We Married as a Job (2016) s01e09 Episode Script
3 Days before he said he liked it
I want to…
return to room 303.
I don't want to end this
with things unsettled.
Let's meet and discuss this properly.
Let's meet. I'm here.
I am near you.
-Where is Mikuri?
I am in front of our apartment.
Let's eat.
Hiramasa is not coming home.
The reason is because
my parents roped him into
staying overnight at their place,
and then an urgent issue
came up at his company.
He was called into work
and has been there ever since.
A new bug?
It's bug day!
Tsuzaki is getting emotional.
I'll come home today no matter what!
His messages are pretty much the same,
but I can feel the increasing sense
of urgency day after day.
"I'll be home tomorrow."
"I'll come home today!"
"I'll come home today no matter what!"
I can feel his eagerness to come home.
That's enough for me.
"I took a quick nap,
but I've got to go back to work."
"I'll take the dinner
you prepared for me to work."
"I'll come home today
no matter what!"
I might not be able to see him forever.
Thank you for the meal.
You're early today.
I want to leave on time today.
Here you go.
I might know her better
than you, Tsuzaki.
Or maybe I should say
I understand her better.
I'll be honest with you.
I like Mikuri.
I think it's different from
the way you like her, Tsuzaki.
I like you too, Tsuzaki.
Forgive me,
for what I said the other day.
About the other day…
Actually, I was awake…
in Yuri's car.
She didn't care about how I felt.
She only looked inward.
What should I have said to her?
What you said, Kazami,
made me realize
something really important.
Thank you so much.
You were eavesdropping?
What a bad habit.
I'm sorry.
Just kidding.
I knew it.
You knew but still said it?
I don't have good character.
This is Epinal's new lotion.
Please try our new product.
-This is Epinal's new lotion.
-Please try it.
-Thank you for trying it.
-Thank you.
Hey, Mikuri!
This is my niece.
This is my wonderful staff.
-I've heard so much about you all.
-I hope they weren't bad things.
-Were they?
-No, not at all!
Hey, look over there.
I'll be back!
I'll go over there.
Good luck.
Please write your name
and address if you don't mind.
-Next person, please.
-Thank you.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Thank you for coming.
If you answer the survey,
you could win a whole set of our products.
What's wrong?
They just seem to be
really enjoying their work.
-Why don't you get a job too, Mikuri?
It's not like you have kids.
Why not get a job?
You're right. I'll think about it.
-Fill out the survey.
-See you.
Actually, I'm being paid as a housekeeper.
That's my job.
How could I tell her that?
Do people just see me…
as jobless?
Long time no see!
You are…
Igarashi. We met at the singles party.
Oh, the one that
Watanabe forced me to join.
-How about a drink tonight?
-That was so sudden.
I'm interested in you.
Did you stop to think that
I might not be interested in you?
Then you can tell me
why you're not interested in me…
over drinks.
It doesn't have to be tonight.
Thank you all for your hard work.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
You can go straight home after this.
-Well done.
-Thank you.
-I don't want to go home. Buy it!
-Not today.
Please! Buy it!
Next time, okay?
Up you go!
Don't you want to let loose?
She divorced me and now
it's only me and my son.
We're like "Kramer vs. Kramer".
She didn't want custody.
When I had drinks with you,
we were in the process
of dividing our properties and such.
I was at a low point.
You should have told me.
That would have been embarrassing.
I would've at least
listened for old time's sake.
Then will you go…
on a date with me?
A healthy afternoon date.
I'm so tired.
Thank you for your hard work.
I understand
what you said before.
It's so healing.
It smells.
-Sorry, I didn't take a bath.
-It's burned!
I at least
wanted to prepare
something delicious today.
It's the heart that counts.
Let's eat.
Yes, let's eat.
It made me happy that you came
all the way to Tateyama to pick me up.
I wasn't able to see you.
So I came home.
Welcome home.
Yes, I'm home.
-You didn't say it, did you?
-No, I didn't.
It's because we had to make up
for last week's hug
as soon as you got home.
It's Tuesday again.
For today, it can wait until after dinner.
We could wait until after dinner,
but how about a deposit?
A deposit?
If there's such a thing
as an advance, how about a deposit?
You save it for a rainy day.
Am I some kind of household medicine?
Of course there are times
when you need it too, Mikuri,
so we can be flexible.
Whatever the case,
we need to reconstruct the system.
Reconstruct the system?
Do what to the system?
In order words, he wants
to change the terms of agreement.
Before, we included
a clause regarding lovers.
I never thought about
that lover being the employee.
