We Married as a Job (2016) s01e05 Episode Script
Hugging Day has begun!
Would you be my boyfriend?
You want us to date?
If we were to date,
we wouldn't need to hide.
We wouldn't need to worry
about those rules.
This is your free will.
Free will?
What will you do?
He's stressed out.
I've really put him on the spot.
One reason for the awkwardness
of our relationship is
Hiramasa's low self-esteem.
It is reason why he always
builds walls around his heart.
Having no way to break down those walls,
I have felt extremely lonely.
Unable to bear such loneliness,
I almost ran off to Kazami
and his kind words.
But if I did that,
Hiramasa's self-esteem would drop
even lower,
and the walls around his heart
would grow even taller.
Thus, I realized I should
purposely break down those walls.
It will be the Lovers' Revolution.
I will build up Hiramasa's self-confidence
by switching to the role of a lover.
A psychological healing approach.
This will simultaneously
counteract my own loneliness.
That's pretentious.
I agree. It's pretentious.
That's right. That's right!
Only a pretentious person like me
could devise this plan
to kill two birds with one stone.
Mikuri Moriyama,
number one in pretentiousness.
Please consider Mikuri Moriyama.
Yes or no? The choice is yours.
The choice is yours, Hiramasa.
What will you do?
What will you do, Hiramasa?
Is it possible to start dating
just by deciding to do so?
I think nothing's impossible.
What's your definition of a lover?
Eating meals together.
We do that. We live together.
Going out somewhere.
You can do that with friends.
Not having a lover isn't a problem.
There's no reason to force ourselves…
What about physical affection?
Hugging when you're happy.
Getting pampered when you're tired.
Petting the other person's head.
A mutually healing relationship.
That's what a lover is.
You know?
Everybody has times when they think,
"I'm tired" or "I want a hug".
Hypothetically speaking,
if we were to do that…
Would that be considered
part of your work?
This would be separate, of course.
Work would be work.
No special treatment.
This would simply mean establishing
lovers' time outside of working hours.
Hugging each other for mutual healing.
Right. Nothing beyond that
would be expected.
If you want healing,
wouldn't it be better
to have a real lover,
instead of setting up
this sort of formal arrangement?
want only the best parts
of having a lover.
-It's okay.
You don't have to decide right now.
Sorry for keeping you so late.
-Did something happen?
Did you and Tsuzaki have a fight?
A fight?
There's no way to have a fight,
with the distance between us.
So, under the sink…
The bathroom sink and the tub.
Someone will be coming this morning.
Condos sure are different.
Thanks a lot for coming.
Extra income is always welcome.
-Right, I'm off.
See you later.
You forgot this by the door.
-It's supposed to rain today.
-See you later.
-See you.
Only the best parts of a lover?
What does that mean?
You know?
Everybody has times when they think,
"I'm tired" or "I want a hug".
I had never thought about it.
I've had too few…
in my life to really know.
I remember my mother cuddling me
when I was a child.
But in all my 35 years of life,
I've never hugged anyone
other than family.
What is it?
35 years, ended in a moment.
35 years?
Uh, nothing.
Numata said you looked lonely,
so I should go give you a hug.
How does he have such a keen eye?
Were you actually lonely?
No, I wasn't.
It's not that.
I was thinking a bit about my life.
Did something happen with your wife?
Not really.
You should always lose
a fight with your wife.
Your household is happiest
when your wife's in a good mood.
If you both go back and forth
trying to assert your dominance,
it will keep going
until one of you collapses.
Better to end it before it becomes
an absurd battle for supreme ruler.
I'll always…
be on your side.
Don't encourage him.
Couples' quarrels
must be settled amicably.
We're always alone.
Loners like us have to step up
if we love someone,
even if it's nerve-wracking to do so.
That's true even if the other person
happens to be a man.
-He's talking about himself.
I'm being serious here.
If you love someone.
I forgot about that angle.
Why would Mikuri want to hug me,
someone she doesn't love?
it's not true that she doesn't love me?
I like you the best, Hiramasa.
Don't smile. Calm down.
"Best" is determined
by process of elimination.
Quit mistaking a relative evaluation
for an absolute evaluation.
She's not saying she loves me.
I'm just her employer. I'm just a…
hug pillow.
I'm just the convenient guy
who happened to appear before her.
I'm not lonely.
I'm not. I'm fine!
It's hard to understand. Fix the language.
I think they'll get the point.
Think about the readers,
and give it a rewrite.
Tomorrow's fine.
You're leaving? On time?
I'm going.
Have a good evening.
It's a man.
She didn't look like
she's meeting a lover.
-Then they're breaking up.
You think you're really clever, don't you?
Can you quit with the "sweetheart"?
I hate that word.
You've been watching
too many chick flicks.
I have not!
Ms. Tsuchiya?
-A breakup.
-That'll be a bloodbath.
Can I have a word with you?
Should we go grab dinner?
Absolutely not.
I saw you this morning. At the station.
You and Mikuri.
-That'll happen, living close by…
-What will happen?
-You should ask Mikuri.
-I can't ask her.
She'll think I'm overbearing.
And anyway,
it's your fault for taking advantage
of the fact…
that things aren't going well
between Mikuri and Hiramasa.
This is a problem.
That's what I'm saying.
Mikuri… an illicit affair…
Oh, it's Tsuzaki.
In any case, what do you think…
This is bad.
Hello? Yuri?
Is everything
all right with you two?
