We Married as a Job (2016) s01e07 Episode Script
After that kiss
There were two Bengalese finches
on the balcony this morning.
Was the white one all right?
It was.
-That's good.
Please look over here.
This is my employer, Hiramasa Tsuzaki.
On the way home from a company
retreat, something happened.
All of a sudden, he went in for a kiss.
But then…
I'm sorry.
Then in the next train and the bus
he was fast asleep.
But he was definitely pretending.
And then when they got home, too.
Hiramasa, about earlier…
I forgot, I need to prepare
some stuff for Monday.
-But it's still Saturday.
-It's going to take a long time.
Shall we make dinner?
It's the weekend, instant ramen is fine.
Don't worry about me.
Since then, he's acted
like it never happened.
It's a total no-go area.
Don't even go there!
What's with this guy?
How's your miso soup?
Tasty as always.
That's good.
This miso soup…
was inspired by a delicious
one I had at an inn.
It made me want to make a proper stock.
I got up early today and made it fresh.
It took a lot of effort
but it doesn't matter.
The question is, what would Hiramasa do?
What if I left the hob on?
What would you do if the flames spread?
"Are you an arsonist?"
How's the fish?
We haven't had this kind before, have we?
Yes. It's called 'kisu'.
Delicious, isn't it?
Why is he still acting like this?
Maybe everything that's happened
was just my imagination.
Just the delusions of a sad woman
who was on the verge of death.
Tired of looking for work
wanted by nobody and going nowhere.
Our fake honeymoon…
the kiss in the train…
it was all…
it was all, all…
just a fantasy.
But I was so happy.
Please take this back.
What is it?
-That libido drink?
-You don't have to say!
You didn't use it?
I won't be using it.
But I went to all that trouble. Take it!
I'll never need it, ever.
I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you.
There's more to you than meets the eye.
What was I thinking?
I'm a professional bachelor.
I don't get crushes on people.
I don't fall in love.
I won't let myself fall in love.
That way I'll have peace and quiet.
What an idiot I was.
When it happened…
Shall we go?
I couldn't bear being apart.
I felt a connection.
She looked so adorable.
You screamed?
Did I?
What a stupid thing to do.
Why did I do that?
I was high from the fake honeymoon.
It was a 'honeymoon high'.
I was caught up in the moment.
There was no connection.
It's the worst thing a boss can do.
Sexual harassment.
She won't say anything
but Mikuri is definitely angry.
What will I have left
if she leaves work hating me?
That's it.
"At my age…
of course I've kissed someone."
Now I can say that.
I used to lie about that,
but now I can say it with pride.
At least I'll have that.
Welcome home.
I sent an email saying I'd be
working late, so don't stay up for me.
I saw your email.
But today's Tuesday.
It's just turned Wednesday.
Excuse me.
Good night.
How unfair.
He was so hesitant.
So cold.
Like he's…
regretting the kiss.
Did I pull it off?
Did I make it seem like nothing happened?
There's no way.
He can't think it never happened.
Things will get back to normal somehow.
No matter how long it takes.
How was your honeymoon?
I heard you and Tsuzaki are already…
No way!
You've made progress.
Made a mistake, more like.
How do you mean?
Shouldn't you be at work, Kazami?
I went in on Saturday,
so I've got today off.
Move, please.
Even you must have
an emotional side, Mikuri.
I always have.
I just kept it hidden.
Sometimes I can't help
but to let it show.
I guess you can't help it right now.
Don't sound so happy with yourself.
This side of you is really charming, too.
If it were you…
If it were you
and you were acting like he is
I would just think it was
one of your techniques.
Some kind of strategy
to make my heart flutter.
But he's not the kind to
do something like that.
I don't know what to make of it all.
Is your heart fluttering?
Stop messing around.
Out of the way, please.
I envy Tsuzaki.
Nobody thinks he's a guy like me.
People think I just fool around.
They do?
I tried to kiss Mikuri.
It was only a bit of fun.
Don't scare me like that!
Tsuzaki is sincere, and he looks it
which means he can find true love.
I guess I know what you mean.
I heard it a lot when I was young.
"There's no way she'll go out with me."
You were popular with boys?
in practical terms, I wasn't.
