We Married as a Job (2016) s01e06 Episode Script

Etosetora related to overnight hot spring trip

Would you be my boyfriend?
-Here I come.
I think we should choose a date.
A hugging day.
How about Tuesdays?
That works.
It's recyclables day,
so it's easy to remember.
Every Tuesday morning
begins with me
putting out the recyclables.
As always, I prepare his lunch
and make breakfast.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Seeing Hiramasa
walking around in his nightwear,
as opposed to coming out fully
dressed like before, makes me happy.
This happiness
must be similar to what
a tamed capybara feels.
I want to pet him.
I really want to pet him, but…
he'd probably just run away,
so I can't get any closer.
That's what it's like.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
After Hiramasa leaves,
I wash the dishes, do the laundry,
and clean the apartment.
Then there's the weekly cleaning.
In the afternoon, I go to the dentist,
do the shopping,
come back to the apartment,
and bring in the laundry.
Then I do the ironing and make dinner.
-Thanks for the meal.
-Thanks for the meal.
Then I clean the dishes
and get the trash ready for the next day,
and that completes
the tasks I'm getting paid for.
Here, have some tea. It's pretty good.
Thanks for doing that outside work hours.
I wanted to drink some anyway.
By the way, today's Tuesday.
Which means it's hugging day, right?
That's right.
But the other day…
Can I give you a hug?
But it's not Tuesday…
Then consider this an advance payment.
So while today may be Tuesday,
the hug allowance
has already been used up.
-I thought you would forget.
-Of course not.
Then give me another advance.
You sound like a company
that's barely making ends meet.
I was joking. I know the policy.
I figured I'd just confirm
since it's Tuesday.
You'll get cold sitting down there.
Excuse me.
What a peaceful life!
Sexual harassment?
I don't remember anyone
in particular harassing me…
You're the one being accused.
Last Wednesday,
you remarked that your subordinate
Natsuki Umehara was handsome.
You're quite the handsome guy.
Yet you don't bother me.
I wonder why?
Maybe it's because you're my subordinate?
It really wasn't that big a deal.
According to the one who
provided the information…
-You're quite the handsome guy.
You make me want to fawn
all over you for some reason.
I wonder why? Could this be love?
No way. That's ridiculous.
They changed what I said.
I know! A meticulous,
diligent late-bloomer like you
could never say something like that!
Who would accuse me
of something like that?
That's confidential.
-Am I the one at fault here?
To those of us who had to put
our careers on hold due to pregnancy
or childcare, you're our last hope!
Don't let silly things drag you down!
Watch out for power harassment, too!
-I'd never do that!
-Our department head said…
-That woman who works under you.
He says she's always being tormented.
He feels sorry for her.
It's not like I want to be
some nagging old lady!
But that girl's writing is so bad,
I have no choice but to point it out!
It'd be faster for me
to just do it myself.
But doing her work for her
won't help her improve, right?
So I have to nag
even when I don't want to,
and now they're calling me lewd!
I can't take it anymore!
Sorry, it's our fault.
Isn't that why she's here complaining?
So now I'm being called a complainer, huh?
I just wanted to get some stuff
off my chest while I was here.
Anyway, on to the main topic.
So I've been steadily earning
points on my credit card this year,
and I've finally reached 50,000 points!
And I exchanged
those points
for this!
A complimentary ticket…
for a pair trip?
Oh, is this for Mikuri's vacation?
No problem.
Please, you two go enjoy yourselves.
I'm obviously talking about you two!
You go have yourselves a nice honeymoon!
We don't really…
And I have work…
You do these things whenever you can!
When do you go?
The answer is now!
You keep putting it off, and then
suddenly you have a kid!
So you can't take
time off for three years.
Then your second child is born.
That's another three years.
-Excuse me, teacher?
-We don't plan to have…
-Don't be naïve!
If life always went according to plan,
I would've been married at 27.
Who could've imagined
I'd become an old nag…
accused of sexual harassment?
You see?
Life is all about
expecting the unexpected!
Wait, isn't that from some TV show?
"Hayashi-sensei", right?
No, I think it was "Kinpachi-sensei".
I don't even know if you two
are getting along or not!
That's why I got this ticket!
I'd usually go for some luxury cuisine
or a trip to a spa resort.
-But because you two…
-We'll go.
-We'd love to.
I'll be going, then.
-Are you sure about this?
-We had no choice.
-It's fine.
You're going to a hot spring?
That's great! Nice going!
You guys are going
to get cozy in the open-air bath.
The room doesn't come with a bath.
After you get out of the bath, you
can mess around on the huge bed…
It's a twin room. The beds are separate.
-And we won't be messing around.
Then why are you going?
It's like being more than friends
and less than lovers
is just right for us.
Are you going to wear any cute underwear?
You're not listening at all, are you?
Or maybe you prefer the lewd type?
-What is that?
-I got it at the station.
You need to enjoy your life
while you're still young!
We're the same age!
Why're you acting like an old lady?
Let's just say I'm on a break.
From life.
Good thing your parents took you in, huh?
I didn't think I liked being home,
but now it's the only place left.
You never know what'll end up working out.
Let's eat up! It's my treat!
Dessert too, right?
Oh, this one looks good!
It's casual cute.
The perfect overnight lingerie.
It is pretty cute.
And it's 30 percent off
for their opening sale.
That's a real bargain!
Too bad I'm not buying any.
It's nothing to get excited over.
It's not even fun.
It's a trip! Trips are fun!
What I'm most worried about…
-is night.
Will I be able to sleep?
It may be a twin room,
but I've never shared
a room with a woman before.
If you're really that worried,
I have something you can use.
Oh, and please keep this from Numata.
-Because he'll tell Kazami.
Make sure Kazami doesn't hear about this.
-What is it?
I thought Numata might
be listening or something.
-He's not a ninja.
-Make sure not to say anything.
-Got it.
-I'll give you something later.
You shouldn't go in there now.
There has to be a reason.
There's no way his heart
would ever drift away from you.
What's with you? Let me by.
-You can't go in there!
If Kazami hears I'm going
on a trip with Mikuri,
he'll get jealous.
Besides, it's really
more like a company retreat.
I should do my best
to show my appreciation.
-Are you ready?
I shut all the doors.
-Let's get going.
"I've got it! Let's go to Kyoto!"
We're not going to Kyoto.
I know. It just feels like we are.
Do you mind if I sit next to you?
I prefer to face
the direction the train is going.
Oh, I'm the same way.
I'm sorry for not realizing.
It's fine.
This trip is to thank you
for your hard work.
That's so kind of you.
Thank you for everything.
And thank you as well.
That over there is the tallest building.
-It's beautiful even in the rain.
-It is.
-It's over there.
What a nice room!
Please enjoy your stay.
Excuse me, we requested a twin room…
We were told there was a change…
Yes, that was me.
Why would you do that?
Well, the inn
gave me a confirmation call,
and when they said it was
a twin room, I told them
that there'd been a mistake
and to change it to a double.
But you told us you reserved a twin room!
Why all the fuss? Don't you
two always sleep together anyway?
No we… Yes, we do.
I'm afraid all the twin rooms are booked.
Mikuri, let's just deal with it.
The staff here aren't to blame.
Thank you for your time.
-Sorry I couldn't be of help.
-Oh, not at all.
Please excuse me.
My high school boyfriend…
was the exact opposite type.
It's so small! What is this?
It's espresso.
We didn't ask for this.
Give me a regular one.
Kaoru, this is what we ordered!
-Did you know it was this small?
-I didn't, but we still ordered it!
Sorry, we want to change our order!
I'm so sorry…
If that had been Hiramasa…
This sure…is small.
I had no idea it'd be this small.
Looks like we learned something new.
-It's so bitter…
-It's so bitter…
Even my daydreams of him are so peaceful.
Let's go back to the room.
But we didn't know
this is what we'd be getting.
Can't you change it for us?
-I'm sorry, but…
-Just forget about it!
But isn't crab better
than fish?
-I hate both!
-I'm afraid we can only…
give you the dinner course
that you reserved in advance.
Can you make
an exception for the two of us?
But I said I don't like either of them!
Looks like that guy's
a chronic complainer.
Hokkaido? I had no idea…
Let's go to the room. Now.
The guy seems pretty bad,
but the girl dating him
probably has some issues too.
No kidding.
Why did I ever date that guy?
Before the school festival,
everyone around me started dating.
That's when he asked me
to be his girlfriend.
He was cool, and he wasn't a bad guy,
so I thought it'd work out.
But our values didn't really match…
Kaoru, you really
need to stop acting like that.
-Don't I look great?
-Not even a little.
If you bump into someone, apologize!
He ended up dumping me because
"I wasn't fun to be with".
I said something I shouldn't have.
The girl dating him
probably has some issues too.
That's the kind of
biased thing a loser would say.
Anyone's free to date
whomever they please.
-how about taking a photo?
-A photo?
Let's put on kimono and send
a lovey-dovey photo to Yuri.
-What's in the bag?
-You brought the cat, didn't you?
-I don't own a cat!
It's called a joke.
It's kind of hot. I'll go buy
something to cool us off.
You said you were worried
about the night-time, right?
That's not what I meant!
I was sure you meant sleeping pills
or something to help me relax.
That cost me a lot, so you
better not waste it. Ciao!
And he gave me three, too!
