We Married as a Job (2016) s01e04 Episode Script

I'm going to make a lover!

But I like you the best.
Just then…
it felt like my 35 years…
had all been worth it.
Even if
that "like" was just affection
for an employer.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Sorry. I burned it a little.
No. Your cooking is as good as always.
Thank you.
I haven't spoken to Mikuri about this.
A half a month has passed
since that incident.
From my perspective, I think you two
have the ideal relationship.
It's a contractual marriage, isn't it?
One with a salary.
This isn't the place for such talk.
Let's talk about this tonight then.
The moment you didn't deny it,
you confirmed.
See you after work.
What should I do? What should I do?
What should I do?
I am going.
-Take care.
-Good night.
I'm sorry about the grape-picking. Sorry!
-It's fine.
-Let's go another time.
You don't seem like
you'll ever be able to go.
-I'm in a hurry.
What about camping?
-I know a great uninhabited island.
-Uninhabited island?
It is near the Seto Inland Sea.
Slightly south of Hiroshima.
It is called Ro Island.
-He ran away.
-Does he hate camping that much?
Maybe he had a bad experience before.
Like bringing food but
forgetting cooking utensils.
No cooking utensils huh.
So that's it.
I was just throwing that out there.
I had no idea she was just your employee.
It isn't that big of a deal.
It would have been difficult to explain,
so we just kept it secret.
It's almost like a two person share house.
You share living space
and household tasks.
The involvement of money
clarifies our respective roles.
We are able to give each other space
and live more comfortably.
How is that going?
Have you experienced
any feelings toward her?
No. I am simply her employer.
-Really. Nothing more than that.
The more I hear,
the more perfect that sounds.
You are the only one who thinks like that.
I wish Mikuri would come to my place too.
I am not trying to take your place.
I have never had a housekeeper.
I was curious.
Is she allowed to take a second job?
We don't have any rules for that.
I would like to share Mikuri
one day a week.
That is not for me to decide.
Will you ask her for me?
Share her?
I don't like the sound of that.
The word share…
is usually used for objects or food.
Sharing is popular right now.
I am talking about a share house.
My college classmate renovated
her parents home
and is now running a share house
with them.
It's mostly for foreign tourists.
That is a guesthouse.
That's right. It is a guesthouse.
Each visitor has their own room,
but they share a kitchen.
For food, they all…
What do you think?
That might be a good idea.
I am being pretty obvious.
Why doesn't he try to respond?
Didn't Tsuzaki tell you?
Tsuzaki and I want to share you.
Yes. Share.
I'm sorry. I don't understand.
Tsuzaki always works fast.
I thought he told you.
What about this share?
Ask Tsuzaki. Don't tell him we met.
Kazami must have been joking.
Or perhaps he misunderstood.
The word "share" is clearly upsetting him.
S! H! A!
R! E!
What does share mean?
Share? I am not an object or food.
Will he really ignore
the opinion of his employee?
Even if he is the employer,
he isn't allowed to do that.
Have a good day.
Have a good day!
Is this how a wife feels
when she suspects her husband
of cheating but can't ask him?
Where can I spill my feelings?
If it hurts, raise your hand. Excuse me.
Look at that.
This is bad. Look at that.
That dentist was good, right?
He was good. He was kind, but…
teeth are expensive.
You brought this on yourself.
I want to punch my past self.
I should have gotten treatment then.
I just took pain killers and ignored it.
Now it got this bad.
How much?
If I choose the cheapest filling,
it's 3,000 yen with insurance.
You don't want a cheap filling
in a place you can see.
Reinforced plastic isn't covered
by insurance. It's 47,000 yen.
Plastic will stain within five years.
Go for ceramic.
Ceramic is 95,000 yen.
Zirconia ceramic is 150,000 yen.
I don't have the money for this.
All of the savings from my temp job
all went to paying back my school loans.
You should have let
your parents pay for that.