This is sudden. What's up?
I've been worried.
You got married really quickly, you know?
Sometimes, in these situations,
you get married without knowing
each other very well,
and then the husband
turns out to be, you know…
violent or something.
Huh? What did you say?
Um… well… that is…
Things are a little awkward at the moment.
It's my fault.
I said something really bold to him.
You told Hiramasa about Kazami?
Why would you tell him that?
Is this a passing fancy?
Or are you serious?
Which is the truth?
Yuri, what are you talking about?
Sorry, Hiramasa's here, so I have to go.
Welcome home.
Right now,
that handsome guy is keeping dry
with the umbrella
that Mikuri brought for him.
She seems to think that you've begun
having an affair with Kazami
because things aren't going well
between us.
It seems she's been worried
for a long time.
We act too much like strangers.
We don't seem the least bit
like newlyweds.
Newlyweds, huh.
Should we try it?
You know.
I know?
That is…
Being lovers.
When I think about it,
it's why Numata was suspicious.
It's how Kazami found out.
And now this.
It's all because we don't act
like we're lovers.
If we create the feeling
that we're lovers,
Yuri's suspicions might go away.
To be honest, I don't know
exactly what that would be like.
Let's try it out.
First, let's start with a hug.
What, already?
You'd rather hold hands?
I think so.
Just hold hands.
It's not a handshake.
It's lovers' handholding. Like this.
Don't you think that's harder?
In other countries,
they hug just to say hello.
You can hug friends and family.
The hug is starting to look less bad.
That's right.
The hug is the easiest and greatest
way to show physical affection.
-Let's try it.
Hold your arms out.
I'll come in from there.
When you feel the impact, hold me close.
Count one, two, three, and you're done.
This sounds like pro wrestling.
Learn the form first. Here we go.
-Arms out.
-Here we go.
It's embarrassing.
It certainly is.
We should give up.
That shyness…
makes us look like newlyweds.
Surely, if we keep trying--
Let's eat dinner.
Let's eat.
Let's eat.
Which one…
is this?
Is he regretting it?
Thinking of the future?
I can't read his total lack
of facial expression.
Last night?
Some hot young guy ran away from her.
She walked home crying in the rain.
Oh, poor thing.
Ms. Tsuchiya, the three o'clock meeting…
I need to make a call first.
You don't want to be too persistent
with phone calls.
Oh yeah?
Never mind, then.
It's all that handsome guy's fault.
I knew it!
Conference Room E.
Umehara, you're a handsome guy,
aren't you.
And yet you don't bother me. How strange.
You don't say?
I wonder why that is.
Because you're my subordinate?
She went to Umehara!
How's that thing with Yuri?
If there's anything I can do…
We'll think of something. It's fine.
Please just wait, Kazami.
Don't do anything.
I understand.
Numata, are you listening?
They've switched offense and defense.
Kazami was always on top before,
and Tsuzaki was on the bottom.
What happened?
Did you think about the group date?
Sorry, I have to pass.
I've got a lover now.
-Well, a lover in form, at least.
-What's he like?
A person who has low self-esteem
in matters of love,
who runs away from deep connections.
But I finally see a ray of hope.
I've been thinking.
We ought to properly set a day.
-A day?
-To hug, if we're going to do it.
Hug Day? How about August ninth?
I don't mean like that.
I'm talking about frequency.
If we do it inconsistently,
it will blur the boundaries of your work.
And I'll worry about
when it's coming again.
Will it be today? Will it be tomorrow?
It's quite stressful.
I've also been worrying
about what to do next.
If we should try
the hug challenge again, or what.
So you wouldn't object to setting a date?
I wouldn't.
-What sort of frequency?
-Once a month.
That's too little.
That will never fool Yuri.
Then once every two weeks.
Try again.
Once a week. I won't do more than that.
That should be fine.
How about doing it on Tuesday?
Since the previous hug was on Tuesday.
That works. It's recyclables day,
so it's easy to remember.
I look forward to working with you.
Thank goodness.
I'm glad he didn't refuse.
I'll spare you the details.
But I've been able to make
a little time for contact,
and I'm finally feeling better.
Are you listening?
No, I'm not.
It's too boring. Right, Hirari?
Welcome home.
Yuri, don't you have work?
I left early. I'll make it up tomorrow.
What's up?
It's your fault for not contacting me.
Let's go inside.
I want to hear what you're thinking
before Hiramasa gets home.
Look, I don't want to be a nosy aunt,
who says nosy things,
but I'm going to say it.
You see, I…
Saw us? Me and Kazami.
He told you?
Yes. Come inside.
If you have an affair
and get divorced in the second act,
how are you going to face Sakura?
And I'm to blame too.
I never thought
that the apartment I showed you
would become a love nest
for an illicit affair.
Yuri, have a seat and calm down.
To tell you the truth,
I hate Kazami.
But if you truly want
to be with him, Mikuri,
I will persevere through those feelings.
Because whichever one you choose,
I will be on your side.
Just remember that.
Thank you.
But, Yuri…
There isn't anything
between me and Kazami.
Not one bit. Really.
Kazami simply asked me
to help out with his housework. That's it.
His housework?
Cooking and cleaning. Twice a week.
A newly married woman,
in a single man's home?
And Hiramasa?
He knows, of course.
Why would he allow that?
This is Kazami we're talking about.
-What is he thinking?
I can't believe it.
Does he not have any common sense?
