Thief s01e05 Episode Script


previously on thief the chinese mob? we take their money, they will find you, and then they will go after our family.
find them, vincent.
you find these kwai-doi.
wanda died? she bled out.
there's somebody out back.
- Izzy put him in the car.
get him out of here.
it's an emerald? wanda always said she wanted you to have it.
the plane has a lower deck with a galley, forward cargo hold right next to it.
when are we getting the carts on the plane? we got an inside guy in new york? i give you the time, the runway, but you do not get on that plane without me.
how big are these carts? 30 inches wide, 4 feet high, 36 deep that's tight.
i can't be in that box, not for 10 minutes.
we gotta jump out of those coffins, cut through the bulkhead with the guy who never took metal shop in prison.
but right now, we got less than a week to take the plane.
you know that man? i can't remember everyone.
don't go live in hawaii.
i say you stay here and live with us.
if i shoot you in your house, boy, in my place of business, police department will thank me for giving them the day off.
i'll be back soon to buy.
sayonara, asshole.
nick, ow! you're hurting me! i don't even know these people.
this is riley.
he's an old friend of mine.
they found that guy's body in the swamp.
i swear to you on your mother's grave, everything i've ever done has been to protect you.
who's gonna protect me from you? bye-bye, baby.
yeah, it's near the airport.
somewhere off the van wyck.
yeah, i know it's confusing.
it's new york.
well, just make sure the carts get there, ok? work it out.
yeah, and i'll see you tomorrow morning.
i'm sorry, mister.
we're closed.
i thought the door was locked.
yeah, it was.
well, it looks like you're packing it in, huh? change of management.
i know you? no, but i know you.
well, like i said, mister, we're closed.
make an exception.
nopd, which by the way, got a bum rap after katrina.
hmm? oh, yeah, but we're still on the job.
look, i'm not here on police business, though.
just thought i'd have a nice little friendly talk.
i know about that job you pulled in san fran.
yeah, paper said 2 mil.
nice little score.
i'm assuming you don't like sharing, hence the old boy in the bayou.
but sometimes, you gotta be realistic about these things.
and, well, this is one of those times.
i don't know what you're talking about.
i run a car business.
not too much longer, from what i see.
look, i got no interest in taking you or your crew down.
what do you want? half your score.
1 mil in cash.
you can't trust what the papers say.
i don't.
i don't trust you, either.
i need some time.
don't play games with me now.
now, what, you think i keep a mil in cash juts laying around? all right.
by tomorrow.
i'll be in touch.
and by the way, mr.
atwater, if you're thinking of disappearing, i can always turn over everything i know to the feds, become a big hero.
but i'd rather have the money.
any problems? no.
just want to be careful.
i don't know, man.
you always say, "know when to walk away.
" i think we should just scrap this job.
i know, but we're prepped.
we're good to go.
we stay on schedule.
that cop, he made you, bro.
he knows where you work.
he probably knows where you live.
hell, no shit.
he knows about san francisco.
he knows about izzy.
he don't know about this job.
in 36 hours, we're done.
we're gone.
no one the wiser.
he could have a long reach.
he's just another crooked-ass cop.
if he wanted to bust me, he would have.
you clear on hijacking the truck? of course.
we still on schedule? all right like old times, gabo.
[both laugh.]
ahh! how long's it been? i stopped counting in the joint.
let's just say years.
are we ready? it's all good.
where's tammy? hasn't been out of her room all day.
hasn't said a word.
you know, i got her into one of those fancy schools out in california.
every student gets a horse maybe i should go there.
hey, tammy? tam? i think we need to talk.
they were in the shop.
we had them dead, uncle, and he blew it, and now they're gone.
finish the job.
do what is necessary.
it'd just be easier if i did this alone.
he's sick.
he can't-- he can't do the work anymore.
do what's necessary.
well, play it back for me.
you heard nothing? i told you what i heard.
now, look, man, i brought her to you to keep her safe.
she's not running away from me, nick.
new york flight's in 90 minutes.
i gotta go, ok? she's got a boyfriend-- keith sherow.
you find him, you're probably gonna find her, ok? good luck, man.
bring it on home.
ohh mm did i step over you? who else? oh, hey.
oh, god.
oh, great.
i guess we should have stayed in a motel, huh? oh can't believe we're doing this.
you sure you want to go to disney world? what about miami? we can do that too.
it's just that when i was little, my mom took me to disney world.
we stayed in this big hotel that had big white swans on the roof and this white sandy beach down below.
it was really nice.
thought maybe we could get jobs there.
get jobs.
couldn't we? sure, yeah.
hey, let me have your cell phone.
why? want to call my parents and let 'em know i'm all right.
mm, maybe later.
give me your cell phone, tam.
don't you think that nick is probably sitting in your kitchen right now? ahh you think they'd call the police? i don't know.
but who cares? we're free.
mm, you're the only person i trust.
we--we should get going.
compressed air regulator, hoses, drills, rivet gun, grinder, glue, gloves, padlock, tool roll, c-clamps, u-bar.
communications? all working.
ok, check the inside locks on the cars, we're good to go.
hey, mr.
ellis u-haul.
what's the old line? i'll take over for 250.
plumgreen! yeah.
what is it? the belt is stuck.
it can wait.
i know, but look.
all the food down here can't go upstairs.
tell me, julius, do you even know how to spell my name? i sure can-- a-s-s h-o-l-e.
d-day, baby.
we're about to hit the beaches.
what you got for me? look for truck 1192.
it's gonna exit the security gate at 1:15.
you sure you can handle that? you know it's gonna get a little claustrophobic in that big-ass car.
eat shit and die, asshole.
come on, let's go.
gotta be in the tarmac in 35 minutes.
there's a wrinkle.
i can only do four carts, not five.
what? it happens.
that's not the deal.
the gig calls for five.
i can do five carts, but the airline changed the order at the last minute.
i stuff an extra cart in there, there's no way to secure it in the galley.
it's gonna put up a red flag.
it's your call.
cuts our score by a third.
i can count, bro.
hey, 20, 25 mil buys a lot of happiness.
ok, we're gonna go with four.
but if anything else goes wrong with this score because of your amateur night bullshit, i'm coming for you, you understand? you believe in god, nick? yeah, some days.
you want to pray with me? do i want to pray with you? yeah.
you straight, bob? you tight? that's what i need right now.
yeah, i'm cool.
why don't you pray for both of us? dear lord, we walk into the valley.
hold us close, and do not forsake us.
yours is the kingdom and the glory.
let's do this.
i'll see you on the other side.
so long, huh? you're late.
oh, hey, i got to do that.
union ranks.
oh, well, we wouldn't want to piss off the union.
would you like some champagne or orange juice? i'll take anything that'll put me to sleep till bogota.
well, i'm not sure we have anything that strong.
hey, captain, how they hanging? right now, upside-down.
how bad? bad.
i hear grand jury's coming down with indictments today.
good to know.
you need to get a little air, john? ah, no shit.
i'll call you as soon as i hear.
hey, appreciate it.
if you need the rest of the day.
a lot of carts for this flight.
well, you know how management is.
they say "jump"-- and you say "how high?" yeah, i know--don't cry when all the airlines go broke.
i won't be here that long.
[answering machine.]
this is the atwater residence.
please leave a message, and we'll get back.
hey, boy, where you at, hmm? i told you i'd be back in touch today, you know? the world ain't big enough for you to get lost in, so don't.
i'm gonna call you back later.
you be there.
ah, man.
heads are secure.
they're gone.
you read me? loud and clear.
then we're all secured.
anything? just came from the boyfriend's house.
mother says he never came home last night.
ok, well, check my place.
they might have gone there.
ok, take this off my hands.
box cutter.
great, so they're both jammed.
all right.
i'll make the announcement.
ladies and gentlemen, because of an elevator malfunction, we can no longer access the lower galley.
unfortunately, this means we can't serve refreshments on this leg of the journey.
we're genuinely sorry for any inconvenience.
i guess this officially makes us a discount airline.
so what is it, an electrical malfunction? we really don't know.
we'll just find out when we land.
you're just gonna have to wait till we get to new orleans, sir.
this won't wait.
oh, sir, you can't use your cell phone on a plane.
there's something the government cares a whole hell of a lot about in that cargo hold down there.
i'll call whoever i want.
ok, jack, slow down.
slow down, man, ok? take your time.
take your time, man, ok? you want me in there? no, i got it.
come on, let's do it.
all right.
let me have a light.
oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
we got enough room.
aah! aah! ok, this is not it.
it's not this area.
ok, uh, we're gonna move that one in this direction, ok? [groaning.]
stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
ok, slide out.
ok, stop, stop, stop.
give me some light here.
i got to take these things-- ok.
right here.
oh, yeah.
is that it? $40 million, and they're secured with this.
come on, let's move these boxes.
got it.
ohh number 2.
this is so sweet.
hold on.
all right.
you're right, bob.
maybe there is a god.
that it? yeah? gabo? not anymore.
who is this? your pen pal, remember me? hey, too bad about your friend.
gabo, was that his name? you piece of shit.
hey, let's keep it polite.
i told you i'd be back to buy.
what's going on, nick? chinese got gabo.
see? it all started to go south after izzy got it, you know? you know, you reap-- you reap what you sow, nick.
i don't believe in that, man.
well, maybe you should start.
i told you to leave that holy roller shit at the door.
what's up? how we doing? it's bad.
gabo's dead.
chinese got him.
i'm gonna need you to boost a truck.
nick, what are you talking about? i can't do that, man.
you know people know me.
i can get made.
we got no other choices, man, ok? you do what you need to do.
um are you on target? yeah, yeah, we're working.
sorry about gabo.
we're back at it.
let's do it.
come on.
how many times do i have to tell you? no cell phones on the job.
or is english a second language with you? mr.
plumgreen, i'm sorry about that, but, uh, you know, that was my mama right there, and she got the gout real bad.
i really don't care about your family's medical history.
i know, but i got to take her over to the clinic.
you know, they got to give her one of them big old needles, man, and stick it in her toe-- julius, is there a point to this somewhere in the future? yes, sir.
i got to take her today.
then go.
[answering machine.]
this is the atwater residence.
please leave a message, and we'll get back.
hey, uh, kim! kim! what you doing? thought you'd be at work.
taking a little time off.
you going somewhere? you got indicted.
that lawyer called to tell me what's what.
he wants you to call him.
don't worry about that.
i'm on something that can change everything.
yeah, right.
good thing you're packing.
we'll go on a little vacation, someplace with a beach.
i don't think so, john.
come on, don't be like that.
hey, hey, hey.
no, no, no, no, no, no.
you can't just walk out like that, just like that, after all the shit we've been through.
no, no, baby.
i did this for you.
i did it all for you.
you wanted a house in metairie, you wanted a jag, uh-huh, you wanted that fancy membership at the tennis club i did that for you, baby.
i sold out for you-- my friends, my partner, myself-- all for you.
you did it because you're weak, john.
you always have been.
hey, hey, hey, come on.
come on.
where are you going, huh? no, no, baby.
no, no, no.
don't go, baby.
no, no, i can't let you go, baby.
i need you now.
come here.
come here.
ohoh, baby can't believe we're leaving all this money behind.
well, that's it.
we take what we can.
we got 24 minutes.
they must have dumped his body in a swamp.
the cops found his arm bitten off in the stomach of an alligator.
an alligator, huh? what? nothing.
your stepdad just doesn't seem like a gangster or something.
i know.
you know, he said it was self-defense.
was it? well, i guess.
the other guy did have a gun.
why didn't you call the cops? because it was scary.
because he's my stepfather.
what did you think i was supposed to do? i don't know.
do you not believe me? i never said that.
i'm just saying your story's a little weird.
it's not a story, ok? it's what happened.
i'm telling you what happened.
just forget it.
how much time we got left, nick? we got 12 minutes.
this doesn't change anything.
hey, bob.
you did good, man.
you did real good.
bob: lord jesus christ, have mercy on us.
lord jesus christ, have mercy on us.
excuse me.
par--pardon me, sir.
excuse me.
i don't know what happened.
just both went kaput.
kind of a metaphor for america, really, huh? we're all stuck, you know what i mean? let me just show you here.
see, when i worked the switches earlier-- this would be the perfect end to the worst week of my life.
my house was robbed, they stole my computer, and my wife is on a tear.
i wouldn't have called you, but it seemed weird.
all access to the lower deck was inhibited.
you better be wrong.
welcome to new orleans.
hell, what did they put in this cart? i know airplane food's supposed to be a bit on the heavy side-- we had a problem with the elevators.
never touched the food.
i don't know about this.
no one should breach the security of the container to bogota.
i'll take responsibility.
i should call my office.
and tell 'em what? you don't know anything.
i know insurance companies, and they don't like people to fool around with 40 million of uncle sam's dollars.
the package is in my care, and i'm gonna open it.
you need to call your office.
shoot, what the hell is this? what's the deal? inspector jackson, department of homeland security.
mind stepping out of the truck? what for? please do as i say, sir.
what's--what's going on? i need to see some i.
all right.
here you go.
with terrorist alert, we're checking everybody coming in and out of the airport.
really? i didn't see anybody at the gate, so come with me.
you're gonna make me late, but don't worry.
your boss will understand.
you don't know my boss, dude.
easier to wait right here.
i'll be right back.
[car lock beeps.]
[silently muttering.]
it's all good.
gonna need to take you with me.
hold on, hold on.
what for? patriot act.
i don't have to tell you.
what about my truck? ok, close it up.
did you ever wonder about the people that live around here? you know, what their lives must be like? what do you think you'd be like if you grew up around here? you know, i'd probably be the same.
so, tammy, i need to use your cell phone, ok? i need to call my parents and tell them that i'm all right.
ok? can i please use your cell phone, tammy? ok.
i just want you to know that i understand, ok? you understand what? it's not your problem, ok? this is-- this isn't your problem.
it's mine.
come here.
i just need to call my parents.
i need to tell them that i'm ok.
that's it.
no, it's not it, ok? that is it.
what you want is to have a family, to be normal, to just have a normal family and a normal life, and you want to go to school.
you want to get a job.
i get it, ok? what's wrong with that? but that's not where i'm going.
oh it's not what you-- that's it.
i-- fine.
it's lame, that's what it is.
i have to go home anyways.
i could get in trouble.
next year's senior year.
i know.
i understand.
you don't understand, ok? just get in the car.
hold! problems? smooth as silk.
left a driver waiting for me in long-term parking at the airport.
how we doing? we're behind.
what took you so long? i had to make a stop.
nick: oh, shit.
gabo, we thought you was-- i ain't ready to check out just yet.
you ok? what went down? ah, shit happens.
nick, i couldn't do it.
i'm sorry.
i didn't find the girl.
no, man, don't worry about that.
she's gonna show.
can we see it? yeah, come on.
let's do it.
that's perfect.
hey, dumplin'.
what can i do for you? if i sell you something, can i come back and buy it later? only if you pawn it.
then it's kinda like a loan.
you pay me back, i give you the merchandise back.
you don't pay me back, i sell it to the highest bidder.
you got something in mind? it's an emerald.
i need a lot of money for it-- a thousand dollars, enough to get me to hawaii.
you didn't steal this, did you? it was my mother's.
she left it to me.
i don't know where you got it, but it's no emerald.
it's paste.
what? are you sure? because my stepfather-- take it somewhere else, if you want.
i'll tell you what.
out of the kindness of my heart, i'll give you 300 for it.
gabo don't look so good.
ok, jack, i want you to take gabo to riley's.
and, elmo, after you dump the truck, meet us back at the warehouse, ok? he look familiar? let's find out.
that's what i'm saying.
god damn nigger! shit.
who are you, man, huh? what are you doing here? you think you can come to my town and mess with my business, huh? aah! did you kill those two people over at perrier? i had nothing to do with that shit! don't lie to me! give me the gun.
huh? hey, hey, hey, hey.
you don't want to kill a cop.
no, i don't.
but he does.
say good-bye, po-kai.
[telephone rings.]
where are you? tam.
tam, let me come and get you.
give me an address.
let me help you.
you told me the ring was real.

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