The Rig (2023) s02e04 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 4
[intense music]
Hiding in the dark, is it?
You always were a fucking coward.
Blood and oil. They always flow together.
[tape rewinds]
Blood and oil. They always flow together.
[Bremner choking on video]
Where is it? Where is it?
- [Coake] You're all weak.
- Where is it?
Coake, put it down.
Naive fucking
children-- [chokes]
[dramatic music]
[Rose] Have you ever dealt
with anything like this before?
[Magnus] I've seen plenty of guys
knocking ten bells out of each other
over some dumb shit, but never this far.
To actually kill someone.
Are there procedures?
[Magnus] Here, we're out
of any kind of jurisdiction.
It'll be up to Pictor.
Oh, great. That fills me with confidence.
But the first thing I want to know is,
why he did it.
You okay, pal?
You knew him before, right?
I thought I did
but now I'm not so sure.
But if there's anything you know,
anything that you saw that points to why,
now is the time.
Do we really have to do this now?
Ah, it's alright. You go get some air.
We'll finish your statement later.
[Rose] We want answers,
let's go to the source.
Anything else you find, bag it.
- We need all the evidence.
- [CRO] Yeah.
Had he threatened you?
You were already carrying that knife
so you must have been worried
about something.
What was it?
[scoffs] Talk, Cameron.
Do you have any idea what you've done?
I know exactly what I've done.
[opening theme music playing]
[Cameron] It's never you
on the front line though, is it?
[men struggling on video]
They found him locked in Ore Processing
after the fight.
- Bremner?
- Aye.
- What was he doing there?
- Nothing good, I'd bet.
[men fighting on video]
Not this time.
You think that'll make a difference?
We'll be needing a copy of that.
Gonna add it to your video collection?
For the investigation.
Which you're gonna help us with
by opening up a line
to Lennox in the Control Room.
I guess you really are in charge now.
You might find that it's not all
it's cracked up to be.
If you've got something to say,
start talking.
I've got nothing to do with it.
Then how come we found you locked
in Ore Processing?
Cameron had been acting suspicious
ever since he got back.
I went tae have a word with the boy,
but he flipped and got aggressive.
I tried to restrain him
and he fought back.
Locked me in.
Anything else?
Everything else is on the recording.
How's that for making a difference?
[men struggling on video]
You don't answer to Coake anymore.
You don't need to keep his secrets.
Just 'cause you have no idea
what's going on,
doesn't make it my problem.
Are you serious right now?
There's no points for loyalty
when he's already dead.
Says the woman whose own boyfriend
has gone behind her back.
What's that supposed to mean?
That maybe people are less on board with
your views on that thing than you think.
Fulmer wanted rid of it
and Coake gave him a way.
What are you talking about?
Ask him yourself.
You go. I'll speak to Lennox.
I'll catch you up.
We need to talk.
Why does it feel like I'm in trouble
every time we speak?
Your connection with the Ancestor,
did Coake help you break it?
- Who told you that?
- [Rose] Have you?
How's it even possible?
Pictor developed a blocker.
Fights back, pushes it out.
Says who? Coake?
Your link is the closest we've come
to communicating with it.
You know how important that--
To you, maybe!
For all we know, the Ancestor could still
be on its way to killing me!
And if you'd let me finish, you'd know
I never actually went through with it.
I left them in the Security Office.
Go look, if you don't believe me.
It was just a way to cosy up to Coake
and find out anything I could
that might help.
'Cause we still want the same things,
Rose, even if not for each other--
- What--
- [Fulmer] And it worked, okay.
Coake was sure the survey team
found the heart of the Ancestor.
But all the data from that mission
is on the rover's data drive,
which Cameron now has.
And I was doing my best
to bring it to you.
'Cause despite how you treat me,
I still believed
you could do something about it.
But I can't, anymore, Rose.
I can't do this.
Can't help?
I can't do us.
All you do is push and take.
- Fulmer--
- [Fulmer] No.
I'm sorry.
But no.
You okay?
In comparison to him, sure.
[sighs] We'll put him with the others.
Least this time, we won't be
contaminating your freezers.
Hardly a shortage
of cold storage round here.
You're taking statements?
And we've got CCTV, all ready
to hand over to the authorities.
Leave that part to me.
We'll need to liaise
with the appropriate agencies
and then I will call back to this terminal
with further instructions.
Lennox is coming back with next steps.
Okay, good, I'll wait for the call.
Erm, meantime, Fulmer told me more
about what happened.
Apparently, there's a map to the heart
of the Ancestor on the data drive.
That's what Coake wanted.
Fulmer thinks Cameron might have it.
Might be worth another shot with Cameron?
[Magnus] I'll try.
You wait for Lennox's call.
[tense music]
[sirens blaring]
[phone buzzing]
- [Bremner] Is that Mr York?
- Speaking.
This is Bremner on the Stac.
I thought you’d want to know
Coake has been murdered,
stabbed by one of the crew.
When did this happen?
Late last night, down in the wet dock.
- Does Lennox know already?
- [Bremner] Yeah, she's been told.
Anyone else?
We're in comms lockdown, so no.
I appreciate your call.
It won't be forgotten.
[intense music]
[indistinct voice over PA]
[door opens]
[phone ringing]
Whatever it is, it can wait.
I just came to offer my condolences.
How did you hear?
Well, news travels fast.
Especially for such a valued member
of the Pictor family.
Does anyone else on the Board know?
Once we've gathered all the facts,
everyone who needs to know, will.
And murder, by the sounds of it.
So, offshore investigation,
red tape, inquiries.
Have you come to me
with something useful, Darian?
Or just to gloat?
Shut it down. Before it goes any further.
Bringing this to the authorities
will undo all the good PR
Pictor have worked so hard
to re-establish.
This needs to be a purely internal matter.
No investigation, no other agencies.
We bury it, then we bury him.
[door closes]
[ominous music]
[rumbling on recording]
[rumbling on recording continues]
What's got you stuck?
Still trying to decode the signal.
But to understand communication,
we must understand
cause and effect, right?
So, Cameron's sonar pulse caused pain,
the effect, the Ancestor left.
But everything the Ancestor
has communicated,
is it just a constant aggression?