Call Hiramasa right now.
I'll tell him what's what.
Yuri invasion.
I told her about doing housework
for Kazami.
It just threw fuel on the fire. I'm sorry.
Sorry I'm late.
-Where's Yuri?
-She's sleeping.
Apparently she hasn't
been getting much sleep lately.
She pretty much collapsed.
She was really angry,
so I thought I'd calm her down.
I gave her some wine to drink.
The trick to conquering
the eight-headed serpent, huh.
Let's go back in quietly
and play the happy couple.
She'll wake up and witness
us overflowing with affection.
And we'll explain that we're so close,
it doesn't matter at all
if I go over to Kazami's.
Got it.
We ought to produce
that lovers' feeling first.
Today is Friday.
-This is an emergency.
-You're breaking the rules already.
Let's just worry about conquering
that eight-headed serpent.
Right. You're right.
Let's create that newlywed aura.
Let's create that intimacy.
Here I go.
Where'd they go?
This is our chance. Let's show her.
Is she looking?
-Let's turn a little.
She is. She's looking hard.
Hiramasa, you silly.
I can't believe you forgot your key.
Sorry for making you come get me.
Welcome home.
Sorry for visiting when you were out.
Yuri, when did you take out your contacts?
When I woke up.
My eyes were swollen like crazy.
You were out on the balcony, right?
Oh, was that you down there?
It seemed someone was there.
But I didn't have my contacts in.
I didn't see anything clearly.
Um, Yuri…
It seems we've caused you a lot of worry.
But we've decided, as a couple…
Sorry. I'm so tired,
I feel like I might die.
I'm going to go home.
You've been busy at work, huh.
Well, I'm always busy at work.
But I've been thinking about you two
so much that I can't sleep.
I'll call you tomorrow.
-Get home safe.
You don't need to take her?
I think she'll be able to get a cab.
She has to make up for coming here today
by working tomorrow, on the weekend.
We should alleviate her concerns
as soon as possible.
We should switch seats.
You're the boss. Here.
This is a hierarchy-free workplace.
But this positioning
has me acting arrogant.
Then let's call it lovers' time,
as an extension of our hug.
There's no hierarchy between lovers,
so it doesn't matter where we sit.
would sit side by side on the sofa.
If we were lovers, we would
be sitting next to each other,
holding hands like this while we watch TV.
Thank you.
Yuri's not the kind of person
to believe what other people say.
She only believes
what she sees and feels for herself.
No matter what you say,
she assumes it's a lie.
So we haven't got a chance
without a convincing argument.
She seems particularly disinclined
to trust you right now.
I don't know how we should talk to her.
I think our strategy just now,
of showing her directly,
was the right one.
If we can pull it off, that is.
Should we try it again?
Working on the weekend? That's rough.
You too.
I'm on my way home.
You sure left me in the dust
the other day.
If Mikuri is really just helping
with your housework,
if your conscience is clean,
why not be out in the open?
When you put it that way,
my conscience isn't clean.
Because I have a crush on Mikuri.
See you later.
Get it together, Hiramasa.
She said, "Hiramasa".
What did Kazami say to her?
We've confirmed she's at work.
-Let's go.
Godard Japan is on the 19th floor.
She told me she likes looking
out the window at the park
while she waits for her coffee.
It's a relief from work.
Yuri's a caffeine addict,
so we should have at least
three chances this afternoon.
Will she notice from that high up?
This kilim is a souvenir
from her trip to Turkey.
Its design is one of a kind.
She'll recognize it immediately.
I see.
Let's play the happy couple
for all it's worth.
Let's see this thing through.
Create that newlywed aura.
Create that intimacy.
It's so peaceful.
My family used to go on picnics a lot.
Camping, too.
I'm the only one not participating.
I've only been on a picnic once.
It was in third grade.
My dad worked in a factory,
so he hardly ever got time off.
That one time must be a happy memory.
I remember…
my mother cooked tile soba
to take with us.
Tile soba?
It's famous in Yamaguchi.
When you get it at a restaurant,
they use a real roof tile.
They get the tile very hot
and put soba noodles on it.
Then they put thin sheets of egg
and sweet and spicy beef on top.
Sounds good.
She packed it into a fancy box,
intending it as a nice surprise for us.
But my father got angry.
"Why do we have to sit outside
eating soba that's gone squishy?"
"Plus, this is regular soba,
not green tea soba."
Tile soba is supposed to be
green tea soba?
My mother grew up in Kagoshima,
so she didn't know better.
My father's the type of person
who won't budge once he's angry.
So he refused to eat it.
There was only one choice.
I did my best to eat the entire box
of soba by myself,
all the while telling my mother
how delicious it was.
It's a hellish memory.
I haven't been able to eat
tile soba since.
In my childish way, I always wondered…
why my mother didn't divorce my father.
Sorry for telling a sad story.
No, I'm glad to hear it.
A hellish story?
I mean I'm glad to hear a story from you.
When I met your parents,
I thought they were lovely.
They seemed to suit each other.
I wonder.
Divorce wasn't as simple
back then as it is now.
And they had a child… me.
That's why they didn't split up.
Well done, then.
The son who saved his parents.
The son who became a burden on his mother.
Isn't it better to get by
without having to split up?
It's okay if my mother is happy now.
Today's my mother's birthday.
You have to call and wish her well.
-I've never done that.
-Come on.
Fine then, I'll call her.
Yasue tried to call me three times.