I didn't want to rely on them
for graduate school too.
I thought I would find a job
and be able to repay everything easily.
I want to hit my past self.
Tuition is ridiculously high now.
Be careful.
I did not have anesthesia.
Is Hiramasa… cheap?
He should just pay for your dental bills.
M! O!
N! E! Y!
Give me some!
I can have all the wild daydreams I want.
They won't change the facts.
Our household is in the red too.
What is this compensation item?
I spent 1,250 yen more
than our household budget.
I covered it with my own funds.
Wasn't this due
to extraordinary circumstances?
Numata and Kazami came here
and we went to Katsunuma.
That is true.
But I should have bought
a new rice cooker next month then.
It was my budgeting mistake.
I gave you permission
to purchase the rice cooker.
In the long run, that was not a mistake.
I can't allow my employee
to cover a budget overage.
I am not a black company.
That does make sense.
I remembered when I worked
at a black company.
You worked at one?
The work itself was tough.
My boss would ask me to go
shopping at the convenience store
but he wouldn't pay me back.
Some people are like that.
Some people try every way to save money.
That must have been stressful.
I'm glad you found a new job.
-We got off topic.
From now on,
we'll save the money we have left over
to make up for larger expenses.
Expenses from outings will be
considered extraordinary expenses.
Please take the 1,250 yen from that.
I'm sorry.
There is no need to apologize.
Thinking back to my days
without a job nor home…
I truly appreciate
these working conditions.
I believe that people should
be proud of their work.
Don't carry burdens on your own.
Please discuss such matters with me.
I wish I was an American.
Excuse me?
They get to hug at these times.
Foreigners get to hug when they feel
happiness or affection.
I really want to do that now.
-What are you going on about?
-Right. This is Japan. Too bad.
This is Japan. I'm glad.
In any case, I am older than you.
I'm also your employer.
Please feel free to rely on me.
That is all.
Can we discuss something now?
-Go ahead.
-What do you mean by share?
What does it mean for
you and Kazami to share me?
I ran into Kazami and heard from him.
I was so curious about what this means
that I became a cheerleader.
I was daydreaming. I do that a lot.
In order to understand my situation
from an objective perspective I daydream.
That doesn't matter now!
The issue is this share.
Let me explain.
There are three key points.
The first point is that Kazami realized
from my behavior
that we are in a contract marriage
in which I pay you a salary.
Next, Kazami said that
he wanted to employ you.
He wanted you to do
his household chores once a week.
The last and most important point…
was protecting your own free will
to choose.
Free will?
As for me…
I do not care what you do outside
of your working hours.
Kazami also wants to respect your choice.
You are free to reject this offer.
I have no--
I will do it.
I will work.
I will take this second job.
-I'll do my best.
Come in.
-Sorry for having you come over.
-It's fine.
I wanted to see how your place looked.
I haven't cleaned up anything.
I will help you.
-Was it okay?
With Tsuzaki.
Was he upset we spoke?
he was a little upset. But he apologized
for not telling me earlier.
I feel a little bad.
We came to an understanding.
How is your life there?
Excuse me?
Do you have any romantic feelings
toward Tsuzaki?
Kazami. Are you playing with me?
-How could you tell?
-I knew it.
I thought that you were both
really interesting people.
I suppose we amuse you.
Something like that.
Most people wouldn't do this.
I like it.
No one gets to decide what is normal.
That is a reassuring thought.
Does Yuri know about this?
No, she doesn't. I can't tell her.
Yuri is very old-fashioned.
She might kill Hiramasa.
You absolutely cannot tell her.
I see. This will be our secret.
Everything ended well.
I look forward to working together.
As do I.
Excuse me.
I am sorry about before.
Don't you want to let loose sometimes?
Surely you've felt that way before.
I did not mean anything bad.
I was just feeling nostalgic.
Excuse me.
What was that? What happened?
Sadly, nothing happened.
This music is loud!
Let's work.
I will go to Kazami's place
on Mondays and Thursdays.
My main work is cooking dinner
and cleaning.
I will pay close attention to avoid
this from affecting my work here.
-One more thing.
-I don't need a report.
Your contract with Kazami
is between you and him.
I am not involved.
You cannot speak to him
about your work here.
Of course, I will protect your privacy.
That is all.
I will take the ceramic option.
I will pay in installments.
TOTAL: 95,000 YEN
Don't give up.
This is for my teeth and my treatment.
Make money when I can.
If there is work, take it.
This is my timetable.
I use this twice a week.
The time I lose at Tsuzaki's home…
I cover on the weekends.
I am careful to carry
two separate wallets.
I want to avoid them thinking that
I am not working as hard now.
I spend a lot of time thinking
about the menu.
At Kazami's place,
I make three meals at a time.
I try to avoid serving
the same menu twice.
It is important to consider
whether the meal can be frozen.
This? This is a daikon and beef stew.
It looked easy on CookPad
so I am giving it a shot.
All done.
Let's taste it.
I want to talk.
I want to talk to him.
I made a daikon and beef stew
at Kazami's place.
But I failed. Failed?
The ginger flavor was too strong.
I couldn't adjust it.
I resorted to my last option.
Last option?
I ran to the supermarket and bought curry.
I threw the blocks into the pot
and made it curry.
That is awful.
I took the easy route.
But you did think on your feet.
That is commendable.
Thank you.
I want to talk to him about that.
But he told me that I couldn't talk
about Kazami's place.
How do I fix this atmosphere?
goes by the name Heartful Boy on CookPad…
and updates recipes
almost every day. It's amazing.
That is all.
That topic went nowhere.
The other day…
Numata brought a sandwich for lunch.
He said that he made
the bread and herbs himself.
That is true homemade.
Is it easy to grow herbs?
You can use a planter or pot.
A lot of people grow them inside.
My parents did it too.
But because there was a park nearby,
insects gathered around the herbs,
so we stopped.
Having insects inside is bad.
I remember screaming.
Can you make bread at home?
There is a machine
to make bread with rice.
Make bread with rice?
You can use rice in place of flour.
Is that still considered bread?
Good question.
Thank you, Numata.
Thanks to Numata,
I was able to lighten the mood at dinner.
"I always read your posts.
It was delicious."
-A message from Tsuzaki's wife.
Right. That's the couple
you think is a fake.
I am just too perceptive.
Will this take a while?
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Tsuzaki has been nervous around Kazami.
That didn't happen before.
When Kazami sees Tsuzaki,
he always talks to him.
They seem closer than before.
In other words.
In other words?
They have fallen in love.
-That was pretty short.
-It was, right?
Our topic is regrets of a past love.
-Do we need a topic?
-We talk about work too much.
We do end up talking about work.
We don't really do anything else.
Do you have any?
Regrets of a past love.
I have a few.
Have you ever fallen completely in love
and chased after a man
with everything you have?
-That's just silly.
-That won't do!
If you love him, go after him.
You can think afterwards.
Forget about appearances. Just go.
What is it, Umehara?
Why are you so invested?
I'm just frustrated.
-I don't understand.
-You don't need to.
Falling for someone…
really makes you feel uneasy.
You lose yourself.
Your legs shake beneath you.
Before you give yourself up
to those feelings…
you are unable to move forward.
Daikon and beef curry.
It was really tasty.
Have you had it?
-She hasn't served it at mine.
-I see.
For the next day,
she made curry udon. Then spicy mapo.
Three straight days of curry?
She makes me three meals at a time.
She rearranges the menu,
so I never get sick of a meal.
It has been a while
since I looked forward to meals.
What did you have last night?
Ginger mixed rice.
That sounds good. I'll buy a rice cooker.
What are you two talking about?
Did you get a new girlfriend?
I wish I did.
You could if you tried.
-You're cool.
-I am not cool at all.
You wouldn't have your hair styled
if you weren't cool.
My hair is styled too.
Look. Not bad, right?
Hino! Think about your behavior more.
They're nurturing love.
Look on from a distance.
What does that mean?
Sorry for the wait.
Were you not in the mood for this?
It's fine. Thank you.
Thank you for this meal.
Is this chicken?
It's the usual chicken curry.
You like chicken, right?
How has he been recently? Is he well?
I met Yasue this afternoon.
She was an elementary school
classmate of yours, right?
Right. She was a troublemaker,
then a civil servant.
She married a co-worker and left her job.
She had a child and
now returned to her parents' home.
I caught my husband cheating.
Do you have proof?
Watertight proof.
He was caught in the act
by some of my old friends.
Old friends.
They are all respectable now.
While he was having his affair,
they went to the door,
kicked it down and barged in.
Respectable folks don't kick down doors.
Around 20 of them surrounded my husband.
They took photos with their phones
and sent them to me.
He and his mistress looked so pathetic.
I was able to see that scene
from 360 degrees.
It's a masterpiece. Want to see?
I'll pass.
After that,
I showed this masterpiece to my husband.
What do you think he said?
"It was just a sudden impulse. I'm sorry."
-What is the correct answer?
In order to continue loving you forever,
I had to disperse my passion.
-That doesn't make sense.
-That doesn't make sense.
She is going to go on some dates.
-She wants to try this dispersion.
So that's what she chose.
She wanted me to come with her
on the group date.
I'm not going.
Yasue doesn't know my situation.
She was just talking.
You should go if you want.
someone at your company might see me.
That is very unlikely.
I myself…
don't really want to go.
Another wall.
As soon as Hiramasa sees
the shadow of another man…
he begins to build a wall.
This is perhaps due to
his low sense of self-esteem.
This is self-esteem.
It is a feeling that one has worth.
People with high self-esteem…
are more aware of their successes
and use them to affirm their self-worth.
People with low self-esteem…
are more aware of their failures
and use them to deny their self-worth.
In his romantic experiences, Hiramasa
has not gained any self-esteem…
leading to this result.
Did you…
attend an all-boys high school?
No. It was co-ed.
You've never been on a group date?
Why are you asking?
Just because.
Please stop digging and analyzing.
You are so pretentious.
This is painful.
I am just her employer.
And yet, I feel like someone
who has a one-sided crush
on a girl with a boyfriend.
I will hate myself and her.
This feeling is pointless.
A contractual marriage, isn't it?
If only I had
come up with a better lie.
If only I had
more smoothly prevented her
from taking the job.
I will take this second job.
If only I had.
completely failed to find a job.
When it came down to me
and one other person…
I was not the one chosen.
At that time, I thought we were the same.
We were never chosen.
We were never needed.
We were never accepted…
by the ones we loved.
I thought that she and I were the same.
I wanted to…
do something for her.
This is a proposal…
for a common-law marriage.
I'll do it. Hire me.
I am Mikuri, Tsuzaki's wife.
I like you the best though.
I must…
let go of my dreams.
That is how…
until now…
I have lived in peace.
Where is the other one?
Finches have trouble living in the wild.
It's about Kazami.
He is thinking about buying a rice cooker.
He wants you to make him rice dishes.
I see.
He liked the daikon and beef curry.
I was worried about that.
I made a mistake and
had to resort to curry.
Kazami seems to have refined tastes.
I didn't want to make anything too simple.
I can switch places with Kazami.
We can switch positions.
You can move to Kazami's place
and become his common-law wife.
You can come here once a week,
like before.
If it is too much trouble to come here,
I can request a different housekeeper.
Do you…
want to do that?
You have free will.
Free will?
Isn't that a little unfair?
In that case, I'll go to Kazami's.
If I said that, he wouldn't stop me
and that would end up happening.
Today is ground beef and egg over rice.
Thank you.
Take care.
This always happens.
Whenever I try to fix something…
I end up making it worse.
In the end, I am rejected.
That's what happened then.
Shinji and I fell in love
at our college campus.
Shinji was a year older than me.
He reached the spring
of his third year earlier than me.
The storm of job-hunting fell upon Shinji.
His string of rejections continued.
I never imagined I would face
this same storm a year later.
I tried to encourage him.
At your next interview…
why not try to focus
on your first impression?
Facial expression and gestures make up…
55 percent of a person's image.
You sometimes push
too much pressure on yourself.
I think you should focus on removing
your self-depreciating bias.
In your situation.
-For example--
Did I ask for this?
-You analyze and criticize me.
Why are you looking down on me?
Who do you think you are?
I didn't mean to.
You are so pretentious.
I need to work overtime.
I don't need dinner.
-Welcome back.
-Thank you.
I just finished.
-Are you going back to make dinner?
Tsuzaki is working overtime tonight.
Right. He sent a message.
-Do you want to eat?
Please eat dinner here.
I can't pay you overtime. But please stay.
I'm not that greedy.
Roger that. No dinner.
I will be sure to make tomorrow's
breakfast especially delicious.
She and I are the same.
Why did I think that?
Unlike me…
she has dated other people.
She can get a boyfriend
whenever she wants.
This is good.
I'm glad.
Group dates. I would never go on one.
You wouldn't need to.
I have no interest in group dates,
but I would be glad to go to one
which you are attending.
You really are popular with the girls.
You know what to say to make girls happy.
That makes it sound like I am lying.
-Aren't you?
I'm clear about my feelings.
I enjoy talking with you. I learn a lot.
No. I am…
not very well liked.
I analyze and criticize people.
I'm pretentious.
I'm fine with that.
You also think that I'm pretentious.
-I knew it.
That's interesting.
I like that. No matter what others think.
I want to escape here.
If I am with him,
I may be able to escape
the spell of self-loathing.
This is no reason to get upset.
I will just return.
I will return to my peaceful life
living alone.
I can return to caring for
the finches that sometimes appear.
It must be so nice to be loved.
It must be so nice…
to be loved.
-Welcome back.
-Thank you.
I'm sorry to bring this up
when you are tired from overtime.
Is this about your contract?
Let me put my things away.
I'll just be a minute.
I received a work email.
Sorry for the delay.
It is about this item.
I am thinking of…
dating someone.
It is written here that the party
must make all efforts
to avoid being seen dating
by other people.
This seems to be difficult.
I also believe that if
am forbidden from discussing
this relationship at all
stress may build between us.
I am working two jobs right now.
It would be difficult to adjust
my schedule to accommodate this.
If I were to date under these conditions…
my only option for a partner…
would be you.
Would you be my boyfriend?
You want us to date?
Is this some bad joke?
No. I'm serious.
This is not a dream. This is real.
I thought about this.
If we were to date,
we wouldn't need to hide.
We wouldn't need to worry
about those rules.
Please wait.
For example, if I were to date Kazami,
I would be unable to tell you more things.
Stress would continue to build.
Maybe you're right, but…
If we continue like this,
we can't relax at home
and there will be an awkwardness.
I believe this is the best thing to do.
I can't follow your line of reasoning.
If you are opposed, I will withdraw.
This is your free will.
Free will?
Yes. What do you choose?
Mikuri Moriyama, at top pretentious power!
If I'm pretentious,
I will use all of my pretentiousness!
I will attack Hiramasa straight on.
What will you do, Hiramasa Tsuzaki?
What will you do? What will you do?
-Let's start with a hug.
-All of a sudden?
Thank you.
Call Hiramasa here now.
Let's act like a happy couple.
-Let's create intimacy.
-Let's create that newlywed aura.
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