I think we need to redefine it.
He sounds so troublesome.
I was the one who
introduced the hug into the system.
Rather than making it
a part of a check list,
I wish he'd just do it from the heart.
I couldn't bring myself to say
that we could hug everyday.
You should just tell him.
I don't want there to be
any more miscommunication.
I see.
I don't know what to do.
Little by little, we've come this far,
but I wonder if he really likes me.
-He never said he liked you?
-No, he never did.
-Not even once?
He never had a girlfriend before.
So rather than getting excited
about me per say, he may just…
be getting excited about having
a girlfriend for the first time.
He's living together
with a girl he can hug
and who does the house chores.
Maybe he'd be okay with just anyone.
It's possible.
You think so?
Tsuzaki, how much savings do you have?
Why do you ask?
I borrowed money from someone
I shouldn't have borrowed from.
-They're called Cowcow Finance.
-That's from a comic.
My blogger friend wants to write about
the average amount of savings
system engineers have.
Where do you fit in in this diagram?
Thank you. That really helps.
-Hey, Kudo.
-I want to ask you something.
I borrowed money from someone
I shouldn't have borrowed from.
I'm glad my parents were
certified food sanitation managers.
I only have a driver's license.
I thought you were
a certified public servant?
I was just able to work as a contractor
because of my father's connections.
I didn't know.
We didn't really see each other back then.
You were so busy
hanging out with your college friends.
Our worlds were different.
You think so?
I had a shotgun wedding
and became a housewife.
I always felt people
were looking down on me.
"Are you satisfied with your life?"
I'm sorry.
I now understand the value
of being a housewife.
I'm able to pour myself
into doing housework
because I'm being compensated for it.
If that wasn't the case, I don't
know if I could've done all that.
I don't know how people
do it while working
or while raising children.
You never get any compliments.
Everyone takes it for granted.
Excuse me!
-Just a moment!
-Could I have one of these?
The job of being a housewife…
It's natural for work to
be paid for with wages.
-That's the exact amount.
But what's a housewife worth?
Housewives don't earn a wage.
However, I think it's a praiseworthy
job that supports a family.
Show the price!
Zero, zero, zero, one, four, zero, three!
3,041,000 YEN
How should a housewife
be compensated?
Should it just depend
on one's living expenses?
I hate this!
Numata, you're the one who said it.
"If you're laying people off, start
with those who can afford it."
You can't tell if people are being honest.
I think everyone inflated the numbers.
As you first suggested, boss,
let's start with the ones
with the worst evaluations.
How about these seven?
We're celebrating today.
I've completed 10 years
of mortgage payments.
I still have 25 years left.
By the time it's all paid back,
I'll be 65.
How exciting!
I'm shaking all over.
Tsuzaki, why don't you buy a house?
There's no space for kids otherwise.
-Why is your face getting red?
-Don't worry about me.
Actually, we haven't registered
ourselves with the city hall.
We've never even done "it" before.
There's no way I could explain that.
All right!
I'm leaving for home on time today.
Excuse me.
-Are you trying to have kids?
-No, not at all.
Why don't you register your names soon?
I never really thought about it.
I didn't think it had
anything to do with me.
I guess things are easier
the way they are right now.
It's because you have a marriage
contract that pays a wage
that you can be sensitive
to each other's needs.
I guess you're right.
Last week, Numata
suddenly stopped updating
his Cookpad page.
he seems really busy these days.
He's been going around asking
people about their savings.
Maybe he's going to start
a business venture.
Maybe he's securing funds
to start a business.
Maybe it's a business related to cooking.
If that really was the case,
he could borrow an ad page
for the vegetable store's jam,
and get some ideas about
his brand from Yuri.
He could create a business that appeals
to both housewives and single women.
Sorry, it was just a crazy idea.
It's amazing how you could
come up with all that in an instant.
It's not a useful skill though.
When we went to Tateyama,
your father asked,
"Do your parents have
a storehouse, Tsuzaki?"
I told him that my grandparents had one.
He asked if there
were any hidden treasures.
He asked if he could
search himself and submit things
to an appraisal program
if he found anything valuable.
He always liked stuff like that.
He even showed me
his faces for when he hears something
is worth nothing versus
if he's told that something is valuable.
I'm so sorry about that.
It was exciting to listen to.
I felt that the Moriyama family
has a deep imagination.
It's not what you say,
it's how you say it.
If you had never mentioned
the contract marriage, Miyuki,
it never would have happened.
No matter how crazy it sounds,
imagination has the power
to change the present.
Let's eat.
Yes, let's eat.
By throwing my crazy
and wild ideas at him,
Hiramasa changed them…
into something that has
the power to change the present.
Even if he doesn't say he likes me,
how things are now might
be enough to keep me happy.
Someone asked me to go out on a date.
Who is it?
He's an old classmate
from my university days.
He's the sales manager of
an advertising agency.
He's an elite.
He was divorced once and has a kid.
Yuri, are you going to become a mother?
Of course not! It's not that easy.
I realized though that even if
I marry someone with a child,
I could still have
a child of my own.
Do you want kids?
Because I had Mikuri,
I could taste what it's like
to have a daughter.
Not having to take responsibility
and being able to just spoil her
was really awesome.
You're just taking the best parts.
On the other hand, it might be the reason
why I don't feel a deep sense of joy.
Are you searching for a deep sense of joy?
What a cruel question.
Excuse me.
I don't think it's possible for
a person to know everything deeply.
What one person knows,
another person doesn't.
That might be what makes
the world go round.
You share the world
that you know to others.
That's right! What's wrong with that?
I never imagined this
when we made the employment contract.
When the lover is the employee.
Before, Mikuri said…
I'd be okay with that.
However, because
I refused it at that moment,
the contract wasn't finalized.
I wonder what she meant when
she said, "I'd be okay with that"?
Don't tell me…
Is Mikuri…
the type of woman who would do those
things even with a man she doesn't like?
No, that can't be!
I can't think like that.
Although it's a bold thought,
let's just assume
that Mikuri does like me.
Mikuri said that she'd return to room 303…
after wiping the slate clean
and thinking things over again.
I wonder what she wiped off
and if anything remained.
Does it show the value of
Hiramasa Tsuzaki as an employer,
or does it show the value of
Hiramasa Tsuzaki as a lover?
What is Hiramasa Tsuzaki's value?
Show the price!
Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero…
Zero, zero, zero!
This is no good! What's the point
in a negative person like me…
letting his imagination go wild.
It'll only hurt me.
I had decided not to be
so negative anymore.
Sorry, I asked if I could come in.
I brought some tea for you.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
I don't think I said anything out loud.
I just casually went into the room,
but I ended up hearing something
that maybe I shouldn't have.
Is Mikuri the type of woman
who would do those things
even with a man she doesn't like?
He thinks I'm easy!
I only said it because it was Hiramasa.
I can't think of a seasonal word.
Thank you for the tea.
Sure, just leave it right there.
This paper tears so easily.
It really does.
This is our company.
Do you want to get
some lunch after the meeting?
There's a great hidden soba shop.
Sure, if Tsuzaki joins us too.
What do you think?
How about a drink after the meeting?
There's someone waiting for me at home.
That's too bad.
They have such good team work.
It's not like that.
What is your company's president like?
He's a very capable man.
He likes a good challenge.
Thank you as always.
For our next date, do you want
to go to the exhibition below?
On a different note,
I'm in Nagoya for a business trip.
I saw the ad for Godard.
The concept seemed different from before.
Did you okay it, Tsuchiya?
It's horrible!
It's completely different.
Is it really okay?
Branch offices are given
discretion over ads that are printed
using their own funds.
However, they're supposed
to contact me before it gets printed.
Did they?
If they had, I wouldn't have approved it.
I called the advertising department
chief to find out what happened.
He defiantly said he had
received approval from the director
of the main branch in Tokyo.
What can you do if the director
of the main branch approved it?
They need to be put up
by the end of the month.
-Let's pretend like we never saw it.
-I really wish we could.
But we can't.
Tsuchiya went to speak directly with
the director of the main branch?
Take a look at this.
She's Tsuchiya's classmate too?
Yes, she's from the compliance department.
The ghost from back then
has come back.
We used to make ads like this in the past.
But no one liked them.
We gathered all
the female employees to discuss it.
But no matter what we said to the
higher-ups, they wouldn't listen.
After Tsuchiya became the head
of the advertising department,
we were finally able to make changes.
Tsuchiya's job includes all of
our hopes and desires.
You don't need to make a fuss
over such a small matter.
People naturally desire to be loved
by members of the opposite sex.
With this ad, we might be able
to secure new customers.
Of course I understand that some
makers design with that concept in mind.
That's not what I'm talking about.
I'm asking whether that's
the direction we want to take.
This is the image that we've
maintained over the past 10 years.
"Live freely. Become beautiful."
90 percent of our customers
support this image.
When the executives look
at an ad like this, what will they think?
Godard's value is being
denied by Godard itself.
Are you really telling me
that this is a small matter?
