Will Trent (2023) s03e02 Episode Script
Sunny-Side Up
[ANGIE] Previously on Will Trent
Ow! What's that for?
For leaving. And not telling anyone
where you were for six months.
Call me. Work on your statement
for the post hearing.
- I'm good.
- This is not forever,
unless you mess up that hearing.
[MICHAEL] Everyone get down!
Get inside!
- Get the EMTs out here!
The deceased is
Detective Chester Flynn.
Ormewood found a whole line
of stolen vehicles
parked behind
the Grove Park Boys' clubhouse.
Lincoln Spelling's all over this.
What do you know about those two
cops who got shot yesterday?
I heard it was the Piedmont Kings.
Rafael Wexford confessed
to the murder of Chester Flynn.
How do you know Rafael Wexford?
He let me stay at his house
with his grandma.
I know you're being framed, but
what you're doing makes no sense.
Make it make sense.
Somebody forced Rafael to confess.
Something he's afraid to say.
It's his daughter.
They took his daughter.
We're outside
Sunny's caretaker's house.
It's Sunny's last known,
so hopefully we'll find
something that leads us to her.
We just need time.
Yeah, I got it. The moment they
get what they need, it's over for her.
I've read my boss in.
We'll stall as long as we can.
Ma'am! Penelope Morton?
Thank you for sticking
your neck out on this.
Well, if I get fired,
you owe me breakfast. Good luck.
- You too.
- [FAITH] Are you here? We're with the GBI.
Penelope Morton?
Rafael Wexford sent us
to check on you.
Do you have any reason to doubt
that Rafael Wexford is telling the truth
when he said he killed
Detective Flynn?
Generally speaking, I have reason to
doubt everything that
man has ever said.
We are vetting his confession
and conducting our investigation,
which is basically our job.
The law. Due process.
Rest of the house is clear.
- Mayor Anthony said this case was closed.
Are you saying she's lying?
Hey, things are moving
fast and furious.
- We all want the same things.
[REPORTER] One more question!
[FAITH] Will, look.
[FAITH] No sign of struggle.
Bullet went in through her back.
So he jimmies the
window, shoots her in
the closet while
she's getting dressed.
- I'll call it in.
Wait, no. We don't know
who's listening.
Will? Talk to me.
Penelope's dead.
- [WILL] We need forensics.
- I'm on it.
Y'all can't do anything.
Let me go. I know where to find her.
You confessed. You're
not going anywhere.
- What the hell was that?
Mayor Anthony, good to see you.
We have a confession.
Why are you dragging this out?
We have zero corroborating evidence.
Then do your job and get some.
Mayor, if we screw up this case,
a cop killer walks free.
I'm sure that's not what you want.
Ms. Alba, I know that
you're new to town.
But going behind my back
and making me look stupid
isn't the way to get ahead in Atlanta.
- That's
- I want this case closed.
Whatever you need to
get this done fast, let me know.
[WILL] Broad daylight.
Shooting a caregiver. Taking a child.
It's desperate.
Either somebody didn't think
about getting caught,
or they weren't worried about it.
Messy room. I think Sunny
can claim half of it.
The other half belongs
to whatever happened here.
Why is this corner so tidy?
Because someone was going to see it.
Sunny was recording herself.
It was a school project.
The gunshot interrupted her.
[MUFFLED] My fellow classmates.
I'm proposing that despite Coach
Stevens's very vocal protests,
- the student government
Must've gotten knocked down
when she was grabbed.
Here. Hook this up to that monitor.
The student government moved 50%
- Go back.
There. Zoom in on that mirror.
That's Lincoln Spelling.
He kidnapped Sunny.
[PETE] Lincoln Spelling
was shot with a handgun.
Close range
with no signs of a struggle.
You can see the exit hole
through the neck.
There's also another shot
to the back of the head.
He was dead before he knew
anyone was behind him.
Damn it. You find anything,
you contact me first. Got that?
[PETE] Hey, who do you think
had the stones
to do this to the leader
of the Grove Park Boys?
Somebody with a badge.
Not a word to anybody.
You hear me, Pete?
Not a word.
Excuse me. Uh, hi. Hey.
Excuse me. Hi.
- John. Yeah.
- John, hi.
Um, can you do that a little quieter?
Not really.
Oomph is kind of mandatory.
That's technical.
[CLICKS TONGUE] Be careful.
Are you okay?
[JOHN] Yeah, I'm good.
I'm Ow. [GROANS]
My wrist. Ow, ow. [GROANS]
Someone ordered Lincoln Spelling to
kidnap Sunny and then had him killed.
We think that person was
in charge of the stolen car ring
and is possibly a member
of law enforcement.
Okay, so how do we find him?
Because he has Sunny.
I've got a lead waiting
for me in the box.
Dolores Fields. She works
for the DMV near Heritage Park.
She's forging the vehicle titles.
Go talk to her and get some names.
And we need big names, Ormewood.
Bigger than Lincoln Spelling.
Yes, ma'am.
I've got the evidence roundup
from Sunny's bedroom.
There's a drop of blood on this
notebook. It's out for analysis.
Sunny's last text message was with
her friend from school named Michelle.
And the sandwich is turkey and Swiss.
Where's Rafael?
There is no scenario
where they let her go!
Either I do what they say
and they kill her,
or they find out that you're
onto them and they kill her.
You asked for my help, Rafael,
so I need you to trust me.
Sunny's coming home. Alive.
Brother, you have a daughter.
And she's smarter than you.
And she's prettier too.
Oh, well, thank God
she got her mother's looks.
This bitch.
[RAFAEL] Now, where
are we going now, man?
Tell me where we going now.
Oh! Man, my knee.
- I'm sorry.
- Asshole.
Uncuff me. Damn. You get off on this?
What's this?
That's Sunny's recombinator.
It's, like, a puzzle.
Sunny has a lot of episodes,
so we use that to keep her calm.
She must be terrified right now.
And this?
That's, uh, the charger to her Drixby.
- W-What's
- It's more like an expensive Game Boy.
Well, did y'all find a
whatever you call it,
over at Penelope's?
- No.
- She's always has that thing with her.
[CHUCKLES] We play a game
where we were farmers.
And even though we weren't together,
we could communicate in the game.
So if Sunny has her Drixby,
we can send her a message.
Take a look at that.
- [DOLORES] What about it?
- Are you kidding me?
I look like a goblin.
And what's worse, you guys
wouldn't even let me retake it.
