True Beauty (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

I'm Lim Ju-kyung.
I'm a goddess.
Only until
I remove my makeup.
How come you don't recognize my face?
Damn it.
Ju-young messed with my phone again.
It's true.
It is tiring and mortifying
to live with two different faces.
This is it.
There's no other place
with this many horror comics.
Where is it?
Found it.
I got here first.
I picked it out first.
Lee Soo-ho?
Who are…
I'm sorry.
Did he recognize me?
That book,
I grabbed it first.
I see.
Then you can go ahead and read it first.
Ju-bal, have some instant noodles.
Excuse me?
I didn't order one.
It's on me to celebrate our reunion.
-I'll have it next time.
-Hold on.
I put in an organic egg just for you.
It's 700 won per egg.
I'd be upset if you didn't eat it.
Can't you just have it instead?
I'm on a diet.
Let's scarf it down and get out.
That's actually mine.
I'm sorry.
You must like red ginseng juice.
I'll get you a new one.
That's all right.
Read it if you'd like.
No. There's no need for that.
Didn't you just launch yourself
at me to get it?
Go on, read it.
I guess he didn't recognize me.
Do you live around here?
I mean,
I'm not trying to pry.
With your looks,
you're quite the eye-catcher
but I don't think
I've seen you around here before.
If that's true,
then I must not live around here.
Why crawl all the way out here then?
I started walking upright
when I was 11 months old.
So you did.
I'm 18.
Excuse me?
You're probably my age.
Your formality irks me.
How old are you?
I'm 15. I'm an 8th grader.
I don't buy that you're younger than me,
I was just joking.
I'm 25, way older than you.
So you're also 18.
No wonder he's the top student.
Gosh, I'm full.
That was interesting.
-Here you go. Enjoy.
-So soon?
-I read very fast.
-I meant this.
It's my specialty.
Goodbye then.
What am I wearing?
Why did I have to run into him
right then and there?
Hey, what's with your attitude?
Where's my comic book?
I don't know. It's all because of you.
Did you run into a handsome guy from class
without wearing any makeup?
Then again, your life's not a TV show.
I doubt that would happen.
Your life as a goddess is over
even if I don't share your picture!
That's not it. He didn't recognize me.
He might not today,
but when he sees you tomorrow,
"Aren't you that acne girl
from the comics shop?"
-That could happen.
Really? Do you think so?
Then what do I do?
That's why you have to be honest.
Ju-kyung, you are conning people.
Just show them who you are.
You can't hide your true face forever.
Hey, Lim Ju-young.
-You know that girl you have a thing with?
-Yes. What about her?
She's super pretty.
Her face without makeup
won't be too different from mine.
No way!
Even her breath is fragrant!
How did I run into her here?
But how can she ignore me
after all I did for her?
Ju-bal didn't leave a single drop.
Her name is Ju-bal?
You don't know Pandora's daughter Ju-bal?
You've been a patron for a while.
You haven't seen her before?
Why? Are you interested?
I was lucky yesterday.
But there's no guarantee
I'll be lucky today too.
A perfect disguise
is my only way to survive.
More contour.
-Glad I caught you. Give me a ride.
You're still here?
You're late putting makeup on again.
That's not it. Please hurry.
Where is my little sister?
Why are you staring
at my husband like that?
You can take him if you want.
You've got to be kidding.
I think this whenever I see your husband.
He is really good-looking.
Please. That doesn't pay the bills.
His looks are of no value.
Just take a look at that.
Now I have to pay for whatever that is.
-What's wrong, Dad?
-See you later, girls.
Drive safely!
And you, study hard.
Don't fall asleep in class.
I didn't know you had another pretty girl
other than Hee-kyung and Ju-kyung.
My disguise is a success.
Don't you get in trouble
for wearing this much makeup?
Back in my day,
we couldn't even wear BB cream.
"Back in my day."
-You'll soon be called a boomer.
I'm still cool.
I drink iced Americanos, not lattes,
even when it's freezing.