Or are these moments in between
offering a chance to answer back?
Have you spoken to Fulmer?
He's spent the most time with it.
Yeah, he wasn't keen on talking.
Or Easter? He was right there
when the Ancestor attacked.
Yeah. Yeah, good idea.
[overlapping chatter]
[over PA]
Dr Sail to T3. Critical in T3.
[paramedic] He's still bleeding.
Take him to the front of the queue.
Hey, you alright?
You're in good hands, yeah.
- Tell them he's been in the water.
- You okay?
[Cat] Is everything alright, mate?
Good thing these searches
are coming to an end.
What do you mean?
The hospitals are already at capacity.
Transfers are impossible
from here to anywhere--
No, I mean, the searches, mate.
We've no resources, what do you expect?
[emotional music]
Hey, Cat. We need to talk.
I know part of Pictor's deal
is helping you find Kacey.
I don't want to get in the way of that.
But I do think it's time
for getting the truth out there.
There's no way to do both, Hutton.
Then maybe it's time to focus on one.
Look, we haven't had a lead on Kacey
since we got here.
Concentrating on something else
might even help.
Are you asking my permission,
or are you telling me?
I'm just reminding you
that whatever happens here,
you still have family back out there.
No, I don't.
Because she has gone, Hutton.
- [Hutton] No.
- I think she's really gone.
Hey, hey, hey!
- [crying]
- That is not your fault!
Do you hear me?
I shouldn't have left her,
I shouldn't have gone.
You don't ever tell yourself it is, alright?
[sirens blaring]
You’re right. It, it's not my fault.
It's theirs.
All of this is, is their fault.
And I'm, I shouldn't be hiding this
for 'em, should I?
I'm done!
[horn blasts]
I know who we should talk to.
Come with me.
We know about the data drive.
Is that why you did what you did?
To keep it from Coake?
You wouldn't understand.
Try me.
I did it to save lives.
You're gonna need to expand on that.
Coake was more than willing to sacrifice
other people to get what he wanted.
He did it with the survey team,
he did it on the Charlie,
he did it with your pal, Dunlin.
- Yeah, I know about that, too.
- Careful.
Oh, fucking 'careful'.
That should be your catchphrase.
The great peacemaker.
But that only works
when both sides agree to stop fighting.
- This isn't a war--
- Yeah, it is!
It's a fucking war!
And Coake was a soldier.
He caused that tsunami,
and if he ever got what's on that drive
and went after the Ancestor again,
who's to say it wouldn't have
caused another?
So, yeah, I fought back.
Maybe if you'd have done sooner,
I wouldn't have had to.
You can pretend this is
about righteous rage all you like,
but that's not what I see. I see fear.
I just don't know of what yet.
[over PA] Please use channel 3
for all non-urgent communication.
Did you get Cameron to talk?
No. At least not about the drive.
Lennox is on the line.
Rose, Magnus.
Thank you for your patience.
We're now in the process of organising
the repatriation of Coake's body
from the Stac.
We'll let you know when
to expect the chopper.
No more investigation is required
into this matter.
So, on behalf of Pictor,
I'd like to thank you for handling
the situation up until now.
The situation?
[Lennox] We're deeply saddened
to have lost a valued member of Pictor,
but of course, in a dangerous industry,
workplace accidents do happen.
This was no fucking accident.
We have CCTV and statements
backing that up.
Our legal team already have
everything they require.
Some situations demand a certain care
in handling.
Rose understands that, so should you.
What the hell are you talking about?
You gave your word, Morgan.
That if you'd known what was going on,
on the Bravo,
- you'd have stepped in.
- [Lennox] This is a different situation.
Things have changed.
We'll be in touch about the chopper.
[scoffs] Fuck her!
I should've known.
She's just saving her arse,
has been the whole time.
You didn't really think she was
on your side, did you?
Magnus, I'm done waiting around.
We need to let the authorities know
what's really going on here.
[sighs] Help us, Bremner. Please.
Lift this comms lockout.
You know it's the right thing to do.
I'd say her instructions
were pretty clear on that front.
You think Pictor'll be looking out for you
after that?
There's no way you can trust them.
That's just why I won't take them on.
Covering up the death
of one of their most valued?
I step out of line,
I'd lose more than my job.
You do you. Leave me out of it.
Would you give us a minute?
So, this is where you're hiding.
Not hiding.
Just it's just a lot, you know.
It's okay to be shook.
You can't always be Mister Cool.
I beg to differ.
Did you find Harish?
I think he's he wants to be alone.
Er, has it been a minute?
So much for a bit of solitude.
But we thought you might be able to help.
Askel and I need to understand
what the Ancestor signal means.
- What is that?
- [Heather] And as you were there
- What?
- [Askel] Looks like the ice is bleeding.
What could cause that?
I don't know.
But we should find out.
[door closes]
Can I sit?
Did you mean what you said?
I won't ask you about the Ancestor again.
And I
I get this is the worst timing,
and I respect that you don't want to be
with me anymore,
but I really need you
to still work with me.
So, I only get an apology
because you still need something else?
- That's not--
- Look,
if this is so important, Rose,
why aren't you the one trying
to communicate with it?
There's nothing stopping you
exposing yourself,
you know where the samples are.
We need to make contact
with the authorities.
Tell them what's really going on out here.
Bremner's the only one
who can lift the lockout.
And what's that got to do with me?
He won't listen to me,
and I thought if anyone could
convince him, it would be you.
I wouldn't ask if there was any other way.
I know you think I don't care.
But I do.
I just wish the circumstances
were different.
[door opens, closes]
Boss, Askel found something
you guys need to see.
Is Rose there?
- Heather's gone to find her.
- I'll be right out.
Oh, Easter, wait.
Did you have any idea what Cameron
was planning? Or why?
I know he hates bullies,
and Coake fits that mould.
Enough to kill him for it?
If there's
if there's something he told you
that could help
it's better I know. For him, too.
[overlapping chatter]
Okay. You're saying Pictor knew
all about this ancient organism?
And it caused all this?
Well, they did.
I know it sounds crazy
but we both saw it, didn't we?
Pictor's been trying to kill it
and that's when all this started.
Everything that's happened is
because of them.
The Bravo, the Charlie, the wave, everything.