Oh, yeah. No, I haven't
forgotten, Miss Dolores.
It's all up here. Okay?
So that's the energy you're gonna be
dealing with today,
okay? Goblin energy.
Is that why you brought me in here?
You like working at the DMV?
Not as scenic as writing out parking
tickets, but it has its benefits.
Oh, yeah?
Like getting paid to forge
titles? Those kinds of benefits?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
I issue titles through
proper procedures only.
Hmm. Well, that's a really nice bag.
What's up with the wheels?
What? Am I supposed to walk around
with a bag slung over
my shoulder like some animal?
Well, it's Louis Vuitton.
Probably costs more
than you make in a month.
It was a gift.
You heard about Officer Flynn, the
cop who was shot a few days ago?
Yeah, he was part of the stolen
car ring that's been
using your titles.
And now the gang leader who was
stealing those cars was killed too.
Yeah. So, someone's
cleaning house, Dolores.
Afraid you might be next.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I'm not ready to die.
Listen, if you want me to
protect you, you gotta help me out.
Look, I just make the titles.
I don't know what
happens to them after that.
Who do you deliver them to?
This guy named Mac.
I don't know his last name.
We We meet near Grant Park.
What's he look like?
Um, he's about your height,
uh, light brown hair.
And he's got those gold thingies on
his teeth. You know, top and bottom.
They look like those
expensive retainers.
Yeah. And he pays you?
No. It's all
The money's all direct deposited
from Battery Hill Investments.
Text him. Tell him you want
to meet at the regular spot.
We never meet on Tuesdays.
Well, we're about to go up
on a Tuesday, Dolores.
Mac's late. Ormewood said 2:00 p.m.
He'll be here.
You and Ormewood
seem to be pretty chummy.
You jealous?
Just making conversation.
So, now you want to make conversation?
Well, since you want
to make conversation,
when's the last time you saw Rafael?
I don't know. 2005?
So, around the time he went
to prison for manslaughter.
You ever visit him in prison?
Okay, great talk.
There's Mac.
And he's walking straight for us.
Hey, y'all seen an old lady
with a wheelie bag around?
- Is he really asking us for help?
- [SIGHS] This is a first.
- Come on. [GROANS]
Well, that was easy.
[SCOFFS] Like your mom
once said, "People are dumb."
Compose a statement of remorse
for messing up as a cop.
I want to take this opportunity
to address a significant mistake
that I made while performing
my duties as a police officer.
- I recognize that my choices
- have not only impacted my own integrity
but have also affected the
community I vowed to protect.
I failed to uphold the
standards expected of me,
and I take full responsibility
for my mistakes.
Do it again, but sound like a human.
I'm truly sorry for the mistake
I made. I let my team and
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's the wrist?
Feeling a lot better, thanks to you.
I brought you these flowers.
Uh, I noticed your office
looked a little humble, so
I'm sorry. The flowers are
weird. Just [CLEARS THROAT]
let's, um Can we forget
that happened? [CHUCKLES]
Is this your personality, or are
you unusually nervous today?
[SIGHS] Yeah.
[CHUCKLES] Well, um, hey.
hey. I don't know
if you have to fill out a report
about my little mishap this morning.
Something else you want me
to forget happened?
[CHUCKLES] I just need this job.
I don't want to make any waves.
Sure. I didn't see you
fall off a ladder.
What are you working on?
Just, uh, legal stuff.
- [SCOFFS] Tell me about it.
- You know about legal troubles?
Oh. Only my fair share.
You care to elaborate?
You go first.
- Right. [CHUCKLES]
So how'd you wind up here?
This? Dream job.
[CHUCKLES] Well, you don't
seem like you belong here.
Thanks, but you don't know me.
Oh, uh, I didn't mean it bad
No, I just belong here
a lot more than you might think.
[SIGHS] Get the flowers.
Yeah, I know Mac. Everybody knows Mac.
Oh, you know, 'cause he's
a world-renowned idiot.
One time he tried to steal a car, but it
was stick, and he couldn't get away. Ha!
Sorry I'm late. I had to take an Uber.
God. [PANTS]
Hmm. Acid reflux?
[GULPS] Uber drivers. They
live life a quarter mile at a time.
Might wanna cut back on cheese.
Anyway, um, we arrested
one of the Grove Park Boys
who we know was involved in
Lincoln Spelling's stolen car ring.
Ballistics say his gun matches
the one used to kill Officer Flynn.
We got our shooter?
Look, I'm telling you, the kid's a joke.
He lives with his mom. There's
no way he did this on his own.
You live with your grandma.
You also live with my grandma.
Even if Max's not the mastermind
behind Officer Flynn's death,
we can still use him to find Sunny.
If you offer him a deal.
Let's go.
Well, hang on, I mean, uh, shouldn't
we strategize before we go in there?
Strategize? Come on, we're
gonna improvise. Freestyle.
Haven't you ever been in a cipher?
Mr. Wexford. I'm sure this situation
must be unbearable for you.
Thank you. You have kids?
I'm sorry to say I do not.
Look, there she is. Sunny.
- How does this work?
- Let me do it.
Agent Gross. Uncuff him.
Just a reminder, you are in a
building full of law enforcement.
I am aware.
- Let's see if you can get her location.
Okay, type this:
"Sunny, my name is Amanda
Wagner. I'm with the GBI."
I'm sitting here with your
daddy. We're gonna help you.
"Can you tell me where you are?"
A young girl is missing, Mac,
and you can help us find her.
We think whoever took her
is the same person
who told you to shoot Officer Flynn.
- Y'all got nothing on me.
- We have the murder weapon.
Which you were
carrying around like an idiot.
Yeah, so that seems like something.
- Okay.
- [SIGHS] Okay.
Well, we tried.
Yeah, I guess we book him.
Wait, you're not worried about
whoever killed Lincoln getting to him?
What can we do? I mean,
if he doesn't wanna cooperate,
- we can't protect him.
- Hmm.
Y'all are lying. Lincoln ain't dead.
So, uh, you got any fun weekend plans?
Oh, I gotta take my cat to the vet.
Oh. Nothing serious, I hope?
Well, she's been vomiting a lot,
so I think it's worse than hair balls.
- Hmm.
- Do you have any pets?
Betty Maria White Trent. She's my dog.
Um, here she is after
getting her teeth cleaned.
She doesn't know where she is.
Tell her to describe the room.
I-I can't trace the IP. The firewall
she's behind is as good as ours.
Tell her to check the closet.
- Emergency clothes.
