We Married as a Job (2016) s01e03 Episode Script

I like it the most! Sudden confession of contract wife

-Let's eat.
-Let's eat.
What is it?
I want to buy a rice cooker
with our living expenses.
Right now I'm using
a microwavable container…
that I brought from my house to make rice.
But it's too small,
and it can only make white rice.
What do you want to make
besides white rice?
For example, brown rice, 10-grain rice…
Maybe even mixed rice.
Would you consider buying one?
Thank you for the meal.
I'll leave the rice cooker to you.
What just happened?
It takes more than the employees
to make a workplace.
As an employer,
I want to provide
a comfortable environment for you, Mikuri.
Feel free to tell me anything
that's on your mind.
The Employer's Technique.
Hiramasa, whose words
were like a clear mirror
that stirred my heart…
What's going on?
Isn't the rice too tough?
No matter what she says,
the conversation dies immediately.
Looks like today is going to be hot.
He refuses to look at her
no matter what she says.
Even the unfeeling glare of his glasses…
appears to be making
the atmosphere in this house tense.
-Here's your lunch.
-Thank you.
Have a good day!
This isn't working.
Everything is going horribly.
How did this happen?
The only thing I can think of…
is that I had naughty thoughts
when Numata and Kazami stayed over.
But there's no way
Hiramasa would know about that
unless he's a psychic.
Which means it must have been what
happened at the start of the week…
In the laundry basket,
I found his underwear,
which he'd never even let me touch before.
All right!
He finally trusts me enough
to let me wash his underwear.
So I cheerfully washed them.
Welcome back.
Sorry, I didn't mean
for you to wash those. My mistake.
So he didn't trust me after all.
Why don't we just wash it all together?
Washing just the underwear
separately isn't efficient.
I used to wash my dad's underwear
back at home.
I don't mind it at all. What do you say?
That's how I forced a resolution.
Maybe Hiramasa…
is still self-conscious about
his underwear.
Even though they're
nothing more than underwear…
-Let's move.
Let's move into a two-bedroom apartment.
Here are my conditions for the apartment.
Could you look around?
Why the sudden change?
I'm sure you want your own room.
Are you doing this for me?
I've always felt that
a one-bedroom apartment is a bit small.
The rent is 20,000 yen more expensive…
That's about the market rate
for two bedrooms.
So if we halve that, it's 10,000 yen more.
I'll handle that.
This is my decision, after all.
So it's not so I have my own room?
There's one more thing.
I realized there's no clause about
romantic partners in our contract.
Romantic partners?
You and I have nothing but
an employer-employee relationship.
There's a chance we might fall
for someone else in the future.
-That will affect the contract.
I'll draw up a draft.
I'm off to work.
It's like he just slammed
the door to his heart shut…
with overwhelming force.
I can do overtime.
It's no problem.
Really? But you're a newlywed!
That has nothing to do with it.
Work is work.
You're a lifesaver! Thank you!
I saw.
I got a glance of Tsuzaki's bedroom.
One pillow on a single bed.
It seems unlikely
that they sleep there together.
Are those two really a married couple?
They're a couple who sleeps
in a single bed.
He's not like Yutaka Ozaki's song.
Oh, wait it's not Ozaki.
I was wrong, Tsunku sings about
a single bed.
There were no signs of his wife
in his room at all.
The marriage is a sham.
We've been tricked.
Tsuzaki never showed
any prejudice toward me.
He was actually on my side the whole time.
A man who likes men
and a woman who likes women…
Two incompatible souls join hands…
and face life's hardships together.
Isn't that a touching story?
Numa's theories tend to
enter wishful thinking territory.
Take half of what he says
and then halve it again…
Hey, Tsuzaki!
-Let's go grape picking!
-You and your wife with my family.
-I can't.
Come on, I'm the only one
who hasn't met your wife.
That's not my fault.
Kids catch colds so easily.
If you have two, they take turns
being sick. There's no end!
-Don't you understand my pain?
-Afraid not.
I thought your wife was wonderful.
She's perfect. The ideal wife.
Now I really want to meet her!
I want to marry her, too.
But you're so harsh on women!
Plus, she's pretty cute.
So she's cute, too!
She's not cute at all.
It feels like I'm sharing a home
with a cleaning lady in her sixties.
-Isn't that going too far?
-Well, there goes my interest.
Thinking that way makes it easier
to let her wash my underwear.
I see.
See what?
What are you talking about? Tell me!
Shoot. This doesn't taste good.
It's not bad, but it's not good either.
Kind of hard to describe.
Well, if you're just eating it yourself,
why does it matter?
If only that were true…
My husband only comes home
when I tell him that the dinner I made
is really delicious.
Whenever he comes home
in the middle of the night
and says the leftovers aren't good,
I want to slam him against the wall.
Not to kiss him, I'm assuming.
But I bottle up my rage…
and tell myself he's working
for Hirari and me,
that I shouldn't let myself
get worked up over this.
But then he cheats on me.
But it's still just a hunch, right?
He was just walking with a woman.
No. With him, your suspicions
almost always end up being true.
I just know it.
If he hears someone advertising a sale,
he goes for it without even
knowing what they're selling.
That's what he does.
He dives right in without looking.
He dove for you, too.
He kept coming after me
and I got all excited,
and before I knew it,
I was pregnant and married.
If you consider the possibility
that guys who chase girls are
probably chasing other girls too,
I could see how that'd be a problem.
I should have told him that
I used to be a delinquent.
Then if I'd pinned him to the wall,
maybe he would've been faithful.
-Sorry, it's work.
-Go ahead.
I received some plums from your parents.
I wanted to express my thanks.
What do you think I should get them?
Your mother told me she gets
plenty of plums from her garden,
so when I said I was jealous,
she sent me some.
When did that happen?
Is there anything your parents dislike?
Not really. Thank you for your trouble.
Are things going well with Hiramasa?
Yes, very well.
He doesn't have the best social graces,
but he has a kind heart.
Please take care of him.
I will.
That child of mine is great at studying,
but he doesn't know anything about women.
I was afraid he'd grow old
without ever having a girlfriend.
I was really worried!
Cooks three cups…
Cooks five and a half cups…
35 years without a girlfriend.
Pressure and steam induction heating.
Charcoal rice cooker pot…
35 years without a girlfriend.
I need to focus on getting
that rice cooker!
If he really hasn't had a girlfriend
in 35 years,
then I can't imagine him making a move
on a woman unless he really means it.
He's the type to research everything
before taking action.
So he wouldn't dive in out of passion.
Could he be…
It's possible he has no experience.
But there's nothing wrong with that.
Everyone's different.
I think it depends on the person.
Oh, you can show my face.
Lately, there are a lot of men
with good education, good incomes,
and decent looks, yet they
don't make a move.
Maybe it's because they have
too much pride.
Or they just don't want
to initiate things themselves.
Getting rejected hurts.
This is about one of my relatives,
but she's pretty old-fashioned.
She never let her guard down,
and now she's 49 years old.
It's possible she's already
missed her chance.
Are you okay?
Not at all.
I feel like I'm going to have an aneurysm.
Why do we have to cover
for ten million yen?
-Because you gave final approval.
-I know I did, but…
but how could I know the barcode
would link to another firm's site?
A dummy layer must have
been left behind somehow…
-But when did that happen?
-It was fine until the 4th print.
Which means it happened at the very end.
How did we miss this?
Oh no, the reps from Denhodo are here…
There's no way I'm accepting a 7:3 ratio.
-What about 8:2?
-No, it has to be 9:1.
-I'm so sorry…
-Mr. Nishi, I said on the phone--
I'm sorry for all the trouble
Nishi has caused.
I’m Tajima, the department head.
Do you remember me?
Tajima? From Kurashina's seminar?
That's right! We all went skiing together!
That really takes me back! We went
to Yuming's concert in Naeba, too!
-That's right!
-Those were the days!
They sure were.
He was a college classmate of mine!
What a surprise!
When I heard the name,
I had a feeling it might be you.
No kidding!
Wait a second. Were you sent here
because you know me?
You're not getting a cent out of me!
Oh, it's you!
It was nice meeting you the other day!
-Do you live around here?
-Right over there.
Tsuzaki's still working overtime.
I know. He sent me a message
saying he'd be late.
-Thanks for carrying that.
-No problem!
I planned to return during the day, but…
You weren't sure which one to buy?
They come in all shapes and sizes,
don't they?
That's right. And the cheap ones
were really cheap. Almost too cheap.
Nowadays they can make them
for cheap overseas.
True. When I think about
jobs getting shipped overseas…
and being taken away from here,
it makes me sad.
It's like they're selling jobs overseas
so that we can buy things for cheap.
Exactly! Actually, I've been thinking…
-See you tomorrow.
-Good night.
I should be finishing up…
in just a little bit.
My mind's been restless since that day.
I'll delete it all. All the indecent
thoughts I had that night…
I deleted more than I had to.
We'll hurry and move
into a larger apartment
and place some distance between us.
That should return things to normal.
The problem is,
what do I do until then?
Maybe I should just
throw caution to the wind
and enjoy this fake romance
for what it is?
It's not like it could
ever become a reality.
I'll be more proactive…
and pretend to be her boyfriend.
Welcome back.
I-I'm home.
I'm home.
Oh, it's nothing.
Oh, that's right.
Did you end up buying a rice cooker?
That's how I made that
mixed rice you're eating.
right here.
It's an inducted heat rice cooker
that cost 20,000 yen.
I made sure it has the minimum
functionality and is easy to use.
That's great.
It's like if you buy a computer
for the specs and only use it
to surf the web, it's useless.
That's right.
And it's not like cheap is better, either.
Actually, I talked about the same
thing with Kazami earlier.
-We bumped into each other.
He carried the rice cooker for me.
Kazami is actually easy to talk to
and very kind.
We talked about how globalization
is sapping domestic employment.
But we just couldn't figure out
what the solution was.
So we joked about closing the country.
Kazami himself said that
he's self-centered, but…
I think the reason he's hesitant
about marriage
is because he's actually sincere.
He probably ended up like that
because he's popular.
-Kazami is--
-Will you…
continue to discuss him?
Thank you for the meal.
I got carried away…
I was happy that he finally
started talking to me…
I overreacted.
Listening to her like a boyfriend
was too much to bear.
There's no way I could
enjoy a fake romance.
Someone like me with no experience
couldn't possibly do that.
I'm nothing compared to the popular guys.
Not that there was any comparison
to begin with.
Even if Mikuri were to quit one day…
and marry someone for real,
I'd probably…
still be alone.
I didn't think you'd still be single,
I'm surprised myself.
I wish I could go back and warn myself.
To think we'd reunite as department heads.
I'm just a deputy department head.
Even though women make up
70 percent of the company,
only 10 percent are
in management positions.
It's pretty lonely.
It's still hard to believe…
that I'm sitting here having a drink
with Tsuchiya.
Are you serious?
You were way out of my league.
You were pretty popular yourself!
Everyone was talking about
how cool you were.
The only girl I wanted
to be popular with was you.
Being popular with your wife
should be enough.
Don't you want to let loose sometimes?
It doesn't have to be serious.
Surely you've felt that way before.
Especially if you're alone.
Why do people always judge me
for being single?
Wait, what?
I'm leaving.
Handsome men are always like this.
I guess I should say formerly handsome.
About this Sunday…
Hino wasn't able to meet you
last time, so he invited us
to go grape picking with him
and his family.
I'll pay you for the day off.
How's your schedule look?
-That sounds good.
-Great, I appreciate it.
Every day, he keeps asking to meet you.
I can't concentrate.
Also, I added some items
to the employment contract.
"If a Party Finds a Love Interest."
"Relations with your love interest
are to be kept
as secret as possible to protect
the marriage's public image."
"Relations with your love interest
are also to be done
in such a way as to
not be noticed by the other party."
"While divulging the details
of the marriage arrangement
is allowed, the consent of both
parties is required."
"If one should wish to marry
one's love interest,
this employment contract
will be promptly terminated."
That's probably what would
end up happening.
You're right.
If there are no issues,
I'll add it to the contract.
You can go ahead.
-Oh, and about the move…
I looked up a bunch of options online.
I'll start visiting real estate agencies
on Monday to see if there are
any better apartments available.
Thank you. I'll go look at them tomorrow.
-It's Saturday.
-There's no need to hurry…
-I plan to go.
I'll go, too.
It's my day off, but…
but I'd like to see my new workplace.
Like the kitchen and such.
Even if it's just part of the process,
I think it's best that we're both there.
The neighborhood is spectacular.
It was built less than a year ago,
so it's practically new.
It's a little smaller than the last one,
but if it's just the two of you,
it should be enough.
Certainly seems so!
It's surprisingly far from the station.
This one is close to the station.
And the rent's reasonable as well.
The rooms have to be completely divided.
And I'm concerned about there
not being enough sunlight, too.
This place has a lot of sun
and a great view, too.
Sorry, I need to return to
the company. Is 10 minutes okay?
This is a good apartment,
but it's a bit too pricey.
Can't we compromise?
I don't want to regret
the decision, though…
Are you sure…
we really need to move right now?
This isn't for me.
It's for you, right?
am I…
in the way?
-Having someone else at home…
makes it hard to relax, doesn't it?
The whole point of the contract
was to make your life easier,
so if I'm annoying you,
then it's not fulfilling its purpose.
-No, that's…
-What are you paying me for?
That's not it.
It's not your fault.
It's just…
If something's on your mind, tell me!