That's not what you said
at the press conference.
Well, she was forced to lie,
wasn't she?
I'm not surprised,
but it doesn't make you both exactly
the most reliable witnesses.
[Hutton scoffs]
Do you have any actual evidence of this?
I'm only asking what others will.
- No.
- Sorry, you know,
we were a bit busy to be playing Columbo.
This isn't a game.
[Hutton scoffs]
If this is true, is there anyone
who might be able to corroborate
that Pictor knew more
than they're letting on?
There was a moment out there,
when the comms came back on,
just a moment,
so we put out a distress signal.
And I'm sure we got through
to the Coast Guard,
but they never came.
Okay, erm, and how does that help?
Well, the distress signal was sent
long before the tsunami hit.
When Pictor was saying
that everything was perfectly fine.
If we could show that they're lying
about that, could that be enough?
In situations like this, companies
move fast to tie up the loose ends.
I can't guarantee anything,
but if I can confirm this,
then you might be able to convince me
this is a thread worth pulling.
What is it?
The movement of the Stac has created
pressure ridges in the ice,
exposing parts previously hidden.
Let me see.
[Askel] It could be signs of pollution,
but we have systems in place
to prevent that here,
which makes me question
the involvement of the Ancestor.
Either way, I would like to investigate.
No one goes back out on the ice,
not with a blizzard pushing in.
[stammers] The snow will cover it up.
And with the ice constantly moving,
this may be the only chance we have
to find out.
He's right.
I mean, if this could be connected
to the Ancestor,
- we need to take any chance we can get.
- Do we?
We were so focused on what was out there,
we missed the danger in here,
and now, another person is dead.
We are not adding more bodies
to that pile.
Hey. He says he can do it.
[scoffs] Just because someone is willing
to risk their life for you,
doesn't mean you should let them.
That is part of being a leader, too.
[door buzzes]
Oh, and here I was thinking you were soft.
They're not for you.
They're for this.
I spoke with Easter.
Is that right?
And what did he tell you?
About your dad.
What he did.
I've felt helpless as a father,
but never as a child.
Then you have no idea
what helpless really feels like.
Well, maybe not,
but I've felt the dark.
I've seen the look on people's faces
when they don't know what to say.
When they think they can understand
what they can never understand.
And you feel alone,
Well, at least you came back.
My brother
My brother threw himself
off the Forth Road Bridge
'cause of the trauma
that bastard put him through.
See, that's what bullies do,
they live their lives
by destroying others,
and then, they never look back,
never regret,
never stop.
But that's not the reason I killed him.
[Heather over PA] Control Room to Gallery,
Rose and Magnus,
please report to the Control Room,
Sounds important.
They come to take me away, have they?
No one's coming to take you away.
The company's covering it up,
which means you've got a choice to make.
You can either tell us why you did it,
hand over the data drive
and together we stop Pictor,
or you can go alone and destroy it.
But alone will only get you so far.
[Heather over PA] Control Room to Gallery,
Rose and Magnus,
please report to the Control Room,
Keep an eye on him.
[Heather over PA]
Rose and Magnus,
please report to the Control Room,
[wind whistling]
What's going on?
It's Askel.
He decided to go out anyway.
Is he mad?
[radio clicks]
Magnus to Askel.
Return to the Stac, immediately.
Affirmative. As soon as
I've investigated the stain.
If you stay out in that storm for long,
it's gonna kill you.
Yes, that is why I'm going fast.
[Magnus over radio]
Still feel like a good idea?
I didn't tell him to go.
Magnus to Bremner?
Magnus! Listen to me.
Magnus to Bremner.
You can't just take over.
We should be making this decision
Magnus to Bremner.
Magnus to Murchison.
Meet me by the gun store.
This isn't your risk to take.
I'll go after him myself.
This isn't a debate.
That storm is only gonna get worse.
If he gets lost, he'll freeze.
I'm bringing him back.
[door opens, closes]
Do you have any update?
I've spoken to Rose and Magnus.
This is as far as it goes.
- [Darian] Good.
- Now,
I can get back to doing my job
and you can get back to yours.
Well I have been doing my job, actually.
Looking after the long-term interests
of the company
and given everything
that's been happening,
I felt it was only right
I inform the rest of the Board.
You're having meetings without me now?
With Coake's death and the failure
to recover the survey team,
and everything that's been happening here,
the collective feeling is that
your emotional investment in these issues
is hampering your judgement.
What the hell are you talking about?
Decision has been reached.
When this is over,
you'll be stepping down as CEO of Pictor.
In the meantime, I will be taking
operational decisions
directly from here on out.
Including finalising the deal for
the Arctic at the Northern Latitude Forum.
I set up that deal.
Everything that I have done
has made Pictor what it is today.
Then why have you been willing to risk it
all for the sake of this 'Ancestor'?
I will not allow you, or it, to stand in
the way of the ambitions of this company.
The future forgets timidity,
and I intend to be remembered.
You're taking a big risk.
If I went public with this
Then you'll lose your legacy
as well as your job.
And we both know
that's the thing you care about the most.
[tense music]
[door closes]
[door code beeping]
Askel's gone out on the ice.
I'm gonna get him back.
I'm sorry to ask,
I need a marksman for the bears.
And you're telling me
no one else volunteered?
You don't have to, of course.
What, and trust you out there
on your own?
Let's hope I'm still a good shot, eh.
Let's hope you don't need to be.
Oh, no, no. No, you don't.
You've seen the conditions.
It's not happening.
I'm coming with you.
[gun clacking]
Growing up on a farm
made me a pretty slick shot,
and since Askel doesn't seem
to listen to you,
you'll need all the help you can get
to bring him back.
She's not wrong.
Looks like we don't have a choice.
[wind howling]
You ever driven
in anything like this before?
A long time ago.
It's like riding a bike.
Are those cracks getting bigger?
[ominous music]
[door beeps]
I ignored the radio call for a reason.
I'm not here about that.
I took the antidote.
I'm rid of that thing inside me
and I've got nothing left on here.
I need out, Bremner.
What makes you so special?
We've all gone through the ringer.
Look, Pictor aren't looking out
for any of us.
Not Coake, not you,
and especially not me.
And we need to look after ourselves.
Open up comms,
and we tell them on land
what's really going on out here--
Been speaking to Rose?
Only when I have to.
Magnus is heading out on the ice.
So, this is just between us.
If we get out first,
we'll be looked after.
I need this job.
They'll cast you aside, Bremner.
It's only a matter of time.
Every job I've ever had
has been taken away.
Pictor are bigger than us.
And while they might not be better,
they're the stronger side to be on.
I'm not throwing away my life
before I have to.
I get that. I do.
But you know as well as I do,
it's just a matter of time.
For once, this is your chance
to be on the front foot.
[door opens]
[tyres crunching on snow]
Stay here. Keep watch, eh.
We won't be long.
[tent unzips]
The samples can wait.
- Askel.
- Yeah, it's important.
It's fucking reckless right now.
What can we do to help?
Thank you. Er, pass me a test tube.
More hands, faster results.
[ominous music]
I was right. It is pollution,
but it's not from something
that's been spilled on top.
These pieces of ice was flipped over
by the force of pressure when we moved.
It's coming from below.
[machine whirring]
We really should get back.
The blizzard's getting worse.
Nearly done.
[machine beeping]
That is not good.
The pollutants in the ice match
the chemicals Pictor use when mining.
They've always said
the chemicals are removed
before any waste is released
back into the water.
If Pictor go ahead
with their expansion plans here,
with many more rigs
It could contaminate
the whole of the Arctic Ocean.
Oh, fuck it!
Storm's coming back.
The ice is getting unstable.
- Come on.
- Yeah.
[tyres crunching]
Fuck it. Our tracks are gone.
Something's messing with the compass too.
Try the GPS.
[Murchison groans]
I can't get a fix.
[video call ringing]
You wanted to speak to me?
I thank you so much for keeping me
in the loop about Coake's death.
It, of course, leaves a vacancy
that needs filling.
I'm interested.
But I don't work for free.
You want my help,
then you'd better look after me.
Well, help me finish what he started,
and you will have the full protection
of the company behind you.
I can assure you of that.
What about Lennox?
Won't she have something to say
about this?
You don't need to worry
about her anymore.
I'm a man of my word, Bremner.
Work with me and the rewards
will be very significant.
And what about the risks?
Nothing you can't handle.
[video call ends]
- [tyres crunching]
- [wind howling]
I can't see a thing.
Magnus to Control Room.
Magnus to Control Room.
We've lost our way back to the Stac.
It's a white-out out here.
Magnus? It’s Easter. We're on it.
Hold tight.
Turning on external lights.
See if we can lead them back in.
Magnus, external lights are on.
Can you see us?
It's not pushing through.
I can't see a foot in front of us.
[sighs] We can't see anything
from here, either.
Then we've got a problem.
[electrical zapping]
Call up to the Control Room!
Give it to me.
Is Magnus still out on the ice?
They're, they're stuck. It's a white-out.
We have to get them back.
The Ancestor, it's glowing the same way
it did before it attacked.
The Ancestor's attacking.
Get on the radio and warn them.
I'll check out what's happening below.
You know what, go find Bremner.
He knows the Stac better than anyone.
There must be flares or something
that can help guide them back.
- Sure.
- Magnus,
I think you might have a bigger problem.
I think it's already found us.
[ice cracking]
It's coming up behind us fast!
I'm not sticking around
to see if it’s feeling friendly.
[engine revs]
Can you still see it?
It's right behind us!
[ice crunching]
Magnus! On the right!
Ahead! Look out!
I'm blind, I'm blind!
Lights! That way, look!
Where? I can't see them!
On the right!
Look out!
[Magnus] Whoa!
[all gasping]
It's all around us.
Don't move!
It's fucking everywhere!
- What are you doing?!
- [Askel] Testing a theory.
I'll be back.
Stay where you are!
You don't know what's out there!
[playing signal]
He's practically fishing for it.
Is he trying to get us killed?
- [bubbling]
- [recorded signal playing]
No. He's playing its own signal
back to it.
Look, it's working.
[uplifting music]
[groaning sounds]
[ice crunching]
That was brave.
Risky, but definitely brave.
I don't know what you did,
but it seemed to work.
It understood. We made a connection.
It's incredible.
[small chuckle]
We should go. Before it comes back.
Come on.
[sirens blaring]
[overlapping chatter]
Hey, it's gonna be alright.
Your mum is getting out.
You gotta be brave for your sister.
Isn't that right, Cat?
Oh, here we go.
I spoke to an old source who has
connections with the Coast Guard.
- And?
- What did they say?
If the call was received,
then it would've been logged.
Except, when they looked,
there was no call log made
on the night of the wave.
As in, they got rid of the logs?
Exactly, and you only delete
what you don't want to be found.
So, what next? Do we take it to them?
No, not yet.
We don't want to tip people off
that we've been looking.
Let me keep digging. And look,
I'm not making any promises--
Er, Cat, you should come with me.
[emotional music]
A civilian's brought in a patient
that matches Kacey's description.
Is it her?
[Dr Sail]
We need you to confirm that.
[tense music]
Her condition is serious,
but she's stable just now.
[Kacey's rasping breathing]
- I'll be around if you need me.
- Okay.
- [both crying]
- I'm here now, darling.
I'm here now, darling.
I’m not gonna leave you again.
It's alright, darling. I'm here.
I'm so sorry. I'm here.
- [phone rings]
- Anything?
No, nothing.
Is Harish still down there with you?
No, he went to find Bremner.
Try the Security Office.
[hangs up receiver]
I wanna talk to you. It's about the drive.
It's okay.
In private.
It's okay.
You want to know where the drive is,
I'll tell you.
- Really?
- Really.
But you're not gonna like
what you see on it.
It's not just the maps and the poison.
Coake had a new delivery system,
that means whoever has that drive,
can strike at the Ancestor
without anyone being able to stop them.
[phone rings]
Harish, is that you?
Did you want something, or not?
No, wait a minute. Please.
I know I keep my guard up, but
I want you to know,
that most of the time,
I'm thinking about you.
I have been since we met.
I'm sorry I've never said it 'till now.
You don't have to do this.
[Bremner] That's the last time
you tell me what to do.