- Huh?
Agent Gross, get me the addresses
of all the Atlanta safe houses.
You mean police safe houses?
Yes, go.
Wait, you think this is APD?
We don't know that yet.
Man, I knew y'all were mangy,
but golly.
Tell her to check under the bed.
If it's a safe house, there should
be a go bag strapped under the bed.
There should be a phone. She
should call this number: 678-555-0145.
- I gotta zoom in.
- Here she is
- after getting her teeth cleaned.
She has a beautiful smile.
Mm-hmm. Oh, look at this one. Hold on.
- This is on her birthday.
How old is she?
Uh, guys, uh, come
come back in here.
A lady never tells, but I do believe
she's entering her golden years.
Please come back in here.
Sorry, what was that, Mac?
[PANTS] Help me.
Is that her? Let me talk to her.
[RAFAEL] Let me talk to my daughter!
Sunny, as long as you have this
phone, I'll know exactly where you are.
I want my dad.
Sunny-side Up?
[RAFAEL] We're coming.
I just need you to be strong.
Can you do that for me?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- Okay, sweetie. I love you.
[AMANDA] Sunny, it's not safe
for us to talk anymore,
but if you put this phone in
your pocket, we'll be listening.
Lincoln, he
he told me to shoot him.
I ain't never done
anything like that before
but, uh, he said that if I pulled
it off, uh, that I'd move up fast.
- You weren't afraid of getting caught?
- No.
Why not?
What's going on in here?
- What? [PANTS] Nothing.
- [CAPTOR] You talking to someone?
- What's this?
Lincoln, he he told me not to worry
because, uh, he was
working with a cop.
Did he mention the cop's name?
Did you ever meet him?
Can you describe him for us?
White dude. He had a shaved head and
[STAMMERS] he had a scar. Right here.
- [GASPS] Sunny!
Cromwell ordered the hit on Chester.
He has Sunny. Go now!
Now I have to kill you.
- No! No! No!
- [CROMWELL] Shut up!
- I told you to shut up!
- No!
[RAFAEL] Where's he
taking her? Help her.
Sunny. Hey, Sunny. You still with me?
I want you to take a deep
breath. Can you do that for me?
[WHIMPERS] Where is he taking me?
I think he's gonna kill me. I'm
really freaking out. [PANTING]
Hey, Sunny. Here's something that
calms me down whenever I'm scared.
Can you reach out and feel around you?
[WHIMPERS] The inside of the trunk,
it's made of metal and plastic.
Well done.
Okay, can you take the light of
the phone and look around the trunk?
There should be a lever that
pops it open from the inside.
[GRUNTING] Uh, I I don't see it.
It's usually shaped like a "T."
Sometimes they're fluorescent.
[STAMMERS] There's nothing here.
- Okay, okay. We're gonna figure it out.
You know, your dad tells me
you like puzzles. Is-Is that true?
- Yeah.
- [AMANDA] Okay.
Well, I want you to consider
that trunk to be a puzzle.
One that we can solve together.
All right, so I want you to feel
around the door of the trunk.
See if you can find a panel.
[GASPS] Okay, I found it.
- Attagirl.
Hey, Sunny, are you a fast runner?
I'm the second fastest
on my track team.
Well, today you're gonna be first.
I don't know how they found out.
Look, that's your problem, all right?
I'll get rid of the girl,
but you need to handle this.
If I go down, you go down.
The car's about to
pull up to a stop sign.
When it slows down, I want
you to pop the trunk and run.
There's a mall on the
right-hand side of the road.
I want you to run there as fast as
you can and don't look back, you hear?
- [PANTS] Yes, ma'am.
- [AMANDA] Help will find you there.
Now, Sunny.
- Damn it.
[DRIVER] What are you doing?
- [DRIVER] Look out!
You guys take the front,
I'll go around back.
This place is full of civilians
so be easy with your fire.
Cromwell's back is against the wall,
so he's gonna be reckless. Be careful.
Come out.
Come out.
- Wherever you are!
[CROMWELL] Quiet, don't make a sound.
Get down. Excuse me. Move!
Get down! Go!
- Sorry. [PANTS]
- Get up.
- Get down!
- Will!
- [FAITH] Will!
- I'm good.
- Okay.
- It's okay, Sunny. You're safe.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.
Oh, Sunny-side Up.
I will never let anything
happen to you again.
Do you know who this man is?
This is my old friend, Mr. Will.
He came a long way to help find you.
Nice to meet you, Sunny.
You've got a brave girl there.
Hello, Sunny.
Thank you for saving me.
Oh, you did all the saving.
- I just offered some guidance.
And you did well too.
You should be proud of yourself.
She's a fierce one.
Yeah, she is.
How you feeling?
Mmm. Like I got shot.
Should you see a medic?
Nah, I'm all good. Um
- Hey, um
- Thanks for your help with the case.
So, back to Tennessee, huh?
I shouldn't have just left town.
I should have said something.
You should have.
But you were
in a terrible position, I know.
I wish I could've helped.
I wish you would've let me help.
I'm glad you're not dead.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
The fact that I'm walking around the GBI
with a visitor's pass ain't lost on me.
Well, you want a souvenir?
You know, we got mugs.
She really is something special.
Okay. And right here
is where you have your display.
So, how'd that happen anyway?
It was a one ill-advised
experiment into heteronormality.
- Well, that went well.
And her mother?
Not the maternal type.
But that's all good, 'cause I am
and it worked out just fine.
Turn that way. Give it a shot.
What's your next move?
You gonna raise Sunny now?
Did you hit your head
out there, neck slice?
I had Sunny live with Penelope
to keep her safe.
You tell me how that worked out.
Ain't no way she's going home.
Well, maybe she'd be safer if
you changed your line of work.
What else am I gonna do?
I'm the CEO of a powerful business.
And I'm gonna keep doing
what I've been doing
to ensure that my daughter has
a better life than me or you.
- Here's the way. Right. Okay.
- Okay.
What if I took her in?
You must really feel guilty.
Fool, what you gonna do with a
14-year-old girl who gets her period
and is obsessed with K-pop?
Fair point.
Oh, yeah. You're getting it. Okay.
Actually, I think
I have a better idea.
[REPORTER] Captain Cromwell is being
transported. And
we're live on the scene.
Uh. Back to the APD I go.
Well, you sound almost sad about it.
Yeah. You can pump the brakes on that.
You guys just have
better K-Cup options.
Look at this guy.
[NEWS PRESENTER 2] Okay, follow me.