-Water or tea?
I mean, tea please.
Here you go.
It may be a double bed,
but I think it's big enough
for us to sleep on the edges
without any problem,
kind of like a group sleepover.
It'd be like sitting together on the sofa.
The bedspring feels good,
and I don't think our movements
will disturb each other much.
-There's something underneath…
-Oh no!
There's a pit viper…
I mean a bug. There's a bug.
-Is it big?
-It's pretty big. You shouldn't look.
Let's call the maid.
It's not that big a deal…
It's a bug, right?
Well, yes, but…
So then a complaint is justified.
I won't be causing trouble.
Oh, it's gone!
What? Where?
It's near your feet.
-That was an accident.
-I know. Don't worry.
-It wasn't sexual harassment…
-I know.
An accident. You're fine.
It's only been two hours
since we got here…
Will I be able
to see this retreat through
to the end without any mishaps?
Hiramasa is really sweaty…
Me too.
-It's hot in here…
-It's hot in here…
I'm so sorry the air conditioning
wasn't working properly…
This is our best room, but the reservation
was cancelled this morning,
so you don't have to pay anything.
This room has an open-air bath.
Please make yourselves at home.
Not a bad deal for this room, huh?
No, this room won't work at all.
She said it's the best room.
This isn't suitable for a co-worker trip!
But no other room's available.
-Then I'll use the public bath downstairs.
-That's such a waste!
We can use it like a normal bath
if we close the sliding door.
I bet this room costs more
than 100,000 yen to stay in.
This is a rare opportunity.
Let's enjoy it to the fullest.
As co-workers.
Right, as co-workers.
Pardon me.
You left something behind
in the other room…
Here you go.
Excuse me.
-Thank you.
-Please excuse me.
It was underneath the drawers.
Sorry for the intrusion.
What a wonderful maid!
What's so special about
returning an item someone forgot?
Trust me, that maid went
above and beyond the call of duty.
-What is that?
-It's nothing of your concern.
Since we're here, want to
take a bath together?
Don't look!
don't make jokes about taking
baths together and such.
This is a professional relationship,
except for the Tuesday hugs.
This is a trip among co-workers.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I can't believe this…
You always say such crazy things.
He's angry with me.
This hard-headed behavior of mine
is probably why
I always end up getting dumped.
-Let's head to the bath.
I usually don't pay any mind
to lovey-dovey couples,
but now I feel jealous.
I should buy Yuri
a thank-you gift for this trip.
Ms. Tsuchiya,
should we retouch this still?
If the tone's too dark,
I'm afraid it might look fake…
True. Let's keep it natural.
Yes, ma'am.
"I was called in by compliance too,
but I told them there was
no sexual harassment at all."
Ms. Tsuchiya,
did you get a chance to look
at the meeting materials?
I got about halfway finished
with the corrections,
but I'll finish the rest myself.
The meeting's tomorrow,
so there's no time.
That's so kind of you! Thank you!
Hello? Tsuchiya speaking.
You could've told her
you'd do it yourself…
I would take too long.
So in the end,
I ended up fixing the documents myself.
I had no choice.
Half of all work gets done
because you have no choice.
And the other half?
Because you want to go home.
Where's your motivation?
But life isn't just about work.
If you make enough to get by,
isn't that enough?
That's one way to look at it.
Yuri, you like the work
you're doing, right?
I guess so. But recently,
I've been feeling like
I haven't been getting
a good return on my time and effort.
Once you start talking
about returns, it's over.
No kidding.
Humans are such pitiful beings.
We're always looking for rewards.
Especially when it comes to love.
Hey, we're talking about work.
Well, what I'm saying is, if your partner
doesn't give you the same amount
of love you give them,
you start to get anxious.
And if you can't get love,
you might be satisfied as long as
you're getting something in return.
Like money,
or a stable lifestyle…
But the thing is,
the stronger your emotions,
the harder it is to endure.
Once one person starts shouldering
the bulk of the relationship,
it eventually comes to an end.
Not you, too!
Isn't this delicious?
It is.
I wonder what this is…
-That's salmon.
It looks so elaborate.
Sorry for always doing such lazy cooking…
Your cooking's lazy?
Well, not exactly,
but I always end up going for efficiency.
Efficiency is important
in our daily lives.
If I want to eat at a nice restaurant,
then I have to invest the
time and money to do so.
This kind of meal is nice
because it's occasional.
Besides, I like
all of the food you make, Mikuri.
This fish is great.
Maybe I'm actually
a simple person after all.
This is a trip among co-workers.
Nothing more, nothing less.
A few kind words from him,
and all the gloom from before
vanishes just like that.
Thank you, Yuri.
I promise to enjoy
every last bite of this fish!
You're trying so hard, Yuri.
You too. You're fine just the way you are.
Exactly! That's exactly right!
What happened here?
I should be going.
Why not stay a little longer?
I have to get up early tomorrow.
Oh, I almost forgot.
Mikuri and Hiramasa are on
their honeymoon right now.
You're kidding.
They're so lovey-dovey,
I'm starting to get jealous.
Life is all about
expecting the unexpected!
You were absolutely correct, Yuri.
This whole contract marriage and
Tuesday hug thing is crazy,
but it's not so bad
when there's a safety net.
It might even be ideal that way.
Since we're here, want to
take a bath together?
I can't believe that Mikuri…
Good thing I'm a pro bachelor!
What if I were an aggressive guy?
She's such a troublemaker,
that Mikuri.
By kicking his bag over without thinking
and accidentally unwrapping the package,
I made a disturbing discovery.
There's no way he would have the guts.
And I didn't think I'd need
to prepare anything, but…
You never know what'll end up working out.
Could the preparations I made
to prevent possible regret
end up coming in handy after all?
I'm exhausted.
I'm fine now.
I feel better.
Feel free to take a bath.
I wonder if it'll work out?
Will Hiramasa let me into…
his heart?
My arm's numb.
But I can't risk moving and
accidentally touching her.
A single misstep, and this retreat
is ruined by sexual harassment.
This is a disaster.
How do men manage
to share a futon with a woman?
I should've Googled this in advance.
I doubt I'd find anything
on a situation like this.
That went perfectly.
My earplugs and eye mask
completely blocked out her presence,
resulting in a successful night's sleep.
I did it.
The pro-bachelor did it.
What have I been doing
all this time?
Thinking back…
"Let's get married"…
"Let's start dating"…
"Let's hug each other"…
"Give me an advance on that hug"…
They were all my one-sided demands.
And he probably put up
with them because he's kind.
But I'm always the one initiating things.
I'm tired.
This breakfast tastes great.
It's okay.
Just okay? I see.
Well if it isn't Moriyama!
-I forgot about him…
-What're you doing here?
What kind of question is that?
Nice to meet you!
-We were high school classmates.
-I'm her ex-boyfriend.
Did you have to say that?
Isn't she so annoying?
Always fussing about things…
She's not a bad person, though.
That one time
we went to a café in Shibuya,
-she started lecturing me…
-We don't need to hear that!
-Why not? This is what I mean…
-I'm heading back to the room.
Please make yourselves comfortable.
Is he mad? Will everything be all right?
Your taste in men sure has changed!
My taste hasn't changed.
I just figured out what it is.
Good morning.
Oh, morning.
Sorry about last night.
That was really mean of me. I apologize.
Why the change of heart?
I didn't think you'd make that face.
They're so lovey-dovey,
I'm starting to get jealous.
I didn't think
that you were serious about her.
How embarrassing.
Even at this age, I still
don't understand people's feelings.
I don't understand them either.
If it looked like I was shocked,
then maybe I was.
Even at this age, I still
don't understand my own feelings.
It sure is tough, isn't it?
Yes, indeed.
I wonder what it is I'm after?
What are you asking me for?
Back during breakfast…
Isn't she so annoying?
Always fussing about things…
I thought he would say something.
If I were to suggest that we hold hands…
"We're on a trip as co-workers."
He'd just get mad.
"We're also in the middle
of a pretend honeymoon."
To that, he'd respond,
"That's a grey area, isn't it",
and give me an uncomfortable look.
Without any choice, he'd extend his hand.
But I don't want him…
to do it because he has no choice.
What is it…
that I want from Hiramasa?
I'm tired, but it was a fun trip.
I'm her ex-boyfriend.
Isn't she so annoying?
Always fussing about things…
I wasn't even mad at him.
Because I knew that I'm the one
who knows Mikuri better.
I know her.
Her gentle smile,
her warmth,
her kindness…
If I were to hold her hand,
I wonder what kind of face she would make?
Once this trip's over,
we go back to being employer and employee.
We'd only be able
to hug on Tuesdays.
The same as before.
I'm fine with the way things were.
I give up.
I'm tired of trying.
I won't do anything.
I won't expect anything.
Once this trip's over,
we'll go back to our peaceful lives.
Just one more station…
Just one more station…
One more station…
-If only…
-If only…
-the train would never arrive.
-the train would never arrive.
Thank you for riding with us.
This is Mishima, the last stop.
Passengers taking the Tokaido
bullet train must transfer here.
Shall we?
Be sure not to leave behind
any personal belongings.
I made it with love.
Mikuri is clearly angry.
Is this because of the kiss?
Why did he kiss me?
I wonder if it'll happen again?
There's 20?
It's okay.
As long as I'm with you…
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