what it was capable of
these first guys, my guys
You don't forget that,
not for a long time.
When was this?
Before the Charlie.
When we started the mining trials,
it came at us unprovoked.
That's why I had you separated
when you came on board.
Turns out Cat wasn't infected,
whereas you
Well, that's not exactly breaking news.
No? Well, here's some:
healing's just the start,
like a tick numbing the pain
as it burrows into your flesh.
Next come the headaches, fainting,
hearing strange sounds, visions
Once it gets to that stage,
there's not long to go.
Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying.
Rose will figure it out.
You sure?
Seems to me she'd rather use it.
Or let it use you.
Whereas I can get it out.
What are you talking about?
After the first incidents,
we developed a treatment.
It's a shot that can drive
foreign organisms out of the host,
the same way it does.
We haven't had time
to mass-produce it yet,
but I've got some doses on board
for emergencies.
Keeping them back for yourself,
just in case.
It has no problem fighting back.
If I was you, I wouldn't either.
[ominous music]
[door opens]
Harish spent all night getting that data.
You could've heard him out.
Heard what?
That oil companies act aggressively
to secure new markets?
Cos that's hardly a revelation.
It could've been a shot across their bow,
if we could get it out.
It's not enough.
Lennox said we need to gather evidence
on the Ancestor
so that when we do tell the world,
we can convince them it's not a threat.
That's the only way to stop people
like Coake from trying to kill it.
What kind of evidence?
I don't know.
Finding this heart, maybe.
But whatever it is,
it has to be undeniable.
Otherwise, we'll only strengthen
those who are trying to kill it
and risk unleashing something even worse.
I know
you think what happened before
was your fault,
with the wave. It wasn't.
It doesn't matter whose fault it was.
Don't you get it?
Coake's right. It isn't about before.
It's about what comes next. Extinction!
That was the Ancestor's warning.
That may be true,
but from where I'm sitting,
all this guilt feels a lot like anger.
It's no way to run a team.
I told you this before,
you're not my boss.
[scoffs] What about your friend?
If your crew are afraid,
they'll never open up.
That's the mistake Coake makes.
If he's the one making mistakes, how come
he's always one fucking step ahead?
We're losing, Magnus.
We're losing this fight,
and we don't have time
for your peacemaker approach.
- [medical machines beeping]
- [man] Help me!
[man groaning]
[man groans] Help!
They can't keep this up.
It's like a fucking war zone.
[over PA] equipment.
Resources are limited.
- Yeah, almost.
- [man] I need some help!
[man groans] It hurts! Nurse. Nurse!
Hey, hey-up, mate. You alright?
- Where's the doctor?
- Just stay strong, and I'll be right back.
Hey, hey. It's okay.
You're gonna take a breath with me, okay?
- In and out.
- [breathes deeply]
- In and out.
- [breathes deeply]
Okay. This is hard.
No point pretending it's not.
You're doing great.
I'm Cat. What's your name?
- It's Beth.
- [Cat] Okay, Beth.
- You keep breathing in and out.
- [breathes deeply]
And then after, we're gonna get up,
and I'm gonna help you
with this guy next door, yeah?
Yeah, I'm trying,
it's just there's so many--
I know. But we can only do one at a time.
But you don't have to do it alone.
Okay, Beth?
- In
- [inhales]
Doctor's busy with another patient.
I tried--
It's alright, I've got this.
You can help, too.
No. I'm no nurse.
I'm not brave enough for that.
No, but you're good at getting angry,
so get angry.
Cos these people need to know why
they're here and whose fault all this is.
What about Kacey?
She'd say we fix the problems
in front of us, one at a time.
That's the only way to keep going.
Okay. I'm ready.
Good. Here we go.
Okay, let's get some fluids into him.
[ominous music]
[door opens]
Lost something?
Could be about to.
You want to watch your temper.
People make mistakes
when they're worked up. Big ones.
Where's Cameron?
You're the clever one. You figure it out.
Don't test me.
[tool clunks]
Love you too, man.
[door code beeping, door opens]
It's not in his locker.
So, where is he now?
I can't find him anywhere.
Probably down ore processing,
he knows there's no coverage there.
You've been watching us this whole time?
Just like you've been doing.
Without even knowing it.
What do you mean?
How do you think it knew
to attack the second rover?
As long as you're still connected,
you're a risk to everyone.
Your friends included.
But you don't have to be.
Unless you like having the wee squirmy
bastard up in your juices?
The way I remember it,
it was you squirming out on the ice.
Watch it.
There's always another way to cut you off.
I'm guessing this isn't
in the kindness of your heart kinda deal.
So, what do you need from me?
Not from you, from Cameron.
He took something from the crashed rover.
A data log.
Pointing you to the heart of the Ancestor?
They know all about it.
That's not all that's on there.
You get it for me.
You get the blocker, you can go.
That's what you want, isn't it?
Then all this'll be nothing more
than a bad dream.
Any suggestions on how?
I'm sure you'll think of something.
[case clicks closed]
[rocks thudding]
Been looking for you.
I'm not the only one.
Oh, yeah?
Ran into Bremner in the dive store.
[Cameron] Worse things happen at sea.
Isn't that the saying?
Yeah, nothing I can't handle.
He busted up your locker, though.
Seems to think you're hiding something.
From him? [chuckles]
Many, many things.
Anything you want to share?
[shuts down machine]
Me and my brother,
when we were kids, we were always
looking for places to hide.
He was younger, but I was smaller.
Meant I could fit into
the wee dark places he couldn't.
So And when my Da came home,
stinking of booze,
he always got the worst of it.
Battered and bruised.
And then there's us, spinning some story
the next day at school
about what happened.
Because of who you are?
Nah, because of who he was.
A bully.
And that's all the reason he needed.
But that's not the worst of it. Nah.
Cos I know now,
like when we went to school,
or when we were
with the rest of our family,
and we told them our wee stories,
they all knew.
And do you know what they did?
I can guess.
Not a single fucking thing.
You know what the worst piece of advice
I ever got?
"When you've got a bully,
just ignore them and they'll go away."
And they never do.
But everyone else does
until it's just you, alone,
hiding in the dark.
Where's your brother now?
That team that Coake sent out there.
They died in that dark.
Could've been us, too.
Your friends on the Bravo. The Charlie.
Sooner or later, he's gonna pay for that,
and anyone else who helps him.
Seems like a fair swap to me.
What you doing down here?
Ah, still looking for clues
about this heart of the Ancestor.
Fulmer was helping earlier, but then he
Yeah, I heard. Is he okay?
I wouldn't get involved. It's complicated.
[chuckles] Coming from you,
that's a warning worth listening to.
[chuckles] Yeah, thank you.
Mind if I have a go?
[Harish] Er, yeah, knock yourself out.
Hey. You seen Cameron?
Who's asking?
Magnus wants him.
Find out if he knows any more
about Coake's plan.
He's down there.
But unless it's urgent, I wouldn't.
[door code beeps]
Do you think he'll get it?
Let's not leave it to chance.
Once he's out, you go in.
You know what I like about diving?
Never tried it.
Well, it's based on trust.
You're out there, all alone,
and the literal weight of the world
pushing in on you.
The only thing stopping it
from crushing you
is the guy on the other end,
working the levels.
But if his focus drifts
for just a second
yeah, if he gets distracted
What's that?
Well, if you don't know,
you won't mind if I do this.
It's not what you think.
I knew he'd send someone after it.
Didn't think it would be you,
- not that it matters.
- [Fulmer] Wait!
That drive is the only record
of what happened to the survey team.
You destroy it and they'll cover it up,
just like us on the Bravo.
Coake'll get away with it again.
And if I give it to you,
are you gonna take him down?
No. Not me.
I'm tired and I'm scared,
and I didn't ask for any of this.
Same as you.
What about your friends?
They'll see it through.
They always do.
[machine stops]
[ominous music]
If you're lying I'll know.
[loud rumbling]
[high-pitched screech]
[loud rumbling]
[loud rumbling]
[loud rumbling, clicking]
[loud rumbling]
Have you listened to this?
To what?
[loud groaning]
A whale, maybe?
If that's a whale, I must have
missed that episode of Attenborough.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna loop it. There.
[groaning plays on repeat]
It's like music.
Or a signal.
It's got to be the Ancestor.
We'll be right down.
[hangs up phone]
They've got something to show us
in the Gallery.
Sounds like it.
Should we get Fulmer, too?
If he still wants to be involved,
he can find us.
Told you it was a promise.
And you just gave away
the last thing stopping me doing this.
Diver, dumbass.
You want to choke me,
you'll have to do better than that.
Watch me.
- [pounding on door]
- [Bremner] Open this fucking door!
- Can I help you?
- Where's your boss?
She owes me a chat.
Ms. Lennox is
in a private meeting at the moment.
Oh, private, yeah, yeah.
Well, if she won't speak to me,
then maybe I'll go and talk
to those reporters outside.
Tell 'em what really went on out there.
That'd be unwise, given the circumstances.
And what fucking circumstances is that?
There's someone here to see you,
someone you've been looking for.
You said you wanted to tell
Dunlin's widow yourself. Now you can.
[indistinct chatter]
[over PA] All deliveries
must pass through inspection.
Drivers must not proceed
into the camp until cleared by
The deal still holds.
You give Anna Dunlin the letters,
but you stick to the script.
Or she gets nothing
and you get the lawyers.
You proud of that?
I gave up on pride a long time ago.
It shows.
Er, hello, erm
- You must be Hutton.
- Yeah.
He told me about you.
Nothing good, I suppose.
You might be surprised.
- Sit.
- Yeah.
I, er
- I'm--
- Sorry for my loss?
I've had that already with them.
It's not what I need from you.
No, no. Guess not.
Grant used to call me every day.
same time, every time.
They told me he died in the wave,
but he stopped calling before that.
So, what really happened?
He died trying to save someone else.
All of us.
- And it should never have happened.
- No.
It never shoulda happened, but it did!
You can't tell me.
No, I don't suppose you can.
Certainly not here.
Perhaps you can help with this, then.
What am I suppose tell my sons
about their father when I leave here?
Other than he's never coming back.
