True Beauty (2020) s01e11 Episode Script
Episode 11
Okay, understood.
-What is it?
-Did you really have to take it this far?
-Ms. Lim, what do you think you're doing?
-I get why you wouldn't like it.
People talking about Se-yeon again.
But still, you'd steal a song from him
just to hide your own wrongdoing?
-What is she saying?
-It's nothing, sir.
Do you think he has time to deal
with every new artist?
Come on. Let's talk outside.
Let go. I said, let go of me!
Just to hide a picture of you
taken with a young actress,
you ran stories about Se-yeon's bullying.
If you actually felt bad
for Se-yeon's death,
you shouldn't have done this.
Even if the copyright isn't registered,
this is clearly plagiarism!
How dare you come into my office
and speak such nonsense!
Get out.
Se-yeon and Leo are only 18.
You even have a son yourself.
If you feel even a twinge of guilt
toward kids your son's age,
take the song down and make things right.
Rather than having it revealed
by my whistleblowing,
it would look much better
if you dealt with it yourself.
are you blackmailing me?
Think of it however you want.
I said what I said, at the risk of my job.
Get out. Have you gone mad?
I'll get out myself.
Hey, Lee Soo-ho!
Did you hear?
The new song that came out from Move--
That prick.
Lee Soo-ho!
Hey. What do you think?
Isn't it nice? Want to get one each?
-It does look nice.
-Matching items are childish.
Come on, try it. I'll help you.
There you go.
Come on, take a look.
Guys, you can never take this off, okay?
The same goes for you.
-Congratulations and celebrations!
-Congratulations and celebrations!
-Big congratulations on your debut!
-Big congratulations on your debut!
Why didn't you tell me
about your debut, punk?
I felt bad, so…
What's there to feel bad about?
You started training first,
so of course, you debuted first.
Congratulations, Jeong Se-yeon!
-Come here!
-Guys, this isn't necessary.
-Got it.
Leo. How does that sound? Nice, right?
It sounds perfect for Soo-ho.
When I debut,
you'll give me this song, okay?
-Why would we give it to you?
-I'm going to sing it with you.
-Says who?
-Well, I should hear how you sound first.
Is this an audition?
-An audition.
-As I close my eyes
The sight of you grows clearer
I long even more
For your bright light
You used to spend long nights here
It's where I'll briefly rest
And stay by your side
Borne out of my weary tears
Reaches the sky
Approach me slowly
Like a neverending dream
As a star by my side
Please let me in, Soo-ho.
Just this once, please.
-Isn't that Jeong Se-yeon?
-Jeong Se-yeon?
-Who's that?
-That school bully.
The kid who was trending online?
-It blew up.
-But what's he doing here?
Reporter Choi, Mr. Lee is too busy
to be dating these days.
He just had a few drinks
after the shoot, that's all.
What do you mean by prostitution?
That's absurd.
Of course not.
But I wasn't a bully.
I never did such a thing.
I'm innocent.
-I heard Jeong Se-yeon killed himself.
-From the boy band? Goodness.
-You can't come in.
-Please leave.
The person you are trying to reach is…
-What are you doing here at this hour?
I came here to tell you something.
Tell me something?
I thought I shouldn't drag it out longer.
Su-jin, the thing is…
I'm dating Soo-ho.
I like him a lot too.
I really wasn't trying
to hide it from you.
I wanted to tell you before anyone else.
But after you told me you liked him,
I couldn't bring myself to tell you.
I thought the truth would
make us grow distant.
I didn't want to lose you.
I couldn't continue deceiving you.
I'm really sorry.
I'd be lying
if I told you everything was fine.
I'm upset.
I'm sorry.
this isn't the first time
I've had feelings for Soo-ho.
The feelings quickly died down then.
When you're friends for a long time,
your mind can play tricks
and get confused sometimes.
That's how it is for me.
You don't need to feel so bad.
-Come on.
Seeing you upset like this
makes me feel bad for telling you.
Don't cry.
You didn't do anything wrong.
Lift your chin up.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
If Soo-ho likes you,
what can I do?
If I can sort out my feelings,
you and Soo-ho,
you and me…
can all stay the same.
I look uglier swollen like this.
The person you are trying to reach is…
Is he still that upset?
Did he get into an accident
because of what I said?
Why aren't you inside?
I felt stifled.
Why are you coming out?
Go inside, you'll catch a cold.
I felt stifled too. I needed some air.
Is everything all right?
Not really.
what's wrong with me?
What do you mean?
Every time something comes up,
I get scared for no reason
and try to hide.
Things keep getting messed up,
and I end up hurting people
for no good reason.
It would have been better
if I'd opened up from the beginning.
It's too bad
that I act too rashly sometimes,
and that you have so much fear.
You can try to open up more from now on.
Look at Dad, for example.
He could've told us right off the bat
about being scammed.
He tried to handle it on his own,
putting things on credit cards
and accumulating debt.
In the end, he cost us our house,
landing us back here, you know?
I'm sorry, my daughters.
Jeez, he's going to cry again.
How long was he there for?
He should've made a noise or something.
Didn't you say you're friends
with my CEO's son?
Lee Soo-ho, right?
Yes, why do you ask?
He got into a car accident
in front of the company.
A car accident?
It's all right if you go.
With you two around,
I can't even relax properly.
How can we just leave you?
Your cast must give you trouble.
-Don't worry. I'll just be asleep anyway.
Jeez, you are so stubborn.
Then I'll be back early tomorrow
with some things you might need.
You should have been more careful.
We were so scared.
-All right, I need to sleep.
Well, call me if something comes up!
-Will do.
-Okay, bye.
Is Soo-ho all right?
Explain everything Ms. Lim said earlier.
the thing is…
I ran the story last year
to cover up your dating rumors…
Nothing happened with her.
Why would I date someone that young?
We live in the same building,
so after the event,
I gave her a ride home.
They're saying your living arrangement
is further proof,
and that the story will run
as an exclusive Monday morning.
Stop them.
What would Soo-ho think of me?
He barely talks to me as it is.
Such a story wouldn't help
with the upcoming merger either.
Pay them off
or use whatever means necessary.
I'll see to it.
But still.
How can you make a trade
with one of our own artists?
I really believed he was a bully.
Comments kept cropping up saying
that he'd gone to juvie
but changed his name and transferred
when he was in middle school.
I even confirmed the facts.
But I only found out
that Se-yeon was falsely charged…
for the bullying
by his school's delinquents…
after the correction was published.
You should have reported it to me, then!
How could you hide it until now?
Se-yeon was already dead then.
What would be the point?
the validity did not matter.
The rumors were out already
and the story was bound to blow up.
What's the big deal
if I disclosed it earlier?
Shut your mouth.
The kid killed himself because of that.
Do you still not get it?
And what? Plagiarism?
You took a song from the dead kid?
Were you badly injured?
I'm sorry.
I got mad at you over nothing.
I'm sorry. Open your eyes, please?
Who are you?
I asked, who are you?
-Who are you?
-Hey, Sis!
You have a sister?
She's a cousin.
When did you get here?
Just now.
Don't cry.
I'm all right.
I didn't get hurt badly.
What a relief.
I kept calling you, but you didn't answer.
So I thought you got hurt pretty bad.
I lost my cell phone in the accident.
I see.
I guess you're pretty close
with your cousin.
She's crying her eyes out
over you wearing a cast.
-We've always been close.
-I see.
Well, you should get some rest.
Are you leaving already?
He's right. Stay a bit longer
since you came all the way here.
That's okay. I'll be off.
What's going on?
He got into an accident with Seo-jun?
How did that happen?
Anyway, it seemed he broke his leg.
Should I go back
to see his face real quick?
No. I should just--
What is she doing
sitting on the patient's lap?
-I'm sorry.
Let's stay like this for a bit.
I was dying to see you.
You're hurt.
It's all right.
Seeing you makes me feel all better.
I really feel better.
Where did this punk go?
Who cares if he gets the shot or not.
Whether he's hurting or not.
I'm sorry about losing my temper then.
I'm sorry too.
I won't do that again.
Please forgive me.
I won't either.
Forgive me.
Anyway, what happened?
How did you get into an accident?
what do I do?
I'm going
to steal your girl no matter what.
You're too slow.
