True Jackson, VP (2008) s01e06 Episode Script

107 - The Prototype

"True Jackson, VP" was filmed in front of a live studio audience.
Mad style, how may I direct your call? Mad style.
Morning, Oscar.
Morning, True.
How are you? I'd be doing a whole bunch better if it wasn't Friday the 13th.
I hear that.
This morning I was walking down the street and a flower pot fell on my head.
Then, I got so dizzy, I toppled into an open manhole.
Are you okay? Better than the sewer worker I fell on.
Oscar, I think I left my keys in the dress vault.
Can you have someone check for me? Will do.
Good morning, Mr.
Morning, True.
How's your design for the new teen couture line coming? Pretty good.
I'm hoping to be done by Monday.
Everything else good? So far.
But today is Friday the 13th.
Tell me about it.
This morning, I accidentally dropped my favorite flower pot out the window.
Hey Ryan.
Hey Lulu.
I can't believe today is Friday the 13th.
I mean, I've been on a lucky streak here.
But now I know, you probably just think I'm being superstitious, right? Do you ever think you spend too much time texting? Who are you talking to, anyway? Ryan.
This is ridiculous.
You're in the same room.
We are? When did you get here? A while ago.
My bad, I should've texted you.
What were you guys talking about anyway? I got invited to a summer dance at Handsome academy.
It's really called Hanson academy, but all the boys are soooo cute.
And I soooo don't care.
Who invited you? My cousin Danny.
I'm not really sure how we got in.
He looks like a cartoon character.
You said I look like your cousin Dan.
Oh, that's my other cousin Danny.
So, what are you gonna wear? I was kind of hoping you'd design something for me.
When you need it by? Tonight.
You're crazy, girl.
Oh, you're serious.
Come on, True.
Please, please, please, please, please.
I can't, Lulu.
I have way too much work to do.
All the pleases in the world can't make me do the impossible.
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please Wait.
I've got an idea.
I keep hearing about some sort of a dress vault here.
Oh, I don't know what that is but I know I'm gonna like it.
Let's go.
Why aren't we in the dress vault yet.
I have no idea where it is.
Why not? I've only worked here a few weeks, Lulu.
I barely know where the bathroom is.
This place has a bathroom? Then why have I been walking to the deli on the corner six times a day.
Six times a day? What? Do you have a bladder the size of a pea? Oh, why do you have to say pea? Now, I gotta go again.
There you are.
You are in big trouble, mister.
What are the odds she's talking to you? Zero.
That's what I was afraid of.
The vending machine in the break room is broken.
Any idea who's responsible? Whoa.
You're not suggesting that I did it, are you? Yes.
How dare you accuse me of something without even a speck of proof? That could be anyone's.
It says "Property of Ryan" on it.
That could be any Ryan.
Lulu knows two Dannys.
Besides, I don't even play hockey.
You're wearing a hockey Jersey.
Oh, was that what this is? My grandmother knit it for me.
Don't worry, Amanda, we'll take care of it.
Believe it or not, this isn't the first time he's done something like this.
He's the reason we don't have vending machines in school.
Or a school mascot? Oh, okay.
I see a giant woodchuck coming out me, I'm gonna protect myself.
I'm going to my office.
But the next time I come in here, I better be able to buy a bag of zesty ranch health doodles.
Ryan, you know, I've been worried about ending my lucky streak.
You can't be getting people mad at me.
I can fix this thing in two seconds, just back away, watch the master.
Oh, I get it.
The machine is the master.
from my head to my toes it's so real and you know fresh and cool it's just what I do t-r-u-e-j-a-c-k-s-o-n-v-p working at a grown-up job never really knew I could work this hard used to sit at home and watch tv now I'm in the office as a new vp I'm always setting trends with my two best friends when things get out of hand we have a plan we're just messin' around and we're makin' new ground for the whole wide world to see if you see us in town you know what's going down 'cause I'm the new vp (I'm the new vp) hey, Jimmy.
Oh, hey True.
Here's your mail.
What's wrong? Nothing.
It's just I'm thinking about quitting my band.
I didn't even know you had a band.
We've been together like six months and we're really good, but no one will take a chance on us.
What are you guys called? Diarrhea.
That's a terrible name.
Really? We just figured 'cause are sound is really explosive.
It's a little gross.
Maybe you'll get some gigs with a friendlier name like "The Nice Boys," "Jimmy and the Friendlies.
" or "Fire and Ice.
" that's the band I'd see.
Fire 'cause it's hot, and ice 'cause it's real cool.
Fire and ice.
All we need is for someone to hear us.
I mean, I don't wanna be known as mailroom guy for the rest of my life.
No one sees you that way.
Mailroom guy, will you take care of this for me? Hey, Amanda.
Is there a dress vault here? Who told you about the dress vault? Telling non-authorized personnel about the dress vault is strictly forbidden.
You told me.
I did? That doesn't like me.
You were bragging about all the perks you get as a Vice President.
Oh, yeah.
That sounds like me.
Now, forget I mentioned it.
I can tell you where the vault is.
How do you know where it is? You're just mailroom guy.
So, you're in a band.
I push this cart all over the building.
Dress vault's just down the hall.
When you get to production, take a left, go up some stairs, turn a corner, then down some stairs.
You'll find a freight elevator.
Now, it says, "Out of Order," but that's okay.
Push the button four times, wait a second, then four more times.
When it opens, you'll find a key pad, type in the secret password.
Which is? Shhhhh, with five h's.
That will take you down to the P level.
Dress vault's on your right.
Well, that sounds simple enough.
Why'd you have to say the P level? Now, I gotta go again.
You guys want anything from the deli? Whoa.
Double whoa.
Don't step forward.
We'll trip the invisible lasers.
Just follow me.
Okay, now you do exactly what I just did.
Any second this room is gonna be flooded with SWAT guys.
Look at the clothes.
They're all so beautiful.
I know.
It's like we died and went to dress heaven.
Oh my gosh.
Look at this dress.
Not even.
Can I borrow it? We should ask since there's only one.
No, there's two.
Oh, good.
Guys, open the door.
It's cool, then.
What are you doing, Ryan? Let me out.
Let me out I think he's telling us to go on without him.
Help me.
Okay, bye.
Quit clowning around, Ryan.
Wait, wait.
Don't step on the silver tiles.
They have sensors in them.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Thanks again.
My pleasure.
I think you're gonna look smokin' in that dress.
I hope my cartoony cousin's friends think so.
Go for Lulu.
What? Really? Oh, no.
What is it? The dance is off.
The band they booked, the measles, actually got the measles.
There's no way they can find a replacement on such late notice.
What about Jimmy's band? Diarrhea? Just because they have a gross name doesn't mean they're not good.
And Jimmy would be psyched to play.
That's a great idea.
Will you talk to him? Sure.
You're the best.
That's why you don't have to worry about your luck running out.
What goes around comes around.
Hey, Jimmy.
Oh, hey True.
I'm just trying to cheer myself up with some tootie fruits.
I've got something better.
How would your band like to play the hanson academy dance tonight? Are you serious? That'd be amazing.
I got to call the guys.
what? When? I'll let security know.
Oscar, what's going on? There's been a security breach in the dress vault.
There was what now? Someone tripped one of the dress vault's invisible laser sensors.
They really have those? Yes.
And apparently, someone removed one of the prototypes.
What's that? It's one-of-a-kind dress that hasn't been put into production yet.
I mean, it's irreplaceable.
Don't you think you're being a little dramatic? I mean, I'm just guessing here.
This dress probably wasn't one-of-a-kind.
I bet there was an identical one hanging right behind it.
Oh, there definitely was.
See? It's called the pattern dress.
It's just a rough copy of the prototype but it's not even sewn together.
As you all know, the prototype is so top secret that we can't allow it to be seen by anyone outside of mad style, models included.
Fortunately, one of our executives has agreed to wear it down the runway.
Kopelman, sit down.
Behold, the fabulous new prototype of mad style's fall line.
Oh, yeah.
My lucky streak is officially over.
Amanda, get off the stage.
Jealous much? Amanda, the dress.
It's startling, isn't it? Thanks for coming, everyone.
We'll have just a couple of slight adjustments to make, but rest assured oh, forget it, let's get out of here.
I should really start paying more attention during rehearsals.
Think of it this way, you gave them a runway show they'll never forget.
That was the most humiliating moment of my life.
I can't believe Kopelman saw me naked.
When I find out who was suportable I bet you'll never find out.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the real dress magically reappeared in the vault first thing tomorrow, at like, 10:00 am.
Oh, we'll find out, all right, once we look at the security tapes.
Security tapes? There are cameras all over this place, especially in the dress vault.
Come on.
Amanda, wait.
Yes? You shouldn't be walking around the office in a robe.
Girl, what's wrong with you? Why don't I check the security tapes for you? You don't mind? Believe me.
I want this whole thing over even more than you do, okay? Hi.
I just happened to be walking by and I thought I'd stop and say hello.
You just happened to be two floors below the boiler room on the sub-basement three.
True Jackson, vice president, youth apparel.
You took my id picture, but you probably don't even remember.
You had me take it five times.
Your friend Lulu spilled ice cream on my keyboard, and your pal Ryan handcuffed himself to my chair.
That us all right.
Anyway, I need to review today's security videos from the dress vault.
Sure thing.
There you go.
Out of curiosity, is there a button that might erase this whole thing? You know, just so I don't accidentally push it.
You wanna tell me what happened? Have you ever really messed up? I mean, so bad that the more you try to fix it, the worse it gets? Red button.
What? The red button erases things.
Well, I think I'll take my break now.
At least somebody scored some points today.
So, looks like we caught our little thief.
Let's rewind and catch him in the act, shall we? I think the red button's rewind.
Oh, you do, do you? I can explain.
You took the dress and gave it to your friend Lulu.
Okay, you're pretty much caught up.
