We Married as a Job (2016) s01e10 Episode Script

Love Revolution 2016

You are not someone
who I can let go easily.
Why do you have to say that?
I am going to fall more and more for you.
I don't like this. I am the only one
with those feelings.
I wish you loved me back.
I do.
I always wished that you loved me back.
I thought that.
Let's spend tonight together.
What we needed wasn't
to reorganize our system,
it was to tell
one another our true feelings.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Sorry for the wait.
You bought a green onion.
You need the spice
of green onion for good soba.
Couples hold hands.
I didn't think
when I asked her to spend tonight with me
Thank you for this meal.
What should we do tonight?
-What about this one?
We can play Sudoku until morning.
There is already a nine.
We can play Wii until morning.
We can watch the robo phone.
They all seem fun, but…
those are not options tonight.
He said that he wanted
to spend tonight together.
But what is he imagining?
I doubt that he is prepared.
In that case,
will we just sleep in the same bed?
That might be nice too.
What should I do? How?
I think there was one in here.
Last summer, Hino gave me this.
Here you are.
-Thank you.
-My brother developed this new product.
Everyone gets one.
Tsuzaki, you too.
Thank you.
Despite having no experience,
I took it without a hesitation.
A trial pack.
That is now a feasible option.
What should I do?
I'll just go as far as I can.
I know the basic process.
I should check some things.
I'll Google it.
Can I come in?
Well… Please… Can I… Uh…
Well… Yes… Come in.
After that, my memory cuts in and out.
When I returned to myself.
What was that?
What was that?
What on earth was that?
Where am I going?
What am I running away from?
Where am I going?
It smells like you.
I did take a shower.
I like it.
It calms me.
I also…
No. Nevermind.
Don't you want to fool around?
No. I have never done that.
Thinking about it…
who came up with
the phrase "fooling around"?
That is true.
Why the term "fooling around?"
That tickles.
This is fooling around.
You do it too.
Okay. Excuse me.
That's fine.
Is this fine?
After that, as this was supposed to that
and that was suppose to this,
in the middle, I just…
What was that?
What was that?
Why did I return to Hino
that pack of Coil Turbo?
I worried about that.
I feared
that I would make just that mistake.
That is why I was determined
to be a professional bachelor.
That is why I built that wall.
A safe place for me to be alone.
I was always alone.
Couples hold hands.
Right now…
what is Mikuri thinking?
It is okay to escape.
Even if it is embarrassing
it is more important to survive.
This is a fact that cannot be debated.
this is wrong.
I cannot run away…
from someone I care about.
If you don't want to lose them…
no matter how embarrassing it may be…
you cannot run away.
Are you asleep?
Of course I'm not asleep.
You left me.
I will not…
run away any more.
We hugged.
We kissed.
We somehow lowered that wall together.
Today is your birthday.
On the first day
of my 36th year,
a new morning spread before me.
Sorry. It's nothing.
Let me bring you back home.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Where is Tsuzaki?
He said that he would
come in this afternoon.
Who do I layoff? Who are your choices?
I didn't want to choose you.
He's here.
What is it?
You seem happier than usual.
The weather is nice.
Today is a lovely day.
Wasn't it cloudy?
-The air is fresh.
What happened?
I did become 36 today.
-Happy birthday.
-Thank you.
Is it your birthday?
Numata. You needed to talk to him, right?
No. Not today.
I don't want him
to remember this day
every year on his birthday.
I cannot do this.
What is it?
Numata. You are acting
stranger than normal.
Coffee is so delicious.
Right, Kazami?
What is going on here?
Once again, happy birthday.
Thank you.
Hiramasa is waiting for me.
He opened the Sudoku book,
but he hasn't written a single number.
He is just waiting
for me to finish my work.
Hiramasa is just too cute!
It fell apart.
Are you finished with your work?
Not yet.
I'm lying.
I finished.
You are too cute.
That is my line.
You are just so cute.
I want to scream it from a cliff.
Men usually aren't called cute.
Cute men are the best.
When cool men act lame,
their whole image is ruined.
But cute men are cute
no matter what they do.
Everyone bows down to
the power of cuteness.
I sort of understand. But I sort of don't.
We are fine as we are.
I need to ask for a favor.
Could you stop going to Kazami's place?
I do not suspect you two of anything.
When I imagine
you two together in his place…
I just…
feel jealous.
I understand.
I took that job to pay
for my teeth treatment.
I finished paying for it. I will quit.
Thank you.
Thank you for everything.
It was fun.
How was having a housekeeper?
It was convenient,
but I will be fine alone.
Why don't you date someone
who doesn't want to get married?
Is there any woman like that?
Yuri is like that.
She used to want to get married,
but now she says that she can't
imagine living with someone else.
You should search for someone like that.
I don't want to have to go on
a search for a girlfriend.
I understand that.
There is someone like that.
She keeps asking me out.
She hardly knows me. What does she see?
You are a romantic.
Don't you want a deeper connection?
You want her to see the real you,
not just your looks.
The question is whether or not you have
truly looked at this aggressive woman.
Why not look a little deeper?
It is rare for Numata to take off.
He is ill apparently.
It is scary to be alone.
People suddenly die.
Don't say that.
These are the beginnings of ulcers.
Be careful not to build up stress.
I was trying to work
in an easy, stress-free job.
It is necessary to take
time off sometimes.
Taking time off won't solve anything.
I feel like I'm dying.
I'm not, though. Haha.
I used to think about that often.
If I collapsed in my home
who would find me?
It must be a comfort with your wife there.
Marriage can be a safety mechanism.
When something bad happens
it may be impossible to deal alone,
but together you can make it.
It is a form of knowledge to survive.
I said something
really smart right now. Right?
Don't sigh. You are worrying Hirari.
-Aren't you happy?
Life is complex.
If I tell her the truth,
I will get too gushy.
I am so happy right now.
That was a sigh of happiness.
I can go on that show.
We came from Yokohama,
Kanagawa Prefecture.
I am Hiramasa Tsuzaki, 36 years old.
I am his wife Mikuri, 26 years old.
We hug every day.
We spend each night together on the sofa.
We kiss before we go to bed.
On our day off yesterday…
we spent the whole day
together in the house.
We are grateful.
I try to split my time, but
my work time is slowly
being eaten by my private life.
That is not your fault.
It is mine.
-We are grateful.
-We are grateful.
I have begun daydreaming
about "Newlyweds, Welcome!" too.
Hugging every day. Kissing every day.
Every day our work time is being
taken over by our private lives.
I feel a little mischievous.
But also happiness.
This was the world beyond that wall.
Marriage is a form
of knowledge for survival.
Sorry to bother you on your day off.
We need to talk.
I didn't think you would come.
I thought it was worth a look.
I was surprised.
I didn't think you would be the type
to want to see a museum exhibit.
To be honest,
I got the tickets from a client.
-Was that the reason?
But I thought it would be fun to go
if it was with a good man.
You used me.
Are you angry?
Your honesty is refreshing.
How did they bring these
wall paintings here?
They didn't.
People aren't allowed
to enter the real caves.
It's a replica.
Do you know him?
Yes. We work in the same building.
Thank you for before.
Thank you. I really appreciated that.
It is lovely.
The thoughts of the people
who drew these 20,000 years ago
are still here.
They were a cool
and stylish married couple.
They are not married.
Really? You know a lot.
They seem to be a good match.
He looked at you the whole time, though.
What is your relationship?
Nothing. He is 17 years younger than me.
I am so bored.
Even if I put out vegetable jam
people don't come around
so they still won't sell.
What if you put a sign out on the street?
You can put it near the bakery.
That's a great idea.
People going to the bakery might want jam.
You can say that your jam
matches their bread perfectly.
You can promote
your favorite combinations.
Sorry. You didn't ask for my advice.
Please come with me.
This is Mikuri Moriyama,
my elementary school classmate.
-She has some ideas.
-I just have an active imagination.
Take a seat.
-Excuse me.
What sort of meeting is this?
We aim to revitalize our shopping area.
The second and third generation
owners of our stores meet
and discuss strategy once a week.
All they do is drink each time.
-No we don't!
-Quit saying that!
You didn't attend the local junior high?
I moved to the neighboring
school district for junior high.
She would say
that she didn't like her class
and would come chat with me
at this shrine after school.
That shrine was my only oasis.
The folks running
the shrine will love to hear that.
-Should we invite them?
-It's Sunday. They can't come.
-That's right.
Why don't we hold
a farmer's market at the shrine?
People are trying them
in different cities.
-Like an open air market?
If people won't come to your stores
you can hold an event outdoors.
Families are sure to come.
People who only go to the supermarket
will be able to learn all of
the stores in the shopping area.
Sorry. It was just an idea.
No. Let's do it.
If it is held at the shrine
even the old folks who don't like
new things may be interested.
That's true.
That would work for the sake shop.
But can I sell raw fish?
For the fish shop
what about selling grilled clams?
-Wait. I own the electronics shop.
Extension cords.
People do need them.
-Such a novel idea.
-I just said anything.
We will all need to take time
to decide what to sell.
That's true.
I think it would be smart
to focus on inexpensive items.
Even if they don't
particularly want something
people tend to buy something
since they are there.
You are clever.
You need to be clever in business.
Even still, since our primary objective
is to have people learn
about the shopping area
try to be satisfied making small profits.
Could you help us?
Due to the buyout of one of our clients
we are losing forty percent of our sales.
Layoffs are necessary to stay afloat.
Is that…
Don't misunderstand me.
You are the most skilled engineer.
As such, your salary is high.
If we must reduce development,
your skills will be wasted.
You are a luxury.
There is one more reason.
aren't married, are you?
You should file your marriage license.
I overheard that you and Mikuri
have not actually filed a license.
The President asked me
to check with general affairs.
-I didn't break the law.
-I know.
Our company accepts
common-law marriages as valid for
transferring rights to insurance.
However, if you are simply
employer and employee…
it becomes easier
to select you as one of the layoffs.
You have the financial leeway
to hire someone.
You also don't have children like Hino.
That is true…
that the fact we haven't
submitted a marriage license
is a sign that we haven't taken
on that full responsibility.
What do we do, Moriyama?
We don't know how this will turn out.
Wait. Everyone, wait.
You are asking me to help you, but
are you suggesting that I volunteer?
We aren't going to be paid either.
-This is your shopping area.
It will be like a festival.
It will be fun.
That is a separate issue.
Listen, everyone.
You can't rely on the goodwill of others
and expect them to provide labor
for no monetary compensation.
That is exploitation.
For example, saying it is for
a friend or a learning experience
or for self-growth and refusing to
pay a laborer a proper wage.
I cannot ignore
this self-growth exploitation.
Is she a union leader?
The Councilwoman
Mikuri Moriyama daydream has begun.
I, Mikuri Moriyama
am firmly opposed
to self-growth exploitation.
We will pay you 3,000 yen a day.
That is so cheap.
I'm sorry that got strange.
If I can work two or three hours a day
I can maintain the Yokohama
minimum wage of 930 yen an hour.
I think this will take a while.
-Did I seem greedy?
After my divorce I learned the
importance of receiving a fair wage.
I liked candidate Moriyama's speech.
Thank you.
I will do my best for
the remainder of this year.
You have nothing to apologize for.
I chose you.
If I were in your place,
I would have done the same.
Don't blame yourself.
It isn't Numata's fault.
It isn't anyone's fault.
The facts are just cruel.
Work. I need to find work.
I need a good company
which provides the same salary and
time off to fool around with Mikuri.
I don't think
I will find such a job easily.
But I need to in order
to maintain this lifestyle.
-I just came back.
-Welcome back.
I bought the ingredients you asked for.
What is it?
Nothing. Let's make dinner.
Where are you now?
The station.
I am on my way home.
Can we meet?
I see. Where to do want to meet?
We can meet at my place if you want.
It is only three minutes from there.
Thank you.
I came because
I wanted to ask you something.
What did you mean before?
Was something I said strange?
Single women around fifty,
like me, are needed in society.
We are able to give others courage.
That is why I think
I need to live a cool life.
Don't say that.
You told me not to say that.
Why? Did you feel bad for me?
Did you think I was trying to act
tougher and cooler than I am?
I do…
like how cool you are.
But that coolness just emanates from you.
You don't need to act cool
to become an example to others.
That's what I thought.
I am not acting.
There were some issues at work before.
I am glad that others
have high expectations of me.
I am able to do my best work
because of those expectations.
I myself do want to live a cool life.
But that might be okay sometimes.
I don't have to work so hard all the time.
I am sorry I cried there.
Thank you for protecting me from
others seeing.
I wasn't protecting you.
I didn't want to show anyone else that.
You look like someone who has
his grip on someone else's secret.
I lost.
I looked so pathetic
in front of a young man.
Young man?
From my perspective,
you certainly are a young man.
Put some water here.
Do this.
Then this.
I see.
-I'll give it a try.
I think I will need to visit Yassan more.
I need to help her out.
It must be difficult
to be a single mother.
I am being paid minimum wage not
only to spend time with Yassan
but to also work
with a large group of men.
I can't tell him that.
I got it.
-That looks better than mine.
-I figured out the trick.
If you try, you might be good
at a lot of different things.
I can do what I thought I couldn't.
My world is slowly expanding.
The reason that I can be
at peace even after being fired
is that I trust this world
that we have built.
I am glad Mikuri is here.
Someone I love accepts me.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
He accepts me.
I will never…
enter a true marriage.
Even if we don't have
the public contract of marriage.
If there is trust…
and we can be together…
the form doesn't matter.
Everyone's relationship is different.
Don't worry. I live close.
I need to be able to
return home at night by myself.
Come to my place some time.
Since you are like a nephew, I'll
treat you to some delicious wine.
You really view me as a nephew.
I want to…
sleep with you.
Don't tease old ladies.
What am I saying?
That was a shock.
No matter how unusual the relationship
if there is a will, it will continue.
As long as one party
doesn't say they want a change…
and as long as the balance is maintained…
that relationship can continue forever.
What is this?
How can they layoff
an employee as skilled as Tsuzaki?
I don't accept this.
The President doesn't understand.
-Hino, this is a complex situation.
-Do you accept this?
Let's just be happy that we survived this.
-How can you say that?
-Will you quit in Tsuzaki's place?
I have a family. And a house loan.
If only I could solve this by quitting
I would.
We need an infrastructure engineer.
Tsuzaki will be able to find
another job quickly.
Is he looking for new work
during his lunch break?
In order to save time,
I have prepared a questionnaire.
Please make the necessary copies,
distribute them
have them filled out and returned.
Is that so? I see.
Please let me know
if there is anything in the future.
Hello. This is Tsuzaki.
-That was delicious.
-Thank you.
Hiramasa seems so busy recently.
He doesn't talk about my meals.
He eats everything,
so I don't think he dislikes them.
Thank you.
I will come see you tomorrow.
Yes. Excuse me.
Mikuri. Let's eat out tonight for dinner.
Eat out?
Let's meet at this location.
Please meet me at 6:45 p.m.
-I am off.
Don't forget your lunch.
-Thank you.
Take care.
Thank you.
Meet me at the elephant statue
at the Elephant Nose Park.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-You don't need to avoid me.
I am not avoiding you.
You don't come to the bar
and you ignore my texts.
I am busy.
I am human. If you avoid me this much,
my feelings will get hurt.
If you don't wish
to speak to me anymore, I will give up.
That isn't it.
It was nice meeting you before.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Did you bring that?
-What are you talking about?
-That thing.
You know, right? That thing.
Did something happen?
I wouldn't tell you if it did.
It is rare to see you angry.
You made me angry.
Great. Our relationship is moving forward.
I have a nickname for you.
Positive Monster.
Get the Posimon!
You looked good with that handsome man.
How? I am old enough to be his mother.
There is nothing wrong with a few hurdles.
A few?
You are still living. You can still meet.
Eat out?
Where did that come from suddenly?
That's right.
I feel bad that I didn't do anything
for you on your birthday.
I wish I could have at least
taken you out to eat.
Let's go to a good grilled chicken
restaurant next year then.
Do you want grilled chicken?
I would want to eat
something I can't make here.
Grilled chicken.
Next year is far away.
He wants to take me out now.
This is our first time
going on a proper date.
Should I go for the cute look?
I don't want to try too hard.
The smell of grilled chicken
does tend to stick to clothes.
I can't decide.
Sorry to make you wait.
No. You are right on time.
Let's go.
This is nice from time to time.
Shall we schedule one meal out a month?
That sounds nice.
I didn't realize that we haven't been out.
Me neither. I just realized before
that this would be our first date.
This is the place.
This place seems really expensive.
Don't worry about that. Let's go.
Welcome, Mr. Tsuzaki.
-Thank you.
-I shall take your coats.
Excuse me.
-Thank you.
-Excuse me.
I shall show you your table.
-I shall bring you some menus.
This restaurant has a good reputation.
I should have worn nicer clothes.
You look cute.
What is the wine varietal used
in the sauce for the lamb?
What is happening?
Hiramasa is the deep and solid
type that is often seen in temples.
I see.
I thought lamb would use a different wine.
But in this shining place,
he is speaking foreign words.
Viande refers to meat dishes.
Which do you prefer…
lamb or filet mignon?
Which one will give me the ending
with Hiramasa that I want?
I will take the filet mignon.
I thought you would pick that.
I picked the right answer!
No, no.
Prince Hiramasa is pretty cool,
but that is not what's happening.
Thank you.
Yes, sir.
My preparations were worth it.
I selected the perfect
restaurant for a special occasion.
I tried to make reservations.
I made it on the waiting list
of my top choice.
I visited the spot beforehand
to confirm the details.
We specialize in serving mi cuit.
What is mi cuit?
Everything has gone smoothly until now.
This is delicious.
This is unbelievably delicious.
But Hiramasa hasn't said anything.
He is just eating and
occasionally smiling happily.
What is the dark secret
that Prince Hiramasa is hiding?
I invited you here…
to discuss a matter.
I didn't know your size
so I don't have a ring yet.
Let's submit the license…
and get married.
I thought you didn't want to get married.
I thought this was impossible for me.
But that changed once I met you.
I did some estimates.
If we get married, our employment
contract will not be necessary.
We can use your salary for
living expenses and savings.
If we get married, you can see
the savings we will accumulate…
three and five years down the line.
With these savings,
we will be able to purchase a used home.
We may also have the financial leeway
to raise one or two children.
This is the data with children.
5 YEARS 12,950,000 YEN
In other words,
I have determined that getting married
would benefit both of us.
-In addition.
-Please wait.
Before we think about the future
or houses and children…
why did you want to be married?
What made you think about this?
It was when…
I got laid off.
Laid off?
Of course, I was going to tell you
after I had found another job.
You are proposing
because you were laid off?
That is not all. I always
thought that marriage was logical.
If we get married you can use me
without paying a salary. That is logical.
Is that what your saying?
I didn't mean that.
That is the reason.
Do you not want to marry me?
Do you not love me?
That is…
love exploitation.
You must do anything
someone you love asks for.
Is that truly right?
I, Mikuri Moriyama
am firmly opposed to love exploitation.
I ruined the long-awaited proposal.
I am so pretentious.
It is natural that I am abandoned.
Once certain words are said
they cannot be taken back.
I want to discuss something.
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