We Married as a Job (2016) s01e11 Episode Script
Go beyond the couple
Let's register our
marriage properly and get married.
If we get married, we won't need
an employment contract.
We'll save the money
that I paid you in salary,
so it can go to living expenses
or even savings.
-In other words…
-Hold on!
Why do you want us to get married?
I was laid off.
You're proposing marriage
because you were laid off?
It's more practical if we're married,
since you won't pay me a salary,
and can use me for free.
Is that what you're saying?
You mean, you don't love me?
That is…
love exploitation!
I was very happy that the man I love…
asked me to marry him.
I was happy, but…
for some reason,
my feelings are muddled.
Why am I feeling muddled?
Good night.
Good night.
Today was…
Can I hug you
even when it's not Tuesday, Mikuri?
Yes, any day.
We eliminated Hug Day,
and we hugged every day
whenever we felt like it.
But, now that we've grown apart,
we don't even touch hands.
We do nothing together.
It's only natural.
He proposed, but I turned it down.
I'm such a pretentious woman,
it's only natural he's abandoned me.
Once you've said something…
and once you're feeling muddled…
you can't deny that it's happened.
Neither of us can.
What you're doing is
exploiting my love!
Exploiting her love.
It was quite a shock to hear her say that.
Somewhere inside me
thought she would naturally accept
my proposal if she loved me.
Since when
did I become so conceited?
I was so incredibly anxious!
I thought I'd be
demoted for sure this time.
I just had a fight
with the department director.
He said, "You're promoted
to department manager."
Good evening.
I heard you were celebrating, Yuri.
She's told me
the same story ten times tonight.
Only five!
I've come to help listen.
-The usual, Kazami?
Congratulations on your promotion
to department manager.
I don't know if I should celebrate.
I'll be getting a ton more responsibility.
It won't be easy as the first woman
department manager in Tokyo.
Here's to being appreciated
for the work you've done.
Let me buy you a drink.
-The most expensive drink.
Just kidding.
Yama, a beer to finish with.
Kazami's treat.
You're finishing?
I start early tomorrow, so I need to go.
are you free on Sunday?
This is just about if you'll join
the open-air market,
and what you'll be selling.
Like I said,
I need to know more about this event.
The event purpose
and plan are written here.
It's too small. I can't read it!
Explain it to me.
-That's your job, right?
If you're getting paid,
then do your job right.
You and the others begged me to do this,
so I'm trying to do it
during the time that I have
for minimum wage.
But, my feelings about it now
are really muddled.
I'm so sorry.
I'll explain to him properly later.
I accepted the job,
so I don't want to complain.
I want to be responsible and do the job.
I want to do it, but…
-I see.
My feelings are so muddled
about the open-air market
and getting married.
The cause of these muddled feelings is
for both the open-air market
and my marriage.
What's at the heart of them?
Thank you for the meal.
I want to talk.
If this is about
what happened the other day,
I didn't mean to coerce you.
I've been thinking…
about compensation for being a housewife.
Excuse me?
You see,
I realized something
since I'm working for minimum wage.
You've lost me.
I'm working
another job now.
You are?
I was asked to help with
the shopping district's open-air market.
I get paid 930 yen an hour.
That's minimum wage in Yokohama.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Why didn't you tell me?
I thought it would be light work
for short periods of time.
But, since I'm surrounded by men,
I thought you wouldn't like it.
I'm sorry.
This is very shocking.
I'm sorry.
I didn't tell you about getting
laid off, so now we're even.
Go ahead.
You may tolerate a job
if you're paid 2,000 yen an hour,
but you won't tolerate it
if you're paid minimum wage.
You mean, it's not worth working
if you're not paid enough.
That's the cause of my muddled feelings.
This is what it's all about.
-When did you get that?
-At the 100 yen shop.
I sense your intense desire
to explain this to me.
Go ahead.
Getting married
and becoming a housewife is
a guarantee of living expenses.
That is to say, it's the same as
getting paid minimum wage.
But, minimum wage is
ultimately only minimum wage.
If you say, "Don't complain.
I'm working to support you,"
I can only take so much.
But not all employers are so tyrannical.
Right. If you work for a kind employer
without any stress or trouble,
minimum wage may be enough.
That is to say,
it depends on the employer?
At a company, there are many employees,
so it's possible to transfer.
And there's an objective evaluation
system, such as raises and bonuses.
But, for a married couple,
it's one versus one.
If the husband doesn't appreciate
the wife's work, nobody will.
That is to say,
a housewife's pay for her work is…
the basic pay rate,
plus the employer's evaluation,
in other words, his love.
However, love cannot be quantified.
That's right!
It's an extremely precarious situation.
Depending on the employer's whim,
it could end up at zero.
In that case, the wife works
for just the minimum wage.
Yes. And there is no limit
to the working hours.
In the worst-case scenario,
it's like working in a sweatshop.
As an employee,
I'm worried if I can continue working
under these conditions.
I was happy
that you proposed to me.
It's not as if I don't want to
get married to you…
What you're getting at is
that you're an employee.
The husband is the employer,
and the wife the employee.
That's incorrect.
The housewife runs the household. If we
consider that to be a respectable job,
then the husband and wife should be
considered joint managers.
Joint managers?
Let's rebuild our relationship
based on this perspective.
We'll rebuild not on an employment
system, but on this new one.
I thought that if we have love,
we wouldn't need a system,
but it wasn't that simple.
I don't know if it will go well…
I'll do it! Let us do it!
Let's do it! Joint managers.
Let's both be CEOs.
Hiramasa's proposal that they think of
the household as a company,
and run it like joint managers
was accepted by Mikuri.
They are about to begin
their first management meeting.
The work at company A is
almost the same as now.
The salary is 90 percent of now.
Company B is a new company.
But it's inferior in salary and stability.
Hiramasa CEO,
you are attracted to company B, right?
Previously, I would have chosen company A.
But now,
I feel I can do new things.
However, my executive compensation
will be half of what it is now.
You can either accept the reduction
in executive compensation,
or I can supplement
our income by getting a job.
