True Beauty (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

The person you are trying to reach is…
-Any words to the victims' families?
-Is it true about your contract?
-Any words for your disappointed fans?
-Any response to the rumors?
-Please say something!
-A comment, please!
Where are you going?
To Soo-ho.
Soo-ho will believe me.
And if he believes me,
Mr. Lee will hear me out.
-Then let me come with you.
-A word for your victims, please!
-Mr. Jeong Se-yeon!
-Say something to your fans!
I'm sorry.
Hey, Lee Soo-ho.
You got a friend killed.
Yet you seem to be doing well.
Excuse me…
Is this about your helmet?
Not at all.
I'm having lunch with you.
Han Seo-jun!
Seriously, you punk?
Punch me.
Go ahead, punch me.
What are you two doing over there?
Break it off!
Han Seo-jun,
what are you thinking?
After all that hassle,
you quit that boy band.
Now, are you trying to become a gangster?
What kind of student has a fight
on sacred school property?
You're right, sir.
I was so shocked.
They punched each other
in front of my eyes.
I almost snorted rice out of my nostrils.
-Go back to your class, you!
-Yes, sir.
See you later.
What if we have to hold a hearing?
Do you want to get expelled?
I started it.
Gosh, Soo-ho.
Why would you protect him?
You even took time off
to care for your mother,
but what a sight you are now.
How can a mother not get sick
when her son acts out like this?
Sir, please stop.
My goodness.
Since Soo-ho said
he'll kindly forgive him,
let's wrap things up here.
We don't need to raise a ruckus
about school violence, now do we?
Soo-ho, you have a Math Olympiad
the day after tomorrow.
You should take care of yourself.
Go ahead. You may leave.
What's this?
Why are you glaring like that?
-This punk--
-Please sir, stop.
Aren't you going to say you're sorry?
Are you all right?
You're hurt.
Why didn't you get beaten up
and get your arm broken?
Then I'd win the Math Olympiad, right?
Leave if you're here to ramble.
You should have thrown him
to the ground while you were at it.
That way, he won't try anything
with you ever again.
You really learned jiu-jitsu for nothing.
You haven't changed a bit.
You're still a giant pushover.
Seriously, what happened between you two?
Is it because of Jeong Se-yeon?
put this on.
They say the two towers fought over her.
Is it a love triangle?
This is huge.
-What happened?
-So what was it about?
Seriously, what's happening?
Ju-kyung, I heard both Lee Soo-ho
and Han Seo-jun like you.
Who are you going to pick between the two?
There's nothing to choose.
Will it be Savior Soo-ho
or Seo-jun Almighty?
Who will you pick?
-Who's your pick?
-Who's your pick?
Hey, why don't you just pick ATEEN
on the music programs?
Are you a fan too?
It's not like that.
There's no way
the two towers would like me.
I hear they don't get along. That's why.
-No way!
-It can't be.
-No way.
By the way,
why did Mr. H sit next to Ms. L?
-That's what I like to know--
-You need to stop it.
-Let's leave it at that.
-That was perfect reasoning.
If Ju-kyung says no, then that's it.
Go back to your classes.
-Return to your seats.
But why?
You guys all leave too!
-Su-ah says so.
-What class do we have next?
All this trouble
because you're too pretty.
If it was an average girl instead of you,
there would be no such rumors.
Goodness. It must be tiring.
Seriously, what was all that?
In this sense, maybe I did have it easy
when I went unnoticed.
-Hey, Soo-ho's back.
-Soo-ho is here.
-What happened, Soo-ho?
-What's going on?
Hey, Soo-ho!
Come see me outside.
Hey, Soo-ho.
Who are you
to start something with Seo-jun?
What an elegant jerk.
-He's right.
-Is it arrogant?
What will you do
if Seo-jun gets suspended because of you?
You grabbed him first,
so wasn't that first defense?
-He's right.
He's correct.
Are you pretending to be a gangster?
Where do you think you're going?
You're crossing the line.
-He's crossing the line.
-Don't hold him back.
-What should we do?
-Do you work out?
Jump in you guys!
-Got it.
-Come on, jump in.
That's enough.
Am I a pig up for the roast?
You little punks!
Are you acting up again?
-It's not what it seems.
-Sorry, sir.
Kim Cho-rong, that meddling idiot.
You little punks, hanging out together
and always up to no good!
-We were just exercising…
-Exercising? Look at your body!
Pass the ball.
Hey, Soo-ho.
I was worried you might die by my punch,
so I went easy on you. Got it?
-I seriously…
-I don't think he can hear you.
I'll go and relay the message.
-Hey, Soo-ho!
-Hey, Man-sik!
My neck is cramping!
-My neck is cramping!
-Hurry up, come on.
-Take him to the nurse.
-Call 911.
What do you want from me?
What do I want?
Stay out of my sight.
You stay away if you don't want to see me.
I have no reason to run from you.
You're so shameless.
I see.
That's your true nature.
That night…
when Se-yeon came to see me…
What now?
Making excuses after all these years?
Do you have any idea…
what his final words to me were?
will believe me."
He didn't know
how cold and selfish you really are.
He had faith in you, so he ran to you.
So don't you ever…
mention Se-yeon's name again.
Bring Se-yeon back.
Bring him back!
Bring back Se-yeon, you bastard!
Are you crying?
Did the book scare you that much?
It's okay. Don't cry.
This isn't scary at…
I'm a squirrel.
Seriously, you're not going to…
You finally smiled.
Squirrel. I'm a squirrel.
Did you know?
You'll grow butt hair
if you cry and then smile!
Squirrel. I'm a squirrel.
I was passing by and saw you were in here.
Here, drink this.
I saw Seo-jun leave school earlier.
Did you clean the gym all by yourself?
And you just let him go?
Why did you get into a fistfight
like a bunch of kids?
Never mind.
I wrestled with my brother
only a few days ago.
I'm one to talk.
I fight daily too.
By the way, when my brother and I fight,
my mom makes us do this one thing
to patch things up.
"I love you."
We say that repeatedly,
and then clip,
-We have to trim each other's toenails.
When we trim each other's toenails,
it tickles and stuff,
which naturally eases the mood.
Did you just smile?
This is my first time seeing you smile.
No, I didn't smile.
I'm not sure what happened before,
but if you feel like talking to someone,
let me know.
I can be the secret wall you can talk to.
Anything for the Savior Soo-ho.
What? "Savior Soo-ho"?
They call you the savior of Saebom High.
-You didn't know? Savior Soo-ho?
-I'm hardly a savior.
Don't call me that.
Why not? You are Savior Soo-ho to me too.
You're my savior
for keeping my true face a secret.
Does it bother you that much?
What does?
Your face without makeup.
Don't all girls look different
with makeup on?
You can't ever say that somewhere else.
I look especially different,
like total opposites.
Beats me. I can't tell.
Are your eyes working?
How can you not tell?
I tried so hard to study
and practice makeup.
I can even turn this face around.
You got your lips hurt?
That looks painful.
You two shouldn't read adult comics, okay?
You should hurry home now.
Do you know what time it is?
Hurry up and go home.
It's not even eight.
So hurry home to study.
What sort of student visits
a comics shop at this hour?
You must have bad grades.
What's your rank?
You're wrong!
Who comes after King Sejong?
You have three seconds.
-One, two, three.
-King Gojong?
You've skipped 400 years.
You really don't know much, do you?
-Hurry up and leave.
Go home and study!
What was I even saying?
Seriously, that's dangerous.
Hey, Ju-kyung.
Me? What is it?
Are you seeing Soo-ho?
No, I'm not.
-You're not?
-No, never…
No, I'm not.
I can see that.
He can see that? See what?
-What is that?
-Hey, look!
-Does she have a bloody nose?
-There's blood on her nose.
What is this?
Lee Soo-ho
I got soul, say ho
Why don't you say hey-ho
He never gives a high-five
no matter how hard Tae-hoon tries.
This classroom is just like my acne.
You never know when it'll blow up.
What's taking him so long
to call me for a meal?
Is he shy or something?
I'll give him one more day.
We have a constant function seven.
If the input x becomes six,
what's the limit here?
It's obviously seven,
as the constant function's value
will stay at seven.
Okay, who wants to come up
and solve the next one?
I'm at fault for asking.
The math genius couple, Soo-ho and Su-jin.
Solve questions one and two.
The transfer, Lim Ju-kyung,
you try question three.
Come on up.
Of course not. No way.
Hey, Soo-ho.
Help me out.
Just the formula, please?
Savior Soo-ho.
As expected.
You'll take first place again
this year for sure.
The principal has high hopes for you.
Do well, okay?
Feel the pressure and do your best!
It changes the whole mood
of the teachers' meeting. Got it?
Right now is the limit of my despair.
What's the use of peeking
at a different question?
Seo-jun must know how to solve this.
Take Ju-kyung's place.
You come out and solve it.
That's not going to work. Come up.
Come on.
No college would take me
if I gave up on math, right?
You could make up for it
with other subjects.
I don't think I'll be able
to go to college.
Do you want to come to our math academy?
All the smart kids,
including Su-jin and Soo-ho, go there.
-Should I?
My mom asked me to find one anyway.
Come join us.
We have a study group afterward,
and you can join that too.
That'd be great for me.
Hey, Soo-ho.
Do you want to join our study group?
We have one last spot open.
I need you to join so my mom
will agree to it without nagging.
Just tell her I'm in the group.
You want me to lie? Just join us.
He's playing hard to get.
I knew he'd be like this.
It's just the three of us and Tae-hoon.
All right. We'll study together
as soon as Ju-kyung starts.
I'm kicking you out
if you skip a session for a date.
All right.
Right, Limju, I gave the guy your number.
He'll contact you soon.
Look. He's super dreamy, right?
It's his personality that matters.
Decide things after meeting him.
I don't think I'm ready yet.
I'm being dogged by rumors as is.
Should I just meet him?
That's a great idea.
He's already into you
after seeing your pictures.
Hey, what…
Why are you…
Going to Prince Comics.
You read quite a lot of comics.
How do you still manage to be
at the top of the class?
-Good luck with your exam tomorrow.
-I don't like sweets.
I see.
About that Olympiad tomorrow,
the whole country's math geniuses
will be there, right?
What do they test you on?
Is it like the nationwide exam?
Do they ask about sets?
Like a union or an intersection?
That's all you know about math, isn't it?
Come on.
We learned about sets in sophomore year.
What's the equation of a circle?
Math's my weak spot.
Who comes after King Sejong?
Hey, if you suddenly
throw a curve ball like that,
it makes it hard
to recall the right answer.
-You don't know, do you?
The blind date guy texted me.
Hi, it's Ji Wu-hyun here.
When would you like to meet?
You should be studying,
not going on blind dates.
I'm learning the ways of life.
And who knows?
If this went well, my boyfriend
in a prestigious college would tutor me.
I'll get both a boyfriend and good grades.
Shall we meet tomorrow?
When's good for you?
Do people usually go on dates
in the evening?
During daytime. When it's very bright out.
I see.
I like the daytime.
-You're liking this too much.
-No, I'm not.
This is all because you
and Seo-jun fought in front of me.
It's because of those rumors.
If you don't like it,
you don't have to go, do you?
It's not that. I'm just nervous.
this is my first time meeting a guy alone.
Aren't you meeting me alone right now?
Hey, how can you just grab my face
like it's a rolling pumpkin?
I'm a person with eyes,
a nose, and a mouth.
I've been really wanting
to see this movie.
You said you were going to Prince Comics.
What's up with him?
Good luck with your exam tomorrow!
-How was your checkup?
Why are you here? You should
have just gone home after school.
By the way, you didn't get here
on a motorcycle, right?
I said I wouldn't.
Mom, what brought on your endless worries?
What did the doctor say?
No signs of transplant rejection yet.
The numbers are good too.
I was just told to take my medicine
and take good care of myself.
That's a relief.
Why don't we eat out today?
I can call up Go-un.
Maybe next time.
I need to stop by somewhere today.
Why did you put these out
when the place is cluttered as is?
These are the scented candles I made.
Can you hand these out to your regulars?
If they're well-received,
I want to try selling them.
Please don't try to do anything.
Goodness, I do love aromatherapy.
I even only get aromatic massages.
What scents do you have, Mr. Lim?
This is a ylang-ylang-scented candle.
It's known to relieve high blood pressure
and control estrogen effectively.
-Ylang-ylang is especially…
-Leave already.
Leaving already. Okay.
He's so handsome.
You must be happy just seeing his face.
Why do you keep criticizing him?
If it weren't for his face,
I would have left him already.
My goodness.
Now you're back to the Ju-kyung I know.
I had no idea when you had your makeup on.
Are you a magician?
It's the Ju-kyung magic.
I washed my face.
Do a facial for me, hurry.
I already said no.
Can't you see that I'm busy?
-Go home and study.
-It doesn't take that long!
Hey, Hyun-sook.
Oh my, Mi-hyang!
What's he doing here?
I don't have makeup on.
This is my son.
My goodness…
What made you turn out this handsome?
There's my second child.
Have you gone mad?
What are you doing?
Get off the floor, Lim Ju-kyung!
Lim Ju-kyung?
You look better now
than when you were getting dialysis.
I met a good doctor,
and the surgery went well.
I was lucky.
That's so great.
-Have you been well?
-Of course, I've been well.
This is crazy.
I'm going home.
You'll scare the whole town at this hour.
Go wash your face.
I have to reapply my makeup at this hour.
You are so pretty, Ju-kyung.
I bet you're very popular.
You two must be close
since you are in the same class.
No, not really.
Well, they can get to know
each other better now.
You two are what they call
"model children."
Now that we've met,
why don't you come over tomorrow?
I'll make a nice dinner for you.
Mom, I have a study group tomorrow.
I heard she's going on a blind date.
You're too young to go on a blind date!
That's why you nagged me
to give you a facial.
What's wrong with that?
They're at a good age to try out dating.
It would be nice for Seo-jun
to get a girlfriend,
but all he does is ride his motorcycle.
He hasn't lately though.
He rides it every day.
-He totally--
He totally drives too fast.
I almost got hit once.
Is that right? You promised you wouldn't.
I mean, I already own it.
And I'm saving on bus fare.
He acts tough all the time,
but he's just like Ju-young with his mom.
You're not to be trusted, Han Seo-jun.
Ju-kyung, please do me a favor.
Make sure he doesn't ride his motorcycle.
Let me know if you ever
see him riding it, okay?
Mom, why would you ask such a thing?
Trying to break your promise again?
-You'll do that for me, won't you?
-Of course.
You can count on me.
I can't come here
without makeup from now on.
I almost got caught.
Hey, you!
You'll pay for it
if you say a word to my mom.
about what?
Your motorcycle?
-Well, I made a promise to her so--
And? What else is there?
-How you were getting beaten up by--
If that's not it…
what else did you do wrong?
How you almost got into trouble
for hitting Soo-ho?
I won't.
I'm good at keeping secrets.
What a troublemaker.
This is still funny to look at.
When you're on a blind date,
it's hard to check yourself in the mirror
with a guy in front of you.
Some might think,
"Should I try on a shade
I don't normally use?"
"I should try something unique,"
before going on a blind date.
Hey, you over there!
Don't use that shade!
Please keep your hands away.
Hey Seluvies, please remember…
I tried on a new eyeshadow.
If you try out a new shade or a new style,
it might look awkward,
and things can even turn out wrong.
Please stick to
your normal makeup routine.
The key points here are
to focus on the details
and heighten your loveliness.
I heard so many good things
about you, Wu-hyun.
Wu-hyun? Maybe that's too much.
Mr. Ji?
That doesn't sound right.
How do I address him?
Everything looks the same.
Wait, isn't this what Mom ordered for her?
I'll get you, you little punk.
It even still has the tag.
What? He's really good-looking.
He's so dreamy!
-Really handsome.
-Hey, Soo-ho.
Are you prepared?
What's there to prepare?
How obnoxious.
Don't pretend you haven't studied
when you're going to ace it.
Don't you get tired of
repeating that line?
My family's always curious about
your results as much as mine.
I'm here. Good luck.
Good luck to you too.
Hey, wait.
Don't do better than me.
Just do a decent job, okay?
I'm over by the windows.
Nice to meet you.
-Please take a seat.
You look prettier in person.
I almost didn't recognize you.
I doubt that.
I'm serious.
Can I drop the honorifics?
Of course, please.
What would you like?
This place has nice bubble tea.
Yes, I like it.
You caught me off guard.
Are you being forward?
I meant…
I like bubble tea.
I'm kidding.
-One popcorn and two cokes, please.
I'll get these. You paid for the tickets.
It's our first date, so I'll get it.
That way, I get to ask you out again.
Does he want to meet again?
Here's your popcorn.
So sweaty.
That was quick.
Maybe you don't have any customers?
It's not your fault.
That dirty bastard.
-What the heck?
-Sir, get out of the way.
Sir, you're blocking the screen.
Who the heck are you?
Do you know him?
No. How could I possibly
know a guy like this?
I'm sorry.
Gosh, I don't have time for this. Ha-ru!
Eun Dan-oh.
Eun Dan-oh!
What are you doing?
Get off me!
Who the heck are you?
I'd like to walk you home,
but I have a meeting back on campus.
It's all right. You should get going.
-You'll go out with me again, right?
Was I being too forward?
I'll text you later.
Get home safe.
I will.
This is so lame.
What am I doing?
Hey, babe. Where are you?
I'm already here.
Ta-da! Hey, babe.
-When did you get here?
-Were you waiting long?
I wanted to see you faster,
so I got here early.
Let's go.
How was it? Is he handsome?
What did you eat?
What's he like? Seeing him again?
So many questions.
He asked me on a second date.
Is this going somewhere?
Did you get home? I miss you already.
Gosh, he texted me. What do I say?
-How should I answer?
-Hey, calm down.
Don't answer right away.
Answer after a long while.
How could I?
Being left on read might offend him.
Don't even look at your phone.
Play hard to get.
"Play hard to get"?
This doesn't hurt and feels good?
Does it feel good?
Yes. It feels great.
You're still not calling me?
Should I just storm into his school?
-I'm home!
-You're back.
That looks yummy!
Where have you been, all dolled up?
Hey, that dress.
This is…
Is that new? It's pretty!
Are you coming from your blind date?
You naughty girl, already going on dates.
A date?
Mom, Su-ah said,
"You can postpone studying,
but never falling in love."
That's the most ridiculous thing
I've ever heard.
If you study hard and go to college,
I would hook you up
with a nice guy like Seo-jun.
-He's a total delinquent.
A delinquent?
Ju-kyung, don't meet a guy like that.
What are you talking about?
He's such a good boy.
When his mom was on the mend
after her kidney transplant,
he took care of her for months.
He worked part-time jobs
to cover his own tuition.
-He even helped with the hospital bills.
He'd be perfect
if he didn't ride that motorcycle of his.
Mi-hyang seemed awfully worried.
Her husband actually passed away
in a traffic accident.
Don't mention this to Seo-jun.
If he's such a good boy,
why won't he listen to his mom?
-Darn it. This isn't the call I wanted.
-You can take out a loan…
You voice-phishing scammers,
I'll take out your lives instead!
It's infuriating.
Hey, give me that.
I'm losing more and more.
Mona Lisa,
I share your pain.
If we get another spark,
we'll start dating, okay?
she asked me to treat her to dinner.
It feels refreshing.
Hey, you got something good going on?
Did someone ask you out?
I went on a blind date.
I think it went well.
Look at you,
all grown up and going on a date.
All thanks to my makeup skills.
When should I reply
if I'm playing hard to get?
Su-ah said to answer after a long while.
It's been 30 minutes now.
I don't play games.
I like it straightforward.
Don't keep him waiting. Text him back.
Forget what I said about missing you.
I actually have a girlfriend.
I'm a bastard for trying to cheat
on her with you.
I sincerely apologize.
What's he saying?
You got dumped. But who does it like this?
I got dumped?
I mean,
if he doesn't like you,
he could leave it as "not meant to be."
Not meant to be…
He's a total jerk.
I see.
I got dumped.
Of course, I did.
How could I get a guy with this face?
It's hard to find the one on a blind date.
Forget about it, okay?
There you are.
"Hello, you told me to buy you a meal,
but I didn't want to impose on you
and take your valuable time."
"I'll wire you a sum for compensation."
"Kindly let me know
your bank account info."
What account info?
You got dumped.
He dumped me?
No guy has ever treated me this way.
You can still get dumped
with that pretty face?
How much prettier do I have to be, then?
Come on, you two.
Why are you fussing
when I'm trying to poop?
Get out!
So embarrassing.
How do I tell Su-ah that I got dumped?
Caught in the act.
-What do you think you're doing?
-Your mom did ask me to report to her.
This is ridiculous.
You should listen to your mother.
Are you my mom's Mafia?
"Mafia"? More like her spy.
Same difference!
They're both bad guys, aren't they?
You're not the only person with leverage.
I have something too.
Delete it when I ask nicely.
Hey, Han Seo-jun!
-Seo-jun, delete it.
-You delete it first.
I said, delete it!
I've just wasted so much energy.
Trying to face-stamp my jacket again?
Don't get off track.
Watch where you're going.
-You should study instead--
-There you go again.
I memorized them all.
Tae, Jeong, Tae, Se, Mun, Dan, Se
Ye, Seong, Yeon, Chung, In, Myeong, Seon
Kwang, In, Hyo, Hyeon, Su, Gyeong, Yeong
Jeong, Sun, Heon, Cheol, Go, Sun
Let's see.
Aren't you going to edit my face?
Don't stand so close when we take selfies.
It makes it obvious I edited the photo.
It's as if I'm dating two different girls.
The Su-ah in front of me
and the Su-ah on Newstagram.
Then why don't you break up with me
and date her over DM?
That's not what I meant.
How could I break up with you
when you're this cute?
Ju-kyung, our girl in love.
It's not like that.
Why? You said you'd see him again.
I thought it went well.
-Well, I got a message after we texted.
It turns out…
he's a weird guy.
Why? What did he say? Let me see.
"Forget what I said about missing you.
I actually have a girlfriend."
"I'm a bastard for trying to cheat
on her with you."
"I sincerely apologize."
-What's with him?
-Did you get dumped?
-How do you get dumped right away?
-That was faster than a 5G connection.
Love isn't easy.
-The heart changes fast.
-It does.
The high schooler?
Her body isn't impressive,
but her face isn't so bad.
And she's kind of naive,
so it'll be easy to get her.
She's good for a short fling.
Who the heck are you?
-Hold on.
-Take that back.
I take it back.
Whatever I said,
I take it back, all right?
So let me go.
Who do you think you are?
It hurts.
My arms get habitually dislocated.
It's amazing.
What's that?
Is he showing them my picture?
-It looks like nose hair.
-Is it really nose hair?
-Enlarge it!
-No, wait.
-Is it?
-Look right here.
What did I say?
-Send this to the group chat.
-Come on.
-What is she doing?
-Hey, Ju-kyung!
-That hurts!
Hey, stop!
Bring it back when I say it nicely.
Come here!
I saw it all. Come on. Bring it here!
-Hand it over.
-What do you mean?
I saw everything, okay?
Why are you jumping in?
What are you doing?
You're starting up a fight again, right?
Please don't, okay?
Here, here's your key.
I'll give this back.
Let's part ways. You, go this way.
And you, that way. Let's go.
I'm going this way.
Our teacher is really good,
so listen carefully.
Will I be able to not give up on math?
Hey, you can do it too.
Don't give up.
You and me.
All right.
Hey, Kangsu.
Can I bring my friend
from Shinhwa Boys' High School?
Shinhwa Boys' High School?
What kind of friend is he?
I have so many questions
I would like to ask.
Why bring a guy we don't know?
You know why. So Ju-kyung can get a guy.
Dating is a must
Marriage is an option
Amor Fati
What? You said you wouldn't join us.
I said I didn't want to.
I never said I wouldn't.
Our study group has
the top two students in our school.
We're like the Avengers, right?
How can you not know this basic concept?
I don't know the basics.
When limit n approaches infinity,
n over n squared is reduced,
becoming one over n.
The limit is zero. In contrast,
n squared over n will be reduced to n.
As such, it will diverge to infinity.
How does your tiny head
solve such difficult questions?
What's your IQ? Is it over 150?
How can you not focus even for a moment?
You have a two-digit IQ, right?
-FYI, dolphins have an IQ of 80.
-They're that smart?
Work harder if you want to beat them.
So what's the answer?
Lucky her.
By the way, when did you get
so close with Soo-ho?
He's not the type to tutor anyone.
This is being close?
By his standards.
I'm not really sure.
Maybe he's helping me out
because I'm so hopeless at math.
What a show-off.
Guys, to mark our first study session…
-Want to go to coin karaoke?
You had it all planned, right?
You're not coming, are you, Soo-ho?
I can go for a little bit.
-Real, you're so real
-Real, you're so real
-You're the real deal
-You're the real deal
-The real deal has arrived
-The real deal has arrived
-Right now
-Right now
-Real, you're so real
-Real, you're so real
-You're the real deal
-You're the real deal
-I'm really going to love you
-I'm really going to love you
-Cheer up, baby
-Cheer up, baby
-You can do it
-You can do it
-A girl can't give her heart too easily
-A girl can't give her heart too easily
-Then you'll like me more
-Then you'll like me more
No, I'm okay
Don't feel pressured
I don't have a boyfriend anyways
-But why don't you say anything
-Say anything
-When I look at you
-When I look at you
-When I look at you again
-When I look at you again
-I'm so cold I shiver, naengmyeon
-I'm so cold I shiver, naengmyeon
-So chewy, naengmyeon
-So chewy, naengmyeon
-But I still love you
-But I still love you
-Hey, fire, fire, my lady
Hey, hey, warning, warning, no, no
Hey, hey, fire…
I live and forget
Pretending I'm fine
I even meet with people…
He sings really well.
He could totally be a singer.
I think I've heard this song before.
Where have I heard this?
How are you doing?
I guess I'm not doing well
I must have been away too long.
I see a lot of new faces.
-You look more handsome in person.
-You look amazing.
To learn the new staff members' faces,
we'll need a staff dinner.
Please have a seat.
-Shall we start the meeting?
As the first anniversary
of Jeong Se-yeon's passing approaches,
I propose a tribute album.
Considering the circumstances,
I think consoling the fans and the members
with a tribute album
takes priority over a grand comeback
of NSIX without Se-yeon.
I found this song
from the files Se-yeon left behind.
Se-yeon wrote the lyrics,
and someone called Leo composed it.
I love the song.
Leo, was it?
We don't know who it is yet,
so we are on the lookout for Leo.
I see.
Isn't that Seo-jun's motorcycle?
Is he nearby?
It is his.
He's been riding the motorcycle again.
Seriously, why ride a motorcycle?
I'm going to break this motorcycle.
What are you doing?
I'm not doing anything.
Did you do something?
I didn't even touch it.
Come on.
-Come over here for a moment.
-What is it?
What was that for?
Why don't we talk here?
It has to be in secret?
Hey, Han Seo-jun!
-Why are you coming from there?
-What do you mean, why?
You crazy punk.
Why did he have to show up here?
Who's this?
Why did you bring a girl
to this back alley?
You should take off.
What do I do?
Get them.
-Get them!
-Come on!
-Hurry up!
-I said stop!
-Stop right there!
Hurry up.
Are you serious?
I said stop!
-How far are they going?
-They're getting away.
-Where did they go?
-Must be over there.
-What's this?
-What the…
Who's this?
This guy is from Saebom High.
They left.
They're gone.
Why would you drag me here
when I told you to take off?
What would they think?
What would they think?
Wouldn't it look suspicious
if I took off like that?
Gosh, you're so dumb.
I just saved you. And what? I'm dumb?
Do you know who comes after King Sejong?
-King Gojong.
-You've skipped 400 years.
-Look who's dumber.
Who are you? Why did you follow us?
-Where do you think you're going?
-You a friend of Seo-jun's?
Or his sidekick?
Get out of my way.
I'll let you go if you bring Seo-jun here.
Why would I?
If a friend gave him a call,
he'd come, wouldn't he?
He wouldn't take my call.
Then let's find out.
Take his phone.
All right, excuse us.
It's right here.
You dare stop me?
Let go.
-What are you doing?
-Get up.
Where are you going?
-Let go.
-Bring him here.
This punk!
-Hold him.
-I got him.
-You go ahead.
-I'm sorry.
-You guys…
Go high, I'll go low.
-One, two, three.
-One, two, three.
Let go!
Get him.
Hold him tight.
Grab him. Hold still.
How dare you mess with my crew?
-What are you doing over there?
-Let's take off.
-Let's go.
Can you lend me some money?
Why would I?
My friends went looking for me
and went home with my bag.
My phone and wallet were both in the bag.
Serves you right.
I did save you,
so consider this as payback.
Just lend me my bus fare. That's it.
What payback?
I won't. You can walk home.
You're heartless.
-Get on before I change my mind.
Thank you!
How do I get on?
Like this?
Here we go.
Thank you.
If you're so thankful, erase the picture.
I went through all that to keep you apart.
Were you a couple in your past life?
Soo-ho, you again?
Why are you bringing her home?
Look who's talking.
Why were you waiting for her?
Okay, guys.
Why don't we all head home?
It's late. You head that way.
And you go that way. Go in opposite--
What's this?
Why do we have two beautiful guys here?
Did I die?
Am I in heaven?
Come with me.
-I'll help you make it big!
This is crazy.
Come on. Wake up, okay?
I'll kill you if you get sick.
-Let's take her home.
Why should I?
Why should I…
Seriously, Hee-kyung,
when you wake up, I'm going to…
Let's go.
Cover her mouth.
We're here. This is it.
Thank you so much.
I'll be forever grateful to…
I'm so sorry.
I will get it cleaned for you.
No. I'll burn it and get you a new one.
I'm really sorry. Good night.
Hey, Soo-ho.
Do you like Lim Ju-kyung?
-Don't you like her?
Then what about you?
Why do you keep hanging around her?
Do you like Lim Ju-kyung?
Should I give it a try?
What is it? Where are you going?
Do you like Lim Ju-kyung?
Here, take it.
You told me not to ride it.
Are they dating?
Starting today,
I'll only listen to you.
What was that? Was that a confession?
Does Seo-jun like Ju-kyung?
That's huge.
Hey, Seo-jun!
Don't go.
-Just a--
-I said, don't go.
You can sit here if you want.
You're wearing a goddess mask.
Bring the pork cutlets.
Lee Soo-ho and Han Seo-jun?
-Seriously, watch your mouth.
-He only listens to her!
-He only listens to her!
Don't run away because you're scared.
What? Hey.
It's all because of me,
and it's all my fault.
But don't play Lim Ju-kyung.
My gosh.
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn
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