You yourself told me to tell
you anything on my mind, right?
I feel the same way.
If there's a problem,
let's discuss it and solve it together.
Sorry, it's my phone…
It's Hino. Let me take this…
Your kid has a fever again?
Okay, then let's cancel the grape picking.
Sorry for the wait!
I told him it would be a problem,
but he insisted we came.
-Where's the car?
-I asked my aunt to drive us.
-You can call her Yuri.
-Yuri, huh?
She's my young and beautiful aunt.
I don't know if I can handle
someone like that.
Someone like that?
Older women who wear miniskirts
or make their hair brown and curly.
They should act their age.
This guy is really annoying, isn't he?
-Yuri's not like that.
There she is!
Sorry for the sudden request!
It was perfect timing.
I was feeling a bit down.
-This is Yuri.
-Nice to meet you.
-I'm Numata.
-I'm Kazami.
Thanks for helping us out.
Put your bags in the trunk
and sit wherever.
Let me get that.
There we go.
Go ahead and put your stuff in.
She certainly acts her age.
-Didn't I tell you?
-You did.
Oh, thanks.
Mikuri, come here a second.
Did that guy just call me an old woman?
He didn't say that. He complimented
you for acting your age.
Seriously? Handsome men
are always like this.
-Did a man do something to you?
-No, it's just…
I've always hated how handsome
men always act
cool and composed.
Hiramasa, how are you
finding married life?
It's going well.
My taxes and living expenses
have gone down.
-That's your focus?
-Tsuzaki is the rational type.
He's right.
Homemade meals are cheaper
than eating out,
not to mention more nutritious.
I always make sure to make
well-balanced meals.
I don't have to worry
about cleaning anymore,
and it's easier to receive packages too.
I handle the bank transfers
as part of my duties, too.
It's a metaphor.
Don't you hate being restricted
to an allowance now?
I handle the finances.
I decide the monthly budget
and make sure we both adhere to it.
It's hard to predict monthly changes
in utilities and produce prices,
so it's not easy deciding
everything accurately.
But we should have a monthly average soon.
Right. Things will go even better
starting next month.
What is this, a business meeting?
So heart-warming…
It's so sweet!
This is delicious!
Hey, I had no idea it'd be this sweet…
Sorry, wrong person.
-Hey, where did you go?
-I've been here the whole time!
-This is horrible!
He laughed at me for
getting excited over grapes.
I'm sure he didn't! He's handsome,
but he's one of the good ones!
-Do people like that exist?
-One of them is right there.
Did you have an incident
with a handsome guy?
I told you nothing happened…
Grapes taste great when you
eat them frozen.
Take them from the vine, wash them,
put them in Ziplocs and freeze them.
-With the skin on?
The skin comes off easily if you run them
under water before eating.
Wow, I'll try that next time.
Tsuzaki, if you're thinking of moving,
how about here?
It's my friend's condominium.
They're looking for a tenant.
It's a five-minute walk from the
station. It's close to me, too.
Sorry, can I borrow that?
There's no agent,
so it's going for
70 percent the market rate.
They don't want any strange tenants.
But you have a stable income,
so I'm sure it'd be fine.
-How many bedrooms?
That won't do.
There have to be two bedrooms.
But if it's this large--
Even if it's small,
I prefer a two-bedroom apartment.
That's the trend nowadays.
The trend?
Yuri, I'm sure they have their reasons.
He's just being silly.
Let's just leave it at that, shall we?
It's a nice apartment, though…
-I'd like to live there.
I've been thinking of moving
to a bigger place soon.
I work at the same company as Tsuzaki,
so I'm a safe bet too.
You sure you can say that about yourself?
Yuri, Kazami's a good guy.
Despite his appearance,
he knows how to be considerate.
-Despite his appearance?
-Because you're handsome.
Kazami is a handsome guy,
but he's one of the good ones.
I don't really consider myself
handsome or good…
See? A bad guy wouldn't
say something like that.
-That makes him more suspicious.
-I give up.
Do you have a grudge against his looks?
Not really, but he seems like the
type to say terrible things.
I'm fine with that assessment.
-That makes me more comfortable.
Why do I have…
such an inferiority complex?
Why am I…
such a small man?
Oh, right! I'll take you guys
somewhere cool after this.
-Somewhere cool?
-That's right.
They make it at this temple?
That's right, the head priest
and related families make it.
Sorry we're the only ones drinking.
The juice is good, too.
What a nice place.
I know, right?
You can stay overnight, too.
Do you come here alone?
You're starting to get on my nerves,
but yes. I come alone.
All my friends are married.
It has dregs, doesn't it?
They use a traditional method.
The dry wine from my grandfather's era
is rare even around here.
Wow, really?
She's like a social studies teacher
on a school trip.
Well, when you get older,
there are times you feel empty,
but you remember lots of good times, too.
I know what you mean.
Here's to a life as rich
as this delicious wine.
-Let me join!
You're still too young.
How old are you, anyway?
See? I could almost be your mother.
No way!
I could if I gave birth at 17.
Stop calculating!
Those two aren't coming back, huh?
Those two sure are strange.
They're so aloof.
I personally think that distance
is just the right amount.
Sorry, did I interrupt you?
Sure is pretty.
It is.
It's the oldest building in Yamanashi.
Apparently it's a precious
national treasure.
Want to go inside?
But you know, they didn't
have a wedding ceremony,
and they said they're not
getting wedding rings.
And they're set on having
two separate bedrooms.
By the way, how did those two meet?
Mikuri was Tsuzaki's housekeeper.
-I have to earn my salary…
It's a metaphor.
There are fish in the pond.
Coming to a place like this…
makes you feel like any lies
or impure thoughts you have
will be exposed.
You can't lie in here, can you?
That's right.
This kind of stuff suits you.
Things like Buddha statues and temples…
Serious and exact.
The urban type…
Like Kazami…
He's so cool, isn't he?
He is.
But I…
like you the best.
You're serious,
exact, and calm.
Oh, I didn't mean that in a weird way…
I prefer the more subdued type
to the glitz and glamour of the city…
Sorry, I don't know what I'm saying.
Thank you.
I'll probably go through life…
without ever getting married.
Even if you get married to someone,
I'd really like it…
if you could come do housework…
a few times a week.
That just now
is probably the most I've
ever been praised as employee.
But I wonder why?
Why did that make me feel lonely?
This feeling…
This feeling…
Tell me, grandpa!
She's lost her mind.
You're not Heidi of the Alps.
I know, but that felt great!
Now I can give it my all tomorrow!
You guys should try!
You make it sound so simple…
What the…
You handsome idiot!
Oh, I mean…
You formerly handsome idiot!
I want to…
be happy!
What about you, Tsuzaki?
-Give it a try!
straight to the heart!
Okay, let's head back.
-What was that just now?
-Who knows?
What about you?
-Shouting's not my thing.
-I know what you mean.
"I like you the best."
Those words penetrated
straight to my heart.
They soaked into my parched heart
like magic.
Even if that "like"…
was just affection for an employer.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Don't forget to take the grapes
in the fridge with you.
Are they gifts for your co-workers?
I bought them for you.
You're always helping me.
I know it's not much.
That's so thoughtful of you.
Could you make…
some more mixed rice sometime?
The rice you made the other day
was really delicious.
Of course!
Oh, hey!
You're in this building?
That's right. So is Tsuzaki.
No way!
You work at Godard Japan,
so I had a feeling you might be here.
You should've told me!
I'm serious about the apartment,
so let me know.
Okay. I'll e-mail you.
See you around.
-Who was that handsome guy?
Just someone I have to deal with.
He's the one who dumped
that woman at the restaurant, isn't he?
-Remember what he said?
So Kazami, are you saying that
you're not going to marry me?
Would you buy something you don't need?
I knew he was no good!
You decided not to move?
We might move sometime,
but there's no need to rush.
What changed?
I guess you could say I figured out
my goal…
Or perhaps I realized
what I should be doing.
Words have enormous power.
From my perspective, I think you two
have the ideal relationship.
Thank you.
It's a contractual marriage, isn't it?
One with a salary.
What should I do?
Oh, hi!
Out shopping?
Just some tableware.
I heard from Yuri!
The lady who owns the apartment
instantly took a liking to you.
I'll be moving next week.
The fact you're handsome is a bonus, huh?
So when are you coming over?
-To my place.
Your place?
Didn't Tsuzaki tell you?
Tsuzaki and I want to share you.
Share me?
That's right, share.
So what's happening with Mikuri next week?
Mikuri here! Kazami told me
that I'm going to be shared.
Apparently he got Hiramasa's permission.
Let's just say I'm not
very happy about that.
So next week, we start sharing.
What's that mean again?
It means you're being shared!
Next share, be share to share again, okay?
I can't take…
this word anymore!
What do you mean by share?
-I'll do my best.
-I feel like hugging you!
What if I fall in love with her?
That has nothing to do with me.
Falling for someone really
makes you feel uneasy.
I can switch places with Kazami.
In that case, I'll go to Kazami's.
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