Will Trent (2023) s03e01 Episode Script

I'm a Guest Here

[WILL] Previously on Will Trent
I plan to file for divorce
and for custody of the kids.
[FAITH] You do not need
to babysit my diabetes.
I like having you in my
life. It just feels right.
I killed Lenny. You
were not here, okay?
Angela Polaski, I have
to place you under arrest
for tampering with evidence,
making false statements.
I thought you might choose me.
We've been through a lot together.
Can you let me help you with this?
- [AMANDA] Will.
He's gone. He said I could move
into the main house if I want.
He said there's enough cash
to cover utilities for a while.
- Time.
- Daddy, was that a new record?
Oh, heck yeah, it was. It was
a minute-fifteen. Nicely done.
Here, come on. Hop on
out, baby, and dry off.
You gotta eat something. I'm
gonna grab us some burgers.
Grass-fed Angus! Hot and ready!
[MICHAEL] All right, old-timer.
Oh, there he is. Woody, bring it in.
Hey. Congratulations, brother.
Appreciate it. You doing all right?
- Yeah. How you doing?
- I'm good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
[CROMWELL] It's rough being Mr. Mom.
Nah, they're great kids.
They are great kids.
You're a lucky guy.
- I am.
- All right. Enjoy it, brother.
- Thank you.
- Look at the size of those arms!
I know who that's for.
All the single ladies!
Hey, Coop!
Coop Coop, come on.
All right, team. We have
nothing at the house. So eat up.
So, Max, who's your, uh,
super cool friend here?
Okay, we gotta go. [CHUCKLES]
All right. No thank you, huh?
- Hey, Captain Cromwell.
- Yo.
- Thanks for the burger.
- Oh, you got it, Maximus.
- Robbie, how we doing on ice?
You wanna grab us another few bags?
Chester! You look bored.
You up for ice run?
Come on. I brought hot
dogs. I contributed.
Fine. I'm driving.
- What? You think I'm loaded?
You wanna Breathalyze me, you
sweet sack of potatoes? [LAUGHS]
- Nice.
This is Cromwell's
neighborhood, you know.
- You think they're casing?
- That's what I see.
S-Should I go back
and get my gun or
Nah. They don't want any trouble.
Let's just move 'em along.
[CROMWELL] Cake time!
- Max! Katie! Get inside! Get your sister!
- Move, move, move, move!
Everyone, get down! Get inside!
Stay low, stay low! Inside!
[MICHAEL] Heads down!
Keep your heads down!
- [MICHAEL] Get EMS out here.
- Relax, relax. Don't move. Don't move.
I want every cop in
the city here now! Now!
[PARTY GUEST] I'm on it!
[AMANDA] The deceased is
Detective Chester Flynn.
Local boy, born and raised.
Multiple commendations.
We ask that you respect his
family's privacy at this time.
GBI is partnering with APD on
this officer-involved incident.
Special Agent Faith Mitchell will
be leading the investigation.
- [FAITH] Good afternoon.
Following our preliminary
analysis of the crime scene,
we do not yet have a
suspect or a motive.
There is evidence to suggest that
this shooting was a targeted act.
My source at APD says these cops
interrupted a robbery in progress.
Your source spoke out of turn.
Our surviving victim did make
a statement to that effect,
but we have since
uncovered new evidence.
- What evidence?
- Well
No more questions. The public will be
updated when we have more information.
Mayor Anthony.
I'm enacting a curfew that
will go into effect at 7:00 p.m.
Please, stay home.
Stay safe. And keep
Atlanta in your prayers.
What is the condition
of the injured officer?
Are the Piedmont Kings
linked to the shooting?
[AMANDA] I did not
consent to a hug, Barb.
Perception is everything,
Mandy. We're projecting unity.
Unity? How many of
your campaign ads were
about the money Atlanta throws
away on law enforcement?
[COUGHS] All of 'em.
- I haven't cut a dime of your budget.