- Captain Cromwell, sir
- [SCOFFS] Hope he gets the chair.
So, Will, he's coming back, right?
I don't know.
He should come back.
You two have good chemistry.
And my old assignment was pretty
I used to audit bingo halls.
This isn't right. Will.
Battery Hill Investments,
the shell company
that paid Miss Dolores.
We have to assume that whoever
owns it is running
the car ring, right?
That's been my assumption.
Well, I'm going through
Cromwell's financials,
and while he's getting paid by
Battery Hill,
he owns no piece of it.
You're telling me someone
else runs the car ring?
If not Lincoln or Cromwell,
then who is it?
right. Keep filming. He got shot.
[NEWS PRESENTER 3] It appears
Captain Cromwell has been shot.
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
I have no further comment on
Captain Cromwell's death at this time.
But let me just say, there will
be no more dead cops in my city.
Battery Hill Investments.
Care to tell me about it?
What're you talking about?
Oh, come on, Mayor.
You know the ins and outs of auto
thefts in this city
better than anyone.
I mean, you found an easy way
to make some passive income,
arranging thefts and
reselling cars at auctions.
You put Cromwell in charge so
he could took care of the rest.
Is that about right?
You're out of your mind.
Everything was going just fine
up until Officer Flynn decided
he was gonna rat you out.
So you had him killed,
along with Lincoln and
Cromwell, to cover your tracks.
Where's the proof, Trent?
Or do you expect people to believe
the words of some disgraced GBI agent
who abandoned his partner
and turned in his girlfriend?
We recovered Cromwell's
phone after his arrest.
You were the last person he called
while he was on the run with Sunny.
I don't expect people to believe me.
Evidence speaks for itself.
This is what I do, Mayor Anthony.
Thank you for the reminder.
You have the right to remain silent
- I didn't kill Cromwell.
- anything you say
I know you don't believe me,
but I didn't!
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford
an attorney, one
Well, this is my home where
shoes will never set foot.
Are you thirsty? Can I get you
something to drink?
Uh, do you have any juice?
Uh, I have sparkling water.
I can put some lemon in it.
No, thanks. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, I'll show you where to put that.
It can't go there?
Well, I'd rather it be hung up.
There's a hook upstairs
in the guest room.
[STAMMERS] Your bedroom.
How long am I staying here?
[SIGHS] Listen, I know
this is a little weird.
Um, but, uh I was thinking maybe we
could just try to get
to know each other
until the the details are settled.
I guess I'll have
some sparkling water.
Okay. Great.
And, uh, I'll get some juice
in next time I order groceries.
Oh, those glasses are
for special occasions.
[STAMMERS] Which this is one.
[CHUCKLES] You can grab two.
All right. Well, cheers.
My room's upstairs, right?
Uh. Yeah. Um, first door on the left.
[ANGIE] I can't begin to explain
how sorry I am
for the lives lost due to my actions.
I If I could
go back and change it
You can't change it,
Detective Polaski.
We all wish you could go back
and stop the deaths of five people,
but this isn't fantasy land.
What you did was negligent.
Regardless of your reason,
the result shows a lack
of respect for your position.
[SIGHS] You're right.
I became a cop because I
wanted to make the world safer.
I wanted to protect people
who couldn't protect themselves.
And I thought that's what
I was doing with Crystal.
I I was very wrong.
I think about that
mistake all the time. I I
I know that I will not
let my personal trauma
interfere with my job again.
I'm a good cop.
I love my job despite my failures.
I I would really I wanna serve.
If you let me back on the force,
I will be the best version of myself
because that is what
the job requires of me.
- LA proved too much for the man ♪
Too much for the man ♪
He couldn't make it ♪
So he's leaving the life ♪
To the life he once knew ♪
Oh, yes, he did ♪
He said he would Oh, oh ♪
- He's leaving ♪
- Leaving ♪
On that midnight train to Georgia ♪
LA proved too much for the man ♪
Too much for the man ♪
He couldn't make it ♪
So he's leaving the life ♪
He's come to know ♪
[SIGHS] All right, girl. I'll do
Gladys Knight, you do the Pips.
He said he's going ♪
[MOUTHING] He said
he's going back to find ♪
Going back to find ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh
What's left of his world ♪
The world he left behind ♪
[MOUTHING] Not so long ago ♪
- [MOUTHING] He's leaving ♪
- Leaving ♪
[MOUTHING] On that
midnight train to Georgia ♪
It's okay, girl. We'll work on it.
All right. So, how do I look?
Thanks, girl.
That's my girl.
Look at you. Dressed like you're
waiting on Jehovah's return. [CHUCKLES]
Come on in.
Wait a minute,
is that what I think it is?
Uh, you know I was
gon' bring you some. Yeah.
- Sugar, salt, Kool-Aid mix and pickles.
- Mm-hmm.
The ultimate hood snack. Enjoy.
- Oh.
- Hmm?
How did we ever eat this?
Oh, come on.
You need to cleanse your palate.
This is the best batch I ever made.
What'd you call me
all the way over here for?
We missed General Hospital already.
Well, I thought you might want this.
It's from Penelope's.
And, uh, you know, it would just
collect dust in evidence.
Mmm. You are a kind man, Wilbur.
So you headed back to
East Nowhere, Tennessee?
Maybe I'll come out there
and retire with you one day.
Mmm. Yeah, I don't see that
happening anytime soon.
I mean, especially with the
Grove Park Boys leaderless now.
All right.
I imagine business is booming for you.
Yeah. Lucky guy. [CHUCKLES]
I'd love to stay
and chop it up with you,
but I promised Grandma I'd
take her to a monster truck rally.
We caught Cromwell's shooter.
Did you now?
I know he's one of your guys, Rafael.
We had Cromwell in custody.
Cromwell had it coming.
There are rules.
We chose our paths, neck slice.
I hope yours leads you
back to Tennessee.
You know, sometimes our paths,
they choose us.
I think I'ma be sticking
around for a while.
And it's Special Agent Will Trent.
He's leaving ♪
- One love ♪
- One love ♪
- All aboard ♪
- All aboard ♪
On a midnight train ♪
- One love ♪
- One love ♪
Well, I guess we're back, Betty.
What do you say we get some shrimp
tacos, huh? That sound good to you?
On a midnight train to go ♪
- My world ♪
- One love ♪
- His world ♪
- All aboard ♪
- Our world, mine and his alone ♪
- Midnight train to go ♪
- My world ♪
- One love ♪
[ANGIE] Previously on Will Trent
Ow! What's that for?
For leaving. And not telling anyone
where you were for six months.
Call me. Work on your statement
for the post hearing.
- I'm good.
- This is not forever,
unless you mess up that hearing.
[MICHAEL] Everyone get down!
Get inside!
- Get the EMTs out here!
The deceased is
Detective Chester Flynn.
Ormewood found a whole line
of stolen vehicles
parked behind
the Grove Park Boys' clubhouse.
Lincoln Spelling's all over this.
What do you know about those two
cops who got shot yesterday?
I heard it was the Piedmont Kings.
Rafael Wexford confessed
to the murder of Chester Flynn.
How do you know Rafael Wexford?
He let me stay at his house
with his grandma.
I know you're being framed, but
what you're doing makes no sense.
Make it make sense.
Somebody forced Rafael to confess.
Something he's afraid to say.
It's his daughter.
They took his daughter.
We're outside
Sunny's caretaker's house.
It's Sunny's last known,
so hopefully we'll find
something that leads us to her.
We just need time.
Yeah, I got it. The moment they
get what they need, it's over for her.
I've read my boss in.
We'll stall as long as we can.
Ma'am! Penelope Morton?
Thank you for sticking
your neck out on this.
Well, if I get fired,
you owe me breakfast. Good luck.
- You too.
- [FAITH] Are you here? We're with the GBI.
Penelope Morton?
Rafael Wexford sent us
to check on you.
Do you have any reason to doubt
that Rafael Wexford is telling the truth
when he said he killed
Detective Flynn?
Generally speaking, I have reason to
doubt everything that
man has ever said.
We are vetting his confession
and conducting our investigation,
which is basically our job.
The law. Due process.
Rest of the house is clear.
- Mayor Anthony said this case was closed.
Are you saying she's lying?
Hey, things are moving
fast and furious.
- We all want the same things.
[REPORTER] One more question!
[FAITH] Will, look.
[FAITH] No sign of struggle.
Bullet went in through her back.
So he jimmies the
window, shoots her in
the closet while
she's getting dressed.
- I'll call it in.
Wait, no. We don't know
who's listening.
Will? Talk to me.
Penelope's dead.
- [WILL] We need forensics.
- I'm on it.
Y'all can't do anything.
Let me go. I know where to find her.
You confessed. You're
not going anywhere.
- What the hell was that?
Mayor Anthony, good to see you.
We have a confession.
Why are you dragging this out?
We have zero corroborating evidence.
Then do your job and get some.
Mayor, if we screw up this case,
a cop killer walks free.
I'm sure that's not what you want.
Ms. Alba, I know that
you're new to town.
But going behind my back
and making me look stupid
isn't the way to get ahead in Atlanta.
- That's
- I want this case closed.
Whatever you need to
get this done fast, let me know.
[WILL] Broad daylight.
Shooting a caregiver. Taking a child.
It's desperate.
Either somebody didn't think
about getting caught,
or they weren't worried about it.
Messy room. I think Sunny
can claim half of it.
The other half belongs
to whatever happened here.
Why is this corner so tidy?
Because someone was going to see it.
Sunny was recording herself.
It was a school project.
The gunshot interrupted her.
[MUFFLED] My fellow classmates.
I'm proposing that despite Coach
Stevens's very vocal protests,
- the student government
Must've gotten knocked down
when she was grabbed.
Here. Hook this up to that monitor.
The student government moved 50%
- Go back.
There. Zoom in on that mirror.
That's Lincoln Spelling.
He kidnapped Sunny.
[PETE] Lincoln Spelling
was shot with a handgun.
Close range
with no signs of a struggle.
You can see the exit hole
through the neck.
There's also another shot
to the back of the head.
He was dead before he knew
anyone was behind him.
Damn it. You find anything,
you contact me first. Got that?
[PETE] Hey, who do you think
had the stones
to do this to the leader
of the Grove Park Boys?
Somebody with a badge.
Not a word to anybody.
You hear me, Pete?
Not a word.
Excuse me. Uh, hi. Hey.
Excuse me. Hi.
- John. Yeah.
- John, hi.
Um, can you do that a little quieter?
Not really.
Oomph is kind of mandatory.
That's technical.
[CLICKS TONGUE] Be careful.
Are you okay?
[JOHN] Yeah, I'm good.
I'm Ow. [GROANS]
My wrist. Ow, ow. [GROANS]
Someone ordered Lincoln Spelling to
kidnap Sunny and then had him killed.
We think that person was
in charge of the stolen car ring
and is possibly a member
of law enforcement.
Okay, so how do we find him?
Because he has Sunny.
I've got a lead waiting
for me in the box.
Dolores Fields. She works
for the DMV near Heritage Park.
She's forging the vehicle titles.
Go talk to her and get some names.
And we need big names, Ormewood.
Bigger than Lincoln Spelling.
Yes, ma'am.
I've got the evidence roundup
from Sunny's bedroom.
There's a drop of blood on this
notebook. It's out for analysis.
Sunny's last text message was with
her friend from school named Michelle.
And the sandwich is turkey and Swiss.
Where's Rafael?
There is no scenario
where they let her go!
Either I do what they say
and they kill her,
or they find out that you're
onto them and they kill her.
You asked for my help, Rafael,
so I need you to trust me.
Sunny's coming home. Alive.
Brother, you have a daughter.
And she's smarter than you.
And she's prettier too.
Oh, well, thank God
she got her mother's looks.
This bitch.
[RAFAEL] Now, where
are we going now, man?
Tell me where we going now.
Oh! Man, my knee.
- I'm sorry.
- Asshole.
Uncuff me. Damn. You get off on this?
What's this?
That's Sunny's recombinator.
It's, like, a puzzle.
Sunny has a lot of episodes,
so we use that to keep her calm.
She must be terrified right now.
And this?
That's, uh, the charger to her Drixby.
- W-What's
- It's more like an expensive Game Boy.
Well, did y'all find a
whatever you call it,
over at Penelope's?
- No.
- She's always has that thing with her.
[CHUCKLES] We play a game
where we were farmers.
And even though we weren't together,
we could communicate in the game.
So if Sunny has her Drixby,
we can send her a message.
Take a look at that.
- [DOLORES] What about it?
- Are you kidding me?
I look like a goblin.
And what's worse, you guys
wouldn't even let me retake it.
Oh, yeah. No, I haven't
forgotten, Miss Dolores.
