The Rig (2023) s02e05 Episode Script
Season 2, Episode 5
[ominous music]
[Rose] Bremner,
you don't need to do this.
Put the gun down.
look at me.
[hangs up phone]
[Bremner] Don't need
prying eyes watching us.
There's only one thing here
nobody needs.
You need to shut up. Shush!
[breathing heavily]
Oh, shit, shit!
Easter, are you still there?
- Bremner's got a gun on Rose and Cameron.
- You're joking?
Rose, where are you?
Put the gun down.
Whatever this is about,
we can figure it out together.
You hear the way she speaks to us?
Like we're parts in a machine.
The arrogance of it.
That's not what I think.
[muffled conversation]
I'm not your enemy, Bremner.
- Is that right?
- [gasps]
You're a fucking coward.
I told you to back the fuck off.
[breathing heavily]
How would you know what I want?
Then tell us. You have our attention.
[muffled conversation]
You should be careful.
You're not the one I need.
Only him.
If I've done something to hurt you,
I'm sorry.
This is not about the past.
It's about the future.
And you're not gonna decide what that is.
Not for me.
[ominous music]
[opening theme music playing]
[ominous music]
[muffled conversation]
You're still after the drive?
That's what this is about?
You're still doing Coake's dirty work
even after he's dead.
- And whose fault is that?
- [Rose] Cameron.
[muffled conversation]
If this is about loyalty,
you've put it in the wrong place.
Fuck loyalty. It's about security.
You have your world snatched away from you
enough times, you see the signs.
So, you adapt. And join the winning side.
That's a lesson you might
want to learn fast.
[typing rapidly]
I'm searching all the cameras,
but I can't see if anyone else
is there with Bremner.
Bremner knows how to pick his moment.
Got eyes on them, but I don't know
how we'll get them out.
He can't get in there with you, right?
Oh, shit.
Harish. Harish?
Fuck! Fulmer?
Have you got a view on the gallery?
Yeah, partial.
He's still in there with them.
Crooked bastard.
I figured when Coake went,
we'd be past all this.
The fuck?
Where are the other guns?
Bremner was in here before me.
He must've cleared them out.
- That tells us something, at least.
- [Harish] What?
This wasn't some spur-of-the-moment thing.
He planned it.
So, you want the drive?
Tell me where it is.
Not a chance.
It was always Coake who wanted the drive,
not you.
Why go through all this?
I told you, for security.
That's what this gets me.
For the rest of my life.
So, he's gonna give me that drive,
and then we're going up top.
And no one is gonna get in our way.
[door opens]
I see you've revoked my clearance.
Of course. Standard procedure.
I can have them order you a car,
if you like.
I think I can handle that myself.
Well, just as long as you're
not sleeping here again tonight.
The whole self-flagellation thing
doesn't really suit you.
You actually have to be sorry
for it to work.
[indistinct chatter]
I'll check with Doctor Sail
about any news on the meds.
This should keep her comfortable
while she sleeps.
So, how's she doing?
Well, her injuries
should be treatable, but
but she's showing signs of sepsis.
Things are so fucked up out there,
they can't get to the supply
of antibiotics that she needs.
Well, can't they just take her
to hospital?
All the ones close enough
are way past full.
And the whole system's breaking down.
So what does that mean?
I keep her comfortable.
Keep her close.
There's not exactly a lot
of other options left.
I'm so fucking sorry, Cat.
[crying] I thought you'd be
back with Mackendrick,
bringing down Pictor.
She hasn't found anything else. Not yet.
But anyway, this,
Pictor could still help you.
Help with what?
Skipping the queue?
Nah, that's their way.
That's what's behind all this.
I said I'd find her
- and I did.
- Yeah.
Anyway, you made a promise, too.
I'd hate to see you break it.
Not just when I was starting to like you.
Is that you?
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's me, Kace.
I'm not going anywhere.
Not until you're safe.
Always were the stubborn one, eh?
[soft chuckle]
That's why I need you.
[wind whooshing]
- All good here?
- Not good.
Bremner's down below in the gallery
with a gun.
Fucking hell. Is anyone hurt?
Not yet. But he's got
Rose and Cameron with him.
I've got Harish and Fulmer
in the Security Office,
but they're the only link we have.
Fulmer, Harish, this is Magnus.
Have you got eyes on Bremner?
Good to hear your voice, Boss.
We can see him, but only just.
He's stashed all the weapons
from down here, too.
Must've known you'd take the ones up top.
But he doesn't know we're back, right?
We can use that to our advantage.
Keep an eye on him,
I'll come back to you with a plan.
The lift is the only way down
to the Subsea Module.
And you can see it from the Gallery.
What if we all went together?
Outnumber him?
Put a gun to his head,
see how he likes it.
No, no, no. Not while he has
Rose and Cameron.
Bremner waited until we'd gone
for a reason.
So, surprise is our one advantage.
So that means no big group.
We can't risk him doing anything hasty.
Okay, you get the drive, go up top,
and then what?
You're still trapped here.
So, what's really going on?
As if he fucking knows.
He's being used, same as always.
Only question is, by who?
Don't test me, boy!
Cos after what you did, I've got
no problem putting a bullet in you.
What I did was to protect others.
You're only ever interested in yourself.
Maybe. But I'd kill you for a cold pint
and a warm bath, that's for sure.
[scoffs] Aye, is that right?
- [cocks gun]
- Not so brave now, are ya?