I'm not making the sound with my mouth.
Where have you been at this hour?
What the heck?
You're way too slow.
Sleep well. I'll visit you again tomorrow.
He said he lost his phone.
Close the window, will you?
I said, close it.
How did I get here?
Why did you run in?
That got you hurt too.
I didn't run in for you.
Your dad thinks that I'm Leo.
They said something about a tribute album,
and now what?
What exactly did you say to your dad
when you bought all those instruments?
Had you told him earlier,
this wouldn't have happened.
Aren't you upset at all?
Just to hide your picture
taken with a young actress,
you ran stories about Se-yeon's bullying.
You'd steal a song from him
just to hide your own wrongdoing?
How did you sleep?
What was that? You sounded like a robot.
Why are you being so awkward?
Was I? I didn't mean to.
Don't be like that.
I don't want things
to be weird between us.
You tied your hair up today. I did too.
It looks pretty.
Let's go.
By the way,
can we have the study session today?
I have to have
a make-up tutoring session tomorrow.
But Soo-ho…
What about him?
Soo-ho can't make it today.
He's in the hospital.
What? When did this happen?
He got into an accident
while he was with Seo-jun yesterday.
Why are you telling me just now?
That is…
-I just found out last night…
-Did he get hurt badly?
Where did he get hurt?
Never mind. I'll just ask him myself.
Go ahead. I need to hand in my homework
at the teachers' office.
I brought your underwear first.
How are you feeling?
If you're uncomfortable,
I'll have someone take care of you.
That's not necessary.
And please don't come here.
Soo-ho, what you heard yesterday…
Seo-jun, Mom's here!
We'll talk later.
-Hey, Su-jin.
I'm sorry, but can you
tidy up the kids' notes?
Okay, new student.
Go wait in your class.
The class president's been notified.
-You'll be shown to your seat.
-Thank you.
Hey, Mr. Han.
Isn't there a girl
from Yongpa High in your class too?
Do you mean Ju-kyung?
Yes, she's from Yongpa High.
Well, that school's not that far.
Why are so many kids
transferring from there?
I guess it tracks.
I heard that school has so many bad kids.
Come on, sir.
The kids must have their own reasons.
-I want meat, not this.
-Just eat whatever I give you.
Good boy.
-You're eating so well, my baby.
-I'm hardly a baby.
This reminds me of
how I fed you when you were little.
How did my Leaky grow up so fast?
Hey, Soo-ho,
did you know?
When Seo-jun was young,
his nickname was Leaky.
He wasn't potty trained until much later
and would wet his bed at night,
so we called him Leaky.
Why are you telling him that?
Let's see.
Was it until you were ten?
You wet the bed once or twice
in the fifth grade.
-Stop it, Mom.
What's there to be embarrassed about?
You're best friends
who used to go to the sauna together.
Anyway, how did you get
into an accident together?
You guys haven't been hanging out lately,
as if you two had a fight.
And Soo-ho,
when you visited me
after I had my surgery,
you insisted that I never tell
Seo-jun about your visit.
I thought it was weird then too.
It's not like that.
How are you feeling these days?
I feel great.
That's why I can come around like this.
-You said you need to go to work.
-All right.
Here, have this first.
Come on. Good boy.
Are you done?
I'm going to take this out.
Are you done too?
Do you want me to take it out for you?
I'm all right.
You should take care of Leaky over there.
I've still got my feet.
What's wrong?
-You've got a problem?
Okay, then.
Hey, Soo-ho.
Never mind.
I can't wait. The bathroom…
-The bathroom?
-I need to pee.
Leaky, indeed.
-Why are you telling me?
-Then who else do I tell?
Call the nurse, Leaky.
Hey, how can I ask the nurse
to take my pants off?
I would like to switch rooms.
-Is there an empty room available?
I heard that Soo-ho and Seo-jun
weren't hurt in an accident,
but that it was because they brawled.
It's weird they were
hospitalized together.
That's what the rumors say.
Who do you think won?
It really was a car accident.
My sister saw it
because it happened in front of her work.
It wasn't that they fought
in front of your sister's work?
She said it wasn't like that.
Shouldn't we visit Soo-ho at the hospital?
-Should we? We could all go tomorrow.
-I'm going to be late for work. Bye!
-What? Okay, bye, Limju!
Work hard, Lim Ju-kyung!
-Lim Ju-kyung?
-Let's go!
-Who's this beauty?
Hi, but who are you?
-Why are you replying?
-Come on.
-Did you get introduced?
-Who is she?
Hey, I'm embarrassed to ask you this…
-Ask what?
-Your number.
-It's 010-262--
Do you know Han Seo-jun?
Han Seo-jun?
He didn't come to school today.
I've been waiting, but he didn't show.
-But compared to that Seo-jun, I'm--
-Hey, Joo Hye-min!
Why is that bitch here?
-Hey, come on.
-Let's step back.
-What the heck?
-Step back, man.
Gosh, you transferred to Saebom High?
You snitched on us bullying you,
then bailed.
But you only made it this far?
-You stupid bitch.
We got detention
because of your crazy ass.
-Hey, stop it.
Joo Hye-min,
you want to get away from us, right?
Answer me, bitch.
Then, if you do as I say,
I'll kindly let you go.
Can you do that?
There's someone called
Lim Ju-kyung at your school.
-Yes, her name's the same as the Dumpling.
Find out if she's really
dating Han Seo-jun.
You're not answering?
Okay. I will.
Good. Update me regularly.
You know what'll happen
if you ignore my texts, right?
You're here.
On a blind date, are we?
Jeez. How did you get hurt?
You should have kept your eyes open.
You didn't have to come.
I was worried about you.
It's an air-purifying plant.
It doesn't need to be watered often.
I heard you said
you don't need a caregiver.
Your dad asked me to get you things,
so I brought items you might need.
Face wash, toner…
I brought your laptop too.
You're welcome.
Thanks, Seo-jun.
I heard you got hurt
trying to save Soo-ho.
Why would you say thanks?
You're not even his girlfriend.
If you don't want it, I take it back.
Do you need to keep your cast on for long?
You don't need surgery, do you?
-It's all right.
Don't they have a private room?
-Want me to ask my dad for a transfer?
-No thanks. Here.
Don't you have academy today?
I'm going to go later.
Trying to send me away already?
-Why did you come here alone?
Where's Ju-kyung?
-Aren't you two best friends?
You're inseparable,
so it's odd to see you alone.
She has work today.
Were you waiting for her?
Why would you ask me that?
He's the one you should ask.
Why would I ask him?
Aren't you the one dating Ju-kyung?
-That's what everyone says.
-Thank you.
What can I get for you?
Strawberries and grapefruit?
You must like fresh flavors.
Fresh flavors make you feel good, right?
Just like you.
What do you mean?
You're fresh, just like a grapefruit.
My grapefruit?
Stop it.
-What kind of pet name is that?
-What's the matter?
Couples can have pet names, right?
Am I right, my grapefruit?
Stop it, my strawberry.
See? It's weird.
But Hee-kyung,
why didn't you go to work today?
I yelled at my CEO.
I took a day off
after realizing what I'd done.
Should I quit before I get fired?
Ju-kyung's right there.
Sorry? What's going on?
Han Jun-woo!
Ju-kyung finding out
bothers you that much?
It doesn't feel right as her teacher.
If Ju-kyung finds out,
it will be difficult for her
to see me just as her teacher.
And if the school finds out,
if I even give her
a slightly higher score,
people are bound to complain
about favoritism and partiality.
I get it.
We'll keep it a secret.
Thank you.
Anyway, why is she doing
part-time work here?
Why is she making money in secret?
She should be studying instead.
But Ju-kyung seems to have
found her passion.
She wrote down cosmetology
on her career interest survey.
Didn't you know?
What have you been up to since earlier?
Mom, try to punch me.
Punch you? Why?
I have now achieved dynamic visual acuity.
Right, left.
-Dynamic visual acuity, my foot.
-Go to the hospital for me.
-The hospital?
Dear Soo-ho got injured and hospitalized.
With no mom to take care of him
and eating bland hospital meals…
I made a beef stew for him,
so go give it to him.
Jeez. How did he get hurt?
But I'm busy right now.
-Ask Dad.
-Your dad went to his class.
Make the delivery, okay?
-Hey, Mr. Lim.
We're going for a cup of tea.
Would you like to join us?
Thank you for inviting me,
but I have to go prepare dinner.
-Goodness, you're so caring!
-What a nice guy!
I know a place that has great coffee.
-If you come here
and get either your eyelashes
or eyebrows done,
coffee is free of charge.
-I'll come.
-Of course, I'll come.
See you next class.
-I'll see you next time. Bye!
-I'm sorry.
Columbus Park?
Hey! Stop right there!
Hey, stop!
Hey, stop right there!
Where are you going?
Hey! You, where are you going?
Hey, you! Columbus!
Sir, please follow the car in the front.
Seo-jun must be there too.
Why did I come without makeup yesterday?
The mirror.
Is that good enough?
ROOM 505
-Why don't you put it on yourself?
-Come on, do better.
I'll come back later.
You two look very close.
Not at all.
I was helping him get changed.
Should I wait outside?
Put it on quickly!
I'll get him clothed soon.
Going to the restroom?
Do you need help?
Help him with what?
It must be difficult by yourself.
Don't try to picture it or anything.
I'm going for a walk.
I brought these in case you get bored.
It must have been heavy.
You shouldn't have.
These look fun.
I'll get it.
-Hold on. I'll undo it.
-Hold on.
-I'm sorry, wait a bit.
Here. My mom wanted me to give you this.
I'm leaving.
Get on with whatever you were doing.
-It's not like that, Ju-young.
-My hair is--
Just kiss!
I'll kill you if you tell Mom, got it?
Gosh, what do I do?
Sorry. Can you scoot to the right?
I'm sorry.
-Not sure. What does Seo-jun like?
-Fried chicken.
What do we do?
What do we do?
-Hold on.
-We're here!
-He's not here?
-He's not here.
-My friend, Soo-ho!
Don't touch me.
-What's wrong?
-It hurts.
-It hurts?
-He's hurting.
-He is.
It's heartbreaking.
-Don't touch him!
Goodness. Were you hurt badly?
Am I dreaming?
-Hold on. What are you doing here?
Are you sick?
I'm fine.
That's good. Hey, hold on.
Don't you wonder
what I'm doing here?
Aren't you curious
if I'm all right or not?
Not at all.
What? Are you really not feeling well?
I'm sick. I got this illness.
-What illness?
-A horrible incurable disease.
Symptoms? It's not just a couple.
This brain, only thinking of Han Go-un.
These eyes, only seeing Han Go-un.
This heart, only beating for Han Go-un.
These legs, running toward
Han Go-un on their own.
-Hey, bro!
Too bad you're so sick.
-What are you going to do?
Looks like you'll be dying soon.
At my hands.
To Han Go-un,
-I won't make unwanted advances.
How dare you hit on my sister?
She said she's not interested!
I'm going to make her interested!
-To Han Go-un,
-I like you.
-You little…
I like Han Go-un.
Hey, I'll see you again.
You, stop right there!
That nutcase.
Here, your underwear.
By the way,
does Ju-kyung know?
-That her brother likes you?
That's Ju-kyung's little brother?
It tastes good.
It tastes good. Hey, try this.
-It's good.
-It is, right?
-Han Seo-jun!
-Hey, Seo-jun!
-Seo-jun, you're alive!
-Jeez, look at this.
-Hey, come here.
-What's this
Seo-jun, are you all right?
-It hurts.
-It does?
You look good even in a hospital gown.
The glorious wound and the cast.
-You still look nice.
-You do.
Do you know how worried I was?
-I had lost my appetite, seriously.
-He really did worry.
Hey! It's all those snacks
that chase away your appetite.
Old farts over there,
can you keep it down?
Can't you see the quiet sign?
This isn't your private room.
I'm thirsty. Do you have a drink?
Aloe vera juice.
I'm sorry.
I'll fix it right away.
What are these?
-Hey, give those back!
-Look at his underwear!
They're playing around.
-Very nice!
-Very nice!
Give them back!
-Move over. Give them back!
-Just for a minute.
-Our Soo-ho needs his rest.
-Come on, give them back!
Look at that cold sweat. Goodness!
What do we do?
What do we do?
-My hands are fine.
-They are?
Then, I'll wipe down your feet
which are not fine.
Soo-ho, your foot!
Your foot is very small and cute.
That's a surprise. You like pink?
How dare you touch my foot?
I just wanted to wipe your foot…
He has very weird taste.
I can't believe it.
That was so mean.
How could you?
-We decided on fried chicken.
-By the way, where's the TV?
-Where are we ordering from?
-Let's get pizza too.
-Order what Seo-jun likes!
How about that place from the last time?
-Soy sauce? Or garlic?
You should all leave now.
But why?
-I'm going to stay the night.
-Hey! We'll take care of you all night.
We're friends, you know?
Where do you expect to sleep, big guy?
-Yes, please do.
You guys are too loud.
You should go too, please.
You're really hurting my feelings!
I should leave now.
-Hey, let's go.
-Let's go.
That's it. You guys leave too.
why are you dying to make us leave?
Come on!
I just want to be alone with Soo-ho.
-Just the two of you?
I approve of this bromance.
-Me too.
-Me too.
-When did you make up?
-Did you guys make up?
I hear they're shooting
that show with Yeo Ha-jin in the lobby.
-What, Yeo Ha-jin?
-Everyone's first crush, Yeo Ha-jin?
I'm sorry, Su-ah!
Just go! Leave!
I'm sorry, Seo-jun! Let's go.
You scared me.
Why are you out here?
I took the trouble to chase them away.
it's getting late.
Why do you go through the hassle
to keep it a secret?
Just tell them and be done with it.
I can't do it yet.
Why? Because of Su-jin?
Hey, I told you…
that was just an example.
Gosh, you're so funny.
Hey, what do you have on your hair?
I'm sorry.
Darn it. I'll need to cut this out.
What did you do on the bed
to take a button off?
I guess your loneliness
makes you imaginative.
The boys were just messing with me!
Then I'll write one too.
Give me your arm.
Hey, don't write anything weird.
I'm leaving.
Rise up, spirit of the tiger. Roar!
Right. Seo-jun!
It never gets old to her, does it?
You should have gotten a touch-up sooner.
Why did you come just now?
Still, it'll last longer now.
-Thank you.
-Let me see.
-Are you done?
-Yes, it came out well.
-Are you going to get something?
-No, I'm here to check on what's mine.
What's yours? What do you mean?
I am going to head out.
Ms. Hong, your shop is still open, right?
I didn't know you had
such a young and handsome customer.
Well, then, I'll get going…
He's Ju-kyung's teacher.
-Gosh, I could tell from your features
that you were a teacher.
-Are you married?
-No, not yet.
Goodness, what a coincidence.
My daughter isn't married either.
I think you'd hit it off with her.
Don't you want a blind date?
Well, thank you for the offer,
but no, thank you.
-I'll get going, then.
But why not?
If things work out,
you'd have my pork trotters for free
for the rest of your life.
Jeez, who'd marry for free pork trotters?
You marry for a like-minded soul.
-Goodbye, Mr. Han.
-Good night.
Why don't you set Hee-kyung up
for a blind date?
Do you know any nice guys?
Should I?
Hee-kyung, what type of men are you into?
-Just say the word.
The type of men I'm into?
As for age,
someone who was born in early 1990.
Someone without thick eyebrows.
Someone who looks cute with bangs
but sexy with them pushed back.
Someone who seems modest and quiet,
but acts like a kitten
when he's making a fuss.
Someone who makes me…
flustered all the time.
Someone like that.
Just say you don't want to date.
Where's a guy like that?
-There is.
-She's insane.
-Mom, I'm going to hit the store. Bye!
That brat.
Come back home soon!
Where are you going?
Why do you keep running away?
It flusters me.
This is your neighborhood.
What if Ju-kyung sees us?
She won't pass this alley.
Is that so?
-Do you like pork trotters?
-Excuse me?
Who told you to smile like that
to strangers?
-What did I do?
-It's your pretty smile
that has everyone considering you
a potential groom.
To you, maybe.
Your eyebrows are pretty.
You're prettier, Hee-kyung.
Lower your face.
-Who were you kissing? Your boyfriend?
