Trigun (1998) s01e22 Episode Script


Don't force it down.
You have no tolerance.
It's not fair to the booze to drink it like that.
Hey, this is some hooch you got here! We did everything we could.
If you have to call it something call it fate.
Don't label it with such a simple word.
So many died.
They won't come back.
It's more than I can bear.
I killed Brad.
No, you didn't.
You didn't, but I'm sorry! Everyone who touches me dies.
Maybe, but there's somewhere you have to go.
You can't stop.
Right? Yes.
That's right.
I have to face him.
Ah, there it is! We finally arrived.
Hear, hear! I'll have a pudding a la mode and a mocha frosty! I take it this means you're hungry? That's amazing How could you tell? I know everything about you, honey.
Forget it! Sextuplets are out of the question, dear.
Nice comeback! Um Yes? Uh, it's nothing really Hello! Is anybody in there? Hello! Who's there? Poor, unfortunate travellers wandering the desert! Excuse me, but might we come inside? I'll let you in for $ $300,000! That's so much! Exactly! I know you haven't got it! I'm saying, you're not coming in! Why all the sudden hostility? We're not dangerous! I'm Meryl Stryfe from the Berna I don't care if you're from Bernardelli or the Feds! You're not coming in!! This is too one-sided! - Let's go.
- What? The people of this town probably have their reasons for doing this.
Isn't he over it yet? Can I help you? Are you all right? Aren't you going to thank the nice man? Say "thank you.
" Thank you.
That was very good! Huh? Hey! It's only desert that way! Let's take a little side trip.
Come on, let's go.
H-Hey! Excuse us! What?! Get out! Get the hell out of here!! Yeah, yeah! Wait! Hey, wait! We're not mad at you! We got turned away from that town, too! Just let us stay here for a little while!! I won't ask it as a favor! How do these strike you? So, we have a deal.
Wolfwood, those were our emergency rations This is an emergency, isn't it? This is definitely an emergency.
I swear, I've never met such disorganized people.
Yay, yay! Milly, what are you doing? You want some too, ma'am? They're really, really good! I see.
These kids are all orphans, huh? Yeah.
It's really a huge coincidence but we all gathered here in the last three months.
That sort of thing has been known to happen.
You've been a great help! We didn't have much to eat.
We're just lending a helping hand.
Why won't they let you in the town? They won't let outsiders in, even if they're only children.
The townsfolk are frightened.
Why? I don't know.
However, every town in this region has been abandoned except for Keybas over there.
My town was abandoned, too.
One day, without any warning, everyone began to walk out of town.
They didn't take a thing with them, and didn't say a word.
Dad? Dad, what's wrong?! What happened?! Say something!! What are you all doing? Dad! Mom Mom!!! Dad!!! They all walked out of town as if something were controlling them.
All the others went through the same thing.
Tell me one thing.
Did you see anyone there other than the townsfolk? No but I did hear a voice.
A voice? It said, "This is what you get for taking so long.
" It's him.
Boy, he never gets a break, does he? What you gonna do? Are you going in? Aw No kid warms up to a guy with an empty smile.
Pass it here! I'll carry it for you! - C'mon, let's go.
- Huh? You were saying something about kids? Oh, shut up! They're just a little shy.
Good for you! You're great at helping out! So, if you cut with the knife along the tendon at a right angle like so and sprinkle on a lot of pepper it will last a lot longer than you'd think.
Wow! Women are a marvel.
Hey, hey! What'cha cookin'? That's our secret until supper time.
- Yeah! - How could you be so cold? That guy is a lot of trouble.
Hey, don't spill it! Help yourself! This is yummy! Let me get that.
Hey, this ain't bad either! They're all fast asleep.
It's probably been a long time since they could relax.
Just look at those faces.
Mom Dad If I take too long, they'll make another move.
Still we can't leave these kids.
Hey, cheer up.
Let's have a drink.
Hey, what are you doing?! - What was that? - I heard a gunshot! - Where did it come from? - I don't know.
Let's go check.
Everyone, get away from the windows! What's going on, ma'am?! Get away from the windows! Is everyone okay?! Get down!! Come on out!! We know you're in there! If you don't come out by the count of 10 we're coming in after you! - Ten! - What's the plan? Reasoning is the only way out of a misunderstanding.
Reason with those hotheads? Can't you come up with anything better? Never mind, I'll go alone.
- Three! Two! One! Uh, we don't know what we did to upset you.
Would you tell us what this is about? You're pretending to be nice to these kids as camouflage you pieces of trash!! I have no idea what you're talking about.
Don't play dumb with us! You're the only ones near town! Hold on, all of you! We didn't do anything! Don't play the Mr.
Nice Guy! Jeffrey was killed! He was my best friend!! Why, you bunch of blundering ignorant idiots!! Don't! Give the goody-goody routine a rest!!! Please hear me out You pieces of shit! Hear me out What?! What is that?! What are worms doing here?! Y-You Isn't this area solid bedrock?! It has to be.
They couldn't build a house on it otherwise.
Then what are they doing here? I don't know.
At any rate, it isn't safe here! We'll act as decoys! Get the kids out! Understood.
You'll let us into your town, won't you? Yes.
Now that's settled let's get to it.
Good luck.
Over here! Help! Good wormies! They're catching up, you idiot! Can't I kill those either?! Of course not! Do I have to do it your way?! Hey, what are these?! Don't you find they're awfully well organized? Definitely.
He's out there somewhere Some rotten blighter is watching as they do his dirty work! Do you suppose?! How did worms get inside the town?! Onto the rooftops! If you get high enough, they won't be able to reach you! R-Right! What's wrong? Are you hurt? Oh, dear Hey, come back! I'm on it! This is horrible Our town Where are Milly and the boy? It's all right.
He's with them.
That's true But what is this? I keep having the sensation that something doesn't belong.
Damn! There's too many of them! Wait! I caught you! It's all right.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Out of bullets! So that's it! What the You were controlling them with a high-frequency device.
Why? Why are you doing this? Because I am a Gung-Ho Gun! I am the fourth Gun-Ho Gun, Zazie the Beast.
You're kidding Don't cry! God, that's annoying! I hate children.
They get weepy, depressed, and brush their teeth when told because they're too stupid to do otherwise! They lack free will! You probably can't comprehend why I did something so intricate.
Don't!! Bete! The name's Zazie! Zazie the Beast! You're forcing yourself.
You cried last night.
You tried to cheer me on a little while ago.
As a demon, I am able to block off my consciousness and memory.
I don't believe that.
You're forcing yourself to do this, aren't you? What an idiot of a goody-two-shoes! Okay, die thinking your pleasant little thoughts.
Stop it, Bete! How could you?! Why? Why did you shoot him?! Kids are kids, but he was a demon.
If I didn't shoot him, that would be you lying there.
You're wrong.
He wasn't going to shoot me.
Stop glossing it over with your childish logic!! You are wrong.
What alternative do I have? We're searching for a place.
A place where we can live peaceful days A place with no wars, nor stealing A place where people can live as people.
Don't Don't tell me your dreams in a place like this!! To realize a mistake.
To not lie.
To love one another.
To not kill.
Those are very simple things, but the times won't allow for them.
There is no green on this planet, even though we want it though we want it so badly.
A place where we can live peaceful days, with no wars nor stealing a sacred place where people can live as people.
Yes, there.
That place is called
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