- So you're just a liar then?
Captain Cromwell, I
thought you were retiring.
Yeah, that's on hold because I
just heard from a press conference
that my guy was targeted for
murder. Care to elaborate?
- Well, I can
- Settle down.
Faith Mitchell is my best agent.
- [FAITH] We'll get there.
Where's Lurch? Someone find
here, Agent Mitchell.
Agent Gross, is that the
evidence binder? Let me see it.
We found fresh motor oil,
cigarette butts and vape cartridges
where their car was parked.
They weren't casing for a robbery.
They were lying in wait.
Well, six shots in Chester.
They wanted him dead.
There's only one
shot in the other guy.
This is crazy. A gang
hit in broad daylight?
There were families across the street.
What makes your witness think
this was the Piedmont Kings?
Well, there were four guys
wearing orange inside the vehicle.
They wore colors to a cop killing?
It was a message. Chester
was on the gang task force.
Look, if the Kings want a
war, we'll give it to 'em.
Hey, I don't want a shoot-out. I
want the gunmen locked up for life.
The shooter's gonna be a stupid
kid. We need the shot caller.
We'll get there, Captain.
Rafael Wexford. I'll
pick him up right now.
I can't believe I'm saying
this, but I agree with him.
Whoever's in charge of the Kings,
let's get him off the streets now.
We get one shot at Wexford.
We'll bring him in after I confirm
some details with the gang task force.
- What?
- I sent a few cars to his house.
Look, I just said get eyes on
Wexford. That's it. Nice and easy.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- [O'HARA, ON MEGAPHONE] Rafael Wexford.
This is the Atlanta Police Department.
You are ordered to surrender. Now!
[OFFICER 1] Shots fired! Shots fired!
- [OFFICER 2] Anyone have eyes on him?
- [OFFICER 3] Who's got a shot?
It's the car. It's the car.
A car backfired. Stand down!
There was no shot! Stand down!
Have we established a
line of communication?
Yeah, you're holding it. Where
the hell is the negotiator?
You're looking at her.
Do we have a throw phone?
Give Wexford a heads-up.
Hey! Come cover me.
Rafael Wexford. We're
sending in a phone. Stand by.
Give us a call, Rafael!
[RAFAEL] You're
paying for that window.
Mr. Wexford, I'm Special Agent Faith
Mitchell. How's your day going?
Honestly? I've had a lot worse,
but I guess I got a lot to explain
to the neighbors now, don't I?
I agree. This is quite a situation.
No, the situation is that
you ain't got a warrant,
and you're asking me to step
directly into a firing squad.
I can guarantee your safety.
[RAFAEL] Girl, get.
We've got a dead cop,
another in the hospital
and evidence that you were involved.
Mr. Wexford, I don't
know how long I can keep
these cops from storming
in your front door.
That door's a lot more
expensive than that window.
Mr. Wexford, we're not going
anywhere. Let me help you.
Aw. You sound nice. I bet
your mama's real proud.
Get me Will Trent.
That's gonna be a problem because he
is not here, hasn't been for months.
I don't even know where he is.
And not to brag, but I'm pretty good.
Amazing. Get me Will Trent.
Mr. Wexford.
[RAFAEL] Will Trent!
"The problem is All inside
your head" She said to me ♪
"The answer is easy If
you take it logically ♪
I'd like to help you" ♪
[WILL] Eduardo, what's the
weather gonna be like today?
She said, "It's really
Not my habit to intrude" ♪
Eduardo, who is the cutest
dog in the entire world?
All right, girl, let's get to work.
Fifty ways To leave your lover ♪
Fifty ways To leave your lover ♪
You just slip out The back, Jack ♪
Make a new plan, Stan ♪
You don't need To be coy,
Roy Just get yourself free ♪
Hop on the bus, Gus You
don't need To discuss much ♪
Just drop off the key,
Lee And get yourself free ♪
Ooh, slip out The back, Jack ♪
Make a new plan, Stan ♪
Just drop off the key,
Lee And get yourself free ♪
Uh-oh. It's getting
hot. Betty, look away.
going at it again, huh?
Why don't people just
close their drapes?
It's one of life's great mysteries.
His wife hire you?
You know I can't discuss
my clients, Sammy.
Benji Hazzard giving it
to Debbie Gland again?
You know she was my
Sunday school teacher?
We should probably move along.
I used to be so scared
of her when I was little.
There she is all soft and vulnerable,
thrusting away,
looking for connection.
It is sort of tender, isn't it?
Okay, Sally, you're a keen
observer of the human race.
Look at that, we just
been made. Let's go.
Oh, hey, Will, you
should come by the diner.
We're doing barbecue tonight.
Oh, shoot. I I can't.
I have an emergency, uh, at
home I need to take care of.
Maybe next time.
You know he likes his privacy.
[SALLY] I know. He just seems lonely.
You know, I bet Mrs. Hazzard
ends up giving us a bonus.
What do you think?
Maybe we get a hot tub?
Whoa, okay. All right.
You don't want a hot tub?
Well, what about a cold plunge, huh?
You hate that.
Wilbur Trent, where in the
hell did you find this cat box?
What? You thought you
could hide forever?
I've known your every move.
Time to come home.
Thank you for stopping by
unannounced, but I am home.
You know what? Why
don't you come on in
and I will get you a
Topo Chico for the
- What was that for?
- For leaving town
and not telling anyone where you were!
You just said you knew exactly
where I was this whole time.
I had to stalk you. How do
you think that made me feel?
You know, why are you even here, huh?
I mean, are you here because you wanna
check on me or because
you need something?
I was giving you space.
And yes, there is a case.
There it is.
You know what, I
don't wanna hear about
it, all right? I'm not interested.
There's been a hit on
two cops. One was
[AMANDA] Everybody's
blaming the Piedmont K
There are over 2,000 officers in the
APD and 300 field agents in the GBI.
I'm pretty sure they can handle it.
Wilbur, I've known you a long time.
And as long as I've known you, you've
never run away from your problems.
Let's be clear,
I didn't run from anything.
I did what I had to do.
Maybe everybody should try that, huh?
I had no choice, all right?
Crystal's mother, she
was gonna go to the press.
She was gonna sue! It was
all going to come out.
I had to do it.
I know. I know.
I just
I needed to start over, all right?
Put it all down for a while.
I understand that.
I really do.
But have you have
you spoken to Angie?
Well, maybe you wouldn't get so tired
if you didn't try to
carry it all yourself.
But you have been summoned.
Everything is pointing
to the Piedmont Kings.
The APD have Rafael
Wexford's house surrounded.
It's a standoff and it
could blow up any second.
He asked for you. Said you're
the only person he'd speak to.
Rafael Wexford?
He asked for me personally?
He did.
I'm asking for a favor
here, Will. For me.
you call me crazy!
sorry. Mentally ill then.
That is your dog's pile of crap!
That is not Bella's poop, jerk face!
Hey, hey, hey. Good morning.
Hi. Everything okay here?
Can we keep our voices down?
I know what Odie's deuces look and
smell like, and that is not his.
I'd like you to take this doodie
and run it through the database.
We'll see whose dog it belongs to.
I think that's a great idea. Let's
give our security
guard a case to solve.
- Let's go, Odie.
- Fine.
It's a little dramatic, do you think?
But sure.
[FRANKLIN] How's my
little ray of light?
[ANGIE SIGHS] Really busy.
Really busy, actually.
I gotta get this dog poop to the lab
to find out which dog
soiled Kathy Humps's
I know, leave it alone
Kathy Humps's front lawn.
Wait. There's a lab?
Oh, no. They were goldendoodles.
Yeah, there's a lab.
And a DNA database.
- A doo-doo base.
- Nah. I know you're kidding.
No. They swab the dogs
when they move in.
- This is real.
Now, I know you miss me, but
what are you really doing here?
Well, Trent's coming back
to work the Flynn murder,
and I wanted to tell you
face-to-face. See how it landed.
Had to happen sooner or later.
I'm good.
It's not like I'm gonna
run into him. I'm good.
Great check-in.
Call me. Do your
meetings. Work on your
statement for the P.O.S.T. hearing.
This is not forever, unless
you mess up that hearing.
Now, I love you.
You look like a dork.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Whatever it is, I don't have
time to babysit you, okay?
[OFFICER] Well, well, well.
I don't have to know that
anything is going on, except
Okay, suit up.
I don't need that.
This your new partner?
Special Agent Gross. Nice to meet you.
I said no thank you.
[FAITH] This guy's the number one
suspect in a cop assassination.
He has nothing to lose.
I'm not going in there
with a gun. Can you back up?
Okay, Lurch Agent Gross, can you
take Betty to get her some water?
[SIGHS] Do you need
to see the plans for
the house so that you know the layout?
I know it already.
I used to live there for a while.
Okay. Whatever you do, please
do not give me any more context.
Good luck.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪
Yeah, I'm feeling Like a ghost ♪
Watch me pull up In a Phantom ♪
Yeah, I'm feeling Like
a ghost Watch me ♪
You armed?
- You kill a cop?
- Nah.
Well, then I guess
my work here is done.
Just remove the gun from the back
of my head and I'll be on my way.
Okay, settle down.
I beat your ass once into the
ground, I can do it again.
Oh, really?
[SCOFFS] You're still
wearing pajama pants.
These are Burberry Bitch.
Don't point guns at people,
okay? It's rude and dangerous.
You right. That was aggressive.
I apologize.
Okay, you're still mad about
the thing. I can see that.
You think? You look
like ass, by the way.
- I've been in Tennessee
- Do you remember that?
I hate wet willies!
Rafael, come on, man.
Look, you invited me here.
Let's just talk like grown men, okay?
Wait. I just don't
Oh, I didn't even
mean that. I'm sorry.
How do they even know each other?
You'll be shocked to
know he didn't tell me.
What the hell's going on in there? No.
All right, that was fun. Are
we ready to use our words?
- All right, just Please, just
I'm gonna kill your illiterate ass!
Is that my Sunshine?
Grandma, look who's here. It's Will.
She's deaf as a rock.
Look at you, Ms. Pearl.
- Oh, you look beautiful
- Oh, shit.
Like a million bucks,
honestly. So good to see you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Will Trent?
Look at you.
Look at you. [CHUCKLES]
Wanna come sit?
[GASPS] What happened?
- Nothing.
- Nothing. Mmm.
Mm-mmm. Nothing at all. Um
- Nothing?
- [WILL] No.
sure of one thing.
You matter to someone out there.
You ready to talk?
I suppose it's time.
Come on.
I didn't have a thing to
do with killing that cop.
This is a setup.
Cops are bad for business. Maybe
you wanted to send a message.
Do you really think I would
send my guys to a barbecue
to kill a cop in broad
daylight wearing our colors?
It's bold, but so are you.
But as you also know, I've always
been a pragmatic
and strategic thinker.
And I have many things to live for.
Did you find love?
Is there a Mr. Wexford?
You don't know everything about me.
Listen, I'ma hand your case to you.
About a half a year ago,
Lincoln Spelling came to me.
- Grove Park Boys?
- Mm-hmm.
Said he wanted to merge.
Said we had common interests.
Like I'm AT&T Time Warner.
I said no.
And now he's trying to set me up.
You want me to prove the Grove Park
Boys killed a cop to frame you?
I did you a big favor once.
There's a reason we
never talked after.
You got your life.
You owe me.
What did he say?
What happened to your head?
He said he didn't
do it. I believe him.
We need to look into
the Grove Park Boys.
- Where's my dog?
- [GROSS] She's here.
So what about all this?
Leave it. He's not coming out.
I'ma see this case through, then
I'm going back to Tennessee.
Great. We gotta move
fast. Faith's in charge.
- That better be okay.
- It's fine.
I'm just a guest here anyway.
[AGENT 1] Wow.
[AGENT 2] Should've stayed retired.
You took my office.
It has a window. It's mine now.
Fine. I'll take your old office.
That's Lurch's office. It's
where he does his best thinking.
You can take a desk
out in the bullpen.
There's your stuff.
Keep it. I'm not staying.
Are you okay?
Physically sound? Mentally stable?
I like to think so.
Not a danger to yourself or others?
Not that I know of.
The hell? What was that for?
For leaving and not telling anyone
where you were for six months.
Oh, I'm sorry if your feelings were
Oh, this is a beautiful apology. Not!
Ooh. Tell her to calm
down. Women love that.
Oh, you got something
to say, Ormewood?
No. You're just being you.
- [FAITH] Hmm.
- God bless.
I'ma go talk to Lincoln Spelling.
Oh, no. Ormewood and I can handle that.
How about you and Lurch
Agent Gross work on
the getaway vehicle.
We have a description
and partial plates.
Hey, you need to eat something.
I got you some peanut butter crackers.
[FAITH] Yeah, okay.
I'll take it. Thanks.
- You ever gonna get your AC fixed?
- Chill out.
- Where is this guy?
- Relax. My CI says he's coming.
God. What a mess.
Did Chester have kids?
No. Just got married.
There's a GoFundMe for her. I threw in
what I could, which
is not much. I mean
[CHUCKLES] God, Gina's lawyer's gonna
have an absolute
field day with this one.
It was a family barbecue.
They said to bring your kids.
You have to actually eat the
cracker, Mitchell. Not just hold it.
I will.
And you didn't do anything wrong.
It was just a terrible thing.
Hey, before the
shooting, Max was flirting
with some crime scene tech's daughter.
- Go, Max.
- I know, right?
And he was smooth too. He was
making her laugh. It was nice.
He's been so mopey lately. Eat that.
[FAITH] Hey, hey. Here he is.
- Look, maybe I should go in there alone.
- No way.
I arrested him three times.
One time the power went out in the
station and I had to sit with him
in my squad car for three hours.
- Yeah? You guys fall in love?
He might've.
Fine. I'll go take a
look around the back.
Eat the cracker.
Okay. You happy?
Thank you.
Eduardo, check the APD towing database
and all the private towing
companies in Atlanta
for a red Ziveran, partial
license plate 8H74.
[EDUARDO] Checking.
Faith thought she was messing
with us by giving us paperwork,
but she doesn't know
we have Eduardo now.
What exactly is Eduardo?
Aren't you supposed to
be in Faith's old office?
Detective Ormewood said he needed it.
Eduardo is my accessibility app.
I am dyslexic, Agent Gross.
As many as one in five people are.
Totally get it. I'm
lactose intolerant.
You know, it's interesting
that it's a Ziveran.
- Oh, yeah? Why is that?
- They're getting stolen right and left.
It's a big thing in Atlanta right
now. Maybe there's a connection.
Maybe so, Agent Gross.
Good put together.
[EDUARDO] A red Ziveran
with a plate matching 8H74
has been called into
LaserSpeed Towing.
Outstanding, Eduardo. Let's celebrate.
[GROSS] Maybe we should
I mean, shouldn't we let
Special Agent Mitchell know?
Nah. Agent Mitchell's
a big fan of initiative.
Look at me, I'm in my zone ♪
Look at me, I'm in my zone ♪
I don't appreciate the last-minute
nature of this visit, Mitchell.
Sorry it's inconvenient, but
I got a dead cop on my hands.
Did you take up golf in your old age?
Faith Mitchell. It
must be my lucky day.
And yeah, I just started.
I can tell. Your swing
looks like trash.
Watch your tone in my house.
See, I-I think I'm
turning my hips too early.
Slow down, and keep your
hands even with the club head.
See? You cleaned up that slice.
Hey, what do you know about those
two cops who got shot yesterday?
I heard it was the Piedmont Kings.
Where'd you hear that from?
You know, around. Everywhere.
Well, is it true that you proposed
a merger with Rafael Wexford?
Who'd you hear that from?
Around. Everywhere.
True story?
Pretty ballsy to wear their
colors to an assassination.
Feels like it might be a setup.
Well, what can I say?
The man is unwell.
And, Faith, you looking fine.
Lincoln, you must feel very secure
putting your hands on a GBI agent.
I am watching you.
Lincoln hurt his knee.
You should check on him.
[WILL] What do we have here, Betty?
- Get out of that car, now!
Shut the dog up, now!
It's okay, girl. It's okay.
Let's give the car to
the nice man, right?
We don't want any trouble, right?
You should've thought about
that before you stole my car.
Aren't you stealing this car?
It's my car. You stole
it. I'm not a thief.
You're the one pointing a
gun at me, wearing a mask.
Well, I'm taking matters
into my own hands!
Well, this is funny. I'm a
special agent with the GBI
- Would you give me this gun.
Let me get out.
Don't point this at me, all right?
And lose the mask. I'm having
a hard time feeling safe.
This looks legit, but
Are you okay? You look much
better without that beard.
Thanks. What's your name?
Jerry, how'd your car end up here?
Someone stole it out of
my driveway yesterday.
I reported it to the
police. They didn't
seem optimistic about getting it back.
- So how did you find it?
- I remembered
I left my tablet under the
seat. I tracked its location.
I grabbed my Beretta, drank
a Red Bull, and here I am.
With your mask, huh?
So, can I get my car back?
I'm afraid not, Jerry. It's evidence.
I'm gonna need the tablet too.
Do me a favor, don't do this
again. Get yourself killed.
Forensics took a look
into the USB device
you found in the getaway vehicle
I'm sorry. What are you doing?
This is a probiotic.
Like many dogs her age,
Betty is prone to IBS.
But this little capsule
helps reset her gut biome
and makes her feel
light as a feather
[WHISTLES] and clean as a whistle.
The USB device contains virus codes
that activate the ignition of
this particular Ziveran model.
[MICHAEL] I don't know
what you're talking about.
So break the side
window, insert the USB
And the car is all yours.
Ormewood found a whole line
of Ziverans that match the MO,
parked behind the Grove Park
Boys' stupid little clubhouse.
So the rash of stolen
vehicles in Atlanta
all seem to be connected to our case.
The getaway vehicle used for
Flynn's murder was a stolen Ziveran.
Lincoln Spelling is all over this.
Your friend Rafael, he
wasn't lying. He was framed.
What the hell is going on in there?
I promise I had no idea.
Why would he tell me that?
You all cover for each other.
Screw you, Michael. Screw you!
There's something wrong.
Hey. That was Cindy, Chester's widow.
Her lawyer just informed her that
Chester set up three educational IRAs
in the amount of $10,000 each
for another woman's children.
A second family?
- Can you find her?
- Yeah. Yeah.
I know someone I trust who worked
with Chester a few years back.
I'll go ask some questions.
- What did you do?
- I disconnected the governor.
Okay, let's see what she can do.
- Geez, Ang.
- Oh, God.
- Ooh!
Easy! Angie, Angie!
- [ANGIE] Whoa.
You all right?
I'm okay.
- You okay?
- Yeah. Keep going.
Okay. Here we go.
[ANGIE] God. Poor Chester.
It's scary, man.
Yeah, well, criminals
aren't afraid of us anymore,
and the politicians say
we're the bad guys.
To be fair, they were this
close to hanging a felony on me.
Thank God for that judge.
Yeah, well, you deserve
that deal. We need you.
There's been a suggestion that
Chester was supporting
a second family.
What is it with cops
and second families?
Yeah, Peterson, Snell, White
Chester doesn't strike
me as the type though.
Yeah, but what do I know about family?
Well, you've got good instincts.
And I don't know how
you're staying sober, Ang.
I never got high to have fun or relax.
Not even in the beginning.
I only ever wanted to forget things.
I don't wanna forget Crystal.
I'd only wake up the next morning and
have to remember it all over again.
I see you really
"Nico-ized" the space.
Love the TV in front of the
fireplace. That's a nice touch.
Betty [SNIFFLES] you're
okay now. [SNIFFLES]
You're home.
You're the best girl. And
we'll never be apart again.
[NICO] Guess what, Betty? I
have that baloney you like.
I see you found the
money I left for you.
So you're back now?
It's just a visit. Old friend
of mine is in serious trouble.
You moved on and so have I.
Betty and I sleep in the
bedroom. You take the garage.
Nico! Hey Nico!
Friendly reminder that there
are still 15 squad cars,
three Humvees and 30 police officers
parked outside of
Rafael Wexford's house.
And it's 100 degrees outside.
- What my daddy called "murder weather."
Where are we?
Hey. [SIGHS]
I tracked down Chester's
side piece, and she's here.
Great. Let's go talk
to her. We got this.
[AMANDA] Keep me posted.
We found a burner phone
in Chester's locker.
He was texting with someone
and they set up a meeting
for today in about an hour.
- Where did everybody go?
- Where's the meeting?
Uh, Mixtape Mexico.
It's good. All the dishes are
named after Atlanta music artists.
Cool. Um
Great find.
But, honestly, they just
called me with the information.
You gonna order?
Sure. Yeah.
Um, just a just a moment.
Eduardo, read this.
Andre 3000: Spicy birria,
Oaxacan cheese on a corn tortilla.
- The Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes
- You said you'd take care of it,
so I assumed it was off my plate.
- Excuse me
- Don't
Do not say "no worries." Okay?
It's your fault. You should worry.
- Excuse me
- Can you hold on a second?
Can you turn that down a bit?
Actually, I'm dyslexic, and
I need this to read the menu.
I have to call you
back. I'm being shamed.
Thank you.
Hi. Yes. Can I have a
Killer Mike, please?
You ready or what?
Yes, I am.
I will have the Andre 3000,
but, um, just no cheese.
There's no substitutions.
Technically, it's not
substitution, it's a subtraction.
Oh, my God. [CHUCKLES]
You know what? I'll, um
I'll just remove it myself.
Are you here meeting someone?
Yeah, why do
Oh, no. Are you my one o'clock?
You don't know who you're meeting?
I was expecting a cop, and
you don't look like a cop.
Sorry, who are you?
I'm Special Agent Will
Trent, GBI. Who are you?
I'm Marion Alba. I'm with the Fulton
County District Attorney's office.
What's going on right now?
Chester Flynn was the
cop who contacted you.
- The one that was murdered?
- That's right.
Why did he reach out to you?
I have to go.
You're scared. Why?
I, um I don't know who you are.
I don't know what that guy was involved
in. I'm not going to talk to you.
- Look, I-I just need to
- No.
A cop was murdered and
somebody's being framed for it!
Doesn't anybody care about
facts and truth anymore?
Look, Miss Alba, I don't wanna be in
this position any more than you do.
All right, I was enjoying
life in Tennessee.
You know, I was trying to
sort things out because I
I arrested the love
of my life last year,
and I broke up a ring of corrupt
cops three years before that.
I am a pathologically scrupulous
person, I'm aware of that.
If I could be any other way, I would.
I don't I don't even know
if I can be a cop anymore.
My point is, you do not
need to be afraid of me.
Okay. One Killer Mike
and one Andre 3000.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
You arrested the love
of your life? [CHUCKLES]
It's a long story,
all right? Really long.
C-Can we please just sit?
Chester contacted me.
He was cagey, didn't
wanna give me his name,
said he was using
a burner, and that he
had something to get off of his chest.
Asked a lot of questions
about immunity.
Why you?
I'm working on a RICO case
against the Grove Park Boys.
What did you make of his call?
A cop, wanting to get something off
of his chest, asking about immunity.
What does that sound like to you?
- A whistleblower.
- Mmm.
I thought you guys were looking
at Rafael Wexford for this.
He's no angel, but I know him pretty
well, and I don't think he did this.
How do you know Rafael Wexford?
Hundred years ago. I was
raised in foster care.
And when I got out, I had nothing.
He was my friend.
He let me stay at his
house with his grandma.
Then we had a falling-out.
That's a story.
For another day.
Chester Flynn was shot outside of a
cop barbecue. It's like Shakespeare.
You think the police
killed one of their own?
I think you should be
careful who you speak to.
[REPORTER, ON TV] All right.
This is breaking news.
- Rafael Wexford has surrendered
- What?
And confessed to the shootings
- of two Atlanta police officers.
- And as you can see, he is in custody.
- What the hell?
- It does not look good
- Can you come with me?
For Wexford at this point.
Why'd you confess?
Where's my grandma?
I found a safe place for
her. Why'd you confess?
I finally found God.
I'm not gay anymore.
After, what, twenty years of silence
you called in the favor, and now this?
Then I guess it
wouldn't be the first time
I have to take the fall now, would it?
I really thought you could
get this figured out.
- I know you're being framed.
- Oh, really?
We're not going to
take a bad confession.
Yeah, I don't know. Everybody else
here is eager to put
a needle in my arm.
Rafael, what you're
doing makes no sense.
Make it make sense.
Rafael Wexford confessed to
the murder of Chester Flynn
and the attempted
murder of Robert Taron.
Thanks to the heroic efforts of
the GBI partnering with the APD,
the streets of Atlanta are safe.
- You know he didn't do it, right?
- [AMANDA] He confessed.
Everyone thinks this is over.
Do you really think Chester Flynn was
gonna blow the whistle on dirty cops?
It's all conjecture at this point.
I'm a prosecutor. We
deal in truth and facts.
Chester had a story to tell, but
he was killed. That's all I know.
Well, guess what we heard.
The woman Chester
gave money to was not
the mother of his
illegitimate children.
Turns out her husband was
killed in a carjacking.
Chester was the responding officer.
She said he was really upset.
She actually said he cried.
And the $30,000 in college funds for
her kids, that wasn't the end of it.
He gave another five grand in cash,
and then donated another ten
grand through crowdfunding.
What kind of cop has
$45,000 lying around?
Oh, the corrupt kind.
Somebody forced Rafael to confess.
Something he's afraid to say.
We need to go to his house.
The answer has gotta be there.
[FAITH] Let's go. I'll drive.
Can you keep this case
open? Buy us some time?
I might lose my job.
Truth and facts, right?
I can try. Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Let's get to work.
Ormewood, search upstairs.
What are we looking for?
I'm not sure. A letter.
A message. Anything that
could be used for leverage.
Use your imagination.
Copy that. Looking for a
letter or a severed horse head.
So you don't actually know
what we're looking for?
- That's right.
- And this isn't one of those times
that you secretly have an idea,
but you're just not telling me
because you're selfish and
a terrible communicator?
- Can you just let me think?
- Yeah.
I'll take the back of the
house. So good to have you back.
He confessed, but he is innocent.
That means someone had leverage.
Taking the fall for killing a
cop, that's a death sentence.
So it means he's
willing to die for it.
Not it, someone.
Not grandma.
[RAFAEL] You don't know
everything about me.
[PEARL] Is that my Sunshine?
- Faith!
- [FAITH] I found his laptop.
It's password protected.
[WILL] Try "Sunshine."
How about "Sunny"?
Who is that?
It's his daughter.
They took his daughter.
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