-Let go of me. Who is it?
-Let go.
-I said, leave!
Just let go! Seriously…
Who's that? Is it someone I know?
I said, no.
Goodness. What's with my sisters today?
Why are you getting caught
being all lovey-dovey?
Let's just go home.
Where have you been?
One, ten, hundred, thousand,
ten thousand, hundred thousand…
I found him!
-Found who?
-Columbus Park!
I was heading out of my class,
and our eyes locked.
To get him, I…
-Did you get in a cab?
-I did!
So my cab chased after his.
Just like a car chase in the movies.
"Halt, Columbus Park!"
"Sir, go a little faster."
So? Did you catch him?
I lost him!
But honey,
at least I confirmed that he's in Seoul.
Confirmed, my foot!
You just lost 150,000 won!
-Honey, wait…
-I just can't!
-Honey, think it through.
-Darn it!
At least we know he's in Seoul!
Who cares? You just burned 150,000 won!
You should come clean to me.
-Are you studying cosmetology?
-How did you know?
"How did you know?"
You're not trying something out
because you don't want to study, are you?
It's not like that.
I'm seriously considering it.
I really want to do this.
But I haven't started properly yet.
I haven't registered at a beauty school.
Are you working part-time
to earn your tuition?
How did you know about that?
It's obvious…
seeing how you get home so late lately.
Gosh, you're good.
You have amazing intuition.
But don't tell Mom for a while.
I'll get really good grades on my exams
and then ask for her permission.
I'll be off then.
if the part-time job is tough,
I can pay for the tuition.
No, I want to try it on my own.
Gosh, you're all grown up now.
Ju-kyung, let me know
if things get too tough, okay?
Will do. Thanks, sis! I love you!
Mr. Han's girlfriend
is Ju-kyung's older sister?
Good morning, sir!
have this.
I love anything strawberry.
Thank you.
-Have a great day, Ju-kyung!
-Thank you, sir.
You make it too obvious.
What do you mean?
You're being too nice to her
for being the sister of your girlfriend!
I still don't get what you mean…
I don't know.
I'm not the type to make it obvious.
When two wrappers A and B
are placed on the coordinate plane,
let's say the upper boundary
of the gilt pattern
is y equals
f of x.
The lower boundary…
He's probably doing well, right?
I wonder what he's up to.
When specified as such,
the area between these two curves
will be the same.
Give it to me.
I want the meat.
Yours look tastier.
Stop spilling, Leaky.
There we go.
I'll push you with my legs.
Pull it back a little.
Turn right.
Come on.
You carry this around?
I'm impressed.
For my followers who support me,
even a single selfie needs my best care.
-It looks good.
-She's glowing.
-It's really different.
-It works.
-It's the best photo ever!
-It looks good.
I'm submitting this
to the Newstagram Goddess Competition.
-Do you want to enter too?
-No, I'm good.
Ju-kyung, you should take one.
-I feel like you'll do well.
-Give it a go.
I'll pour my soul into your picture.
All right, Ju-kyung, one, two, three!
Hold up the reflector.
Stay still.
You look so pretty.
Give me goddess vibes, okay?
What? Why are you taking
pictures of Ju-kyung?
It's nothing.
My fingers slipped.
-Get the sunlight.
-Stay still.
You look so pretty.
Look over there, into the distance.
Press it down firmly.
I'll switch it out right away.
I told you not to come.
Let's talk, please?
I feel better now.
-You came again?
You're literally coming here every day.
I can't call him and I'm worried.
I have to come to see him.
That's a touching story.
Hey, you have one less cast!
Yes, they took another x-ray
and it was all good to go.
That's great news.
Soo-ho should get better soon too.
-did you know Soo-ho had a cousin?
Sure. I knew that.
Why did you do that?
Se-yeon was my friend.
Why in the world did you do that?
I had no idea about Se-yeon's story.
I'd entrusted Director Oh with everything.
I had no idea that was how
he would deal with things.
If I had, I wouldn't have done that.
As you said, Se-yeon was your friend.
How could I ever do such a thing to him?
So everything's on Director Oh?
They said that was to cover up your story.
are you simply going to plead ignorance?
Do you really think
you're blameless in all this?
Did you know…
I thought Se-yeon made such a choice…
because I didn't answer his last call.
Do you know how much I suffered?
It turned out…
you were at the start of all this.
Did a scandal scare you that much?
That was nothing!
I didn't want you to be
disappointed in me.
Our relationship was shaky as it is.
I thought such an article…
would make you grow more distant.
So I tried to cover it up.
How could I be disappointed
when I had no expectations?
Long ago,
I'd already seen everything.
What you did on the day Mom died.
You saw?
-Soo-ho, back then…
-Please leave.
I said, leave!
Soo-ho, stay with me! Soo-ho!
Soo-ho, what's wrong? Over here!
-What's wrong? Wake up!
-Are you okay?
Soo-ho, wake up!
He seems to have suffered a panic attack.
ECG and other tests didn't show anomalies,
so it's likely a psychological issue.
If he suffers such episodes often,
I recommend bringing him
into the psychology department
and getting him some counseling.
I knew he kept things to himself,
but I didn't know it was to the extent
that he'd get sick.
I'm telling you this
because he won't himself.
is Lee Soo-ho.
Can't you tell just by seeing his home?
Are you even his dad?
When he wrote songs with Se-yeon,
you have no idea how happy he was, do you?
Actually, I like Soo-ho.
But it hurts a little.
is Lee Soo-ho.
When he wrote songs with Se-yeon,
you have no idea how happy he was, do you?
What you did on the day Mom died.
I thought Se-yeon made such a choice…
because I didn't answer his last call.
Do you know how much I suffered?
So how long will you take it out on me?
Until you die…
and meet Se-yeon again.
Never forget.
You killed Se-yeon,
and you don't deserve to smile.
He's sleeping as if he's dead.
Is he even breathing?
I saw it all. Why put up a show?
I want to get some fresh air,
but there's no wheelchair.
Just sleep. It's the middle of the night.
Hold on tight.
You're heavy.
How do you weigh a ton
with such a tiny head?
-Why do you talk so much?
we'll settle all this when your legs heal.
Use your strength, Leaky.
I am using my strength.
What are you doing?
We didn't have a wheelchair.
You could've called for one.
Wait here, please.
Hey, you should have called them!
Why didn't you go get it
with your working legs?
-I didn't think of that!
-Me neither!
You're the top student.
Don't you use your brain?
What place are you in?
didn't you tell me back then?
That you didn't meet Se-yeon that day?
All this time,
I thought Se-yeon did it because
you didn't believe him. That's why…
You should have told me.
So what if I'd told you?
It's not like he would have
come back to life.
I thought he had died because of me.
"If only I answered his call,
maybe I could have prevented it."
Is that…
what you've been thinking all this time?
You're so thick.
Ju-young, come here and have some fruit.
Where's Ju-kyung when it's the weekend?
Didn't she leave early in the morning?
It's not my job to know.
You should care about your sister.
Lee Ju-hun, the CEO of Move Entertainment,
-What is he saying?
-revealed that Black Soul's
title track was plagiarized.
He announced his retirement
and resignation from the company.
-His retirement?
-Lee says that the title track
of the new group, Black Soul,
-Hello? Ma'am?
-was the late Jeong Se-yeon's…
-Did you see the news?
Lee Ju-hun's going to retire.
But Mr. Lee!
Why? My goodness!
My dear Mr. Lee!
The two points on this graph
are defined as A and B, respectively.
Then the function value of A
becomes f of A,
and that of B becomes f of B.
Now, the limit.
Slicing it up into the tiniest possible…
Kangsu, it's huge. Have you seen the news?
Between A and B…
…B gradually moves lower, and…
It's Ju-kyung, again.
It's me again.
I missed you.
And you're here.
I came to give you a hug.
I poured out everything
I'd pressed down deep inside,
but it still feels heavy.
If you can't sleep at night,
talk to these guys.
Tell them all your sadness and worries.
It's Ju-kyung.
My girlfriend.
Goddess, how does it feel to turn
the world of social media upside down?
Lim Ju-kyung!
She transferred from Yongpa High School.
There was also a girl named
Lim Ju-kyung at my old school.
Are you
the same Kang Su-jin I used to know?
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn
Okay, understood.
-What is it?
-Did you really have to take it this far?
-Ms. Lim, what do you think you're doing?
-I get why you wouldn't like it.
People talking about Se-yeon again.
But still, you'd steal a song from him
just to hide your own wrongdoing?
-What is she saying?
-It's nothing, sir.
Do you think he has time to deal
with every new artist?
Come on. Let's talk outside.
Let go. I said, let go of me!
Just to hide a picture of you
taken with a young actress,
you ran stories about Se-yeon's bullying.
If you actually felt bad
for Se-yeon's death,
you shouldn't have done this.
Even if the copyright isn't registered,
this is clearly plagiarism!
How dare you come into my office
and speak such nonsense!
Get out.
Se-yeon and Leo are only 18.
You even have a son yourself.
If you feel even a twinge of guilt
toward kids your son's age,
take the song down and make things right.
Rather than having it revealed
by my whistleblowing,
it would look much better
if you dealt with it yourself.
are you blackmailing me?
Think of it however you want.
I said what I said, at the risk of my job.
Get out. Have you gone mad?
I'll get out myself.
Hey, Lee Soo-ho!
Did you hear?
The new song that came out from Move--
That prick.
Lee Soo-ho!
Hey. What do you think?
Isn't it nice? Want to get one each?
-It does look nice.
-Matching items are childish.
Come on, try it. I'll help you.
There you go.
Come on, take a look.
Guys, you can never take this off, okay?
The same goes for you.
-Congratulations and celebrations!
-Congratulations and celebrations!
-Big congratulations on your debut!
-Big congratulations on your debut!
Why didn't you tell me
about your debut, punk?
I felt bad, so…
What's there to feel bad about?
You started training first,
so of course, you debuted first.
Congratulations, Jeong Se-yeon!
-Come here!
-Guys, this isn't necessary.
-Got it.
Leo. How does that sound? Nice, right?
It sounds perfect for Soo-ho.
When I debut,
you'll give me this song, okay?
-Why would we give it to you?
-I'm going to sing it with you.
-Says who?
-Well, I should hear how you sound first.
Is this an audition?
-An audition.
-As I close my eyes
The sight of you grows clearer
I long even more
For your bright light
You used to spend long nights here
It's where I'll briefly rest
And stay by your side
Borne out of my weary tears
Reaches the sky
Approach me slowly
Like a neverending dream
As a star by my side
Please let me in, Soo-ho.
Just this once, please.
-Isn't that Jeong Se-yeon?
-Jeong Se-yeon?
-Who's that?
-That school bully.
The kid who was trending online?
-It blew up.
-But what's he doing here?
Reporter Choi, Mr. Lee is too busy
to be dating these days.
He just had a few drinks
after the shoot, that's all.
What do you mean by prostitution?
That's absurd.
Of course not.
But I wasn't a bully.
I never did such a thing.
I'm innocent.
-I heard Jeong Se-yeon killed himself.
-From the boy band? Goodness.
-You can't come in.
-Please leave.
The person you are trying to reach is…
-What are you doing here at this hour?
I came here to tell you something.
Tell me something?
I thought I shouldn't drag it out longer.
Su-jin, the thing is…
I'm dating Soo-ho.
I like him a lot too.
I really wasn't trying
to hide it from you.
I wanted to tell you before anyone else.
But after you told me you liked him,
I couldn't bring myself to tell you.
I thought the truth would
make us grow distant.
I didn't want to lose you.
I couldn't continue deceiving you.
I'm really sorry.
I'd be lying
if I told you everything was fine.
I'm upset.
I'm sorry.
this isn't the first time
I've had feelings for Soo-ho.
The feelings quickly died down then.
When you're friends for a long time,
your mind can play tricks
and get confused sometimes.
That's how it is for me.
You don't need to feel so bad.
-Come on.
Seeing you upset like this
makes me feel bad for telling you.
Don't cry.
You didn't do anything wrong.
Lift your chin up.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
If Soo-ho likes you,
what can I do?
If I can sort out my feelings,
you and Soo-ho,
you and me…
can all stay the same.
I look uglier swollen like this.
The person you are trying to reach is…
Is he still that upset?
Did he get into an accident
because of what I said?
Why aren't you inside?
I felt stifled.
Why are you coming out?
Go inside, you'll catch a cold.
I felt stifled too. I needed some air.
Is everything all right?
Not really.
what's wrong with me?
What do you mean?
Every time something comes up,
I get scared for no reason
and try to hide.
Things keep getting messed up,
and I end up hurting people
for no good reason.
It would have been better
if I'd opened up from the beginning.
It's too bad
that I act too rashly sometimes,
and that you have so much fear.
You can try to open up more from now on.
Look at Dad, for example.
He could've told us right off the bat
about being scammed.
He tried to handle it on his own,
putting things on credit cards
and accumulating debt.
In the end, he cost us our house,
landing us back here, you know?
I'm sorry, my daughters.
Jeez, he's going to cry again.
How long was he there for?
He should've made a noise or something.
Didn't you say you're friends
with my CEO's son?
Lee Soo-ho, right?
Yes, why do you ask?
He got into a car accident
in front of the company.
A car accident?
It's all right if you go.
With you two around,
I can't even relax properly.
How can we just leave you?
Your cast must give you trouble.
-Don't worry. I'll just be asleep anyway.
Jeez, you are so stubborn.
Then I'll be back early tomorrow
with some things you might need.
You should have been more careful.
We were so scared.
-All right, I need to sleep.
Well, call me if something comes up!
-Will do.
-Okay, bye.
Is Soo-ho all right?
Explain everything Ms. Lim said earlier.
the thing is…
I ran the story last year
to cover up your dating rumors…
Nothing happened with her.
Why would I date someone that young?
We live in the same building,
so after the event,
I gave her a ride home.
They're saying your living arrangement
is further proof,
and that the story will run
as an exclusive Monday morning.
Stop them.
What would Soo-ho think of me?
He barely talks to me as it is.
Such a story wouldn't help
with the upcoming merger either.
Pay them off
or use whatever means necessary.
I'll see to it.
But still.
How can you make a trade
with one of our own artists?
I really believed he was a bully.
Comments kept cropping up saying
that he'd gone to juvie
but changed his name and transferred
when he was in middle school.
I even confirmed the facts.
But I only found out
that Se-yeon was falsely charged…
for the bullying
by his school's delinquents…
after the correction was published.
You should have reported it to me, then!
How could you hide it until now?
Se-yeon was already dead then.
What would be the point?
the validity did not matter.
The rumors were out already
and the story was bound to blow up.
What's the big deal
if I disclosed it earlier?
Shut your mouth.
The kid killed himself because of that.
Do you still not get it?
And what? Plagiarism?
You took a song from the dead kid?
Were you badly injured?
I'm sorry.
I got mad at you over nothing.
I'm sorry. Open your eyes, please?
Who are you?
I asked, who are you?
-Who are you?
-Hey, Sis!
You have a sister?
She's a cousin.
When did you get here?
Just now.
Don't cry.
I'm all right.
I didn't get hurt badly.
What a relief.
I kept calling you, but you didn't answer.
So I thought you got hurt pretty bad.
I lost my cell phone in the accident.
I see.
I guess you're pretty close
with your cousin.
She's crying her eyes out
over you wearing a cast.
-We've always been close.
-I see.
Well, you should get some rest.
Are you leaving already?
He's right. Stay a bit longer
since you came all the way here.
That's okay. I'll be off.
What's going on?
He got into an accident with Seo-jun?
How did that happen?
Anyway, it seemed he broke his leg.
Should I go back
to see his face real quick?
No. I should just--
What is she doing
sitting on the patient's lap?
-I'm sorry.
Let's stay like this for a bit.
I was dying to see you.
You're hurt.
It's all right.
Seeing you makes me feel all better.
I really feel better.
Where did this punk go?
Who cares if he gets the shot or not.
Whether he's hurting or not.
I'm sorry about losing my temper then.
I'm sorry too.
I won't do that again.
Please forgive me.
I won't either.
Forgive me.
Anyway, what happened?
How did you get into an accident?
what do I do?
I'm going
to steal your girl no matter what.
You're too slow.
I'm not making the sound with my mouth.
Where have you been at this hour?
What the heck?
You're way too slow.
Sleep well. I'll visit you again tomorrow.
He said he lost his phone.
Close the window, will you?
I said, close it.
How did I get here?
Why did you run in?
That got you hurt too.
I didn't run in for you.
Your dad thinks that I'm Leo.
They said something about a tribute album,
and now what?
What exactly did you say to your dad
when you bought all those instruments?
Had you told him earlier,
this wouldn't have happened.
Aren't you upset at all?
Just to hide your picture
taken with a young actress,
you ran stories about Se-yeon's bullying.
You'd steal a song from him
just to hide your own wrongdoing?
How did you sleep?
What was that? You sounded like a robot.
Why are you being so awkward?
Was I? I didn't mean to.
Don't be like that.
I don't want things
to be weird between us.
You tied your hair up today. I did too.
It looks pretty.
Let's go.
By the way,
can we have the study session today?
I have to have
a make-up tutoring session tomorrow.
But Soo-ho…
What about him?
Soo-ho can't make it today.
He's in the hospital.
What? When did this happen?
He got into an accident
while he was with Seo-jun yesterday.
Why are you telling me just now?
That is…
-I just found out last night…
-Did he get hurt badly?
Where did he get hurt?
Never mind. I'll just ask him myself.
Go ahead. I need to hand in my homework
at the teachers' office.
I brought your underwear first.
How are you feeling?
If you're uncomfortable,
I'll have someone take care of you.
That's not necessary.
And please don't come here.
Soo-ho, what you heard yesterday…
Seo-jun, Mom's here!
We'll talk later.
-Hey, Su-jin.
I'm sorry, but can you
tidy up the kids' notes?
Okay, new student.
Go wait in your class.
The class president's been notified.
-You'll be shown to your seat.
-Thank you.
Hey, Mr. Han.
Isn't there a girl
from Yongpa High in your class too?
Do you mean Ju-kyung?
Yes, she's from Yongpa High.
Well, that school's not that far.
Why are so many kids
transferring from there?
I guess it tracks.
I heard that school has so many bad kids.
Come on, sir.
The kids must have their own reasons.
-I want meat, not this.
-Just eat whatever I give you.
Good boy.
-You're eating so well, my baby.
-I'm hardly a baby.
This reminds me of
how I fed you when you were little.
How did my Leaky grow up so fast?
Hey, Soo-ho,
did you know?
When Seo-jun was young,
his nickname was Leaky.
He wasn't potty trained until much later
and would wet his bed at night,
so we called him Leaky.
Why are you telling him that?
Let's see.
Was it until you were ten?
You wet the bed once or twice
in the fifth grade.
-Stop it, Mom.
What's there to be embarrassed about?
You're best friends
who used to go to the sauna together.
Anyway, how did you get
into an accident together?
You guys haven't been hanging out lately,
as if you two had a fight.
And Soo-ho,
when you visited me
after I had my surgery,
you insisted that I never tell
Seo-jun about your visit.
I thought it was weird then too.
It's not like that.
How are you feeling these days?
I feel great.
That's why I can come around like this.
-You said you need to go to work.
-All right.
Here, have this first.
Come on. Good boy.
Are you done?
I'm going to take this out.
Are you done too?
Do you want me to take it out for you?
I'm all right.
You should take care of Leaky over there.
I've still got my feet.
What's wrong?
-You've got a problem?
Okay, then.
Hey, Soo-ho.
Never mind.
I can't wait. The bathroom…
-The bathroom?
-I need to pee.
Leaky, indeed.
-Why are you telling me?
-Then who else do I tell?
Call the nurse, Leaky.
Hey, how can I ask the nurse
to take my pants off?
I would like to switch rooms.
-Is there an empty room available?
I heard that Soo-ho and Seo-jun
weren't hurt in an accident,
but that it was because they brawled.
It's weird they were
hospitalized together.
That's what the rumors say.
Who do you think won?
It really was a car accident.
My sister saw it
because it happened in front of her work.
It wasn't that they fought
in front of your sister's work?
She said it wasn't like that.
Shouldn't we visit Soo-ho at the hospital?
-Should we? We could all go tomorrow.
-I'm going to be late for work. Bye!
-What? Okay, bye, Limju!
Work hard, Lim Ju-kyung!
-Lim Ju-kyung?
-Let's go!
-Who's this beauty?
Hi, but who are you?
-Why are you replying?
-Come on.
-Did you get introduced?
-Who is she?
Hey, I'm embarrassed to ask you this…
-Ask what?
-Your number.
-It's 010-262--
Do you know Han Seo-jun?
Han Seo-jun?
He didn't come to school today.
I've been waiting, but he didn't show.
-But compared to that Seo-jun, I'm--
-Hey, Joo Hye-min!
Why is that bitch here?
-Hey, come on.
-Let's step back.
-What the heck?
-Step back, man.
Gosh, you transferred to Saebom High?
You snitched on us bullying you,
then bailed.
But you only made it this far?
-You stupid bitch.
We got detention
because of your crazy ass.
-Hey, stop it.
Joo Hye-min,
you want to get away from us, right?
Answer me, bitch.
Then, if you do as I say,
I'll kindly let you go.
Can you do that?
There's someone called
Lim Ju-kyung at your school.
-Yes, her name's the same as the Dumpling.
Find out if she's really
dating Han Seo-jun.
You're not answering?
Okay. I will.
Good. Update me regularly.
You know what'll happen
if you ignore my texts, right?
You're here.
On a blind date, are we?
Jeez. How did you get hurt?
You should have kept your eyes open.
You didn't have to come.
I was worried about you.
It's an air-purifying plant.
It doesn't need to be watered often.
I heard you said
you don't need a caregiver.
Your dad asked me to get you things,
so I brought items you might need.
Face wash, toner…
I brought your laptop too.
You're welcome.
Thanks, Seo-jun.
I heard you got hurt
trying to save Soo-ho.
Why would you say thanks?
You're not even his girlfriend.
If you don't want it, I take it back.
Do you need to keep your cast on for long?
You don't need surgery, do you?
-It's all right.
Don't they have a private room?
-Want me to ask my dad for a transfer?
-No thanks. Here.
Don't you have academy today?
I'm going to go later.
Trying to send me away already?
-Why did you come here alone?
Where's Ju-kyung?
-Aren't you two best friends?
You're inseparable,
so it's odd to see you alone.
She has work today.
Were you waiting for her?
Why would you ask me that?
He's the one you should ask.
Why would I ask him?
Aren't you the one dating Ju-kyung?
-That's what everyone says.
-Thank you.
What can I get for you?
Strawberries and grapefruit?
You must like fresh flavors.
Fresh flavors make you feel good, right?
Just like you.
What do you mean?
You're fresh, just like a grapefruit.
My grapefruit?
Stop it.
-What kind of pet name is that?
-What's the matter?
Couples can have pet names, right?
Am I right, my grapefruit?
Stop it, my strawberry.
See? It's weird.
But Hee-kyung,
why didn't you go to work today?
I yelled at my CEO.
I took a day off
after realizing what I'd done.
Should I quit before I get fired?
Ju-kyung's right there.
Sorry? What's going on?
Han Jun-woo!
Ju-kyung finding out
bothers you that much?
It doesn't feel right as her teacher.
If Ju-kyung finds out,
it will be difficult for her
to see me just as her teacher.
And if the school finds out,
if I even give her
a slightly higher score,
people are bound to complain
about favoritism and partiality.
I get it.
We'll keep it a secret.
Thank you.
Anyway, why is she doing
part-time work here?
Why is she making money in secret?
She should be studying instead.
But Ju-kyung seems to have
found her passion.
She wrote down cosmetology
on her career interest survey.
Didn't you know?
What have you been up to since earlier?
Mom, try to punch me.
Punch you? Why?
I have now achieved dynamic visual acuity.
Right, left.
-Dynamic visual acuity, my foot.
-Go to the hospital for me.
-The hospital?
Dear Soo-ho got injured and hospitalized.
With no mom to take care of him
and eating bland hospital meals…
I made a beef stew for him,
so go give it to him.
Jeez. How did he get hurt?
But I'm busy right now.
-Ask Dad.
-Your dad went to his class.
Make the delivery, okay?
-Hey, Mr. Lim.
We're going for a cup of tea.
Would you like to join us?
Thank you for inviting me,
but I have to go prepare dinner.
-Goodness, you're so caring!
-What a nice guy!
I know a place that has great coffee.
-If you come here
and get either your eyelashes
or eyebrows done,
coffee is free of charge.
-I'll come.
-Of course, I'll come.
See you next class.
-I'll see you next time. Bye!
-I'm sorry.
Columbus Park?
Hey! Stop right there!
Hey, stop!
Hey, stop right there!
Where are you going?
Hey! You, where are you going?
Hey, you! Columbus!
Sir, please follow the car in the front.
Seo-jun must be there too.
Why did I come without makeup yesterday?
The mirror.
Is that good enough?
ROOM 505
-Why don't you put it on yourself?
-Come on, do better.
I'll come back later.
You two look very close.
Not at all.
I was helping him get changed.
Should I wait outside?
Put it on quickly!
I'll get him clothed soon.
Going to the restroom?
Do you need help?
Help him with what?
It must be difficult by yourself.
Don't try to picture it or anything.
I'm going for a walk.
I brought these in case you get bored.
It must have been heavy.
You shouldn't have.
These look fun.
I'll get it.
-Hold on. I'll undo it.
-Hold on.
-I'm sorry, wait a bit.
Here. My mom wanted me to give you this.
I'm leaving.
Get on with whatever you were doing.
-It's not like that, Ju-young.
-My hair is--
Just kiss!
I'll kill you if you tell Mom, got it?
Gosh, what do I do?
Sorry. Can you scoot to the right?
I'm sorry.
-Not sure. What does Seo-jun like?
-Fried chicken.
What do we do?
What do we do?
-Hold on.
-We're here!
-He's not here?
-He's not here.
-My friend, Soo-ho!
Don't touch me.
-What's wrong?
-It hurts.
-It hurts?
-He's hurting.
-He is.
It's heartbreaking.
-Don't touch him!
Goodness. Were you hurt badly?
Am I dreaming?
-Hold on. What are you doing here?
Are you sick?
I'm fine.
That's good. Hey, hold on.
Don't you wonder
what I'm doing here?
Aren't you curious
if I'm all right or not?
Not at all.
What? Are you really not feeling well?
I'm sick. I got this illness.
-What illness?
-A horrible incurable disease.
Symptoms? It's not just a couple.
This brain, only thinking of Han Go-un.
These eyes, only seeing Han Go-un.
This heart, only beating for Han Go-un.
These legs, running toward
Han Go-un on their own.
-Hey, bro!
Too bad you're so sick.
-What are you going to do?
Looks like you'll be dying soon.
At my hands.
To Han Go-un,
-I won't make unwanted advances.
How dare you hit on my sister?
She said she's not interested!
I'm going to make her interested!
-To Han Go-un,
-I like you.
-You little…
I like Han Go-un.
Hey, I'll see you again.
You, stop right there!
That nutcase.
Here, your underwear.
By the way,
does Ju-kyung know?
-That her brother likes you?
That's Ju-kyung's little brother?
It tastes good.
It tastes good. Hey, try this.
-It's good.
-It is, right?
-Han Seo-jun!
-Hey, Seo-jun!
-Seo-jun, you're alive!
-Jeez, look at this.
-Hey, come here.
-What's this
Seo-jun, are you all right?
-It hurts.
-It does?
You look good even in a hospital gown.
The glorious wound and the cast.
-You still look nice.
-You do.
Do you know how worried I was?
-I had lost my appetite, seriously.
-He really did worry.
Hey! It's all those snacks
that chase away your appetite.
Old farts over there,
can you keep it down?
Can't you see the quiet sign?
This isn't your private room.
I'm thirsty. Do you have a drink?
Aloe vera juice.
I'm sorry.
I'll fix it right away.
What are these?
-Hey, give those back!
-Look at his underwear!
They're playing around.
-Very nice!
-Very nice!
Give them back!
-Move over. Give them back!
-Just for a minute.
-Our Soo-ho needs his rest.
-Come on, give them back!
Look at that cold sweat. Goodness!
What do we do?
What do we do?
-My hands are fine.
-They are?
Then, I'll wipe down your feet
which are not fine.
Soo-ho, your foot!
Your foot is very small and cute.
That's a surprise. You like pink?
How dare you touch my foot?
I just wanted to wipe your foot…
He has very weird taste.
I can't believe it.
That was so mean.
How could you?
-We decided on fried chicken.
-By the way, where's the TV?
-Where are we ordering from?
-Let's get pizza too.
-Order what Seo-jun likes!
How about that place from the last time?
-Soy sauce? Or garlic?
You should all leave now.
But why?
-I'm going to stay the night.
-Hey! We'll take care of you all night.
We're friends, you know?
Where do you expect to sleep, big guy?
-Yes, please do.
You guys are too loud.
You should go too, please.
You're really hurting my feelings!
I should leave now.
-Hey, let's go.
-Let's go.
That's it. You guys leave too.
why are you dying to make us leave?
Come on!
I just want to be alone with Soo-ho.
-Just the two of you?
I approve of this bromance.
-Me too.
-Me too.
-When did you make up?
-Did you guys make up?
I hear they're shooting
that show with Yeo Ha-jin in the lobby.
-What, Yeo Ha-jin?
-Everyone's first crush, Yeo Ha-jin?
I'm sorry, Su-ah!
Just go! Leave!
I'm sorry, Seo-jun! Let's go.
You scared me.
Why are you out here?
I took the trouble to chase them away.
it's getting late.
Why do you go through the hassle
to keep it a secret?
Just tell them and be done with it.
I can't do it yet.
Why? Because of Su-jin?
Hey, I told you…
that was just an example.
Gosh, you're so funny.
Hey, what do you have on your hair?
I'm sorry.
Darn it. I'll need to cut this out.
What did you do on the bed
to take a button off?
I guess your loneliness
makes you imaginative.
The boys were just messing with me!
Then I'll write one too.
Give me your arm.
Hey, don't write anything weird.
I'm leaving.
Rise up, spirit of the tiger. Roar!
Right. Seo-jun!
It never gets old to her, does it?
You should have gotten a touch-up sooner.
Why did you come just now?
Still, it'll last longer now.
-Thank you.
-Let me see.
-Are you done?
-Yes, it came out well.
-Are you going to get something?
-No, I'm here to check on what's mine.
What's yours? What do you mean?
I am going to head out.
Ms. Hong, your shop is still open, right?
I didn't know you had
such a young and handsome customer.
Well, then, I'll get going…
He's Ju-kyung's teacher.
-Gosh, I could tell from your features
that you were a teacher.
-Are you married?
-No, not yet.
Goodness, what a coincidence.
My daughter isn't married either.
I think you'd hit it off with her.
Don't you want a blind date?
Well, thank you for the offer,
but no, thank you.
-I'll get going, then.
But why not?
If things work out,
you'd have my pork trotters for free
for the rest of your life.
Jeez, who'd marry for free pork trotters?
You marry for a like-minded soul.
-Goodbye, Mr. Han.
-Good night.
Why don't you set Hee-kyung up
for a blind date?
Do you know any nice guys?
Should I?
Hee-kyung, what type of men are you into?
-Just say the word.
The type of men I'm into?
As for age,
someone who was born in early 1990.
Someone without thick eyebrows.
Someone who looks cute with bangs
but sexy with them pushed back.
Someone who seems modest and quiet,
but acts like a kitten
when he's making a fuss.
Someone who makes me…
flustered all the time.
Someone like that.
Just say you don't want to date.
Where's a guy like that?
-There is.
-She's insane.
-Mom, I'm going to hit the store. Bye!
That brat.
Come back home soon!
Where are you going?
Why do you keep running away?
It flusters me.
This is your neighborhood.
What if Ju-kyung sees us?
She won't pass this alley.
Is that so?
-Do you like pork trotters?
-Excuse me?
Who told you to smile like that
to strangers?
-What did I do?
-It's your pretty smile
that has everyone considering you
a potential groom.
To you, maybe.
Your eyebrows are pretty.
You're prettier, Hee-kyung.
Lower your face.
-Who were you kissing? Your boyfriend?
-Let go of me. Who is it?
-Let go.
-I said, leave!
Just let go! Seriously…
Who's that? Is it someone I know?
I said, no.
Goodness. What's with my sisters today?
Why are you getting caught
being all lovey-dovey?
Let's just go home.
Where have you been?
One, ten, hundred, thousand,
ten thousand, hundred thousand…
I found him!
-Found who?
-Columbus Park!
I was heading out of my class,
and our eyes locked.
To get him, I…
-Did you get in a cab?
-I did!
So my cab chased after his.
Just like a car chase in the movies.
"Halt, Columbus Park!"
"Sir, go a little faster."
So? Did you catch him?
I lost him!
But honey,
at least I confirmed that he's in Seoul.
Confirmed, my foot!
You just lost 150,000 won!
-Honey, wait…
-I just can't!
-Honey, think it through.
-Darn it!
At least we know he's in Seoul!
Who cares? You just burned 150,000 won!
You should come clean to me.
-Are you studying cosmetology?
-How did you know?
"How did you know?"
You're not trying something out
because you don't want to study, are you?
It's not like that.
I'm seriously considering it.
I really want to do this.
But I haven't started properly yet.
I haven't registered at a beauty school.
Are you working part-time
to earn your tuition?
How did you know about that?
It's obvious…
seeing how you get home so late lately.
Gosh, you're good.
You have amazing intuition.
But don't tell Mom for a while.
I'll get really good grades on my exams
and then ask for her permission.
I'll be off then.
if the part-time job is tough,
I can pay for the tuition.
No, I want to try it on my own.
Gosh, you're all grown up now.
Ju-kyung, let me know
if things get too tough, okay?
Will do. Thanks, sis! I love you!
Mr. Han's girlfriend
is Ju-kyung's older sister?
Good morning, sir!
have this.
I love anything strawberry.
Thank you.
-Have a great day, Ju-kyung!
-Thank you, sir.
You make it too obvious.
What do you mean?
You're being too nice to her
for being the sister of your girlfriend!
I still don't get what you mean…
I don't know.
I'm not the type to make it obvious.
When two wrappers A and B
are placed on the coordinate plane,
let's say the upper boundary
of the gilt pattern
is y equals
f of x.
The lower boundary…
He's probably doing well, right?
I wonder what he's up to.
When specified as such,
the area between these two curves
will be the same.
Give it to me.
I want the meat.
Yours look tastier.
Stop spilling, Leaky.
There we go.
I'll push you with my legs.
Pull it back a little.
Turn right.
Come on.
You carry this around?
I'm impressed.
For my followers who support me,
even a single selfie needs my best care.
-It looks good.
-She's glowing.
-It's really different.
-It works.
-It's the best photo ever!
-It looks good.
I'm submitting this
to the Newstagram Goddess Competition.
-Do you want to enter too?
-No, I'm good.
Ju-kyung, you should take one.
-I feel like you'll do well.
-Give it a go.
I'll pour my soul into your picture.
All right, Ju-kyung, one, two, three!
Hold up the reflector.
Stay still.
You look so pretty.
Give me goddess vibes, okay?
What? Why are you taking
pictures of Ju-kyung?
It's nothing.
My fingers slipped.
-Get the sunlight.
-Stay still.
You look so pretty.
Look over there, into the distance.
Press it down firmly.
I'll switch it out right away.
I told you not to come.
Let's talk, please?
I feel better now.
-You came again?
You're literally coming here every day.
I can't call him and I'm worried.
I have to come to see him.
That's a touching story.
Hey, you have one less cast!
Yes, they took another x-ray
and it was all good to go.
That's great news.
Soo-ho should get better soon too.
-did you know Soo-ho had a cousin?
Sure. I knew that.
Why did you do that?
Se-yeon was my friend.
Why in the world did you do that?
I had no idea about Se-yeon's story.
I'd entrusted Director Oh with everything.
I had no idea that was how
he would deal with things.
If I had, I wouldn't have done that.
As you said, Se-yeon was your friend.
How could I ever do such a thing to him?
So everything's on Director Oh?
They said that was to cover up your story.
are you simply going to plead ignorance?
Do you really think
you're blameless in all this?
Did you know…
I thought Se-yeon made such a choice…
because I didn't answer his last call.
Do you know how much I suffered?
It turned out…
you were at the start of all this.
Did a scandal scare you that much?
That was nothing!
I didn't want you to be
disappointed in me.
Our relationship was shaky as it is.
I thought such an article…
would make you grow more distant.
So I tried to cover it up.
How could I be disappointed
when I had no expectations?
Long ago,
I'd already seen everything.
What you did on the day Mom died.
You saw?
-Soo-ho, back then…
-Please leave.
I said, leave!
Soo-ho, stay with me! Soo-ho!
Soo-ho, what's wrong? Over here!
-What's wrong? Wake up!
-Are you okay?
Soo-ho, wake up!
He seems to have suffered a panic attack.
ECG and other tests didn't show anomalies,
so it's likely a psychological issue.
If he suffers such episodes often,
I recommend bringing him
into the psychology department
and getting him some counseling.
I knew he kept things to himself,
but I didn't know it was to the extent
that he'd get sick.
I'm telling you this
because he won't himself.
is Lee Soo-ho.
Can't you tell just by seeing his home?
Are you even his dad?
When he wrote songs with Se-yeon,
you have no idea how happy he was, do you?
Actually, I like Soo-ho.
But it hurts a little.
is Lee Soo-ho.
When he wrote songs with Se-yeon,
you have no idea how happy he was, do you?
What you did on the day Mom died.
I thought Se-yeon made such a choice…
because I didn't answer his last call.
Do you know how much I suffered?
So how long will you take it out on me?
Until you die…
and meet Se-yeon again.
Never forget.
You killed Se-yeon,
and you don't deserve to smile.
He's sleeping as if he's dead.
Is he even breathing?
I saw it all. Why put up a show?
I want to get some fresh air,
but there's no wheelchair.
Just sleep. It's the middle of the night.
Hold on tight.
You're heavy.
How do you weigh a ton
with such a tiny head?
-Why do you talk so much?
we'll settle all this when your legs heal.
Use your strength, Leaky.
I am using my strength.
What are you doing?
We didn't have a wheelchair.
You could've called for one.
Wait here, please.
Hey, you should have called them!
Why didn't you go get it
with your working legs?
-I didn't think of that!
-Me neither!
You're the top student.
Don't you use your brain?
What place are you in?
didn't you tell me back then?
That you didn't meet Se-yeon that day?
All this time,
I thought Se-yeon did it because
you didn't believe him. That's why…
You should have told me.
So what if I'd told you?
It's not like he would have
come back to life.
I thought he had died because of me.
"If only I answered his call,
maybe I could have prevented it."
Is that…
what you've been thinking all this time?
You're so thick.
Ju-young, come here and have some fruit.
Where's Ju-kyung when it's the weekend?
Didn't she leave early in the morning?
It's not my job to know.
You should care about your sister.
Lee Ju-hun, the CEO of Move Entertainment,
-What is he saying?
-revealed that Black Soul's
title track was plagiarized.
He announced his retirement
and resignation from the company.
-His retirement?
-Lee says that the title track
of the new group, Black Soul,
-Hello? Ma'am?
-was the late Jeong Se-yeon's…
-Did you see the news?
Lee Ju-hun's going to retire.
But Mr. Lee!
Why? My goodness!
My dear Mr. Lee!
The two points on this graph
are defined as A and B, respectively.
Then the function value of A
becomes f of A,
and that of B becomes f of B.
Now, the limit.
Slicing it up into the tiniest possible…
Kangsu, it's huge. Have you seen the news?
Between A and B…
…B gradually moves lower, and…
It's Ju-kyung, again.
It's me again.
I missed you.
And you're here.
I came to give you a hug.
I poured out everything
I'd pressed down deep inside,
but it still feels heavy.
If you can't sleep at night,
talk to these guys.
Tell them all your sadness and worries.
It's Ju-kyung.
My girlfriend.
Goddess, how does it feel to turn
the world of social media upside down?
Lim Ju-kyung!
She transferred from Yongpa High School.
There was also a girl named
Lim Ju-kyung at my old school.
Are you
the same Kang Su-jin I used to know?
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn