Tower of God (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

Underwater Hunt (Part One)

I knew you'd come again,
one who opened the doors on his own.
You always look so tasty.
Do I?
Tell me.
What do you desire?
This is your last chance.
Your last chance to reach
the top of the tower.
Did the Administrator approve your request?
He said Rachel and I could take the test.
The rest is up to you, Director.
You're a very lucky person.
Now, then, let's begin the final test.
Final Test
Underwater Hunt
It's beautiful.
You will be hunting underwater.
Then I'll hunt, and I'll hunt, and I'll—
You're the ones being hunted.
If you keep interrupting,
he'll shrink you again.
Bam and Rachel will become fish
and be hunted by net dolphins.
Net Dolphin
This is a net dolphin.
They hunt once a day
for the net dolphin queen.
Net Dolphin Queen
Underwater Fish
Net dolphins use Shinsu to create
nets and trap underwater fish.
Bam and Rachel will enter
a bubble made of Shinsu.
If you are eaten along with the fish
and spat back out onto dry land,
you will have passed the test.
It's the dolphins that are bringing
Bam to the queen, right?
That's correct.
Then what's our job?
In the natural world, there are always
those who eat and those who are eaten.
No movement from the goblins,
and the pigs haven't appeared yet.
Barnacle goblins use giant wetworms
Barnacle Goblin
Giant Wetworm
to steal the fish gathered
by the net dolphins.
If Bam and Rachel are eaten
by a worm, you fail.
And the old enemy of the barnacle
goblins and worms is the striped earthpig.
Striped Earthpig
It kind of looks like Rak.
When the dolphins sense the pigs,
they flee, fearing they'll be eaten.
In other words, our job is to make
sure the dolphins can hunt freely.
We just need to crush those three, right?
Finally, pray that you don't encounter the Bull.
The Bull?
A monster that consumes everything that moves.
Even Rankers run from its ferocity.
Something that bad is out there?
This is your last chance to reconsider.
I trust my teammates.
It's okay.
They're way stronger and smarter than us.
You're right.
We can't search underground
using Lighthouses.
Our only choice is to fortify the surface.
Hatz, you guys keep an eye
on the goblins' movements.
Spear Bearers, wait on high
ground for the worms to act.
Shibisu, you guys watch out for
the pigs attacking the dolphins.
"You guys"?
Where did the two princesses go?
Narae, you
You sit tight.
Got it.
You've chosen another odd test again.
Have I?
Wasn't there a quicker and
easier way to do this?
Director, you made all the arrangements
in such a short amount of time?
Well-prepared means no worries.
I'm impressed, Director.
Evan, is this a Navigator's job?
It can't be helped.
The only way to enter the testing area
unnoticed is to jump down from here.
In that case
You go first.
You stupid princess!
That Yuri woman gave you the Black March?
Yeah. She lent it to me
after I told her about you.
I need to apologize when I see her.
Anaak has the Black March now.
You seem like you're having fun.
What? Really?
I feel so senselessly anxious.
I'm not doing anything, but I'm still losing HP.
Hey, Shibisu.
You knew there was a huge risk
in taking this test, right?
Why are you helping Bam?
The hag told me something
during Hoh's funeral.
The reason Bam seems so bright
is because he's got everything
important that was stolen from us
before we began climbing the tower.
Honestly, I'm jealous of Bam, too.
So I don't want him to lose what he's got.
I don't want Bam to have what's
important taken from him.
You're a good guy, Shibisu.
Not as good as you.
Khun, can you hear me?
Dede Cancho and Blarouge vanished.
What? Vanished?
What does that mean?
Something's not right.
Be careful.
I sensed a strange bloodlust earlier, too.
It's the Bull!
The Bull's here!
Back then, did you ever imagine this?
Back when we stared at the roof of the cave,
did you ever imagine this future would come?
I did.
Even in the future I imagined then,
I was here with you.
Shibisu, just run!
I wish I could, but
At this rate, our little net
dolphins will get eaten!
I'm delicious!
Even the Bull ignores me
I'm counting on you, Serena.
This is awesome!
I'm not delicious!
Hey, monster.
You're better off not eating him.
She's right.
He'd definitely upset your stomach.
Two Princesses of Jahad came to save me?!
Of course not.
I just wanted to try
playing with that li'l moo-moo.
The Bull is my prey.
You're in the way, horned woman.
Is this any time to be fighting?
Why don't we make a bet?
A bet?
We'll take turns fighting the
Bull for five minutes at a time.
If I defeat the Bull, I'll take
the 13 Month Series swords.
What if I beat it?
I'll be your servant for life.
Damn it!
I want! To fight! The Bull! Too!
What a strange gator.
Hey, Parasol.
It's Paracule.
I'm dying of boredom!
Do a trick or something!
Otherwise, I'll bite your head off!
That's horrifying.
Time for work, Spear Bearers.
The goblins are on the move.
There are more of them than we thought.
Hatz, as planned, figure out
what the goblins are up to.
Spear Bearers, wait for my signal.
We're going to surprise them.
Follow my instructions, no matter what.
If we miss our chance, it's over.
I'm counting on you this time, Revolutionary.
Look, Rachel.
This must be the dolphins' net.
You're not scared at all.
We're about to be eaten by a monster.
If I acted scared, wouldn't you feel anxious, too?
Rachel? What is it?
Look at you, trying to act cool.
This brings back memories.
The dolphins already set their net?
Damn. Once they go underground,
we'll have no idea what they're doing.
U-Um, Khun
Um, I-I might
I might be able to find the way.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Shut up!
That was close!
If you've got a problem,
tell it to that weakling.
What is this? It's gross.
Do you think you've caught me?
So strong
It's been four minutes.
Sorry, but you might not get a turn.
You're running?
Five, four, three, two, one!
What a cowardly cow.
Your five minutes are up!
Now it's my turn!
Wait, Anaak!
It hasn't been five minutes yet!
Not that
Damn these willful girls!
Nom, nom
Nom, nom
You fell for my trap.
There really is a path underground.
You were right.
Why didn't you mention that
you're an Anima who controls divine sea fish?
She's not capable of combat.
She can search the surrounding
area with her sonar, though.
Even so, that's an amazing power.
No one likes a girl who's a showoff.
What? Is that how it works?
I'll head back after searching
the area a little more.
Hey, Narae.
Can Anima control any kind of animal?
Like net dolphins or the Bull?
Not at my level, but a Ranker probably could.
Yeah, right.
Moo-moo, come on out!
You can move that quickly, huh?
This cow
What's going on? You're stronger now
Let go
What are you so desperately
searching for, Anaak Jahad?
Who are you?
Stay out of my way.
I'm in a hurry.
How valiant.
You're exactly like the late Anaak Jahad.
What was that?
What did you just say?
I am Ren, Royal Enforcement
Division Unit #67.
One of your natural enemies.
Why do you have that necklace?
Who knows?
I wonder why.
Give it back.
Well, well.
You can activate the Green April
despite not being an official princess
That belonged to Mom! Give it back!
Whoa. That many can't be good
Now, blue turtle?
Not yet. Narae's following
a different strategy.
Don't move until I say you can.
The Administrator asked me something.
What I wanted at the top of the tower.
The first thing that came
to mind was your face.
The second thing was the cafeteria.
The cafeteria?
All of us eating and smiling.
Before I could speak, the Administrator said,
"Very well," and disappeared.
You're amazing, Bam.
Damn you!
How disappointing.
I suppose a princess with
tainted blood is no good.
Lauroe, that's the spirit.
You damn kidnapper.
The black turtle will be eaten!
Be patient. It's almost time.
Hatz, meet up with the Spear Bearers.
You're right. There are too many of them.
Sorry. My body moved on its own.
You idiot!
Let's run!
What are you doing?
Crawl, baby, crawl.
Come on, almost there. You can do it.
Too bad. Retrieval complete.
If you'd chosen to live in peace
instead of trying to get revenge,
this wouldn't have happened.
Shut up.
You made your mother's death pointless.
But killing you now wouldn't be much fun
So it's time to bring out our special guest!
Horned woman!
You're still alive?
Are you controlling the Bull?
Ding, ding, ding!
That's correct.
From the start, this underwater hunt
was put together to take care of you.
You're the tower's trash.
The enemy of Jahad.
Your crime was being born into this world.
This is your chance to
redeem yourself, princess.
Kill that impostor over there.
Kill the enemy of your father, King Jahad!
We're almost there, Rachel.
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