Hey, don't! You want
to push someone around, push me.
If you're so concerned
about protecting others
protect her.
[intense music]
[Bremner] Give me the drive.
It's in the Lab.
- Oh, fuck, Cameron.
- [Bremner] Where?
Be precise.
You want it so bad, I'll show you.
But not if you hurt her.
[chair rattles]
[turns on comms]
All crew to evacuate
the Subsea Module immediately.
This is not a drill.
All crew to evacuate the Subsea Module
Fulmer, what's going on?
He's still got them.
Looks like he's sending everyone else up,
so he's free to move.
It's gonna take time for everybody
to come up. More than one trip.
Fulmer, stay where you are.
I'm coming down.
[hangs up phone]
[intense music]
This is our chance.
Murch, with me to the lift.
You send everyone that comes up
to their cabin.
Heather and Askel, do the same
and stay there until the all-clear.
Easter, stay on the line
to the Security Office--
- I'm coming with you.
- You're not.
I'm not gonna sit here
while Harish is down there.
The more people that go, the more chance
of someone getting hurt.
- Magnus, I’m not jus--
- This isn't a debate!
You'll be needing this.
Let's hope not.
[emergency worker]
Keep moving! Follow me!
This is a restricted area,
Pictor employees only.
Sit down. I'm not here
to squash little zits like you.
- Is she here?
- You'll regret that!
Aye, add it to the fucking list.
We need to talk. Now!
Cat's wife has been found.
I almost thought we might be done.
Oh, I'm not done. You might be.
You might find you're late for that.
Did I hear you meet Darian on your way in?
Who the fuck's Darian?
- Well, exactly.
- [scoffs]
But since you're here, tell me,
what's my sin this time?
Coast Guard logs for the Bravo.
You see, I know that Magnus made a call,
and I know that the Coast Guard picked up.
Because I was there!
If the Coast Guard doesn't get
a full message,
their protocol is to roll out anyway.
Unless the company tells them
that it's a false alarm.
And that order can only come
from someone right at the top.
Someone like you.
Why would I do that?
Because then, they'd have found out
about the Ancestor
before Coake could finish
his dirty work.
And that's what you found
in the logs, is it?
There are no logs!
All deleted!
As if you didn't know already.
Doesn't sound much like evidence.
A missing log that no one can read.
That you yourself didn't even know
what might or might not be in it.
Oh, I could give it a pretty good guess.
Very good.
Good enough to stand up in court?
Because if you talk,
that's where you'll end up.
Pictor will put an injunction on you,
and anyone helping you.
You know what, do what you want.
But it's funny how it's always
the cover-up that gets you in the end.
Not always.
So, if you're gonna go after
the company,
you need to find something
much bigger than that.
Something undeniable.
Is that right, is it?
- It is.
- Yeah.
Trust me.
Oh, fucking trust you?
Fucking trust you!
Now, you asked me about your sins.
Why don't you take a walk outside there.
There's plenty to choose from.
[door slams]
Are you still here?!
[lift dinging]
Last orders at the bar.
[scoffs] As if you'd ever be buying
anyone a round.
Gotta have friends for that.
Just remember,
I only need you
'till you get me the drive. Not after.
[whispers] He’s right, so stop
before you get us both killed.
[lift groaning]
Now that we're alone
You're not really my type.
Fuck you! Time to go!
You, too.
Don't do anything stupid.
[running footsteps]
Hey, we're more use here
than in our cabins.
Sometimes it's okay to break the rules,
you know.
I know. I just I wish
there was more we could do.
[Askel] What happened out on the ice
was a breakthrough.
And with everything going on right now,
we need as much information as possible.
[Heather] It's a good job
you’ve got this one in here.
[Askel] Medical experiments.
This being's ability to heal
is quite remarkable.
[Heather] Rose thinks the Ancestor
is connected to mass-extinction events.
That it might even have caused them.
Causation is often confused
with correlation.
Are you saying it didn't?
I prefer not to put hypothesis
before experimentation.
"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
Now you're just showing off.
Who me, no. I’m simply an observer.
[whooshing sounds]
[muffled whooshing sounds]
Patterns again.
Like it did on the ice.
[muffled whooshing sounds continue]
He's put the lift into maintenance mode.
- It stops the car from moving.
- [Magnus] Can you switch it back?
[Harish] He's locked the system
from his terminal.
Need to get to the Gallery
to reverse it.
I can do it.
We go together.
I switch it back on,
then we go get Rose and Cameron.
Harish, you keep track of them from here.
If anything changes,
we'll be on channel two.
Let's go.
[ominous music]
Looks like they're heading
towards the Lab.
Copy. Heading that way.
[door closes]
- [whispers] Get ready to run.
- What?!
[Bremner] Let's go.
This isn't a mother's meet--
[Cameron] Stop, stop! Rose!
What are you doing? Stop!
- [alarm blares]
- Run!
- That's the flood alarm!
- The doors! Shit!
Rose, wait!
[Harish] Easter! Someone's activated
the flood doors!
You're joking!
[alarm blaring]
Argh! Great move
with the fire extinguisher!
He could've shot us!
[Fulmer] Shit!
Fuck! Fuck!
[Fulmer] All the levels
are sealed off from each other.
You think they got away?
What happened
to not doing anything stupid?
Do you really wanna have this conversation
after everything you've done?
I never knew you had it in you.
Yeah, neither did he.
That's why it worked.
So, where the hell is it?
Well, it's no here. It was never in here.
I lied to get us out of there.
[breathing heavily]
Where the hell is it, then?
Ore Processing.
Good luck getting there now.
- [radio clicks]
- Harish, you there?
Any sign of Rose and Cameron?
Reading you. They got to the Lab,
but looks like they're sealed in.
So am I, in here.
- [radio clicks]
- Bremner?
Can't see him. But you should be able
to get up to the Gallery from there.
Restore the lift at least.
Come on.
What, back the way we came?
Unless you've got a way
of getting through that door.
Well, the closing mechanism's hydraulics,
but the seal, the seal is magnetic.
You'd have to get past that first.
Back it is, then.
[sombre music]
[distant sirens]
[Beth] Alright, there we are.
[baby crying]
Just take a seat here on the
Can I get some water, please?
[nurse 2]
Yeah, I'll get some for you now.
[Beth] Are you looking for someone?
I'd like to speak to whoever's in charge.
I'll find Doctor Sail.
[sombre music continues]
[laboured breath]
It's alright, Kace.
Just rest up.
Get your strength.
Didn't think we'd actually find her.
[Lennox] Is she likely to survive?
[Doctor Sail]
Not without the proper medication.
And with all the disruption out there,
we can't get it.
But if you could?
[Doctor Sail sighs]
Well, it would give her a better chance.
Her and the rest.
Come on, Bremner!
[ominous music]
[camera whirrs]
Well, maybe I got this all wrong.
Should've killed Bremner, not Coake.
That's what I still don't get.
Bremner said he's doing this
for "security".
But if it's not Coake, who's offering it?
Does it matter?
Once you get to the top,
they're all the same.
There're plenty of good people out there
who want things to change.
Well, you've got a lot more faith
in people than me.
I never used to.
Comes from being part of a team.
[machines shutting down]
[conveyor stops]
[Easter] Fuck!
[Murchison] Great. What now?
It's cut off.
[alarm beeping]
It's not just that.
They've lost all the main systems
down there.
Now what?
Harish, are you still there?
[door closes in distance]
[distant clank echoes]
[slams down handset]
It's only the emergency protocols
that are still active.
Magnus should've let me go down there.
There's nothing we can do about it now.
They're on their own.
[ominous music]
Emergency back-ups?
He must have cut the main power.
The main relay is on his level.
[Magnus] There goes our eyes.
- [radio clicks]
- Harish, you still reading?
[Harish on radio] Copy that. I'm here.
Can you do anything about the power?
Maybe. I might be able to reroute
the systems through the back-up
generator, if I can get it going.
Keep us updated.
Why would he cut the power?
Is he trying to hide?
Or hunt.
The power's knocked out the magnetic seal
on the doors.
Can you open them?
If I can find the hydraulic line
and let the pressure out,
we should be able to force it.
If you can, so can he.
And we better hope
we don't have a real flood,
or this whole place'll get real wet,
real fast.
That should be it. Ready?
[Fulmer straining]
[tense music]
[muffled whooshing]
[Askel exhales] Okay.
[stops whooshing sounds]
[Heather] Something I've been meaning
to ask you.
What's that?
Why are you here?
Oh, that is a big question.
[scoffs] You know what I mean.
Why are you working
for a company like Pictor?
You obviously don't agree
with what they're doing,
and you're definitely no Coake
or Bremner, so why do it?
[sighs] Well,
unfortunately, the majority
of the research funding in my discipline
comes from organisations
who do not share my goals.
Or my curiosity.
And then, we discovered the Ancestor.
And that made you stay?
[Askel] It certainly raised the stakes.
Because you knew, if you left,
then it would be destroyed for sure?
Well, no. Nothing so grand.
But I knew I couldn't stop them.
But what I could do was to make sure
that everything we learned
about the mining, and the damage
caused by it and the Ancestor,
was documented and preserved
for a time when more
sensible minds prevail.
[Heather] Sensible minds.
Feel like I've been waiting
for that my whole life.
- I hope they come soon.
- Yeah.
Whether they do or not,
those who have the power to make change
should never be allowed to say,
"we did not know what we'd done."
They must be forced to face it.
[ominous music]
[glass crackling]
Shit! It's already open.
Must be ahead of us.
If he finds them first
We go quick and quiet.
[soft click]
Stay alert.
Is it getting cold in here?
It's starting to.
When Bremner shut off the power,
he must've turned off the heating system.
[sighs] Great.
So, if he doesn't kill us,
we might freeze to death instead.
Only if he hasn't fucked up
the air circulation.
Then we'll be gone a lot sooner than that.
Ah. Well, it's a good thing
we're both so optimistic.
Never had much of a reason otherwise.
And nothing I've seen here changes that.
- [distant bang]
- [gasps]
- What was that?
- Stairwell door. Get down!
- Bremner?
- Shh.
- [rattles door]
- [Rose gasps]
[rattles door]
[distant clatter]
[Fulmer] Rose?
[knocks on door]
[Fulmer] Rose?
[whispers] Fulmer? Is that you?
You scared the shit out of us!
[Fulmer] Sorry. You okay?
I should be able to open this.
Just give me a minute.
[Rose] Where's Bremner?
[Fulmer] We don't know.
We thought he was ahead of us.
He's not been up here. Not yet.
[Fulmer] Fuck!
Rose, go from your side. Ready?
- Magnus!
- I got you!
I need a hand. Door's jammed.
I'm coming.
Harish is working on the power.
Then we're out of here.