Get a job?
I have my job for the shopping district.
It's 3,000 yen a day,
so I was going to work only
3,2 hours per day.
But, I wasn't able to.
That's why I'd like to do this.
A job as a writer for a local magazine.
I'll visit the shopping district
as a writer,
and set-up the open-air market
while writing articles.
So, we'll increase income with other work.
However, it will be full-time work,
so I will have less time to do housework.
The job you have accepted, Mikuri CEO,
is also a job of 303 Company.
Let's work together
to make this a success.
We'll work together
and divide up the housework.
Thank you!
This way, both sides occupied
all areas of the home.
The battle of the division
of housework began.
It would be a slow, protracted fight.
-Please, come in.
These are the results of
my physical for this year.
Look at this. My bone density is falling.
Every year, more and more
of these numbers worry me.
My female hormones also continue to fall.
My vision gets worse. I tire easily.
Are you testing my feelings for you?
When you said that to me at your place…
I want to sleep with you.
For a moment, I thought you were kidding.
But, you meant it, right?
I apologize for the bluntness of my words.
I was really surprised.
You were?
Of course!
It was bad for my heart.
I just can't.
Until now, I've lived a strict life.
So, I can't imagine
entering into a short-lived romance.
I understand that's why
we should start dating properly, but…
When you were born, I was 17.
When you were 20, I was 37.
When you're finally past 40,
I'll be 60.
No matter how much time passes,
you'll be like a nephew to me.
I realized something
when I saw you dressed like that.
I knew you would
finally show me your true feelings.
You invited me here as your nephew.
Are you going to date the single father?
We're through.
You're through?
Tajima is looking for
someone to be a mother to his child.
That is to say,
there isn't another man,
but I still don't have a chance with you.
I understand.
Let's continue to meet
for drinks at Yama's bar.
I don't think
of you as my aunt, Yuri.
We'll end it here.
Let's savor it.
Thank you.
-Let me introduce myself.
I'm Moriyama. I write for Wakuwaku Isoiso,
and I'm organizing the open-air market.
Nice to meet you.
I've come today to get a photo
of your shop for next month's issue,
and ask about running a sale
at the open-air market.
Here you are.
Thank you.
Oh, I'm so tired.
-You're working hard.
-I'm hungry too.
Open wide.
Your vegetable curry is awesome!
I could eat it every day.
I enjoy making it
because you always compliment it.
Well, it is free, after all.
-Sorry I can only pay you in goods.
-No problem.
How's the online jam business?
There are a ton of requirements.
I also need a place to make them.
I can't always rely on Kitchen Tanaka.
Your parents have
their own work, after all.
What about the health department issue?
I asked about it yesterday.
I also have to look into rental equipment.
I can't find a price that fits the budget.
-It sounds rough.
-For both of us.
It can't be helped.
We'll do our best.
Let's live.
We must live.
After two weeks of operation,
what is your honest opinion?
May I be frank?
I make far less than you,
so I do more housework. I accept that.
But, when you forget to do your share,
or take too long to do it,
I end up thinking,
"That's his job.
He still has less housework than I do."
I'm sorry.
What's your opinion?
May I be honest?
I'm bothered by the decline
in quality of your housework.
Dust builds up in the corners,
and there are water scales on the mirror.
To be honest,
I'm not a methodical cleaner.
I'm the kind of person who
doesn't sweep the corners of a room.
But, until now…
Since it was my job, I always did my best…
to do it perfectly.
But, the truth is,
as long as it's clean enough
that it isn't a problem,
I can live with it.
I'm sorry I don't live up to
your expectations.
If it bothers you that much,
you can take over those areas,
then I'll take over the other areas.
No. Increase my share of the work.
Really? An open-air market.
So, your wife isn't a stay-at-home wife?
Until recently, she was.
Now she has three jobs.
She's a writer for a local magazine,
an event organizer, and a housewife.
No wonder you have
less variety in your lunch.
It's the same as mine.
For a while now,
I've been wondering if it were true.
Do both you and Mikuri
love each other?
Is there passion between you?
They're married, so naturally there is.
it may seem natural, but it isn't always.
In this world,
there is such a thing
as invisible dark matter!
I don't know if there's passion,
but I do love her.
However, I've realized that love
alone isn't enough to make it work.
Actually, right now
we're simulating both having a job,
and sharing the housework.
Really? Just because
you hired a housekeeper?
To be honest,
it's a pain.
If I had a choice, I wouldn't do it.
If you can leave work on time tonight,
can you please cook the rice?
Welcome home.
-Sorry I'm late.
-It's okay.
I brought home leftovers
from the shopping district.
-Dinner will be ready soon.
-Thanks for making the rice.
Why don't we order out today?
I'd like to have pizza.
I have some food already.
I'm not really in the mood for fried food.
-Not in the mood?
-It's really oily.
Pizza is even oilier.
Let's eat out!
We said we'd eat out once a month.
-You seem tired, Mikuri.
-I am tired, that's why I want to eat now.
Let's eat out.
The finches!
Perou! Peroko!
When did you name them?
-Peroko is sick!
No, she's not.
I knew this was the problem.
We're not children.
There's no point in hiding it.
I'm sorry. I couldn't help it.
-I'll buy microwave rice.
-I'll do it!
No. I already have my coat on.
Let's go together.
I'm in charge of making meals,
and it's my fault for asking you.
So, I will go.
Today, I want to be clear with you.
I will never fall in love with you,
I think we're similar.
You think if you're going
to be used by a man,
then you'll use the man just as much.
And since that's what relationships are,
then you'll just enjoy yourself.
Isn't that what you think?
If you understand, that makes this easier.
Don't you think we're a good match?
We used to be.
I've fallen in love
for the first time in over a dozen years.
I can't help but think
about her despite knowing
that they will always be alone.
Manager Tsuchiya!
Congratulations on your promotion!
-I haven't been promoted yet.
-Horiuchi! Get in.
Okay! Horiuchi getting in!
That's unusual. She's completely drunk.
I'm pretty drunk too.