[Rose gasps]
[closing theme music playing]
[intense music]
Hiding in the dark, is it?
You always were a fucking coward.
Blood and oil. They always flow together.
[tape rewinds]
Blood and oil. They always flow together.
[Bremner choking on video]
Where is it? Where is it?
- [Coake] You're all weak.
- Where is it?
Coake, put it down.
Naive fucking
children-- [chokes]
[dramatic music]
[Rose] Have you ever dealt
with anything like this before?
[Magnus] I've seen plenty of guys
knocking ten bells out of each other
over some dumb shit, but never this far.
To actually kill someone.
Are there procedures?
[Magnus] Here, we're out
of any kind of jurisdiction.
It'll be up to Pictor.
Oh, great. That fills me with confidence.
But the first thing I want to know is,
why he did it.
You okay, pal?
You knew him before, right?
I thought I did
but now I'm not so sure.
But if there's anything you know,
anything that you saw that points to why,
now is the time.
Do we really have to do this now?
Ah, it's alright. You go get some air.
We'll finish your statement later.
[Rose] We want answers,
let's go to the source.
Anything else you find, bag it.
- We need all the evidence.
- [CRO] Yeah.
Had he threatened you?
You were already carrying that knife
so you must have been worried
about something.
What was it?
[scoffs] Talk, Cameron.
Do you have any idea what you've done?
I know exactly what I've done.
[opening theme music playing]
[Cameron] It's never you
on the front line though, is it?
[men struggling on video]
They found him locked in Ore Processing
after the fight.
- Bremner?
- Aye.
- What was he doing there?
- Nothing good, I'd bet.
[men fighting on video]
Not this time.
You think that'll make a difference?
We'll be needing a copy of that.
Gonna add it to your video collection?
For the investigation.
Which you're gonna help us with
by opening up a line
to Lennox in the Control Room.
I guess you really are in charge now.
You might find that it's not all
it's cracked up to be.
If you've got something to say,
start talking.
I've got nothing to do with it.
Then how come we found you locked
in Ore Processing?
Cameron had been acting suspicious
ever since he got back.
I went tae have a word with the boy,
but he flipped and got aggressive.
I tried to restrain him
and he fought back.
Locked me in.
Anything else?
Everything else is on the recording.
How's that for making a difference?
[men struggling on video]
You don't answer to Coake anymore.
You don't need to keep his secrets.
Just 'cause you have no idea
what's going on,
doesn't make it my problem.
Are you serious right now?
There's no points for loyalty
when he's already dead.
Says the woman whose own boyfriend
has gone behind her back.
What's that supposed to mean?
That maybe people are less on board with
your views on that thing than you think.
Fulmer wanted rid of it
and Coake gave him a way.
What are you talking about?
Ask him yourself.
You go. I'll speak to Lennox.
I'll catch you up.
We need to talk.
Why does it feel like I'm in trouble
every time we speak?
Your connection with the Ancestor,
did Coake help you break it?
- Who told you that?
- [Rose] Have you?
How's it even possible?
Pictor developed a blocker.
Fights back, pushes it out.
Says who? Coake?
Your link is the closest we've come
to communicating with it.
You know how important that--
To you, maybe!
For all we know, the Ancestor could still
be on its way to killing me!
And if you'd let me finish, you'd know
I never actually went through with it.
I left them in the Security Office.
Go look, if you don't believe me.
It was just a way to cosy up to Coake
and find out anything I could
that might help.
'Cause we still want the same things,
Rose, even if not for each other--
- What--
- [Fulmer] And it worked, okay.
Coake was sure the survey team
found the heart of the Ancestor.
But all the data from that mission
is on the rover's data drive,
which Cameron now has.
And I was doing my best
to bring it to you.
'Cause despite how you treat me,
I still believed
you could do something about it.
But I can't, anymore, Rose.
I can't do this.
Can't help?
I can't do us.
All you do is push and take.
- Fulmer--
- [Fulmer] No.
I'm sorry.
But no.
You okay?
In comparison to him, sure.
[sighs] We'll put him with the others.
Least this time, we won't be
contaminating your freezers.
Hardly a shortage
of cold storage round here.
You're taking statements?
And we've got CCTV, all ready
to hand over to the authorities.
Leave that part to me.
We'll need to liaise
with the appropriate agencies
and then I will call back to this terminal
with further instructions.
Lennox is coming back with next steps.
Okay, good, I'll wait for the call.
Erm, meantime, Fulmer told me more
about what happened.
Apparently, there's a map to the heart
of the Ancestor on the data drive.
That's what Coake wanted.
Fulmer thinks Cameron might have it.
Might be worth another shot with Cameron?
[Magnus] I'll try.
You wait for Lennox's call.
[tense music]
[sirens blaring]
[phone buzzing]
- [Bremner] Is that Mr York?
- Speaking.
This is Bremner on the Stac.
I thought you’d want to know
Coake has been murdered,
stabbed by one of the crew.
When did this happen?
Late last night, down in the wet dock.
- Does Lennox know already?
- [Bremner] Yeah, she's been told.
Anyone else?
We're in comms lockdown, so no.
I appreciate your call.
It won't be forgotten.
[intense music]
[indistinct voice over PA]
[door opens]
[phone ringing]
Whatever it is, it can wait.
I just came to offer my condolences.
How did you hear?
Well, news travels fast.
Especially for such a valued member
of the Pictor family.
Does anyone else on the Board know?
Once we've gathered all the facts,
everyone who needs to know, will.
And murder, by the sounds of it.
So, offshore investigation,
red tape, inquiries.
Have you come to me
with something useful, Darian?
Or just to gloat?
Shut it down. Before it goes any further.
Bringing this to the authorities
will undo all the good PR
Pictor have worked so hard
to re-establish.
This needs to be a purely internal matter.
No investigation, no other agencies.
We bury it, then we bury him.
[door closes]
[ominous music]
[rumbling on recording]
[rumbling on recording continues]
What's got you stuck?
Still trying to decode the signal.
But to understand communication,
we must understand
cause and effect, right?
So, Cameron's sonar pulse caused pain,
the effect, the Ancestor left.
But everything the Ancestor
has communicated,
is it just a constant aggression?
Or are these moments in between
offering a chance to answer back?
