Vampire Knight Guilty (2008) s01e07 Episode Script

The Thorny Kiss

1 Calling you my nephew gives me the creeps.
The last time we met was a little more than ten years ago.
You hurt me.
That body you crushed until there was no resemblance of me It took ten years to restore it.
Well, I guess I should be grateful to the life force of the Pureblood that I didn't perish.
Oh, by the way Now that my former fiancée Shizuka is gone, frankly, I'm breathing a sigh of relief.
If I had waited for her to be submissive like this kid's mom.
I think I'd have waited forever.
I'm relieved that you haven't changed at all, Uncle.
When I kill you, I won't have to hesitate at all.
Kaname! I'm sorry, but I can't let you hurt Shiki! I won't sacrifice him just for the sake of your disputes! Can I take it to mean that you're on the side of the Senate then? Yes, you can.
I see.
Don't worry.
Kaname cannot kill me.
I'll be using this kid's room for the time being.
I'm counting on you, Dorm President Kuran.
White rose petals Open one or two of them And the memory of that day turns into color Like tracing a shining thread Time quietly passes Swaying along with the ebb and flow People are reborn Your smile is so warm it melts my heart - Like a faint dream I've had Even if the setting sun takes away this moment Our shadows are one Endlessly far vastly deep like crossed destinies Grasp it again and again Lose it again and again We were finally able to meet Like the sky seeks the earth flowers wait for the rain and the night longs for tomorrow I've been longing for our two hearts to become one When one or two white rose petals fall Our love becomes eternal THE KISS OF THORNS Couldn't sleep again? Yeah But I'm fine.
Really, it's just lack of sleep.
Hmm? Hey, Akatsuki.
What is it? Look.
Shiki? When'd he get back? And he's with Ichiru Kiryu What's going on? Rima, do you-? I don't know.
Lover? Kaname Kuran's? Yes.
How interesting.
And that's why he's making them guard her? So? My blood? I'm sorry.
Sheesh, you're not very useful, are you? Well.
No matter.
Time is close.
Even if we leave her alone.
In time, that girl will I still have work for you.
So do your job well.
Then I'll make your wish come true too.
Please kill those who caused Shizuka's death.
I am praying from the bottom of my heart that your true self will resurrect itself Lord Rido Kuran.
Cross how are things with Kuran? I don't know what you mean Don't cry.
Kuran chose Cross.
We should be happy for them.
Umm What a problem.
Are you still involved with the Senate? That's none of your business.
If anything happens to Yuki I won't let you off so easily.
Scary only blooms once in ten years Is something the matter? Yuki? Hey, Akatsuki! Shiki! What's the matter? Where've you been until now? Aren't you bored, cooped in here by yourself? Huh? Shiki, you I have so much time on my hands.
How about it? Want to have fun together? Quit fooling around! I'm not fooling around.
I'm serious.
Let me go, Shiki! Oh, sorry.
I don't have total control over my power yet.
Did that hurt? I'll be more gentle next time.
Akatsuki! Shiki! You bastard! What were you doing?! As you can see No.
Akatsuki! Stop! Shiki, return to your room! So you're ordering me around? You Who do you think you're talking to? Please go back for now.
Humph! If you put it like that, I guess I have no choice.
See you later.
Ruka, are you all right? Yes.
Takuma What's the matter with Shiki? Let me deal with him.
And please don't say anything to Kaname.
To Lord Kaname? - But! - Kain! Understood.
Okay, Ruka? Yes.
I'm sorry, both of you.
Akatsuki Thank you.
What's going on anyway? It's no fun meeting in school all the time.
Shall we go somewhere tomorrow? Kaname What is it? You still haven't answered me! About what? Is there some connection between you and my past?! Aido told me that by making me your lover, you're trying to protect me.
From what? Trying to protect me by making me? Is something going to happen to me? Then your true feelings towards me Those words "I love you.
" Please answer me.
Kaname! I'm scared So much blood! Yuki? I went to see a rose that only blooms once in ten years.
It's a rose that only blooms once in ten years preserved in resin.
- No No! - Truth There is only one truth.
Yuki? I'm scared! Help! Help me! You cannot run away.
There's nowhere to run to.
I I! Yuki.
Calm down.
Yuki! - No No! - You can't run away.
You can't run away! You can't run away! I don't understand! I don't! I don't understand! Just who are you to me?! Why do you go so far to hide it?! What happened to me anyway?! I I for you I Yuki Yuki! K-Kaname Why do you look at me with such sad eyes? It's all right.
I will protect you without fail.
Yuki the time has come at last.
Juri Do I have the strength to protect her? Shiki? Dorm President is trying to protect Yuki Cross from something.
Ichiru Kiryu's transfer, then Ichijo and now Shiki That guy Those eyes Is he really Shiki? Both of you have had many sad experiences Any further Wake up! And give your blood to this monster who sleeps in this casket.
Anytime now Soon, it will be in my possession.
And I will make a total resurrection.
That child will awaken from her slumber The sweet dreams will turn into nightmares.
And its vicious fangs will destroy her from the inside.
I won't have to lift a finger.
She will awaken.
Even if I ignore her.
And her blood Rido.
Don't think for a moment that someone as filthy as you can lay a finger on her.
I want you to stay just the way you are Yuki.
N-No! No! Yuki, are you awake? Huh! Ze ro Are you all right? Why didn't you resist? I told you you can do anything to me.
Because you consider me your victim? You're wrong, Mr.
Nice Guy! I'm the one who forced you to a place of no return! I made you follow along with my whims, Zero! The reason why I wanted to be your only ally and do whatever I could for you That was all for my sake.
I felt that if I became someone essential to you, I could say goodbye to the part of me that had no past.
It was all for me.
Otherwise If I become a vampire do you think I would feel stronger? How could I have said those things, which were so hurtful to you? You're not making sense.
It sounds like you're saying you really need me.
But you're wrong, Yuki.
The one you really need is Kaname Kuran.
And he's been the one from long ago, right? You're strange.
I'm sorry, Zero.
Are you all right? Uh-huh.
I had a weird dream.
And I'm really sorry.
Oh, you have to go.
I'm drenched in perspiration and I want to change.
You sure you're all right? Yes.
I'm fine.
Kuran! What do you really intend to do with Yuki? You cannot betray her.
Snow The world is dyed red and it won't go back to normal.
All I did was do my best to remember Yuki, it's all right.
Let's wake you up once before you're broken.
It's cold but I feel a little hot.
Huh?! Kaname! Kaname what is this embedded in my neck? Yuki You, at least you What?! That's This smell of blood It It can't be! This taste It's Kaname's blood?! Are you awake, Yuki? Do you know who I am? My I smelled the blood of Yuki which I know very well.
And! Zero! I sensed two vampires! Kuran You turned Yuki into! Stop it, Zero! This person is my brother! I'm sorry, Zero.
Siblings? If I had been born her real brother.
I would have been much happier A dry white cloud passes Slowly drifting I am gray And I just watch it Disappear I gather stars And make a sand castle My small prayer Spills over and falls The wave that was lying in wait Sweeps me off my feet Next time: "Spiraling Recollections"
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