This Country (2017) s01e01 Episode Script
Over there, we saw Laurence
Llewelyn-Bowen once,
and once in the shop,
and once up Burleigh Hill, riding
his bike, didn't we?
And in the Co-op. Yeah.
Because I was
walking in the Co-op
and he was coming
out and I said,
"After you," and he said, "No,
after you."
He's so humble.
So humble, and I
asked him, I said to him,
"When do we get to see
you back on our screens,"
"because it's a crying shame I
don't get to see you as often?"
And he just shrugged.
He just shrugged like that.
Such a shame.
So, this is my cousin, Kurtan.
But not only is he my cousin,
he's my best mate
as well, because
he's the only
person I can share a
box of Celebrations with.
Tell them why.
Because I love the Bounties,
but I won't touch anything else.
She cannot stand Bounties
but she'll eat the rest of them.
So, nothing goes to waste.
So he'll literally just come
round my house, won't you? Yeah.
And just hoover
up all the Bounties.
That's what I do, yeah.
I like the underdog.
The thing is, I don't even like
Bounties that much,
I just feel sorry for them
because they're always left.
Well, I've known
Kerry and Kurtan,
on and off, for 12 years now.
I think they're
great kids, really.
Give it!
Don't be a fucking dick.
I do think they
sometimes resort to
a lot of effing and jeffing and
that's something we've been
working on, actively, a lot,
especially over the last
couple of years and I feel like
they've made great
strides forward.
Last week,
I don't think they used the
F word once.
We had the C word a
couple of times but, I mean,
that really is an improvement on
what had gone before.
Scarecrow Festival is the most
important day of the year.
That's the beautiful thing about
living in the village.
Everyone comes
together on days like
Scarecrow Festival
and just forgets
their utter hatred of each other.
Everyone in the
village makes their
own scarecrow and
they put them out
anywhere around the village.
Yeah, and basically, there's an
adjudicator goes round
and he judges them.
No, does not. Yeah, he does.
It's a public voting system now,
cos they changed the rules.
No, it's not. Yes, they did.
They didn't.
If you read the Gazette last
week, you would know.
I spoke to the
vicar myself as well.
Oh, I don't care, I find it sad.
Oh, having a picture of your
winning scarecrow on the front of
the Gazette is sad, is it?
Didn't think so.
So anyway, it's a public voting
system and you get
designated pitches.
So, my pitch is on
the village green
this year, which
is one of the best
pitches and then you have little
forms, so you go around and then
you can tick which one, which is
your favourite
and then you put it
in the box at the end of the
day and the winner gets a
hot-air balloon ride for two.
And I ain't taking you on it.
I don't want to go on it, anyway.
I'm taking my nan.
He'll tell you that the Scarecrow
Festival is all fun and games,
but it ain't for me.
For me, the Scarecrow Festival is
just asking for trouble,
cos everyone who's anyone's going
to be there and there are people
from my past that would
love to see me slain.
I've got enemies everywhere.
I've got enemies in South Cerney,
I've got enemies in North Cerney,
I've got enemies in Cerney Wick.
I've got enemies in
There's a tea rooms
there and under the counter
they've got a panic button
and if I take one step
inside, they can press that.
The police will be there in three
Isn't that right?
If I'm walking
through the village,
people in cars
actually slam their
foot down on the accelerator,
because they want to get through
the village as fast as they can
without getting into a
confrontation with me.
Because if they stop off at
traffic lights,
I'll just knock on
their window and
I go, "What you
looking at, mate?"
What? Why?
For what?
I don't go to school any more.
Where the hell is he
getting these vouchers from?
Cos they discontinued them, like,
ten years ago.
How is that my fault?
I don't understand.
I cannot win.
This is just ridiculous.
I don't live here,
this is Kerry's house.
I live with my nan, just round
Oh, shit, it's Slugs, look.
Oh, you're joking.
Oh, he WhatsApped
me the other day
asking us to go laser quest with
him and I
What did you say? Well, I clicked
on it by accident, didn't I?
So he knows I've seen it.
Oh, sake!
The thing is, he'll just trap you
for ages, he'll never leave.
I should feel sorry for him
because he's got terminal cancer,
but he's so utterly annoying.
It's like, if you want to have a
bucket list, that's fine,
but don't just drag us into it.
Do you know what I mean?
It's all right, he's going the
other way. He's
going the other way.
Thank Christ for that.
So, it's about 15 quid a head.
That includes two
sessions of laser
quest and a minibus
there and back,
but I am going to
need the deposit now.
Oh, I just
Oh, your mum's shouting.
Just coming now.
Yeah. But have a really I hope
you enjoy yourself. Cheers, mate.
Cheers though, mate. Thanks for
thinking of us.
Yeah. See you later.
So, today's the day
of the Scarecrow
Festival and I've
got a bad feeling.
Mark my words, something bad is
going to happen to me today.
That's my dad, that is.
You all right, Dad?
All right?
What have you been up to then?
Just taking the kids out.
Is it all right if I come
over yours later?
I ain't seen you in ages, Dad.
Yeah, yeah but I've got to go,
All right. Come on, my kiddo.
See you.
That's my dad.
That was my dad, that was.
Did you see my dad, Kurtan? Yeah.
He's going to the
festival as well.
What did he say?
He said, erm,
I can come over to
his later, if I want.
Did he?
Yeah, but I think I might be busy
tonight, so
I might not go.
The Scarecrow Festival
is just a bit of fun really.
It's a tradition
that's been going
since I was a boy and it's great
to see everyone in the village
getting involved.
Hey! This man is an absolute
legend, ain't you, Vicar?
And we're his favourite as well.
Yeah, you absolutely
love us, don't you Vicar?
Yeah, he's smiling
cos he knows it.
This guy here taught me how to
control my temper.
Simmer down, you two.
Oi, tell them about when we got
para in the park and you had to
come pick us up.
Yeah, I had to get
my stomach pumped
as well, didn't I?
That wasn't funny, that was very
He loves Midsomer Murders, don't
you, Vicar?
Yeah, he loves it. He gets so mad
if he misses one.
And if he doesn't
record it on Sky
planner, he goes
mental, don't you?
I love Midsomer Murders.
He loves his golf as well.
John Nettles is my favourite.
Don't start him on golf.
What a laugh.
You're such a laugh.
Your Majesty!
That's where you get
the scarecrow maps from.
The plant stall, over there.
Don't buy anything from there,
cos they'll die in a week anyway.
That is the sign of a very lazy
scarecrow maker
and I'll tell you why.
Cos he can't be
bothered to form the
hands, that's a
pet hate of mine.
Technically, not a scarecrow,
cos there's no hay on it.
Not a drop of hay in sight.
It's just a rag on a stick.
I mean, I get it, but it's not
making me feel nothing.
Look at this.
This is a monstrosity.
I mean I think I
know this is Len's as well.
He's a good scarecrow maker, but
he's embarrassed
himself this year
with that. I mean, I'm laughing,
but for all the wrong reasons.
All right, Len? All right?
What do you reckon?
Pretty good, yeah.
Take that grin off your face.
You're grinning. Don't grin.
I'm not grinning, Len.
I think it's great,
mate, honestly.
Good. I reckon I've got a chance
this year.
You believe whatever you want to
believe, that's fine.
Well, I do believe, all right?
Yeah. All right, whatever.
Len, I'm not going to get into a
fight with you today, all right?
All right.
I'll tell you why I'm going
to win this year.
Cos I've got the best scarecrow
and I've got the
best pitch in the
village, because my pitch
is in the centre of the festival.
Nathan Daniels
had that pitch last
year and he won and, honestly,
his scarecrow was the biggest
pile of shit I've ever seen.
It was meant to be Beetlejuice,
But, fuck me, did it look like
Excuse me, sorry.
What's going on?
Excuse me, this is my pitch.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
Yeah, very funny.
Don't make me move it myself
please, mate. Exterminate!
can you just be serious?
This is my pitch, yeah.
You don't understand, Vicar.
He's on my pitch, yeah.
The pitch I booked three
months ago with Mrs Wicks.
Well, there must be some kind of
because according to this sheet,
your pitch is on Trowley Bottom
That's bullshit! Less of the
effing and jeffing, please.
Sorry for swearing, but that is
fucking bullshit.
(Why would I choose
Trowley Bottom
Farm when a) no punters could be
(bothered to walk
all the way down
there and b) it
stinks of pig shit
cos it's on a fucking pig farm.
I'm sorry for swearing,
but this is fucked up.
Kurtan, this is your last
warning on the swearing.
I'm really sorry, but it's too
late to change anything now.
Your pitch is on Trowley Bottom
No, absolutely not.
No way. There's no chance I
am going to Trowley Bottom Farm.
That's the end of it. I ain't
talking about it no more, Vicar.
How am I going to get any votes
being down here?
It's baffling. I'm baffled by the
entire situation, if I'm honest.
Badly organised by the vicar.
Major fuck-up.
Kurtan can get very competitive.
Like, we had to do this sponsored
swim at school and he was just
obsessed with raising
the most money for it,
so he actually stole our nan's
bank card and withdrew 500 quid,
which meant that she couldn't
get her teeth done.
What? Did you tell people
to come down?
Yeah. Yeah?
The thing is though,
it's buzzing up there.
It really is buzzing.
All right, yeah.
It's that Dalek though.
Yeah. It is brilliant.
It's just so
Yeah, he's brilliant.
It's so funny, right. I had a
picture taken with him. Yeah.
If you take that and just scroll
to the left. Great, yeah.
Brilliant. Oh, that's
a great one. Isn't it?
That's another
good one. I love it.
I love them all.
That one especially.
What the actual fuck?
What the actual fuck?
You have fucking lost
your head, mate.
You have lost your fucking head.
I swear to God, if my phone is
smashed, you are paying for that.
To be honest, when Kurtan gets
like this he's a fucking psycho.
Levi? Who's is that?
June's. Where is she?
Getting a cup of tea.
It doesn't matter what
anyone tells you,
everyone's here for one reason
and that's to win.
Sometimes you just got to throw
someone else
under the bus to save
yourself, especially if they're
old and stupid, like June.
Roll up! Right, come on.
Guys, have you seen this?
Have you got your
voting slip there?
A voting slip? Voting slip. You
can get them from
the stall for £1.
Go back and get one from there
and then come straight back here,
I'll tell you what to do,
yeah? Quick!
Hello! Over here!
Vote for me!
Have you got your voting slips?
Yes, right. OK, so what you want
to do, put the cross as Kurtan,
that's my one there. Yeah.
Vote that one for the winner.
Yeah, that's it,
hide behind the little Dalek.
You are a massive bell end.
Ow, don't fucking Yeah?
When I get hold of you, I swear
to God I will fucking deck you.
Fuck's sake, Kurtan.
Every year he's like this.
Yes, I swore at David in
the Dalek but listen,
it was only cos I
saw him stealing
money out of a charity bucket
that was going around. So I'm
actually proud I swore at him.
That's a very serious
allegation you're making.
Yeah, I know.
If you're not telling the truth,
you could be in serious trouble.
Yeah. I know.
But if you are
telling me the truth,
we need to go to the police
station immediately.
Do you understand?
Are you telling me the truth?
Excuse me, Vicar.
Everything OK,
June? I went to get
a cup of tea and I
left my scarecrow
and when I got back it just
I don't know where it's gone.
Well, it can't have gone
far, I'm sure.
Shall we have a look for it? It
was over there. It's just gone.
Maybe it got moved, someone got
confused about the pitch.
Well, who would have moved it,
Vicar? We'll have a look.
June stitched me up right royally
but that just spurs
me on, mate, cos if they want to
play dirty, that's fine by me.
I've got a few tricks up
my sleeve, I'm telling you now.
Can you hear that?
Hello? Mum!
Why are you crying?
They've done what?
Sick bastard!
It's all right, Mum,
calm down, yeah?
I'm on my way now, OK?
All right. Bye.
Someone's just been throwing
plums at my house.
I'm going to kill them.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe it.
All over this.
Plumming on here,
plumming on that.
Plum on the sofa, look!
There's nothing left that
hasn't been plummed.
Oh, my gosh.
I knew this would happen.
Can you see what it's like
to be me now?
I've had a target on my back
since the day I was born.
Right, that's your bag there
and the field's just down there
on the right, OK?
Thank you very
much. Thank you very
much, enjoy your free potatoes.
All right, Len? Is this right?
Someone said something about
free potatoes.
Yeah, you got your voting
slip there?
What? Voting slip. Oh.
Yes, yes, that one there.
Right, that's my name there.
All you've got to
do, yeah, pop that
in the box at the
end of the day.
Here's your bag and you can help
yourself to as
many free potatoes.
Yeah. Just down
there on the right,
big field in front
of you, right?
All right.
Cheers, Len. But don't forget
to put the slip in the box, yeah?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I can trust you, Len, yeah?
You all right, sir, happy?
Yeah. Nice little jacket potatoes
for tonight for the wife.
Thank you very much, your vote
is much appreciated.
So, Mr Jenkins
says you were giving
away bags and bags of potatoes.
No. That's a total exaggeration.
It was like five potatoes,
not even that.
And he also said you sold one
of his pigs for £200.
Mr Phillips, right, gave me
200 quid for no reason.
Right. Yeah? And the pig just
followed him out the gate.
And into his Land Rover? Yes.
Plumming someone's house is one
of the most disrespectful things
you can do.
I'm going to get
the lads together
and sort this out
cos I've got my
reputation to think about.
I'm so livid. I'm honestly
absolutely raging.
I'm going to find out who done
that and I'm going to kill them.
End of. No-one messes with Kerry.
You know what I'm like,
Big Mac, don't you? Yeah.
Kerry has a lot of mates that are
in year seven and below because
she likes to think that she can
control them and
that they do what
she asks, which is a bit
sad actually
and a bit weird, I think.
I think a lot of their parents
are a bit worried about it.
Tell them what
you found out, Levi.
I found out who
Yeah, basically
Levi found out who
plummed my house.
Tell them who it was,
Levi. It was
Yeah, it was some
nasty thugs from
Crillington who just moved into
the area and they found out
about my reputation
and they want to challenge me.
So I'm telling you now, Levi,
tell them to meet
me in the park at
3:00 and they can
bring weapons if
they want, if they're too scared
to fight fist to fist.
You lot know my repetition,
don't you?
You're These lot are scared
of me, aren't you?
I want you to apologise to
Mr Jenkins now.
Sorry, Jenkins!
You're this close to not being
in the competition at all.
Yeah, and you're this close to me
dropping you right now, son.
Right, that's it, you're
disqualified. Him or me?
Don't be smart with me, Kurtan.
Just fuck off, Vicar.
Right, you're
disqualified, that's
the end of it. Come on, George.
Well done, Jenkins.
Got what you wanted, did you?
I'm fine. Why
would I not be fine?
It's just a dumb
scarecrow festival.
Who cares? I just
thought I'd spend
every day for three
months crafting
it. Even spent all my savings on
getting orchard
grass so I wouldn't
get hay mites,
not that anyone cares.
I don't care.
I never even stood a chance cos
the whole village
was just waiting
to fuck me over.
You know what?
Let's see who makes
front page of the Gazette now,
shall we?
Guys, simmer down.
Simmer down. 'In this village,
'people respect me because
I'm as hard as fuck.'
If five nasty thugs
from Crillington
want to rumble,
I say bring it on.
Stop it now. Just cos
your parents are divorcing,
don't take it out
on everyone else.
Sorry, Vicar, is
something the matter?
Er there's been a bit
of an incident and I couldn't
Sorry, excuse me. June, have you
seen Kurtan anywhere?
Ooh, not since lunchtime.
Is everything all right?
It's just, I spoke to Mrs Wicks
and he had booked that pitch that
David had his Dalek on,
she jotted it on
the back of a list.
Oh, dear.
I might just go and check and see
if he's down on the farm.
If you see him, will you send
him my way? Mmm.
It's quarter past three now
and they still ain't showed.
That's telling, innit?
They're obviously bricking it.
I'm actually gutted for these
kiddies cos they was expecting
a scrap today, weren't you?
That little kiddy
over there, that
little fella, you like a scrap,
don't you, mate?
And they're going to miss out on
that cos someone's too scared
to show up but what can I do?
Fuck's sake, Slugs, I said I'm
not going laser quest with you.
What you doing here?
I know who plummed your house.
Yeah, so do I, it was some nasty
thugs from
Crillington apparently.
No, it was Levi.
No, it wasn't.
Yeah, it was. Lucas Tanner
filmed it, put it on Facebook.
Levi, why would you plum
my house, you little maggot?
That's bang out of order.
Cos you said it'd make you look
dangerous in front
of the TV people.
Do you know how
small your brain is?
That is the last
time I ask you to
do anything for me and that face
paint of a tiger,
everybody's saying
been behind your
back how stupid it
looks as well.
Thanks, everyone,
for a brilliant day.
It's been a really
strong year this
year and we've managed to raise
£342 for the William Weston
Foundation, so really, well done.
Now, before I
announce the winners,
I'd just like to
say I've created
another category
this year for best
effort. I know how
hard this person
has worked and
it's been a really
testing day for him
but despite that,
his scarecrow was
really excellent.
So I'd like to award Kurtan
for best effort.
Well done, Kurtan.
Where is he? Has
anyone seen Kurtan?
Is he here?
No sign of Kurtan?
For goodness' sake, June,
get some more water, now!
Has anyone called
the fire brigade?
Good, thank you.
Len, do something.
Let someone else do it.
They're still going with
them plums, Kerr.
Oh, they'll get bored
in a minute. Look at this.
Front-page, that's me.
What did the police say?
Basically got a
caution and I've got
to attend a
fire-safety course at
the community college next week.
And I'm banned
from making, handling
and competing
with any scarecrows.
Oh, shit, you all right, mate?
I don't give a fuck, Kerr.
Cos there's a vegetable show
at the village hall next week
and I've got a runner bean that's
the size of a scarf laid out
on the floor. Yeah?
And a lettuce that's literally
going to fuck this competition
up the ass, hard and dry.
Over there, we saw Laurence
Llewelyn-Bowen once,
and once in the shop,
and once up Burleigh Hill, riding
his bike, didn't we?
And in the Co-op. Yeah.
Because I was
walking in the Co-op
and he was coming
out and I said,
"After you," and he said, "No,
after you."
He's so humble.
So humble, and I
asked him, I said to him,
"When do we get to see
you back on our screens,"
"because it's a crying shame I
don't get to see you as often?"
And he just shrugged.
He just shrugged like that.
Such a shame.
So, this is my cousin, Kurtan.
But not only is he my cousin,
he's my best mate
as well, because
he's the only
person I can share a
box of Celebrations with.
Tell them why.
Because I love the Bounties,
but I won't touch anything else.
She cannot stand Bounties
but she'll eat the rest of them.
So, nothing goes to waste.
So he'll literally just come
round my house, won't you? Yeah.
And just hoover
up all the Bounties.
That's what I do, yeah.
I like the underdog.
The thing is, I don't even like
Bounties that much,
I just feel sorry for them
because they're always left.
Well, I've known
Kerry and Kurtan,
on and off, for 12 years now.
I think they're
great kids, really.
Give it!
Don't be a fucking dick.
I do think they
sometimes resort to
a lot of effing and jeffing and
that's something we've been
working on, actively, a lot,
especially over the last
couple of years and I feel like
they've made great
strides forward.
Last week,
I don't think they used the
F word once.
We had the C word a
couple of times but, I mean,
that really is an improvement on
what had gone before.
Scarecrow Festival is the most
important day of the year.
That's the beautiful thing about
living in the village.
Everyone comes
together on days like
Scarecrow Festival
and just forgets
their utter hatred of each other.
Everyone in the
village makes their
own scarecrow and
they put them out
anywhere around the village.
Yeah, and basically, there's an
adjudicator goes round
and he judges them.
No, does not. Yeah, he does.
It's a public voting system now,
cos they changed the rules.
No, it's not. Yes, they did.
They didn't.
If you read the Gazette last
week, you would know.
I spoke to the
vicar myself as well.
Oh, I don't care, I find it sad.
Oh, having a picture of your
winning scarecrow on the front of
the Gazette is sad, is it?
Didn't think so.
So anyway, it's a public voting
system and you get
designated pitches.
So, my pitch is on
the village green
this year, which
is one of the best
pitches and then you have little
forms, so you go around and then
you can tick which one, which is
your favourite
and then you put it
in the box at the end of the
day and the winner gets a
hot-air balloon ride for two.
And I ain't taking you on it.
I don't want to go on it, anyway.
I'm taking my nan.
He'll tell you that the Scarecrow
Festival is all fun and games,
but it ain't for me.
For me, the Scarecrow Festival is
just asking for trouble,
cos everyone who's anyone's going
to be there and there are people
from my past that would
love to see me slain.
I've got enemies everywhere.
I've got enemies in South Cerney,
I've got enemies in North Cerney,
I've got enemies in Cerney Wick.
I've got enemies in
There's a tea rooms
there and under the counter
they've got a panic button
and if I take one step
inside, they can press that.
The police will be there in three
Isn't that right?
If I'm walking
through the village,
people in cars
actually slam their
foot down on the accelerator,
because they want to get through
the village as fast as they can
without getting into a
confrontation with me.
Because if they stop off at
traffic lights,
I'll just knock on
their window and
I go, "What you
looking at, mate?"
What? Why?
For what?
I don't go to school any more.
Where the hell is he
getting these vouchers from?
Cos they discontinued them, like,
ten years ago.
How is that my fault?
I don't understand.
I cannot win.
This is just ridiculous.
I don't live here,
this is Kerry's house.
I live with my nan, just round
Oh, shit, it's Slugs, look.
Oh, you're joking.
Oh, he WhatsApped
me the other day
asking us to go laser quest with
him and I
What did you say? Well, I clicked
on it by accident, didn't I?
So he knows I've seen it.
Oh, sake!
The thing is, he'll just trap you
for ages, he'll never leave.
I should feel sorry for him
because he's got terminal cancer,
but he's so utterly annoying.
It's like, if you want to have a
bucket list, that's fine,
but don't just drag us into it.
Do you know what I mean?
It's all right, he's going the
other way. He's
going the other way.
Thank Christ for that.
So, it's about 15 quid a head.
That includes two
sessions of laser
quest and a minibus
there and back,
but I am going to
need the deposit now.
Oh, I just
Oh, your mum's shouting.
Just coming now.
Yeah. But have a really I hope
you enjoy yourself. Cheers, mate.
Cheers though, mate. Thanks for
thinking of us.
Yeah. See you later.
So, today's the day
of the Scarecrow
Festival and I've
got a bad feeling.
Mark my words, something bad is
going to happen to me today.
That's my dad, that is.
You all right, Dad?
All right?
What have you been up to then?
Just taking the kids out.
Is it all right if I come
over yours later?
I ain't seen you in ages, Dad.
Yeah, yeah but I've got to go,
All right. Come on, my kiddo.
See you.
That's my dad.
That was my dad, that was.
Did you see my dad, Kurtan? Yeah.
He's going to the
festival as well.
What did he say?
He said, erm,
I can come over to
his later, if I want.
Did he?
Yeah, but I think I might be busy
tonight, so
I might not go.
The Scarecrow Festival
is just a bit of fun really.
It's a tradition
that's been going
since I was a boy and it's great
to see everyone in the village
getting involved.
Hey! This man is an absolute
legend, ain't you, Vicar?
And we're his favourite as well.
Yeah, you absolutely
love us, don't you Vicar?
Yeah, he's smiling
cos he knows it.
This guy here taught me how to
control my temper.
Simmer down, you two.
Oi, tell them about when we got
para in the park and you had to
come pick us up.
Yeah, I had to get
my stomach pumped
as well, didn't I?
That wasn't funny, that was very
He loves Midsomer Murders, don't
you, Vicar?
Yeah, he loves it. He gets so mad
if he misses one.
And if he doesn't
record it on Sky
planner, he goes
mental, don't you?
I love Midsomer Murders.
He loves his golf as well.
John Nettles is my favourite.
Don't start him on golf.
What a laugh.
You're such a laugh.
Your Majesty!
That's where you get
the scarecrow maps from.
The plant stall, over there.
Don't buy anything from there,
cos they'll die in a week anyway.
That is the sign of a very lazy
scarecrow maker
and I'll tell you why.
Cos he can't be
bothered to form the
hands, that's a
pet hate of mine.
Technically, not a scarecrow,
cos there's no hay on it.
Not a drop of hay in sight.
It's just a rag on a stick.
I mean, I get it, but it's not
making me feel nothing.
Look at this.
This is a monstrosity.
I mean I think I
know this is Len's as well.
He's a good scarecrow maker, but
he's embarrassed
himself this year
with that. I mean, I'm laughing,
but for all the wrong reasons.
All right, Len? All right?
What do you reckon?
Pretty good, yeah.
Take that grin off your face.
You're grinning. Don't grin.
I'm not grinning, Len.
I think it's great,
mate, honestly.
Good. I reckon I've got a chance
this year.
You believe whatever you want to
believe, that's fine.
Well, I do believe, all right?
Yeah. All right, whatever.
Len, I'm not going to get into a
fight with you today, all right?
All right.
I'll tell you why I'm going
to win this year.
Cos I've got the best scarecrow
and I've got the
best pitch in the
village, because my pitch
is in the centre of the festival.
Nathan Daniels
had that pitch last
year and he won and, honestly,
his scarecrow was the biggest
pile of shit I've ever seen.
It was meant to be Beetlejuice,
But, fuck me, did it look like
Excuse me, sorry.
What's going on?
Excuse me, this is my pitch.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
Yeah, very funny.
Don't make me move it myself
please, mate. Exterminate!
can you just be serious?
This is my pitch, yeah.
You don't understand, Vicar.
He's on my pitch, yeah.
The pitch I booked three
months ago with Mrs Wicks.
Well, there must be some kind of
because according to this sheet,
your pitch is on Trowley Bottom
That's bullshit! Less of the
effing and jeffing, please.
Sorry for swearing, but that is
fucking bullshit.
(Why would I choose
Trowley Bottom
Farm when a) no punters could be
(bothered to walk
all the way down
there and b) it
stinks of pig shit
cos it's on a fucking pig farm.
I'm sorry for swearing,
but this is fucked up.
Kurtan, this is your last
warning on the swearing.
I'm really sorry, but it's too
late to change anything now.
Your pitch is on Trowley Bottom
No, absolutely not.
No way. There's no chance I
am going to Trowley Bottom Farm.
That's the end of it. I ain't
talking about it no more, Vicar.
How am I going to get any votes
being down here?
It's baffling. I'm baffled by the
entire situation, if I'm honest.
Badly organised by the vicar.
Major fuck-up.
Kurtan can get very competitive.
Like, we had to do this sponsored
swim at school and he was just
obsessed with raising
the most money for it,
so he actually stole our nan's
bank card and withdrew 500 quid,
which meant that she couldn't
get her teeth done.
What? Did you tell people
to come down?
Yeah. Yeah?
The thing is though,
it's buzzing up there.
It really is buzzing.
All right, yeah.
It's that Dalek though.
Yeah. It is brilliant.
It's just so
Yeah, he's brilliant.
It's so funny, right. I had a
picture taken with him. Yeah.
If you take that and just scroll
to the left. Great, yeah.
Brilliant. Oh, that's
a great one. Isn't it?
That's another
good one. I love it.
I love them all.
That one especially.
What the actual fuck?
What the actual fuck?
You have fucking lost
your head, mate.
You have lost your fucking head.
I swear to God, if my phone is
smashed, you are paying for that.
To be honest, when Kurtan gets
like this he's a fucking psycho.
Levi? Who's is that?
June's. Where is she?
Getting a cup of tea.
It doesn't matter what
anyone tells you,
everyone's here for one reason
and that's to win.
Sometimes you just got to throw
someone else
under the bus to save
yourself, especially if they're
old and stupid, like June.
Roll up! Right, come on.
Guys, have you seen this?
Have you got your
voting slip there?
A voting slip? Voting slip. You
can get them from
the stall for £1.
Go back and get one from there
and then come straight back here,
I'll tell you what to do,
yeah? Quick!
Hello! Over here!
Vote for me!
Have you got your voting slips?
Yes, right. OK, so what you want
to do, put the cross as Kurtan,
that's my one there. Yeah.
Vote that one for the winner.
Yeah, that's it,
hide behind the little Dalek.
You are a massive bell end.
Ow, don't fucking Yeah?
When I get hold of you, I swear
to God I will fucking deck you.
Fuck's sake, Kurtan.
Every year he's like this.
Yes, I swore at David in
the Dalek but listen,
it was only cos I
saw him stealing
money out of a charity bucket
that was going around. So I'm
actually proud I swore at him.
That's a very serious
allegation you're making.
Yeah, I know.
If you're not telling the truth,
you could be in serious trouble.
Yeah. I know.
But if you are
telling me the truth,
we need to go to the police
station immediately.
Do you understand?
Are you telling me the truth?
Excuse me, Vicar.
Everything OK,
June? I went to get
a cup of tea and I
left my scarecrow
and when I got back it just
I don't know where it's gone.
Well, it can't have gone
far, I'm sure.
Shall we have a look for it? It
was over there. It's just gone.
Maybe it got moved, someone got
confused about the pitch.
Well, who would have moved it,
Vicar? We'll have a look.
June stitched me up right royally
but that just spurs
me on, mate, cos if they want to
play dirty, that's fine by me.
I've got a few tricks up
my sleeve, I'm telling you now.
Can you hear that?
Hello? Mum!
Why are you crying?
They've done what?
Sick bastard!
It's all right, Mum,
calm down, yeah?
I'm on my way now, OK?
All right. Bye.
Someone's just been throwing
plums at my house.
I'm going to kill them.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe it.
All over this.
Plumming on here,
plumming on that.
Plum on the sofa, look!
There's nothing left that
hasn't been plummed.
Oh, my gosh.
I knew this would happen.
Can you see what it's like
to be me now?
I've had a target on my back
since the day I was born.
Right, that's your bag there
and the field's just down there
on the right, OK?
Thank you very
much. Thank you very
much, enjoy your free potatoes.
All right, Len? Is this right?
Someone said something about
free potatoes.
Yeah, you got your voting
slip there?
What? Voting slip. Oh.
Yes, yes, that one there.
Right, that's my name there.
All you've got to
do, yeah, pop that
in the box at the
end of the day.
Here's your bag and you can help
yourself to as
many free potatoes.
Yeah. Just down
there on the right,
big field in front
of you, right?
All right.
Cheers, Len. But don't forget
to put the slip in the box, yeah?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I can trust you, Len, yeah?
You all right, sir, happy?
Yeah. Nice little jacket potatoes
for tonight for the wife.
Thank you very much, your vote
is much appreciated.
So, Mr Jenkins
says you were giving
away bags and bags of potatoes.
No. That's a total exaggeration.
It was like five potatoes,
not even that.
And he also said you sold one
of his pigs for £200.
Mr Phillips, right, gave me
200 quid for no reason.
Right. Yeah? And the pig just
followed him out the gate.
And into his Land Rover? Yes.
Plumming someone's house is one
of the most disrespectful things
you can do.
I'm going to get
the lads together
and sort this out
cos I've got my
reputation to think about.
I'm so livid. I'm honestly
absolutely raging.
I'm going to find out who done
that and I'm going to kill them.
End of. No-one messes with Kerry.
You know what I'm like,
Big Mac, don't you? Yeah.
Kerry has a lot of mates that are
in year seven and below because
she likes to think that she can
control them and
that they do what
she asks, which is a bit
sad actually
and a bit weird, I think.
I think a lot of their parents
are a bit worried about it.
Tell them what
you found out, Levi.
I found out who
Yeah, basically
Levi found out who
plummed my house.
Tell them who it was,
Levi. It was
Yeah, it was some
nasty thugs from
Crillington who just moved into
the area and they found out
about my reputation
and they want to challenge me.
So I'm telling you now, Levi,
tell them to meet
me in the park at
3:00 and they can
bring weapons if
they want, if they're too scared
to fight fist to fist.
You lot know my repetition,
don't you?
You're These lot are scared
of me, aren't you?
I want you to apologise to
Mr Jenkins now.
Sorry, Jenkins!
You're this close to not being
in the competition at all.
Yeah, and you're this close to me
dropping you right now, son.
Right, that's it, you're
disqualified. Him or me?
Don't be smart with me, Kurtan.
Just fuck off, Vicar.
Right, you're
disqualified, that's
the end of it. Come on, George.
Well done, Jenkins.
Got what you wanted, did you?
I'm fine. Why
would I not be fine?
It's just a dumb
scarecrow festival.
Who cares? I just
thought I'd spend
every day for three
months crafting
it. Even spent all my savings on
getting orchard
grass so I wouldn't
get hay mites,
not that anyone cares.
I don't care.
I never even stood a chance cos
the whole village
was just waiting
to fuck me over.
You know what?
Let's see who makes
front page of the Gazette now,
shall we?
Guys, simmer down.
Simmer down. 'In this village,
'people respect me because
I'm as hard as fuck.'
If five nasty thugs
from Crillington
want to rumble,
I say bring it on.
Stop it now. Just cos
your parents are divorcing,
don't take it out
on everyone else.
Sorry, Vicar, is
something the matter?
Er there's been a bit
of an incident and I couldn't
Sorry, excuse me. June, have you
seen Kurtan anywhere?
Ooh, not since lunchtime.
Is everything all right?
It's just, I spoke to Mrs Wicks
and he had booked that pitch that
David had his Dalek on,
she jotted it on
the back of a list.
Oh, dear.
I might just go and check and see
if he's down on the farm.
If you see him, will you send
him my way? Mmm.
It's quarter past three now
and they still ain't showed.
That's telling, innit?
They're obviously bricking it.
I'm actually gutted for these
kiddies cos they was expecting
a scrap today, weren't you?
That little kiddy
over there, that
little fella, you like a scrap,
don't you, mate?
And they're going to miss out on
that cos someone's too scared
to show up but what can I do?
Fuck's sake, Slugs, I said I'm
not going laser quest with you.
What you doing here?
I know who plummed your house.
Yeah, so do I, it was some nasty
thugs from
Crillington apparently.
No, it was Levi.
No, it wasn't.
Yeah, it was. Lucas Tanner
filmed it, put it on Facebook.
Levi, why would you plum
my house, you little maggot?
That's bang out of order.
Cos you said it'd make you look
dangerous in front
of the TV people.
Do you know how
small your brain is?
That is the last
time I ask you to
do anything for me and that face
paint of a tiger,
everybody's saying
been behind your
back how stupid it
looks as well.
Thanks, everyone,
for a brilliant day.
It's been a really
strong year this
year and we've managed to raise
£342 for the William Weston
Foundation, so really, well done.
Now, before I
announce the winners,
I'd just like to
say I've created
another category
this year for best
effort. I know how
hard this person
has worked and
it's been a really
testing day for him
but despite that,
his scarecrow was
really excellent.
So I'd like to award Kurtan
for best effort.
Well done, Kurtan.
Where is he? Has
anyone seen Kurtan?
Is he here?
No sign of Kurtan?
For goodness' sake, June,
get some more water, now!
Has anyone called
the fire brigade?
Good, thank you.
Len, do something.
Let someone else do it.
They're still going with
them plums, Kerr.
Oh, they'll get bored
in a minute. Look at this.
Front-page, that's me.
What did the police say?
Basically got a
caution and I've got
to attend a
fire-safety course at
the community college next week.
And I'm banned
from making, handling
and competing
with any scarecrows.
Oh, shit, you all right, mate?
I don't give a fuck, Kerr.
Cos there's a vegetable show
at the village hall next week
and I've got a runner bean that's
the size of a scarf laid out
on the floor. Yeah?
And a lettuce that's literally
going to fuck this competition
up the ass, hard and dry.