You you know how he felt
about writing letters, right?
he left these.
For you all.
I'd tell them
that he was brave
smart, a better man than me.
Far better.
And I'd tell 'em
that he didn't deserve it.
None of them did.
- Ready.
- Ready.
[loud groaning plays on repeat]
What is it?
I don't know for sure,
but it's there at the rover attack,
and it's there when
the survey team get cut off.
This could really be something.
Baz said we had to listen.
Maybe this signal
was what he was talking about.
[stops loud groaning playing]
It's what Fulmer was listening to
when he blacked out, too.
If it triggers the visions, then maybe--
This signal, whatever it is
could it be what it's trying to say?
If we can figure out what it means,
we might finally be able to make contact.
[Coake] Did you get it?
No cameras?
Plausible deniability.
You might want to learn that phrase.
Hand it over.
Blocker first. That was the deal.
[Coake] There we go.
As promised. Your turn.
You never said what else was on it.
Surprised at your sudden interest.
I thought all you wanted was to get away.
I want the truth first.
Give me the drive and I'll show you.
But don't say I didn't warn you.
[Anna] They've been through these?
I had to.
And you can't tell me
what really happened.
Because then we'll get nothing.
Thank you.
If there's anything else I can do for you.
[emotional music]
I don't care about the money.
I don't care about Pictor.
You want to do something for me?
I'm listening.
You fuck them!
Whatever it takes, fuck them.
You tell the world
how my husband died and why.
That's what you can do for me.
Then I'll know he was right about you.
[emotional music continues]
Thank you.
[emotional music escalates]
I'd like to be with my family now, please.
Of course.
And again, you have the deepest
condolences of the company.
I can't imagine what you're going through.
[over PA] A new list of
registered camp residents will be posted
at the main gate in ten minutes.
I repeat, ten minutes.
[Fulmer] Where's Bremner?
[Coake] Tying up loose ends.
This really worth all the lives it took
to get it?
It'll save way more than it cost.
That's all that really matters in the end.
Feels a little different
when the end is you.
Thing is to make sure it never is.
What the hell's this?
[Fulmer] This is the drive
from the second rover.
Fucking Cameron!
The spineless shit
must've switched drives.
What happened to plausible deniability?
Sooner or later, we all have
to get our hands dirty.
[loud groaning plays on repeat]
[turns off loud groaning]
It's not a whale.
- [scoffs] Told ya.
- Alright.
Could it be the Ancestor?
It stands to reason
the timing, the pattern.
This kind of sound is appropriate for
an organism that lives in the deep ocean.
Any idea what it could be saying?
Ah, that is a different question.
But do you?
[Askel clicks tongue]
There's a story I know about a man
who thought he could talk to bears.
He spent many seasons with them,
living closely,
seeing the same ones return each year.
For the bears he knew,
fed them from his hand,
bathed in the water beside them.
But then one day, he met a bear
he did not know
and he tried to speak to it.
And what happened?
It killed him and ate him
because it was a bear and he was not.
[Harish] That's the, erm
The Herzog documentary,
Grizzly Man, right?
Yeah, yeah.
I enjoy the cinema.
So, you're saying,
we can't speak back to it?
I am saying, to understand
the mind of another creature
is a challenge that holds great risk.
It's hard enough to do it for another man.
[Cameron] Looking for me?
Ahh, hiding in the dark, is it?
You always were a fucking coward.
Maybe, but I'm not hiding anymore.
You knew it was out there
when you sent them.
You knew what it could do.
It's never you
on the front line though, is it?
Safe behind your fucking desk.
I wasn't always behind a desk.
[Cameron grunts]
Blood and oil, they always flow together,
and a company like Pictor
doesn't get to where it is
without spilling plenty of both.
[Fulmer, Coake fighting in distance]
so you may think
you're fighting the good fight,
whatever the fuck that means,
but remember this
We always win.
- [grunting]
- [slicing]
- [Coake groans]
- Not this time.
You think that'll make a difference?
Nothing you do
will ever make a difference.
Coake, Coake, put it down.
How's that for making a difference?
What have you done?
[closing theme music plays]
[Rose] Oh, shit.
[Askel] Bad dream?
[sighs] Something like that, yeah.
You won't find the answers in there.
You said Coake was making a map.
Coake is a talker,
not one to write things down.
This, erm This is the wrong approach.
You always this forward
with people you don't know?
I do know you. You're like me.
You want to control what can't be.
Once you know how it works,
then it can't hurt you, right?
I've been hurt plenty.
[coffee maker humming]
My mother was born under the midnight sun.
People come to this place
and think it never changes,
but every year it's made and unmade.
So, no two people stand on the same Pole.
Have you been there?
To the Pole?
Ahh, no. This was meant to be
adventure enough for me.
Not really the rugged explorer type,
you know.
But her people, when they travelled,
they relied on spirit guides
to show them the way.
They divided the world
into three realms
the surface, the sky,
and what lies beneath,
and they would listen for the wisdom
of those who went before.
Their ancestors.
[Askel] Exactly.
I said it was a good name.
[Rose sighs] Yeah.
It's a nice image, but science
and stories aren't the same thing.