Have you spoken to Fulmer?
He's spent the most time with it.
Yeah, he wasn't keen on talking.
Or Easter? He was right there
when the Ancestor attacked.
Yeah. Yeah, good idea.
[overlapping chatter]
[over PA]
Dr Sail to T3. Critical in T3.
[paramedic] He's still bleeding.
Take him to the front of the queue.
Hey, you alright?
You're in good hands, yeah.
- Tell them he's been in the water.
- You okay?
[Cat] Is everything alright, mate?
Good thing these searches
are coming to an end.
What do you mean?
The hospitals are already at capacity.
Transfers are impossible
from here to anywhere--
No, I mean, the searches, mate.
We've no resources, what do you expect?
[emotional music]
Hey, Cat. We need to talk.
I know part of Pictor's deal
is helping you find Kacey.
I don't want to get in the way of that.
But I do think it's time
for getting the truth out there.
There's no way to do both, Hutton.
Then maybe it's time to focus on one.
Look, we haven't had a lead on Kacey
since we got here.
Concentrating on something else
might even help.
Are you asking my permission,
or are you telling me?
I'm just reminding you
that whatever happens here,
you still have family back out there.
No, I don't.
Because she has gone, Hutton.
- [Hutton] No.
- I think she's really gone.
Hey, hey, hey!
- [crying]
- That is not your fault!
Do you hear me?
I shouldn't have left her,
I shouldn't have gone.
You don't ever tell yourself it is, alright?
[sirens blaring]
You’re right. It, it's not my fault.
It's theirs.
All of this is, is their fault.
And I'm, I shouldn't be hiding this
for 'em, should I?
I'm done!
[horn blasts]
I know who we should talk to.
Come with me.
We know about the data drive.
Is that why you did what you did?
To keep it from Coake?
You wouldn't understand.
Try me.
I did it to save lives.
You're gonna need to expand on that.
Coake was more than willing to sacrifice
other people to get what he wanted.
He did it with the survey team,
he did it on the Charlie,
he did it with your pal, Dunlin.
- Yeah, I know about that, too.
- Careful.
Oh, fucking 'careful'.
That should be your catchphrase.
The great peacemaker.
But that only works
when both sides agree to stop fighting.
- This isn't a war--
- Yeah, it is!
It's a fucking war!
And Coake was a soldier.
He caused that tsunami,
and if he ever got what's on that drive
and went after the Ancestor again,
who's to say it wouldn't have
caused another?
So, yeah, I fought back.
Maybe if you'd have done sooner,
I wouldn't have had to.
You can pretend this is
about righteous rage all you like,
but that's not what I see. I see fear.
I just don't know of what yet.
[over PA] Please use channel 3
for all non-urgent communication.
Did you get Cameron to talk?
No. At least not about the drive.
Lennox is on the line.
Rose, Magnus.
Thank you for your patience.
We're now in the process of organising
the repatriation of Coake's body
from the Stac.
We'll let you know when
to expect the chopper.
No more investigation is required
into this matter.
So, on behalf of Pictor,
I'd like to thank you for handling
the situation up until now.
The situation?
[Lennox] We're deeply saddened
to have lost a valued member of Pictor,
but of course, in a dangerous industry,
workplace accidents do happen.
This was no fucking accident.
We have CCTV and statements
backing that up.
Our legal team already have
everything they require.
Some situations demand a certain care
in handling.
Rose understands that, so should you.
What the hell are you talking about?
You gave your word, Morgan.
That if you'd known what was going on,
on the Bravo,
- you'd have stepped in.
- [Lennox] This is a different situation.
Things have changed.
We'll be in touch about the chopper.
[scoffs] Fuck her!
I should've known.
She's just saving her arse,
has been the whole time.
You didn't really think she was
on your side, did you?
Magnus, I'm done waiting around.
We need to let the authorities know
what's really going on here.
[sighs] Help us, Bremner. Please.
Lift this comms lockout.
You know it's the right thing to do.
I'd say her instructions
were pretty clear on that front.
You think Pictor'll be looking out for you
after that?
There's no way you can trust them.
That's just why I won't take them on.
Covering up the death
of one of their most valued?
I step out of line,
I'd lose more than my job.
You do you. Leave me out of it.
Would you give us a minute?
So, this is where you're hiding.
Not hiding.
Just it's just a lot, you know.
It's okay to be shook.
You can't always be Mister Cool.
I beg to differ.
Did you find Harish?
I think he's he wants to be alone.
Er, has it been a minute?
So much for a bit of solitude.
But we thought you might be able to help.
Askel and I need to understand
what the Ancestor signal means.
- What is that?
- [Heather] And as you were there
- What?
- [Askel] Looks like the ice is bleeding.
What could cause that?
I don't know.
But we should find out.
[door closes]
Can I sit?
Did you mean what you said?
I won't ask you about the Ancestor again.
And I
I get this is the worst timing,
and I respect that you don't want to be
with me anymore,
but I really need you
to still work with me.
So, I only get an apology
because you still need something else?
- That's not--
- Look,
if this is so important, Rose,
why aren't you the one trying
to communicate with it?
There's nothing stopping you
exposing yourself,
you know where the samples are.
We need to make contact
with the authorities.
Tell them what's really going on out here.
Bremner's the only one
who can lift the lockout.
And what's that got to do with me?
He won't listen to me,
and I thought if anyone could
convince him, it would be you.
I wouldn't ask if there was any other way.
I know you think I don't care.
But I do.
I just wish the circumstances
were different.
[door opens, closes]
Boss, Askel found something
you guys need to see.
Is Rose there?
- Heather's gone to find her.
- I'll be right out.
Oh, Easter, wait.
Did you have any idea what Cameron
was planning? Or why?
I know he hates bullies,
and Coake fits that mould.
Enough to kill him for it?
If there's
if there's something he told you
that could help
it's better I know. For him, too.
[overlapping chatter]
Okay. You're saying Pictor knew
all about this ancient organism?
And it caused all this?
Well, they did.
I know it sounds crazy
but we both saw it, didn't we?
Pictor's been trying to kill it
and that's when all this started.
Everything that's happened is
because of them.
The Bravo, the Charlie, the wave, everything.
That's not what you said
at the press conference.
Well, she was forced to lie,
wasn't she?
I'm not surprised,
but it doesn't make you both exactly
the most reliable witnesses.
[Hutton scoffs]
Do you have any actual evidence of this?
I'm only asking what others will.
- No.
- Sorry, you know,
we were a bit busy to be playing Columbo.
This isn't a game.
[Hutton scoffs]
If this is true, is there anyone
who might be able to corroborate
that Pictor knew more
than they're letting on?
There was a moment out there,
when the comms came back on,
just a moment,
so we put out a distress signal.
And I'm sure we got through
to the Coast Guard,
but they never came.
Okay, erm, and how does that help?
Well, the distress signal was sent
long before the tsunami hit.
When Pictor was saying
that everything was perfectly fine.
If we could show that they're lying
about that, could that be enough?
In situations like this, companies
move fast to tie up the loose ends.
I can't guarantee anything,
but if I can confirm this,
then you might be able to convince me
this is a thread worth pulling.
What is it?
The movement of the Stac has created
pressure ridges in the ice,
exposing parts previously hidden.
Let me see.
[Askel] It could be signs of pollution,
but we have systems in place
to prevent that here,
which makes me question
the involvement of the Ancestor.
Either way, I would like to investigate.
No one goes back out on the ice,
not with a blizzard pushing in.
[stammers] The snow will cover it up.
And with the ice constantly moving,
this may be the only chance we have
to find out.
He's right.
I mean, if this could be connected
to the Ancestor,
- we need to take any chance we can get.
- Do we?
We were so focused on what was out there,
we missed the danger in here,
and now, another person is dead.
We are not adding more bodies
to that pile.
Hey. He says he can do it.
[scoffs] Just because someone is willing
to risk their life for you,
doesn't mean you should let them.
That is part of being a leader, too.
[door buzzes]
Oh, and here I was thinking you were soft.
They're not for you.
They're for this.
I spoke with Easter.
Is that right?
And what did he tell you?
About your dad.
What he did.
I've felt helpless as a father,
but never as a child.
Then you have no idea
what helpless really feels like.
Well, maybe not,
but I've felt the dark.
I've seen the look on people's faces
when they don't know what to say.
When they think they can understand
what they can never understand.
And you feel alone,
Well, at least you came back.
My brother
My brother threw himself
off the Forth Road Bridge
'cause of the trauma
that bastard put him through.
See, that's what bullies do,
they live their lives
by destroying others,
and then, they never look back,
never regret,
never stop.
But that's not the reason I killed him.
[Heather over PA] Control Room to Gallery,
Rose and Magnus,
please report to the Control Room,
Sounds important.
They come to take me away, have they?
No one's coming to take you away.
The company's covering it up,
which means you've got a choice to make.
You can either tell us why you did it,
hand over the data drive
and together we stop Pictor,
or you can go alone and destroy it.
But alone will only get you so far.
[Heather over PA] Control Room to Gallery,
Rose and Magnus,
please report to the Control Room,
Keep an eye on him.
[Heather over PA]
Rose and Magnus,
please report to the Control Room,
[wind whistling]
What's going on?
It's Askel.
He decided to go out anyway.
Is he mad?
[radio clicks]
Magnus to Askel.
Return to the Stac, immediately.
Affirmative. As soon as
I've investigated the stain.
If you stay out in that storm for long,
it's gonna kill you.
Yes, that is why I'm going fast.
[Magnus over radio]
Still feel like a good idea?
I didn't tell him to go.
Magnus to Bremner?
Magnus! Listen to me.
Magnus to Bremner.
You can't just take over.
We should be making this decision
Magnus to Bremner.
Magnus to Murchison.
Meet me by the gun store.
This isn't your risk to take.
I'll go after him myself.
This isn't a debate.
That storm is only gonna get worse.
If he gets lost, he'll freeze.
I'm bringing him back.
[door opens, closes]
Do you have any update?
I've spoken to Rose and Magnus.
This is as far as it goes.
- [Darian] Good.
- Now,
I can get back to doing my job
and you can get back to yours.
Well I have been doing my job, actually.
Looking after the long-term interests
of the company
and given everything
that's been happening,
I felt it was only right
I inform the rest of the Board.
You're having meetings without me now?
With Coake's death and the failure
to recover the survey team,
and everything that's been happening here,
the collective feeling is that
your emotional investment in these issues
is hampering your judgement.
What the hell are you talking about?
Decision has been reached.
When this is over,
you'll be stepping down as CEO of Pictor.
In the meantime, I will be taking
operational decisions
directly from here on out.
Including finalising the deal for
the Arctic at the Northern Latitude Forum.
I set up that deal.
Everything that I have done
has made Pictor what it is today.
Then why have you been willing to risk it
all for the sake of this 'Ancestor'?
I will not allow you, or it, to stand in
the way of the ambitions of this company.
The future forgets timidity,
and I intend to be remembered.
You're taking a big risk.
If I went public with this
Then you'll lose your legacy
as well as your job.
And we both know
that's the thing you care about the most.
[tense music]
[door closes]
[door code beeping]
Askel's gone out on the ice.
I'm gonna get him back.
I'm sorry to ask,
I need a marksman for the bears.
And you're telling me
no one else volunteered?
You don't have to, of course.
What, and trust you out there
on your own?
Let's hope I'm still a good shot, eh.
Let's hope you don't need to be.
Oh, no, no. No, you don't.
You've seen the conditions.
It's not happening.
I'm coming with you.
[gun clacking]
Growing up on a farm
made me a pretty slick shot,
and since Askel doesn't seem
to listen to you,
you'll need all the help you can get
to bring him back.
She's not wrong.
Looks like we don't have a choice.
[wind howling]
You ever driven
in anything like this before?
A long time ago.
It's like riding a bike.
Are those cracks getting bigger?
[ominous music]
[door beeps]
I ignored the radio call for a reason.
I'm not here about that.
I took the antidote.
I'm rid of that thing inside me
and I've got nothing left on here.
I need out, Bremner.
What makes you so special?
We've all gone through the ringer.
Look, Pictor aren't looking out
for any of us.
Not Coake, not you,
and especially not me.
And we need to look after ourselves.
Open up comms,
and we tell them on land
what's really going on out here--
Been speaking to Rose?
Only when I have to.
Magnus is heading out on the ice.
So, this is just between us.
If we get out first,
we'll be looked after.
I need this job.
They'll cast you aside, Bremner.
It's only a matter of time.
Every job I've ever had
has been taken away.
Pictor are bigger than us.
And while they might not be better,
they're the stronger side to be on.
I'm not throwing away my life
before I have to.
I get that. I do.
But you know as well as I do,
it's just a matter of time.
For once, this is your chance
to be on the front foot.
[door opens]
[tyres crunching on snow]
Stay here. Keep watch, eh.
We won't be long.
[tent unzips]
The samples can wait.
- Askel.
- Yeah, it's important.
It's fucking reckless right now.
What can we do to help?
Thank you. Er, pass me a test tube.
More hands, faster results.
[ominous music]
I was right. It is pollution,
but it's not from something
that's been spilled on top.
These pieces of ice was flipped over
by the force of pressure when we moved.
It's coming from below.
[machine whirring]
We really should get back.
The blizzard's getting worse.
Nearly done.
[machine beeping]
That is not good.
The pollutants in the ice match
the chemicals Pictor use when mining.
They've always said
the chemicals are removed
before any waste is released
back into the water.
If Pictor go ahead
with their expansion plans here,
with many more rigs
It could contaminate
the whole of the Arctic Ocean.
Oh, fuck it!
Storm's coming back.
The ice is getting unstable.
- Come on.
- Yeah.
[tyres crunching]
Fuck it. Our tracks are gone.
Something's messing with the compass too.
Try the GPS.
[Murchison groans]
I can't get a fix.
[video call ringing]
You wanted to speak to me?
I thank you so much for keeping me
in the loop about Coake's death.
It, of course, leaves a vacancy
that needs filling.
I'm interested.
But I don't work for free.
You want my help,
then you'd better look after me.
Well, help me finish what he started,
and you will have the full protection
of the company behind you.
I can assure you of that.
What about Lennox?
Won't she have something to say
about this?
You don't need to worry
about her anymore.
I'm a man of my word, Bremner.
Work with me and the rewards
will be very significant.
And what about the risks?
Nothing you can't handle.
[video call ends]
- [tyres crunching]
- [wind howling]
I can't see a thing.
Magnus to Control Room.
Magnus to Control Room.
We've lost our way back to the Stac.
It's a white-out out here.
Magnus? It’s Easter. We're on it.
Hold tight.
Turning on external lights.
See if we can lead them back in.
Magnus, external lights are on.
Can you see us?
It's not pushing through.
I can't see a foot in front of us.
[sighs] We can't see anything
from here, either.
Then we've got a problem.
[electrical zapping]
Call up to the Control Room!
Give it to me.
Is Magnus still out on the ice?
They're, they're stuck. It's a white-out.
We have to get them back.
The Ancestor, it's glowing the same way
it did before it attacked.
The Ancestor's attacking.
Get on the radio and warn them.
I'll check out what's happening below.
You know what, go find Bremner.
He knows the Stac better than anyone.
There must be flares or something
that can help guide them back.
- Sure.
- Magnus,
I think you might have a bigger problem.
I think it's already found us.
[ice cracking]
It's coming up behind us fast!
I'm not sticking around
to see if it’s feeling friendly.
[engine revs]
Can you still see it?
It's right behind us!
[ice crunching]
Magnus! On the right!
Ahead! Look out!
I'm blind, I'm blind!
Lights! That way, look!
Where? I can't see them!
On the right!
Look out!
[Magnus] Whoa!
[all gasping]
It's all around us.
Don't move!
It's fucking everywhere!
- What are you doing?!
- [Askel] Testing a theory.
I'll be back.
Stay where you are!
You don't know what's out there!
[playing signal]
He's practically fishing for it.
Is he trying to get us killed?
- [bubbling]
- [recorded signal playing]
No. He's playing its own signal
back to it.
Look, it's working.
[uplifting music]
[groaning sounds]
[ice crunching]
That was brave.
Risky, but definitely brave.
I don't know what you did,
but it seemed to work.
It understood. We made a connection.
It's incredible.
[small chuckle]
We should go. Before it comes back.
Come on.
[sirens blaring]
[overlapping chatter]
Hey, it's gonna be alright.
Your mum is getting out.
You gotta be brave for your sister.
Isn't that right, Cat?
Oh, here we go.
I spoke to an old source who has
connections with the Coast Guard.
- And?
- What did they say?
If the call was received,
then it would've been logged.
Except, when they looked,
there was no call log made
on the night of the wave.
As in, they got rid of the logs?
Exactly, and you only delete
what you don't want to be found.
So, what next? Do we take it to them?
No, not yet.
We don't want to tip people off
that we've been looking.
Let me keep digging. And look,
I'm not making any promises--
Er, Cat, you should come with me.
[emotional music]
A civilian's brought in a patient
that matches Kacey's description.
Is it her?
[Dr Sail]
We need you to confirm that.
[tense music]
Her condition is serious,
but she's stable just now.
[Kacey's rasping breathing]
- I'll be around if you need me.
- Okay.
- [both crying]
- I'm here now, darling.
I'm here now, darling.
I’m not gonna leave you again.
It's alright, darling. I'm here.
I'm so sorry. I'm here.
- [phone rings]
- Anything?
No, nothing.
Is Harish still down there with you?
No, he went to find Bremner.
Try the Security Office.
[hangs up receiver]
I wanna talk to you. It's about the drive.
It's okay.
In private.
It's okay.
You want to know where the drive is,
I'll tell you.
- Really?
- Really.
But you're not gonna like
what you see on it.
It's not just the maps and the poison.
Coake had a new delivery system,
that means whoever has that drive,
can strike at the Ancestor
without anyone being able to stop them.
[phone rings]
Harish, is that you?
Did you want something, or not?
No, wait a minute. Please.
I know I keep my guard up, but
I want you to know,
that most of the time,
I'm thinking about you.
I have been since we met.
I'm sorry I've never said it 'till now.
You don't have to do this.
[Bremner] That's the last time
you tell me what to do.
[Rose gasps]
[closing theme music playing]