That's how cool I am.
All right. Thanks, Hee-kyung.
-Okay. Have a good day!
Thank goodness. He didn't recognize me.
Did you get it?
-Delete them.
-What do you mean?
Or I'll throw this away.
I'll delete them, so give it back.
He's scary.
If he catches anything, it's done.
He hates when people take photos of him.
But still, he's truly something else.
Let's go.
Good morning. Can I please get one latte…
Can I please get an iced Americano?
-Extra cold.
-Why aren't you going?
-I don't want to go.
But all your friends are going.
No, I want to be with you, Mom.
But you have to. You can't just stay here.
Ta-da! Hi!
Let's go.
Your iced Americano is ready.
Would you like a stamp card?
Yes, please.
It seems like I'll be coming here often.
Can I get a foundation
with the highest coverage?
Try this for now.
I'll be back with the highest we have.
Hey, look at this.
It's super pretty.
-It doesn't wash off.
-The ugliness is still there.
What are we going to do about your face?
Are you okay?
It was just a prank.
-That's funny.
-Is it?
-What do we do with her?
-I don't know.
What was that?
Here's the one you were looking for.
Stop right there!
Hey, stop!
Hey, Han Seo-jun, stop!
We told you to stop!
-Let's move fast.
-He must have gone there.
Excuse me, are you okay?
Are you hurt?
-Hey, stop right there!
Han Seo-jun! Hey!
-Get him!
Go get him!
-Stop right there!
-Hey, over there!
-Get him!
Han Seo-jun!
-Darn it.
-Stop there!
-Come on!
-Stop right there!
-Get him!
-Hurry up!
Why are you running away?
Come over here. Come on.
Are you okay?
-Get that punk.
-Get him.
-Get him.
Han Seo-jun.
Kim Cho-rong told me
you went to study abroad.
You thought we would buy that?
I'm sorry, you punk.
You crazy punk.
I went through so much because of you.
I'm still mad thinking about it.
You didn't come out that day
to mess with us, right?
You thought we'd leave you alone
if you just avoided us?
Not my face.
You dodged?
You're dead meat.
I think the police are here.
Let's go.
Let's go.
-Let's go. Come on.
-I'll see you again, Han Seo-jun.
Hey, let's go!
Hey, let's go!
Did they leave?
Who are you?
What is that?
What are you doing?
Darn it.
Saebom High?
Wait, my helmet!
Darn it.
I almost got involved with the delinquents
trying to avoid Sam-mi.
What the…
Why did I take this with me?
Is he coming after me for this?
-Acne girl from the comics shop?
Lim Ju-bal, did you get spooked?
Ju-young, I'll kill you!
Come here!
Stop there!
-Come here.
-On today's entertainment news…
-You're dead meat.
-Hey, kids.
Be quiet, you brats.
Ju-hun is on.
It's an attempted murder.
Ju-hun, my foot.
-You punk.
-You're so heavy, pig!
Why you…
Come here!
It's been seven years
since your last project, Love Maze.
-How have you been?
-Lucky Hee-kyung.
After the series and overseas schedule…
She gets to work under
a handsome CEO like that.
Handsome, my foot.
How does it feel to be back
in Korea after seven years?
-I didn't get to see my son much.
due to being overseas.
I plan on spending
more time with my son from now on.
I haven't been a good dad.
Hey, son.
It's really hard to catch you.
This place is still the same.
I basically lived here
back when I was training for a role.
Master Choi treats you well, right?
Why did you suddenly come back?
I had a lot going on at the company,
especially after the merger.
I'd also lose relevance
if I were away for too long.
You care about your fans deeply.
It's you that I care about, Soo-ho.
You're leaving already?
I wanted to do some exercise myself.
Go ahead.
That was too easy, don't you think?
Someone taught you well.
My goodness.
You're a grown man now.
Goodness, I must be getting old.
I'm not a match for you, am I?
It's your birthday tomorrow.
Do you want to eat out somewhere nice?
Is there anything you want?
Have you thought about…
moving back to my place?
I already said no.
You'll soon be a senior, and--
Wouldn't you also feel uncomfortable
if I lived with you?
What about your love life?
Don't come by unannounced from now on.
I don't want to be known
as Lee Ju-hun's son.
Which one's better
for a 100th-day anniversary gift?
The one on the left.
Only 100 days? You fussed so much
I thought it was 100 years.
I made a huge fuss
when I was 100 days old too.
Bear with me, Kangsu.
Guys, I'm so glad we're friends.
I'm glad to have
a goddess friend like you.
I'm not a goddess.
If I'm a goddess, you are a fairy.
Limju, how are you both pretty and sweet?
Goddess, my foot.
My skin's getting worse because of makeup.
I need to do something to calm it down.
Hey, return this.
Mr. Prince said he needs it right away.
When did he borrow it?
Why would I return it?
I still have your pictures.
That punk.
If I were Lee Soo-ho,
"Delete them."
"Or I'll throw this away."
I'm borrowing these. Keep the change.
This is for you.
Hey, Ju-bal.
-Lee Soo-ho's not here, is he?
The guy who's aloof and has a tiny face,
like a lead in a romance comic.
You mean, me?
The guy who likes red ginseng juice.
Right. He rarely comes on weekends.
Really? Thank goodness.
I'm returning this.
-Do you have a moment?
My stomach is having a bit of a situation.
-Can you take my place for a bit?
What if someone comes?
This series is still here.
I used to collect these.
I guess nobody took it.
I'll take this for my pay.
We meet again.
Darn it.
Are you not coming down?
I'm looking for a book.
Then can you get me that book over there?
-This one?
-The one next to it.
-This one?
-A bit further.
This one?
How long are you going to pretend?
You know me.
Thanks, Ju-bal!
You always get in my arms.
It's becoming a habit.
You need to learn to keep your balance.
It's not that hard.
People like you
should be banned from using footstools.
What you said caught me off guard.
I'm not that good of an actor
to keep pretending.
you recognized me right away last time?
Fortunately, I have a good memory.
This isn't a matter
of having a good memory.
You must have eagle eyes.
It's you, even at a glance.
My face is totally different.
-Are we playing "find the difference"?
-I mean, they are two different faces.
I see. The eyes are different.
Right. They're the most different.
Am I in the wrong for recognizing you?
No, it's not that.
I just can't believe this is happening.
Are you going to tell people?
-Tell people what?
-That I'm like this?
What are you like?
You see what I look like right now.
I'm a mess.
If people find out,
I won't be able to show my face.
Is she talking about the rooftop incident?
Why do you feel that way?
I just do.
Please, can you just keep it a secret?
But it's Lee Soo-ho, the sociopath.
There's no way you'd--
Really? That easily?
Do I seem like the type
to spill the beans on you?
No, but…
How do I know you'll keep your word?
So what if you don't?
Is this really necessary?
This is how desperate I am.
Please sign here.
I don't think so.
A truly desperate person
wouldn't copy a page from Hell's Pledge.
I wrote it in a hurry so--
You know Hell's Pledge?
It's a very old comic.
Not many know of it.
How could I not know?
With a modern drawing style
that holds up after 30 years,
it's the first domestic series
to fuse occult horror and SF
and the finest of the 20th century.
It feels surreal to finally meet
someone who knows about it.
I personally prefer
the author's previous work,
-Cursed Mask.
-Cursed Mask.
-You know Cursed Mask?
That's what got me into horror comics.
I even have a signed first edition.
You do?
I've been trying so hard to find
the first edition for two years…
and you have it?
I've been into horror comics
for a while now.
How much?
I don't think so.
A truly desperate person wouldn't just
throw money at their problems.
That's done. What else?
He's a different person outside of school.
Perhaps a bit gullible too.
I'm parched.
I feel somewhat peckish.
So what?
Are you desperate?
I shouldn't have done that.
If you saw me at school,
-you wouldn't dare do this to me.
You promised me Cursed Mask
for two bowls of instant noodles.
Actually, I'll settle for just one bowl.
This is a bribe from me.
-For keeping my secret.
Go ahead, eat.
I'm having instant noodles
with Lee Soo-ho at a comics rental shop.
The whole school would freak out
if they knew.
I always wondered why there were
so many splatters on the pages.
Hey, eating instant noodles
at the comic shop is the best.
You'll regret it if you don't.
Don't you want your Cursed Mask?
Isn't it good?
It's good for the first meal
on my birthday.
It's your birthday today?
Then what are you doing here?
Do you like watching people eat?
Hey. Don't sniff it in.
Just look away.
-What do I do?
-Pull it out.
-Pull it?
-No, just sniff it in.
My nose hurts.
I'll give you the copy
of Cursed Mask on Monday.
-Another bribe?
No, a gift.
This is a very rare item
that's 20 years old.
I came across it,
but I'm specially giving it to you.
You're now my friend
I've shared my secret with,
so I should care for you.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday.
Thanks for keeping a secret
about my no-makeup face!
I look totally different without makeup.
How did he recognize me?
So strange.
Sir, stop the bus!
-Hang on!
Thank you.
A true beauty is here.
Seriously, what a goddess.
-I'm so glad I stopped the bus.
She's gorgeous.
She looks like a goddess.
-Give me your phone.
-What's this?
You pervert, I saw you taking pictures!
-Ju-kyung, hurry and call the police.
-Damn it.
-Get out of my way.
-That punk. Hey!
Stop right there!
Stop or I'll kill you!
Hey, stop!
I said, stop!
Arrest this pervert!
You'll find all the evidence on his phone.
I tapped my card earlier.
She brought justice!
-Were you startled?
You were so amazing.
I mean, are you okay?
Su-jin, I would love to
have a boyfriend like you.
I'm not surprised.
She scolded middle schoolers
for smoking last time.
She's my girl crush.
Stop it.
I was so shocked to see
my skirt not zip up this morning.
I'd love a skirt with an elastic band.
Limju, what was your old uniform like?
I want to see it. Do you have pictures?
I didn't take any pictures.
Don't lie.
Your uniform was ugly, wasn't it?
Let me see.
Saved by the bell.
-Soo-ho, be nice.
-Hi, Tu-ah.
-Hi, babe!
Watch out. A motorcycle!
What the…
What was that?
That guy is…
He's a student here?
What kind of absurd coincidence is this?
I guess Han Seo-jun is back.
-Why is he here?
-What's he doing here?
Han Seo-jun?
Like the Bermuda Triangle
or a black hole in space,
the charms of these two guys
can suck you right in with no escape.
-Seriously, what do I do?
I'll report you for stealing my heart!
You're too much for my heart.
-Gosh, he's so gorgeous!
-Let's move!
-Hey, we're late!
Savior Soo-ho, the nonchalant adonis
versus Seo-jun Almighty,
the untamed rebel.
Deciding who's hotter is a conundrum
like donuts versus ice cream
or pizza versus fried chicken.
They're Saebom High's two gods,
the two towers.
That was too cringey.
Babe, then what about me?
You are the one and only of my heart.
I actually don't care for either of them.
-I feel sick.
-Want to die?
Hey, Han Seo-jun is back.
I guess they're going to fight again.
I can sense the ruckus coming.
I don't mind it!
By the way, what's going on?
Do they not like each other?
They used to be best friends,
but things went sour.
They always go after each other.
Not how I want to start my day.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
So Seo-jun is finally back.
It's nice to see him again, right?
Should we give a warm welcome?
-Welcome back!
-Welcome back!
Seo-jun, you can sit next to Soo-ho.
Excuse me?
Hey, you move over there.
-This used to be my seat.
She's sitting there
because of her bad eyesight.
Well, Tae-hoon?
-Can you go sit over there, Mr. Handsome?
Hey, neighbor!
Yas, Tae-hoon, great job!
-No, please stop.
-Please don't.
-All right, should we start our homeroom?
"To have a friend…
-Not again.
-Come on.
…is like having another life."
-Mr. Han.
-Why do you do this?
He's doing it again.
-I want you guys to…
-I know her from somewhere.
have many different lives.
Mr. Han, that's too much.
Please call 911.
My fingers and toes
can't stand how cringey you are.
Hyun-kyu, I have a cure for you.
A cure? What is it?
Yes, I'm all healed.
-Have a good day, guys!
-Mr. Han!
Soo-ho, what are you thinking about?
The English teacher wants to see you.
Let's go.
Is Su-jin friends with Soo-ho?
Yes, they're pretty close.
They knew each other
since they were little.
Tu-jin might be the only girl
that Soo-ho talks to.
I see.
He must actually be nice
since he's a friend of Su-jin.
The smart ones
always hang out with each other.
On top of that,
they're super good-looking.
So unrelatable.
Babe, that's why I keep my grades low.
I want to stay relatable.
Your smile is making
all of my organs breakdance.
They're making my stomach ache.
Hey, Han Seo-jun.
You should come
pay your respects if you're back.
Hey brother,
it's a perfect day to die, isn't it?
Are you all a girl group or something?
Why are you standing like that?
What? Are you going to punch me?
All right, come on.
Hey, Kim Cho-rong!
This joke has gone too far!
-That was great, Seo-jun!
-A real celebrity!
No wonder you were a trainee.
You're a decent actor.
You're so ridiculous.
How long do I have to go along with this?
Honestly, you enjoyed it too, didn't you?
-Have you all been well?
Cho-rong, you look
even bigger than before.
-Are you trying to get buff?
-Hey, I've lost 10kg.
-He has muscles.
Is your mom doing any better?
Yes, she's doing much better.
What a relief.
I offer my condolences.
Condolences are for when someone dies!
You said the wrong word.
-He got you.
-He's smart!
Guys, come on.
Then what was I supposed to say?
This is refreshing.
It's refreshing?
It's refreshing.
By the way, Han Seo-jun seems a bit rough.
He definitely has a bad boy vibe.
Rumor has it
that it wasn't actually
a leave of absence,
but a disciplinary suspension
for beating a kid to death.
How do I return his helmet?
This year is really not for me.
What are you talking about?
He said he took time off
for family matters.
Nobody really knows.
So she's the goddess, the new transfer?
-Yes, she's super pretty, right?
She looks pretty even when she's eating.
Lucky for her classmates.
Hey, look at her.
She's the junior goddess
who transferred here.
-She is a goddess.
-She's pretty.
She's not a goddess. She's a fraud.
-What's this?
-I know you like it.
What was that?
Meet me on the rooftop.
Has she gone mad?
You came.
What are you doing?
Are you seeking attention?
Hey, no one's here, so relax.
I got your jacket dry cleaned
and the stuff I promised--
-Then do you like me?
Then why are you acting like we're close?
We saw each other yesterday.
What's wrong with you?
I don't care what's going on in your head,
but see the reality as it is.
You're really getting on my nerves.
You've never seen me outside of school?
Maybe this is your way
of getting my attention,
but if you ever touch me again…
I won't let it slide.
So he didn't recognize my face
at the comics rental shop?
Thanks for keeping a secret
about my no-makeup face!
If you saw me at school,
you wouldn't dare do this to me.
Why did I have to act up?
Hey, wait up.
I brought the wrong thing.
Give it back.
I can't let it rip.
There are menstrual pads inside.
I'll bring the right one tomorrow.
Wait, then what secret
was he talking about?
Has he seen me before?
Whatever. What do I do?
I really messed with him,
so it'll be the end of me
if he actually finds out.
Did you do your research
on the poets from the last class?
Work on your presentation with your team.
Hey, Han Seo-jun.
-Do you know about PPT?
-What, fitting?
Of course.
I was a fitting model once.
I'm done for.
What are you doing?
-I got it.
-You got it?
How about we do our presentation
on resistance poets?
Research would be easy,
but other teams will have the same idea.
Plus, do you think
we could actually pull it off?
You're forgetting the fact that
we have the top student on our team.
Ju-kyung, what do you think?
"Thou art full of sorrow
with your long neck."
"Always a polite creature,
who seldom speaks."
Are you sleeping, Ju-kyung?
-I'm glad.
Let's go, punk. That's it.
Take them down! All right.
-She's at it again.
-That little…
You're home.
Hey, is there a teacher
who looks like a mix of Jung Woo-sung
and Brad Pitt at your school?
-Come on, think hard.
He went into your school building.
I'm thinking, but no.
Maybe he's not a teacher.
What's wrong? You're so out of energy.
Just because…
Life is too hard.
You don't know what life is. You're 18.
What about 18?
18-year-olds have lives too.
Weren't you 18 at some point?
Now that you're 28, you know about life?
Come here.
Come here, little brat!
I said, come here!
It's me.
How did you get my number?
I have my ways.
What do you want?
You have something for me. Bring it over.
I have…
something for you?
What would that be?
Are you kidding me?
I'll text you the location.
Right now?
I'm not feeling too well.
Can I bring it to you tomorrow?
I'll come to you. What's your address?
No. I'll go there.
I should go meet you.
Be there by 9 p.m.
The cafe in front of Saebom Park. 9 p.m.
But Soo-ho,
who did you call just now?
Lim Ju-kyung without makeup
or with makeup?
What on earth does he want me to bring?
He told me to throw the jacket away,
so he wouldn't ask me to bring it.
It has to be the comic book.
But my number would be easier to find
through kids from school.
Is it the jacket?
You're Lim Ju-kyung?
How dare you deceive me?
You're the acne girl from the comics shop?
How dare you deceive me?
Why? Is there a problem?
You're crazy.
What do you want me to do?
Where did she go?
Hey, Lim Ju-young.
What's up with your face? It's ridiculous.
You're not busy, are you?
-Please do me a favor.
Just one favor
and I'll deliver you comics for life.
No, I'll be your little sister.
Really? That's a tempting offer.
Thanks, big brother.
So can you please--
Unfortunately, your big brother
already has plans.
I'll do you a favor some other time.
Big brother.
Is it more important than me?
Are you kidding? Obviously.
Let go of me. Jeez.
I don't need it.
What do I do?
I'm not late, am I?
What's with the helmet?
We all wear one when riding bicycles.
If you fall, you could faceplant.
It's as risky as a motorcycle.
You said you're not feeling well.
Why did you ride a dangerous bicycle here?
I'm not feeling well,
so I took a bicycle
to make it quick and get some rest.
Then hurry and give it to me.
Where is it?
Where can it be?
Is it that hard to find in there?
-The comic book.
-The comic book.
Give it to me.
Right, it was the comic book then.
You know it's a steal, right?
Keep that in mind, okay? I'm off.
I ordered you something warm.
Have it before you go.
No, I'm all right. I don't need it.
Then should I throw it away?
I'm really okay.
You really didn't have to.
Are you going to keep that on?
-I can use the straw.
-Why? It looks hot in there.
It's cold sweat from getting better.
Everyone's staring.
Let them stare.
You're being weird today.
I'll take it off in the restroom.
-Let's get out.
-Yes, let's go.
I'm sorry.
Why all this trouble?
Isn't being ugly bad enough?
Isn't he so good-looking?
-Maybe he's a celebrity.
I washed my face since I was sweaty.
So how did you get my number?
Through Prince Comics.
You must have really wanted that
to ask me to bring it at this hour.
By the way,
my secret you promised to keep…
What about it?
If I were to ask you what that was…
that'd mean I'm crazy, right?
Let's take turns
asking each other questions.
No, let's not.
Thank goodness. He didn't figure it out.
Anyway, I have to change my phone number.
I can't fall asleep
thinking about having
to avoid him tomorrow.
Hey, Ju-kyung.
Excuse me, your jacket.
-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
What was that?
Su-ah, out!
-I got it.
-All right!
-What was that?
Han Seo-jun, out!
Han Seo-jun, out.
So sneaky.
You've seen me before, right?
I'm not sure what you mean.
You ran off with my helmet.
Didn't you?
Hey, look!
I didn't fall for that last time either.
-What was that?
-I'm sorry.
It was the class president.
Sorry. I'll bring it tomorrow.
Goodness. Limju, are you okay?
That jerk.
He could have helped.
That's it.
Ignore me even if
I'm on the ground bleeding.
-He's such a jerk.
-It's better than my secret getting out.
Why is your boyfriend skipping lunch?
He's doing homework,
so he's getting snacks instead.
Really? Should we get him something then?
I don't care if he starves or not.
What is it? Did you two fight again?
We didn't even have time for that.
He's been ignoring my calls and texts
since yesterday evening.
I don't think he knows
it's our 100th-day anniversary.
I'm really annoyed.
I'm sure he wouldn't
have forgotten about it.
If he actually forgot, that's it.
I'm breaking up with him.
He's the only guy I've dated for 100 days.
It's their 100th day.
-Is she on her way?
-What's he doing?
-Make sure it looks good.
-All right.
-Hey, fix it here.
Hey, why do I have to make
a flower path for your girlfriend
when mine is full of poop?
I get it. I'll set you up
with someone, okay?
Set me up?
I'll make this path beautiful.
Hey, is Su-ah coming?
Yes, she's coming.
-Hey, get ready.
-Here she comes!
I like you
I like everything about you
My goodness.
You're awesome!
I'll end up in hell
for stealing an angel called Su-ah
from the heavens.
And keeping you in my heart.
I love you, my angel!
Thank you!
You guys are too much. Enough is enough!
Goodness, Ju-kyung!
-Oh no, Ju-kyung!
-Oh, no.
Get her some paper towels.
Why did you dodge?
-Why did you throw the cake?
-You punk.
You guys.
Let's wipe some down first.
Wet wipes won't do it.
She'll have to wash her face.
If I wash my face, my true face will show.
-Right. Let's wash your face with water.
-Let's go.
Everyone, stop!
Nobody touch me.
Hey, Ju-kyung.
It's Han Seo-jun.
Hey, hold on.
Get out of my way!
What the…
What was that?
-Lim Ju-kyung?
Are you kidding me? Seriously?
What the heck?
You scared me.
-I'm sorry.
-Let's wipe your face.
-Ju-kyung, let's wipe your face.
Ju-kyung, are you okay?
She's upset because of you.
Why did you throw it?
-Apologize properly.
-Come on.
-What's wrong with you?
-I'm sorry.
-Why did you do that?
-Let's wipe it a bit.
-I'm sorry.
-I'll wipe it for you.
-No, don't.
-What's happening?
-Who is she?
Isn't she the new girl? The famed goddess?
Who is that?
Guys, it's me, Ju-kyung.
What is she saying?
-That's ridiculous.
-That's you, Ju-kyung?
It was just all makeup?
You're a con artist.
You're so ugly.
What was that about being a goddess?
You look awful without makeup.
What exactly happened to your face?
I'm getting nauseous.
This is huge news.
Why are you acting this way?
We're friends.
We wouldn't have been friends
if I'd known you looked like this.
She's ridiculous.
-What friends?
-You're so ridiculous!
-What was that?
-What's happening?
Does he really know?
At my school,
there's someone who reminds me of you.
Why do you keep running away from me?
These are for me?
"You can postpone studying
but never falling in love."
Hey, Ju-kyung. Are you seeing Soo-ho?
What's he doing here?
Don't get off track.
Yet you seem to be doing well.
All this trouble
because you're too pretty.
I love you.
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn
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