I'm pretty drunk as well.
What did Yuri say?
She hasn't responded.
Maybe she's still working.
Things have been hectic at my office too.
I finally made it here.
It was rough?
It was rough.
My only oasis is messaging on Line.
With that handsome guy…
you couldn't overcome the obstacles?
If you like him, just tell him!
If I were younger.
Your problem is that you think
about all that pointless stuff.
You told me that before.
You see,
there's someone I like
who I want to see, but I can't see them.
I'm jealous. I envy you.
I envy the people who can see
whoever they please.
I was awful today.
When I lose my composure,
my true self shows through.
You're so pretentious.
I become conceited and stuck up…
Kaoru, you really shouldn't do that.
and pretentious.
hate myself.
It's me who has
low self-esteem.
Hiramasa fell in love with
the wife who always smiled
and did housework perfectly.
Not a woman who gets upset
over forgetting to cook rice.
I want so badly…
for him to choose me…
and for him to approve of me,
that I keep getting farther from…
the person I want to be.
May I share this table?
I see other empty seats.
What's the relationship
between you and Kazami?
There's a 17-year difference, so you're
not romantically involved, right?
You even know my age?
Doesn't it seem vain to come on
to a younger man when you're 50?
So much of that statement is wrong,
I don't know where to begin.
To be precise, you're 49.
But to anyone else, it's no different.
Some women spend money
on anti-aging products,
but older women never buy that stuff.
You certainly are aware of
the value of your youth.
I'm half your age, after all.
If there's anything that seems vain to me,
it's that there are
lots of women in this country
who think the same way that you do.
The things you disregard
for being worthless now
will be in your future as well.
The things you despise now
are what you'll become.
Doesn't that trouble you?
In our lives,
there are many curses.
The feelings you have now
is one such curse.
Don't go and curse yourself.
You should escape that
hideous curse as soon as you can.
Sorry I kept you waiting.
Isn't the bath a little small?
It's easier to concentrate.
-Let's begin.
-Let's begin.
It's been one week
since changing the work share.
What's your honest opinion?
Okay, I'll begin.
I realized that
sharing work is a lot of trouble.
When the other person doesn't do
their share of the work,
it doesn't feel good.
But, when they do finish it,
it feels like it's only natural,
since it's their job,
so there's no feeling of appreciation.
Maybe we need a system for
positively evaluating each other.
is my responsibility,
but I haven't cooked well, so I'm sorry.
No, I'm not criticizing you.
You know, why don't we stop
sharing housework?
Like a share house,
we'll only do things for ourselves.
You can cook and clean
for yourself, right?
But, it could end up that neither
of us cleans the shared space.
Then I'll do all the housework.
But, I'll be doing it as a volunteer.
-Since I'm a volunteer,
if I don't want to cook dinner,
I won't cook dinner.
If I don't want to clean,
then I won't clean.
Since I'm a volunteer,
don't complain if there's no dinner.
Don't complain when the house isn't clean.
I'm a volunteer! It's not my job!
Mikuri, I'm not sure I see
where you're going with this.
If you want to end it…
let's do it now.
I mean…
this life must be a pain for you.
Like before I came to live here,
you probably have the money
to pay for a housekeeping service
to come once a week…
if you're living alone.
I complain about pay for housework,
and say pretentious things.
I'm sure there are many women
out there who would gladly accept…
a marriage proposal from you.
There's no reason
to put up with all this trouble.
The door that Mikuri closed…
You can go between Kazami
and me if you like.
Quit digging around and analyzing.
I think it's the same door
that I once closed myself.
If that's the case…
I know…
how to open it.
Would you be my boyfriend?
Over and over again,
to an astonishing degree,
How about physical affection?
We'll start with hugging.
she kept on knocking, never giving up,
It makes me like you more.
You're stupid!
like nobody had ever done.
Only Mikuri did that.
Sorry to bother you while you're working.
Can I talk to you?
If you avoid things that are troublesome,
and avoid them as much as possible,
you'll end up hating
even walking and eating.
You'll hate even breathing.
You may as well be dead, right?
Life is troublesome.
Whether we live alone or together,
there are troublesome things
about each one.
If they're both a lot of trouble,
then you may as well live together.
We can talk things over,
and set aside time when we have to,
and do whatever we can…
to make it work, right?
I doubt there's anything
that we can't overcome.
You said that you're not normal, but…
it was no surprise to me.
I've known that all along.
It's not such a big deal.
In the eyes of the world…
the two of us were
never normal from the very start.
There's no changing that now.
I'm looking forward to…
the open-air market.
Good night.
When things aren't going well…
you can't lose sight of
the person who will wait for you…
and believes in you.
We'll rebuild, little by little.
We'll rebuild, slowly but surely.
Shoes are on sale.
Three for 200 yen. It's a bargain.
Welcome! How about some rice crackers?
-What's going on?
-What's happened?
Oh, Mikuri! The flyers have gone missing!
Really? Did you really bring them?
-It's pointless unless we hand them out.
-You're right.
I figured it out!
I put the flyers in the back of my pickup,
so they all blew away in the wind.
-What an idiot!
There's one left.
I'll make copies. Go back to your shops.
-Yuri! Numata!
-This is amazing! It looks like fun!
-Sorry, Yuri. I have to go.
Oh! I haven't touched her enough.
-Yuri. Numata.
Where's Hino?
He said his kid had a fever again.
It's too bad.
That must be his fate.
Mikuri had to go.
I saw her running a moment ago.
I never knew she could run.
That's a weird thing to think.
You must be in love.
Who threw all this trash here?
-What should we do?
-If Tsuchiya were here, she'd pick it up.
Okay, let's pick it up.
After all is said and done,
I'm the one who had
the biggest hang-up with age.
I got cold feet.
Instead of getting in a romance
where my age would bother me,
I thought it was better
if we were friends.
It didn't end up like I wanted.
I've gotten cold feet too.
I always get dumped,
so I can't send a decisive text.
I avoid it, and put it off.
We're both hopeless adults.
What are we trying to protect?
Why don't you text that person?
I will too.
If this ends in disaster,
take care of my corpse, okay?
Okay. Do the same for me.
Sure. You can count on me.
Their copier was out of toner.
Can you believe it?
Where else can I make copies?
The flyers!
Thank you, Yuri's staff!
Maybe I'll start calling her Yuri too.
Don't you dare.
That's my user name.
I'm using Tsuchiya's name
without her permission
on a gay dating app.
What? You're gay?
Keep it secret.
I don't have the courage to come out yet.
I met a guy I really like on this gay app.
I know he works nearby,
but he won't meet me.
He says things like, "Imagine I'm dead."
No way!
I found them! Hand them out!
Thank you so much, Mikuri!
Your change is 250 yen.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Yasue, why are you making him do that?
-He was standing there looking lost.
He looks lost, but he isn't!
She's bragging about you.
I don't think that was bragging.
Did I surprise you?
I lied about my kid's fever.
-Are you Hino?
We finally meet!
I thought I'd never meet you.
Me too!
-Nice to meet you.
-Why are you so excited?
Their fate has finally changed.
Long time, no see!
This is my wife.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Hino.
What? You still
haven't sent yours? I sent mine.
All you have to do is invite him
to the open-air market, right?
Now that the time has come,
my fingers won't move.
Give it here. I'll send it
-Let me have it.
-I brought Kazami.
-Numata. Come on.
-Let's go.
-What? Why?
-Let's go over there.
Welcome to
the Chigidori shopping district.
-Don't you know what he looks like?
-We haven't exchanged photos.
He'll be holding
a giant nori rice cracker.
The Positive Monster told me
that she picked a fight with you.
That's quite a nickname.
What did she say about it?
"Try and make that 50-year-old happy."
She's still trying to pick a fight.
Also, "I think that woman
is in love with you, Kazami."
And, "You're both old enough
to know better."
Is that why you came?
If I didn't have this to say,
I couldn't casually come see you
after you so cruelly dumped me.
So, you think you can win now?
I doubt that.
But I have a faint hope.
You're right.
Without any chance, we wouldn't even try.
Not us awkward adults.
At this age
we can sense each other's feelings,
kind of get along,
and maybe end up dating, but…
-No, we won't.
really like you, Yuri.
I wanted to state it clearly.
I like you too.
Not the Kazami that's like a nephew.
I'm not sure about the future,
but I decided I want to be honest
about how I feel right now.
I wanted to see you so badly.
You're the first person
I've ever seen really do that.
Then, where do you want me to kiss you?
Why are you so surprised?
Oh, Mikuri!
Take a break and help yourself
to some rice crackers.
-Thank you. I'll come back later.
-Okay. I'll be here.
Sorry to make you do this too.
I don't mind.
You're pretty popular, Mikuri.
It took a long time to get this far.
Do you want to do it again?
It depends on the conditions.
Negotiations are crucial.
I made a discovery.
When I was a temp worker,
I often made proposals to my bosses.
Like, "Why not do it this way?" And,
"This would be more productive."
But that wasn't what they wanted,
so I was fired for being annoying.
I thought that no matter where I went,
people would never like
my pretentiousness.
But, with the open-market,
people actually liked it.
I think there may be jobs that are
best done by pretentious people.
What exactly is "pretentious"?
I understand the meaning of the word.
Doesn't "pretentious" mean
"looking down on others"?
You've never looked down on me.
I've never once
thought of you as pretentious.
Tsuzaki! Come have a drink with us!
Okay! Be there in a sec!
Excuse me. Mikuri?
Everyone is watching.
Do you see that?
Thank you.
Why are you saying "thank you"?
I love you.
I pray that someday
we can be released from…
Let me introduce you.
all the things that bind us…
and the little hurts we cannot see,
so we can sometimes cry…
and sometimes laugh.
Oh, dear!
How's that? Looks perfect!
-"Danke" is a wonderful word.
It expresses appreciation
in just five letters.
Hey! This will be my best day ever!
-Thank you!
-Nice work!
-Thank you, Yuri! What's wrong?
You're more aggressive than usual.
Thank you!
-Did something good happen, Yuri?
What should we do now?
I think we can do whatever we like.
We can either register
our marriage or not.
What if I started looking for a real job?
We'll have to adjust our lifestyle
in accordance with that.
We'll keep working things out.
I guess you're right.
Let's keep working things out.
I have a proposal.
Can we re-establish hug day?
We'll forget when we're busy,
and if we have a fight,
we won't know how to make up.
-May I make a proposal too?
We don't have to do it every night,
but I get the feeling I'll have
nice dreams if we hug before bed.
Please keep those requests coming.
I welcome them.
You welcome them?
Let's think about moving.
You need a room, Mikuri,
and we need a room for a double bed.
I think we'll sleep better
if we sleep separately.
That's negotiable.
I'll wake you up every morning.
When you do that,
can you give me a good-morning kiss?
If you're going to make requests,
then I will too!
I want you to wake me up on Sundays.
After that?
That's negotiable.
Mikuri! Mikuri!
Mikuri! Mikuri!
Leave this to me.
-Do your best.
-I will.
Hiramasa! Hiramasa!
-Isn't it late for that?
-Are you okay?
-I'm so excited.
There are many paths we can take.
Sometime we can take the paths
we want to take, sometimes we can't.
Katsuo! Isaki! Hurry up and eat!
Seigo and Hatsume! You eat too!
-Hata, raise your arms.
-Stop, Daddy!
Hurry up, Daddy!
No matter what path we take,
there will be troubles.
Run away!
Can you do it?
I don't know.
-Here's your lunch.
-Thank you.
-See you later.
No matter the path,
there will be precious days.
-No. No way!
-I'll do my best.
Even if we run away some days…
Hiramasa! Hiramasa!
We'll take a deep breath,
and look for another path,
and come back.
There will be good days and bad.
Hiramasa! This is terrible!
Yesterday was Tuesday!
It's more than six hours past!
Let's call it good.
Yes, let's.
-Here I go!
No matter when it is,
we can start again on Tuesday.
I'll do it! Please hire me!
Let's register our
marriage properly and get married.
If we get married, we won't need
an employment contract.
We'll save the money
that I paid you in salary,
so it can go to living expenses
or even savings.
-In other words…
-Hold on!
Why do you want us to get married?
I was laid off.
You're proposing marriage
because you were laid off?
It's more practical if we're married,
since you won't pay me a salary,
and can use me for free.
Is that what you're saying?
You mean, you don't love me?
That is…
love exploitation!
I was very happy that the man I love…
asked me to marry him.
I was happy, but…
for some reason,
my feelings are muddled.
Why am I feeling muddled?
Good night.
Good night.
Today was…
Can I hug you
even when it's not Tuesday, Mikuri?
Yes, any day.
We eliminated Hug Day,
and we hugged every day
whenever we felt like it.
But, now that we've grown apart,
we don't even touch hands.
We do nothing together.
It's only natural.
He proposed, but I turned it down.
I'm such a pretentious woman,
it's only natural he's abandoned me.
Once you've said something…
and once you're feeling muddled…
you can't deny that it's happened.
Neither of us can.
What you're doing is
exploiting my love!
Exploiting her love.
It was quite a shock to hear her say that.
Somewhere inside me
thought she would naturally accept
my proposal if she loved me.
Since when
did I become so conceited?
I was so incredibly anxious!
I thought I'd be
demoted for sure this time.
I just had a fight
with the department director.
He said, "You're promoted
to department manager."
Good evening.
I heard you were celebrating, Yuri.
She's told me
the same story ten times tonight.
Only five!
I've come to help listen.
-The usual, Kazami?
Congratulations on your promotion
to department manager.
I don't know if I should celebrate.
I'll be getting a ton more responsibility.
It won't be easy as the first woman
department manager in Tokyo.
Here's to being appreciated
for the work you've done.
Let me buy you a drink.
-The most expensive drink.
Just kidding.
Yama, a beer to finish with.
Kazami's treat.
You're finishing?
I start early tomorrow, so I need to go.
are you free on Sunday?
This is just about if you'll join
the open-air market,
and what you'll be selling.
Like I said,
I need to know more about this event.
The event purpose
and plan are written here.
It's too small. I can't read it!
Explain it to me.
-That's your job, right?
If you're getting paid,
then do your job right.
You and the others begged me to do this,
so I'm trying to do it
during the time that I have
for minimum wage.
But, my feelings about it now
are really muddled.
I'm so sorry.
I'll explain to him properly later.
I accepted the job,
so I don't want to complain.
I want to be responsible and do the job.
I want to do it, but…
-I see.
My feelings are so muddled
about the open-air market
and getting married.
The cause of these muddled feelings is
for both the open-air market
and my marriage.
What's at the heart of them?
Thank you for the meal.
I want to talk.
If this is about
what happened the other day,
I didn't mean to coerce you.
I've been thinking…
about compensation for being a housewife.
Excuse me?
You see,
I realized something
since I'm working for minimum wage.
You've lost me.
I'm working
another job now.
You are?
I was asked to help with
the shopping district's open-air market.
I get paid 930 yen an hour.
That's minimum wage in Yokohama.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Why didn't you tell me?
I thought it would be light work
for short periods of time.
But, since I'm surrounded by men,
I thought you wouldn't like it.
I'm sorry.
This is very shocking.
I'm sorry.
I didn't tell you about getting
laid off, so now we're even.
Go ahead.
You may tolerate a job
if you're paid 2,000 yen an hour,
but you won't tolerate it
if you're paid minimum wage.
You mean, it's not worth working
if you're not paid enough.
That's the cause of my muddled feelings.
This is what it's all about.
-When did you get that?
-At the 100 yen shop.
I sense your intense desire
to explain this to me.
Go ahead.
Getting married
and becoming a housewife is
a guarantee of living expenses.
That is to say, it's the same as
getting paid minimum wage.
But, minimum wage is
ultimately only minimum wage.
If you say, "Don't complain.
I'm working to support you,"
I can only take so much.
But not all employers are so tyrannical.
Right. If you work for a kind employer
without any stress or trouble,
minimum wage may be enough.
That is to say,
it depends on the employer?
At a company, there are many employees,
so it's possible to transfer.
And there's an objective evaluation
system, such as raises and bonuses.
But, for a married couple,
it's one versus one.
If the husband doesn't appreciate
the wife's work, nobody will.
That is to say,
a housewife's pay for her work is…
the basic pay rate,
plus the employer's evaluation,
in other words, his love.
However, love cannot be quantified.
That's right!
It's an extremely precarious situation.
Depending on the employer's whim,
it could end up at zero.
In that case, the wife works
for just the minimum wage.
Yes. And there is no limit
to the working hours.
In the worst-case scenario,
it's like working in a sweatshop.
As an employee,
I'm worried if I can continue working
under these conditions.
I was happy
that you proposed to me.
It's not as if I don't want to
get married to you…
What you're getting at is
that you're an employee.
The husband is the employer,
and the wife the employee.
That's incorrect.
The housewife runs the household. If we
consider that to be a respectable job,
then the husband and wife should be
considered joint managers.
Joint managers?
Let's rebuild our relationship
based on this perspective.
We'll rebuild not on an employment
system, but on this new one.
I thought that if we have love,
we wouldn't need a system,
but it wasn't that simple.
I don't know if it will go well…
I'll do it! Let us do it!
Let's do it! Joint managers.
Let's both be CEOs.
Hiramasa's proposal that they think of
the household as a company,
and run it like joint managers
was accepted by Mikuri.
They are about to begin
their first management meeting.
The work at company A is
almost the same as now.
The salary is 90 percent of now.
Company B is a new company.
But it's inferior in salary and stability.
Hiramasa CEO,
you are attracted to company B, right?
Previously, I would have chosen company A.
But now,
I feel I can do new things.
However, my executive compensation
will be half of what it is now.
You can either accept the reduction
in executive compensation,
or I can supplement
our income by getting a job.
Get a job?
I have my job for the shopping district.
It's 3,000 yen a day,
so I was going to work only
3,2 hours per day.
But, I wasn't able to.
That's why I'd like to do this.
A job as a writer for a local magazine.
I'll visit the shopping district
as a writer,
and set-up the open-air market
while writing articles.
So, we'll increase income with other work.
However, it will be full-time work,
so I will have less time to do housework.
The job you have accepted, Mikuri CEO,
is also a job of 303 Company.
Let's work together
to make this a success.
We'll work together
and divide up the housework.
Thank you!
This way, both sides occupied
all areas of the home.
The battle of the division
of housework began.
It would be a slow, protracted fight.
-Please, come in.
These are the results of
my physical for this year.
Look at this. My bone density is falling.
Every year, more and more
of these numbers worry me.
My female hormones also continue to fall.
My vision gets worse. I tire easily.
Are you testing my feelings for you?
When you said that to me at your place…
I want to sleep with you.
For a moment, I thought you were kidding.
But, you meant it, right?
I apologize for the bluntness of my words.
I was really surprised.
You were?
Of course!
It was bad for my heart.
I just can't.
Until now, I've lived a strict life.
So, I can't imagine
entering into a short-lived romance.
I understand that's why
we should start dating properly, but…
When you were born, I was 17.
When you were 20, I was 37.
When you're finally past 40,
I'll be 60.
No matter how much time passes,
you'll be like a nephew to me.
I realized something
when I saw you dressed like that.
I knew you would
finally show me your true feelings.
You invited me here as your nephew.
Are you going to date the single father?
We're through.
You're through?
Tajima is looking for
someone to be a mother to his child.
That is to say,
there isn't another man,
but I still don't have a chance with you.
I understand.
Let's continue to meet
for drinks at Yama's bar.
I don't think
of you as my aunt, Yuri.
We'll end it here.
Let's savor it.
Thank you.
-Let me introduce myself.
I'm Moriyama. I write for Wakuwaku Isoiso,
and I'm organizing the open-air market.
Nice to meet you.
I've come today to get a photo
of your shop for next month's issue,
and ask about running a sale
at the open-air market.
Here you are.
Thank you.
Oh, I'm so tired.
-You're working hard.
-I'm hungry too.
Open wide.
Your vegetable curry is awesome!
I could eat it every day.
I enjoy making it
because you always compliment it.
Well, it is free, after all.
-Sorry I can only pay you in goods.
-No problem.
How's the online jam business?
There are a ton of requirements.
I also need a place to make them.
I can't always rely on Kitchen Tanaka.
Your parents have
their own work, after all.
What about the health department issue?
I asked about it yesterday.
I also have to look into rental equipment.
I can't find a price that fits the budget.
-It sounds rough.
-For both of us.
It can't be helped.
We'll do our best.
Let's live.
We must live.
After two weeks of operation,
what is your honest opinion?
May I be frank?
I make far less than you,
so I do more housework. I accept that.
But, when you forget to do your share,
or take too long to do it,
I end up thinking,
"That's his job.
He still has less housework than I do."
I'm sorry.
What's your opinion?
May I be honest?
I'm bothered by the decline
in quality of your housework.
Dust builds up in the corners,
and there are water scales on the mirror.
To be honest,
I'm not a methodical cleaner.
I'm the kind of person who
doesn't sweep the corners of a room.
But, until now…
Since it was my job, I always did my best…
to do it perfectly.
But, the truth is,
as long as it's clean enough
that it isn't a problem,
I can live with it.
I'm sorry I don't live up to
your expectations.
If it bothers you that much,
you can take over those areas,
then I'll take over the other areas.
No. Increase my share of the work.
Really? An open-air market.
So, your wife isn't a stay-at-home wife?
Until recently, she was.
Now she has three jobs.
She's a writer for a local magazine,
an event organizer, and a housewife.
No wonder you have
less variety in your lunch.
It's the same as mine.
For a while now,
I've been wondering if it were true.
Do both you and Mikuri
love each other?
Is there passion between you?
They're married, so naturally there is.
it may seem natural, but it isn't always.
In this world,
there is such a thing
as invisible dark matter!
I don't know if there's passion,
but I do love her.
However, I've realized that love
alone isn't enough to make it work.
Actually, right now
we're simulating both having a job,
and sharing the housework.
Really? Just because
you hired a housekeeper?
To be honest,
it's a pain.
If I had a choice, I wouldn't do it.
If you can leave work on time tonight,
can you please cook the rice?
Welcome home.
-Sorry I'm late.
-It's okay.
I brought home leftovers
from the shopping district.
-Dinner will be ready soon.
-Thanks for making the rice.
Why don't we order out today?
I'd like to have pizza.
I have some food already.
I'm not really in the mood for fried food.
-Not in the mood?
-It's really oily.
Pizza is even oilier.
Let's eat out!
We said we'd eat out once a month.
-You seem tired, Mikuri.
-I am tired, that's why I want to eat now.
Let's eat out.
The finches!
Perou! Peroko!
When did you name them?
-Peroko is sick!
No, she's not.
I knew this was the problem.
We're not children.
There's no point in hiding it.
I'm sorry. I couldn't help it.
-I'll buy microwave rice.
-I'll do it!
No. I already have my coat on.
Let's go together.
I'm in charge of making meals,
and it's my fault for asking you.
So, I will go.
Today, I want to be clear with you.
I will never fall in love with you,
I think we're similar.
You think if you're going
to be used by a man,
then you'll use the man just as much.
And since that's what relationships are,
then you'll just enjoy yourself.
Isn't that what you think?
If you understand, that makes this easier.
Don't you think we're a good match?
We used to be.
I've fallen in love
for the first time in over a dozen years.
I can't help but think
about her despite knowing
that they will always be alone.
Manager Tsuchiya!
Congratulations on your promotion!
-I haven't been promoted yet.
-Horiuchi! Get in.
Okay! Horiuchi getting in!
That's unusual. She's completely drunk.
I'm pretty drunk too.
I'm pretty drunk as well.
What did Yuri say?
She hasn't responded.
Maybe she's still working.
Things have been hectic at my office too.
I finally made it here.
It was rough?
It was rough.
My only oasis is messaging on Line.
With that handsome guy…
you couldn't overcome the obstacles?
If you like him, just tell him!
If I were younger.
Your problem is that you think
about all that pointless stuff.
You told me that before.
You see,
there's someone I like
who I want to see, but I can't see them.
I'm jealous. I envy you.
I envy the people who can see
whoever they please.
I was awful today.
When I lose my composure,
my true self shows through.
You're so pretentious.
I become conceited and stuck up…
Kaoru, you really shouldn't do that.
and pretentious.
hate myself.
It's me who has
low self-esteem.
Hiramasa fell in love with
the wife who always smiled
and did housework perfectly.
Not a woman who gets upset
over forgetting to cook rice.
I want so badly…
for him to choose me…
and for him to approve of me,
that I keep getting farther from…
the person I want to be.
May I share this table?
I see other empty seats.
What's the relationship
between you and Kazami?
There's a 17-year difference, so you're
not romantically involved, right?
You even know my age?
Doesn't it seem vain to come on
to a younger man when you're 50?
So much of that statement is wrong,
I don't know where to begin.
To be precise, you're 49.
But to anyone else, it's no different.
Some women spend money
on anti-aging products,
but older women never buy that stuff.
You certainly are aware of
the value of your youth.
I'm half your age, after all.
If there's anything that seems vain to me,
it's that there are
lots of women in this country
who think the same way that you do.
The things you disregard
for being worthless now
will be in your future as well.
The things you despise now
are what you'll become.
Doesn't that trouble you?
In our lives,
there are many curses.
The feelings you have now
is one such curse.
Don't go and curse yourself.
You should escape that
hideous curse as soon as you can.
Sorry I kept you waiting.
Isn't the bath a little small?
It's easier to concentrate.
-Let's begin.
-Let's begin.
It's been one week
since changing the work share.
What's your honest opinion?
Okay, I'll begin.
I realized that
sharing work is a lot of trouble.
When the other person doesn't do
their share of the work,
it doesn't feel good.
But, when they do finish it,
it feels like it's only natural,
since it's their job,
so there's no feeling of appreciation.
Maybe we need a system for
positively evaluating each other.
is my responsibility,
but I haven't cooked well, so I'm sorry.
No, I'm not criticizing you.
You know, why don't we stop
sharing housework?
Like a share house,
we'll only do things for ourselves.
You can cook and clean
for yourself, right?
But, it could end up that neither
of us cleans the shared space.
Then I'll do all the housework.
But, I'll be doing it as a volunteer.
-Since I'm a volunteer,
if I don't want to cook dinner,
I won't cook dinner.
If I don't want to clean,
then I won't clean.
Since I'm a volunteer,
don't complain if there's no dinner.
Don't complain when the house isn't clean.
I'm a volunteer! It's not my job!
Mikuri, I'm not sure I see
where you're going with this.
If you want to end it…
let's do it now.
I mean…
this life must be a pain for you.
Like before I came to live here,
you probably have the money
to pay for a housekeeping service
to come once a week…
if you're living alone.
I complain about pay for housework,
and say pretentious things.
I'm sure there are many women
out there who would gladly accept…
a marriage proposal from you.
There's no reason
to put up with all this trouble.
The door that Mikuri closed…
You can go between Kazami
and me if you like.
Quit digging around and analyzing.
I think it's the same door
that I once closed myself.
If that's the case…
I know…
how to open it.
Would you be my boyfriend?
Over and over again,
to an astonishing degree,
How about physical affection?
We'll start with hugging.
she kept on knocking, never giving up,
It makes me like you more.
You're stupid!
like nobody had ever done.
Only Mikuri did that.
Sorry to bother you while you're working.
Can I talk to you?
If you avoid things that are troublesome,
and avoid them as much as possible,
you'll end up hating
even walking and eating.
You'll hate even breathing.
You may as well be dead, right?
Life is troublesome.
Whether we live alone or together,
there are troublesome things
about each one.
If they're both a lot of trouble,
then you may as well live together.
We can talk things over,
and set aside time when we have to,
and do whatever we can…
to make it work, right?
I doubt there's anything
that we can't overcome.
You said that you're not normal, but…
it was no surprise to me.
I've known that all along.
It's not such a big deal.
In the eyes of the world…
the two of us were
never normal from the very start.
There's no changing that now.
I'm looking forward to…
the open-air market.
Good night.
When things aren't going well…
you can't lose sight of
the person who will wait for you…
and believes in you.
We'll rebuild, little by little.
We'll rebuild, slowly but surely.
Shoes are on sale.
Three for 200 yen. It's a bargain.
Welcome! How about some rice crackers?
-What's going on?
-What's happened?
Oh, Mikuri! The flyers have gone missing!
Really? Did you really bring them?
-It's pointless unless we hand them out.
-You're right.
I figured it out!
I put the flyers in the back of my pickup,
so they all blew away in the wind.
-What an idiot!
There's one left.
I'll make copies. Go back to your shops.
-Yuri! Numata!
-This is amazing! It looks like fun!
-Sorry, Yuri. I have to go.
Oh! I haven't touched her enough.
-Yuri. Numata.
Where's Hino?
He said his kid had a fever again.
It's too bad.
That must be his fate.
Mikuri had to go.
I saw her running a moment ago.
I never knew she could run.
That's a weird thing to think.
You must be in love.
Who threw all this trash here?
-What should we do?
-If Tsuchiya were here, she'd pick it up.
Okay, let's pick it up.
After all is said and done,
I'm the one who had
the biggest hang-up with age.
I got cold feet.
Instead of getting in a romance
where my age would bother me,
I thought it was better
if we were friends.
It didn't end up like I wanted.
I've gotten cold feet too.
I always get dumped,
so I can't send a decisive text.
I avoid it, and put it off.
We're both hopeless adults.
What are we trying to protect?
Why don't you text that person?
I will too.
If this ends in disaster,
take care of my corpse, okay?
Okay. Do the same for me.
Sure. You can count on me.
Their copier was out of toner.
Can you believe it?
Where else can I make copies?
The flyers!
Thank you, Yuri's staff!
Maybe I'll start calling her Yuri too.
Don't you dare.
That's my user name.
I'm using Tsuchiya's name
without her permission
on a gay dating app.
What? You're gay?
Keep it secret.
I don't have the courage to come out yet.
I met a guy I really like on this gay app.
I know he works nearby,
but he won't meet me.
He says things like, "Imagine I'm dead."
No way!
I found them! Hand them out!
Thank you so much, Mikuri!
Your change is 250 yen.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Yasue, why are you making him do that?
-He was standing there looking lost.
He looks lost, but he isn't!
She's bragging about you.
I don't think that was bragging.
Did I surprise you?
I lied about my kid's fever.
-Are you Hino?
We finally meet!
I thought I'd never meet you.
Me too!
-Nice to meet you.
-Why are you so excited?
Their fate has finally changed.
Long time, no see!
This is my wife.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Hino.
What? You still
haven't sent yours? I sent mine.
All you have to do is invite him
to the open-air market, right?
Now that the time has come,
my fingers won't move.
Give it here. I'll send it
-Let me have it.
-I brought Kazami.
-Numata. Come on.
-Let's go.
-What? Why?
-Let's go over there.
Welcome to
the Chigidori shopping district.
-Don't you know what he looks like?
-We haven't exchanged photos.
He'll be holding
a giant nori rice cracker.
The Positive Monster told me
that she picked a fight with you.
That's quite a nickname.
What did she say about it?
"Try and make that 50-year-old happy."
She's still trying to pick a fight.
Also, "I think that woman
is in love with you, Kazami."
And, "You're both old enough
to know better."
Is that why you came?
If I didn't have this to say,
I couldn't casually come see you
after you so cruelly dumped me.
So, you think you can win now?
I doubt that.
But I have a faint hope.
You're right.
Without any chance, we wouldn't even try.
Not us awkward adults.
At this age
we can sense each other's feelings,
kind of get along,
and maybe end up dating, but…
-No, we won't.
really like you, Yuri.
I wanted to state it clearly.
I like you too.
Not the Kazami that's like a nephew.
I'm not sure about the future,
but I decided I want to be honest
about how I feel right now.
I wanted to see you so badly.
You're the first person
I've ever seen really do that.
Then, where do you want me to kiss you?
Why are you so surprised?
Oh, Mikuri!
Take a break and help yourself
to some rice crackers.
-Thank you. I'll come back later.
-Okay. I'll be here.
Sorry to make you do this too.
I don't mind.
You're pretty popular, Mikuri.
It took a long time to get this far.
Do you want to do it again?
It depends on the conditions.
Negotiations are crucial.
I made a discovery.
When I was a temp worker,
I often made proposals to my bosses.
Like, "Why not do it this way?" And,
"This would be more productive."
But that wasn't what they wanted,
so I was fired for being annoying.
I thought that no matter where I went,
people would never like
my pretentiousness.
But, with the open-market,
people actually liked it.
I think there may be jobs that are
best done by pretentious people.
What exactly is "pretentious"?
I understand the meaning of the word.
Doesn't "pretentious" mean
"looking down on others"?
You've never looked down on me.
I've never once
thought of you as pretentious.
Tsuzaki! Come have a drink with us!
Okay! Be there in a sec!
Excuse me. Mikuri?
Everyone is watching.
Do you see that?
Thank you.
Why are you saying "thank you"?
I love you.
I pray that someday
we can be released from…
Let me introduce you.
all the things that bind us…
and the little hurts we cannot see,
so we can sometimes cry…
and sometimes laugh.
Oh, dear!
How's that? Looks perfect!
-"Danke" is a wonderful word.
It expresses appreciation
in just five letters.
Hey! This will be my best day ever!
-Thank you!
-Nice work!
-Thank you, Yuri! What's wrong?
You're more aggressive than usual.
Thank you!
-Did something good happen, Yuri?
What should we do now?
I think we can do whatever we like.
We can either register
our marriage or not.
What if I started looking for a real job?
We'll have to adjust our lifestyle
in accordance with that.
We'll keep working things out.
I guess you're right.
Let's keep working things out.
I have a proposal.
Can we re-establish hug day?
We'll forget when we're busy,
and if we have a fight,
we won't know how to make up.
-May I make a proposal too?
We don't have to do it every night,
but I get the feeling I'll have
nice dreams if we hug before bed.
Please keep those requests coming.
I welcome them.
You welcome them?
Let's think about moving.
You need a room, Mikuri,
and we need a room for a double bed.
I think we'll sleep better
if we sleep separately.
That's negotiable.
I'll wake you up every morning.
When you do that,
can you give me a good-morning kiss?
If you're going to make requests,
then I will too!
I want you to wake me up on Sundays.
After that?
That's negotiable.
Mikuri! Mikuri!
Mikuri! Mikuri!
Leave this to me.
-Do your best.
-I will.
Hiramasa! Hiramasa!
-Isn't it late for that?
-Are you okay?
-I'm so excited.
There are many paths we can take.
Sometime we can take the paths
we want to take, sometimes we can't.
Katsuo! Isaki! Hurry up and eat!
Seigo and Hatsume! You eat too!
-Hata, raise your arms.
-Stop, Daddy!
Hurry up, Daddy!
No matter what path we take,
there will be troubles.
Run away!
Can you do it?
I don't know.
-Here's your lunch.
-Thank you.
-See you later.
No matter the path,
there will be precious days.
-No. No way!
-I'll do my best.
Even if we run away some days…
Hiramasa! Hiramasa!
We'll take a deep breath,
and look for another path,
and come back.
There will be good days and bad.
Hiramasa! This is terrible!
Yesterday was Tuesday!
It's more than six hours past!
Let's call it good.
Yes, let's.
-Here I go!
No matter when it is,
we can start again on Tuesday.
I'll do it! Please hire me!