[Askel] Perhaps.
Or perhaps what you need isn't a map,
it's a guide.
Control, we've got alarms
all over the place here.
The umbilical's under stress and there's
some kind of disruption in the water.
Shit. Shit, we're los--
[connection lost beep]
[through static] Shit. Shit, we're--
Shit, we're--
[connection lost beep]
Control, you getting this?
We've got a big problem here!
[connection lost beep]
Control, you getting this?
We've got a big problem here!
[loud rumbling]
[piercing blip]
[piercing blip]
[loud rumbling]
[piercing screech]
[breathing rapidly]
[Harish, muffled]
You alright? Fulmer, you okay?
Fulmer, you alright?
[muffled] Fulmer?
What the fuck--
Jesus Christ. Fulmer? Fulmer, you awake?
Magnus, we need some help in here!
- What happened?
- I don't know. He just went down.
- Need to get him to the Med-Bay.
- Can you hear me?
Rose and Murchison to the Med-Bay, immediately.
Medical assistance required.
[opening theme music plays]
[Magnus] I repeat, Rose and Murchison
to the Med-Bay immediately.
Medical assistance required.
- What is it?
- Your guy went down hard.
Did you see what he was doing?
Listening to the rover logs
from the attack.
He went down
right as the sonar pulse went off.
It affected him the first time as well.
It's his connection to that thing.
It has to be.
You thinking trouble?
Or an opportunity.
We still need to find that data drive.
Cameron must have hidden it somewhere.
But there's no way he's gonna
let either of us get near him.
Not us.
Maybe someone else.
Alright, let's take him.
[over PA] Hot food and drink
are available in Bay Seven.
Hot food and drink are available
in Bay Seven.
Back up at the gate.
[Hutton] Cat!
I've been all the way down and back,
every tent.
No one has seen Kacey.
Nothing on this side, either.
I mean, most people I spoke to
don't even know
where their own families are.
So, what are we gonna do now?
We've been everywhere.
Not everywhere.
[distant siren]
[over radio]
The search continues this morning
for survivors of the North Sea tsunami,
but rescuers say hope is fading
as concerns over fuel
and energy supplies grow.
We'll be talking later
[sombre music]
[over PA] Medical team to Bay Five.
Repeat, medical incident
in Loading Bay Five.
At least they've stopped bringing them in.
That's gotta be a good sign, yeah?
It's a standard emergency response.
They've moved from rescue to recovery.
What's the difference?
Well, it means the people
that they bring in now
are more likely to end up in here,
in storage, rather than back there.
I've checked with Doctor Sail.
These ones here
are still to be identified.
No. Cat, surely somebody else could--
You don't have to do
everything yourself, Cat.
Not everything. Only this.
Right. Right, okay.
And, er
only me, this time.
I'll wait. I'll be just here.
[sombre music]
[hook-and-loop fastener rips open]
[sombre music continues]
Christ. We're walking
with bloody ghosts here.
[distant helicopter, sirens]
- Come on.
- You okay?
Med-Bay's just round here.
[Fulmer] Look, I'm alright. I'm alright.
Didn't trip or slip?
No. Fine one minute, then timber.
He smacked his head too.
Least now I know the answer
to that "tree in the forest" thing.
You might not hear it,
but it hurts like a bitch.
[door opens]
Full check, then write it up.
Not worth taking chances
with head injuries.
Look at me.
We'll, er, leave you to it.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[power tools whir, hammering]
No free rides here, pal.
[Easter] Didn't think I'd find you here.
Not had enough of tight spaces?
Could ask you the same thing.
I bet you're wishing you signed
that NDA now, eh?
Coake's deal? Nah.
You trust that guy and bad shit happens.
Ah, sounds like you had a taste
of that back on the Bravo?
That wave never would've happened
if he wasn't playing chicken
with the Ancestor.
He managed to leave that part out
when he got back.
Magnus needs to speak to you, man.
Your friends, they still haven't reckoned
with who Coake really is.
Aye, they think they can outsmart him.
Catch him out.
Even if they do, it won't matter.
He won't stop.
Not unless someone stops him.
Well, there's nothing obvious
that I can see.
Vitals seem normal, no sign of concussion.
No injury from the fall.
There's not much more I can do.
It's okay. Thanks.
Cheers, Murch. Appreciate it.
What were you doing when it happened?
Helping, like you said you wanted.
The rover missions were part
of Coake's plan for hunting the Ancestor.
I thought there might've been something
in there we'd missed.
- And?
- I don't know.
There was the sonar pulse and the ringing,
and then there was this other sound.
I thought it was the tape,
but then it was in my head.
What kind of sound?
It wasn't just one, okay.
It was lots, all on top of each other,
and it was a fucking mess,
just like the visions.
Baz always said we had to listen.
If this is part of the Ancestor's message,
part of it trying to be heard,
then maybe you could message back to it.
You mean you might be able to.
That's not fair.
This connection is the best chance we have
of actually establishing contact.
If we can do that, we might be able
to stop further attacks.
You might be convinced
that this is your fight.
That doesn't make it ours.
Easter and Cameron nearly died
down on that rover.
- Magnus and me on the ice.
- Why'd you stay, then?
- You could've left with the rest of them.
- I stayed because of you.
This isn't about you and me.
This is bigger than that.
It's nice to hear you finally say it.
[helicopter flying nearby]
She weren't there.
Well, that's good.
That's what you want, right?
Means she's out there somewhere.
Doesn't it?
Yeah, but by the end
every one
I wanted it to be her
cos at least then I'd know. You know?
So, what the fuck does that make me?
You didn't give up.
And that makes you better than most.
My family don't even know when I'm home.
They don't know when I'm away.
They're far away, safe from all of this,
and I doubt they've even stopped to think
that I'm not.
I let it-- I let all that drift away,
bit by bit,
thinking, you know, it's not too far away.
I'll get my shit together soon,
make an effort.
But it's a trick of the horizon.
You think,
"I can still see 'em,"
but they're already long gone.
Yeah, royally fucked that one up.
Don't act too surprised, will you?
if you're looking for sympathy
for absent fathers
Hell, no.
Wouldn't know what to do with it.
You didn't fancy
staying up with them, then?
Plenty of mess down here
without adding to the one up there.
Where'd you get to on the encrypted files?
Pretty far, actually.
Got to the last security block
when Fulmer went down.
And so now, all I have to do is
Open sesame.
Looks like, er,
Arctic procurement archive,
erm, board papers,
corporate strategy briefings.
I'm not seeing anything
on the Ancestor yet, but
this stuff definitely ain't
for public consumption.
At least we're getting somewhere.
Shall we show it to Rose?
Let's clean it up first.
See exactly how many needles
they've been hiding in the haystack.
Have you spoken to Easter
since the attack?
Er [clears throat] not much.
Been focused on this.
Erm, he seemed fine, though.
They always do, until they're not.
Don't leave it too late.
[over PA] Journalists are reminded
to stay within the media area.
Please do not attempt to enter
Medical or Restricted areas
Mr. York. This way, sir.
Okay. How we looking?
- We're good, yeah.
- Thank you.
The media tent is next door.
We're keeping the press back here.
It's this way, sir.
Danni, 'morning. 'Morning.
- You get some sleep?
- More than you, I'll bet.
We all have our burdens to bear.
How's the call sheet?
Long. Energy Minister, Prime Minister,
US Energy Secretary, Saudis and Russians.
A full house. Anyone would think
the sky had fallen.
Is your family all okay?
They're fine. Holiday in Spain,
if you can believe it.
They're more worried about me.
You're doing well.
Right now, we keep our heads down,
try to stay ahead of it.
That's more than enough for anyone.
Thanks. Also,
Darian York is here.
He insisted.
Managing to stay comfortable?
Not as much as you, I'd be willing to bet.
Well, the company put me up in a hotel
outside the impact zone.
Not exactly luxury living,
but it's nice enough.
Shame you're not there too.
They do a lovely breakfast.
I try to stay where I'm useful.
Makes sense, it's good optics.
Speaking of, your girl did very well
in the press conference.
- Even I believe her.
- She's not a girl.
- And I told you she would.
- Careful.
I'm almost getting the slight impression
you'd rather I wasn't here.
I'll have to try harder.
[both laugh]
It's funny.
But the board is watching very carefully.
If there are any further complications,
there could come a time when consistency
must give way to necessity.
Darian, your dad's money
might create the idea that you
own this company, but you don't.
You're one of a diverse range
of investors.
So, if you're here on serious business,
tell me what it is
and let me get it for you.
You found the map to the heart?
[Magnus] Not that. Something else.
Coake and Lennox told us the Stac
is a prototype, right? A testing facility.
Yeah, for deep sea mining.
That's the "what."
This is the "what comes next."
This data shows that what's going on
is much bigger than we thought.
It's not just one mining site.
They're after the whole region,
even the places they can't reach yet
cos of the ice.
They're trying to grab
as many of the rights as possible
mining, oil, shipping, processing,
the lot.
Exactly. Ports, refineries,
construction yards, you name it.
All the infrastructure you need
to strip this place down to the bones.
They're not the only ones either.
You see that document
on the right-hand side?
That says that there's
an international licensing auction
due to start in three days.
It isn't just Pictor.
All the majors are out here fighting for
every scrap of sea and ice they can get.
Strategic planning at this level
goes decades ahead.
It's no surprise
Pictor are looking at this.
But look at the world
they're planning for.
Lennox said she wants Pictor
to lead on decarbonisation
and green energy, be part of the solution.
- This isn't a plan for any of that.
- This is a plan for when it all melts.
That doesn't mean
she's not fighting against it.
You don't turn a tanker like Pictor
on a dime.
Doesn't look like she's turning it at all.
This isn't what we're here to do.
You're supposed to be looking
for information
on the Ancestor so we can protect it,
not playing corporate detectives.
It helps to have the full picture.
Yeah, well, this isn't it.
So, how 'bout we all get back to work
and then you come tell me
when you've got something
we can actually use. Okay?
[Darian] When that ice is gone,
we don't just get what's underneath.
We open up all of Greenland
and the whole northern coasts
of Canada and Russia for extraction.
Sea and land.