Things like that stay with you.
I've got to go.
Let me pay.
Come on.
If you want to apologize let me pay.
Because you hate being treated, Yuri.
-You know I do.
-Which is why I'll pay.
Are you annoyed?
Not particularly.
Because I see you
in a different light now.
I'm not an annoying hunk anymore?
You're now a cheeky nephew.
If I'm your nephew, can I call you aunt?
If you want to get killed.
Birthday? Your wife's?
It's been over 10 years
so I can't think what to get her anymore.
What did you get your wife?
She hasn't had her…
What's up?
I forgot her birthday.
Your wife's?
It was a month ago.
I don't believe it!
-You didn't get her anything?
-Did you say happy birthday?
We're one of those couples
who don't do anything.
You can't do that.
If you don't lay foundations now,
you'll divorce when you're older.
It would be weird if
I did something though.
It wouldn't be weird.
What's weird is what you said.
I don't think it's weird.
It's weird that you
don't think it's weird.
It's not weird that I don't
think the weird thing is weird.
The weird thing is that the weird…
I don't think there's any point
worrying over things like that.
I pay a woman to do the
housework for me twice a week.
Like Tsuzaki before he was married.
I heard that her birthday
was in early September.
Hey, that's the same as Tsuzaki's wife!
So I gave her a small present.
-Did you?
What was it, out of curiosity?
Some fancy tea from Sri Lanka.
Here's some tea. It's quite fancy.
That was really smooth of you.
Are you alright, Tsuzaki?
Yeah. I'm fine.
This girl is just my type…
but it's hard to know how to approach her.
Isn't it, Tsuzaki?
Why are you asking him?
He knows her too so
I often ask for advice.
So that's what it is.
It's not true, is it?
What you just said isn't true,
is it Kazami?
I know what it is.
Why you've been so friendly.
Hold on, hold on.
Passion, that's what it is.
You two have passion for each other.
Don't you?
Hold on.
Maybe marriages
work best when there's no love.
It's easier if you just
treat it like business.
Think of your husband as a cashpoint?
I wouldn't go that far, but yeah.
If I had that thought I wouldn't
have divorced my husband
and I wouldn't be sitting here
minding this boring shop.
What did you say about the shop?
I didn't have to let you come back.
She can only hear me
when I say things like that.
-Are you going to take over the shop?
-Yeah, but I don't want to.
Why don't you update the shop?
We don't have that kind of money.
I don't mean spending money.
You could sell different kinds of jam
or come up with recipes
that use vegetables.
If you reach out to the housewife network…
You always say stuff like that.
"If you do this, if you do that…"
You'd think you're the expert.
It's annoying.
That was a bit close to the bone.
Things aren't going well for me.
Boyfriend trouble?
He's not even my boyfriend.
-We're married…
but I'm not even on the family register.
he kissed me.
Just once.
Did you imagine this?
Maybe I imagined it.
-Oh, good work today.
Thank you for letting me have
that holiday the other day.
Looks like you had fun.
Thank you for the souvenir.
Don't mention it.
it was Mikuri's birthday
last month wasn't it?
Did you get her something?
Didn't you know? I got her a Bamix.
-Like a hand blender.
No particular reason.
Surely not! You didn't get her anything?
I don't believe it!
You're not an old couple.
You've only just started
seeing each other.
I was the only one who didn't realize…
and all these things…
reminding me.
Good night.
Good night.
Hello, Moriyama household.
What's up?
Well the thing is, I was, um, hoping…
you could tell me what
kind of thing Mikuri likes.
What Mikuri likes?
-Yeah, Pero!
-What's a Pero?
-She cried so much when Pero died.
-She used to go in the dog house.
-That's right!
I didn't really mean her old dog…
I meant what kind of thing would she want?
She said she would never have another dog.
"The memories of Pero are enough."
Yes, I get the idea.
Pero always listened to
Mikuri more than anyone.
-She trained him so well.
-Yes, I ge…
I've just remembered!
Pero never listened to you!
That's right. That mutt went
to the toilet in my shoes!
Thank you. Talk later.
How can I help you?
I need a present for a woman.
For your wife?
Um, no…
Your sister?
