We Married as a Job (2016) s01e02 Episode Script

Face-to-face meeting between the two families

-Good evening.
-Good evening.
Tonight's topic is contractual marriages.
Tonight's guest is Mikuri Moriyama.
Thank you for having me.
I heard that you
entered a contractual marriage.
Yes. The reason was
that I failed to find work.
I'm… fired?
After my temp firm terminated my contract…
I worked as a housekeeper.
I'm supposed to go
to this guy Tsuzaki's place?
Nice to meet you. I'm Moriyama.
I'm Tsuzaki. Nice to meet you too.
At that time, I realized
the possibility of housework as a job.
I'd even be okay
with living and working here!
How about it?
Well, it would be more like
a work arrangement.
I could be your full-time housekeeper.
It'd be a contractual marriage.
Tsuzaki was interested in this proposal.
Based on the trial calculations,
letting you live here as part
of a common-law marriage,
and paying you a salary
for working as a housewife
would be a worthwhile arrangement
for me as well.
So I became employed as a wife.
This arrangement would work
even if the roles were reversed.
If supply and demand find one another
work can emerge from anywhere.
You spoke about
common-law marriage before.
This is a when a marriage license
has not been obtained
but the two partners live together
and share finances.
More couples are choosing
common-law marriage
because they can't obtain
a marriage license…
or don't want to be restricted
to the legal parameters of marriage.
It's quite common in France.
However, many people in Japan
would not understand this system.
Yes. Because of that, we decided
to present ourselves
as an ordinary married couple.
Regarding this employment contract…
Would you be willing to keep it a secret?
Yes. I imagine most people
would not understand this.
I agree.
Next we must decide
your working conditions.
It will be a seven hour flextime system.
You will work from Monday to Friday.
You will have weekends and holidays off.
You may request to transfer your days off.
You will pay half of utilities,
which I will deduct from your pay.
Your salary will be paid
at the end of the month in cash.
Let us decide other matters
as they come up.
Please read this for further details.
I will do that.
Now for the matter
of the wedding ceremony.
My parents are expecting us to hold one.
As are mine.
However, because this is only
a form of employment,
I want to avoid holding a ceremony
and reception.
I agree.
I can't accept any wedding presents.
People at my company are asking
about the wedding too.
There were a mix of opinions
about whether or not to hold it.
For! Against! Objection!
For! Against! Objection!
You have to have a wedding.
It's the only day when you are the star.
I had one.
It was fun.
He sounds very positive.
You may not want to put
too much into his opinion.
Weddings are just for self-satisfaction.
If you gain joy by showing off
your own happiness, go ahead.
An impressive counter-argument.
This person is extreme too.
I think you should hold one.
Weddings are a form of coming out.
You face society
and declare that you will get married.
It's a ceremony of declaration.
After making such a declaration,
it is difficult to revoke it.
It tests your determination.
That's a persuasive argument.
It was surprising.
He usually just jokes around.
In other words,
in order to avoid holding a wedding
we must show our determination
in another way.
At the dinner, I will take the lead
on this subject.
If I don't,
my father will not accept this.
Your father.
Well, in any case…
let's try to persuade our parents.
Our parents and Yuri.
You're getting married?
Who the heck are you, anyway?
I'm sorry about the other day.
It was so sudden. I was surprised.
Aunt Yuri, I understand your concern.
It's Yuri.
-Just call her Yuri.
I'm sorry to be such a troublesome aunt.
It's natural for you and her parents
to care for Moriyama.
Tsuzaki understands that.
You call each other by your last names?
We use first names in private.
Will Chigaya come today?
I believe so.
I need to fix up my makeup.
He's my older brother.
In elementary school,
he looked at a nearly 30 year old Yuri
and said that she would never get married.
More than that, our names.
That was an oversight.
We need to use first names.
Let's practice.
May I add "san" to the end?
That's a little embarrassing.
-It's your imagination.
What are you doing?
Let me introduce you.
Nice to meet you. I am Mikuri Moriyama.
I look forward to getting to know you.
Those are my parents and brother's family.
I am Mikuri Moriyama's father.
It finally happened.
The families are meeting.
It has begun.
This is our first joint project.
We need to survive this family dinner.
I once ordered a new system
from your son's company.
We are grateful for your kindness.
We are the grateful ones.
After your son joined his new company,
if I have computer trouble I mail him,
and he always helps me out.
What are you doing now?
I retired in March.
We bought a home in Tateyama, Chiba.
and we just moved there last week.
What about Mikuri?
We extended the lease
on our old home a bit longer
and Mikuri is staying there now.
She said that she wanted to meet you two
before they began living together.
What do you like about Hiramasa?
You don't have to ask that now.
When else would I have the chance?
Let's see.
Be sure to do a thorough job.
Focus on the damp areas.
And wipe the windows, too.
His instructions are precise and clear.
He's very efficient.
I calculated your hourly wage.
I based your salary on a seven hour shift.
Even if the topic seems ridiculous
he always find realistic solutions.
This is truly terrific.
It sounds like
you are complimenting a boss.
Don't tease her.
I knew that he was
a very trustworthy, reliable person.
I see.
What did you like about Mikuri?
Her only good point is her youth.
Sorry, Mikuri.
No, he's right.
No. That is not true.
Mikuri can do anything.
She is far superior to me.
I feel bad for taking
such a wonderful daughter from you.
No. We are honored.
I never imagined my son-in-law
would be from Kyoto University.
When are you holding the ceremony?
Your family is from Yamaguchi.
Where will you decide to hold it?
We need to plan this out soon.
Will it be Western style?
Japanese style? A mix?
You could have two,
one in Yamaguchi and one in Tokyo.
This isn't your wedding. If you want
to get this worked up, get married.
Why do you need to say that?
You may get stabbed one day.
Sorry, Yuri.
I don't mind.
Would you like some more beer?
Thank you so much.
Would you like some more too?
She is a good girl at heart,
but sometimes can be forgetful.
Please let me fill your glass.
-No, please, let me.
-Please give me your glass.
You mustn't worry about me.
There won't be a wedding ceremony.
We decided together not to have one.
This statistic states that
30 percent of couples
do not hold a wedding.
I want to use this to persuade them.
Rather than using statistics
what do you think about
using a psychological strategy?
If one of us appears
to be pushing for this,
the others' parents will not accept it.
So we should emphasize
that we decided this together.
For us, the most important thing
is that we live together…
and spend our time together.
We feel that a flashy event
like a wedding is not necessary.
This was our decision.
But this is a first wedding
for both of you.
Don't you want to wear
a wedding dress, Mikuri?
Thankfully, I don't have any such desire.
We would rather save the money
we would spend on a wedding.
This is our thinking.
I would help pay for it.
You spent your retirement money
on that old house.
As we intend to be self-reliant
we cannot accept any contributions.
We both agree.
You agreed you don't want a wedding.
That's fine for both of you.
But ceremonies are conducted
for the people around you.
That is a reasonable opinion.
However, rather than invite people
we hardly know
to some massive spectacle…
we want to treasure the quiet moments…
we share living together.
That is the lifestyle that…
we both want.
-Please accept this.
If this is what they decide,
isn't that for the best?
There is no need to hold a wedding
for other people.
That makes sense.
Actual receptions are exhausting.
Afterwards I wondered
why I did that in the first place.
What does that mean?
You can phrase that in another way.
You never married. You don't understand.
-How dare you!
-The three of you, stop this!
Thank you. You opened up the door
for them to accept this.
-I'm going to be sad.
I won't be able to see you as much.
We will still be able to meet.
It isn't that easy once you get married.
Marriage really begins
when you start living together.
Good luck.
If that guy's wife says it,
it's worth thinking about.
That guy is your nephew.
I'm going. Bye Sakura.
-Come to Tateyama some time.
Your father was disappointed.
He wanted to give you away.
He even practiced walking down
the aisle in our hall.
I never thought
you would get married this young.
You had me when you were 23.
You were two years younger than me now.
I know.
But since you were a child
you were more focused on working
rather than marriage.
There is happiness in work too.
But I was happy when I heard
that you were getting married.
Be happy.
Dear, I need to use the restroom.
Please wait for me over there.
I know you are busy with work.
Sorry about this.
She is young, but dependable.
She's almost too young.
She is quite old on the inside.
She says that about herself.
What's that?
Is she already wearing the pants?
It's not that.
If a man decides to start a family…
he must take responsibility
for each member.
I thought that
you couldn't withstand that burden.
My drinks will taste good tonight.
Mother and father were happier
than I expected.
I finally felt the weight…
of marriage.
It took me all this time.
I felt relieved.
I feel that a burden has been lifted.
I cannot become the type of son
my father wanted.
Even if this is a lie…
I'm glad that I made him happy.
I put my parents at ease.
That alone makes
this arrangement meaningful.
I'm glad.
I was worried…
that you regretted our choice.
We had to lie.
I was worried that I put a burden on you.
Because I didn't think
I could explain our arrangement…
I proposed that we pretend
that we are really married.
It's a form of escaping.
Isn't it fine to escape?
There is this phrase in Hungary.
"Escaping is embarrassing.
But it is also useful."
It's useful?
Isn't it okay to choose the easy way?
Even if it is embarrassing to escape…
survival is the most important thing.
I don't want to hear
any for or against about this.
Escaping is embarrassing.
But it is also useful.
That's right.
Even if we escape, let's survive.
This isn't the time for objections.
Uh, I thought about this before.
For! Against! Objection! is really old.
Why do you know that show?
Don't let my age fool you.
My father always watched it.
You're really identical to your father.
Don't say that! What about you?
You seem to know a lot of old
and difficult things.
Tsuzaki himself resembles his father.
I couldn't tell him that.
I shouldn't get that involved.
We are not married, nor a couple
nor even friends.
We are employer and employee.
There were no problems, so I signed it.
Thank you.
I will put it in here.
I'm going to bed now.
Hiramasa is sleeping
in the room next to me.
I feel sort of nervous. Or perhaps not.
Why don't I feel nervous?
Under the same roof,
I feel no sense of danger.
Is it because he's so passive?
No. That isn't it.
Isn't it fine to escape?
He wouldn't do anything
against someone's will.
It's because I know he would never.
That's the reason.
Moriyama is sleeping in the next room.
I mean, Mikuri.
She's strange.
Does she sense no danger
under the same roof?
Does she think that I'm that safe?
Though I am that safe.
I usually don't like having people
spending time in my home.
But she knows
how to keep a proper distance.
Don't say that! What about you?
When she senses something…
You seem to know…
a lot of old and difficult things.
She pulls back like the tides.
Like the tides.
How is newlywed life? It's been two weeks.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Thank you for this meal.
Let's eat.
-Here is your lunch.
-Thank you.
Take care.
There is still some nervousness.
But it feels normal.
Thinking back, I was so tired
on the first evening…
that I fell asleep without thinking,
and that's a good thing.
Are you starting to think about marriage?
No. Although,
if I see enough merit in marrying someone,
I would think about it.
The marriage is a lie?
Do you mean that Tsuzaki
isn't actually married?
Tsuzaki said this before.
"That's the furthest thing from my mind."
And yet, only a month later…
he marries a woman
ten years younger than him.
It's strange. My intuition
keeps whispering that in my ear.
Right here.
That reminds me.
Tell me.
Don't make me wait. Tell me.
I was talking to Tsuzaki before.
Show me a picture of your wife.
I don't have one.
Of course you do. Everyone takes pictures.
We aren't normal.
Not normal?
I'll bring the family
to your place some time.
You can't.
But you've come to my place.
I know. But you can't.
I want to see you get embarrassed
in front of your wife.
I won't get embarrassed.
No matter what, you can't come over.
This much is clear.
Tsuzaki's wife
does not exist.
She's in his head.
She does not exist in reality.
So Tsuzaki is an inhabitant
of the 2D world.
Let's suggest counselling.
You're wrong!
She exists. She's real.
In 3D?
Yes. She speaks.
-Is she a robot?
She is flesh and blood.
That seems graphic.
I don't mean to be.
You don't have any of that newlywed aura.
Most newlyweds have this aura of
being filled with love.
They give off this heat.
-I'm not a very passionate person.
If I am filled with passion
like that every day,
I'd die of exhaustion.
You aren't being filled with passion
every day? You are a newlywed.
What are we talking about?
Hino, please bring your family over.
-Can I?
I will introduce my wife.
Only to Hino's family.
Saturday at 5:00 p.m. Got it.
I'm sorry to interrupt your weekend.
I will pay overtime.
However, I need to watch out for Numata.
He seems very sharp.
I haven't confirmed it with him,
but there are rumors that he's gay.
I see.
Perhaps because he possesses
both the male and female perspective,
he is especially sharp.
What was so suspicious about you?
He said that
I lacked a newlywed aura of love.
We aren't in love, so that's natural.
I was able to debate him on this matter.
If a married couple were
so excited every day,
it would damage their ability to live.
It may also have negative health effects.
-That's right.
Speaking of that,
you mentioned that before.
You said that
you were a pro at being single.
Pro at being single?
Simply put, it is a peaceful life.
Nothing more or less than that.
That sounds nice.
Yes. Peace.
To favor peace more than excitement.
That is key to the professional bachelor.
Having Mikuri be a live-in housekeeper…
was an incredibly bold decision for me.
However, she works well as my employee.
Her nutritious meals
have improved my skin.
After being released by chores
such as cleaning and shopping…
I have time to use as I wish.
The price-performance ratio
is extremely high.
I will go pick up the Hino family.
Take care.
Every day is filled
with stability and fulfillment.
This is a peaceful life.
This was my goal.
Tsuzaki! Sorry for the wait!
Hino's youngest has a fever.
He couldn't make it.
He asked us to go in his place.
Didn't he tell you?
I myself am actually too busy to do this.
But he begged me to go.
I just sent you a map to my apartment.
It's room 303.
I need to run an errand first.
Please take your time.
Take as much time
as you need to come over.
Numata is coming.
That sharp person I told you about.
Hide anything that seems suspicious.
Get rid of the mail with your name.
Why is the futon out?
I thought the children might want
to rest there.
No children are coming.
-No children are coming.
He can't find out
that we sleep separately.
That will raise his suspicions
and I'll never hear the end of it.
He can't see the bedroom.
You only have a single bed.
-Try to block him from there.
Why did they run here? Even Kazami?
-Let's get the futon.
This way.
Pay close attention to words and actions.
Roger that.
It won't fit that way.
-This way.
-Like this?
No. Like this.
I am Tsuzaki's wife, Mikuri.
Please come in.
We brought beer and wine.
Thank you.
Please come in.
I see. A one bedroom.
So this must be your bedroom.
I'll take a look.
You can't go in.
Please take a seat.
Please take a seat.
Don't be so rude.
This looks amazing.
They are just simple dishes.
They really are.
This is from CookPad, right?
CookPad is really good.
CookPad is really, really good.
I wrote a review for CookPad.
You are "Heartful Boy"?
Yes. CookPad is really good.
Look at how much you made.
It's simple and tasty,
that's what matters.
I completely understand.
You worked hard.
I hope you like it.
She is real. She is not a robot.
Of course.
It was your wife who proposed…
that you two get married.
A reverse proposal. How romantic.
It was more business-like.
Supply simply met demand.
In others words, you needed one another.
That's nice.
-It's too bad though.
I was targeting you.
I'm joking. I'm just joking.
Will you never get married?
For now, I don't want to.
It seems like a bother.
A bother?
I don't want to have to share
my own time with someone else.
You could say I'm selfish.
Share time.
Maybe you actually do care
about your partner's feelings.
It is because you respect her
that you don't want to steal
her time as well.
You could seem selfish,
but you may actually be kind.
Sorry. That's a habit
of my psychology classes.
No. It's interesting.
Did that bother you?
Since you married,
you have less time for yourself, right?
We pay close attention to time.
I need to do enough work
to earn my salary.
It's just a metaphor.
After we complete our tasks,
we can use our time freely.
My tasks are the household chores.
I don't interfere
with my husband's free time.
That's pretty dry.
I suppose so.
You have a lot of merit as a wife.
It's a compliment.
Thank you.
It's all done!
Here are the breaded pancakes.
-You did a great job.
-It looks yummy.
What were you two talking about?
She's really interesting.
Tsuzaki was sitting here all jealous.
I don't get jealous.
You don't?
I do.
I do get jealous…
when I do.
It's dark already.
Let's wrap up. Please feel free to take
the pancakes home with you.
It's so pretty!
The storm warning isn't being lifted.
No trains are running.
Good thing I wasn't alone tonight.
Are you okay?
Can I stay over tonight?
-You stay too, Kazami.
I can't stay here alone.
-I don't know.
-The trains aren't running.
It's fine, right? Right?
They can sleep in the living room.
We can share this room.
-That is the only choice.
The problem is the bedding, not the room.
There is only one bed.
And it's only a single.
Let's try to lie down to test it.
What sort of test?
I'm joking.
You have the strangest timing for jokes.
I will sleep on the floor.
I cannot allow that. I'll take the floor.
-No, I'll take the floor.
-Take the bed.
Employees should take the floor.
Forget about our work relationship.
If I forget that I am your employee
why would we be sleeping in the same room?
Therefore, I will take the floor.
That is unfair.
I should have hid the futon here.
I can't let him sleep alone with Kazami.
This is complicated!
Why don't you sleep with your wife?
Some time with the boys is good
from time to time.
I like that.
Let's share our first times.
Let's sleep.
Is he sleeping?
Why did he come here?
He must be worried that
I would do something to you.
He thinks I'll attack any man I see.
If you attack someone sleeping
it's still a crime, even if it's a man.
It must be nice to be someone
who can nurture love normally.
I'm straight but I'm not nurturing love.
Give it a try.
The unknown is scary.
Until now, how many people…
have I hurt?
Perhaps even Mikuri…
has been unintentionally hurt
by my words or actions.
She may be hiding something…
that she wants to say, but can't.
Thank you for this meal.
This feels like the first meal
we've had alone in a while.
Kazami and Numata were here
for nearly 24 hours.
This is the leftover miso soup
Numata made.
It's really good.
The pasta he made for lunch was great too.
The wasabi and roe sauce was delicious.
If I had let him make dinner,
I'd have gotten used to his
cooking and let him stay again.
That would be a bit much.
I want a good night's sleep tonight.
Did you not sleep last night?
Was someone snoring?
I didn't hear anything.
No. Nothing like that.
Were you struggling with a problem?
-Don't worry.
I learned something last night.
I can unknowingly hurt people.
I need to pay closer attention.
Employees alone are not responsible
for their workplaces.
Employers must work hard too.
As your employer…
I want to create an environment
where you can work in peace.
If something is bothering you,
do not hesitate to tell me.
Thank you.
the reason I couldn't sleep…
was just that I had too much coffee.
I'm sorry I caused you any concern.
We've been together for 30 hours now.
You're not high schoolers.
Life is just about killing time.
As I was killing time, I saw something.
When we were leaving…
I got a glance of Tsuzaki's bedroom.
Your cooking is really great.
I'm glad you liked it.
One pillow on a single bed.
It seems unlikely that
they sleep there together.
Are those two really married?
I can't tell him.
I can't tell him.
I absolutely can't tell him.
Last night, as I slept in the bed
that he sleeps in every night…
I got the feeling…
that I was wrapped up in him.
It seemed like he was sleeping next to me.
I smell something sweet.
Right. Mikuri slept here last night.
It feels like she's near me.
It feels like she's sleeping beside me.
This is bad.
Spraying air won't help!
It's just a smell.
Just a smell.
Just a smell.
But it is a smell.
It's so relaxing to sleep in my own futon.
Just this day, I happened…
to forget to change the sheets to his bed.
I didn't realize an objection
against them…
continued until the morning.
I never expected what
that mistake would lead to.
It's possible that one of us
will fall for another person.
When one party finds
a boyfriend or girlfriend…
this employment contract
will be promptly terminated.
It's a contractual marriage, right?
Kazami is actually easy to talk to
and very kind.
-Kazami is--
-Will you keep talking about him?
Hiramasa. I need to ask you something.
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