You should call her.
Hmm… you're right.
You make your call too, okay?
Hey, your phone's ringing.
Yes, yes.
It's Hiramasa.
What's up? It's unusual for you to call.
is your birthday, right Mom?
Happy birthday.
Did Mikuri tell you to call me?
Marriage really changes a person.
Is Mikuri with you?
She's on the phone right now too.
We're at the park.
On a picnic?
Sorry. What?
Do you remember going on a picnic
with me and your dad?
Are you telling that old story?
Why not?
We ate tile soba on the way home.
On the way home?
You finally answered.
What is it?
What do you mean?
You called me three times.
Which is it?
Do you need something, or not?
It's not a "need."
I just came from the municipal office.
I filed for divorce.
-That's all.
I was going to talk to you about it
when we last met.
But I didn't want to rain on your parade.
I couldn't tell you.
You should have said.
You're always popping off
about other things.
My parents.
Everyone around me.
They were all strongly against it.
They said, "You have a child.
What are you thinking?"
"It's only an affair."
"Can't you just let it go?"
But no matter what I did,
I just couldn't forgive him.
I couldn't stand to see his face.
Am I wrong?
Am I narrow-minded?
Should I have put up with it,
for the sake of my child?
Maybe it's my fault he had the affair.
Raising Hirari,
doing things around the house…
I thought I was doing my best.
But I must have done something wrong.
That's not true.
You did a good job.
Am I…
destroying my child's happiness?
Of course not.
Hirari is happier when you're smiling.
You're not wrong.
I'm on your side, Yasue.
No matter what anyone says.
I'm on your side.
How is Yasue?
When you have a child,
your life decisions
don't affect just you anymore.
It's difficult.
But if you can no longer stand
to look at the other person,
that's not good
for your child's mental health.
It's good that she got divorced.
So she got divorced.
I'm sorry.
I'm saying the opposite
of what I said before.
Having a child might not be
the only reason…
why my mother didn't get divorced.
We talked about that picnic
on the phone just now.
The hellish one?
Apparently we ate tile soba
on the way home.
On the way home?
Your dad took us out to eat
on the way home, remember?
He said he wanted to show us
the real thing.
Maybe you were asleep?
It's delicious!
It probably helped
that we hadn't eaten lunch,
but it was incredibly delicious.
I've never had such delicious soba.
Not before or since.
It was a terrible memory for me.
But for my mother,
it was the best soba
she's ever eaten in her life.
There are probably many more such stories…
that I don't know about.
I wonder if Yasue and her husband…
didn't have enough memories like that.
I want both of them to be happy.
I told her, "I'm on your side, Yasue."
That's all I could say.
During a difficult time,
it helps just to have someone say
they're on your side.
Nobody's ever done that for me.
I'll always be on your side, Tsuzaki.
Although I have the feeling
he misunderstood something.
I have Yuri who said it to me.
I'm on your side, Mikuri.
You two are close, aren't you.
She's always been very sweet to me.
Where was she again?
The lights are out.
Did she go home?
Let's go to the lobby.
When she gets there,
we'll leap out and hug each other.
Luckily it's the weekend,
so almost no one's here.
And we don't want to keep
worrying her like this.
That, or…
we could tell Yuri the truth.
Going to all this trouble to deceive her.
It's not right.
I feel like I'm betraying her.
You say this now?
I'm sorry.
I made you give up your weekend
to come along with me on this.
We're even to the point where
you have to suggest things
like hugs in the lobby.
I had an idea
that this strategy was ridiculous.
I knew it.
If you tell Yuri the truth,
it might make you feel better,
but won't it be worse for her?
If she knew the truth,
she would have to start lying
to her younger sister, your mom.
In other words,
we'd be forcing her to take on
the burden of our guilt.
It's our guilt.
We should carry it ourselves.
The two of us.
Can I give you a hug?
As an expression
of the gratitude I'm feeling.
But it's not Tuesday.
Please give me an advance payment.
If you're ever in trouble, Hiramasa,
I will always be on your side.
What are you doing?
I thought I'd seen this carpet before.
What are you doing,
getting all snuggly in public?
No, we…
Be good to each other.
She's completely settled.
-Take a load off.
-Thank you.
I'm so tired.
I shouldn't get involved in
newlyweds' business. Silly of me.
-You know him?
-I do.
My work is right nearby.
Does Kazami come here too?
Kazami doesn't come on his own.
Oh? Thank goodness.
You really hate him.
You can't trust that guy.
I met Yuri by coincidence.
We're having a drink.
What did you say to her?
She's really angry with you.
Thank you.
Hirari and I will do our best.
They should be done.
I'll do it.
Thank you.
-It's hot, so use those.
I can't see.
About like this?
-I think that's good.
This is fun.
Washing away all my guilty feelings
is a lot of fun.
If every weekend could be like this,
I think I would be happy with that.
It's all fine at first.
You can't see the bad parts.
Here it comes, the ex-wife talk.
-Moderation in all things.
-That's right.
Moderation is good. Moderation.
Let's eat.
It's good!
We're not husband and wife.
We're not friends.
We're a boss and an employee,
and lovers who only hug on Tuesday.
It's ambiguous. That's what makes it fun.
Why are things…
like this?
Enjoy your honeymoon.
I've never slept
in the same room as a girl.
This room has an open-air bath.
Shall we take a bath together?
Don't look!
Can we go there?
Will Hiramasa…
let me into his heart?