-Your girlfriend?
I'm back.
Welcome home.
Can we talk?
We can do it after your
program's finished.
It's fine, I'm not watching it.
It's about something from a bit ago.
In early September…
it was your birthday, wasn't it?
-That's more than a bit ago.
-I'm so sorry.
Don't worry about it.
Really, it's…
I spent ages thinking, but I decided
this was the best thing to give you.
It's not a present, it's a bonus.
A bonus?
I don't think it's
appropriate for employers
to give their staff personal gifts.
But I wanted to show my
gratitude for what your hard work.
Hence the bonus?
Yes. As such, you can't give it back.
That's all.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
A whole month later. Why?
Or could it be
a way of apologizing for the kiss?
Thank you for the bonus.
May I ask? Why did you kiss me?
Time to sleep.
I'm sorry. That was inappropriate.
It wasn't an apology. It was…
I won't be able to say it.
That I just got caught up
in the moment and kissed her.
I'll ask her again.
I would greatly appreciate it if
we acted as if it never happened.
There's no need to apologize.
I don't have to…
Nevertheless, it was a
one-sided and unforgivable action.
I deeply regret it.
Why do you regret it?
On a work trip it might
be sexual harassment
but it was also our honeymoon.
It was important we
looked like a real couple
so it was okay.
It was okay?
Thank you. I look forward to
our continued relationship.
Our continued relationship?
I don't know.
I don't know how I should reply.
-Thank you for this meal.
-Thank you for this meal.
-Here's your lunch.
-Thank you.
I'll be working very late today.
I'll eat something at the office.
Tuesday today, isn't it?
Please don't stay up for me.
See you later.
Take care.
There's a storm inside me.
A Hiramasa whirlwind.
The top ten!
This month's number one is…
'Please Don't Stay Up for Me',
by Hiramasa Tsuzaki with 9999 points!
Now let's look at last month's rankings.
There were songs from various
categories up to number four
but unfortunately there was no top three.
But now there's been a big shake-up
and Hiramasa has numbers three and two.
And at last,
the number one hit in my heart!
Is it all right that I've fallen…
for him this much?
It's going to get in the way of work.
I'll just be happy for now.
Congratulations on your number one.
Thank you for your number one!
I'll be leaving on time today.
Okay. I'll be waiting.
Please do.
See you later.
Take care.
She's so pretty!
I always thought she was…
but now I just can't
believe how pretty she is.
I've got to face it.
This is…
This is…
What are you doing? Be more careful!
I don't want to die just yet.
I can't die until I get home tonight.
Professional bachelors don't fall in love.
Not letting yourself fall
in love is the golden rule.
But this new place is so warm…
and I can't help going back there…
to warm up my cold body.
Good night.
Good night.
Maybe there won't be a second kiss.
20 of them?
Not get enough sleep?
I had to look something up last night
and the more I looked
the more advice appeared.
Now I don't know what's
right and what's not.
Like a social problem or something?
Yeah, something like that.
Hi boys!
Keep flirting like this and Numata
will get the wrong idea again.
Surely he didn't think we're in love?
-That was too funny.
-I thought Numata was sharp.
Like he has both a male
and female perspective.
He doesn't.
It's nothing to do with him being gay.
Numata is just Numata.
Yeah, the being
known as 'Yoritsuna Numata'.
He is sharp though.
He's on a completely different planet.
Why do people hate being put into boxes…
yet have all these prejudices themselves?
Hunks get stereotyped, too.
I wish I had that problem.
Where is Numata, anyway?
-What is it, Takenaka?
-Don't ask me. But…
A buy-out?
I like your nails today.
Don't say things like that so carelessly.
The sexual harassment
charges were cleared.
Even so, rumors' don't go away so easily.
I guess you've got a
lot of free time then.
Who cares who's seeing who?
-But I'm not…
-"He's this, she's that."
If you have time for that,
maybe you should get more work done.
You're one to talk.
You've made a lot of enemies.
I simply told the truth.
Sometimes it's better to keep quiet.
This is why I hate Japan.
Although I hate America, too.
-She used to live abroad?
-Yeah, and she kept it quiet.
-Why would she do that?
-When I asked her…
They always say it.
That I'm different
because I lived overseas.
And if I object, they tell
me to go back to America.
When I was in the States,
they told me to go back to Japan.
So you're a minority in both countries.
I can speak two languages, but my
English accent is very Southern
and I'm not good at writing in Japanese.
You should have said before.
Otherwise it just seems
like you're a lazy kid.
But there's loads of people who
grew up abroad yet write well
so I didn't want to use that as an excuse.
You're amazing, Horiuchi.
I'll be in your corner from now on.
Sorry for thinking you were stupid!
That was a bit mean.
They're a handful…
but they're both good kids.
Work is all about relationships.
That's how it is.
Like it or not.
I wonder if
the work I want to do is like that.
I don't want to work for
a big company or anything.
I'd be happy with somewhere small
where you really get to know people.
Like volunteering?
No, I want money.
-You need money to live.
rather than pursuing nothing but money
I want to build good relationships.
That's important.
For any job. Having gratitude and respect.
Gratitude and respect.
Hiramasa has always been
grateful and respectful to me.
Is that because of our
employer-employee relationship?
What would happen…
if we did go beyond that?
-I'm home.
-Welcome back.
How about a drink since it's Saturday?
Yuri gave me it.
Ice wine.
Apparently it's made
from naturally frozen grapes.
The condensed bit
has much more sugar in it.
It's even sweeter than I imagined.
I didn't say it properly before,
so I thought I'd say it now.
Since you hired me…
I have fun working every day.
Thank you.
Thank you.
that's not everything.
I like Hiramasa more than anyone, but…
I'm his employee.
This should be easy for me to say.
So why can't I?
It's okay.
I don't mind…
if you want to do this.
I can't do it.
I don't want to.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm the one who should say sorry.
Please forget it happened.
I wished the ground would swallow me up.
I'd dig right through to
the other side of the world.
And just as the moon looked
like it was going to disappear…
I ran away from Apartment 303.
What was Mikuri's mind-set when she went?
I've never run away from work before.
I should at least make some preparations.
I might know her better
than you do, Tsuzaki.
You and I…
are fundamentally different.
You can stay as long as you like.
Thank you.
There were two Bengalese finches
on the balcony this morning.
Was the white one all right?
It was.
-That's good.
Please look over here.
This is my employer, Hiramasa Tsuzaki.
On the way home from a company
retreat, something happened.
All of a sudden, he went in for a kiss.
But then…
I'm sorry.
Then in the next train and the bus
he was fast asleep.
But he was definitely pretending.
And then when they got home, too.
Hiramasa, about earlier…
I forgot, I need to prepare
some stuff for Monday.
-But it's still Saturday.
-It's going to take a long time.
Shall we make dinner?
It's the weekend, instant ramen is fine.
Don't worry about me.
Since then, he's acted
like it never happened.
It's a total no-go area.
Don't even go there!
What's with this guy?
How's your miso soup?
Tasty as always.
That's good.
This miso soup…
was inspired by a delicious
one I had at an inn.
It made me want to make a proper stock.
I got up early today and made it fresh.
It took a lot of effort
but it doesn't matter.
The question is, what would Hiramasa do?
What if I left the hob on?
What would you do if the flames spread?
"Are you an arsonist?"
How's the fish?
We haven't had this kind before, have we?
Yes. It's called 'kisu'.
Delicious, isn't it?
Why is he still acting like this?
Maybe everything that's happened
was just my imagination.
Just the delusions of a sad woman
who was on the verge of death.
Tired of looking for work
wanted by nobody and going nowhere.
Our fake honeymoon…
the kiss in the train…
it was all…
it was all, all…
just a fantasy.
But I was so happy.
Please take this back.
What is it?
-That libido drink?
-You don't have to say!
You didn't use it?
I won't be using it.
But I went to all that trouble. Take it!
I'll never need it, ever.
I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you.
There's more to you than meets the eye.
What was I thinking?
I'm a professional bachelor.
I don't get crushes on people.
I don't fall in love.
I won't let myself fall in love.
That way I'll have peace and quiet.
What an idiot I was.
When it happened…
Shall we go?
I couldn't bear being apart.
I felt a connection.
She looked so adorable.
You screamed?
Did I?
What a stupid thing to do.
Why did I do that?
I was high from the fake honeymoon.
It was a 'honeymoon high'.
I was caught up in the moment.
There was no connection.
It's the worst thing a boss can do.
Sexual harassment.
She won't say anything
but Mikuri is definitely angry.
What will I have left
if she leaves work hating me?
That's it.
"At my age…
of course I've kissed someone."
Now I can say that.
I used to lie about that,
but now I can say it with pride.
At least I'll have that.
Welcome home.
I sent an email saying I'd be
working late, so don't stay up for me.
I saw your email.
But today's Tuesday.
It's just turned Wednesday.
Excuse me.
Good night.
How unfair.
He was so hesitant.
So cold.
Like he's…
regretting the kiss.
Did I pull it off?
Did I make it seem like nothing happened?
There's no way.
He can't think it never happened.
Things will get back to normal somehow.
No matter how long it takes.
How was your honeymoon?
I heard you and Tsuzaki are already…
No way!
You've made progress.
Made a mistake, more like.
How do you mean?
Shouldn't you be at work, Kazami?
I went in on Saturday,
so I've got today off.
Move, please.
Even you must have
an emotional side, Mikuri.
I always have.
I just kept it hidden.
Sometimes I can't help
but to let it show.
I guess you can't help it right now.
Don't sound so happy with yourself.
This side of you is really charming, too.
If it were you…
If it were you
and you were acting like he is
I would just think it was
one of your techniques.
Some kind of strategy
to make my heart flutter.
But he's not the kind to
do something like that.
I don't know what to make of it all.
Is your heart fluttering?
Stop messing around.
Out of the way, please.
I envy Tsuzaki.
Nobody thinks he's a guy like me.
People think I just fool around.
They do?
I tried to kiss Mikuri.
It was only a bit of fun.
Don't scare me like that!
Tsuzaki is sincere, and he looks it
which means he can find true love.
I guess I know what you mean.
I heard it a lot when I was young.
"There's no way she'll go out with me."
You were popular with boys?
in practical terms, I wasn't.
Things like that stay with you.
I've got to go.
Let me pay.
Come on.
If you want to apologize let me pay.
Because you hate being treated, Yuri.
-You know I do.
-Which is why I'll pay.
Are you annoyed?
Not particularly.
Because I see you
in a different light now.
I'm not an annoying hunk anymore?
You're now a cheeky nephew.
If I'm your nephew, can I call you aunt?
If you want to get killed.
Birthday? Your wife's?
It's been over 10 years
so I can't think what to get her anymore.
What did you get your wife?
She hasn't had her…
What's up?
I forgot her birthday.
Your wife's?
It was a month ago.
I don't believe it!
-You didn't get her anything?
-Did you say happy birthday?
We're one of those couples
who don't do anything.
You can't do that.
If you don't lay foundations now,
you'll divorce when you're older.
It would be weird if
I did something though.
It wouldn't be weird.
What's weird is what you said.
I don't think it's weird.
It's weird that you
don't think it's weird.
It's not weird that I don't
think the weird thing is weird.
The weird thing is that the weird…
I don't think there's any point
worrying over things like that.
I pay a woman to do the
housework for me twice a week.
Like Tsuzaki before he was married.
I heard that her birthday
was in early September.
Hey, that's the same as Tsuzaki's wife!
So I gave her a small present.
-Did you?
What was it, out of curiosity?
Some fancy tea from Sri Lanka.
Here's some tea. It's quite fancy.
That was really smooth of you.
Are you alright, Tsuzaki?
Yeah. I'm fine.
This girl is just my type…
but it's hard to know how to approach her.
Isn't it, Tsuzaki?
Why are you asking him?
He knows her too so
I often ask for advice.
So that's what it is.
It's not true, is it?
What you just said isn't true,
is it Kazami?
I know what it is.
Why you've been so friendly.
Hold on, hold on.
Passion, that's what it is.
You two have passion for each other.
Don't you?
Hold on.
Maybe marriages
work best when there's no love.
It's easier if you just
treat it like business.
Think of your husband as a cashpoint?
I wouldn't go that far, but yeah.
If I had that thought I wouldn't
have divorced my husband
and I wouldn't be sitting here
minding this boring shop.
What did you say about the shop?
I didn't have to let you come back.
She can only hear me
when I say things like that.
-Are you going to take over the shop?
-Yeah, but I don't want to.
Why don't you update the shop?
We don't have that kind of money.
I don't mean spending money.
You could sell different kinds of jam
or come up with recipes
that use vegetables.
If you reach out to the housewife network…
You always say stuff like that.
"If you do this, if you do that…"
You'd think you're the expert.
It's annoying.
That was a bit close to the bone.
Things aren't going well for me.
Boyfriend trouble?
He's not even my boyfriend.
-We're married…
but I'm not even on the family register.
he kissed me.
Just once.
Did you imagine this?
Maybe I imagined it.
-Oh, good work today.
Thank you for letting me have
that holiday the other day.
Looks like you had fun.
Thank you for the souvenir.
Don't mention it.
it was Mikuri's birthday
last month wasn't it?
Did you get her something?
Didn't you know? I got her a Bamix.
-Like a hand blender.
No particular reason.
Surely not! You didn't get her anything?
I don't believe it!
You're not an old couple.
You've only just started
seeing each other.
I was the only one who didn't realize…
and all these things…
reminding me.
Good night.
Good night.
Hello, Moriyama household.
What's up?
Well the thing is, I was, um, hoping…
you could tell me what
kind of thing Mikuri likes.
What Mikuri likes?
-Yeah, Pero!
-What's a Pero?
-She cried so much when Pero died.
-She used to go in the dog house.
-That's right!
I didn't really mean her old dog…
I meant what kind of thing would she want?
She said she would never have another dog.
"The memories of Pero are enough."
Yes, I get the idea.
Pero always listened to
Mikuri more than anyone.
-She trained him so well.
-Yes, I ge…
I've just remembered!
Pero never listened to you!
That's right. That mutt went
to the toilet in my shoes!
Thank you. Talk later.
How can I help you?
I need a present for a woman.
For your wife?
Um, no…
Your sister?
-Your girlfriend?
I'm back.
Welcome home.
Can we talk?
We can do it after your
program's finished.
It's fine, I'm not watching it.
It's about something from a bit ago.
In early September…
it was your birthday, wasn't it?
-That's more than a bit ago.
-I'm so sorry.
Don't worry about it.
Really, it's…
I spent ages thinking, but I decided
this was the best thing to give you.
It's not a present, it's a bonus.
A bonus?
I don't think it's
appropriate for employers
to give their staff personal gifts.
But I wanted to show my
gratitude for what your hard work.
Hence the bonus?
Yes. As such, you can't give it back.
That's all.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
A whole month later. Why?
Or could it be
a way of apologizing for the kiss?
Thank you for the bonus.
May I ask? Why did you kiss me?
Time to sleep.
I'm sorry. That was inappropriate.
It wasn't an apology. It was…
I won't be able to say it.
That I just got caught up
in the moment and kissed her.
I'll ask her again.
I would greatly appreciate it if
we acted as if it never happened.
There's no need to apologize.
I don't have to…
Nevertheless, it was a
one-sided and unforgivable action.
I deeply regret it.
Why do you regret it?
On a work trip it might
be sexual harassment
but it was also our honeymoon.
It was important we
looked like a real couple
so it was okay.
It was okay?
Thank you. I look forward to
our continued relationship.
Our continued relationship?
I don't know.
I don't know how I should reply.
-Thank you for this meal.
-Thank you for this meal.
-Here's your lunch.
-Thank you.
I'll be working very late today.
I'll eat something at the office.
Tuesday today, isn't it?
Please don't stay up for me.
See you later.
Take care.
There's a storm inside me.
A Hiramasa whirlwind.
The top ten!
This month's number one is…
'Please Don't Stay Up for Me',
by Hiramasa Tsuzaki with 9999 points!
Now let's look at last month's rankings.
There were songs from various
categories up to number four
but unfortunately there was no top three.
But now there's been a big shake-up
and Hiramasa has numbers three and two.
And at last,
the number one hit in my heart!
Is it all right that I've fallen…
for him this much?
It's going to get in the way of work.
I'll just be happy for now.
Congratulations on your number one.
Thank you for your number one!
I'll be leaving on time today.
Okay. I'll be waiting.
Please do.
See you later.
Take care.
She's so pretty!
I always thought she was…
but now I just can't
believe how pretty she is.
I've got to face it.
This is…
This is…
What are you doing? Be more careful!
I don't want to die just yet.
I can't die until I get home tonight.
Professional bachelors don't fall in love.
Not letting yourself fall
in love is the golden rule.
But this new place is so warm…
and I can't help going back there…
to warm up my cold body.
Good night.
Good night.
Maybe there won't be a second kiss.
20 of them?
Not get enough sleep?
I had to look something up last night
and the more I looked
the more advice appeared.
Now I don't know what's
right and what's not.
Like a social problem or something?
Yeah, something like that.
Hi boys!
Keep flirting like this and Numata
will get the wrong idea again.
Surely he didn't think we're in love?
-That was too funny.
-I thought Numata was sharp.
Like he has both a male
and female perspective.
He doesn't.
It's nothing to do with him being gay.
Numata is just Numata.
Yeah, the being
known as 'Yoritsuna Numata'.
He is sharp though.
He's on a completely different planet.
Why do people hate being put into boxes…
yet have all these prejudices themselves?
Hunks get stereotyped, too.
I wish I had that problem.
Where is Numata, anyway?
-What is it, Takenaka?
-Don't ask me. But…
A buy-out?
I like your nails today.
Don't say things like that so carelessly.
The sexual harassment
charges were cleared.
Even so, rumors' don't go away so easily.
I guess you've got a
lot of free time then.
Who cares who's seeing who?
-But I'm not…
-"He's this, she's that."
If you have time for that,
maybe you should get more work done.
You're one to talk.
You've made a lot of enemies.
I simply told the truth.
Sometimes it's better to keep quiet.
This is why I hate Japan.
Although I hate America, too.
-She used to live abroad?
-Yeah, and she kept it quiet.
-Why would she do that?
-When I asked her…
They always say it.
That I'm different
because I lived overseas.
And if I object, they tell
me to go back to America.
When I was in the States,
they told me to go back to Japan.
So you're a minority in both countries.
I can speak two languages, but my
English accent is very Southern
and I'm not good at writing in Japanese.
You should have said before.
Otherwise it just seems
like you're a lazy kid.
But there's loads of people who
grew up abroad yet write well
so I didn't want to use that as an excuse.
You're amazing, Horiuchi.
I'll be in your corner from now on.
Sorry for thinking you were stupid!
That was a bit mean.
They're a handful…
but they're both good kids.
Work is all about relationships.
That's how it is.
Like it or not.
I wonder if
the work I want to do is like that.
I don't want to work for
a big company or anything.
I'd be happy with somewhere small
where you really get to know people.
Like volunteering?
No, I want money.
-You need money to live.
rather than pursuing nothing but money
I want to build good relationships.
That's important.
For any job. Having gratitude and respect.
Gratitude and respect.
Hiramasa has always been
grateful and respectful to me.
Is that because of our
employer-employee relationship?
What would happen…
if we did go beyond that?
-I'm home.
-Welcome back.
How about a drink since it's Saturday?
Yuri gave me it.
Ice wine.
Apparently it's made
from naturally frozen grapes.
The condensed bit
has much more sugar in it.
It's even sweeter than I imagined.
I didn't say it properly before,
so I thought I'd say it now.
Since you hired me…
I have fun working every day.
Thank you.
Thank you.
that's not everything.
I like Hiramasa more than anyone, but…
I'm his employee.
This should be easy for me to say.
So why can't I?
It's okay.
I don't mind…
if you want to do this.
I can't do it.
I don't want to.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm the one who should say sorry.
Please forget it happened.
I wished the ground would swallow me up.
I'd dig right through to
the other side of the world.
And just as the moon looked
like it was going to disappear…
I ran away from Apartment 303.
What was Mikuri's mind-set when she went?
I've never run away from work before.
I should at least make some preparations.
I might know her better
than you do, Tsuzaki.
You and I…
are fundamentally different.
You can stay as long as you like.
Thank you.