They agreed!
Tsuchiya comes through!
Thank you for your hard work.
Did the director say anything to you?
It was no big deal.
What's your job?
What can you do, Pepper?
I can make you smile.
When you're sad,
I'll be at your side and make you laugh.
It's more capable than I am.
You can't cook, can you?
That's right.
You can't make a birthday cake.
You can't clean,
do the laundry, or go shopping.
You can't hug either.
What am I trying to compete with?
You look a little tired.
You don't need to push yourself
too hard in front of me.
If a robot was invented that could do
house work on top of communicating,
everyone would be happy.
I'd lose my job
if that happened though.
Kazami disappeared so quickly.
It's okay. Let's just go together.
I'm so sorry.
It happens.
-I need to send a text.
I'll be home a little late.
Where are you right now?
"Right now?"
-Let's get going.
-Oh, okay.
I'm at the office.
Why would he lie to me?
I'm totally being Etsuko Ichihara
from "The Housekeeper Witnessed It"!
It's here.
-This place is really delicious.
I understand.
We'll do it your way.
Thank you for understanding.
Tsuchiya isn't flexible at all.
You can tell why she's still single.
That's why she works so hard.
-Do you want to get a drink?
I'll pass for today. What about Numata?
We were supposed to meet up,
but he didn't show up, so I left.
I see.
the one you made, right?
-That's right.
-It's so cool. I like it.
It makes me happy to hear a man say that.
It makes me feel like there are
people who understand me.
It gives me courage.
It's liberating for women who have had
their value diminished.
There's beauty in being free.
Take me for example.
I'm a woman in her fifties.
I feel I can contribute to society
and give courage to others.
"If she can do it,"
"I can try a bit harder too."
There are many young women…
who are single or who are
afraid of being alone.
"Well, look at her!"
I want people to know that
you can still enjoy life.
Then they could feel more at ease.
That's why I feel like
I need to live as an example.
Don't say such things.
Why am I…
Even though I have a wild imagination,
I never imagined
something like this would happen.
This ambiguous arrangement
makes the happiness ambiguous too.
A relationship forged through a system
cannot be more than that.
"Reconstruct the system…"
What was that about?
It might feel good to just shout out loud.
Oh, that's right. Yuri was screaming too.
Hiramasa is stupid!
He's so troublesome!
Stupid, stupid!
I don't feel better at all.
I should cook and have dinner
even though I'm alone.
Excuse me.
-I'm sorry I touched you.
-You're allowed to touch me!
Since it's you, Hiramasa.
Why don't you get it?
I said it again.
I hate this.
Are you saying that
you hate living with me?
That's a problem.
To me, you're no longer someone
I can easily let go, Mikuri.
-That's why…
-That's unfair!
Why do you say stuff like that?
It makes me like you more.
That's why I hate this.
I'm the only one who feels that way.
I wish you liked me too, Hiramasa.
I do like you.
That sounded like something
I forced you to say so.
You didn't.
I'm not talking about as an employee.
I know.
What do you have to say about
meeting up with another woman?
I don't know what to say because I didn't.
You just did. You met up with
the pretty girl with long hair.
I saw you two going into a restaurant.
Raw buckwheat noodles. I got this for you.
A lady from a client company
recommended this place and said,
"You should get some for your wife."
That's why I got this.
Why did you lie and say
that you were at the office?
I was in a hurry and didn't think
it made that much difference.
It does make a difference!
You lied to me while you were with a girl.
-Anybody would…
-Excuse me.
May I confirm something with you?
Forgive me if I'm wrong.
I'm not getting carried away.
were you jealous?
You're stupid!
Of course I am!
You really are stupid, Hiramasa.
Why are you grinning?
Because you're cute.
All along,
I've been thinking about how
wonderful it would be…
if you liked me.
"All along?"
Yes, all along.
I've been trying not to think about it.
is Tuesday.
From now on,
even if it's not Tuesday…
can I hug you?
Any day,
any time.
Any time?
Even until morning.
Excuse me, I…
Shall we be together…
until morning comes?
What we needed wasn't
to reconstruct the system…
but to share
our true feelings…
with one another.
Okay, I got it.
They decided to acquire the company M.
-Who's on the layoff list?
-Here you go.
You chose them, Numata?
I didn't want to choose them.
Can I come in?
Well, yes…
Yes, please come in.
I wonder who came up
with the phrase "making out".
Oh my goodness!
How about holding a farmer's market?
-Will you help us?
I'm finished.
You're too cute.
That's my line.
I can't believe they're laying off
someone as capable as him.