Subtitle translation by:
Would you be my boyfriend?
You want us to date?
If we were to date,
we wouldn't need to hide.
We wouldn't need to worry
about those rules.
This is your free will.
Free will?
What will you do?
He's stressed out.
I've really put him on the spot.
One reason for the awkwardness
of our relationship is
Hiramasa's low self-esteem.
It is reason why he always
builds walls around his heart.
Having no way to break down those walls,
I have felt extremely lonely.
Unable to bear such loneliness,
I almost ran off to Kazami
and his kind words.
But if I did that,
Hiramasa's self-esteem would drop
even lower,
and the walls around his heart
would grow even taller.
Thus, I realized I should
purposely break down those walls.
It will be the Lovers' Revolution.
I will build up Hiramasa's self-confidence
by switching to the role of a lover.
A psychological healing approach.
This will simultaneously
counteract my own loneliness.
That's pretentious.
I agree. It's pretentious.
That's right. That's right!
Only a pretentious person like me
could devise this plan
to kill two birds with one stone.
Mikuri Moriyama,
number one in pretentiousness.
Please consider Mikuri Moriyama.
Yes or no? The choice is yours.
The choice is yours, Hiramasa.
What will you do?
What will you do, Hiramasa?
Is it possible to start dating
just by deciding to do so?
I think nothing's impossible.
What's your definition of a lover?
Eating meals together.
We do that. We live together.
Going out somewhere.
You can do that with friends.
Not having a lover isn't a problem.
There's no reason to force ourselves…
What about physical affection?
Hugging when you're happy.
Getting pampered when you're tired.
Petting the other person's head.
A mutually healing relationship.
That's what a lover is.
You know?
Everybody has times when they think,
"I'm tired" or "I want a hug".
Hypothetically speaking,
if we were to do that…
Would that be considered
part of your work?
This would be separate, of course.
Work would be work.
No special treatment.
This would simply mean establishing
lovers' time outside of working hours.
Hugging each other for mutual healing.
Right. Nothing beyond that
would be expected.
If you want healing,
wouldn't it be better
to have a real lover,
instead of setting up
this sort of formal arrangement?
want only the best parts
of having a lover.
-It's okay.
You don't have to decide right now.
Sorry for keeping you so late.
-Did something happen?
Did you and Tsuzaki have a fight?
A fight?
There's no way to have a fight,
with the distance between us.
So, under the sink…
The bathroom sink and the tub.
Someone will be coming this morning.
Condos sure are different.
Thanks a lot for coming.
Extra income is always welcome.
-Right, I'm off.
See you later.
You forgot this by the door.
-It's supposed to rain today.
-See you later.
-See you.
Only the best parts of a lover?
What does that mean?
You know?
Everybody has times when they think,
"I'm tired" or "I want a hug".
I had never thought about it.
I've had too few…
in my life to really know.
I remember my mother cuddling me
when I was a child.
But in all my 35 years of life,
I've never hugged anyone
other than family.
What is it?
35 years, ended in a moment.
35 years?
Uh, nothing.
Numata said you looked lonely,
so I should go give you a hug.
How does he have such a keen eye?
Were you actually lonely?
No, I wasn't.
It's not that.
I was thinking a bit about my life.
Did something happen with your wife?
Not really.
You should always lose
a fight with your wife.
Your household is happiest
when your wife's in a good mood.
If you both go back and forth
trying to assert your dominance,
it will keep going
until one of you collapses.
Better to end it before it becomes
an absurd battle for supreme ruler.
I'll always…
be on your side.
Don't encourage him.
Couples' quarrels
must be settled amicably.
We're always alone.
Loners like us have to step up
if we love someone,
even if it's nerve-wracking to do so.
That's true even if the other person
happens to be a man.
-He's talking about himself.
I'm being serious here.
If you love someone.
I forgot about that angle.
Why would Mikuri want to hug me,
someone she doesn't love?
it's not true that she doesn't love me?
I like you the best, Hiramasa.
Don't smile. Calm down.
"Best" is determined
by process of elimination.
Quit mistaking a relative evaluation
for an absolute evaluation.
She's not saying she loves me.
I'm just her employer. I'm just a…
hug pillow.
I'm just the convenient guy
who happened to appear before her.
I'm not lonely.
I'm not. I'm fine!
It's hard to understand. Fix the language.
I think they'll get the point.
Think about the readers,
and give it a rewrite.
Tomorrow's fine.
You're leaving? On time?
I'm going.
Have a good evening.
It's a man.
She didn't look like
she's meeting a lover.
-Then they're breaking up.
You think you're really clever, don't you?
Can you quit with the "sweetheart"?
I hate that word.
You've been watching
too many chick flicks.
I have not!
Ms. Tsuchiya?
-A breakup.
-That'll be a bloodbath.
Can I have a word with you?
Should we go grab dinner?
Absolutely not.
I saw you this morning. At the station.
You and Mikuri.
-That'll happen, living close by…
-What will happen?
-You should ask Mikuri.
-I can't ask her.
She'll think I'm overbearing.
And anyway,
it's your fault for taking advantage
of the fact…
that things aren't going well
between Mikuri and Hiramasa.
This is a problem.
That's what I'm saying.
Mikuri… an illicit affair…
Oh, it's Tsuzaki.
In any case, what do you think…
This is bad.
Hello? Yuri?
Is everything
all right with you two?
This is sudden. What's up?