Oil, gas, mining, gold,
Uranium, it is all there.
And we instantly cut the shipping time
from China to Europe.
Do you understand what that is worth?
I know how much it will cost.
Less than you stand to lose
if the licensing deal falls through.
I know that you have never been 100%
behind our plans for the Arctic.
I'd hate to think
that all these interruptions
would further dilute your focus.
If you are here to question my commitment,
you've picked the wrong week to do it.
So, unless you had another reason
for coming--
Only to impress upon you
that the board is watching.
Business goes on, just like life.
Then I appreciate your attention,
but mine is needed elsewhere.
And Darian,
next time you've got
something to impress on me,
feel free to call.
I'd hate for you to waste your time,
given how very valuable it is.
[door opens]
Heard you took a fall.
I'm alright for a nurse, thanks.
I know you all think of me as a monster,
but I've seen what that thing inside you
can do to a person.
It saved Baz's life. Mine, too.
[Coake] And killed a lot more.
Or did you think I didn't lose anyone
when that wave hit, too?
You want to blame it all on me, fine.
But when we first found it,
before we knew what it was capable of
these first guys, my guys
You don't forget that,
not for a long time.
When was this?
Before the Charlie.
When we started the mining trials,
it came at us unprovoked.
That's why I had you separated
when you came on board.
Turns out Cat wasn't infected,
whereas you
Well, that's not exactly breaking news.
No? Well, here's some:
healing's just the start,
like a tick numbing the pain
as it burrows into your flesh.
Next come the headaches, fainting,
hearing strange sounds, visions
Once it gets to that stage,
there's not long to go.
Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying.
Rose will figure it out.
You sure?
Seems to me she'd rather use it.
Or let it use you.
Whereas I can get it out.
What are you talking about?
After the first incidents,
we developed a treatment.
It's a shot that can drive
foreign organisms out of the host,
the same way it does.
We haven't had time
to mass-produce it yet,
but I've got some doses on board
for emergencies.
Keeping them back for yourself,
just in case.
It has no problem fighting back.
If I was you, I wouldn't either.
[ominous music]
[door opens]
Harish spent all night getting that data.
You could've heard him out.
Heard what?
That oil companies act aggressively
to secure new markets?
Cos that's hardly a revelation.
It could've been a shot across their bow,
if we could get it out.
It's not enough.
Lennox said we need to gather evidence
on the Ancestor
so that when we do tell the world,
we can convince them it's not a threat.
That's the only way to stop people
like Coake from trying to kill it.
What kind of evidence?
I don't know.
Finding this heart, maybe.
But whatever it is,
it has to be undeniable.
Otherwise, we'll only strengthen
those who are trying to kill it
and risk unleashing something even worse.
I know
you think what happened before
was your fault,
with the wave. It wasn't.
It doesn't matter whose fault it was.
Don't you get it?
Coake's right. It isn't about before.
It's about what comes next. Extinction!
That was the Ancestor's warning.
That may be true,
but from where I'm sitting,
all this guilt feels a lot like anger.
It's no way to run a team.
I told you this before,
you're not my boss.
[scoffs] What about your friend?
If your crew are afraid,
they'll never open up.
That's the mistake Coake makes.
If he's the one making mistakes, how come
he's always one fucking step ahead?
We're losing, Magnus.
We're losing this fight,
and we don't have time
for your peacemaker approach.
- [medical machines beeping]
- [man] Help me!
[man groaning]
[man groans] Help!
They can't keep this up.
It's like a fucking war zone.
[over PA] equipment.
Resources are limited.
- Yeah, almost.
- [man] I need some help!
[man groans] It hurts! Nurse. Nurse!
Hey, hey-up, mate. You alright?
- Where's the doctor?
- Just stay strong, and I'll be right back.
Hey, hey. It's okay.
You're gonna take a breath with me, okay?
- In and out.
- [breathes deeply]
- In and out.
- [breathes deeply]
Okay. This is hard.
No point pretending it's not.
You're doing great.
I'm Cat. What's your name?
- It's Beth.
- [Cat] Okay, Beth.
- You keep breathing in and out.
- [breathes deeply]
And then after, we're gonna get up,
and I'm gonna help you
with this guy next door, yeah?
Yeah, I'm trying,
it's just there's so many--
I know. But we can only do one at a time.
But you don't have to do it alone.
Okay, Beth?
- In
- [inhales]
Doctor's busy with another patient.
I tried--
It's alright, I've got this.
You can help, too.
No. I'm no nurse.
I'm not brave enough for that.
No, but you're good at getting angry,
so get angry.
Cos these people need to know why
they're here and whose fault all this is.
What about Kacey?
She'd say we fix the problems
in front of us, one at a time.
That's the only way to keep going.
Okay. I'm ready.
Good. Here we go.
Okay, let's get some fluids into him.
[ominous music]
[door opens]
Lost something?
Could be about to.
You want to watch your temper.
People make mistakes
when they're worked up. Big ones.
Where's Cameron?
You're the clever one. You figure it out.
Don't test me.
[tool clunks]
Love you too, man.
[door code beeping, door opens]
It's not in his locker.
So, where is he now?
I can't find him anywhere.
Probably down ore processing,
he knows there's no coverage there.
You've been watching us this whole time?
Just like you've been doing.
Without even knowing it.
What do you mean?
How do you think it knew
to attack the second rover?
As long as you're still connected,
you're a risk to everyone.
Your friends included.
But you don't have to be.
Unless you like having the wee squirmy
bastard up in your juices?
The way I remember it,
it was you squirming out on the ice.
Watch it.
There's always another way to cut you off.
I'm guessing this isn't
in the kindness of your heart kinda deal.
So, what do you need from me?
Not from you, from Cameron.
He took something from the crashed rover.
A data log.
Pointing you to the heart of the Ancestor?
They know all about it.
That's not all that's on there.
You get it for me.
You get the blocker, you can go.
That's what you want, isn't it?
Then all this'll be nothing more
than a bad dream.
Any suggestions on how?
I'm sure you'll think of something.
[case clicks closed]
[rocks thudding]
Been looking for you.
I'm not the only one.
Oh, yeah?
Ran into Bremner in the dive store.
[Cameron] Worse things happen at sea.
Isn't that the saying?
Yeah, nothing I can't handle.
He busted up your locker, though.
Seems to think you're hiding something.
From him? [chuckles]
Many, many things.
Anything you want to share?
[shuts down machine]
Me and my brother,
when we were kids, we were always
looking for places to hide.
He was younger, but I was smaller.
Meant I could fit into
the wee dark places he couldn't.
So And when my Da came home,
stinking of booze,
he always got the worst of it.
Battered and bruised.
And then there's us, spinning some story
the next day at school
about what happened.
Because of who you are?
Nah, because of who he was.
A bully.
And that's all the reason he needed.
But that's not the worst of it. Nah.
Cos I know now,
like when we went to school,
or when we were
with the rest of our family,
and we told them our wee stories,
they all knew.
And do you know what they did?
I can guess.
Not a single fucking thing.
You know what the worst piece of advice
I ever got?
"When you've got a bully,
just ignore them and they'll go away."
And they never do.
But everyone else does
until it's just you, alone,
hiding in the dark.
Where's your brother now?
That team that Coake sent out there.
They died in that dark.
Could've been us, too.
Your friends on the Bravo. The Charlie.
Sooner or later, he's gonna pay for that,
and anyone else who helps him.
Seems like a fair swap to me.
What you doing down here?
Ah, still looking for clues
about this heart of the Ancestor.
Fulmer was helping earlier, but then he
Yeah, I heard. Is he okay?
I wouldn't get involved. It's complicated.
[chuckles] Coming from you,
that's a warning worth listening to.
[chuckles] Yeah, thank you.
Mind if I have a go?
[Harish] Er, yeah, knock yourself out.
Hey. You seen Cameron?
Who's asking?
Magnus wants him.
Find out if he knows any more
about Coake's plan.
He's down there.
But unless it's urgent, I wouldn't.
[door code beeps]
Do you think he'll get it?
Let's not leave it to chance.
Once he's out, you go in.
You know what I like about diving?
Never tried it.
Well, it's based on trust.
You're out there, all alone,
and the literal weight of the world
pushing in on you.
The only thing stopping it
from crushing you
is the guy on the other end,
working the levels.
But if his focus drifts
for just a second
yeah, if he gets distracted
What's that?
Well, if you don't know,
you won't mind if I do this.
It's not what you think.
I knew he'd send someone after it.
Didn't think it would be you,
- not that it matters.
- [Fulmer] Wait!
That drive is the only record
of what happened to the survey team.
You destroy it and they'll cover it up,
just like us on the Bravo.
Coake'll get away with it again.
And if I give it to you,
are you gonna take him down?
No. Not me.
I'm tired and I'm scared,
and I didn't ask for any of this.
Same as you.
What about your friends?
They'll see it through.
They always do.
[machine stops]
[ominous music]
If you're lying I'll know.
[loud rumbling]
[high-pitched screech]
[loud rumbling]
[loud rumbling]
[loud rumbling, clicking]
[loud rumbling]
Have you listened to this?
To what?
[loud groaning]
A whale, maybe?
If that's a whale, I must have
missed that episode of Attenborough.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna loop it. There.
[groaning plays on repeat]
It's like music.
Or a signal.
It's got to be the Ancestor.
We'll be right down.
[hangs up phone]
They've got something to show us
in the Gallery.
Sounds like it.
Should we get Fulmer, too?
If he still wants to be involved,
he can find us.
Told you it was a promise.
And you just gave away
the last thing stopping me doing this.
Diver, dumbass.
You want to choke me,
you'll have to do better than that.
Watch me.
- [pounding on door]
- [Bremner] Open this fucking door!
- Can I help you?
- Where's your boss?
She owes me a chat.
Ms. Lennox is
in a private meeting at the moment.
Oh, private, yeah, yeah.
Well, if she won't speak to me,
then maybe I'll go and talk
to those reporters outside.
Tell 'em what really went on out there.
That'd be unwise, given the circumstances.
And what fucking circumstances is that?
There's someone here to see you,
someone you've been looking for.
You said you wanted to tell
Dunlin's widow yourself. Now you can.
[indistinct chatter]
[over PA] All deliveries
must pass through inspection.
Drivers must not proceed
into the camp until cleared by
The deal still holds.
You give Anna Dunlin the letters,
but you stick to the script.
Or she gets nothing
and you get the lawyers.
You proud of that?
I gave up on pride a long time ago.
It shows.
Er, hello, erm
- You must be Hutton.
- Yeah.
He told me about you.
Nothing good, I suppose.
You might be surprised.
- Sit.
- Yeah.
I, er
- I'm--
- Sorry for my loss?
I've had that already with them.
It's not what I need from you.
No, no. Guess not.
Grant used to call me every day.
same time, every time.
They told me he died in the wave,
but he stopped calling before that.
So, what really happened?
He died trying to save someone else.
All of us.
- And it should never have happened.
- No.
It never shoulda happened, but it did!
You can't tell me.
No, I don't suppose you can.
Certainly not here.
Perhaps you can help with this, then.
What am I suppose tell my sons
about their father when I leave here?
Other than he's never coming back.
You you know how he felt
about writing letters, right?
he left these.
For you all.
I'd tell them
that he was brave
smart, a better man than me.
Far better.
And I'd tell 'em
that he didn't deserve it.
None of them did.
- Ready.
- Ready.
[loud groaning plays on repeat]
What is it?
I don't know for sure,
but it's there at the rover attack,
and it's there when
the survey team get cut off.
This could really be something.
Baz said we had to listen.
Maybe this signal
was what he was talking about.
[stops loud groaning playing]
It's what Fulmer was listening to
when he blacked out, too.
If it triggers the visions, then maybe--
This signal, whatever it is
could it be what it's trying to say?
If we can figure out what it means,
we might finally be able to make contact.
[Coake] Did you get it?
No cameras?
Plausible deniability.
You might want to learn that phrase.
Hand it over.
Blocker first. That was the deal.
[Coake] There we go.
As promised. Your turn.
You never said what else was on it.
Surprised at your sudden interest.
I thought all you wanted was to get away.
I want the truth first.
Give me the drive and I'll show you.
But don't say I didn't warn you.
[Anna] They've been through these?
I had to.
And you can't tell me
what really happened.
Because then we'll get nothing.
Thank you.
If there's anything else I can do for you.
[emotional music]
I don't care about the money.
I don't care about Pictor.
You want to do something for me?
I'm listening.
You fuck them!
Whatever it takes, fuck them.
You tell the world
how my husband died and why.
That's what you can do for me.
Then I'll know he was right about you.
[emotional music continues]
Thank you.
[emotional music escalates]
I'd like to be with my family now, please.
Of course.
And again, you have the deepest
condolences of the company.
I can't imagine what you're going through.
[over PA] A new list of
registered camp residents will be posted
at the main gate in ten minutes.
I repeat, ten minutes.
[Fulmer] Where's Bremner?
[Coake] Tying up loose ends.
This really worth all the lives it took
to get it?
It'll save way more than it cost.
That's all that really matters in the end.
Feels a little different
when the end is you.
Thing is to make sure it never is.
What the hell's this?
[Fulmer] This is the drive
from the second rover.
Fucking Cameron!
The spineless shit
must've switched drives.
What happened to plausible deniability?
Sooner or later, we all have
to get our hands dirty.
[loud groaning plays on repeat]
[turns off loud groaning]
It's not a whale.
- [scoffs] Told ya.
- Alright.
Could it be the Ancestor?
It stands to reason
the timing, the pattern.
This kind of sound is appropriate for
an organism that lives in the deep ocean.
Any idea what it could be saying?
Ah, that is a different question.
But do you?
[Askel clicks tongue]
There's a story I know about a man
who thought he could talk to bears.
He spent many seasons with them,
living closely,
seeing the same ones return each year.
For the bears he knew,
fed them from his hand,
bathed in the water beside them.
But then one day, he met a bear
he did not know
and he tried to speak to it.
And what happened?
It killed him and ate him
because it was a bear and he was not.
[Harish] That's the, erm
The Herzog documentary,
Grizzly Man, right?
Yeah, yeah.
I enjoy the cinema.
So, you're saying,
we can't speak back to it?
I am saying, to understand
the mind of another creature
is a challenge that holds great risk.
It's hard enough to do it for another man.
[Cameron] Looking for me?
Ahh, hiding in the dark, is it?
You always were a fucking coward.
Maybe, but I'm not hiding anymore.
You knew it was out there
when you sent them.
You knew what it could do.
It's never you
on the front line though, is it?
Safe behind your fucking desk.
I wasn't always behind a desk.
[Cameron grunts]
Blood and oil, they always flow together,
and a company like Pictor
doesn't get to where it is
without spilling plenty of both.
[Fulmer, Coake fighting in distance]
so you may think
you're fighting the good fight,
whatever the fuck that means,
but remember this
We always win.
- [grunting]
- [slicing]
- [Coake groans]
- Not this time.
You think that'll make a difference?
Nothing you do
will ever make a difference.
Coake, Coake, put it down.
How's that for making a difference?
What have you done?
[closing theme music plays]