Victim Number 8 (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

There Are No Miracles

A van entered the pedestrian area in the town center ploughing through dozens of passers-by This isn't my blood, it's my brother's.
We grabbed a coffee on one of the terraces and the van ran him over.
Omar Jamal! - Mom! - What's happening? Let go of my son! Omar Jamal, 23 years old, born in Tangier.
He fits the lone wolf pattern.
Apparently integrated.
They should hang them all in Plaza Nueva.
Sons of bitches.
MURDEROUS MOORS Omar Jamal, ten years in Spain, seven in the Basque Country I've got the terrorist's girlfriend.
The inside scoop.
Don't worry, he will be ok.
I know you don't want that.
I'm a woman and going to be a single mother.
I've got all I need to file a discrimination complaint.
One of the injured has just died.
Gorka Azkarate.
Omar would never kill, not for Allah, not for anyone.
He gave me a car for my birthday.
Why would he give me a car if he intended to kill all those people? That's not Omar! It can't be him! Omar Jamal's whereabouts are still unknown and according to reports, Europol and Interpol have activated their security protocols I'd go with the double button.
That suit didn't fit him well.
He had recently put on some weight.
That's true, I could tell.
- Had he stopped exercising? - Yes, you know how work was Yes, of course I know.
What about a tuxedo? I've never seen a corpse in a tuxedo.
The jacket, then.
No, Gorka couldn't stand waistcoats.
What if we put him in something less formal? Don't tell me you want to bury my son in sweats.
I didn't Never mind.
I think we should go with a business suit.
That sounds good.
He looked very handsome in the grey.
- With a white shirt and pink tie.
- Blue would be better.
It brings out his eyes.
His eyes are going to be closed, Concha.
I was looking for you.
Dad and I were talking about the funeral home There's nothing to say about that.
I know you don't want Gorka's wake My son isn't going to a funeral home.
In my family, we hold the wake at home.
We've always done that and we'll do it with Gorka.
As you wish.
Have you chosen a suit? Yes.
The grey one, a white shirt and the blue tie.
- The blue one is better.
- Pink.
I'll take it to the funeral people.
Did your dad tell you about the funeral? - No.
- I don't know what he is thinking.
The families of the other victims called.
They wanted you to say a few words in honor of everyone at the ceremony.
I don't think that's a good idea, Mom Those people have lost as much as we have, son.
We need to respect their wishes.
I already told you, he hurt his ankle the night before skateboarding.
It was at least a second-degree sprain.
The guy in the video took off running from the van.
He couldn't have run like that, he would have been limping.
Did you go to a hospital for treatment? No, I'm a medical orderly and it was one in the morning.
- I took care of him at home, iced it.
- As an orderly, you didn't think it would be a good idea to get an x-ray or some other test? I've seen tons of sprains and strains and broken bones.
I don't need an x-ray to identify them.
What's wrong with you? I'm telling you you've made a mistake! So what if he has the same jacket? Tons of people do.
It couldn't have been Omar, you've got it wrong! You need to calm down, ok? You're free to go home.
Don't leave town and don't talk to the press.
Hello, I'm the girlfriend of the Of Omar Jamal.
Hey, hey! Get this on tape! Did anyone else see him limping? Just his mother.
But she and the girl could be in on it together.
Besides, I spoke to a couple of orthopedic surgeons and both agree that, after the incident, in an adrenaline rush, he could have run like a gazelle, even with a broken fibula.
Keep the girl under surveillance.
If Jamal's dumb, he might try contacting her.
Consider it done.
What? She's giving a statement right outside the front door.
Get her out of there immediately.
Omar didn't kill anyone.
Anyone who knows him knows he can't hurt a fly.
It's impossible.
He was hurt and in the video the guy is running, it's not him, it's a lie.
So it is a lie that the intelligence agency has proof - that your boyfriend is the murderer? - Yes.
How do you explain the fingerprints found in the van? I don't know about the fingerprints, how they could have How does it feel knowing your boyfriend is a jihadi terrorist? Are you Muslim? Do you share your boyfriend's ideas? No.
I'm not - Have you talked to his parents? - Please, stop filming.
Two agents of the Ertzaintza are escorting Omar Jamal's girlfriend away, who decided to You should talk to Aissa.
He's reading a blog on the computer talking about Omar.
I already told him everything he hears or reads is a lie.
Omar isn't a monster.
That blog doesn't say he is.
It says Omar is a hero.
Dammit! and that jihadi cells operating in Europe or Africa - You wanted to see me? - Yes, over an hour ago.
I got tied up with the funeral service, I'm sorry.
You weren't able to convince your mother about the funeral home, were you? No, she was very clear she wanted Gorka's wake at home.
Well, you'll have to be more persuasive if you're going to take over the company.
In this company, convincing is everything.
Your brother Your brother is no longer with us.
And his seat is empty.
Our investors wouldn't want to see an old fogey like me taking charge again.
What was it about me not having what it takes to take the reins? I don't match up and? Do you really want to do this now? I know you've dreamed about running this company since you were little.
And that it crushed you when I named Gorka as my successor.
Go ahead fulfil your dream.
Show me I was wrong in choosing Gorka over you.
Very good.
Let's get to work.
A few months ago, your brother bid on a deal in Japan.
A freeway on the island of Okinawa.
A Japanese branch office will visit our offices in three days.
These are the files.
Look it over and we'll discuss it after the funeral.
You would have rather it been me, right? The one that died in the attack.
You'd rather it been me instead of Gorka.
Azkarate, the notary is here.
There is a problem with the will.
And you'll get in this position when the contractions start.
Breathing is very important here.
Breathing needs to be smooth, relaxed, ok? We breathe in through our nose, smooth, we slowly breathe out through our mouth We'll also ask our partner to help us in this position, ok? My partner is here to help me.
Because it's very good if your partner can massage your back, since it's an area that hurts a lot during contractions.
So, we'll get into this position So, not only soft breathing, but in through the nose, out through the mouth And our partner Olaegi.
If you want the scoop on the gallery, forget about us.
We decide the communication strategy, and we're not going to lie.
I'm sorry, I have another call.
No, no, I didn't say that.
I meant accidents, abandoned vehicles, reported thefts, anything out of the ordinary.
Call me immediately if you have something.
Boss, you have a phone call.
The family of one of the victims in the attack, the Azkarates.
Put them through.
Her? What the hell is your problem? Don't you have work to do? Honestly, she's as tame as a koala Did I say koala? I meant a stuffed koala.
Kids? She loves kids.
And she's crazy for babies, they're her weakness.
Her maternal instinct is off the charts.
Yes, yes, of course, that's the trend these days.
Look, let's do this.
I'll bring her and you try it out a few days.
Sorry, I'll call you back in a few minutes.
- What's up? How are you? - You said you wanted to help me.
Yes, of course, and I wasn't lying.
Of course.
I saw you on TV earlier.
I was pathetic, but it was good for something.
It made me realize I'm alone in all this.
Eche, I know you're going through a real hard time and your only interest in me is making some money.
You can have it all for all I care, I don't want a cent.
I think you've got the wrong idea about me.
No, I'm not wrong.
I did some research on who you are.
But especially who you were.
I read about the girl who was kidnapped ten years ago.
You were the only one who believed the mother's story.
Yes, that case ended my career.
Well maybe this one will help you get it back.
My question is, are you willing to help me prove Omar is innocent? We have to paint a different picture of Omar in the press.
Get away from the monster profile, make him human.
How do we do that? With an in-depth interview with you.
- Done.
- And another with his parents.
Ok, we can arrange that.
A list of friends, family, classmates, flings, ex-girlfriends, personal photos, messages, emails.
- I want to know everything about him.
- Anything else? No more talking to the media.
From now on, I'm the only journalist you'll talk to.
Me, and nobody else.
Do we have a deal? Deal.
You're very quiet, Adila.
What's on your mind? What? You aren't going to ask for a raise, right? I'm sorry, Mrs.
I'm thinking about personal matters.
We'll sit here on this bench for a while and you can tell me.
- How are the boys doing? - Imagine.
I couldn't imagine if I tried, dear.
Today I found the youngest reading a page that says Omar is a hero for killing all those people.
- What did you tell him? - What could I say? His brother didn't do it and whoever did it isn't a hero, he's a murderer.
To have to say that to a young boy What a world! I'm sure Omar is safe and sound.
They'll soon discover it was all a mistake, you'll see, Adila.
I'm really afraid they're going to kill him, Mrs.
I'm scared to death.
- Hi mom.
- Hi.
Son What are you doing here? - That's how you greet us? - I haven't heard anything from you.
Shouldn't you be working? - We wanted to talk to Adila for a moment.
- Then talk.
- In private, if you don't mind.
- Such secrecy Adila.
If they insist on sticking me in a home you have my permission to throw them in the water head first.
Look, Adila, there's something we wanted to talk to you about.
You've been with our mother seven or eight years.
- At least ten.
- And we're very happy with you.
And more importantly, she is very happy with you.
But you have to understand something.
With everything that's happened, people are talking.
- And it could affect Mom - When do you want me to leave? Right now.
- We'll pay you the full month.
- And your severance package.
And we've decided to give you a little extra for how good you've been to our mother.
We wrote you a recommendation letter to help you find something.
We really care about you, Adila.
I hope you understand our situation.
She's our mother.
Can I say goodbye to her? We'd prefer to tell her ourselves, find the right moment.
I'm sure she'll be upset.
- You understand, right? - Yes.
I understand everything.
Give her a kiss for me.
And don't forget to give her her blood pressure medication.
She needs it in half an hour.
And she has a blood test tomorrow at 9:30.
She can't eat beforehand.
Good morning.
I have an appointment with Chief Investigator Olaegi.
The Chief Investigator stepped out a few minutes ago.
Oh, well I'm the lawyer for the families of the victims in the attack.
We had talked about establishing communication between the Ertzaintza and the families to inform them about developments in the investigation before anyone else.
What those families are going through is unspeakable and we want to avoid the press informing them of any specific circumstance, you know what I mean.
I told you she stepped out.
In fact, she went to meet with one of the families.
Oh really? Well, they didn't tell me.
I really don't understand it.
Could I ask which one? Honestly Just so I don't have to write in the WhatsApp group.
So some of them don't get upset that others are meeting with the Chief Investigator behind their backs.
Right now, those poor people's sensitivity is off the charts.
They aren't just the victims' families, they're people too.
Olaegi, thank you for coming.
- Hello, Koro.
- Hello.
- My condolences.
- We appreciate it.
Please, take a seat.
We know you are investigating the attack, so we won't take up much of your time.
This is Gorka's will.
Page three.
Gorka left part of his estate as a monthly allowance to a biological son who will soon be born outside of his marriage.
Your son.
We don't want you to feel judged.
I am sure you both knew what you were doing.
I don't know what to say, I I didn't expect this.
You don't have to say anything, Koro.
We just wanted you to know you have our full support beyond the allowance that Gorka left you.
Whatever you need.
There is one sensitive matter, Ms.
My wife and daughter-in-law know nothing about this.
And we'd like to keep it that way.
Almudena has just lost her husband, and my mother's lost her son.
They don't need this upsetting them.
I'm sure you can understand.
The truth is I'd like to forgo the allowance.
Don't be stupid, Koro.
Being a single mother is very hard.
You could use the money.
It's Gorka's wishes.
I taught him to take responsibility for his actions, and that's what he did.
- Our notary - I said I don't want the money.
If you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of work to do.
You shouldn't smoke.
But if I didn't smoke you couldn't take drags off me.
I don't smoke.
I would love if you could stay here all day.
- You're a worse liar than lover.
- Hey, hey I mean it.
- Come on, stay.
- I can't.
Please I have to be at the station in an hour.
You spend way more time with the bad guys than with me.
Probably because they aren't married.
What model of van? When was it deregistered? Send me the address, I'm on my way.
Antúnez, a van was found in a crash on local road 298.
It was deregistered over a year ago.
There's no sign of the driver and no one reported the accident.
It might have nothing to do with the investigation, but bring the forensics unit.
Get the exact location from Ezquerdo.
I'll see you there.
Chief Investigator Olaegi? Juan Echevarría.
I'm a reporter.
I'm sorry, but our spokesperson informs the press about developments in the investigation daily.
I know, but I would like to talk to you.
"Off the record", you know what I mean.
I have nothing to say to you.
I'm an old dog, I've been doing this a long time and I know how things work.
I mean the press-police relationship, you know what I'm talking about.
Give and take.
Take and give.
I have Omar Jamal's girlfriend eating out of the palm of my hand.
I'm the only one she trusts.
If you help me, I'll tell you about her every move.
She's in love.
Puppy love, passionate.
And it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that son of a bitch might try and contact her.
Stay away from her or I'll arrest you for obstruction of justice.
WAITER - WAITRESS Did they find him? What happened? It's from when they came in looking for Omar.
Come in.
His room's been destroyed.
They took his computer.
His music, books, clothes, everything.
This is insane.
Did the police tell you anything? If Omar calls, to tell him to turn himself in.
That it was the best for him.
I don't care what they say.
I'm not turning in my son.
Adila, listen.
Listen closely.
I am going to prove Omar is innocent, I swear.
But to do that, you need to do something for me.
- You and Ibrahim.
- What do you want us to do? I need you to talk to a reporter who wants to help us.
If I didn't think he could help Omar, I wouldn't ask.
This morning, I saw you on TV defending Omar in front of the whole world.
Ask me anything, I'll do it.
Omar? I can hear you breathing, Omar.
I know it's you.
All of this was a big misunderstanding and I am the only one who can get you out of the mess you're in.
You have every cop in the country looking for you.
Sooner or later, they'll find you.
And when they do, they'll come after you.
You're public enemy number one.
Tell me where you are, and this nightmare can end.
I give you my word.
Trust me, Omar.
Did we get him? I'll be right back, honey.
Your mother always has to get her way.
I suppose I should congratulate you.
You're now company president.
Was it too much to ask that you waited until he was cremated before announcing it? I told my father that, I swear.
But he wanted to reassure the investors.
I want to ask you something.
- Anything you need.
- Don't speak at the funeral.
I don't want to listen to you lying to everyone saying how much you loved him.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Go to hell, Gaizka.
You can fool everyone else, even your father.
But not me.
I'm asking you to have the decency of not insulting your brother by speaking at his funeral.
As you wish.
I'll call the other families to tell them.
You're not calling anyone.
Gaizka is speaking at the funeral.
Before your husband, the man in this casket is my son.
If you don't want to hear Gaizka speak, it's as easy as not entering the church.
DREAM Now, I'd like you to tell me what Omar was like as a child, when you were in Tangier.
He was a normal boy, like any other.
He liked playing football with his friends in the neighborhood.
Did he get good grades in school? Was he particularly good at any subject? He got average grades.
He liked drawing.
He likes drawing.
I can show you a drawing if you want.
Very well.
In this neighborhood you lived in, were there people who sympathized with radical Islam? If there were, we didn't know them.
But you're saying there were.
I don't know, that was a long time ago.
Of course.
To finish up If Omar was proven guilty Omar isn't guilty.
There is a lot of incriminating evidence, Mrs.
There is no evidence in the world that can make me believe my son committed this atrocity.
What if he tells you himself? If Omar looks you in the eye and tells you he's the one who murdered those eight people run over the day before yesterday? That won't happen.
That's what the parents thought after the terrorist attacks in Paris, Nice, London, Berlin, Barcelona And you, Mr.
Jamal? Do you believe in Omar as much as your wife does? Is mom here? She ran away from home.
It looks like the vehicle hit the boar, causing the accident.
And there's no sign of the driver.
No, we searched a 500-meter radius and found nothing.
If they were badly injured, they could have gone kilometers before collapsing.
Expand the perimeter.
Search 2,000 meters.
Two kilometers.
Do you have a knife? A nine millimeter.
That rules out the accident theory.
Get it tested.
For testing, it's urgent.
Understood, yes, I'll tell her right away.
A homeless man told a patrol a man broke into the cabin he sleeps in.
They showed him photos and he identified Jamal.
He claims he was wearing an explosive belt.
Tell them we're on our way.
Send a backup patrol.
And the explosives team.
The good stuff, I swear.
The interview with the terrorist's parents was worthwhile.
And there will be more.
Hey, one more thing.
Would you like to set a price for the whole package? If you go piece by piece, it's going to cost an arm and a leg.
I'll make a killing, but I don't want to take advantage.
I'll send it now, but give me an answer within the hour.
I've got other papers lining up, I'm not bluffing.
I'm sending it right now.
Juan? Come with me.
Your creatinine is through the roof and plasma flow is critical.
Worst of all, the uremia appears to be irreversible.
How long do I have left? We're going to give you daily dialysis and as of today, you're at the top of the transplant list.
The problem is you have a terrible blood type, Juan.
And that limits your chances.
How long do I have left? I don't know, we'll wait.
Let's not get carried away.
Cut the crap.
Without a compatible donor, three months.
Four at the most.
You scared your children to death.
They deserve it.
María, I know you are very upset about what happened.
But your children only want what's best for you.
You're what's best for me.
How long have those fools been looking for me? You found me on the first try.
Of course, you know me much better than they do.
I spend more time with you, that's all.
Us old people have nothing but time, Adila.
Did you know when they hired you to take care of me, I told them I didn't want a damn Moor? I was very angry at them because they didn't want to take me in.
When they told me they hired a foreigner to take care of me It was like a punch in the gut.
I was a fool, I know.
And I'm sorry.
- You have no reason to be sorry.
- Of course I do.
You gave me nothing but love from day one.
That wasn't in the contract.
My children are idiots.
They can't fire you.
Your salary comes from my dearly departed Conrado's savings.
And that money is mine, not theirs.
María, I really appreciate it.
But I wouldn't want to cause conflict between you and your children.
I'll be expecting you tomorrow morning at the usual time.
If you are even one minute late I'm docking your pay.
I'm going to call your children to tell them you're ok.
Let them suffer another half an hour.
Somebody else must have seen him limping.
I don't know, ask Ahmed and his friends, they hung out on Saturday mornings.
I can't believe no one else saw him limping.
Someone else must have seen him.
I'll call you later, ok? the alleged perpetrator is still fugitive.
National Police, Guardia Civil and Ertzaintza are working together to capture him.
The three police corps are calling for civilian cooperation to help find Here are the interviews I did with you.
I'm not going to publish them.
I can't help you prove Omar is innocent.
I can't help you because he isn't.
We had a deal.
I know, and I'm sorry.
I committed but I couldn't follow through.
Your boyfriend killed all those people.
He'll end up getting shot in the head or blowing himself up somewhere.
Edurne you're just a kid.
You've got your whole life ahead of you.
Stay out of this shit.
Grab some clothes and hop on a train to take you far away from here.
the King Felipe VI will say the opening words to the ceremony.
The Lehendakari, who's spent the day looking over those injured Miracles don't exist, Edurne.
He's not here.
Grab the belt.
Put down your weapon.
Put down your fucking weapons.
You're making a mistake.
Get down on the ground.
Hands on your head.
I suggest you take out the wallet from my jacket pocket.
Agent Juan Antonio Gorostiza, from Intelligence.
I'm afraid we're in the same boat.
When you kill a human being, you don't just take everything they have.
You take everything they could have in the future.
That's something I heard a while ago in a movie and it seems completely accurate.
Arantxa, Urko, Miguel, Iñaki, Ana Isabel, José Ángel, Maite and Gorka.
Everything they had was taken from them.
And everything they could have in the future.
And I'm I'm not talking about material things.
I'm talking about what all of us here today gave them and got from them.
Friendship affection love.
They're not here anymore.
But we are.
It will be an uphill battle.
Because a part of ourselves has been ripped away.
Can it be done? Anything can be done.
You just might not like how.
- I'll agree to whatever you have planned.
- Don't be so sure.
But we owe it to them to get up and continue with our lives.
- There's no other way? - There are many.
But all of them lead to you spending the next 30 years in the clink accused of first-degree murder.
Lives that will never be the same.
But we have to live happy, hopeful lives.
Because that is the best way to pay tribute to them.
To Arantxa Urko Miguel, to Iñaki José Ángel to Maite and to Gorka.
You have the most to gain from his death.
Everyone knows you don't get along.
A sudden death, violent or not, points to you.
If we don't rise up, they win.
If we don't rise up we lose.
But most importantly, if we don't rise up, the deaths of our family and friends will have been completely in vain.
In a jihadi attack, no one looks at who benefits from anyone's death.
They know who the enemy is and what they killed for.
A jihadi attack doesn't raise any questions.
They have their weapons.
But make no mistake.
Because we have ours.
How many people will die? As few as possible, but it has to look real.
You say you want to get back the life your brother stole from you, right? This is what it is going to cost.
Their weapons are loaded with lead.
Ours are loaded with love and also forgiveness.
I don't want to forgive them.
They took my daughter.
They killed my little girl.
My girl My girl Oh, my girl They should all be killed.
All of them, they should all be killed! I don't want to forgive them.
My girl My daughter My girl Oh, my girl Freedom was a basic principle of Romanticism.
Many of the Spanish Romantics had to go into exile, like Espronceda and the Duke of Rivas.
One of the main European Romantics, Lord Byron, died in Greece where he had gone to fight for freedom.
Can anyone tell me what his most famous work is? Zakir Jamal, please come to the office.
You have a phone call from your father.
I repeat, Zakir Jamal, to the office.
Well, Zakir? Go on.
- Hello? - Zakir.
Don't be scared.
It's not Dad, it's me.
Listen closely.
Subtitle translation by Megan Mundt, Antonio Humanes
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