But that was before I knew it was a prototype.
I've never even heard of a prototype.
You've got to believe me.
Oh, I believe you.
I believe you'll be fired once Max finds out.
I know and I should be.
We need to get the dress back before anyone sees it.
Where is it now? I'm pretty sure you're not gonna like this answer either.
Lulu's wearing it to a dance.
What? I will get my coat; You can drive.
No, I can't.
One time my dad let me drive around the parking lot but do not tell my mom.
She still thinks hooligans broke our front headlight.
I'm about to strangle you.
Okay, let's go.
Quite a runway show today, ma'am.
Erase it.
You got it.
What do you think you're doing? I'm not jumping on True's couch if that's what you're suggesting.
Do you know where True is? Yes I mean, no.
I feel a sense that you're hiding something, am I right? Yes I mean, no.
Just give me a little hint.
I can't.
True would kill me if I told you that Lulu is wearing the prototype dress to a dance.
She did wt now? I'll have my letter of resignation on your desk first thing in the morning.
You don't work here.
I know.
I just always wanted to say that.
They did a nice job with the decorations.
Will you please focus.
There she is.
Amanda? What are you talking about, Lulu? Your cousin is pretty handsome.
Oh, that's not my cousin.
There's my cousin.
Nice to meet you.
The dress.
Oh, we've got to get out of here, Lulu.
What are you talking about? Jimmy's band hasn't even played yet.
I wasn't supposed to let you borrow it.
It's a secret dress.
No one could see it.
Get yourself a new camera, junior.
Come on, Lulu.
My lucky streak is gonna be over with a capital o if anyone sees it.
All right.
I'm Jimmy and we're fire and ice, formerly diarrhea.
We're gonna explode all over you in just a minute, but first, I'd like to send out some shout to some very special people I see here in the crowd: True, Lulu, and Amanda.
Can I get a spotlight on 'em.
There's a backdoor over there.
New plan.
Back to the front door.
Let's go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
Move it.
Move it.
Move it or lose it.
Come on.
Out of the way.
Out of the way.
Madigan and Ryan.
He dragged it out of me, okay? It was horrible and he threatened to kill me.
Well, that's what I took from it.
I'm very disappointed, True.
You let the prototype dress out in public.
I know.
I'm sorry, Mr.
I'll explain what happened right now.
See I took it.
True told me I shouldn't, but I stole the dress.
This is True's dream job, Mr.
If anyone needs to be punished for this, it's me.
I see.
Is this what happened, True? No.
Lulu's covering for me.
The truth is I'm responsible for taking the dress.
I know I should have told you right away but I was afraid you'd be mad at me.
I like your dress.
You're not helping.
Oh, so much for total secrecy.
You'll have True's letter of resignation on your desk in the morning.
I don't want a letter of resignation.
You don't? True, the business world is full of ethical dilemmas.
It's often hard to tell between right and wrong.
But Max, she's a Vice President.
She's also a 15-year-old girl.
What about the prototype? All the kids here saw it.
I know.
I've overheard many young women commenting on it.
It's like getting a free sneak preview.
In a bad way, right? No.
What better way to create genuine buzz than to actually let the public see the product.
Prediction: this dress will be our biggest seller ever.
How do you do it? Every time you should get in trouble, you end up smelling like a rose? Just lucky, I guess.
How are you feelin' hanson academy? We'd like to dedicate this song to a special lady out there.
True, this is for you.
One, two, three, four [music.]
hey, there you know when I see you I'm so happy to see you I want to explode just like Now I wish Mr.
Madigan did kill me.
They're not that bad.
you make me say mamma Mia I want to explode just like fire and ice Who am I kidding? They're rotten the worst.
I prefer actual diarrhea.
Come on, people.
That's my nephew we're talking about.
Baby, my love is like a brown River of fire and ice.
let's get out of here.
Good morning, True.
How are you doing? Great.
Psyched for a new week and especially glad that Friday the 13th is over.
Monday the 16th isn't much better.
On my way to work this morning, someone threw a jelly sandwich at me.
Oscar, will you order me another jelly sandwich.
Mine got blown out the window.
Will do.
Ready for your presentation, True? I hope you're wearing clean socks 'cause I'm gonna knock 'em off your feet.
Ha ha ha, that's what I like to hear.
See you in a few.
Hey, Lulu.
I hope I didn't ruin your dance with all the drama.
Oh, it wasn't so bad, and you're never gonna believe the best part.
A really cute guy gave me his phone number.
Oh, really? Yeah.
We were smiling at each other and then he handed me his number in a napkin.
This one? Sorry.
Come on.
I'll buy you a bag of health doodles from the break room.
You don't have any money.
I don't needs any.
Thanks again for getting us that gig.
My pleasure.
Can I ask you a question? But you have to promise to be totally honest.
Don't worry.
After what I went through with this prototype, I'm telling the truth from now on.
Straight up.
What do you think of my band? The truth? The truth.
I think you're a lot more than just mailroom guy.
Really? True, you're so awesome.
I'll see you.

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