Tower of God (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Beyond the Sadness

I told you, he disappeared!
The slow turtle vanished in a second!
Like, poof!
He what?
Isn't he on your team, Princess Endorsi?
Yeah, but I don't know what he's like.
He never spoke.
When I first met him in that field,
he was already with Rachel.
There's no point in hiding it anymore.
Everyone knows she's the
girl Bam's been looking for.
Thanks for the food.
Come on. Let's at least try
to enjoy a meal together.
I knew that from the start.
Only two Wave Controllers
could advance, so I
Lauroe is guaranteed to pass.
By a narrow margin,
of the remaining candidates,
Bam, Grey, and Hwaryun have the edge—
You don't need to consider me.
I won't advance beyond this point.
You should be worried
about the man named Hoh.
His jealousy will drive him mad sooner or later.
So I removed Hoh from the list.
Let me tell you something so you
don't make any more mistakes.
Don't take your eyes off Hoh.
My strategy was perfect.
I haven't changed at all.
This is taking too long!
We're almost there.
Evan, if the new examinees' tests
are over by the time we arrive
I'll tear you apart.
You'll break my door, you barbarous gator!
Where's your daddy?
This is that coffee turtle's fault!
The great Rak loves chocolate bars
You're so small, I didn't see you.
How dare you block the great Rak—
Sorry. You're so small, I didn't see you.
Blue turtle, use your mysterious
bag to make me big.
Unfortunately, it doesn't
have an enlarging function.
If there's nothing you need, then leave.
Damn it. I'll have to play
with the black turtle now.
Don't. Stay away from Bam.
Bam won't advance to the next level.
Don't be ridiculous!
That turtle is my prey!
Give it up. He has no reason to climb—
It doesn't matter.
I'll drag him to the tower.
It's not something we can argue—
Blue turtle!
Are you really okay with that?
Of course not, but there's nothing I can do.
I see. Well, there's something I can do.
I need to talk to you guys.
See? Told you so.
Rachel can't walk anymore.
Her stab wound was deeper
than they thought.
She'll never make a full recovery.
So I—
I'll never allow you to give up here!
I'm climbing the tower.
I'll be Rachel's legs and
take her up the tower.
I don't care about the
tower or the stars anymore.
Hey, Maria
But so long as it's what Rachel wants,
I'll follow her anywhere.
That's what I've decided.
If I could've given up everything and said that,
would something have changed for us?
So, um I'd like you to lend me your strength.
If you're so desperate,
I guess I'd be willing to—
You can count on me.
I'll take you to the top of the tower,
in exactly the underhanded
way you'd expect from me.
Prepare yourself.
Even if the bumpy ride makes you
motion-sick, I don't make extra stops.
Hey, I'll bite you to pieces!
Even though you can't get up by yourself?
What? Rak?
Why are you so small?
What? You just noticed?
You rascal
All right, then. Now that
that's decided, let's move.
I actually have another request.
What is this?
Bam wanted to give a proper
send-off to our friend.
Thank you, everyone.
Don't drink it all yourself.
Leave some for Hoh.
I know that, idiot.
May I offer a prayer, as well?
Of course.
If we sit around crying, he'll be too
worried to move on to the afterlife.
So smile.
Thank you.
For attending Hoh's funeral.
It must've been hard.
Sorry. I upset you.
Or does your wound hurt?
I abandoned you.
I was desperate to see the stars.
You were clueless and weak.
You were in my way.
It annoyed me how you persistently
followed me around regardless.
I'm not the Rachel you loved anymore!
You can abandon me, too.
You don't need me anymore.
A ray of light
pierced my dark, lonely world.
I thought it was a miracle.
I didn't know that word yet at the time,
but it's how I felt in my heart.
I've made lots of friends,
but you're the only one who came to see
me from the other side of the light.
No one can replace you.
I'm sorry.
Bam, I'm sorry.
They're finally here.
You're late! Get over here!
Hey, wait! Hatz!
For stopping me during the crown game.
What? Isn't it a bit late for that?
You're right. It took me long enough.
You're not even going to say goodbye?
We gave Hoh a proper sendoff.
I have no regrets.
I guess that's a lie.
My life is nothing but regrets.
But I'm going to try buckling down
and giving life all I've got.
Then I'm sure I'll find a reason
or two for why I survived.
Are you saying you won't find that here?
You can have this.
Promise me you won't die, Shibisu.
Do you need something, Khun?
The test is over.
The results aren't out yet, but he'll pass.
Don't worry.
In the next test, I'll recover the
Green April and Black March from—
What are you doing in secret, Yuga?
Or should I call you Royal Enforcement
Division Unit #67, Lo Po Bia Ren?
How long have you known?
Yuga is always five minutes early.
I see. You were leaving me free to act.
Then I'll have to eat you.
What a cute pet.
I've always wanted to fight Hansung Yu,
the Deep-Sea Fish of Evankhell's floor.
Against me?
This is perfect.
I've been bored, since no
one would confront me.
Confront you? That's absurd.
I have no intention of fighting
one of Jahad's Rankers.
Your mission is the recovery of
the Black March and the Green April,
and to eliminate Anaak Jahad.
So what if it is?
I shall help you.
In this place, we determine if an
individual will harm the tower.
I am the fiendish deep-sea fish that
consumes all nuisances to the Jahad family.
Please tell that to your captain.
Once you've finished your call,
join me in my room for coffee.
What's his deal?
I can't control my excitement.
I still have much to learn.
Director, it's time.
One of your people gave this to him.
Do you
want to climb the tower?
How do you know that?
It could've been one of the examinees.
Are you serious?
Hoh was given this note before we were
split into teams for the tag test.
This trap could only have been set
by someone who knew Rachel and Hoh
would be on the same team.
I hope nothing happens during
the results announcement.
Everyone, thank you for waiting.
I will now announce the names of those
who passed the position selection test.
Dede Cancho.
Spear Bearers
Since Ghost is not currently present,
he fails the test.
I told you, the slow turtle vanished!
There, there.
My knight!
Wave Controllers
Light Bearers
Michelle Light.
However, due to her injuries,
Michelle fails the test.
You can't be serious!
I was on team B! How—
Are you dissatisfied with the results?
Of course I am!
Very well.
Come here, please.
Prove to me that you're worthy enough to pass.
It's simple.
Endure this for one minute.
I can't see anything
Paracule, help me
Paracule, are you dissatisfied, as well?
As if. I'm very satisfied with the results.
Very well.
Please stop!
Now then, allow me to explain the final—
Hold on.
I'm not satisfied with the results, either.
Step forward, then.
The road ahead is rough.
What's he doing?
What's gotten into him?
You passed with flying colors.
What do you have to complain about?
I want you to allow Michelle Light
to participate in the final test.
Because it's what my friend wants.
Excuse me. A member of the
Khun family made a friend
You'll okay it, then?
Unfortunately, she can't in her condition.
The rules forbid her from
participating in the test.
That rule applies to tests
run by the administrators.
Let me take the Administrator's test.
Long ago, King Jahad took
the Administrator's grueling test
and was recognized as the ruler of the tower.
Jahad took the test, too?
Currently, we run the tests,
but all tests and rules can be changed
according to the Administrator's will.
I'll take the Administrator's test if you
allow Michelle Light to participate.
What's he talking about?
Shut up.
How do you know about the Administrator's test?
I'm a member of the Khun family.
Does that answer your question?
The Administrator's test is very difficult.
It would be easier to take the normal test.
That's not a problem!
We'll beat any test!
You heard him.
Your confidence is taller
than the tower itself.
But it seems you're not aware
of the other condition.
Only one who opens the tower's
doors on their own
You mean
Yes, only an Irregular can
negotiate to take the test.
If you understand, then take your seat.
Excuse me.
Let me see the Administrator.
Were you listening?
That's why I'm asking.
I'm an Irregular.
An Irregular?
Bam, come with me.
Michelle and I can go no further.
Um, what's an Irregular?
I don't know, either. Does it taste good?
It's exactly what it sounds like.
Someone who came here on their own
instead of being chosen like us.
Is that a bad thing?
First, they've broken the tower's rules.
And it's said that great calamity strikes
the tower anytime an Irregular appears.
If we work with him, we'll be outcasts, too.
One can hope that's all that happens.
You're currently being offered a choice.
A choice?
If you assist Bam and pass the test,
you'll all earn the right to climb the tower
by the shortest and quickest route.
But you'll be branded as an
Irregular's accomplices forever.
What will you choose?
The choice is obvious. We won't help him.
What has he ever done for us?
You passed thanks to Bam.
I agree.
Sorry, but if Bam's an Irregular,
then things are different.
I can't offer him any more assistance.
Earrings, are you insane?
What are you doing, gator?
I'm going with the black turtle.
You're a turtle who's drawn
his head inside his shell because
he's afraid of being eaten.
What was that?
Live a long and happy life.
The black turtle and I will be looking
down on you from the top of the—
Uh, how long are you going to
keep up this bad acting?
This has gone on so long, it's making me yawn.
Someone's actually asleep.
Brothers, do you think
we'd abandon Bam now?
What's going on?
They were trying to persuade us to help Bam.
I'm not helping him.
I just want these stupid tests
over with as quickly as possible.
If that's what everyone else
is doing, I'll do it, too.
It doesn't matter what your reason is.
That's why I inspired everyone, too!
Your third-rate acting paid off.
Shut up, tiny gator.
You've all given the same answer, then.
All that's left is to await Bam's results.
We meet again, kid.
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