I've been worried.
You got married really quickly, you know?
Sometimes, in these situations,
you get married without knowing
each other very well,
and then the husband
turns out to be, you know…
violent or something.
Huh? What did you say?
Um… well… that is…
Things are a little awkward at the moment.
It's my fault.
I said something really bold to him.
You told Hiramasa about Kazami?
Why would you tell him that?
Is this a passing fancy?
Or are you serious?
Which is the truth?
Yuri, what are you talking about?
Sorry, Hiramasa's here, so I have to go.
Welcome home.
Right now,
that handsome guy is keeping dry
with the umbrella
that Mikuri brought for him.
She seems to think that you've begun
having an affair with Kazami
because things aren't going well
between us.
It seems she's been worried
for a long time.
We act too much like strangers.
We don't seem the least bit
like newlyweds.
Newlyweds, huh.
Should we try it?
You know.
I know?
That is…
Being lovers.
When I think about it,
it's why Numata was suspicious.
It's how Kazami found out.
And now this.
It's all because we don't act
like we're lovers.
If we create the feeling
that we're lovers,
Yuri's suspicions might go away.
To be honest, I don't know
exactly what that would be like.
Let's try it out.
First, let's start with a hug.
What, already?
You'd rather hold hands?
I think so.
Just hold hands.
It's not a handshake.
It's lovers' handholding. Like this.
Don't you think that's harder?
In other countries,
they hug just to say hello.
You can hug friends and family.
The hug is starting to look less bad.
That's right.
The hug is the easiest and greatest
way to show physical affection.
-Let's try it.
Hold your arms out.
I'll come in from there.
When you feel the impact, hold me close.
Count one, two, three, and you're done.
This sounds like pro wrestling.
Learn the form first. Here we go.
-Arms out.
-Here we go.
It's embarrassing.
It certainly is.
We should give up.
That shyness…
makes us look like newlyweds.
Surely, if we keep trying--
Let's eat dinner.
Let's eat.
Let's eat.
Which one…
is this?
Is he regretting it?
Thinking of the future?
I can't read his total lack
of facial expression.
Last night?
Some hot young guy ran away from her.
She walked home crying in the rain.
Oh, poor thing.
Ms. Tsuchiya, the three o'clock meeting…
I need to make a call first.
You don't want to be too persistent
with phone calls.
Oh yeah?
Never mind, then.
It's all that handsome guy's fault.
I knew it!
Conference Room E.
Umehara, you're a handsome guy,
aren't you.
And yet you don't bother me. How strange.
You don't say?
I wonder why that is.
Because you're my subordinate?
She went to Umehara!
How's that thing with Yuri?
If there's anything I can do…
We'll think of something. It's fine.
Please just wait, Kazami.
Don't do anything.
I understand.
Numata, are you listening?
They've switched offense and defense.
Kazami was always on top before,
and Tsuzaki was on the bottom.
What happened?
Did you think about the group date?
Sorry, I have to pass.
I've got a lover now.
-Well, a lover in form, at least.
-What's he like?
A person who has low self-esteem
in matters of love,
who runs away from deep connections.
But I finally see a ray of hope.
I've been thinking.
We ought to properly set a day.
-A day?
-To hug, if we're going to do it.
Hug Day? How about August ninth?
I don't mean like that.
I'm talking about frequency.
If we do it inconsistently,
it will blur the boundaries of your work.
And I'll worry about
when it's coming again.
Will it be today? Will it be tomorrow?
It's quite stressful.
I've also been worrying
about what to do next.
If we should try
the hug challenge again, or what.
So you wouldn't object to setting a date?
I wouldn't.
-What sort of frequency?
-Once a month.
That's too little.
That will never fool Yuri.
Then once every two weeks.
Try again.
Once a week. I won't do more than that.
That should be fine.
How about doing it on Tuesday?
Since the previous hug was on Tuesday.
That works. It's recyclables day,
so it's easy to remember.
I look forward to working with you.
Thank goodness.
I'm glad he didn't refuse.
I'll spare you the details.
But I've been able to make
a little time for contact,
and I'm finally feeling better.
Are you listening?
No, I'm not.
It's too boring. Right, Hirari?
Welcome home.
Yuri, don't you have work?
I left early. I'll make it up tomorrow.
What's up?
It's your fault for not contacting me.
Let's go inside.
I want to hear what you're thinking
before Hiramasa gets home.
Look, I don't want to be a nosy aunt,
who says nosy things,
but I'm going to say it.
You see, I…
Saw us? Me and Kazami.
He told you?
Yes. Come inside.
If you have an affair
and get divorced in the second act,
how are you going to face Sakura?
And I'm to blame too.
I never thought
that the apartment I showed you
would become a love nest
for an illicit affair.
Yuri, have a seat and calm down.
To tell you the truth,
I hate Kazami.
But if you truly want
to be with him, Mikuri,
I will persevere through those feelings.
Because whichever one you choose,
I will be on your side.
Just remember that.
Thank you.
But, Yuri…
There isn't anything
between me and Kazami.
Not one bit. Really.
Kazami simply asked me
to help out with his housework. That's it.
His housework?
Cooking and cleaning. Twice a week.
A newly married woman,
in a single man's home?
And Hiramasa?
He knows, of course.
Why would he allow that?
This is Kazami we're talking about.
-What is he thinking?
I can't believe it.
Does he not have any common sense?
Call Hiramasa right now.
I'll tell him what's what.
Yuri invasion.
I told her about doing housework
for Kazami.
It just threw fuel on the fire. I'm sorry.
Sorry I'm late.
-Where's Yuri?
-She's sleeping.
Apparently she hasn't
been getting much sleep lately.
She pretty much collapsed.
She was really angry,
so I thought I'd calm her down.
I gave her some wine to drink.
The trick to conquering
the eight-headed serpent, huh.
Let's go back in quietly
and play the happy couple.
She'll wake up and witness
us overflowing with affection.
And we'll explain that we're so close,
it doesn't matter at all
if I go over to Kazami's.
Got it.
We ought to produce
that lovers' feeling first.
Today is Friday.
-This is an emergency.
-You're breaking the rules already.
Let's just worry about conquering
that eight-headed serpent.
Right. You're right.
Let's create that newlywed aura.
Let's create that intimacy.
Here I go.
Where'd they go?
This is our chance. Let's show her.
Is she looking?
-Let's turn a little.
She is. She's looking hard.
Hiramasa, you silly.
I can't believe you forgot your key.
Sorry for making you come get me.
Welcome home.
Sorry for visiting when you were out.
Yuri, when did you take out your contacts?
When I woke up.
My eyes were swollen like crazy.
You were out on the balcony, right?
Oh, was that you down there?
It seemed someone was there.
But I didn't have my contacts in.
I didn't see anything clearly.
Um, Yuri…
It seems we've caused you a lot of worry.
But we've decided, as a couple…
Sorry. I'm so tired,
I feel like I might die.
I'm going to go home.
You've been busy at work, huh.
Well, I'm always busy at work.
But I've been thinking about you two
so much that I can't sleep.
I'll call you tomorrow.
-Get home safe.
You don't need to take her?
I think she'll be able to get a cab.
She has to make up for coming here today
by working tomorrow, on the weekend.
We should alleviate her concerns
as soon as possible.
We should switch seats.
You're the boss. Here.
This is a hierarchy-free workplace.
But this positioning
has me acting arrogant.
Then let's call it lovers' time,
as an extension of our hug.
There's no hierarchy between lovers,
so it doesn't matter where we sit.
would sit side by side on the sofa.
If we were lovers, we would
be sitting next to each other,
holding hands like this while we watch TV.
Thank you.
Yuri's not the kind of person
to believe what other people say.
She only believes
what she sees and feels for herself.
No matter what you say,
she assumes it's a lie.
So we haven't got a chance
without a convincing argument.
She seems particularly disinclined
to trust you right now.
I don't know how we should talk to her.
I think our strategy just now,
of showing her directly,
was the right one.
If we can pull it off, that is.
Should we try it again?
Working on the weekend? That's rough.
You too.
I'm on my way home.
You sure left me in the dust
the other day.
If Mikuri is really just helping
with your housework,
if your conscience is clean,
why not be out in the open?
When you put it that way,
my conscience isn't clean.
Because I have a crush on Mikuri.
See you later.
Get it together, Hiramasa.
She said, "Hiramasa".
What did Kazami say to her?
We've confirmed she's at work.
-Let's go.
Godard Japan is on the 19th floor.
She told me she likes looking
out the window at the park
while she waits for her coffee.
It's a relief from work.
Yuri's a caffeine addict,
so we should have at least
three chances this afternoon.
Will she notice from that high up?
This kilim is a souvenir
from her trip to Turkey.
Its design is one of a kind.
She'll recognize it immediately.
I see.
Let's play the happy couple
for all it's worth.
Let's see this thing through.
Create that newlywed aura.
Create that intimacy.
It's so peaceful.
My family used to go on picnics a lot.
Camping, too.
I'm the only one not participating.
I've only been on a picnic once.
It was in third grade.
My dad worked in a factory,
so he hardly ever got time off.
That one time must be a happy memory.
I remember…
my mother cooked tile soba
to take with us.
Tile soba?
It's famous in Yamaguchi.
When you get it at a restaurant,
they use a real roof tile.
They get the tile very hot
and put soba noodles on it.
Then they put thin sheets of egg
and sweet and spicy beef on top.
Sounds good.
She packed it into a fancy box,
intending it as a nice surprise for us.
But my father got angry.
"Why do we have to sit outside
eating soba that's gone squishy?"
"Plus, this is regular soba,
not green tea soba."
Tile soba is supposed to be
green tea soba?
My mother grew up in Kagoshima,
so she didn't know better.
My father's the type of person
who won't budge once he's angry.
So he refused to eat it.
There was only one choice.
I did my best to eat the entire box
of soba by myself,
all the while telling my mother
how delicious it was.
It's a hellish memory.
I haven't been able to eat
tile soba since.
In my childish way, I always wondered…
why my mother didn't divorce my father.
Sorry for telling a sad story.
No, I'm glad to hear it.
A hellish story?
I mean I'm glad to hear a story from you.
When I met your parents,
I thought they were lovely.
They seemed to suit each other.
I wonder.
Divorce wasn't as simple
back then as it is now.
And they had a child… me.
That's why they didn't split up.
Well done, then.
The son who saved his parents.
The son who became a burden on his mother.
Isn't it better to get by
without having to split up?
It's okay if my mother is happy now.
Today's my mother's birthday.
You have to call and wish her well.
-I've never done that.
-Come on.
Fine then, I'll call her.
Yasue tried to call me three times.
You should call her.
Hmm… you're right.
