Tower of God (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

The Correct Door

My Aguero
Have you heard? A princess was chosen.
Yeah. Maria was chosen, right?
Then what will happen to Aguero?
Isn't it obvious?
His own sister wasn't chosen.
And if she wasn't chosen,
then the entire family
is exiled and dismantled.
They lost the battle.
My dear son, are you listening?
How pitiful.
They're trash, but I feel bad for them.
How can you feel bad for them?
You mustn't believe what anyone says.
Disgrace to the family.
The moment we show weakness, we'll die.
Drowning in a wretched love.
Such a pitiful man.
Fooled by Maria and betrayed.
My Aguero
He was used.
You can only trust yourself.
Cover your ears, close your heart,
and find the best path.
Yes, Mother.
The ceiling here is rather bright.
You mean the sky?
The sky?!
You don't know what the sky is?
This blue thing is the sky?
You idiot!
Hey, there's a stupid turtle over here!
At night, does it glitter and shine?
W-With stars?
Huh? But Rachel said you couldn't see them
unless you went to the top of the tower.
What are you talking about?
That's obviously just a legend!
In other words, that thing we call the sky
is an imitation created using Shinsu,
modeled after the legend.
An imitation
I doubt the real sky actually exists.
I see.
You wanted to see the stars that badly?
No, not me. Rachel.
She came to the tower because
she wanted to see the stars.
I hoped they were visible from here.
I've been wondering.
Why did Rachel leave you
and climb the tower alone?
And I wonder why she took care
of you for so long. It seems odd.
There's nothing odd about Rachel!
The blue turtle made the black turtle angry.
I'm not angry.
What was that?
Probably a death cry.
It came from in there.
What if the next test
is really dangerous?
Next team, enter.
Blue turtle, more chocolate bars.
They're taking a while.
The last group ended immediately.
What's going on in there?
You kids look extremely distressed.
Who are you?
Don't glare at me.
What do you want?
I thought I'd give just you
kids a hint for the next test.
Shh! Keep your voice down.
The others will hear you.
How do you know a hint?
Simple deduction.
I was chosen based on my
exceptional intellect alone.
When we have zero clues to go on?
You haven't noticed the
most important clue of all?
Please tell us.
That clue is
Every team that hasn't screamed so far
has passed the test within five minutes.
You're right.
Then we have to finish the
test within five minutes.
You're a quick learner.
Thank you for giving us such an important—
You don't need to thank a
fluorescent plastic bag.
A fluorescent plastic bag?
He's just trying to use us to test his theory.
If we finish the test within
five minutes, his theory is proven.
And if we don't
You know, being too careful
will come back to bite you
Abandoned son of the Khun family.
Well, I suppose you can't help it after
that cruel betrayal you experienced.
A fight? I'm in!
Next team, enter.
Let's go.
Fight's over? That's no fun.
Go, go! I'll be rooting for you.
Khun, look.
The time must be related somehow.
Forget what the plastic bag said.
My name is Hansung Yu.
I'm the Director of the test you're taking.
That means he's really a-amazing, right?
What's he doing here?
The condition for passing this test is
opening the correct door. That's it.
You have only one chance to open a door,
and if you take longer than ten minutes,
the test will be forcefully terminated.
Forcefully terminated?
How awful.
The test will now—
We need more clues!
I've given you all the clues.
No way.
Is this another test of luck?
Hey! Quit being mean and give us a clue!
The test has begun.
Listen to me!
This is messed up.
I'm annoyed!
Calm down!
Let's think of the right answer together!
I hate thinking and needles!
Cover your ears. Don't be
misled by your surroundings.
Organize the information you have.
There are twelve doors.
The time limit is ten minutes.
Exceed that, and be forcefully terminated.
Could it be
My annoyance won't stop!
Watch out, Rak!
Caffè Latte
Someone who actually uses
his head has arrived.
But this test can't be passed
just by using your brains.
Why is there a clock in this room?
We can use our Pockets to check the time.
Every team that hasn't screamed so far
has passed the test within five minutes.
Is the time really a clue?
You mustn't believe what anyone says.
I suppose you can't help it after
that cruel betrayal you experie—
Have you heard the rumor
about Aguero and Maria?
That they were lovers?
Idiot. Focus.
It's legit.
If we're wrong, we
We'll die.
Aren't they half-siblings? Gross.
The time limit is ten minutes.
Aguero was just being used.
Teams that take longer than five minutes fail.
Come on, now. Three minutes have passed.
Aguero's sister was supposed to
be chosen as a Princess of Jahad.
Cover your ears. Don't be misled.
Because Aguero helped her, Maria was chosen.
Cover your ears.
Don't trust anyone.
The moment she was chosen,
Aguero was abandoned.
Because of Aguero,
the entire family was exiled.
Why now?
I'd forgotten until now.
Oh, right
Those eyes.
Don't trust anyone.
Just follow the path you believe in.
Rak, what are you doing?
I feel better.
Hey, gator.
Why did you open that door?
It's over
Congratulations. You pass.
The passing condition for this test
is to open a door within five minutes.
You mean opening any door
would've been right?
See that? See my deductive powers?
What? But you just said it was instinct
Let's go!
Follow Rak the genius!
I'm glad it worked out, though.
What does this test measure?
Were the wounds inflicted on
you by the princess that deep?
The princess?
Now that you're wounded,
you trust nothing.
You can't do anything without certainty.
So what?
The world won't wait for your certainty.
You need companions who will
open doors without hesitation.
Um Khun?
Don't you want to protect
those eyes, which don't know doubt?
Yo, turtles! What are you waiting for?
Let's go, Bam.
Take care.
You seem to be carrying quite the heavy bag.
What an ass.
Call the next Regulars.
Wake up! There's no time!
Shut up, you ha—
Don't you say it!
Find the answer in one minute!
Divination will lead the way.
You pass.
That clock doesn't measure
the ten-minute time limit.
It makes one full rotation in five.
Screams are only heard from teams that
spend more than five minutes in the room,
and there are no other clues.
You're practically telling us to
open a door within five minutes.
That's kind of infuriating.
As you instructed, I gave
them hints to the test.
Why did you have me do this?
Rak, the strongest and smartest!
I wanted to see if the hint
would hinder or help them.
His howling fists toss enemies aside!
Rak, the strongest and smartest!
That's all.
Hey, Khun.
At night he takes a wee little rest
The princess Hansung Yu mentioned
Sorry, but I don't want to talk about it.
Hey, Bam
I hope you get to see real stars with Rachel.
Do I want to protect his eyes?
I don't know.
I'm the only one who ever needs to feel that.
Time's up.
The three of you will be transported
to the next testing area.
Only three examinees passed the first test?
You're sure you did a proper job
administering the test, Quant?
I did! I just thought I'd
get it over with quickly.
So I administered the first and second tests
simultaneously as an untimed deathmatch.
Those three killed all the other
Regulars in only 30 minutes?
That's right.
Was there an Irregular or
Princess of Jahad among them?
Surely not
If the higher-ups learned
of this sloppy testing,
it would mean our heads—for real.
Don't say that with such
a serious expression!
Please! Do what you can to trick them!
Very well.
I'll thank you later!
I love you, Hansung Yu!
Connect me to Lero Ro.
I really am a genius.
What the hell are we waiting for?
Thank you, Mr. Knight.
Blue turtle, I'm thirsty, too.
What? Go buy something yourself.
That's okay. I'll go.
Money mode.
Thank you.
You passed too, Lucky Boy?
I'm Shibisu.
This is Anaak and Hatz.
What's your name?
I'm Bam.
Who's the big guy?
Call me "The Leader."
I'm Khun. You can call him "Gator."
You've got interesting teammates.
Yes, very.
I hope we make it to the end, Bam.
You and I both look really ordinary, you know?
It makes me feel sympathy for you.
For me?
Watching you inspires me, I guess.
Such wonderful friendship!
Lero Ro
You're finally here.
What's the next test?
I have wonderful news for all of you.
Wonderful news?
Yes. You've been granted the
opportunity to participate in a Bonus Test.
Uh, taking more tests isn't
wonderful at all for us.
It's no ordinary test.
First, participation is voluntary.
Declining to participate will
not put you at any disadvantage.
Second, a team that wins this test will
be considered to have passed all tests.
What? You mean
You'll be granted permission
to climb the tower.
That's great.
We have to take it.
Let's do it.
So you'll all be participating?
Test 4
The Crown Game
The game you'll be playing
is the crown game.
Crown game?
Simply put, you'll be stealing
a crown from each other.
Your time limit is five minutes.
Five teams will participate at once,
and the game will be split into five rounds.
A member of the team that has
acquired the crown must wear it
and stay sitting in this
chair until the game ends.
If they're able to defend
it until the end,
the other four teams are defeated,
four new teams will enter,
and the second round will begin.
The game ends the moment the person
with the crown leaves the chair.
If that happens, all five teams will be
swapped out, and the game will resume.
The team in possession of the crown
at the end of the final game wins.
So winning early only hurts you.
But if you delay your participation
because of the risks,
the game may end without
you ever participating.
You're right.
Also, a single team from
another testing area
will be participating in this game.
Another testing area?
We have our reasons.
What's that? I smell powerful
weapons that weren't around before.
You really do have a good
sense of smell, Rak.
The first round will now begin.
If you'd like to participate,
please press the buzzer
in your waiting room by
the time I count to five.
Let's see how it goes first.
Let's not. He's asleep.
If we're going to play, it should
be in the third round or later.
It doesn't matter what round
it is. We just have to win.
Yeah, you're right.
One other stupid team, huh?
And they're weak, too.
You'll regret this.
Don't make me laugh.
That lizard has a powerful weapon!
We should participate, too!
Unfortunately, the opportunity
to participate has closed.
Let's see how it goes.
Let the first round of the crown game
I'll handle this alone.
Don't get in my way.
We won't. Do whatever you want!
Please take this seriously.
Are you mocking us?
Weak or strong, I always go all-out.
Are you trying to provoke me?
I won't fall for—
What is that weapon?
You didn't finish the job, lizard girl!
He hit her square in the head.
My hand!
Apparently, the lizard has a rock for a head.
That was close!
Damn it!
How is she so strong?
You still want to fight?
As long as we take the crown, we can still—
That lizard is strong.
Give me the crown.
With you and Hatz defending me,
we've as good as—
Y-You idiot! Why are you wearing it?!
Don't worry. I won't let anyone take it.
Get off, black turtle.
Since the challengers are
unable to continue fighting,
the next round will begin.
If you'd like to participate,
please press your buzzer by
the time I count to five.
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