Titanic: Blood and Steel (2012) s01e08 Episode Script

High Stakes

1 (THEME MUSIC) Excuse me.
Excuse me! I'm looking for the O'Connell family.
Last house on the right.
(CHILDREN TALKING) (KNOCKS ON THE DOOR) Hello! Is this the O'Connell house? Both: Yes! Can I help you? So, Ailish O'Connell is NOT your daughter? How can that be if she was the only kid born in Wicklow on that day? Means her parents must've registered her birth wherever they lived.
At least you know it wasn't Wicklow.
Leaving just the rest of Ireland to search through.
I did warn you.
Dad my daughter is out there somewhere.
She might be halfway around the world, or dead, or God knows what.
Yeah, but I don't know, do I? You see, it's the not knowing that gnaws away at the inside of me.
(SIGHS) Wherever she is, I just I have to know.
Son, listen to me, alright? Sometimes the past is done and it can't be undone.
Christ, I should know that better than most.
I'm saying, move on.
You're always saying 'Move on', aren't you? Move on from Belfast, move on from Siobhán, move on from everything, but I'm back and this is what I found and I'm sticking with this.
But for how long? You're young now, but young doesn't last forever.
You want a wife, a family yourself sometime.
You can't be doing that if you're gallivanting around Ireland looking for a child.
Who says I haven't found someone already? Have ya? Hmmm? What? Her name is Sofia.
That's all you need to know.
Sofia? That's it.
I'm your father.
What's she like, this Sofia? (MR HATTON) A simple question presents itself here.
Who runs Belfast?! Is it the people or the Pope? Because that's what's at stake here.
Remember, Home Rule is Rome Rule.
(CHEERING) Those who oppose us have had to resort to schoolyard tactics of abuse and slander.
That's right! They've been forced to do so out of fear! Fear of progress, fear of change! (CROWD CHEERS) And yes, there are those in positions of great responsibility, who run mighty concerns, who would have you believe that Ireland should be sold and given to Home Rule.
But they have not your best interests at heart! And their treachery and their perfidity WILL NOT prevail! (CROWD CHEERS) Well said! We shall have no government but a British government.
And no God but our own! Vote Hatton in the next general election and keep Belfast British! (RAPTUROUS APPLAUSE AND CHEERING) But if we stand united in our strength, together we CAN make a difference.
So, vote McCann.
Vote Labour! (RAPTUROUS APPLAUSE AND CHEERING) This is him, your man McCann! Vote Labour.
I won't let you down.
'Your man McCann'? It has a ring to it! I like it! (LAUGHS) It's time the working man stood up to demand what is rightfully his.
You too should share-- That's enough! Move on.
What for? Obstructing the highway.
What's going on, Michael? Nothing.
I have every right to be here.
This is the democratic process.
I don't care what it is.
You're causing a nuisance.
This isn't abusive, you-- What are you doin'?! Move on unless you want me to arrest you.
This is harassment.
It's obstruction.
He's a candidate in the election.
What would you know about that, miss? You can't even vote! Well, when Labour wins, women WILL vote.
Michael: Let's just go.
Leave it alone if you don't want trouble.
Every candidate has a right to canvass for votes.
Step back! You're assaulting me! I'm arresting you for disturbing the peace.
This is assault!! (ANGRY) Get your hands off me!! Get off me!! (SOFIA) Michael! Michael! Emily! Emily! (ANGRY) Get your hands off me! We're watching you, McCann! Mark! Emily's been arrested! What?! What are you talking about? She was just handing out leaflets and the police came and told us to stop.
And, but we were not breaking any law.
And, and Emily protested, of course, and they arrested her.
But she did nothing.
And they were so violent.
Has she been charged? I don't know.
I don't know.
The police should be charged.
Calm down.
Calm down.
(SOBS) I wish I was brave like her.
- You are.
- No, I'm not.
You are.
Look at me.
You stood by your principles.
You stood up to your father.
You didn't marry Andrea.
You were there when Walter Hill was killed.
So you are brave.
I love that about you.
Do you ever want to leave this place? Of course I do.
When I came back here I knew what I was getting into.
But what? Now.
You have to find your daughter.
There you are.
What is it, mother? I thought we might have a chat.
Really? Don't do that, dear.
It's very irritating.
(SIGHS DEEPLY) This is an unfortunate business.
You and Ashley.
Yes, dreary, isn't it? Your father is still in a frightful temper.
I noticed.
Look Kitty.
Try and see sense.
Try and make peace.
And marry Ashley? Worse fates have befallen people.
Not much worse.
Katharine! How do you think this family has accumulated so much wealth? Luck at the roulette table.
Quite the opposite.
And a judicious choice of marital alliances.
What I am saying is, you might as well play the game.
(CHUCKLES) It won't kill you! And if Ashley should bore you, then seek diversion elsewhere.
(SHOCKED) Mummy! It's a matter of pragmatism and common sense! Just be discreet.
And remember, as daddy's heir, YOU shall have considerable hold on the purse strings! There has to be some quid pro quo.
It is a system that has worked for centuries.
Mummy, may I ask have you ever? (SIGHS) I shall go now.
Remember discretion.
Poor Emily.
It's so unfair.
The world is unfair.
You can fight all you like, but sometimes you have to just stop and make your own moments.
Come with me.
Look at the altar.
There is a similar one in Arezzo.
Did you do it? On the first year in Belfast for free.
An homage to the community I was becoming part of.
It was difficult time.
An immigrant in a new country, new city.
New culture.
It's so beautiful and delicate.
It's always been a little secret of mine.
I was very young and very in love with your mother.
So I inscribed our initials on it.
Did you? I did.
Like lovers, er, do on trees.
Hmm? No one even knew and probably never will.
You see the letters? Hmm? Look! Ahh! Yes.
Why didn't you tell us? I thought you girls shouldn't know.
It's a bit blasphemous.
We would've been so proud of you.
Your mother loved it.
Why are you telling me now? Because you need it.
I don't understand a lot of things you do, Sofia.
You and your sister.
But I want you to know I'll always love you.
What exactly are you accusing me of? I take exception to these thinly veiled attacks on my character by your Unionist candidate, Mr Hatton.
What has that to do with me? Oh, don't pretend to be so naive.
He's only standing for Parliament because you PERSONALLY selected him.
He's driving around in your car, handing out leaflets paid for with your money, with a wife on his arm.
Dressed by your wife.
Aren't you providing substantial finance for the liberal candidate, John G Donovan? Yes, of course I am, but the Liberal candidate isn't making allegations of stains on people's characters.
What is it Hatton said that's so wrong? The inference that I am a liar over the issue of Home Rule.
I don't believe he has said such a thing.
I am merely letting you know that if he ever even comes close to articulating such a thought, I will sue him for slander.
I may provide the finance, William, but I do not veto his every word.
For a man so steeped in politics, I took you to have a thicker skin.
Perhaps if you don't have the stomach for the hurly-burly for electioneering, you should step aside and leave it to those who do.
(CHUCKLES) (UNINTELLIGIBLE CHATTER) Just think of portraying what life would be like on board.
The types of passengers, the style and luxury of the cabins, the orchestras, the dances! The fashions? Exactly.
Our female readers are particularly interested in the fashions.
What's fashionable in London is fashionable in New York.
New York, sounds wonderful.
It is.
I'd be lying if I said otherwise.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You ready to start? Yes.
Just tell me what you want me to draw.
Well, let's start in the ballroom where the Ladies and Lords and gentlemen are assembled.
The gentlemen in full evening dress.
The ladies in the latest gowns.
Cream of society.
(DOOR OPENS) (SIGHS) You alright? Hmmm? No.
I've just had a telegram from Morgan.
The New York authorities have refused permission to extend the landing pier.
We may have nowhere to dock.
Has it ever occurred to you that the very size of this ship could yet be our undoing? All the time.
I've got some business for you.
Carruthers is inspecting the caulking today.
(COMMOTION FROM THE SHIPYARD) Satisfactory? Oh, yes, perfectly.
According to my schedule, we're due to set a date for the testing of the forward collision bulkhead.
That'll have to wait a little while.
There's still some discussion about the actual height of the bulkheads.
Really? Why? They are statutory height, aren't they? Well, we both know what that really means.
Beg your pardon? Minimum not maximum.
Come on, Carruthers.
Let's for once cease the pretence.
Really, I have no idea what you're talking about.
You probably don't.
Come on, let's continue.
(KEY TURNS IN THE DOOR) (PRISON GUARD) You have someone to see you.
(CLOSES AND LOCKS DOOR) My name is Gordon.
I'm a lawyer.
I'm here courtesy of Dr Mark Muir.
May I? They say you struck a police officer.
Tell me what happened.
In your own words.
Well These are ready to go to Ismay and Morgan.
I don't think we've neglected any detail.
We haven't.
It just remains now for Lord Pirrie to present our best arguments.
I'm not a great drinker, But I feel the need for a wee one.
Will you join me? Yeah, why not? My wife doesn't like me drinking in the day.
(CHUCKLES) Your secret is safe with me.
Thank you! (CHUCKLES) Down the hatch! Aghhhh! Well I've had some rather good news lately.
What's that? My wife is pregnant.
I'm pleased.
Very pleased.
Just four months to go now.
Well I suppose my thoughts have turned a great deal lately to creation and conception.
But whatever we make of iron and steel, we'll never replace what is born of flesh and blood.
Impending fatherhood changing your perspective, I see.
I've thought of little else but shipbuilding for the last 24 years.
(MOUTHS) Yeah.
The yard has been my life.
That's very common around here.
My childhood as well.
Of course, yes! Your father worked here, did he not? I don't remember him.
Why should you? Oh, it's possible.
I came up through the yard.
Worked alongside the men.
That was the best training imaginable.
And I learned so much from them er, their fellowship, their courage.
They showed me great kindness.
My worst nightmare would be if, eh, if I let them down.
You won't.
We shall see.
That's why I shouldn't drink.
I tend to get maudlin! (CHUCKLES) All I am asking is that you come to your senses.
Apologise to Ashley and let us try to put this thing behind us.
Grovel, you mean.
No! I resent being used as a pawn in this game, Daddy.
If a man does what I did, he's considered a bit of a lad, isn't he? Sowing his wild oats.
That comparison is absurd.
A woman's virtue is of a different order.
So much more precious.
Frankly, yes.
Kitty, PLEASE, just just do this thing.
If you do not, the consequences could be terrible.
You mean you'd have to find another rich young man for me? You know that's out of the question.
Your reputation wouldn't allow it.
Well then, what? Kitty either you apologise to Ashley or I shall cut you off.
You understand? I shall disinherit you and you will be cast from this house.
I see.
So we have descended to threats? Not a threat.
A promise.
Think carefully on it.
I'll let you know my decision.
(SIGHS) (SLAMS DOOR) Are they treating you alright? What do you think? I'm little more than dirt to them.
Just be careful.
I'm fine.
There's a glow that keeps me going, you know? A fine rage.
You'll be out of here soon.
Mr Gordon says they have no case against you.
That's good to hear.
Is there anything I can get you? No.
I'm alright.
(PRISON GUARD) Time's up! (FIRMLY) Time's up! (UPSET) Give my love to everyone.
Alright? I will.
Ah, Muir! Mr Morgan himself has asked me to pass on his personal congratulations.
For what? The New York Times article written by Miss Yaegar.
It says it all.
'The Unsinkable Ship'.
A stroke of genius.
I believe this was YOUR contribution, Muir.
I, I didn't say that.
I don't care what you said, it's what's conveyed here that counts.
No, I said 'theoretically' and only if we raise the level of the bulkheads to the top deck.
Even then, the ship is not 'unsinkable'.
We're not talking about theories, we're talking about perception.
We needed a line; an idea.
Something to lodge in the public's mind.
A way to draw a line under this Olympic business.
So are you raising the bulkheads? Good heavens, no! I've seen the plans.
Wholly impractical.
Would you pay a first class fare to promenade along an enclosed deck and have to open a heavy door every few yards? Are you suggesting we do that and turn this triumph into a disaster? Yes, that is EXACTLY what I'm suggesting.
Well, we have decided against it.
Be satisfied with your contribution, Muir.
When Mr Morgan congratulates someone, be sure to bathe in that glory.
(DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES) Why didn't he say anything? What could he say? He could've supported us.
He sensed there was no point.
Look, Pirrie knew from the outset it was futile 'cause his years of experience told him so and because he knows the minds of Ismay and Morgan.
Don't you think that's cynical? You might call it that.
What would you call it? Commercial reality.
I've learned a lot about that in my time.
You'll learn a lot more as I have over many years.
I hope I don't end up so jaded.
I entertained the same hope when I was your age.
It's the blind stupidity I can't bear.
You did all you could.
I might as well tie my hands behind my back.
What's the point in me doing what I do if everything I suggest is dismissed? Not everything.
I just, I never knew it was going to be like this.
And I expected more from Lord Pirrie.
Maybe you expected too much.
Obviously, I did.
(SIGHS DEEPLY) Ugh, not a good day.
Everyone has bad days.
You know, I think I'd crack up completely if it wasn't for you.
I feel the same.
Doesn't solve the problem of the bulkheads but Oh, shut up about the bloody bulkheads! (CHUCKLES) (DOOR OPENS) (DOOR CLOSES) I was beginning to wonder where you got to! Kitty! Eh wha! Kitty, what are you doing here? This is goodbye, Muir Malone whatever your name is.
(CHUCKLES) What do you mean 'goodbye'? It's rather tedious.
Let's just say that various details of our liaison have come to light and my father has taken offence.
Oh, God.
(SIGHS) I'm sorry.
There we are.
He can be an irascible old sod at times.
Anyway things have come to an impasse and I am jacking it in.
So where will you go? London.
I've enough of this smelly little town anyway.
You don't want to come with me, do you? I can't.
No, it was just a thought.
God knows why you want to stay here though.
I have my reasons.
In touch with your roots? Something like that.
I couldn't leave without saying goodbye.
I'm really sorry.
Don't be.
I am.
Life with Ashley would have been a living death.
If ever you're in London, do look me up.
I will.
Well, arrivederci, Marcus.
May you find what you seek.
So long! (DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES) How have you been? More to the point, how are your friends? Shall we take a little trip? Lorcan, how long have we known each other? Why did you do it? Why did you betray us? He made me.
He put me up to it.
You came to me with it! On your knees.
(SHOUTS) ON YOUR KNEES! (PLEADING) Please! I'll do anything! Please! Kill him.
What? Kill him.
Not that.
It's him or it's you.
Please! Go to hell! (GUNFIRE) (GRUNTS) (THUD) Oh, God! How do I live with that? You don't.
Don't forget, nice and polite.
Don't get angry.
Emily Hill? Yes, my Lord.
You were charged that on the 14th of this month you wilfully assaulted a police constable.
That you obstructed the same officer in the execution of his duties and that you breached the peace.
How do you plead? Not guilty, sir.
These are serious charges.
Mr Gordon? We believe Mrs Hill should be granted bail as she poses no threat to the public.
She has recently been widowed and looks after her mother.
She contests all the charges and would present herself at any trial date you choose to set.
I take it you object to bail? We do, sir.
Emily Hill may appear sweetness and light, but she's from a family of well-known agitators.
That's a lie!! Which the assault on an officer underlines.
Her late husband arranged the union march which ended in a riot.
The Army killed him! ORDER!! The Crown believe if bail were granted, she'd take to the streets.
With an election looming, public order should be a priority.
You're twisting the truth! (FIRMLY) Mrs Hill! Your insolent and unruly behaviour only serves to reinforce the Prosecution case.
You will be remanded in custody until your trial.
NO!!! Take her down.
You can't silence me! Emily, it's gonna be alright! Emily! Emily! (LOUD CHATTER FROM THE CROWD) This is ridiculous! ORDER!! I cannot say how sorry I am that it's come to this.
I should have kept her on a tighter rein.
It's not your fault, Henry.
She made her own choice.
She certainly did.
I suppose after a while she could come back.
No, I've made that very clear to her.
When she left, she left for good.
A hard decision to take, Henry.
But necessary.
You either have honour or you do not.
I'm sorry for the pain that this has caused you, Ashley.
Oh, well We plow on Business as usual Yes, indeed.
Jesus!! (DOG BARKING) I've spoken to the President.
The New York pier will be extended to accommodate the Titanic.
(RELIEVED SIGH) Well, he owes me one.
At last, the world is catching up with our ships.
Actually we should be discussing plans for the next one.
The Gigantic.
Yes, we've learnt so much from Olympic and, thus far, from Titanic.
And what have you learned about politics, William? Men need to work.
And if men need to work, ships will be built, linen will be made.
But the majority of your own workforce don't agree with your views on Home Rule.
How do you reconcile that? I'm talking about an entire country, not just Belfast.
There's a bigger picture here.
Bigger than the ships we build.
William, I think it best to keep politics and business separate.
I need to know that our arrangement is safe.
That you can deliver to me White Star ships.
Belfast is problematic.
After all, you can't fix a culture.
Well, thankfully, we live in a democracy.
There's an election taking place and the people will speak.
And what if they don't say what you want to hear? It's for the people to decide.
No! No! And no! Perhaps if your head wasn't diverted by doing pictures for newspapers, you might remember who pays your wages.
Do them again.
And better this time.
(BARELY AUDIBLE) Yes, Mr Hatton.
(SIGHS) So, listen, Martin, if you wanna get out early and cast your vote, that'll be fine.
I've had a word with the other lads too, if you get my drift.
Yes, Mr Hatton.
He does it on purpose.
He acts like he's so important and.
! Do you want me to speak to someone, see if I can get you moved? Oh, no.
No, no, no.
That just means he's won.
I don't want to give him that satisfaction.
(CHUCKLES) What? (SIGHS) Stop it.
Miss Silvestri (SIGHS) Sorry.
(MAN) The Lord Mayor will now announce the results of the General Election of 1910! (CALLS OUT) Michael Patrick McCann of the Labour Party 1,545.
(CROWD CHEERS AND APPLAUDS) John G Donovan, Liberal Party (APPLAUSE) I do hereby declare that the said Albert Henry Hatton is duly elected to serve as Member of Parliament for this constituency.
Congratulations! (CROWDS CHEERS) Thank you, Mr Mayor.
Thank you, sir.
Well done.
Thank you, sir.
My lords, ladies and gentlemen, Lord Mayor tonight, the people of Belfast have spoken! (RAPTUROUS APPLAUSE AND CHEERING) No need to look so glum.
Could've been a lot worse.
I'm SO proud of you, Michael.
Thanks, Ma.
Hi! Ah, my campaign team, come here! [SOFIA.]
Well done.
And all your support.
So are you coming home? No, I'll go for a walk.
I need to get to HQ and thank a few people.
- Right.
- But you go on.
I'll see you at home.
Right, son.
We'll see at home.
We may have been beaten here, but we will win on the mainland.
(SIGHS) A liberal government is almost a certainty.
You know Asquith's views.
He will have Churchill behind him.
A national government will force through Home Rule despite what Hatton and Carlton may think.
Yes, true, but it won't be accepted here.
Not after this.
So then where will we be? A Protestant Ireland and a Catholic Ireland? North versus South? Neil.
Like I told you, outside of that shipyard, I don't know you.
This is for you and your stinkin' Home Rule crap.
(IMPACT GRUNT) (GROANS) For your brother and his Fenian ways.
And for that slut of a sister, who's just where she should be.
(IMPACT GRUNT) (THUD) (GRUNTS AND GROANS) You get out of this town or we won't just be coming for you.
We'll be coming for your whole brood.
Do you understand? (GROANS) (GROANS) (UNINTELLIGIBLE CHATTER) Gentlemen, please.
May I ask for silence? Gentlemen, please!! Lord Pirrie would like to say a few words before we start.
Gentlemen (CLEARS HIS THROAT) I, uh, I won't keep you long.
Last night, we held an election.
And the popular voice was heard.
Certainly bloody was.
(CHUCKLES) My own political affiliations are well-known and they are not in concordance with the wish of the majority, however.
Let me just say this.
We must put these divisions behind us.
We must keep our minds and our spirits attentive to the task in front of us Titanic! Because I still firmly believe this ship can unite us whatever our sincere differences of political opinion.
Thank you.
Gentlemen I will need to see all stock reports of labour schedules before the end of the day.
(HAMMERING NOISES) Where's Michael McCann? I haven't seen him.
He hasn't been in all day.
Well, what do you expect from a Catholic? (DOOR OPENS) Miss Silvestri, ma'am.
Ah, Sofia! How are you? It's quite unusual to be summoned from my office by Lord Pirrie.
It's the only perk of having married him, dear! (CHUCKLES) Do sit down.
Thank you.
I've received a letter from University College London.
No! Indeed.
It's about you.
So I see no reason why YOU shouldn't read it.
(CHUCKLES) Mmm? Oh, my God.
(GROANS IN PAIN) London? Yes! Right.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't tell you before.
I didn't dare hope.
Are you angry with me? No.
No, I'm not.
I'm just surprised.
Then you are happy for me? Yes.
You don't look it.
(SIGHS) So, eh, when, when are you leaving? When the new terms starts.
I did hope Well, I DO hope that you will come with me.
It's what we were talking about.
Getting out of Belfast.
It all depends.
On your daughter? Yes.
What? (SCOFFS) I thought it was hopeless.
No, we don't know that for sure.
Well you know how I feel about your daughter.
I understand.
But I feel this chance, this opportunity, it's fate, Mark.
I know.
You're chasing a ghost.
And this is real.
Please, Mark.
Let's not throw that away.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
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