You make your call too, okay?
Hey, your phone's ringing.
Yes, yes.
It's Hiramasa.
What's up? It's unusual for you to call.
is your birthday, right Mom?
Happy birthday.
Did Mikuri tell you to call me?
Marriage really changes a person.
Is Mikuri with you?
She's on the phone right now too.
We're at the park.
On a picnic?
Sorry. What?
Do you remember going on a picnic
with me and your dad?
Are you telling that old story?
Why not?
We ate tile soba on the way home.
On the way home?
You finally answered.
What is it?
What do you mean?
You called me three times.
Which is it?
Do you need something, or not?
It's not a "need."
I just came from the municipal office.
I filed for divorce.
-That's all.
I was going to talk to you about it
when we last met.
But I didn't want to rain on your parade.
I couldn't tell you.
You should have said.
You're always popping off
about other things.
My parents.
Everyone around me.
They were all strongly against it.
They said, "You have a child.
What are you thinking?"
"It's only an affair."
"Can't you just let it go?"
But no matter what I did,
I just couldn't forgive him.
I couldn't stand to see his face.
Am I wrong?
Am I narrow-minded?
Should I have put up with it,
for the sake of my child?
Maybe it's my fault he had the affair.
Raising Hirari,
doing things around the house…
I thought I was doing my best.
But I must have done something wrong.
That's not true.
You did a good job.
Am I…
destroying my child's happiness?
Of course not.
Hirari is happier when you're smiling.
You're not wrong.
I'm on your side, Yasue.
No matter what anyone says.
I'm on your side.
How is Yasue?
When you have a child,
your life decisions
don't affect just you anymore.
It's difficult.
But if you can no longer stand
to look at the other person,
that's not good
for your child's mental health.
It's good that she got divorced.
So she got divorced.
I'm sorry.
I'm saying the opposite
of what I said before.
Having a child might not be
the only reason…
why my mother didn't get divorced.
We talked about that picnic
on the phone just now.
The hellish one?
Apparently we ate tile soba
on the way home.
On the way home?
Your dad took us out to eat
on the way home, remember?
He said he wanted to show us
the real thing.
Maybe you were asleep?
It's delicious!
It probably helped
that we hadn't eaten lunch,
but it was incredibly delicious.
I've never had such delicious soba.
Not before or since.
It was a terrible memory for me.
But for my mother,
it was the best soba
she's ever eaten in her life.
There are probably many more such stories…
that I don't know about.
I wonder if Yasue and her husband…
didn't have enough memories like that.
I want both of them to be happy.
I told her, "I'm on your side, Yasue."
That's all I could say.
During a difficult time,
it helps just to have someone say
they're on your side.
Nobody's ever done that for me.
I'll always be on your side, Tsuzaki.
Although I have the feeling
he misunderstood something.
I have Yuri who said it to me.
I'm on your side, Mikuri.
You two are close, aren't you.
She's always been very sweet to me.
Where was she again?
The lights are out.
Did she go home?
Let's go to the lobby.
When she gets there,
we'll leap out and hug each other.
Luckily it's the weekend,
so almost no one's here.
And we don't want to keep
worrying her like this.
That, or…
we could tell Yuri the truth.
Going to all this trouble to deceive her.
It's not right.
I feel like I'm betraying her.
You say this now?
I'm sorry.
I made you give up your weekend
to come along with me on this.
We're even to the point where
you have to suggest things
like hugs in the lobby.
I had an idea
that this strategy was ridiculous.
I knew it.
If you tell Yuri the truth,
it might make you feel better,
but won't it be worse for her?
If she knew the truth,
she would have to start lying
to her younger sister, your mom.
In other words,
we'd be forcing her to take on
the burden of our guilt.
It's our guilt.
We should carry it ourselves.
The two of us.
Can I give you a hug?
As an expression
of the gratitude I'm feeling.
But it's not Tuesday.
Please give me an advance payment.
If you're ever in trouble, Hiramasa,
I will always be on your side.
What are you doing?
I thought I'd seen this carpet before.
What are you doing,
getting all snuggly in public?
No, we…
Be good to each other.
She's completely settled.
-Take a load off.
-Thank you.
I'm so tired.
I shouldn't get involved in
newlyweds' business. Silly of me.
-You know him?
-I do.
My work is right nearby.
Does Kazami come here too?
Kazami doesn't come on his own.
Oh? Thank goodness.
You really hate him.
You can't trust that guy.
I met Yuri by coincidence.
We're having a drink.
What did you say to her?
She's really angry with you.
Thank you.
Hirari and I will do our best.
They should be done.
I'll do it.
Thank you.
-It's hot, so use those.
I can't see.
About like this?
-I think that's good.
This is fun.
Washing away all my guilty feelings
is a lot of fun.
If every weekend could be like this,
I think I would be happy with that.
It's all fine at first.
You can't see the bad parts.
Here it comes, the ex-wife talk.
-Moderation in all things.
-That's right.
Moderation is good. Moderation.
Let's eat.
It's good!
We're not husband and wife.
We're not friends.
We're a boss and an employee,
and lovers who only hug on Tuesday.
It's ambiguous. That's what makes it fun.
Why are things…
like this?
Enjoy your honeymoon.
I've never slept
in the same room as a girl.
This room has an open-air bath.
Shall we take a bath together?
Don't look!
Can we go there?
Will Hiramasa…
let me into his heart?
Subtitle translation by: