The Rig (2023) s02e06 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 6

[melancholy music]
Fulmer, she's gone.
She's not.
She can't be.
Wait, look. He's right.
Let her down.
Give her space.
She really did it.
What are you talking about?
Before Bremner
before this
I told Rose to infect herself
with the Ancestor.
She must have went through with it.
Rose. Can you hear me?
No. No, wait.
She's having a vision.
[ominous music]
I saw it.
The heart.
[opening theme music playing]
[ominous music]
[Bremner] That's everything
from the Rover Data Drive.
Receiving now. Good work.
Yeah, don't forget that
when you sign my cheques.
Cheques are a bit last century,
but don't worry.
When this deal goes through,
you'll be well looked after.
I better be. I already had
to get messy down there.
I'll deal with
any unfortunate necessities later.
We have all we need for now.
[wind howling]
How's she doing?
Her wounds are fully healed.
The Ancestor seems to have taken to her
stronger than it did with Baz and Fulmer.
She chose it. They didn't.
Any sign of Bremner?
He came straight to the Control Room
and cleared us all out.
Good. If he gets by me,
radio and stay out of his way.
[foreboding music]
[door bangs in distance]
[sighs] Bremner, where are ya?
[tense music]
I didn't mean for you to actually do it,
you know.
But I'm really fucking glad you did.
It's quite a rush. [sighs]
Don't try and fight it.
I don't need to fight it.
I need to save it.
What do you mean?
That's what I saw in my vision.
We've been wrong this whole time.
The Ancestor didn't cause
the mass extinctions of the past.
It's what allowed life
to regenerate afterwards.
So now, we're pushing the Earth
towards the next one
and cutting the safety net
at the same time.
[water running]
If Pictor destroy the Ancestor,
there'll be no coming back.
Not for us, or anything.
It will be the end of all life.
That was its warning.
That's what we need to stop.
- [overlapping chatter]
- [phone ringing]
[siren in distance]
There's not many of you left.
Got to keep feeding the beast. [sighs]
If there's nothing new
then, erm, we move on.
How's your wife?
Yeah, she's not out of the woods yet,
but she's stable for now.
- That's good.
- [Cat] Yeah.
What if I did have something new?
Is it proof?
More like a confession.
[ominous music]
My name is Morgan Lennox,
CEO of Pictor Energy.
In light of recent events,
I've decided to make a personal statement.
[foreboding music]
[wind howling]
[radio beeps]
There's no sign of Bremner on board.
He's taken survival supplies
from the Wet Change
as well as a geolocator.
He must be getting picked up
from the ice.
Copy that, Magnus.
Rose is trying to get through to Lennox,
but no luck so far.
I can't break this passcode.
You moved in fast.
We'll have to get used to sharing
in this brave new world.
Don't worry,
I'll be out of your hair very soon.
You think you've got her beat,
but you'll never win.
I've already won.
Try to keep up.
[phones ringing]
[phone notification beeps]
Are you sure?
Yesterday, I provided a statement
- on behalf of the company
- What is she doing?
regarding the North Sea tsunami
and Pictor's response
to these tragic events.
Today, I am here to tell you
that statement was not true.
No, no, no, no!
Pictor were involved
in causing the tsunami
which has destroyed so many lives.
Out, now!
Myself and the company worked hard
to obscure that fact.
And forced others to go along
with our version of events.
But my conscience
will no longer allow me
- What's this?
- Shh.
to maintain Pictor's deception.
While I am sorry
for the damage that I have caused,
I do not expect to be forgiven.
In fact, it is better for all that I,
and those like me, are not.
[newsreader] Pictor Energy
have not responded to this surprise--
Falling on her sword.
I didn't see that coming.
Yeah, I don't buy it.
Not after everything that's happened.
There must be something else going on.
Erm [clears throat]
Erm, there's a helicopter approaching.
[foreboding music]
[helicopter humming]
[pilot over radio] Pictor One.
Requesting permission to land.
That's Lennox's chopper.
[CRO 1] Pictor One, standby.
We have you on approach.
Hey, Hutton.
Hope you ain't been having too much fun
without me.
Plenty of action, not too much fun.
You had enough of the beach already?
Ah, I figured I was of more use out here.
Did Cat find Kacey?
Aye, yeah. They're both safe.
And together.
And actually, we've got her
to thank for that.
Well, thanks can wait.
It's answers we want.
[contemplative music]
[patient coughing]
I'm here, Kace.
I'm gonna get you out of here
really soon, okay?
I guess we won't be going home, though.
It was a wee bit of a mess
last time I saw it.
It's okay.
We'll just have to make a new one.
[Kacey chuckles lightly]
I came here to explain.
Explain what? That you lied to me?
That you've been lying
this whole fucking time?
Hutton told us about the Coast Guard logs.
You stopped them coming to get us.
I did. And I wish that I hadn't.
But by the time I found out
what Coake was doing,
his evacuation plan was already in place.
Allowing the Coast Guard to respond
would've put even more people at risk.
We still didn't know
what we were dealing with then.
Oh, so you thought you'd just leave
Pandora's box lying open,
and cross your fingers and hope?
There was no way we could've known
it would lead to the wave.
- [scoffs]
- [Magnus] But you still covered it up.
Why? Saving the bottom line?
It's taken us all time to understand
the power we've awoken here.
Rose, you understand
the danger of exposing something this big
without proper planning.
I know that if you'd told the truth
from the start,
none of this would've happened!
No. The truth is not enough! Not anymore.
It hasn't been for a long time.
Behind me, behind everything
that Pictor has done,
there is a vast engine of power,
dedicated to making sure
that the future you want does not happen.
That we never learn, never change,
never stop.
You could've fought harder.
"All in," that's what you said.
You're the boss of the damn company.
Not anymore.
Darian York is running Pictor now.
Who the fuck is Darian York?
Mr York? Mr York?
[overlapping questions]
Darian is one head of the hydra.
He's the most dangerous right now,
but there are many more.
Fucking vultures!
After we're gone,
get the rest of our people out.
Wasted enough time here
playing good Samaritan.
[phone notification dings]
[overlapping questions continue]
If we'd gone public with the Ancestor
right at the start,
he would've twisted it into a new enemy.
Change of plan.
There's something I need to do first.
Mr York?
What about Pictor's plans
for carving up the Arctic?
My plan was for Pictor to win the auction
and then sit on the rights.
Turn them into a stranded asset
so no one else could exploit them.
We had a deal already in place.
A deal. You mean, a bribe?
Don't be naive!
That engine I spoke about is real,
and I can't control it.
Believe me, I have tried.
Is that why you left the Ancestor
out of your recording?
I left it out because
it can't come from me.
Something this big, even with proof,
people have to choose to believe it.
If by proof you mean,
data from the survey rover,
we don't have it.
Then who does?
Bremner. Which, I'm guessing,
now means Darian.
Then we have a bigger problem.
That drive contains the location
of the Heart of the Ancestor
and the designs for the new
delivery mechanism for Coake's poison.
That was what Pictor promised
in return for the rights.
What's the new delivery mechanism?
It's a long-range
Remote Operated Vehicle.
Once Darian knows
the location of the Heart,
he can launch it from anywhere
and we'd never know until it was too late.
[computer notification beeps]
[Danielle] Is Ms Lennox there?
I need to speak to her.
Danielle, what is it?
There's something going on here
you have to see.
I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop him.
You are all no doubt aware
of the statement made earlier today
by former Pictor CEO Morgan Lennox,
in which she accused the company
of dishonesty and deception.
- Is that him?
- [Darian] However
That's him.
it falls on me as acting CEO
to explain that it is Morgan Lennox
herself, who has been lying.
[overlapping chatter]
An internal investigation
by the Board of Pictor
has uncovered evidence
that unsanctioned testing
of experimental technologies,
directed personally by Ms Lennox,
may have contributed to the conditions
that led to the recent disaster.
[overlapping chatter]
Ms Lennox's actions also led to the
deaths of a number of Pictor employees,
which she then sought to cover up.
Once the Board became aware
of these actions,
we acted swiftly
to notify the relevant authorities
and remove Ms Lennox from her post.
The Board and I will continue
to cooperate fully
with all external investigations
into this matter
and take legal remedy against Ms Lennox
and any who repeat her defamatory claims.
Pictor Energy remains committed
to a future worth fighting for.
Now, more than ever.
Thank you.
[overlapping questions]
[foreboding music]
So much for your big statement.
I told you, the people we're fighting
do not stop.
They do not change course.
And I can't defeat them alone.
All those lies, only to end up here.
When we get back,
I'm telling them everything.
Whether you like it or not.
I'm not gonna stop you.
But whatever you do, you have to be sure.
With Darian leading the attack,
this is the only shot you'll get
to convince them.
[contemplative music]
I don't know, Morgan.
We have to stop lying to people.
But she's right, Magnus.
The truth is not enough.
If all we do is tell people
what we've seen,
some might believe us, most won't.
Not with Darian twisting the facts.
For all of this to count for anything,
we need to make the world see the Ancestor
the same way we do.
And do you have any idea how to do that?
We show them something undeniable.
We go to the Heart,
so we can show it to them,
prove it exists
before Darian can destroy it.
That's how we go all in.
Cameron saw the location of the Heart
on the rover's data drive.
Do you remember where?
It was here,
right on the edge of that shelf.
Problem is, when Bremner cut the power,
he damaged the dynamic positioning system.
Easter and Harish have been working on it
but without that, there's no guarantee
we can get the Stac moving again.
What about the rover?
Could we use that to get to the Heart?
Ah, with some repairs
and modifications, maybe.
But there's no way
to replace the umbilical
so you'd only have back-up batteries
for power.
- Magnus this sounds--
- Rose
- [Rose] Magnus--
- Rose
We are this close. All I'm asking for
is help getting there.
We don't even know where "there" is.
You want to go out into the dark,
on a best guess at a map we don't have.
We don't need a map.
We have a guide.
I know how to find it.
If we take the rover,
we can capture it on the cameras
and release that to the world.
We just went out onto the ice
with the Ancestor,
- it nearly killed us.
- Yeah, but it didn't.
That's only thanks to Askel.
He's the one that stopped it.
Well, if you stopped it
from attacking once,
think you can do it again?
Yeah, I believe so.
Do you think you could reprogram
the speakers
on the rover's sonar system
to play the signal under water?
I would need a little help.
Well, looks like you've already got it.
That still leaves the rest of the rover.
We can work out the power requirements
in the air.
But the modifications
will take some heavy lifting.
Magnus, this is our best shot.
[sighs] Looks like we need
a hell of a repair team.
I know just the guy to lead it.
Right fucking mess you've got here.
I tell you what,
Rose is braver than I thought
if she's thinking of taking this
out for a spin.
They're confident the hull is sound.
Oh, yeah?
So, it's just everything else
we've gotta fix?
If you're not up to it
We ran the Bravo on duct-tape
and my shit welding for over 20 years.
Can't be harder than that.
I was hoping you'd say that.
Just be careful what you wish for.
Alright, you lazy cunts,
we've got a lot of work to do
and not a lot of time,
so anyone wants to talk about overtime,
take it outside, yeah?
We're not doing this for them up there,
we're doing this for us.
Let's go!
[tense music]
Hey, I have made
the necessary modifications.
The signal can be activated
through the main controls.
Will it work?
Ah, well, no experiment is 100% assured.
But I'm curious to find out.
Not quite the ringing endorsement
I was after
but I guess at this stage, I'll take it.
Power team, you done?
Air team, recheck all the valves
and seals.
The only leaks I want to see
are in my soup.
Right, where's our pilot?
Do you want to go over the controls again?
No. Thanks, I'm good.
I'm good.
Power, lights, pressure, air
You can do this.
I can't help feel if it was me
in that seat,
you'd be saying not to go.
I was gonna tell you.
It's alright. I owe you a few.
Look, I know this is a big risk
but with Darian out there,
we may never get another shot
to get to the Heart.
And I'm not gonna risk
leaving this to chance.
I know. I get it.
But just because
you have to do it yourself,
doesn't mean you have to do it alone.
[knock on glass]
All set here. Let's get rolling!
[tense music]
[mechanical humming]
[Harish] Final checks complete.
Opening launch bay doors.
How long's it gonna take
for them to get to the Heart?
Hard to say.
Without the drive, there's no telling
what they're heading into.
Rose knows the risks.
Preparing to exit launch bay.
You wouldn't get me back out there.
You planning your retirement?
Mm-hm. Maybe a holiday.
Somewhere hot. No ice.
Exactly what I was thinking.
I would've liked to have gone with them.
Very few people get to experience
the deep ocean.
And those who do, only see as far
as the lights they bring with them allow.
Over 95% of the life-supporting space
on this planet,
and we explore it by candle light.
We have no idea how much more
there is to see.
Yeah, Rose and I didn't exactly hit it off
when she started on the Bravo.
A bit too much of a purist.
But she's met every challenge.
That's because she cares.
That's what makes the difference.
Do I detect a wee bit of jealousy?
When I started in the industry,
that's what I wanted.
To make a difference.
But the higher you go,
more things you start to miss,
a clear job to do.
A right and a wrong way to do it.
It used to be simple, but satisfying.
Now, everything's grey.
Still doesn't sit well with me
that Bremner got away.
Wouldn't surprise me if Darian just left
him out on the ice.
If he'd already handed over the data,
Bremner'd be of no use to him.
This ROV that can deliver the poison,
could it be launched from here?
That might've been Coake's original plan,
but the designs weren't ready
'til he was on the Charlie.
And the ROV on the Stac
hasn't had the necessary modifications.
Yeah, but the drive
contains the coordinates.
So, if someone had the time
and the proper equipment
they could reprogram
the guidance system.
- Bremner?
- [sighs] Fuck.
He'd launch it from the surface level.
Somewhere on the Main Deck.
Keep an eye on Rose and Fulmer.
I'll deal with Bremner.
[foreboding music]
Come on come on
[propellers whirring]
Power at 90%.
Once it gets below 50, there's
a good chance this becomes a one-way trip.
You're the crazy one who volunteered.
Crazy about something
Maintaining current course and speed.
Do you think the signal will really work?
We're putting a lot of trust
in Askel being right.
I used to think trust was all about
actions matching up to reality.
But it's more than that.
- Trust
- [flipping switches]
- is an act of faith.
- [signal playing]
[signal echoing]
[tense music]
[phone notification dings]
Transmitting the signal.
No sign of the Ancestor yet.
- [sonar pings]
- Wait.
I've got a contact on the sonar.
There's something else
down there with them.
Is anyone else getting déjà vu?
What is that?
I can't tell. The signature doesn't match
either of the two attacks.
It's coming up on them fast.
It's not the Ancestor, it's Darian.
Let me speak to them.
Rose, Darian has launched an ROV.
He's trying to destroy the Heart.
You need to get there first.
Copy that. Increasing speed.
That's gonna eat into our power. Fast.
[sonar pings]
It's right on top of them.
Tracking the ROV. It's gonna pass us.
[Cameron] Fulmer,
it's coming in high on your port side.
There's no way
we're catching up with that!
Won't the Ancestor stop it?
- Like the survey rover?
- Shit!
Not if it thinks the ROV
is coming to help!
We have to turn off the signal.
[tense music]
[mechanical thunking]
See how you like that.
Don't move.
Close the control unit.
Stand up.
You're too late.
The ROV is already at the Heart.
It's never too late to do the right thing.
Rose is alive, by the way.
In case your conscience was bothering you.
I doubt she'd shed a tear for me.
You think Darian will?
Wake up, Bremner.
He'll abandon you, same as Coake would,
soon as you stop being useful.
I guess I better not let that happen, then.
- [gunfire]
- Ooh!
I knew you wouldn't kill me.
I don't need to kill you.
Just stop you killing everyone else.
[Bremner groaning]
Oh, shit.
[ominous music]
Gallery, this is Magnus.
Bremner has been neutralised,
but the poison had been launched.
We're too late.
Fuck it! Fucking Darian!
[escalating tense music]
[whooshing, rumbling]
What was that?
I can't see anything.
[low-pitched groaning]
[groaning fading]
Rose, Fulmer,
Darian's already released the poison.
We couldn't stop him.
I'm sorry. You need to get back.
No way. We're not finished.
- We have to keep going.
- Rose
Power's nearly at 50%.
If we carry on,
we're not gonna make it back.
[faint groaning]
You can hear it.
There might be some way we can help.
We can't give up now.
I know I have no right to ask this,
but I am.
It's saved both our lives.
We have to at least try.
Rose, you don't need to do this.
You've already done everything
you possibly could.
Rover team! Respond!
Rose, are you listening?
You've been right about this all along.
Trust your instincts.
Whatever you decide, I'll still
be sitting here, right beside you.
You might regret it.
Only for the rest of my life.
[rover powers up]
Are they on their way back?
They're still looking for the Heart.
And they, erm, turned off the comm.
[rover powers down]
Over that rise is the edge of the cliff.
We're at the end of the road.
No, we're not. Look.
You see it?
Are they roots?
Rose, we don't know how stable
that ridge is.
We can't take the rover any closer
Not the rover
just me.
If they powered down
all the other systems on the rover,
could they still make it back?
No, they were already running
on the bare minimum.
There's nothing else to turn off,
except the life support.
Oh, no, no, no.
What about turning off systems here?
Anything non-essential.
Would that make it easier
to find the power to get us moving again?
Maybe, but it's not a small task.
No telling how long it'll take.
Well then, we better get started.
Heather, Easter, Askel,
I want you Topside.
We'll work on the problem down here.
No one gives up!
Not while they're still out there.
Go, go!
I'll start on a diagnostic.
Stepping down now.
I'll be right here.
[hopeful music]
You can do this.
Not too late.
Not again.
You healed me,
now you have to heal yourself.
What's it doing?
Is this the Heart?
It's working. You'll see.
It's coming back to life!
[hopeful music]
[uplifting music]
There you are.
[uplifting music rises]
Fulmer, it's beautiful.
Can you see?
[laughs] Yeah, I can see.
[epic music]
It's so bright.
[music softens, fading]
It can't be just me.
You can't just show me.
It's the only way to protect you.
Rose, what's happening?
Rose, you need to come back.
We're almost out of power. Rose?
Not yet. It's not finished.
[epic music rises]
[epic music continues]
The Ancestor, it's lighting up the ice.
What the
Looks like your poison recipe
needed more kick.
All of this has been hiding down there
this whole time.
It's not hiding anymore.
[phone buzzes]
[notifications dinging]
[phone rings]
[tense music]
Do you think it worked?
We did everything we could.
I don't suppose you figured out a way
to get back while I was gone?
Not yet.
And I think we just used up
our last miracle.
Warning! Power level critical.
So, what happens next?
First the power shuts off.
Then the air stops.
What's left in here
will keep us going a while.
Then, erm
[rover shuts down]
Then it's the end?
Only for us.
Thanks to you.
Is it terrible for me to say
I'm glad you came?
Not if I am, too.
[dramatic music]
Is that [gasps]
It's the Stac. It's got to be.
Magnus doesn't leave people behind.
[heroic music]
[music fades]
[indistinct chatter]
[Magnus] That was
quite a fireworks display you put on.
How far do you think the lights went?
We'll find out when we get home.
But either way, this isn't over.
I told you, the people we're fighting
don't give up.
Yeah. Well, neither do we.
One crew.
No matter what comes next.
[gentle music]
- [epic music]
- [overlapping chatter]
[military officer] Facility confirmed
at anomaly origin point.
[overlapping newsreaders
in multiple languages]
[military officer] Instruct the captain
to approach with maximum caution.
[closing theme music playing]
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