True Beauty (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Here, take it.
-You told me not to ride it.
Are they dating?
Starting today,
I'll only listen to you.
What was that? Was that a confession?
Does Seo-jun like Ju-kyung?
That's huge.
Hey, Seo-jun!
Don't go.
-Just a--
-I said, don't go.
I have something to say.
Something to say?
About what?
The wildfires in Australia are caused
by the Indian Ocean Dipole and El Niño.
What do you think about
their interrelationship?
Niño what now?
-Pass it.
Take this back.
Why would you give it to me?
You should hold on to it
so I don't ride the motorcycle.
Because I'll only listen to you.
Are you trying to get back at me
for blackmailing you
with the photo of you and the motorcycle?
Get back at you? Please.
I found this on the way here.
You can have it.
I prefer strawberry.
Limju, what's up with him all of a sudden?
What's with the motorcycle key?
-What's with you two?
-There she is!
Catch it.
-Hey, what's going on?
-What is it?
-What's that?
-Hey, what is it?
-See this?
-That's awesome.
-Watch this, look.
-Hey, Si-hyun.
You're so bad at it. Go home and practice.
Can we have lunch later--
Enjoy your lunch.
-What's up with him?
When did he put this in here?
You can sit here if you want.
-You said you weren't drinking it.
-I can't just throw it away.
-Here, have this.
All right. Take a seat, everyone.
I'm going to do a roll call.
-Kim Si-hyun.
-Kim Ji-eun.
-Kim Eun-sol.
-Kim Seo-won.
-Ha Ji-young.
-Kim Ju-won.
-Kim Su-jin.
-Park Jun-young.
When organic matter
is decomposed by enzymes,
inorganic matter is created,
and energy is produced during the process.
Some of the energy is converted into ATP,
and the rest is released
as thermal energy.
That's when cellular respiration occurs.
Did he bring this
because I said I liked strawberry?
During the day, the light energy is stored
so that it can be used when needed.
Let's look at the next page.
Ju-kyung, let me sit next to you.
How could you?
Seo-jun, seriously?
You're annoying.
Seo-jun, go away if you're here
to give her a hard time.
I'm only going to listen to Ju-kyung.
-"Only going to listen to her."
-"Only going to listen to her."
can you do me a favor?
Of course.
Can you get lost?
I'll do anything other than that.
-"I'll do anything."
-"I'll do anything."
Then can you not talk to me?
Not that either.
What are you even saying?
You don't like this one?
That's my favorite side dish!
I was saving that for last!
Why would you do that?
Why do you care about how I eat?
I'll only listen to you.
Hey, bring the pork cutlets.
-"Pork cutlets."
-"Pork cutlets."
You want me to eat all of these?
Is this a crush or a crash? I can't tell.
You need to eat more
to grow taller, right?
Don't eat your hair, though.
What a gentleman.
Just take your key.
Don't sneak it into my pocket again.
What would I do with it, though…
when my motorcycle is parked
in front of your place.
-That's disgusting.
-Look at Seo-jun's face.
-I'm okay.
-Are you crazy?
Great job, Ju-kyung.
What now?
Hey, I'm really sorry.
-You find this funny?
-I can't believe it.
You have such a long tail.
Like a long-tailed monkey!
-Don't make fun of me.
-Of course, I'll listen to you.
-What are you doing?
-You two are so cute.
-Why did you catch me?
I fell because of you.
-I saved you!
-I don't need you to save me.
And please just listen to me
and take back your motorcycle key.
Can't I just attend school in peace?
Are you all right?
-What were you thinking?
-She dumped you.
-She's into me!
-Let's get him out.
-I'm Han Seo-jun!
-We know, it's okay.
-To the countless hands
-To the countless hands
-That have uplifted me
-That have uplifted me
-Like the sun that illuminates me
-Like the sun that illuminates me
-A light
-A light
I thought Maria Callas
came back from the grave.
Go-un's voice is such a pleasure
to the ears, isn't it?
The solo part goes to you, Han Go-un.
Like a lone flower blossoming
In a wide open field
-I've protected the feeling of emptiness…
-She's so good at singing.
Get out.
Didn't I tell you not to give it your all?
You're not actually thinking about
taking the solo part, are you?
Go tell the director right now
that you can't do it.
Those mean girls.
How could she slap a classmate?
Do you have tutoring today?
Yes. Two sessions at that.
That's impressive.
-What's wrong with your hands?
-What about them?
Your hands are all cracked
when it's not even winter.
Hold on.
Give me your hands.
Your skin is amazing.
It should be the same for your hands.
What's this for?
You know my mom owns a beauty shop, right?
All done.
How is it? Smells nice, right?
Yes, it does.
What? Hey.
You are really something.
Right. Thought you were someone I knew.
Hey, really sorry.
Does she not recognize me?
By the way,
Let's go. Sir, we're getting off here!
Step aside so we can get off.
What was that? Rude!
Who is she?
I don't know.
I follow her on social media.
I thought I knew her for a second.
-That could've been embarrassing.
-But that girl was so rude. What the hell?
Why were you so terrified?
-Do you know them?
They just seemed like delinquents.
Hey, don't be scared of them.
They act meaner
if they know you're scared.
Be brave next time, okay?
"I'll only listen to you"?
I should have left Seoul.
I made a promise to myself.
As long as I have you within my sight,
I'll protect you.
What are you doing, you brat?
Do you want to revolutionize
the order of your ribs?
Get off unless you want
a crash landing in hell.
-Come on.
-Careful. This is expensive.
What is he thinking, parking this here?
What are you doing?
Are you asleep?
Good grief.
Hey, come out already.
She takes her sweet time
removing her thick makeup.
Isn't this Ju-kyung's number?
She's in the shower.
Who are you?
The person showering next.
Goodness, Ju-young.
I told you to flush after you pee.
And turn the fan on when you poop.
Who are you to tell me
how to pee and poop?
Seriously, watch your mouth.
What are you doing?
Why did you answer my phone?
Lee Soo-ho?
I hung up by accident.
-Was that your younger brother?
-Yes. My younger brother.
-But why--
Sorry. You go first.
Want to meet up?
-Right now?
-I need my jacket back anyway.
Your jacket.
Yes, I'll be right out.
I'll see you at the playground.
I got goosebumps.
Were you waiting long?
He seems to like you.
He was feisty towards me.
Yes, this cat has a temper.
He's incredibly wary,
but I fed him daily and groveled
to earn his special treatment.
Even to a cat.
You meddle in everything.
it's sad that he's alone
because he's cold to everyone.
That sounds like me.
So you know you're cold.
At least you have your family.
But the cat…
I don't have a family.
Do you live alone then?
Yes, I do.
Then do you cook at…
I'm sorry. It's none of my business.
It's okay.
Why did you put makeup on?
your brother said you showered.
I always shower right before I go to bed.
I'll do it when I get home.
I see.
Did you come all the way here
just to get your jacket?
Of course.
What other reason would I have
other than just to get my jacket?
It's my favorite one.
I'm very attached to it.
I'm really, truly, sorry.
But the jacket isn't quite dry yet.
You came all the way out here to get it.
Well, can't be helped.
Thanks for understanding.
I'll treat you to something nice
next time instead.
Okay, then. Bye.
There's a basketball.
It's nothing.
I didn't expect that.
You look like you'd spend
all of your time studying.
Can you make a shot?
-It's flat, that's why.
-You sure?
Did you see that?
Hey, watch this.
The left hand only guides.
You were using your left hand too much.
Like so.
I was captain of the varsity team
until last year.
Then why aren't you playing
in the next game?
-Just because.
-Did you get cut from the team?
Because you couldn't make shots.
The left hand only guides. Like so.
Enough with the left hand.
You'd faint if you saw me play a game.
What did I say?
I said it just guides.
How was it?
What do you mean? The hug--
The scent.
I got a new laundry detergent yesterday.
Laundry detergent?
The ad said the scent lasts,
even after a workout.
I just wanted to check.
Yes. It smelled amazing.
But why is your face…
It's you guys again.
What are you doing?
How's the scent?
I got a new detergent.
Is it citrus?
It's fresh and nice.
Is that so?
Yes, this one's good. Is it an import?
Hold still.
My heart skipped a beat
while checking the scent.
You idiot.
What kind of excuse is laundry detergent?
Hey, by the way,
you don't have to walk me home.
The bus stop is closer on the other side.
I thought…
We're here.
Yes, we are.
Then, I'll go inside now. Bye.
You should give it to me.
Your jacket?
It's not dry yet.
No, the motorcycle key.
I'll return it to him.
No. I'll give him the key.
What if you fight again?
It's okay. Don't worry about it.
Has he returned the key already?
They better not have had another fight.
I saw that Seo-jun
took the motorcycle right away.
Did he?
-That was good.
-Not bad.
-Over here.
You hug very well.
I mean, you receive it well.
The ball.
Do you see this?
Does that look like a basketball to you?
What a show from the worst on the team.
We'll see how it goes in the match.
We, the Saebom Devils,
will crush the class basketball club
made up of nobodies.
-I meant you.
Our Savior Soo-ho will play again!
What? Soo-ho's going to play?
-Why is he playing all of a sudden?
I guess he's playing in the game.
Who's going to block that giant?
Seo-jun, you're good at basketball, right?
-Do I seem like I'd be good at it?
I'm super good.
You're super good, right?
Then for the festival,
can you join our team
and show off your super good skills?
I'll have to ask Ju-kyung first.
Lately, I only listen to her.
-He only listens to her!
-He only listens to her!
Ju-kyung, do you want to see me play?
No, not at all.
Not at all?
Please, Ju-kyung. Tell him to play.
I really don't want to lose to Tae-hoon.
Whatever. I don't care.
If it's what you want, I'll do it.
I'll play.
Thank you so much.
It's just like this.
-This way, sir.
-This is it, right?
Yes, this way.
You watch your mouth.
He really might be into you.
He can't be doing all that for a photo.
Whether he likes her
or is messing with her,
he's so childish.
I can never figure Soo-ho out.
Look, he's playing volleyball alone.
-It's handball.
It's seriously too hot.
She's like a lottery ticket.
My speculations never turn out right.
Yes, that's me.
What? Being towed?
What did you do now, Ju-kyung?
Hey, Ju-kyung!
What was that for?
It's your turn to tidy things up.
So immature.
-Don't you want your motorcycle back?
-I see.
It was you who reported it then?
-You must have lost it.
-Just so you know, I have the key.
Hey, people from other schools
will be there too.
What will they think of our choir
if they see you doing the solo?
Why shouldn't I do the solo?
You still don't get it, do you?
You can't because you're ugly, you hag.
What the heck? That's the rag water.
What the hell?
Your language is foul,
so I figured it needed cleaning.
Who are you to say such things to her?
What's the use of a pretty face
when your mind is filthy and disgusting?
Aren't you a junior?
Who are you to get involved
and make a fuss?
I'm her older sister. What now?
Who was that crazy psycho?
-What did you just call her?
-Who is this now?
I missed.
If I catch you doing this again,
your noses will need fixing.
Because you are ugly.
Like they said,
do you think only certain people
should get to perform on a stage?
Not at all.
You were chosen because you did great.
I heard you singing the other day too.
I thought that being talented
would be enough,
but if the audience laughs at my face,
just like them…
I'm scared my face will turn my voice
into a joke as well.
They're the ones in the wrong.
You shouldn't have to give up anything.
Don't run away because you're scared.
But you're pretty,
so you wouldn't know how I feel.
You're wrong.
In fact,
I know better than anyone else.
One thing to remember
when applying eyeshadow.
Apply makeup to the inner
and outer corners of your eyes…
This would work well for Go-un.
This way, your eyes will look bigger.
The base color…
Like so…
-What are you watching?
It's a makeup tutorial.
Well, there's this girl I came across.
I found her situation to be…
I was wondering what I could do to help.
You're meddling again.
I'm being meddlesome.
But that kind of meddling
could provide support
to someone who needs it.
To be honest,
she reminded me of my old self.
That must be why I feel drawn to her.
I look worse than her without makeup,
of course.
-That's not true.
You look pretty even without makeup.
-The bus will arrive shortly.
-The bus is here.
No way.
It can't be.
Hey guys. A guy hugged me,
asked how his new detergent smelled,
and told me I'm pretty.
What does that mean?
He likes you.
The detergent's an excuse for a hug.
He 100 percent likes you.
The detergent thing sounds fishy.
Is he a player?
Ask him out.
Men never spend their time or money
if they're not interested.
Ask him out?
I can't. I could never.
Why do my words come out
with no filter anymore?
Are you heading home okay?
My sister
gave me free movie tickets.
If you have time
after the festival tomorrow,
do you…
want to go watch a movie?
He read them.
Sure, let's do that.
-That scared me.
-What is she doing?
No way.
Lee Soo-ho likes me?
My gosh.
What do I do?
So what should we watch?
Is there anything you want to watch?
How about a horror movie?
Soo-ho, where are you?
You pulled a weird stunt, Soo-ho.
Give me my key.
I like Lim Ju-kyung.
Should I congratulate you?
Don't use her because of me.
What if I'm not using her?
Then you mean it's for real?
Are you worried I might take her from you?
Mr. Han Jun-woo.
What brings you here?
-I'm here to collect my money.
-Excuse me?
You offered compensation.
I came to collect it myself.
Of course, I will give…
I don't have any cash right now.
How much were you considering?
I'll use the money
you were going to pay me
to buy your time.
The sun's gone down.
What do you want to do for two hours?
you said you work at Move Entertainment?
I did.
That's really amazing.
Well, I mean.
I don't know much,
but some of my students
dream of becoming singers,
so I know that being
a part of the industry isn't easy.
Have you always wanted
to work in the entertainment industry?
I've never gotten that question before.
I usually get,
"Who have you met in person?"
or "Is that rumor true?" and such.
I feel like I get to know
a person a little better
through the dreams that they've had.
Are you the Little Prince?
I'm not.
You have a rare innocence about you.
-Here are the dishes you ordered.
-Thank you.
Didn't you order an oil-based pasta?
I'm sorry. I'll get it prepared again.
That's okay. I can just have this.
It looks good.
It actually looks better
than the one I ordered.
Thank you. Enjoy your food.
Thank you.
Please, help yourself.
Why did you do that
when you can't eat spicy food?
You should've let her switch it out.
-It's all right.
The part-timer was so young.
Imagine her embarrassment.
You're quite high-maintenance.
I'm sorry.
I spouted on you.
Your eye…
I'm sorry.
It was a bit spicy…
Playing hard to get isn't in my nature.
I can't put on a mask to chat a guy up.
I'll be frank with you.
I've fallen for you.
Excuse me?
-Look over there.
Who is that?
Who is she?
What's up with her face?
Why is everyone acting weird?
Is there something on my face?
Who is that?
What the heck?
Oh, no.
Did I come here
without wearing any makeup?
-What is that?
-What's happening?
To me,
even your bare face looks beautiful.
It was a dream.
But a pig in a dream signifies good luck.
How great must my luck be
to have dreamed of not just a pig,
but a pig on a white horse?
She reeks of alcohol.
You're all right, aren't you?
Yes, of course. I'm all right.
Has she lost her mind?
Where's your sister?
She passed out drunk.
She works overtime and has
late-night staff dinners every day.
It'll catch up to her.
Should I get her some herbal medicine?
You're always worrying about the kids.
Take care of yourself too.
-By the way, Dad.
What did you like about Mom
to have married her?
She's pretty.
She looks pretty to you?
Even without any makeup? Look at her now.
Even in her current state?
Are you making fun of your mom
this early in the morning?
It's just that Dad is as handsome
as Prince Charming,
so I wondered why he fell for you
instead of another princess.
To me, your mom was
as beautiful as Snow White.
Not one of the dwarves?
She could be Grumpy.
I'll kill you.
This face isn't pretty at all.
Maybe the contour of my face
has changed a little?
Goodness. I don't know.
Put more energy into it!
-What is this?
Did you see this?
What is it?
So this is what a school festival is like.
I missed out last year, so I had no idea.
-Here's a balloon.
-Thank you.
It's my heart.
My girlfriend is here.
My future girlfriend.
Should I ask for her number?
How about we watch Soul Voice?
He's not reading my messages.
Is he still at home?
She looks awful.
-Who is she?
-Look at her makeup.
Hey, isn't that Han Go-un?
What's up with her face?
No. That's not it, Go-un.
Hey, Go-un, is that--
-Hey, look at her.
Who is she?
-Go easy!
Time out.
Hey, Seo-jun.
Are you upset about something?
-I don't know.
-Hold on.
Don't leave. You're our front.
-A front for what?
-You're our frontman.
Girls line up when you're around.
I'm gonna go see my baby.
Who's your baby?
Excuse me?
-How do I play this?
-Who wants to throw water balloons?
I'm not confident since it's my first time
doing someone else's makeup,
but let's give it a try.
We can't let those judgy girls
bring you down and ruin your performance.
By the way…
do I look that weird?
You're pretty.
You're pretty,
but let's touch it up a bit.
Even just shaping your brows
can make your features look more defined.
Let's use a taupe-colored eyeshadow
to create some depth.
For a glamorous look suitable for a stage,
I'll add some glitter.
Don't be nervous, everyone.
Take a deep breath, then…
Everything's fine.
By the way, where is Go-un? We're up next.
Ma'am, I don't mind taking her place.
I'm here.
-This counts as volunteer work, right?
-That's why we're all here.
You did say so.
You're here.
Enjoy the show.
-She's really pretty.
-What are you saying?
Hey, who's that?
I didn't know they had
such a pretty girl in the choir.
-The world
-The world
-Abandoned me
-Abandoned me
-I wanted to believe
-I wanted to believe
-I was all alone
-I was all alone
-I knew it was
-I knew it was
-My own misunderstanding
-My own misunderstanding
-Something I knew
-Something I knew
-But had always avoided
-But had always avoided
Like a lone flower blossoming
In a wide open field
I've protected
The feeling of emptiness
Inside my heart
-Like the sun coming out
-Like the sun coming out
After heavy rain
-My heart
-My heart
-My surroundings
-My surroundings
-I'm trying to illuminate it all
-I'm trying to illuminate it all
-To the countless hands
-To the countless hands
-That have uplifted me
-That have uplifted me
Like the sun
that illuminates me
-A light
-A light
Great work, everyone.
You really proved your skills, Go-un.
-You looked so pretty up there.
-Great job.
-You all did great.
-Great work.
-Nice job.
-That was seriously the best.
-Thank you so much.
I didn't do anything.
You two know each other?
How do you know my brother?
Your brother?
He's your brother?
Ju-kyung, please help me out.
Kangsu suddenly said she can't make it.
-I need you.
-See you around, Go-un.
-Yes, Ju-kyung.
How do you know Ju-kyung?
You look extra pretty today.
Who are you trying to impress?
No, I'll tell you later.
What's this? You're being a tease.
Here. Take it.
-A pig?
-Why? You don't like it?
Want to be the bunny instead?
No. I like the pig costume.
-I love it.
-What was that then?
Get changed and head to the courts.
I'll go pick up some sports drinks.
-See you later.
You're here!
How did you sleep? How do you feel?
Remember the girl
I told you about yesterday?
The girl who reminds me of the old me?
Are you feeling all right?
Did something happen?
What's up with you?
You said we'll go to the movies.
Why would I watch a movie with you?
-Don't kid yourself.
I was only being nice
because I pitied you.
Why would you…
pity me?
Because you know my secret?
You found me pitiable for kneeling
and groveling at your feet?
I did.
That's why you told me I look pretty
and looked out for me.
Just like looking after stray cats,
you pitied me.
I did.
But now it's bothersome and annoying.
I no longer…
want to care about you anymore, so leave.
I never realized,
but you're meddlesome yourself.
I never asked you to look after me.
I never asked you to care for me.
I won't bother you anymore,
so you can stop your pity.
It hasn't been long
since I've been living this dreamy life,
yet I got too excited
and went overboard,
dreaming of something I couldn't have.
It was nothing but a meaningless dream.
I'm so stupid.
Don't use her because of me.
What if I'm not using her?
Then you mean it's for real?
Are you worried I might take her from you?
I know you think Se-yeon died
because of me.
That's not a thought. It's a fact.
So how long will you take it out on me?
Until you die…
and meet Se-yeon again.
I see.
Does Ju-kyung know?
That you killed your friend?
What would she think of you
if she finds out?
Never forget.
You killed Se-yeon,
and you don't deserve to smile.
You murderer.
-I like blue.
-What about you?
-I'll get…
-No, it's mine.
-Does it look good?
-Want to play a game?
-Want to play a game?
No. Let's just go.
Let's go.
Hey, is this really necessary?
If we do this, it'll cheer up Seo-jun.
-All right.
-I feel like he'll get more upset.
-The game will start soon. Let's go.
-Come on, let's go!
-Go, Saebom Devils!
-Go, Saebom Devils!
-Go, Saebom Devils!
-Go, Han Seo-jun!
That's right! Seo-jun Almighty!
-He's not on our team.
-I'm sorry.
By the way, where's Lee Soo-ho?
No idea. Maybe he's not here yet.
What? You're here?
You said you had tutoring today.
I skipped and snuck out.
Limju, what took you so long? Come on.
Go, my super handsome Tae-hoon!
-Han Seo-jun!
-Han Seo-jun!
You were right.
It's all because of me,
and it's all my fault.
So you can take it out on me all you want.
I'll take it.
don't play Lim Ju-kyung.
I won't hold back then.
I'm too generous in love…
Hey, Limju!
Shall we sit in the front or back?
I feel a little tired, so…
Don't say you're leaving.
The party's just getting started.
Where do you think you're going?
Let's all leave after the concert.
Come on.
Let's sit over there.
While we drunkenly dance together
Everything falls out of my pockets
But I'm still fine…
The next song is not well known,
but it's from the late Jeong Se-yeon,
of whom I was a huge fan.
In memory of Se-yeon,
who left us a year ago,
I dedicate this song to him.
Because I can't yet forget…
Jeong Se-yeon?
Hey, that's the guy
who took his own life last year.
Why did they have to pick this song?
I bet Seo-jun will start
another fight with Soo-ho.
Why? Did he have something
to do with Jeong Se-yeon?
Those three were close.
Lee Soo-ho, Han Seo-jun,
and Jeong Se-yeon.
-Did Soo-ho never mention that?
Right, they were.
Now that I think of it, I think they were.
I live and forget
Pretending I'm fine
I even meet with people
At a certain point
This bitter longing
Became a habit
Reporter Choi, Mr. Lee is too busy
to be dating these days.
He just had a few drinks
after the shoot, that's all.
What do you mean by prostitution?
That's absurd.
Of course not.
-I heard Jeong Se-yeon killed himself.
-From the boy band? Goodness.
-You can't come in.
-Please leave.
How are you doing?
I guess I'm not doing well
I'm stuck here without you
But I'm not alone
On an island of regret…
-I have to go.
I didn't know the end would come
I didn't even know what love was
A world in which I can't hold you
Or see you…
Are you all right?
I said, leave!
-Take off your jacket.
-It's chilly.
-It's so cold.
-Give me your jacket.
How do you know Ju-kyung?
she helped me out when I was in trouble.
If weren't for her,
I probably couldn't have sung on stage.
She even did my makeup.
Don't I look good?
Don't play Lim Ju-kyung.
I won't hold back then.
It's too cold.
Seo-jun, what are you thinking about?
You were thinking about that girl,
weren't you?
I haven't been considerate.
I feel sorry…
for no reason.
-Hey, wait up!
-Where are you going?
-You're going to come like this?
-Han Seo-jun.
All our clothes got wet because of you.
-We got all wet.
-We even cheered for you!
Don't follow me.
If you follow me, you're dead.
I'm telling you now.
-Why not?
-But I love you, Seo-jun!
So he was a friend of Jeong Se-yeon.
What happened to him earlier?
Was he not feeling well?
Whatever. It's none of my business.
Are you asleep, Ju-kyung?
Then wash up before bed,
even if you're tired.
Got it?
He's right.
I should at least remove my makeup
before going to bed.
Where have I seen this before?
That time on the rooftop…
That man was…
Lee Soo-ho?
Did someone you know
jump from a rooftop?
We don't even know each other,
but you saved me and got so angry.
That's why I wondered
if someone close to you had died.
Haven't you thought of
the people you'd leave behind
and how much they would grieve?
Someone out there
might suffer forever with guilt
for failing to save you.
There's nothing you can do
for a dead person.
So don't do it.
It was here…
From here…
I know.
I know.
I understand.
Someone told me
that tears cleanse the heart.
A friend of Jeong Se-yeon,
and the son of Lee Ju-hun.
Why does he have so many secrets?
You're home, sweetie?
You are so awesome.
This is Han Seo-jun's girlfriend?
Why? Did you help me again
because you pitied me?
It was them, right?
You must've been so shocked.
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn
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