It's all up here. Okay?
So that's the energy you're gonna be
dealing with today,
okay? Goblin energy.
Is that why you brought me in here?
You like working at the DMV?
Not as scenic as writing out parking
tickets, but it has its benefits.
Oh, yeah?
Like getting paid to forge
titles? Those kinds of benefits?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
I issue titles through
proper procedures only.
Hmm. Well, that's a really nice bag.
What's up with the wheels?
What? Am I supposed to walk around
with a bag slung over
my shoulder like some animal?
Well, it's Louis Vuitton.
Probably costs more
than you make in a month.
It was a gift.
You heard about Officer Flynn, the
cop who was shot a few days ago?
Yeah, he was part of the stolen
car ring that's been
using your titles.
And now the gang leader who was
stealing those cars was killed too.
Yeah. So, someone's
cleaning house, Dolores.
Afraid you might be next.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I'm not ready to die.
Listen, if you want me to
protect you, you gotta help me out.
Look, I just make the titles.
I don't know what
happens to them after that.
Who do you deliver them to?
This guy named Mac.
I don't know his last name.
We We meet near Grant Park.
What's he look like?
Um, he's about your height,
uh, light brown hair.
And he's got those gold thingies on
his teeth. You know, top and bottom.
They look like those
expensive retainers.
Yeah. And he pays you?
No. It's all
The money's all direct deposited
from Battery Hill Investments.
Text him. Tell him you want
to meet at the regular spot.
We never meet on Tuesdays.
Well, we're about to go up
on a Tuesday, Dolores.
Mac's late. Ormewood said 2:00 p.m.
He'll be here.
You and Ormewood
seem to be pretty chummy.
You jealous?
Just making conversation.
So, now you want to make conversation?
Well, since you want
to make conversation,
when's the last time you saw Rafael?
I don't know. 2005?
So, around the time he went
to prison for manslaughter.
You ever visit him in prison?
Okay, great talk.
There's Mac.
And he's walking straight for us.
Hey, y'all seen an old lady
with a wheelie bag around?
- Is he really asking us for help?
- [SIGHS] This is a first.
- Come on. [GROANS]
Well, that was easy.
[SCOFFS] Like your mom
once said, "People are dumb."
Compose a statement of remorse
for messing up as a cop.
I want to take this opportunity
to address a significant mistake
that I made while performing
my duties as a police officer.
- I recognize that my choices
- have not only impacted my own integrity
but have also affected the
community I vowed to protect.
I failed to uphold the
standards expected of me,
and I take full responsibility
for my mistakes.
Do it again, but sound like a human.
I'm truly sorry for the mistake
I made. I let my team and
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's the wrist?
Feeling a lot better, thanks to you.
I brought you these flowers.
Uh, I noticed your office
looked a little humble, so
I'm sorry. The flowers are
weird. Just [CLEARS THROAT]
let's, um Can we forget
that happened? [CHUCKLES]
Is this your personality, or are
you unusually nervous today?
[SIGHS] Yeah.
[CHUCKLES] Well, um, hey.
hey. I don't know
if you have to fill out a report
about my little mishap this morning.
Something else you want me
to forget happened?
[CHUCKLES] I just need this job.
I don't want to make any waves.
Sure. I didn't see you
fall off a ladder.
What are you working on?
Just, uh, legal stuff.
- [SCOFFS] Tell me about it.
- You know about legal troubles?
Oh. Only my fair share.
You care to elaborate?
You go first.
- Right. [CHUCKLES]
So how'd you wind up here?
This? Dream job.
[CHUCKLES] Well, you don't
seem like you belong here.
Thanks, but you don't know me.
Oh, uh, I didn't mean it bad
No, I just belong here
a lot more than you might think.
[SIGHS] Get the flowers.
Yeah, I know Mac. Everybody knows Mac.
Oh, you know, 'cause he's
a world-renowned idiot.
One time he tried to steal a car, but it
was stick, and he couldn't get away. Ha!
Sorry I'm late. I had to take an Uber.
God. [PANTS]
Hmm. Acid reflux?
[GULPS] Uber drivers. They
live life a quarter mile at a time.
Might wanna cut back on cheese.
Anyway, um, we arrested
one of the Grove Park Boys
who we know was involved in
Lincoln Spelling's stolen car ring.
Ballistics say his gun matches
the one used to kill Officer Flynn.
We got our shooter?
Look, I'm telling you, the kid's a joke.
He lives with his mom. There's
no way he did this on his own.
You live with your grandma.
You also live with my grandma.
Even if Max's not the mastermind
behind Officer Flynn's death,
we can still use him to find Sunny.
If you offer him a deal.
Let's go.
Well, hang on, I mean, uh, shouldn't
we strategize before we go in there?
Strategize? Come on, we're
gonna improvise. Freestyle.
Haven't you ever been in a cipher?
Mr. Wexford. I'm sure this situation
must be unbearable for you.
Thank you. You have kids?
I'm sorry to say I do not.
Look, there she is. Sunny.
- How does this work?
- Let me do it.
Agent Gross. Uncuff him.
Just a reminder, you are in a
building full of law enforcement.
I am aware.
- Let's see if you can get her location.
Okay, type this:
"Sunny, my name is Amanda
Wagner. I'm with the GBI."
I'm sitting here with your
daddy. We're gonna help you.
"Can you tell me where you are?"
A young girl is missing, Mac,
and you can help us find her.
We think whoever took her
is the same person
who told you to shoot Officer Flynn.
- Y'all got nothing on me.
- We have the murder weapon.
Which you were
carrying around like an idiot.
Yeah, so that seems like something.
- Okay.
- [SIGHS] Okay.
Well, we tried.
Yeah, I guess we book him.
Wait, you're not worried about
whoever killed Lincoln getting to him?
What can we do? I mean,
if he doesn't wanna cooperate,
- we can't protect him.
- Hmm.
Y'all are lying. Lincoln ain't dead.
So, uh, you got any fun weekend plans?
Oh, I gotta take my cat to the vet.
Oh. Nothing serious, I hope?
Well, she's been vomiting a lot,
so I think it's worse than hair balls.
- Hmm.
- Do you have any pets?
Betty Maria White Trent. She's my dog.
Um, here she is after
getting her teeth cleaned.
She doesn't know where she is.
Tell her to describe the room.
I-I can't trace the IP. The firewall
she's behind is as good as ours.
Tell her to check the closet.
- Emergency clothes.
- Huh?
Agent Gross, get me the addresses
of all the Atlanta safe houses.
You mean police safe houses?
Yes, go.
Wait, you think this is APD?
We don't know that yet.
Man, I knew y'all were mangy,
but golly.
Tell her to check under the bed.
If it's a safe house, there should
be a go bag strapped under the bed.
There should be a phone. She
should call this number: 678-555-0145.
- I gotta zoom in.
- Here she is
- after getting her teeth cleaned.
She has a beautiful smile.
Mm-hmm. Oh, look at this one. Hold on.
- This is on her birthday.
How old is she?
Uh, guys, uh, come
come back in here.
A lady never tells, but I do believe
she's entering her golden years.
Please come back in here.
Sorry, what was that, Mac?
[PANTS] Help me.
Is that her? Let me talk to her.
[RAFAEL] Let me talk to my daughter!
Sunny, as long as you have this
phone, I'll know exactly where you are.
I want my dad.
Sunny-side Up?
[RAFAEL] We're coming.
I just need you to be strong.
Can you do that for me?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- Okay, sweetie. I love you.
[AMANDA] Sunny, it's not safe
for us to talk anymore,
but if you put this phone in
your pocket, we'll be listening.
Lincoln, he
he told me to shoot him.
I ain't never done
anything like that before
but, uh, he said that if I pulled
it off, uh, that I'd move up fast.
- You weren't afraid of getting caught?
- No.
Why not?
What's going on in here?
- What? [PANTS] Nothing.
- [CAPTOR] You talking to someone?
- What's this?
Lincoln, he he told me not to worry
because, uh, he was
working with a cop.
Did he mention the cop's name?
Did you ever meet him?
Can you describe him for us?
White dude. He had a shaved head and
[STAMMERS] he had a scar. Right here.
- [GASPS] Sunny!
Cromwell ordered the hit on Chester.
He has Sunny. Go now!
Now I have to kill you.
- No! No! No!
- [CROMWELL] Shut up!
- I told you to shut up!
- No!
[RAFAEL] Where's he
taking her? Help her.
Sunny. Hey, Sunny. You still with me?
I want you to take a deep
breath. Can you do that for me?
[WHIMPERS] Where is he taking me?
I think he's gonna kill me. I'm
really freaking out. [PANTING]
Hey, Sunny. Here's something that
calms me down whenever I'm scared.
Can you reach out and feel around you?
[WHIMPERS] The inside of the trunk,
it's made of metal and plastic.
Well done.
Okay, can you take the light of
the phone and look around the trunk?
There should be a lever that
pops it open from the inside.
[GRUNTING] Uh, I I don't see it.
It's usually shaped like a "T."
Sometimes they're fluorescent.
[STAMMERS] There's nothing here.
- Okay, okay. We're gonna figure it out.
You know, your dad tells me
you like puzzles. Is-Is that true?
- Yeah.
- [AMANDA] Okay.
Well, I want you to consider
that trunk to be a puzzle.
One that we can solve together.
All right, so I want you to feel
around the door of the trunk.
See if you can find a panel.
[GASPS] Okay, I found it.
- Attagirl.
Hey, Sunny, are you a fast runner?
I'm the second fastest
on my track team.
Well, today you're gonna be first.
I don't know how they found out.
Look, that's your problem, all right?
I'll get rid of the girl,
but you need to handle this.
If I go down, you go down.
The car's about to
pull up to a stop sign.
When it slows down, I want
you to pop the trunk and run.
There's a mall on the
right-hand side of the road.
I want you to run there as fast as
you can and don't look back, you hear?
- [PANTS] Yes, ma'am.
- [AMANDA] Help will find you there.
Now, Sunny.
- Damn it.
[DRIVER] What are you doing?
- [DRIVER] Look out!
You guys take the front,
I'll go around back.
This place is full of civilians
so be easy with your fire.
Cromwell's back is against the wall,
so he's gonna be reckless. Be careful.
Come out.
Come out.
- Wherever you are!
[CROMWELL] Quiet, don't make a sound.
Get down. Excuse me. Move!
Get down! Go!
- Sorry. [PANTS]
- Get up.
- Get down!
- Will!
- [FAITH] Will!
- I'm good.
- Okay.
- It's okay, Sunny. You're safe.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.
Oh, Sunny-side Up.
I will never let anything
happen to you again.
Do you know who this man is?
This is my old friend, Mr. Will.
He came a long way to help find you.
Nice to meet you, Sunny.
You've got a brave girl there.
Hello, Sunny.
Thank you for saving me.
Oh, you did all the saving.
- I just offered some guidance.
And you did well too.
You should be proud of yourself.
She's a fierce one.
Yeah, she is.
How you feeling?
Mmm. Like I got shot.
Should you see a medic?
Nah, I'm all good. Um
- Hey, um
- Thanks for your help with the case.
So, back to Tennessee, huh?
I shouldn't have just left town.
I should have said something.
You should have.
But you were
in a terrible position, I know.
I wish I could've helped.
I wish you would've let me help.
I'm glad you're not dead.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
The fact that I'm walking around the GBI
with a visitor's pass ain't lost on me.
Well, you want a souvenir?
You know, we got mugs.
She really is something special.
Okay. And right here
is where you have your display.
So, how'd that happen anyway?
It was a one ill-advised
experiment into heteronormality.
- Well, that went well.
And her mother?
Not the maternal type.
But that's all good, 'cause I am
and it worked out just fine.
Turn that way. Give it a shot.
What's your next move?
You gonna raise Sunny now?
Did you hit your head
out there, neck slice?
I had Sunny live with Penelope
to keep her safe.
You tell me how that worked out.
Ain't no way she's going home.
Well, maybe she'd be safer if
you changed your line of work.
What else am I gonna do?
I'm the CEO of a powerful business.
And I'm gonna keep doing
what I've been doing
to ensure that my daughter has
a better life than me or you.
- Here's the way. Right. Okay.
- Okay.
What if I took her in?
You must really feel guilty.
Fool, what you gonna do with a
14-year-old girl who gets her period
and is obsessed with K-pop?
Fair point.
Oh, yeah. You're getting it. Okay.
Actually, I think
I have a better idea.
[REPORTER] Captain Cromwell is being
transported. And
we're live on the scene.
Uh. Back to the APD I go.
Well, you sound almost sad about it.
Yeah. You can pump the brakes on that.
You guys just have
better K-Cup options.
Look at this guy.
[NEWS PRESENTER 2] Okay, follow me.
- Captain Cromwell, sir
- [SCOFFS] Hope he gets the chair.
So, Will, he's coming back, right?
I don't know.
He should come back.
You two have good chemistry.
And my old assignment was pretty
I used to audit bingo halls.
This isn't right. Will.
Battery Hill Investments,
the shell company
that paid Miss Dolores.
We have to assume that whoever
owns it is running
the car ring, right?
That's been my assumption.
Well, I'm going through
Cromwell's financials,
and while he's getting paid by
Battery Hill,
he owns no piece of it.
You're telling me someone
else runs the car ring?
If not Lincoln or Cromwell,
then who is it?
right. Keep filming. He got shot.
[NEWS PRESENTER 3] It appears
Captain Cromwell has been shot.
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
I have no further comment on
Captain Cromwell's death at this time.
But let me just say, there will
be no more dead cops in my city.
Battery Hill Investments.
Care to tell me about it?
What're you talking about?
Oh, come on, Mayor.
You know the ins and outs of auto
thefts in this city
better than anyone.
I mean, you found an easy way
to make some passive income,
arranging thefts and
reselling cars at auctions.
You put Cromwell in charge so
he could took care of the rest.
Is that about right?
You're out of your mind.
Everything was going just fine
up until Officer Flynn decided
he was gonna rat you out.
So you had him killed,
along with Lincoln and
Cromwell, to cover your tracks.
Where's the proof, Trent?
Or do you expect people to believe
the words of some disgraced GBI agent
who abandoned his partner
and turned in his girlfriend?
We recovered Cromwell's
phone after his arrest.
You were the last person he called
while he was on the run with Sunny.
I don't expect people to believe me.
Evidence speaks for itself.
This is what I do, Mayor Anthony.
Thank you for the reminder.
You have the right to remain silent
- I didn't kill Cromwell.
- anything you say
I know you don't believe me,
but I didn't!
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford
an attorney, one
Well, this is my home where
shoes will never set foot.
Are you thirsty? Can I get you
something to drink?
Uh, do you have any juice?
Uh, I have sparkling water.
I can put some lemon in it.
No, thanks. [CHUCKLES]
Oh, I'll show you where to put that.
It can't go there?
Well, I'd rather it be hung up.
There's a hook upstairs
in the guest room.
[STAMMERS] Your bedroom.
How long am I staying here?
[SIGHS] Listen, I know
this is a little weird.
Um, but, uh I was thinking maybe we
could just try to get
to know each other
until the the details are settled.
I guess I'll have
some sparkling water.
Okay. Great.
And, uh, I'll get some juice
in next time I order groceries.
Oh, those glasses are
for special occasions.
[STAMMERS] Which this is one.
[CHUCKLES] You can grab two.
All right. Well, cheers.
My room's upstairs, right?
Uh. Yeah. Um, first door on the left.
[ANGIE] I can't begin to explain
how sorry I am
for the lives lost due to my actions.
I If I could
go back and change it
You can't change it,
Detective Polaski.
We all wish you could go back
and stop the deaths of five people,
but this isn't fantasy land.
What you did was negligent.
Regardless of your reason,
the result shows a lack
of respect for your position.
[SIGHS] You're right.
I became a cop because I
wanted to make the world safer.
I wanted to protect people
who couldn't protect themselves.
And I thought that's what
I was doing with Crystal.
I I was very wrong.
I think about that
mistake all the time. I I
I know that I will not
let my personal trauma
interfere with my job again.
I'm a good cop.
I love my job despite my failures.
I I would really I wanna serve.
If you let me back on the force,
I will be the best version of myself
because that is what
the job requires of me.
- LA proved too much for the man ♪
Too much for the man ♪
He couldn't make it ♪
So he's leaving the life ♪
To the life he once knew ♪
Oh, yes, he did ♪
He said he would Oh, oh ♪
- He's leaving ♪
- Leaving ♪
On that midnight train to Georgia ♪
LA proved too much for the man ♪
Too much for the man ♪
He couldn't make it ♪
So he's leaving the life ♪
He's come to know ♪
[SIGHS] All right, girl. I'll do
Gladys Knight, you do the Pips.
He said he's going ♪
[MOUTHING] He said
he's going back to find ♪
Going back to find ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh
What's left of his world ♪
The world he left behind ♪
[MOUTHING] Not so long ago ♪
- [MOUTHING] He's leaving ♪
- Leaving ♪
[MOUTHING] On that
midnight train to Georgia ♪
It's okay, girl. We'll work on it.
All right. So, how do I look?
Thanks, girl.
That's my girl.
Look at you. Dressed like you're
waiting on Jehovah's return. [CHUCKLES]
Come on in.
Wait a minute,
is that what I think it is?
Uh, you know I was
gon' bring you some. Yeah.
- Sugar, salt, Kool-Aid mix and pickles.
- Mm-hmm.
The ultimate hood snack. Enjoy.
- Oh.
- Hmm?
How did we ever eat this?
Oh, come on.
You need to cleanse your palate.
This is the best batch I ever made.
What'd you call me
all the way over here for?
We missed General Hospital already.
Well, I thought you might want this.
It's from Penelope's.
And, uh, you know, it would just
collect dust in evidence.
Mmm. You are a kind man, Wilbur.
So you headed back to
East Nowhere, Tennessee?
Maybe I'll come out there
and retire with you one day.
Mmm. Yeah, I don't see that
happening anytime soon.
I mean, especially with the
Grove Park Boys leaderless now.
All right.
I imagine business is booming for you.
Yeah. Lucky guy. [CHUCKLES]
I'd love to stay
and chop it up with you,
but I promised Grandma I'd
take her to a monster truck rally.
We caught Cromwell's shooter.
Did you now?
I know he's one of your guys, Rafael.
We had Cromwell in custody.
Cromwell had it coming.
There are rules.
We chose our paths, neck slice.
I hope yours leads you
back to Tennessee.
You know, sometimes our paths,
they choose us.
I think I'ma be sticking
around for a while.
And it's Special Agent Will Trent.
He's leaving ♪
- One love ♪
- One love ♪
- All aboard ♪
- All aboard ♪
On a midnight train ♪
- One love ♪
- One love ♪
Well, I guess we're back, Betty.
What do you say we get some shrimp
tacos, huh? That sound good to you?
On a midnight train to go ♪
- My world ♪
- One love ♪
- His world ♪
- All aboard ♪
- Our world, mine and his alone ♪
- Midnight train to go ♪
- My world ♪
- One love ♪