If you don't want to lose her,
don't run away.
I want to…
return to room 303.
I don't want to end this
with things unsettled.
Let's meet and discuss this properly.
Let's meet. I'm here.
I am near you.
-Where is Mikuri?
I am in front of our apartment.
Let's eat.
Hiramasa is not coming home.
The reason is because
my parents roped him into
staying overnight at their place,
and then an urgent issue
came up at his company.
He was called into work
and has been there ever since.
A new bug?
It's bug day!
Tsuzaki is getting emotional.
I'll come home today no matter what!
His messages are pretty much the same,
but I can feel the increasing sense
of urgency day after day.
"I'll be home tomorrow."
"I'll come home today!"
"I'll come home today no matter what!"
I can feel his eagerness to come home.
That's enough for me.
"I took a quick nap,
but I've got to go back to work."
"I'll take the dinner
you prepared for me to work."
"I'll come home today
no matter what!"
I might not be able to see him forever.
Thank you for the meal.
You're early today.
I want to leave on time today.
Here you go.
I might know her better
than you, Tsuzaki.
Or maybe I should say
I understand her better.
I'll be honest with you.
I like Mikuri.
I think it's different from
the way you like her, Tsuzaki.
I like you too, Tsuzaki.
Forgive me,
for what I said the other day.
About the other day…
Actually, I was awake…
in Yuri's car.
She didn't care about how I felt.
She only looked inward.
What should I have said to her?
What you said, Kazami,
made me realize
something really important.
Thank you so much.
You were eavesdropping?
What a bad habit.
I'm sorry.
Just kidding.
I knew it.
You knew but still said it?
I don't have good character.
This is Epinal's new lotion.
Please try our new product.
-This is Epinal's new lotion.
-Please try it.
-Thank you for trying it.
-Thank you.
Hey, Mikuri!
This is my niece.
This is my wonderful staff.
-I've heard so much about you all.
-I hope they weren't bad things.
-Were they?
-No, not at all!
Hey, look over there.
I'll be back!
I'll go over there.
Good luck.
Please write your name
and address if you don't mind.
-Next person, please.
-Thank you.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Thank you for coming.
If you answer the survey,
you could win a whole set of our products.
What's wrong?
They just seem to be
really enjoying their work.
-Why don't you get a job too, Mikuri?
It's not like you have kids.
Why not get a job?
You're right. I'll think about it.
-Fill out the survey.
-See you.
Actually, I'm being paid as a housekeeper.
That's my job.
How could I tell her that?
Do people just see me…
as jobless?
Long time no see!
You are…
Igarashi. We met at the singles party.
Oh, the one that
Watanabe forced me to join.
-How about a drink tonight?
-That was so sudden.
I'm interested in you.
Did you stop to think that
I might not be interested in you?
Then you can tell me
why you're not interested in me…
over drinks.
It doesn't have to be tonight.
Thank you all for your hard work.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
You can go straight home after this.
-Well done.
-Thank you.
-I don't want to go home. Buy it!
-Not today.
Please! Buy it!
Next time, okay?
Up you go!
Don't you want to let loose?
She divorced me and now
it's only me and my son.
We're like "Kramer vs. Kramer".
She didn't want custody.
When I had drinks with you,
we were in the process
of dividing our properties and such.
I was at a low point.
You should have told me.
That would have been embarrassing.
I would've at least
listened for old time's sake.
Then will you go…
on a date with me?
A healthy afternoon date.
I'm so tired.
Thank you for your hard work.
I understand
what you said before.
It's so healing.
It smells.
-Sorry, I didn't take a bath.
-It's burned!
I at least
wanted to prepare
something delicious today.
It's the heart that counts.
Let's eat.
Yes, let's eat.
It made me happy that you came
all the way to Tateyama to pick me up.
I wasn't able to see you.
So I came home.
Welcome home.
Yes, I'm home.
-You didn't say it, did you?
-No, I didn't.
It's because we had to make up
for last week's hug
as soon as you got home.
It's Tuesday again.
For today, it can wait until after dinner.
We could wait until after dinner,
but how about a deposit?
A deposit?
If there's such a thing
as an advance, how about a deposit?
You save it for a rainy day.
Am I some kind of household medicine?
Of course there are times
when you need it too, Mikuri,
so we can be flexible.
Whatever the case,
we need to reconstruct the system.
Reconstruct the system?
Do what to the system?
In order words, he wants
to change the terms of agreement.
Before, we included
a clause regarding lovers.
I never thought about
that lover being the employee.
I think we need to redefine it.
He sounds so troublesome.
I was the one who
introduced the hug into the system.
Rather than making it
a part of a check list,
I wish he'd just do it from the heart.
I couldn't bring myself to say
that we could hug everyday.
You should just tell him.
I don't want there to be
any more miscommunication.
I see.
I don't know what to do.
Little by little, we've come this far,
but I wonder if he really likes me.
-He never said he liked you?
-No, he never did.
-Not even once?
He never had a girlfriend before.
So rather than getting excited
about me per say, he may just…
be getting excited about having
a girlfriend for the first time.
He's living together
with a girl he can hug
and who does the house chores.
Maybe he'd be okay with just anyone.
It's possible.
You think so?
Tsuzaki, how much savings do you have?
Why do you ask?
I borrowed money from someone
I shouldn't have borrowed from.
-They're called Cowcow Finance.
-That's from a comic.
My blogger friend wants to write about
the average amount of savings
system engineers have.
Where do you fit in in this diagram?
Thank you. That really helps.
-Hey, Kudo.
-I want to ask you something.
I borrowed money from someone
I shouldn't have borrowed from.
I'm glad my parents were
certified food sanitation managers.
I only have a driver's license.
I thought you were
a certified public servant?
I was just able to work as a contractor
because of my father's connections.
I didn't know.
We didn't really see each other back then.
You were so busy
hanging out with your college friends.
Our worlds were different.
You think so?
I had a shotgun wedding
and became a housewife.
I always felt people
were looking down on me.
"Are you satisfied with your life?"
I'm sorry.
I now understand the value
of being a housewife.
I'm able to pour myself
into doing housework
because I'm being compensated for it.
If that wasn't the case, I don't
know if I could've done all that.
I don't know how people
do it while working
or while raising children.
You never get any compliments.
Everyone takes it for granted.
Excuse me!
-Just a moment!
-Could I have one of these?
The job of being a housewife…
It's natural for work to
be paid for with wages.
-That's the exact amount.
But what's a housewife worth?
Housewives don't earn a wage.
However, I think it's a praiseworthy
job that supports a family.
Show the price!
Zero, zero, zero, one, four, zero, three!
3,041,000 YEN
How should a housewife
be compensated?
Should it just depend
on one's living expenses?
I hate this!
Numata, you're the one who said it.
"If you're laying people off, start
with those who can afford it."
You can't tell if people are being honest.
I think everyone inflated the numbers.
As you first suggested, boss,
let's start with the ones
with the worst evaluations.
How about these seven?
We're celebrating today.
I've completed 10 years
of mortgage payments.
I still have 25 years left.
By the time it's all paid back,
I'll be 65.
How exciting!
I'm shaking all over.
Tsuzaki, why don't you buy a house?
There's no space for kids otherwise.
-Why is your face getting red?
-Don't worry about me.
Actually, we haven't registered
ourselves with the city hall.
We've never even done "it" before.
There's no way I could explain that.
All right!
I'm leaving for home on time today.
Excuse me.
-Are you trying to have kids?
-No, not at all.
Why don't you register your names soon?
I never really thought about it.
I didn't think it had
anything to do with me.
I guess things are easier
the way they are right now.
It's because you have a marriage
contract that pays a wage
that you can be sensitive
to each other's needs.
I guess you're right.
Last week, Numata
suddenly stopped updating
his Cookpad page.
he seems really busy these days.
He's been going around asking
people about their savings.
Maybe he's going to start
a business venture.
Maybe he's securing funds
to start a business.
Maybe it's a business related to cooking.
If that really was the case,
he could borrow an ad page
for the vegetable store's jam,
and get some ideas about
his brand from Yuri.
He could create a business that appeals
to both housewives and single women.
Sorry, it was just a crazy idea.
It's amazing how you could
come up with all that in an instant.
It's not a useful skill though.
When we went to Tateyama,
your father asked,
"Do your parents have
a storehouse, Tsuzaki?"
I told him that my grandparents had one.
He asked if there
were any hidden treasures.
He asked if he could
search himself and submit things
to an appraisal program
if he found anything valuable.
He always liked stuff like that.
He even showed me
his faces for when he hears something
is worth nothing versus
if he's told that something is valuable.
I'm so sorry about that.
It was exciting to listen to.
I felt that the Moriyama family
has a deep imagination.
It's not what you say,
it's how you say it.
If you had never mentioned
the contract marriage, Miyuki,
it never would have happened.
No matter how crazy it sounds,
imagination has the power
to change the present.
Let's eat.
Yes, let's eat.
By throwing my crazy
and wild ideas at him,
Hiramasa changed them…
into something that has
the power to change the present.
Even if he doesn't say he likes me,
how things are now might
be enough to keep me happy.
Someone asked me to go out on a date.
Who is it?
He's an old classmate
from my university days.
He's the sales manager of
an advertising agency.
He's an elite.
He was divorced once and has a kid.
Yuri, are you going to become a mother?
Of course not! It's not that easy.
I realized though that even if
I marry someone with a child,
I could still have
a child of my own.
Do you want kids?
Because I had Mikuri,
I could taste what it's like
to have a daughter.
Not having to take responsibility
and being able to just spoil her
was really awesome.
You're just taking the best parts.
On the other hand, it might be the reason
why I don't feel a deep sense of joy.
Are you searching for a deep sense of joy?
What a cruel question.
Excuse me.
I don't think it's possible for
a person to know everything deeply.
What one person knows,
another person doesn't.
That might be what makes
the world go round.
You share the world
that you know to others.
That's right! What's wrong with that?
I never imagined this
when we made the employment contract.
When the lover is the employee.
Before, Mikuri said…
I'd be okay with that.
However, because
I refused it at that moment,
the contract wasn't finalized.
I wonder what she meant when
she said, "I'd be okay with that"?
Don't tell me…
Is Mikuri…
the type of woman who would do those
things even with a man she doesn't like?
No, that can't be!
I can't think like that.
Although it's a bold thought,
let's just assume
that Mikuri does like me.
Mikuri said that she'd return to room 303…
after wiping the slate clean
and thinking things over again.
I wonder what she wiped off
and if anything remained.
Does it show the value of
Hiramasa Tsuzaki as an employer,
or does it show the value of
Hiramasa Tsuzaki as a lover?
What is Hiramasa Tsuzaki's value?
Show the price!
Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero…
Zero, zero, zero!
This is no good! What's the point
in a negative person like me…
letting his imagination go wild.
It'll only hurt me.
I had decided not to be
so negative anymore.
Sorry, I asked if I could come in.
I brought some tea for you.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
I don't think I said anything out loud.
I just casually went into the room,
but I ended up hearing something
that maybe I shouldn't have.
Is Mikuri the type of woman
who would do those things
even with a man she doesn't like?
He thinks I'm easy!
I only said it because it was Hiramasa.
I can't think of a seasonal word.
Thank you for the tea.
Sure, just leave it right there.
This paper tears so easily.
It really does.
This is our company.
Do you want to get
some lunch after the meeting?
There's a great hidden soba shop.
Sure, if Tsuzaki joins us too.
What do you think?
How about a drink after the meeting?
There's someone waiting for me at home.
That's too bad.
They have such good team work.
It's not like that.
What is your company's president like?
He's a very capable man.
He likes a good challenge.
Thank you as always.
For our next date, do you want
to go to the exhibition below?
On a different note,
I'm in Nagoya for a business trip.
I saw the ad for Godard.
The concept seemed different from before.
Did you okay it, Tsuchiya?
It's horrible!
It's completely different.
Is it really okay?
Branch offices are given
discretion over ads that are printed
using their own funds.
However, they're supposed
to contact me before it gets printed.
Did they?
If they had, I wouldn't have approved it.
I called the advertising department
chief to find out what happened.
He defiantly said he had
received approval from the director
of the main branch in Tokyo.
What can you do if the director
of the main branch approved it?
They need to be put up
by the end of the month.
-Let's pretend like we never saw it.
-I really wish we could.
But we can't.
Tsuchiya went to speak directly with
the director of the main branch?
Take a look at this.
She's Tsuchiya's classmate too?
Yes, she's from the compliance department.
The ghost from back then
has come back.
We used to make ads like this in the past.
But no one liked them.
We gathered all
the female employees to discuss it.
But no matter what we said to the
higher-ups, they wouldn't listen.
After Tsuchiya became the head
of the advertising department,
we were finally able to make changes.
Tsuchiya's job includes all of
our hopes and desires.
You don't need to make a fuss
over such a small matter.
People naturally desire to be loved
by members of the opposite sex.
With this ad, we might be able
to secure new customers.
Of course I understand that some
makers design with that concept in mind.
That's not what I'm talking about.
I'm asking whether that's
the direction we want to take.
This is the image that we've
maintained over the past 10 years.
"Live freely. Become beautiful."
90 percent of our customers
support this image.
When the executives look
at an ad like this, what will they think?
Godard's value is being
denied by Godard itself.
Are you really telling me
that this is a small matter?
They agreed!
Tsuchiya comes through!
Thank you for your hard work.
Did the director say anything to you?
It was no big deal.
What's your job?
What can you do, Pepper?
I can make you smile.
When you're sad,
I'll be at your side and make you laugh.
It's more capable than I am.
You can't cook, can you?
That's right.
You can't make a birthday cake.
You can't clean,
do the laundry, or go shopping.
You can't hug either.
What am I trying to compete with?
You look a little tired.
You don't need to push yourself
too hard in front of me.
If a robot was invented that could do
house work on top of communicating,
everyone would be happy.
I'd lose my job
if that happened though.
Kazami disappeared so quickly.
It's okay. Let's just go together.
I'm so sorry.
It happens.
-I need to send a text.
I'll be home a little late.
Where are you right now?
"Right now?"
-Let's get going.
-Oh, okay.
I'm at the office.
Why would he lie to me?
I'm totally being Etsuko Ichihara
from "The Housekeeper Witnessed It"!
It's here.
-This place is really delicious.
I understand.
We'll do it your way.
Thank you for understanding.
Tsuchiya isn't flexible at all.
You can tell why she's still single.
That's why she works so hard.
-Do you want to get a drink?
I'll pass for today. What about Numata?
We were supposed to meet up,
but he didn't show up, so I left.
I see.
the one you made, right?
-That's right.
-It's so cool. I like it.
It makes me happy to hear a man say that.
It makes me feel like there are
people who understand me.
It gives me courage.
It's liberating for women who have had
their value diminished.
There's beauty in being free.
Take me for example.
I'm a woman in her fifties.
I feel I can contribute to society
and give courage to others.
"If she can do it,"
"I can try a bit harder too."
There are many young women…
who are single or who are
afraid of being alone.
"Well, look at her!"
I want people to know that
you can still enjoy life.
Then they could feel more at ease.
That's why I feel like
I need to live as an example.
Don't say such things.
Why am I…
Even though I have a wild imagination,
I never imagined
something like this would happen.
This ambiguous arrangement
makes the happiness ambiguous too.
A relationship forged through a system
cannot be more than that.
"Reconstruct the system…"
What was that about?
It might feel good to just shout out loud.
Oh, that's right. Yuri was screaming too.
Hiramasa is stupid!
He's so troublesome!
Stupid, stupid!
I don't feel better at all.
I should cook and have dinner
even though I'm alone.
Excuse me.
-I'm sorry I touched you.
-You're allowed to touch me!
Since it's you, Hiramasa.
Why don't you get it?
I said it again.
I hate this.
Are you saying that
you hate living with me?
That's a problem.
To me, you're no longer someone
I can easily let go, Mikuri.
-That's why…
-That's unfair!
Why do you say stuff like that?
It makes me like you more.
That's why I hate this.
I'm the only one who feels that way.
I wish you liked me too, Hiramasa.
I do like you.
That sounded like something
I forced you to say so.
You didn't.
I'm not talking about as an employee.
I know.
What do you have to say about
meeting up with another woman?
I don't know what to say because I didn't.
You just did. You met up with
the pretty girl with long hair.
I saw you two going into a restaurant.
Raw buckwheat noodles. I got this for you.
A lady from a client company
recommended this place and said,
"You should get some for your wife."
That's why I got this.
Why did you lie and say
that you were at the office?
I was in a hurry and didn't think
it made that much difference.
It does make a difference!
You lied to me while you were with a girl.
-Anybody would…
-Excuse me.
May I confirm something with you?
Forgive me if I'm wrong.
I'm not getting carried away.
were you jealous?
You're stupid!
Of course I am!
You really are stupid, Hiramasa.
Why are you grinning?
Because you're cute.
All along,
I've been thinking about how
wonderful it would be…
if you liked me.
"All along?"
Yes, all along.
I've been trying not to think about it.
is Tuesday.
From now on,
even if it's not Tuesday…
can I hug you?
Any day,
any time.
Any time?
Even until morning.
Excuse me, I…
Shall we be together…
until morning comes?
What we needed wasn't
to reconstruct the system…
but to share
our true feelings…
with one another.
Okay, I got it.
They decided to acquire the company M.
-Who's on the layoff list?
-Here you go.
You chose them, Numata?
I didn't want to choose them.
Can I come in?
Well, yes…
Yes, please come in.
I wonder who came up
with the phrase "making out".
Oh my goodness!
How about holding a farmer's market?
-Will you help us?
I'm finished.
You're too cute.
That's my line.
I can't believe they're laying off
someone as capable as him.
If you don't want to lose her,
don't run away.