Tokyo Tower (2007) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

"The thing I feared most"
It has already gotten very large
"Stomach cancer"
Welcome home.
I'm back.
Did you get a proper examination?
That Doctor? He's polite.
He is.
"A major earthquake
"An attack by Martians
Sesese Senpai.
I don't feel so good.
The end of the Earth
It it it's just a story.
"Nostradamus' Big Predictions!!"
It'll really disappear?
II I don't think so.
Itit's just a story
"As children, there were frightening tales
of the future written about in books."
"Earth's downfall"
"I never considered those things
to be all that terrible.
"The thing
"that frightened me the most
"was one carrying the taste of reality
"Was a truth I could feel
"coming nearer."
I made today's Nukatsuki
to build self-confidence.
Oba-chan is an expert at making it!
Stop that!
You're embarrassing me!
Eat lots, everyone!
- Okay!
- I will!
This may be your last time
to eat my cooking.
Don't say such bad luck things!
With Mama not around,
it'll be lonely.
That's right! Where'll we eat
that's as good as this, right?!
Ah, yeah.
We'll all be lost on the roadway,
until you hurry and leave the hospital!
Yes, yes.
And we can't go to Sugamo!
That's right.
Is Manami-chan
still at her parent's home?
Well, as soon as she settles things,
she'll come right back.
I see.
It'll bother her if
we run up our phone bill.
Okan, I'll give her your regards.
That's true.
Wanna make a toast?
- I'm in!
- Me, too.
I'll be a part, too!
Can you get the back part?
Hey, Ma-kun.
When I die,
and it's time for my funeral
What are you saying!?
Give all my savings to the Benefit society,
and work with them.
You aren't gonna die
have stomach cancer.
The hospital released
the medical certificate.
I've seen it already.
They'll cure you again right away.
I really don't know
about the operation, but
You'll be cured, just like before.
Don't worry.
You won't die.
You've been brought back to life
two times now, after all.
That's right.
It is.
"The thing I feared the most"
"From the time I was little
"It attacked me with
extreme feelings of anxiety.
"It was just my imagination, but
"I wanted to press my head
against the pillow,
"and cover both ears.
"it would surely come to visit.
"A gigantic tornado of destiny.
"The thing I feared most
"I realized was quickly approaching,
"and gaining in intensity.
"Spinning round and round
"Twirling, spinning"
"December 18th, 1998"
Good morning.
It's clean and bright in here, isn't it?
Hurry and eat.
Go ahead.
It's great!
I'm ready to go.
I want to talk to you.
What is it?
Sit down.
Get up properly
in the mornings.
Don't cause any trouble
for the people you work for.
Write everything in here
Okay, okay.
Make sure to feed Gojira.
It's an animal and can't talk,
so make sure you don't
cause it any trouble.
Okay, okay.
One more thing.
If something happens to me
in those drawers, there's a box.
Open it then.
What's inside?
- Ma-kun.
- What is it?
I'll be going for a little while
please take care of things
while I'm away.
You'll be back before you know it.
Time to go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
"To the hospital at the base of
Tokyo Tower,
"was where Okan went
to be hospitalized once more."
When you get better
we'll go up it.
We should.
"Okan's illness and hospitalization
"Even though it was the same scenery,
"somehow, it was different now.
"Okan's back was small
"and in pain.
"Holding Okan's hand while walking
"That day was the first time."
"Tokyo Tower"
(Okan and Me and, Sometimes, Oton)
Episode 10: "Saigo no Sentaku"
"Final Choice"
"January 15, 1999"
This hair restorer
it'll will bring it back to life
Well, after going so long without any,
the effect may take awhile, but
Still, this stuff was hard to get
I got it from here and there
Enough with the hair talk already!
Why'd you even come?!
Well then.
I'll go see Okan.
She's undergoing an exam
right now.
Is she
sharing her room?
It's a 4 person room.
She should go to a private room.
What do you mean?
These things can take
a long time.
"Takamura Yukiko Nakagawa Eiko
Takagawa Saori Arai Momoko"
How's your condition?
Somehow I'm in here again.
Well that's the way it goes
with operations.
The doctor'll come soon
to talk about it.
If I need another operation,
what'll I do?
If the doctor says he needs
to cut you open, then you let him.
Pudding's your favorite
eat this.
Hospital food tastes bad,
doesn't it?
Something is blocking the area
right around here.
I'm gonna buy some cigarettes.
He's the same as always.
He came especially from Kogura
That's enough for me.
So that rabbit's still alive, huh?
Geez, at your age you should be happy
you're not completely bald.
If I don't have hair
I can't wear the nice clothes
I've picked out.
This time, it's hopeless
Are you okay?
Can you manage the others?
A Cinema guide and
Shuukan TV Journal are still waiting.
I'll tell them you'll need
an extension of several days.
I'll also indirectly tell them
about your circumstances.
Sorry about this.
Does Manami-chan know?
About your mother?
We haven't kept in touch much
"Okan's Exam Results"
My exam results
they're tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
The doctor is very busy,
so don't be late.
I know.
Make sure you set
both alarm clocks properly.
It's at 10 o'clock!
Yeah, yeah, I know.
"January 19, 1999"
The results of the examination,
revealed an advanced form
of Sukirusu type stomach cancer.
It's current situation is
that it has spread considerably.
It's also affecting your mother's
physical condition
At any rate, it's advancing quickly.
It's spread to nearby stomach lymph nodes,
and has transferred to the liver as well.
An operation
when can you do one?
Ma-kun he's so late.
Sorry, sorry.
Geez, you're such a fool.
You're always late, aren't you?
Sorry about that.
Well then
let's get going.
What is it?
You're such a poor actor.
Both you and Kanae.
My exam results
how was it?
Whether I hear it from Ma-kun
or the doctor, it'll be the same.
I want you to tell me
the truth.
It's an advanced form
of Sukirusu type stomach cancer
An operation
isn't possible
I see.
Because of that, Okan
With chemotherapy you can fight it.
The treatment might be
a little painful, but
We should do everything
we can!
Both Ma-kun and me,
we'll do our best, too!
Hang in there, Okan.
Do your best!
Up till now, you've been revived
again and again.
Okan has her own luck.
Once more
just like before
you'll smile again in Sasazuka.
That's right
I've got to do my best, right?
Let's do our best
"chemotherapy began."
Although there is a possibility
for a dramatic effect,
the probability is not very high.
You should expect strong side effects,
as a considerable burden is imposed
on the patient's body.
"Once the prescribed drugs
were given to her,
"we could see Okan's physical condition
Sis it's hard, isn't it?
hang in there.
Hang in there.
(Stomach cancer research books)
Okan, are you okay?
Are you okay?!
Hang in there!
You okay?
about the Shuukan TV Journal illustration
I'll do it right away.
Just give me a minute.
I'll try negotiating the deadline
for a little more time.
It's okay already.
But you went to a lot of trouble
It's okay.
It's been awhile.
Have you been well?
Somehow or other.
I've already grown accustomed
to the work.
It's about Nakagawa
What is it?
His mother
"January 31, 1999"
Tomorrow we'll start
two rounds of chemotherapy.
In the first round,
you will see a considerable breakdown
in your mother's condition.
During the second round,
you will see she's in considerable pain.
Are you certain you wish
to continue?
You do have the choice,
of giving what's left of her life
meaning and significance.
Recently, under your influence,
I've been thinking it might not be bad
if I settled down.
That's great for you, isn't it?
Oba-chan, whenever you get bored,
I'll come over with the cards.
Please teach me, too!
We'll see
- Mama, this is delicious!
- Yeah, it's great!
Has everyone been
eating properly?
- Yeah, I've been eating.
- Me, too.
But, your cooking is still the best!
"What shall we do?"
"continue the chemotherapy."
Here take this pudding
and eat it.
You're always treating me
like a kid.
Are you doing your work properly?
Feeding Gojira?
I'll do it.
Is Manami-chan
doing well?
She's worried about you.
I see.
Your chemotherapy
It starts up again tomorrow, but
It's okay, isn't it?
It's hard, but
Hang in there.
You will definitely be cured.
That's right.
I'll do my best.
We've been together forever
I thought it would always be
that way
I never would've imagined
that it would be like this
I don't want to give up
No matter what,
she'll be cured!
Even if it's only a 0.1% chance
No matter how painful it is,
she'll hang in there!
Isn't that right?
"February 2, 1999"
Painful, isn't it?
The medication has begun.
It's painful, isn't it, Sis?
Welcome home!!
Senpai, you haven't had anything
good to eat lately, have you?
We made stir-fry Moyashi!
Yakiniku, Yaki-udon!
and the leading actor goes here!
Here, sit, sit.
Unless you eat,
you can't be healthy!
Oba-chan will be fine.
She's gone to the cliff
many times and come back alive.
With all of our support,
she'll be fine!
What do you know?
just go away
just go away
"Benefit Society Relief - 3 Plans"
"Nakagawa Eiko"
"Please open when Okan dies"
Are you here?
What's the matter?
At least pick up the phone
What've you been doing?
You haven't gone to the hospital, either.
Hurry up and let's go.
Let's go.
I'm not going.
What're you saying?!
Why should I?
I can't
I can't say it anymore
"Hang in there."
I can't say it
What's with that look!
Whose son are you?!
Even when it was painful
Didn't Sis smile?
All those times when she was
worried about you
she was always smiling!
Isn't it your turn now,
to encourage Sis?
If you don't smile
then who will?!
I'm sorry, did I wake you?
It's been awhile
since I've seen you.
I'm sorry
for not coming all this time.
Your parent's home
is it still in trouble?
It's okay now.
I'll be able to come visit you
from now on.
That boy's been a spoiled child
since back when.
likely to get discouraged at times
Can you be patient
and let him lean on you?
As long as it's the two of you
you'll be fine no matter what.
"February 8, 1999"
are you okay?
Are you okay?
Let's stop this
stop this already
stop it already.
Let's do that.
You did your best!
Okan did her best!
You did your best.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay.
We won't worry about it
"The thing I feared most."
We would like
to stop the chemotherapy.
Is that right?
Very well.
I believe she has 2 or, at most,
3 months left.
"it really was coming."
March 12, 2007
"This drama is fiction based on real persons.
Various associations are different."
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