No, we need to go to Ore Processing first.
That's where the drive is.
We're not leaving without it.
Stand back.
One, two, three
Thank you.
[Fulmer] No problem.
Ore Processing. Let's go.
Fast. Then we're out of here.
Watch your back.
We don't know where that bastard is.
Door's open.
It already was.
We had to bust the lock
to get him out after Coake.
[Cameron] Should've left him there,
saved us some trouble.
[Rose] Let's go.
[Magnus] Wait.
We'll go first. Stay back.
[ominous music]
Looks clear.
Stay quiet, stick together.
[desk drawers clattering]
There's nothing here.
Better actually be in here this time.
Patience. Good things come
to those who wait.
If he finds you with it
I know. Thank you.
[electrical buzzing]
[Magnus] Power's back.
Thank you, Harish.
Let's hope he's got that lift going
as well.
But what about Bremner?
He knows it's the only way out.
Then we better get there first.
Is that the pollution from the ice?
Yeah. Going to introduce it
to our little friend here.
See how it reacts.
It definitely doesn't look happy.
But why the patterns again?
[Askel] There's a signal.
Faint, but it's coming from here.
[soft whooshing]
[Heather] I don't get it.
If the sample is hurting,
then why is the Ancestor making
the same patterns as out on the ice?
Go on.
You made the signal out there
in an attempt to communicate.
And we thought it retreated.
But it wasn't in pain then,
and we weren't attacking it.
So, what if we've got this wrong?
The signal isn't anger.
It's a cry for help.
It's easy to mistake one for the other,
in my experience.
It's fine. It's just home stuff.
[softly] Oh.
If we were the ones
playing this cry for help out there,
and the Ancestor recognised it,
then maybe it wasn't just retreating
Maybe it was guiding us back.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[over PA] All ward leaders
and duty nurses to main triage tent.
Repeat, all ward leaders
and duty nurses to main triage tent.
Just hang on.
Cat, what's happening?
I'll be back, I promise you.
I'll be right back.
Didn't think you'd be hanging around.
What's all this?
It's for you.
[Cat] What is it?
It's medication for Kacey.
[Lennox] I called in some favours,
made sure the delivery got through.
There's enough to go around.
You finally found your conscience, then?
[Lennox] With a little bit of help.
This doesn't wipe away what you've done.
You used me. To cover up all this.
So, if you're looking for a thank-you,
you're gonna be waiting a long, long time.
And I'm not.
But there is one last thing
I need from you.
Of course there is.
[Lennox] Cos I trust you.
It's everything you need.
You'll know what to do when you see it.
We're taking my chopper back to the Stac.
I've cashed in all my chips,
but there's one more person I need
to see before all of this is over.
Are you going with her?
Yeah, we've got some, er,
unfinished business.
You never gave up.
And I'm not going to, either.
See you both when we get back, yeah?
[system beeping]
[ominous music]
Where are you, Bremner?
Maybe he's the one hiding now.
He fucking better be.
[door opens]
Thank you, Harish.
Come on, lad. Come on.
If we get out of this,
I'm staying above water from now on.
Agreed. Something about being hunted
by a lunatic with a gun
really takes the shine off.
Harish, come on. We've got the drive.
- We need to get out and shut Bremner in.
- Y-y-you go, I can't.
What the hell are you talking about?
[Bremner] Step away from the lift!
All of you!
Put it down. Now.
You fucking bastard, Bremner.
I've heard that before.
You know, I actually am a bastard.
My old man couldn't wait
until after the wedding.
At least he loved me, though.
Bremner, let him go.
I don't think so. Give me the drive.
You fuck--
[Bremner] Don't even think about it.
Let him go, or I'm gonnae have to shoot.
You sure you know how to use that?
- You want to find out?
- [Rose] Stop.
No one's shooting anyone, okay?
Here. This is what you want?
Take it.
Take it.
Don't come up after me.
The rest of the crew up there,
you hurt any of them
I'm not a monster.
[tense music]
[Rose] Here.
Fulmer! What are you doing? Stop!
[Fulmer] Magnus, shoot him!
What are you doing?!
- [gunshot]
- Oh!
Shit. Shit!
[Magnus] Fulmer.
[Fulmer] Rose. Rose?
None of you follow me.
Don't come up after me.
It's alright. It's alright.
Just let me see.
It's okay, alright. It's gonna be okay.
Okay, Magnus!
- Where's the nearest medical kit?
- Dive Store.
Get it now!
Call up to Control,
let them know he's coming.
Easter. I'll go and warn him!
[Fulmer] Stay with me. I'm right here.
[Magnus] Just keep her talking.
Anything at all.
[Fulmer] Hey, look at me. Look at me.
It's gonna be okay, alright.
Help's here. We're gonna fix this.
Keep breathing,
you're gonna be alright, okay.
You you a doctor now?
No. I'm not a doctor, I'm nothing.
I'm nothing without you, okay.
So, you can't go anywhere.
Alright, you're a fighter, okay.
You've fought for everything
you've got.
And you're not gonna stop now, okay.
Hey! Rose?
Rose, stay with me.
Stay with me, alright.
Don't give up!
Do not give up, Rose! You can't.
Come on, Cameron. Come on.
Rose? Don't give up.
[Magnus] Fulmer
Don't say it. Don't you dare say it.
Don't you dare say it.
Rose? Rose?
Rose, hey! Rose!
Rose, please.
Rose, wake up. Rose.
Wake up
[closing theme music playing]
[ominous music]
[Rose] Bremner,
you don't need to do this.
Put the gun down.
look at me.
[hangs up phone]
[Bremner] Don't need
prying eyes watching us.
There's only one thing here
nobody needs.
You need to shut up. Shush!
[breathing heavily]
Oh, shit, shit!
Easter, are you still there?
- Bremner's got a gun on Rose and Cameron.
- You're joking?
Rose, where are you?
Put the gun down.
Whatever this is about,
we can figure it out together.
You hear the way she speaks to us?
Like we're parts in a machine.
The arrogance of it.
That's not what I think.
[muffled conversation]
I'm not your enemy, Bremner.
- Is that right?
- [gasps]
You're a fucking coward.
I told you to back the fuck off.
[breathing heavily]
How would you know what I want?
Then tell us. You have our attention.
[muffled conversation]
You should be careful.
You're not the one I need.
Only him.
If I've done something to hurt you,
I'm sorry.
This is not about the past.
It's about the future.
And you're not gonna decide what that is.
Not for me.
[ominous music]
[opening theme music playing]
[ominous music]
[muffled conversation]
You're still after the drive?
That's what this is about?
You're still doing Coake's dirty work
even after he's dead.
- And whose fault is that?
- [Rose] Cameron.
[muffled conversation]
If this is about loyalty,
you've put it in the wrong place.
Fuck loyalty. It's about security.
You have your world snatched away from you
enough times, you see the signs.
So, you adapt. And join the winning side.
That's a lesson you might
want to learn fast.
[typing rapidly]
I'm searching all the cameras,
but I can't see if anyone else
is there with Bremner.
Bremner knows how to pick his moment.
Got eyes on them, but I don't know
how we'll get them out.
He can't get in there with you, right?
Oh, shit.
Harish. Harish?
Fuck! Fulmer?
Have you got a view on the gallery?
Yeah, partial.
He's still in there with them.
Crooked bastard.
I figured when Coake went,
we'd be past all this.
The fuck?
Where are the other guns?
Bremner was in here before me.
He must've cleared them out.
- That tells us something, at least.
- [Harish] What?
This wasn't some spur-of-the-moment thing.
He planned it.
So, you want the drive?
Tell me where it is.
Not a chance.
It was always Coake who wanted the drive,
not you.
Why go through all this?
I told you, for security.
That's what this gets me.
For the rest of my life.
So, he's gonna give me that drive,
and then we're going up top.
And no one is gonna get in our way.
[door opens]
I see you've revoked my clearance.
Of course. Standard procedure.
I can have them order you a car,
if you like.
I think I can handle that myself.
Well, just as long as you're
not sleeping here again tonight.
The whole self-flagellation thing
doesn't really suit you.
You actually have to be sorry
for it to work.
[indistinct chatter]
I'll check with Doctor Sail
about any news on the meds.
This should keep her comfortable
while she sleeps.
So, how's she doing?
Well, her injuries
should be treatable, but
but she's showing signs of sepsis.
Things are so fucked up out there,
they can't get to the supply
of antibiotics that she needs.
Well, can't they just take her
to hospital?
All the ones close enough
are way past full.
And the whole system's breaking down.
So what does that mean?
I keep her comfortable.
Keep her close.
There's not exactly a lot
of other options left.
I'm so fucking sorry, Cat.
[crying] I thought you'd be
back with Mackendrick,
bringing down Pictor.
She hasn't found anything else. Not yet.
But anyway, this,
Pictor could still help you.
Help with what?
Skipping the queue?
Nah, that's their way.
That's what's behind all this.
I said I'd find her
- and I did.
- Yeah.
Anyway, you made a promise, too.
I'd hate to see you break it.
Not just when I was starting to like you.
Is that you?
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's me, Kace.
I'm not going anywhere.
Not until you're safe.
Always were the stubborn one, eh?
[soft chuckle]
That's why I need you.
[wind whooshing]
- All good here?
- Not good.
Bremner's down below in the gallery
with a gun.
Fucking hell. Is anyone hurt?
Not yet. But he's got
Rose and Cameron with him.
I've got Harish and Fulmer
in the Security Office,
but they're the only link we have.
Fulmer, Harish, this is Magnus.
Have you got eyes on Bremner?
Good to hear your voice, Boss.
We can see him, but only just.
He's stashed all the weapons
from down here, too.
Must've known you'd take the ones up top.
But he doesn't know we're back, right?
We can use that to our advantage.
Keep an eye on him,
I'll come back to you with a plan.
The lift is the only way down
to the Subsea Module.
And you can see it from the Gallery.
What if we all went together?
Outnumber him?
Put a gun to his head,
see how he likes it.
No, no, no. Not while he has
Rose and Cameron.
Bremner waited until we'd gone
for a reason.
So, surprise is our one advantage.
So that means no big group.
We can't risk him doing anything hasty.
Okay, you get the drive, go up top,
and then what?
You're still trapped here.
So, what's really going on?
As if he fucking knows.
He's being used, same as always.
Only question is, by who?
Don't test me, boy!
Cos after what you did, I've got
no problem putting a bullet in you.
What I did was to protect others.
You're only ever interested in yourself.
Maybe. But I'd kill you for a cold pint
and a warm bath, that's for sure.
[scoffs] Aye, is that right?
- [cocks gun]
- Not so brave now, are ya?
Hey, don't! You want
to push someone around, push me.
If you're so concerned
about protecting others
protect her.
[intense music]
[Bremner] Give me the drive.
It's in the Lab.
- Oh, fuck, Cameron.
- [Bremner] Where?
Be precise.
You want it so bad, I'll show you.
But not if you hurt her.
[chair rattles]
[turns on comms]
All crew to evacuate
the Subsea Module immediately.
This is not a drill.
All crew to evacuate the Subsea Module
Fulmer, what's going on?
He's still got them.
Looks like he's sending everyone else up,
so he's free to move.
It's gonna take time for everybody
to come up. More than one trip.
Fulmer, stay where you are.
I'm coming down.
[hangs up phone]
[intense music]
This is our chance.
Murch, with me to the lift.
You send everyone that comes up
to their cabin.
Heather and Askel, do the same
and stay there until the all-clear.
Easter, stay on the line
to the Security Office--
- I'm coming with you.
- You're not.
I'm not gonna sit here
while Harish is down there.
The more people that go, the more chance
of someone getting hurt.
- Magnus, I’m not jus--
- This isn't a debate!
You'll be needing this.
Let's hope not.
[emergency worker]
Keep moving! Follow me!
This is a restricted area,
Pictor employees only.
Sit down. I'm not here
to squash little zits like you.
- Is she here?
- You'll regret that!
Aye, add it to the fucking list.
We need to talk. Now!
Cat's wife has been found.
I almost thought we might be done.
Oh, I'm not done. You might be.
You might find you're late for that.
Did I hear you meet Darian on your way in?
Who the fuck's Darian?
- Well, exactly.
- [scoffs]
But since you're here, tell me,
what's my sin this time?
Coast Guard logs for the Bravo.
You see, I know that Magnus made a call,
and I know that the Coast Guard picked up.
Because I was there!
If the Coast Guard doesn't get
a full message,
their protocol is to roll out anyway.
Unless the company tells them
that it's a false alarm.
And that order can only come
from someone right at the top.
Someone like you.
Why would I do that?
Because then, they'd have found out
about the Ancestor
before Coake could finish
his dirty work.
And that's what you found
in the logs, is it?
There are no logs!
All deleted!
As if you didn't know already.
Doesn't sound much like evidence.
A missing log that no one can read.
That you yourself didn't even know
what might or might not be in it.
Oh, I could give it a pretty good guess.
Very good.
Good enough to stand up in court?
Because if you talk,
that's where you'll end up.
Pictor will put an injunction on you,
and anyone helping you.
You know what, do what you want.
But it's funny how it's always
the cover-up that gets you in the end.
Not always.
So, if you're gonna go after
the company,
you need to find something
much bigger than that.
Something undeniable.
Is that right, is it?
- It is.
- Yeah.
Trust me.
Oh, fucking trust you?
Fucking trust you!
Now, you asked me about your sins.
Why don't you take a walk outside there.
There's plenty to choose from.
[door slams]
Are you still here?!
[lift dinging]
Last orders at the bar.
[scoffs] As if you'd ever be buying
anyone a round.
Gotta have friends for that.
Just remember,
I only need you
'till you get me the drive. Not after.
[whispers] He’s right, so stop
before you get us both killed.
[lift groaning]
Now that we're alone
You're not really my type.
Fuck you! Time to go!
You, too.
Don't do anything stupid.
[running footsteps]
Hey, we're more use here
than in our cabins.
Sometimes it's okay to break the rules,
you know.
I know. I just I wish
there was more we could do.
[Askel] What happened out on the ice
was a breakthrough.
And with everything going on right now,
we need as much information as possible.
[Heather] It's a good job
you’ve got this one in here.
[Askel] Medical experiments.
This being's ability to heal
is quite remarkable.
[Heather] Rose thinks the Ancestor
is connected to mass-extinction events.
That it might even have caused them.
Causation is often confused
with correlation.
Are you saying it didn't?
I prefer not to put hypothesis
before experimentation.
"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
Now you're just showing off.
Who me, no. I’m simply an observer.
[whooshing sounds]
[muffled whooshing sounds]
Patterns again.
Like it did on the ice.
[muffled whooshing sounds continue]
He's put the lift into maintenance mode.
- It stops the car from moving.
- [Magnus] Can you switch it back?
[Harish] He's locked the system
from his terminal.
Need to get to the Gallery
to reverse it.
I can do it.
We go together.
I switch it back on,
then we go get Rose and Cameron.
Harish, you keep track of them from here.
If anything changes,
we'll be on channel two.
Let's go.
[ominous music]
Looks like they're heading
towards the Lab.
Copy. Heading that way.
[door closes]
- [whispers] Get ready to run.
- What?!
[Bremner] Let's go.
This isn't a mother's meet--
[Cameron] Stop, stop! Rose!
What are you doing? Stop!
- [alarm blares]
- Run!
- That's the flood alarm!
- The doors! Shit!
Rose, wait!
[Harish] Easter! Someone's activated
the flood doors!
You're joking!
[alarm blaring]
Argh! Great move
with the fire extinguisher!
He could've shot us!
[Fulmer] Shit!
Fuck! Fuck!
[Fulmer] All the levels
are sealed off from each other.
You think they got away?
What happened
to not doing anything stupid?
Do you really wanna have this conversation
after everything you've done?
I never knew you had it in you.
Yeah, neither did he.
That's why it worked.
So, where the hell is it?
Well, it's no here. It was never in here.
I lied to get us out of there.
[breathing heavily]
Where the hell is it, then?
Ore Processing.
Good luck getting there now.
- [radio clicks]
- Harish, you there?
Any sign of Rose and Cameron?
Reading you. They got to the Lab,
but looks like they're sealed in.
So am I, in here.
- [radio clicks]
- Bremner?
Can't see him. But you should be able
to get up to the Gallery from there.
Restore the lift at least.
Come on.
What, back the way we came?
Unless you've got a way
of getting through that door.
Well, the closing mechanism's hydraulics,
but the seal, the seal is magnetic.
You'd have to get past that first.
Back it is, then.
[sombre music]
[distant sirens]
[Beth] Alright, there we are.
[baby crying]
Just take a seat here on the
Can I get some water, please?
[nurse 2]
Yeah, I'll get some for you now.
[Beth] Are you looking for someone?
I'd like to speak to whoever's in charge.
I'll find Doctor Sail.
[sombre music continues]
[laboured breath]
It's alright, Kace.
Just rest up.
Get your strength.
Didn't think we'd actually find her.
[Lennox] Is she likely to survive?
[Doctor Sail]
Not without the proper medication.
And with all the disruption out there,
we can't get it.
But if you could?
[Doctor Sail sighs]
Well, it would give her a better chance.
Her and the rest.
Come on, Bremner!
[ominous music]
[camera whirrs]
Well, maybe I got this all wrong.
Should've killed Bremner, not Coake.
That's what I still don't get.
Bremner said he's doing this
for "security".
But if it's not Coake, who's offering it?
Does it matter?
Once you get to the top,
they're all the same.
There're plenty of good people out there
who want things to change.
Well, you've got a lot more faith
in people than me.
I never used to.
Comes from being part of a team.
[machines shutting down]
[conveyor stops]
[Easter] Fuck!
[Murchison] Great. What now?
It's cut off.
[alarm beeping]
It's not just that.
They've lost all the main systems
down there.
Now what?
Harish, are you still there?
[door closes in distance]
[distant clank echoes]
[slams down handset]
It's only the emergency protocols
that are still active.
Magnus should've let me go down there.
There's nothing we can do about it now.
They're on their own.
[ominous music]
Emergency back-ups?
He must have cut the main power.
The main relay is on his level.
[Magnus] There goes our eyes.
- [radio clicks]
- Harish, you still reading?
[Harish on radio] Copy that. I'm here.
Can you do anything about the power?
Maybe. I might be able to reroute
the systems through the back-up
generator, if I can get it going.
Keep us updated.
Why would he cut the power?
Is he trying to hide?
Or hunt.
The power's knocked out the magnetic seal
on the doors.
Can you open them?
If I can find the hydraulic line
and let the pressure out,
we should be able to force it.
If you can, so can he.
And we better hope
we don't have a real flood,
or this whole place'll get real wet,
real fast.
That should be it. Ready?
[Fulmer straining]
[tense music]
[muffled whooshing]
[Askel exhales] Okay.
[stops whooshing sounds]
[Heather] Something I've been meaning
to ask you.
What's that?
Why are you here?
Oh, that is a big question.
[scoffs] You know what I mean.
Why are you working
for a company like Pictor?
You obviously don't agree
with what they're doing,
and you're definitely no Coake
or Bremner, so why do it?
[sighs] Well,
unfortunately, the majority
of the research funding in my discipline
comes from organisations
who do not share my goals.
Or my curiosity.
And then, we discovered the Ancestor.
And that made you stay?
[Askel] It certainly raised the stakes.
Because you knew, if you left,
then it would be destroyed for sure?
Well, no. Nothing so grand.
But I knew I couldn't stop them.
But what I could do was to make sure
that everything we learned
about the mining, and the damage
caused by it and the Ancestor,
was documented and preserved
for a time when more
sensible minds prevail.
[Heather] Sensible minds.
Feel like I've been waiting
for that my whole life.
- I hope they come soon.
- Yeah.
Whether they do or not,
those who have the power to make change
should never be allowed to say,
"we did not know what we'd done."
They must be forced to face it.
[ominous music]
[glass crackling]
Shit! It's already open.
Must be ahead of us.
If he finds them first
We go quick and quiet.
[soft click]
Stay alert.
Is it getting cold in here?
It's starting to.
When Bremner shut off the power,
he must've turned off the heating system.
[sighs] Great.
So, if he doesn't kill us,
we might freeze to death instead.
Only if he hasn't fucked up
the air circulation.
Then we'll be gone a lot sooner than that.
Ah. Well, it's a good thing
we're both so optimistic.
Never had much of a reason otherwise.
And nothing I've seen here changes that.
- [distant bang]
- [gasps]
- What was that?
- Stairwell door. Get down!
- Bremner?
- Shh.
- [rattles door]
- [Rose gasps]
[rattles door]
[distant clatter]
[Fulmer] Rose?
[knocks on door]
[Fulmer] Rose?
[whispers] Fulmer? Is that you?
You scared the shit out of us!
[Fulmer] Sorry. You okay?
I should be able to open this.
Just give me a minute.
[Rose] Where's Bremner?
[Fulmer] We don't know.
We thought he was ahead of us.
He's not been up here. Not yet.
[Fulmer] Fuck!
Rose, go from your side. Ready?
- Magnus!
- I got you!
I need a hand. Door's jammed.
I'm coming.
Harish is working on the power.
Then we're out of here.
No, we need to go to Ore Processing first.
That's where the drive is.
We're not leaving without it.
Stand back.
One, two, three
Thank you.
[Fulmer] No problem.
Ore Processing. Let's go.
Fast. Then we're out of here.
Watch your back.
We don't know where that bastard is.
Door's open.
It already was.
We had to bust the lock
to get him out after Coake.
[Cameron] Should've left him there,
saved us some trouble.
[Rose] Let's go.
[Magnus] Wait.
We'll go first. Stay back.
[ominous music]
Looks clear.
Stay quiet, stick together.
[desk drawers clattering]
There's nothing here.
Better actually be in here this time.
Patience. Good things come
to those who wait.
If he finds you with it
I know. Thank you.
[electrical buzzing]
[Magnus] Power's back.
Thank you, Harish.
Let's hope he's got that lift going
as well.
But what about Bremner?
He knows it's the only way out.
Then we better get there first.
Is that the pollution from the ice?
Yeah. Going to introduce it
to our little friend here.
See how it reacts.
It definitely doesn't look happy.
But why the patterns again?
[Askel] There's a signal.
Faint, but it's coming from here.
[soft whooshing]
[Heather] I don't get it.
If the sample is hurting,
then why is the Ancestor making
the same patterns as out on the ice?
Go on.
You made the signal out there
in an attempt to communicate.
And we thought it retreated.
But it wasn't in pain then,
and we weren't attacking it.
So, what if we've got this wrong?
The signal isn't anger.
It's a cry for help.
It's easy to mistake one for the other,
in my experience.
It's fine. It's just home stuff.
[softly] Oh.
If we were the ones
playing this cry for help out there,
and the Ancestor recognised it,
then maybe it wasn't just retreating
Maybe it was guiding us back.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[over PA] All ward leaders
and duty nurses to main triage tent.
Repeat, all ward leaders
and duty nurses to main triage tent.
Just hang on.
Cat, what's happening?
I'll be back, I promise you.
I'll be right back.
Didn't think you'd be hanging around.
What's all this?
It's for you.
[Cat] What is it?
It's medication for Kacey.
[Lennox] I called in some favours,
made sure the delivery got through.
There's enough to go around.
You finally found your conscience, then?
[Lennox] With a little bit of help.
This doesn't wipe away what you've done.
You used me. To cover up all this.
So, if you're looking for a thank-you,
you're gonna be waiting a long, long time.
And I'm not.
But there is one last thing
I need from you.
Of course there is.
[Lennox] Cos I trust you.
It's everything you need.
You'll know what to do when you see it.
We're taking my chopper back to the Stac.
I've cashed in all my chips,
but there's one more person I need
to see before all of this is over.
Are you going with her?
Yeah, we've got some, er,
unfinished business.
You never gave up.
And I'm not going to, either.
See you both when we get back, yeah?
[system beeping]
[ominous music]
Where are you, Bremner?
Maybe he's the one hiding now.
He fucking better be.
[door opens]
Thank you, Harish.
Come on, lad. Come on.
If we get out of this,
I'm staying above water from now on.
Agreed. Something about being hunted
by a lunatic with a gun
really takes the shine off.
Harish, come on. We've got the drive.
- We need to get out and shut Bremner in.
- Y-y-you go, I can't.
What the hell are you talking about?
[Bremner] Step away from the lift!
All of you!
Put it down. Now.
You fucking bastard, Bremner.
I've heard that before.
You know, I actually am a bastard.
My old man couldn't wait
until after the wedding.
At least he loved me, though.
Bremner, let him go.
I don't think so. Give me the drive.
You fuck--
[Bremner] Don't even think about it.
Let him go, or I'm gonnae have to shoot.
You sure you know how to use that?
- You want to find out?
- [Rose] Stop.
No one's shooting anyone, okay?
Here. This is what you want?
Take it.
Take it.
Don't come up after me.
The rest of the crew up there,
you hurt any of them
I'm not a monster.
[tense music]
[Rose] Here.
Fulmer! What are you doing? Stop!
[Fulmer] Magnus, shoot him!
What are you doing?!
- [gunshot]
- Oh!
Shit. Shit!
[Magnus] Fulmer.
[Fulmer] Rose. Rose?
None of you follow me.
Don't come up after me.
It's alright. It's alright.
Just let me see.
It's okay, alright. It's gonna be okay.
Okay, Magnus!
- Where's the nearest medical kit?
- Dive Store.
Get it now!
Call up to Control,
let them know he's coming.
Easter. I'll go and warn him!
[Fulmer] Stay with me. I'm right here.
[Magnus] Just keep her talking.
Anything at all.
[Fulmer] Hey, look at me. Look at me.
It's gonna be okay, alright.
Help's here. We're gonna fix this.
Keep breathing,
you're gonna be alright, okay.
You you a doctor now?
No. I'm not a doctor, I'm nothing.
I'm nothing without you, okay.
So, you can't go anywhere.
Alright, you're a fighter, okay.
You've fought for everything
you've got.
And you're not gonna stop now, okay.
Hey! Rose?
Rose, stay with me.
Stay with me, alright.
Don't give up!
Do not give up, Rose! You can't.
Come on, Cameron. Come on.
Rose? Don't give up.
[Magnus] Fulmer
Don't say it. Don't you dare say it.
Don't you dare say it.
Rose? Rose?
Rose, hey! Rose!
Rose, please.
Rose, wake up. Rose.
Wake up
[closing theme music playing]