True Beauty (2020) s01e12 Episode Script
Episode 12
It's Ju-kyung, again.
It's me again.
I missed you.
And you're here.
I came to give you a hug.
Are you doing okay?
I have almost no memories with my dad.
After my mom passed away,
my dad was mostly in the States.
I lived with my grandma on my mom's side,
then started living alone
in middle school.
It must have been tough.
I hated him for so long.
I poured out everything…
I'd pressed down deep inside,
thinking it might make my heart lighter,
but it still feels heavy.
Is this because I haven't forgiven him?
Or am I feeling sorry for him?
I'm not even quite sure…
how I'm feeling right now.
You did what?
Running out without a word?
Honey, calm down and use your words.
Are you out of your mind?
Don't you get how important
this period is for you?
How dare you?
Don't glare at me like that!
-You little…
-Honey, hold on.
Calm down!
What are you doing right now?
Open the door!
I'll talk to her, so stop it!
Open the door!
Mr. Kang, how's the company?
It's out of control.
There are hordes of reporters
and Black Soul fans out front.
The loss and damages are huge.
Mr. Lee must not be himself either.
It's gotten all loose.
Your cone looks slanted.
Try this one on then.
Lee Soo-ho, Han Seo-jun.
-How does it look?
-Not bad.
This stuff makes me cringe,
so I wasn't going to write it.
But during my acceptance speech,
I was busy crying,
so I didn't get to thank you.
I'm doing this so you won't sulk.
My life was like winter
until you two came along.
Thanks to you two,
the past three years have been very warm.
During those warm days,
I laughed a lot,
I regained my confidence,
and I was able to achieve my dream.
The brightest day of my life,
this moment with you today,
I'll remember it forever.
My dear friends,
I love you.
The moment you read this mushy letter,
I'll regret ever writing it.
Here's hoping you'll never find it.
Do you remember what he said
when we bought these?
"Let's be together forever"?
I called it childish.
Yes, you did.
Being together was a given back then.
I thought we'd be together forever.
Who knew that forever would be this short?
It was too short.
Leaving him alone when he was struggling
is something I regret
and feel terrible about.
And now he's gone.
So blaming you and cursing at you…
were my ways of coping.
I focused only on my pain,
and I didn't notice yours.
I'm sorry.
What's wrong with us?
How's your dad?
Who knows.
I used to be so jealous
of you having a rich dad,
but now I'm not jealous at all.
What's there to be jealous of?
You have your mom.
This isn't a pity competition.
Your family's rich!
Are we still?
People say rich people can eat
all three meals even after going bankrupt.
It's three generations, dummy.
You really don't know anything.
Who throws a cigarette butt at people?
Who do you mean? Me?
You just threw a cigarette butt at us!
What are you? Some gangsters?
This boy called us gangsters.
-Who did?
-Who the heck are you?
-What is it?
Come here, boy.
Look at that.
Hold back, okay?
Let's run.
-Catch him.
-Boys, come here!
-Hey, you two!
Running like that won't help!
-You threw a crutch at us?
-Get them!
-You bastard! Come here!
Come here!
-Stop right there!
-Come here!
-Get them!
-Come here!
Get them!
Hey, grab them!
-Get them!
-Grab them!
What's this smell?
-Hey, let me see.
-What's this?
They jumped into a pile of turds.
What did they use for manure?
Consider yourselves lucky, okay?
-Let's go, guys.
-Yes, sir.
-Can't you control your temper?
-How could I have known?
I even gave you a piggyback ride.
Hey, my feet hurt.
The smell…
Stay away, jeez.
I wish Ju-kyung could see you right now.
You think she'd be disappointed?
That wouldn't make her fall for you.
What makes you say that?
Why are you so conscious of me?
How could I not be?
Are you over her yet?
It's not easy.
are you going to tell her how you feel?
No way! She's dating you!
Get over her already.
It's not that easy.
What are you playing at then?
I don't know. Stay away! Scoot over.
-Don't touch me.
-I didn't touch you.
You have poop all over your face now.
The smell…
I can say the same, okay?
Are you finally registering?
Yes, I got my pay
from my part-time job today.
Is our Limju going to be
the next Selena then?
I'd like to register for a course.
Okay. Please fill out this form.
Don't spill food when you eat.
-Add the rice?
That was great.
Soo-ho, get me some water.
It's my phone, okay?
Are you showing off that you're dating?
Did you two make up?
I told you to stay out of it.
How could I not?
Didn't you two fight because
people thought she and I were dating?
You're so petty.
But don't you think
she has a reason she can't tell people
about you two dating?
What reason?
Su-jin seemed to be that reason.
How are you dating her
when you're this clueless?
Lately, I've begun
to care about you.
Hey, it's me…
Don't laugh.
Did you have a good day?
I almost had a good day.
The last part was very unexpected.
What? Why? What happened?
I fell into a pile of turds.
You know how to joke around, I see.
How's your leg?
Wasn't it difficult using a crutch?
The doctor said not to overexert yourself.
I looked it up.
Bananas, spinach, safflower seeds,
broccoli, and oranges are good for bones.
Remember that and make sure to eat them.
Bananas, spinach, safflower seeds…
-Why are you smiling?
-It's nice to hear you fuss.
Please continue.
Gosh, come on.
Oh, right. I have something for you.
What is it?
One second.
Where did it go?
Don't you have anything for me?
I have another one.
Hey, Lim Ju-bal!
Hey! I told you to knock!
Can you take this?
What is it?
It stinks.
Are you serious? I'll get you!
Sorry about that.
-Good night, I'll call you tomorrow!
Darn it!
It stinks.
What's this?
Hey, Seo-jun!
Open the door! Hey!
We finally get to see each other.
I'll see you at school!
Come home early, okay?
She's just like her dad, wandering around.
Bye, Mom!
That brat.
-I'm already here.
You must have left home early.
You must be tired.
Why didn't you go straight to school?
We can't do this at school.
Let's hold hands until the bus stop.
Are you okay with this, though?
You wanted to tell people.
Well, that was the jealousy talking.
There's no need for that.
We'll tell everyone
when you feel comfortable.
By the way, did Su-jin…
What's that?
It's nothing.
Excuse me.
Your bag was open.
Aren't you the new girl?
I saw you in the teachers' office.
Joo Hye-min?
That's a pretty name.
Lim Ju-kyung!
Lim Ju-kyung?
Let's go, Su-jin.
What's Hye-min doing here?
She was in our school uniform.
Did she transfer here?
Why, all of a sudden?
What is it?
Is something wrong?
No, it's nothing.
Hey, Soo-ho! Did your dad retire?
Congratulations on your full recovery.
There's no need for that.
Hey, Soo-ho.
You removed your cast?
So what if he did?
I did.
Are they going to fight?
That's good.
Are you sleeping already?
-What's this calm vibe?
I guess it's better.
Yes, friends should be nice to each other.
Hey, Limju, you're here!
Hey, take a look.
I submitted your picture
to the Newstagram Goddess Competition.
Look, you're in second place right now!
You aren't that far behind,
so you could even win.
I see.
Are there perks for the winner?
Some money?
No, but it just feels good to win.
The leader of Girls On,
who debuted this spring,
was the winner last year.
She got super famous,
and the agency scouted her.
So what's good about being super famous?
Well, it just feels good
to be super famous.
I don't feel good at all.
It somehow became
an interschool competition.
Everyone's voting for the girl
from their own school.
Even though I got dropped out quickly,
I want you to win
for the honor of our school.
Yongpa High's girl
is annoyingly in the lead. Look.
Park Sam-mi?
-A goddess!
-A goddess!
And she's right next to me!
It's only natural, isn't it?
Hey, you practically begged everyone
to vote for you.
Hey, why did you submit my picture?
Please take it down.
It can't be taken down
while people are voting.
Hey, guys, log onto Newstagram
and vote for Limju! Hurry!
Like Ju-kyung's post only.
-Only Ju-kyung.
-Vote twice if you can.
What is it?
Do you have something to say?
No, it's nothing.
Goodness, Ju-kyung got an A-plus?
-Excuse me?
-She got a good grade.
An A-plus.
Is there any reason
she doesn't deserve an A-plus?
Her focus on horror fiction
was refreshing.
Her criticism of the division
between literary and genre fiction
was logical and laid out well.
This grade follows
the grading criteria to a T.
I didn't give her special treatment.
Your long-winded explanation
sounds like a petty excuse to me!
Now I'm actually suspicious.
It wasn't long-winded…
Excuse me.
-Is your leg all better now?
That's great, I was worried.
What are you doing after school?
Can we talk?
What is it? We can talk now.
Well, not here. Can we talk later--
I already have plans.
Is it important? Can't you cancel it?
It's something
I can only talk to you about.
Su-jin seemed to be that reason.
I have plans with my girlfriend.
I didn't tell you before.
It's Ju-kyung.
My girlfriend.
I'm not sure why,
but she doesn't feel comfortable
telling people yet,
so pretend you don't know.
Then why are you telling me?
I thought I should tell you.
You're my friend.
Hey, people could see.
It'll be okay if I do this.
What? Soo-ho must still be recovering.
-Get better soon, Soo-ho.
-How is he so tall?
-Way taller than you.
You see?
Is something wrong? You don't look well.
No, it's nothing.
Hey, they're looking.
Kangsu said she saved our seats.
She's right there.
-Enjoy your meal!
-You're here.
-Gosh, I'm so hungry.
Kangsu, who is this?
This is Hye-min.
We had a joint class together
and came to lunch after.
I see.
I haven't seen you before.
Did you transfer?
-Where are you from?
-She transferred from Yongpa High School.
I see.
What? Yongpa High, again?
Limju, those guys who grabbed you
were also from Yongpa High School.
They're so annoying.
By the way, Ju-kyung,
you also transferred here.
Where did you say you were from?
You never told us, right?
That's right.
I don't think I've heard either.
Where did you transfer from?
I'm actually from far away.
don't we know each other?
There was also a girl named
Lim Ju-kyung at my old school.
I thought you looked like her.
Limju, did you transfer
from Yongpa High School?
I don't know you.
I'm not sure how similar we look,
but I didn't go to Yongpa High,
so get it straight.
I'm sorry.
You didn't need to be that harsh.
I'm not feeling well. Excuse me.
Is she that sick?
Do you really not know
or are you just playing dumb?
Can makeup make that much of a difference?
Even beyond recognition?
She couldn't have recognized me.
At least she's not in my class.
That's it.
I won't get caught
if I don't get involved.
What are you doing?
It's nothing.
Here, this is for you.
Only kind people can see it.
There's a watch in there. Do you see it?
It's really expensive.
Give it to me.
If you ever feel out of breath again,
put this over your mouth,
inhale, then exhale,
and soon you'll calm down.
Always take it with you, okay?
There's more?
And these are worry dolls.
If you can't sleep at night,
talk to these guys.
Tell them all your sadness and worries.
If you sleep with them under your pillow,
they will take away your troubles
as you sleep.
Come on, isn't that just a superstition?
Hey, this is what people do
during psychological therapy.
I looked it all up.
They say knitting is good
for calming the mind.
And lastly,
I got it with my part-time pay.
It's our first matching item. Open it.
Aren't they cute?
But if we wear these and go to school,
won't everyone notice?
I know.
When we can actually tell them,
let's put these on then.
It's for keeping then?
Just keeping it boosts your mood, right?
by any chance,
have you spoken with your dad since then?
I know it can't happen anytime soon,
but I hope you'll speak to him
at least once.
I don't want you to have regrets.
These worry dolls…
Don't you need them more?
You worry constantly.
No, these are for you.
They are so cute.
I know, right?
They all have different expressions.
What? She's in the lead?
It should be Lim Ju-kyung.
Where is it?
What are you looking for?
My hoodie.
Did Mom put it in here?
What is it?
Are you all right?
It stinks. You kept your cast?
Rise up, spirit of the tiger. Roar!
This used to be my right arm.
I can't just throw it away.
But it's weird to hide it
like some sort of treasure.
It's memorabilia, okay?
When I look at this later,
it'll remind me of how things were.
How rough I had it.
It'll bring all that back.
I can't throw it out.
You're out of your mind.
My toes.
Are you all right?
She has a point.
I'll just throw it out.
But it used to be my right arm…
I can't just throw it away.
Why did it get liked?
Like so?
Like so.
Does it really have a calming effect?
-She's here!
-She's here!
Behold, the glorious winner of
the 2020 Newstagram Goddess Competition.
Here comes Lim Ju-kyung, our goddess!
Ju-kyung, you beat
that Yongpa High girl and won!
What the heck?
Why did I win the thing?
how does it feel to turn
the world of social media upside down?
-How does it feel?
-How does it feel?
I'm just honored to even have been
one of the finalists.
What? You got second place!
-Who the hell won then?
-That hurt.
Ju-kyung, you might become a celebrity!
-Not just anyone can be a celebrity.
-But she might.
Su-ah, this is all because of you.
Ju-kyung, just enjoy this moment!
-I want to be her agent.
-I'll be her stylist!
-It's perfect!
-It's so good!
It's perfect!
What are you all doing here?
I did ask Soo-ho,
but he said he'd never do it.
It's troubling. What do we do?
If everyone declines, then who will do it?
-Why are you all here?
-What's this?
A girl from our school
is this year's Newstagram Goddess.
-Lim Ju-kyung from class five.
If she's the Newstagram Goddess,
-she'll become a celebrity.
-What? Did you say star?
We have a star at our school?
-My goodness.
-Who is that?
Over there.
How long are you going to live like this?
How do you trip over your own foot?
Were you worried when I fell?
Were you sad for me?
Were you scared for me?
-Do you like me that much?
I do.
Ju-young, you're a smart guy,
so you'll get what I'm saying.
I see my charms are finally working.
Do you like flies or not?
I hate them.
If a fly buzzes around you
while you're sleeping,
how would you feel?
That'd be annoying and tiresome.
That's correct.
So just stop it.
Since you're Ju-kyung's brother,
if you don't bother me much,
we can at least be friends.
A fly?
-Going straight to the academy?
I'm Park Sam-mi from Yongpa High.
You know me, right?
What? Hey.
I don't think so.
I saw you won the Goddess Competition.
You somehow even beat me.
Well, you look better in the picture.
Still, you look totally different
from the Lim Ju-kyung I know.
Are you that busy?
It's as if you're avoiding me.
By the way, why isn't Han Seo-jun
coming out?
I'm not sure.
Let's go, Su-jin.
Jeez, she's totally ignoring me.
-What? That's Joo Hye-min!
-Hey, Hye-min!
Where are you going?
-Our darling girl.
-How have you been?
Smile, won't you?
Let's go.
Hey, you dare ignore our texts?
Do you have a death wish?
I told you it wasn't like that.
I've watched them,
and she doesn't have a thing with Seo-jun.
Do you still think so?
You little brat.
Hey, from now on,
keep following her around
and dig up some dirt on her.
See if she flirts with other guys.
or has a bad temper.
Find me her dirty secrets.
Then I'll be able
to break them up, got it?
Are you not going to answer?
Joo Hye-min!
Were you beating her up?
No way.
We were just talking. What's up?
were going to do homework with us today.
Did you forget?
She's coming with us today.
Homework is way more important.
-Let's go.
-Where do you think you're going?
who are you to butt in?
You're from Yongpa High School, right?
I'm going to leave.
You're Ju-kyung, right?
Thanks for helping me.
By the way, Ju-kyung, you got so pretty.
-I didn't recognize you at--
-Helping you…
doesn't mean I've forgiven you.
I'm sorry for what I did back then.
If I hadn't gone along with it,
they would have done
what they did to you to me.
I was afraid.
But still, I shouldn't have done that.
I'm really sorry.
I don't want people…
to find out about my past.
So please don't act like
you know me at school.
I'll never tell.
I won't tell anyone, so don't worry.
Spin the needle…
What are you doing?
Are you knitting?
I hear it has a calming effect.
Sure. Whatever works.
Why did you want to see me?
I have to ask you something.
You said the reason
Ju-kyung can't say we're dating
is because of Su-jin.
What did you mean? Do you know something?
Why do you ask?
Ju-kyung's been acting weird lately.
I feel like something's up.
Why do you ask me about
what's worrying your girlfriend?
How is she acting weird?
Just the other day,
she asked me about
her friend's friend's issue.
Her friend's friend got a boyfriend,
and her friend's friend's, well…
likes her boyfriend.
The friend's friend, then…
The friend told her out of the blue
how she liked the boyfriend…
The friend's friend…
The friend's friend's…
If you don't get it, forget it.
Then what about you?
Aren't you and Su-jin old friends?
Then can you drop anything
that I don't approve of?
Even throw away your friends?
When did she say that?
When we made dumplings and cut toenails…
Don't ask.
I don't even want to think about it.
Hey, you missed one stitch.
How do you know?
I tried it too when Go-un was into it.
It'll be ruined
if you don't fix it right away.
What do I do?
Let me see.
You can't pull off this simple task?
No, not like that.
Lee Soo-ho!
You said we were friends.
You never came along when I begged you
to go to an Internet cafe.
You hang out with him
now that you made up?
How can a love… no.
How can a friendship change?
What's with him?
-Do you know how to knit?
I knitted a scarf for Tu-ah once.
Are you knitting?
-So I put this here,
-Through here,
then wrap it around.
-Hey, Han Seo-jun!
-Like that?
You ignored me when I asked you
to go to karaoke!
And now you're here?
How can our friendship change like this?
Come sit.
I'm hungry.
Were you waiting long?
Did your class go well?
-You didn't have to come all this way.
-I wanted to walk with you.
Right now,
do you feel good or bad?
Why do you ask?
Just because.
Good or bad?
Are you not going to tell me what's wrong?
A girl from my former school
transferred here.
Was it not about Su-jin?
I thought she wouldn't recognize me,
but she did right away.
Are you all right?
I'm nervous,
but thankfully,
she promised not to tell anyone.
You must have been shocked.
Just a little.
But I'm really okay now.
Aren't you hungry?
We could go get something yummy.
What do you want to eat?
Anything you like.
I didn't get pretty at all.
My acne is acting up again.
It's so annoying.
Hee-kyung, do you want
to go on a blind date?
The pork trotters place's son
has a friend--
I have a boyfriend.
-A boyfriend?
-A boyfriend?
That's not a lie
to get out of the blind date?
No, I'm serious.
What? How long has it been?
What does he do?
Is he handsome? How old is he?
It's a secret for now.
I'll introduce you when we're ready.
Do you have his picture?
I can tell what kind of person he is
by his looks.
I'm dying to know more, seriously!
What is he like?
My grapefruit.
The more I get to know him,
the more adorable I find him.
He's as refreshing as a fruit.
"Refreshing as a fruit"?
I'm home.
You're home, Ju-young! Have some dinner.
A mere fly doesn't deserve dinner.
Junior Lim Ju-kyung,
please come to the auditorium.
You look so pretty!
Show us more confidence!
Ju-kyung! You're doing great!
Gosh, you look pretty!
Goodness, the goddess is here!
You really have turned
the stage upside down!
-You're super pretty!
-You look super nice!
How did I end up here?
-She's a perfect school model!
-She sure is.
A moment, please.
Sir, do I really have to do this?
The school president or the top student
is usually the school model, no?
That's right.
But Ju-kyung, they didn't want to do it.
Excuse me?
Then why do I have to…
What do you mean, "have to"?
I heard you were the star of the school.
A star of all stars.
Why wouldn't we want the star
to be our model?
The main star of Saebom High School!
Can you do the pose again?
You are so pretty, Ju-kyung!
You look so lovely!
Do it right, okay?
Correct your form.
Our school's website
will feature your face then?
The best-looking person at Saebom High,
Lim Ju-kyung!
Please don't.
As if I'm the best-looking person.
How many have you done to get sick?
-Three, four, five…
-I did a hundred in a minute at your age.
So did they make up
after staying in the hospital together?
As in misery loves company?
-Something's wrong.
Hold my legs properly.
-Hurry up.
-Do it again.
-Why are you counting from one?
When I was your age…
Who is it?
-No one.
-Don't fool around and do it right.
Put some effort into it.
Are you counting correctly?
What was that?
Why are you taking my picture?
Because you looked good?
Don't you like Soo-ho?
Yes. So?
-Don't you know he's dating Ju-kyung?
-I know.
But that didn't stop you
from liking Ju-kyung, did it?
He looks totally dreamy, thanks!
But why do you want photos of her?
Are these all you have?
-I'm hungry after running.
-Let's go to the snack bar.
Okay, what should we get?
Goodness, Limju.
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Limju, what's wrong?
Looking for something?
What do I do? I lost my necklace.
Where is it? I never took it off.
The one you always wear?
-When was the last you saw it?
I saw it this morning.
Maybe it came loose during PE class?
You think so?
-I'll help you find it. Let's go.
-Thank you.
Where is it?
It should be somewhere here.
I told her not to look for it.
She'll be here all night at this rate.
You won't find it here.
Someone must have already taken it.
It wasn't at the lost and found.
And I trust the people at our school.
What school pride.
-Because you're now the school model?
-No, it's not.
Hey, back off.
I don't want you to step on it.
Shall I help you look?
What will you give me?
I'll treat you to spicy tteokbokki.
No. Can you treat me
to something other than that?
Why? You like that.
-You said you always crave it.
Treat me big time if I find it for you.
-I found it!
-What? Really?
500 won. It's huge.
What the heck?
It's for real this time.
Is this your necklace?
Did you find it?
Why don't you just go home?
Okay. I'll try harder this time.
Don't play around.
Soo-ho gave it to me as a gift,
so I need to find it.
-I'm heading home.
-What? You said you'll help.
I'm a busy person.
Do you have to look for it
in this weather?
Is Soo-ho being petty about you losing it?
It's important to me.
That's why I want to find it.
If it's so important,
you should've kept it safe.
I know. What was I thinking?
I'm not going home
until I find the necklace.
Good luck.
I'm leaving.
What are these for?
How will I find it?
Looking for this?
What was that for?
You knew who that belonged to.
Yes, I did.
Then why did you do that?
Because I like you.
You're not even surprised.
Did you know?
Do you think this makes sense?
Aren't you friends with Ju-kyung?
If only you give her up,
we can still be friends.
-Ju-kyung is cheerful, kind, and warm.
I like her too.
not as much as I like you.
I'd rather lose her than you.
So, if you don't want to see her
lose a friend and get hurt,
break up with her.
Are you…
the same Kang Su-jin I used to know?
Why did it have to be Ju-kyung?
You haven't known her for that long.
Why her and not me who's been with you
for the past ten years?
Can't you just break up with Ju-kyung
and like me instead?
That will make things okay.
If I had told you I liked you first,
wouldn't you have chosen me anyway?
I wouldn't have.
Don't look for the necklace.
Should I have just one more?
It's getting late.
Yes, it's getting late.
I really shouldn't.
I'll go on a diet and become handsome.
I'm done.
I don't think it's possible.
Come on.
I actually look all right
if I lose some weight!
I'm leaving.
You didn't even finish.
Where are you going?
So wasteful.
I'm putting on weight because of you.
Did someone really find it and take it?
-My gosh!
I knew you'd be still here.
I didn't want to give up
without looking for it.
Do you know how late it is?
I was going to leave
after looking here anyway.
Then we're going to leave
after searching here, okay?
You search over there.
I'll search over here.
I already looked over there.
It wasn't there. Let's look over here.
why don't you go look again?
I double-checked every speck of dust.
It just can't be there.
Never say never. Are you 100% sure?
Well, not that much…
Then go look again.
I looked there earlier…
I found it!
What a relief.
That's great.
Why did I come here?
See? It's a good thing I looked for it.
Yes, you did well.
I'll do it for you.
Hey, who's there?
Let's go.
Someone was here for sure.
Was I seeing things?
-Are you okay, Hee-kyung?
Mr. Han?
I'm bored. Should we go to karaoke?
how does this look?
-Not pretty.
-Not pretty?
-Something is off.
-What is?
Why did Lim Ju-kyung's friend
ask for Lim Ju-kyung's pictures?
What are you talking about?
Why didn't she take them herself?
Well, they're two different people, so…
What do you mean?
I'm so dumb.
Gosh, this is crazy.
Hey, Kang Su-jin!
You got here fast.
You called us out here?
We came here to meet her?
I had something to ask her too.
Give me a straight answer.
Is she the same person?
I heard you haven't eaten yet.
-Let's eat first and calmly--
What were you doing there so late?
I could ask the same of you.
I asked you first!
Add the dumplings.
-I was looking for my necklace.
What necklace?
It's pretty. Was it a gift?
Why were you hiding under the desk
with my teacher?
-Sir, the glass noodles go in later.
We're dating.
Your "refreshing as a fruit" boyfriend…
is my teacher?
Are you crazy?
Yes, I'm crazy in love.
Can't two adults with healthy bodies
and minds be in love?
It's boiling.
So you were playing love games
at my school?
Because you're crazy in love?
I wouldn't say that.
I was working late, and my Hee… No.
Hee-kyung brought me some snacks…
My grapefruit was so adamant
about not getting caught by you--
I hid because Jun-woo was so worried.
Why did it have to be my teacher?
How can I go to school knowing this?
I could say the same
about you dating my boss's son!
Is it okay now that he resigned?
-Were there no other guys out there?
My grapefruit is special!
I said not to add the noodles yet!
It has to boil more first!
-Are we having fried rice after?
-Of course.
-Extra cheese?
-Add two orders.
Two fried rice, please.
-Ma'am, can we have soda too?
She's not answering?
She's making me mad.
Where does Ju-kyung live again?
How did those two meet anyway?
How do I face him tomorrow at school?
Is it that uncomfortable for you?
Of course, it is.
I need to be extra careful at school.
He could report to my sister right away.
Do you think he looks like a grapefruit?
She must be crazy in love.
-Good night!
-Good night!
Is it this way?
-This way?
-This way.
-This way, girl.
-This way?
Is your shift over?
-It stinks.
-Where is it?
I think it's over there.
-She lives in a dump.
-It's so gross.
Hey, Park Sam-mi.
Han Seo-jun?
Why are you here?
We're here.
Yes, we are.
Hey, Han Seo-jun!
Why did you come to see Ju-kyung?
I wanted to talk to her
since it's been a while.
-"Been a while"?
-It turns out she's someone I know.
-What's this?
-Don't you get it?
That's Lim Ju-kyung.
He doesn't recognize her.
Why? Are you shocked?
She totally fooled me too.
Why are you showing me this?
I'm worried for you, that's why.
I wouldn't want to date someone
who used to look like this, would you?
She used to run errands for me.
A total loser.
You're way out of her league.
To me, she looks prettier
than someone like you.
Are you taking your girlfriend's side?
Or are you blind?
-She's covered in makeup.
-Is that okay?
Come on.
Her bare face looks super ugly, and you…
Hey, Han Seo-jun!
The thing is,
delinquents bullying someone
reminds me of my friend,
and I just can't think straight.
Running errands for you?
If I ever catch you
pulling a stunt like this again,
you'll pay for it.
You should go now.
You should go in first.
Okay. I'll go in now, really.
I'll see you tomorrow.
What we couldn't do earlier.
What are all these?
It's embarrassing.
Mom, look. I'm the school model.
Look, the supposed Saebom High goddess.
She's the face of our school?
Let's just go.
-Hey, come here. Look at this!
-Come here.
This is so ridiculous.
-Preposterous, right? Look.
Goddess, my foot.
You be the goddess instead.
This is nuts.
She doesn't look like the photos at all.
-How is that her?
-Does that look like her?
Ju-kyung, is this really you?
The truth about Lim Ju-kyung,
Saebom High Goddess.
She was known for running dumpling errands
before her transfer.
You are all going to be so shocked.
She's super ugly. It's all her makeup.
-That's not her.
-It's two different people.
-It's crazy.
-I'm rather amazed.
-Hey, it can't be true.
Because you are ugly.
-This is over the line.
-This is wild.
Gosh, seriously. What is this?
She's a fraud.
Shouldn't she see a dermatologist?
People now know about my true face.
That's why I can't look you in the eye.
Why don't you just rip it off?
No one would do such a thing
other than you.
You're wrong.
You really didn't know?
You're best friends with Ju-kyung.
Whatever you look like,
with or without makeup,
you're always you, Ju-kyung.
Run away as far as you can and hide.
Don't you worry. I'll get you transferred
to somewhere no one knows you.
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn
It's Ju-kyung, again.
It's me again.
I missed you.
And you're here.
I came to give you a hug.
Are you doing okay?
I have almost no memories with my dad.
After my mom passed away,
my dad was mostly in the States.
I lived with my grandma on my mom's side,
then started living alone
in middle school.
It must have been tough.
I hated him for so long.
I poured out everything…
I'd pressed down deep inside,
thinking it might make my heart lighter,
but it still feels heavy.
Is this because I haven't forgiven him?
Or am I feeling sorry for him?
I'm not even quite sure…
how I'm feeling right now.
You did what?
Running out without a word?
Honey, calm down and use your words.
Are you out of your mind?
Don't you get how important
this period is for you?
How dare you?
Don't glare at me like that!
-You little…
-Honey, hold on.
Calm down!
What are you doing right now?
Open the door!
I'll talk to her, so stop it!
Open the door!
Mr. Kang, how's the company?
It's out of control.
There are hordes of reporters
and Black Soul fans out front.
The loss and damages are huge.
Mr. Lee must not be himself either.
It's gotten all loose.
Your cone looks slanted.
Try this one on then.
Lee Soo-ho, Han Seo-jun.
-How does it look?
-Not bad.
This stuff makes me cringe,
so I wasn't going to write it.
But during my acceptance speech,
I was busy crying,
so I didn't get to thank you.
I'm doing this so you won't sulk.
My life was like winter
until you two came along.
Thanks to you two,
the past three years have been very warm.
During those warm days,
I laughed a lot,
I regained my confidence,
and I was able to achieve my dream.
The brightest day of my life,
this moment with you today,
I'll remember it forever.
My dear friends,
I love you.
The moment you read this mushy letter,
I'll regret ever writing it.
Here's hoping you'll never find it.
Do you remember what he said
when we bought these?
"Let's be together forever"?
I called it childish.
Yes, you did.
Being together was a given back then.
I thought we'd be together forever.
Who knew that forever would be this short?
It was too short.
Leaving him alone when he was struggling
is something I regret
and feel terrible about.
And now he's gone.
So blaming you and cursing at you…
were my ways of coping.
I focused only on my pain,
and I didn't notice yours.
I'm sorry.
What's wrong with us?
How's your dad?
Who knows.
I used to be so jealous
of you having a rich dad,
but now I'm not jealous at all.
What's there to be jealous of?
You have your mom.
This isn't a pity competition.
Your family's rich!
Are we still?
People say rich people can eat
all three meals even after going bankrupt.
It's three generations, dummy.
You really don't know anything.
Who throws a cigarette butt at people?
Who do you mean? Me?
You just threw a cigarette butt at us!
What are you? Some gangsters?
This boy called us gangsters.
-Who did?
-Who the heck are you?
-What is it?
Come here, boy.
Look at that.
Hold back, okay?
Let's run.
-Catch him.
-Boys, come here!
-Hey, you two!
Running like that won't help!
-You threw a crutch at us?
-Get them!
-You bastard! Come here!
Come here!
-Stop right there!
-Come here!
-Get them!
-Come here!
Get them!
Hey, grab them!
-Get them!
-Grab them!
What's this smell?
-Hey, let me see.
-What's this?
They jumped into a pile of turds.
What did they use for manure?
Consider yourselves lucky, okay?
-Let's go, guys.
-Yes, sir.
-Can't you control your temper?
-How could I have known?
I even gave you a piggyback ride.
Hey, my feet hurt.
The smell…
Stay away, jeez.
I wish Ju-kyung could see you right now.
You think she'd be disappointed?
That wouldn't make her fall for you.
What makes you say that?
Why are you so conscious of me?
How could I not be?
Are you over her yet?
It's not easy.
are you going to tell her how you feel?
No way! She's dating you!
Get over her already.
It's not that easy.
What are you playing at then?
I don't know. Stay away! Scoot over.
-Don't touch me.
-I didn't touch you.
You have poop all over your face now.
The smell…
I can say the same, okay?
Are you finally registering?
Yes, I got my pay
from my part-time job today.
Is our Limju going to be
the next Selena then?
I'd like to register for a course.
Okay. Please fill out this form.
Don't spill food when you eat.
-Add the rice?
That was great.
Soo-ho, get me some water.
It's my phone, okay?
Are you showing off that you're dating?
Did you two make up?
I told you to stay out of it.
How could I not?
Didn't you two fight because
people thought she and I were dating?
You're so petty.
But don't you think
she has a reason she can't tell people
about you two dating?
What reason?
Su-jin seemed to be that reason.
How are you dating her
when you're this clueless?
Lately, I've begun
to care about you.
Hey, it's me…
Don't laugh.
Did you have a good day?
I almost had a good day.
The last part was very unexpected.
What? Why? What happened?
I fell into a pile of turds.
You know how to joke around, I see.
How's your leg?
Wasn't it difficult using a crutch?
The doctor said not to overexert yourself.
I looked it up.
Bananas, spinach, safflower seeds,
broccoli, and oranges are good for bones.
Remember that and make sure to eat them.
Bananas, spinach, safflower seeds…
-Why are you smiling?
-It's nice to hear you fuss.
Please continue.
Gosh, come on.
Oh, right. I have something for you.
What is it?
One second.
Where did it go?
Don't you have anything for me?
I have another one.
Hey, Lim Ju-bal!
Hey! I told you to knock!
Can you take this?
What is it?
It stinks.
Are you serious? I'll get you!
Sorry about that.
-Good night, I'll call you tomorrow!
Darn it!
It stinks.
What's this?
Hey, Seo-jun!
Open the door! Hey!
We finally get to see each other.
I'll see you at school!
Come home early, okay?
She's just like her dad, wandering around.
Bye, Mom!
That brat.
-I'm already here.
You must have left home early.
You must be tired.
Why didn't you go straight to school?
We can't do this at school.
Let's hold hands until the bus stop.
Are you okay with this, though?
You wanted to tell people.
Well, that was the jealousy talking.
There's no need for that.
We'll tell everyone
when you feel comfortable.
By the way, did Su-jin…
What's that?
It's nothing.
Excuse me.
Your bag was open.
Aren't you the new girl?
I saw you in the teachers' office.
Joo Hye-min?
That's a pretty name.
Lim Ju-kyung!
Lim Ju-kyung?
Let's go, Su-jin.
What's Hye-min doing here?
She was in our school uniform.
Did she transfer here?
Why, all of a sudden?
What is it?
Is something wrong?
No, it's nothing.
Hey, Soo-ho! Did your dad retire?
Congratulations on your full recovery.
There's no need for that.
Hey, Soo-ho.
You removed your cast?
So what if he did?
I did.
Are they going to fight?
That's good.
Are you sleeping already?
-What's this calm vibe?
I guess it's better.
Yes, friends should be nice to each other.
Hey, Limju, you're here!
Hey, take a look.
I submitted your picture
to the Newstagram Goddess Competition.
Look, you're in second place right now!
You aren't that far behind,
so you could even win.
I see.
Are there perks for the winner?
Some money?
No, but it just feels good to win.
The leader of Girls On,
who debuted this spring,
was the winner last year.
She got super famous,
and the agency scouted her.
So what's good about being super famous?
Well, it just feels good
to be super famous.
I don't feel good at all.
It somehow became
an interschool competition.
Everyone's voting for the girl
from their own school.
Even though I got dropped out quickly,
I want you to win
for the honor of our school.
Yongpa High's girl
is annoyingly in the lead. Look.
Park Sam-mi?
-A goddess!
-A goddess!
And she's right next to me!
It's only natural, isn't it?
Hey, you practically begged everyone
to vote for you.
Hey, why did you submit my picture?
Please take it down.
It can't be taken down
while people are voting.
Hey, guys, log onto Newstagram
and vote for Limju! Hurry!
Like Ju-kyung's post only.
-Only Ju-kyung.
-Vote twice if you can.
What is it?
Do you have something to say?
No, it's nothing.
Goodness, Ju-kyung got an A-plus?
-Excuse me?
-She got a good grade.
An A-plus.
Is there any reason
she doesn't deserve an A-plus?
Her focus on horror fiction
was refreshing.
Her criticism of the division
between literary and genre fiction
was logical and laid out well.
This grade follows
the grading criteria to a T.
I didn't give her special treatment.
Your long-winded explanation
sounds like a petty excuse to me!
Now I'm actually suspicious.
It wasn't long-winded…
Excuse me.
-Is your leg all better now?
That's great, I was worried.
What are you doing after school?
Can we talk?
What is it? We can talk now.
Well, not here. Can we talk later--
I already have plans.
Is it important? Can't you cancel it?
It's something
I can only talk to you about.
Su-jin seemed to be that reason.
I have plans with my girlfriend.
I didn't tell you before.
It's Ju-kyung.
My girlfriend.
I'm not sure why,
but she doesn't feel comfortable
telling people yet,
so pretend you don't know.
Then why are you telling me?
I thought I should tell you.
You're my friend.
Hey, people could see.
It'll be okay if I do this.
What? Soo-ho must still be recovering.
-Get better soon, Soo-ho.
-How is he so tall?
-Way taller than you.
You see?
Is something wrong? You don't look well.
No, it's nothing.
Hey, they're looking.
Kangsu said she saved our seats.
She's right there.
-Enjoy your meal!
-You're here.
-Gosh, I'm so hungry.
Kangsu, who is this?
This is Hye-min.
We had a joint class together
and came to lunch after.
I see.
I haven't seen you before.
Did you transfer?
-Where are you from?
-She transferred from Yongpa High School.
I see.
What? Yongpa High, again?
Limju, those guys who grabbed you
were also from Yongpa High School.
They're so annoying.
By the way, Ju-kyung,
you also transferred here.
Where did you say you were from?
You never told us, right?
That's right.
I don't think I've heard either.
Where did you transfer from?
I'm actually from far away.
don't we know each other?
There was also a girl named
Lim Ju-kyung at my old school.
I thought you looked like her.
Limju, did you transfer
from Yongpa High School?
I don't know you.
I'm not sure how similar we look,
but I didn't go to Yongpa High,
so get it straight.
I'm sorry.
You didn't need to be that harsh.
I'm not feeling well. Excuse me.
Is she that sick?
Do you really not know
or are you just playing dumb?
Can makeup make that much of a difference?
Even beyond recognition?
She couldn't have recognized me.
At least she's not in my class.
That's it.
I won't get caught
if I don't get involved.
What are you doing?
It's nothing.
Here, this is for you.
Only kind people can see it.
There's a watch in there. Do you see it?
It's really expensive.
Give it to me.
If you ever feel out of breath again,
put this over your mouth,
inhale, then exhale,
and soon you'll calm down.
Always take it with you, okay?
There's more?
And these are worry dolls.
If you can't sleep at night,
talk to these guys.
Tell them all your sadness and worries.
If you sleep with them under your pillow,
they will take away your troubles
as you sleep.
Come on, isn't that just a superstition?
Hey, this is what people do
during psychological therapy.
I looked it all up.
They say knitting is good
for calming the mind.
And lastly,
I got it with my part-time pay.
It's our first matching item. Open it.
Aren't they cute?
But if we wear these and go to school,
won't everyone notice?
I know.
When we can actually tell them,
let's put these on then.
It's for keeping then?
Just keeping it boosts your mood, right?
by any chance,
have you spoken with your dad since then?
I know it can't happen anytime soon,
but I hope you'll speak to him
at least once.
I don't want you to have regrets.
These worry dolls…
Don't you need them more?
You worry constantly.
No, these are for you.
They are so cute.
I know, right?
They all have different expressions.
What? She's in the lead?
It should be Lim Ju-kyung.
Where is it?
What are you looking for?
My hoodie.
Did Mom put it in here?
What is it?
Are you all right?
It stinks. You kept your cast?
Rise up, spirit of the tiger. Roar!
This used to be my right arm.
I can't just throw it away.
But it's weird to hide it
like some sort of treasure.
It's memorabilia, okay?
When I look at this later,
it'll remind me of how things were.
How rough I had it.
It'll bring all that back.
I can't throw it out.
You're out of your mind.
My toes.
Are you all right?
She has a point.
I'll just throw it out.
But it used to be my right arm…
I can't just throw it away.
Why did it get liked?
Like so?
Like so.
Does it really have a calming effect?
-She's here!
-She's here!
Behold, the glorious winner of
the 2020 Newstagram Goddess Competition.
Here comes Lim Ju-kyung, our goddess!
Ju-kyung, you beat
that Yongpa High girl and won!
What the heck?
Why did I win the thing?
how does it feel to turn
the world of social media upside down?
-How does it feel?
-How does it feel?
I'm just honored to even have been
one of the finalists.
What? You got second place!
-Who the hell won then?
-That hurt.
Ju-kyung, you might become a celebrity!
-Not just anyone can be a celebrity.
-But she might.
Su-ah, this is all because of you.
Ju-kyung, just enjoy this moment!
-I want to be her agent.
-I'll be her stylist!
-It's perfect!
-It's so good!
It's perfect!
What are you all doing here?
I did ask Soo-ho,
but he said he'd never do it.
It's troubling. What do we do?
If everyone declines, then who will do it?
-Why are you all here?
-What's this?
A girl from our school
is this year's Newstagram Goddess.
-Lim Ju-kyung from class five.
If she's the Newstagram Goddess,
-she'll become a celebrity.
-What? Did you say star?
We have a star at our school?
-My goodness.
-Who is that?
Over there.
How long are you going to live like this?
How do you trip over your own foot?
Were you worried when I fell?
Were you sad for me?
Were you scared for me?
-Do you like me that much?
I do.
Ju-young, you're a smart guy,
so you'll get what I'm saying.
I see my charms are finally working.
Do you like flies or not?
I hate them.
If a fly buzzes around you
while you're sleeping,
how would you feel?
That'd be annoying and tiresome.
That's correct.
So just stop it.
Since you're Ju-kyung's brother,
if you don't bother me much,
we can at least be friends.
A fly?
-Going straight to the academy?
I'm Park Sam-mi from Yongpa High.
You know me, right?
What? Hey.
I don't think so.
I saw you won the Goddess Competition.
You somehow even beat me.
Well, you look better in the picture.
Still, you look totally different
from the Lim Ju-kyung I know.
Are you that busy?
It's as if you're avoiding me.
By the way, why isn't Han Seo-jun
coming out?
I'm not sure.
Let's go, Su-jin.
Jeez, she's totally ignoring me.
-What? That's Joo Hye-min!
-Hey, Hye-min!
Where are you going?
-Our darling girl.
-How have you been?
Smile, won't you?
Let's go.
Hey, you dare ignore our texts?
Do you have a death wish?
I told you it wasn't like that.
I've watched them,
and she doesn't have a thing with Seo-jun.
Do you still think so?
You little brat.
Hey, from now on,
keep following her around
and dig up some dirt on her.
See if she flirts with other guys.
or has a bad temper.
Find me her dirty secrets.
Then I'll be able
to break them up, got it?
Are you not going to answer?
Joo Hye-min!
Were you beating her up?
No way.
We were just talking. What's up?
were going to do homework with us today.
Did you forget?
She's coming with us today.
Homework is way more important.
-Let's go.
-Where do you think you're going?
who are you to butt in?
You're from Yongpa High School, right?
I'm going to leave.
You're Ju-kyung, right?
Thanks for helping me.
By the way, Ju-kyung, you got so pretty.
-I didn't recognize you at--
-Helping you…
doesn't mean I've forgiven you.
I'm sorry for what I did back then.
If I hadn't gone along with it,
they would have done
what they did to you to me.
I was afraid.
But still, I shouldn't have done that.
I'm really sorry.
I don't want people…
to find out about my past.
So please don't act like
you know me at school.
I'll never tell.
I won't tell anyone, so don't worry.
Spin the needle…
What are you doing?
Are you knitting?
I hear it has a calming effect.
Sure. Whatever works.
Why did you want to see me?
I have to ask you something.
You said the reason
Ju-kyung can't say we're dating
is because of Su-jin.
What did you mean? Do you know something?
Why do you ask?
Ju-kyung's been acting weird lately.
I feel like something's up.
Why do you ask me about
what's worrying your girlfriend?
How is she acting weird?
Just the other day,
she asked me about
her friend's friend's issue.
Her friend's friend got a boyfriend,
and her friend's friend's, well…
likes her boyfriend.
The friend's friend, then…
The friend told her out of the blue
how she liked the boyfriend…
The friend's friend…
The friend's friend's…
If you don't get it, forget it.
Then what about you?
Aren't you and Su-jin old friends?
Then can you drop anything
that I don't approve of?
Even throw away your friends?
When did she say that?
When we made dumplings and cut toenails…
Don't ask.
I don't even want to think about it.
Hey, you missed one stitch.
How do you know?
I tried it too when Go-un was into it.
It'll be ruined
if you don't fix it right away.
What do I do?
Let me see.
You can't pull off this simple task?
No, not like that.
Lee Soo-ho!
You said we were friends.
You never came along when I begged you
to go to an Internet cafe.
You hang out with him
now that you made up?
How can a love… no.
How can a friendship change?
What's with him?
-Do you know how to knit?
I knitted a scarf for Tu-ah once.
Are you knitting?
-So I put this here,
-Through here,
then wrap it around.
-Hey, Han Seo-jun!
-Like that?
You ignored me when I asked you
to go to karaoke!
And now you're here?
How can our friendship change like this?
Come sit.
I'm hungry.
Were you waiting long?
Did your class go well?
-You didn't have to come all this way.
-I wanted to walk with you.
Right now,
do you feel good or bad?
Why do you ask?
Just because.
Good or bad?
Are you not going to tell me what's wrong?
A girl from my former school
transferred here.
Was it not about Su-jin?
I thought she wouldn't recognize me,
but she did right away.
Are you all right?
I'm nervous,
but thankfully,
she promised not to tell anyone.
You must have been shocked.
Just a little.
But I'm really okay now.
Aren't you hungry?
We could go get something yummy.
What do you want to eat?
Anything you like.
I didn't get pretty at all.
My acne is acting up again.
It's so annoying.
Hee-kyung, do you want
to go on a blind date?
The pork trotters place's son
has a friend--
I have a boyfriend.
-A boyfriend?
-A boyfriend?
That's not a lie
to get out of the blind date?
No, I'm serious.
What? How long has it been?
What does he do?
Is he handsome? How old is he?
It's a secret for now.
I'll introduce you when we're ready.
Do you have his picture?
I can tell what kind of person he is
by his looks.
I'm dying to know more, seriously!
What is he like?
My grapefruit.
The more I get to know him,
the more adorable I find him.
He's as refreshing as a fruit.
"Refreshing as a fruit"?
I'm home.
You're home, Ju-young! Have some dinner.
A mere fly doesn't deserve dinner.
Junior Lim Ju-kyung,
please come to the auditorium.
You look so pretty!
Show us more confidence!
Ju-kyung! You're doing great!
Gosh, you look pretty!
Goodness, the goddess is here!
You really have turned
the stage upside down!
-You're super pretty!
-You look super nice!
How did I end up here?
-She's a perfect school model!
-She sure is.
A moment, please.
Sir, do I really have to do this?
The school president or the top student
is usually the school model, no?
That's right.
But Ju-kyung, they didn't want to do it.
Excuse me?
Then why do I have to…
What do you mean, "have to"?
I heard you were the star of the school.
A star of all stars.
Why wouldn't we want the star
to be our model?
The main star of Saebom High School!
Can you do the pose again?
You are so pretty, Ju-kyung!
You look so lovely!
Do it right, okay?
Correct your form.
Our school's website
will feature your face then?
The best-looking person at Saebom High,
Lim Ju-kyung!
Please don't.
As if I'm the best-looking person.
How many have you done to get sick?
-Three, four, five…
-I did a hundred in a minute at your age.
So did they make up
after staying in the hospital together?
As in misery loves company?
-Something's wrong.
Hold my legs properly.
-Hurry up.
-Do it again.
-Why are you counting from one?
When I was your age…
Who is it?
-No one.
-Don't fool around and do it right.
Put some effort into it.
Are you counting correctly?
What was that?
Why are you taking my picture?
Because you looked good?
Don't you like Soo-ho?
Yes. So?
-Don't you know he's dating Ju-kyung?
-I know.
But that didn't stop you
from liking Ju-kyung, did it?
He looks totally dreamy, thanks!
But why do you want photos of her?
Are these all you have?
-I'm hungry after running.
-Let's go to the snack bar.
Okay, what should we get?
Goodness, Limju.
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Limju, what's wrong?
Looking for something?
What do I do? I lost my necklace.
Where is it? I never took it off.
The one you always wear?
-When was the last you saw it?
I saw it this morning.
Maybe it came loose during PE class?
You think so?
-I'll help you find it. Let's go.
-Thank you.
Where is it?
It should be somewhere here.
I told her not to look for it.
She'll be here all night at this rate.
You won't find it here.
Someone must have already taken it.
It wasn't at the lost and found.
And I trust the people at our school.
What school pride.
-Because you're now the school model?
-No, it's not.
Hey, back off.
I don't want you to step on it.
Shall I help you look?
What will you give me?
I'll treat you to spicy tteokbokki.
No. Can you treat me
to something other than that?
Why? You like that.
-You said you always crave it.
Treat me big time if I find it for you.
-I found it!
-What? Really?
500 won. It's huge.
What the heck?
It's for real this time.
Is this your necklace?
Did you find it?
Why don't you just go home?
Okay. I'll try harder this time.
Don't play around.
Soo-ho gave it to me as a gift,
so I need to find it.
-I'm heading home.
-What? You said you'll help.
I'm a busy person.
Do you have to look for it
in this weather?
Is Soo-ho being petty about you losing it?
It's important to me.
That's why I want to find it.
If it's so important,
you should've kept it safe.
I know. What was I thinking?
I'm not going home
until I find the necklace.
Good luck.
I'm leaving.
What are these for?
How will I find it?
Looking for this?
What was that for?
You knew who that belonged to.
Yes, I did.
Then why did you do that?
Because I like you.
You're not even surprised.
Did you know?
Do you think this makes sense?
Aren't you friends with Ju-kyung?
If only you give her up,
we can still be friends.
-Ju-kyung is cheerful, kind, and warm.
I like her too.
not as much as I like you.
I'd rather lose her than you.
So, if you don't want to see her
lose a friend and get hurt,
break up with her.
Are you…
the same Kang Su-jin I used to know?
Why did it have to be Ju-kyung?
You haven't known her for that long.
Why her and not me who's been with you
for the past ten years?
Can't you just break up with Ju-kyung
and like me instead?
That will make things okay.
If I had told you I liked you first,
wouldn't you have chosen me anyway?
I wouldn't have.
Don't look for the necklace.
Should I have just one more?
It's getting late.
Yes, it's getting late.
I really shouldn't.
I'll go on a diet and become handsome.
I'm done.
I don't think it's possible.
Come on.
I actually look all right
if I lose some weight!
I'm leaving.
You didn't even finish.
Where are you going?
So wasteful.
I'm putting on weight because of you.
Did someone really find it and take it?
-My gosh!
I knew you'd be still here.
I didn't want to give up
without looking for it.
Do you know how late it is?
I was going to leave
after looking here anyway.
Then we're going to leave
after searching here, okay?
You search over there.
I'll search over here.
I already looked over there.
It wasn't there. Let's look over here.
why don't you go look again?
I double-checked every speck of dust.
It just can't be there.
Never say never. Are you 100% sure?
Well, not that much…
Then go look again.
I looked there earlier…
I found it!
What a relief.
That's great.
Why did I come here?
See? It's a good thing I looked for it.
Yes, you did well.
I'll do it for you.
Hey, who's there?
Let's go.
Someone was here for sure.
Was I seeing things?
-Are you okay, Hee-kyung?
Mr. Han?
I'm bored. Should we go to karaoke?
how does this look?
-Not pretty.
-Not pretty?
-Something is off.
-What is?
Why did Lim Ju-kyung's friend
ask for Lim Ju-kyung's pictures?
What are you talking about?
Why didn't she take them herself?
Well, they're two different people, so…
What do you mean?
I'm so dumb.
Gosh, this is crazy.
Hey, Kang Su-jin!
You got here fast.
You called us out here?
We came here to meet her?
I had something to ask her too.
Give me a straight answer.
Is she the same person?
I heard you haven't eaten yet.
-Let's eat first and calmly--
What were you doing there so late?
I could ask the same of you.
I asked you first!
Add the dumplings.
-I was looking for my necklace.
What necklace?
It's pretty. Was it a gift?
Why were you hiding under the desk
with my teacher?
-Sir, the glass noodles go in later.
We're dating.
Your "refreshing as a fruit" boyfriend…
is my teacher?
Are you crazy?
Yes, I'm crazy in love.
Can't two adults with healthy bodies
and minds be in love?
It's boiling.
So you were playing love games
at my school?
Because you're crazy in love?
I wouldn't say that.
I was working late, and my Hee… No.
Hee-kyung brought me some snacks…
My grapefruit was so adamant
about not getting caught by you--
I hid because Jun-woo was so worried.
Why did it have to be my teacher?
How can I go to school knowing this?
I could say the same
about you dating my boss's son!
Is it okay now that he resigned?
-Were there no other guys out there?
My grapefruit is special!
I said not to add the noodles yet!
It has to boil more first!
-Are we having fried rice after?
-Of course.
-Extra cheese?
-Add two orders.
Two fried rice, please.
-Ma'am, can we have soda too?
She's not answering?
She's making me mad.
Where does Ju-kyung live again?
How did those two meet anyway?
How do I face him tomorrow at school?
Is it that uncomfortable for you?
Of course, it is.
I need to be extra careful at school.
He could report to my sister right away.
Do you think he looks like a grapefruit?
She must be crazy in love.
-Good night!
-Good night!
Is it this way?
-This way?
-This way.
-This way, girl.
-This way?
Is your shift over?
-It stinks.
-Where is it?
I think it's over there.
-She lives in a dump.
-It's so gross.
Hey, Park Sam-mi.
Han Seo-jun?
Why are you here?
We're here.
Yes, we are.
Hey, Han Seo-jun!
Why did you come to see Ju-kyung?
I wanted to talk to her
since it's been a while.
-"Been a while"?
-It turns out she's someone I know.
-What's this?
-Don't you get it?
That's Lim Ju-kyung.
He doesn't recognize her.
Why? Are you shocked?
She totally fooled me too.
Why are you showing me this?
I'm worried for you, that's why.
I wouldn't want to date someone
who used to look like this, would you?
She used to run errands for me.
A total loser.
You're way out of her league.
To me, she looks prettier
than someone like you.
Are you taking your girlfriend's side?
Or are you blind?
-She's covered in makeup.
-Is that okay?
Come on.
Her bare face looks super ugly, and you…
Hey, Han Seo-jun!
The thing is,
delinquents bullying someone
reminds me of my friend,
and I just can't think straight.
Running errands for you?
If I ever catch you
pulling a stunt like this again,
you'll pay for it.
You should go now.
You should go in first.
Okay. I'll go in now, really.
I'll see you tomorrow.
What we couldn't do earlier.
What are all these?
It's embarrassing.
Mom, look. I'm the school model.
Look, the supposed Saebom High goddess.
She's the face of our school?
Let's just go.
-Hey, come here. Look at this!
-Come here.
This is so ridiculous.
-Preposterous, right? Look.
Goddess, my foot.
You be the goddess instead.
This is nuts.
She doesn't look like the photos at all.
-How is that her?
-Does that look like her?
Ju-kyung, is this really you?
The truth about Lim Ju-kyung,
Saebom High Goddess.
She was known for running dumpling errands
before her transfer.
You are all going to be so shocked.
She's super ugly. It's all her makeup.
-That's not her.
-It's two different people.
-It's crazy.
-I'm rather amazed.
-Hey, it can't be true.
Because you are ugly.
-This is over the line.
-This is wild.
Gosh, seriously. What is this?
She's a fraud.
Shouldn't she see a dermatologist?
People now know about my true face.
That's why I can't look you in the eye.
Why don't you just rip it off?
No one would do such a thing
other than you.
You're wrong.
You really didn't know?
You're best friends with Ju-kyung.
Whatever you look like,
with or without makeup,
you're always you, Ju-kyung.
Run away as far as you can and hide.
Don't you worry. I'll get you transferred
to somewhere no one knows you.
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn