Will Trent (2023) s03e03 Episode Script

Find a New Pond

[FRANKLIN] Previously on Will Trent
What if I took her in?
What you gonna do
with a 14-year-old girl?
Fair point.
Actually, I think
I have a better idea.
You don't seem like you belong here.
Thanks, but you don't know me.
Oh, I-I didn't mean it bad.
No, I just belong here
a lot more than you might think.
You know, sometimes our paths,
they choose us.
I think I'ma be sticking around
for a while.
And it's Special Agent Will Trent.
Despite the, uh, concerns
raised by my baby brother,
a lot of work has been done
to put us in this position, all right?
Yeah, and a lot of cash will fly
right out the door as soon
as we sign the paperwork.
So buy less coke, all right?
Pick a nostril.
- [CHUCKLES] I like this one.
Marcello, he just got his 30-day chip.
Oh, wow. What is that? 13? 14?
Congrats, bud.
Wow. He's got jokes.
I think the structural arguments
do merit discussion.
We have a fiduc [GAGS]
What's going on?
Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God. Olivia!
- Are you okay?
I don't know.
I don't Help! Somebody help!
Rocco, do something.
Get out of the way.
- Sir! Sir!
- Hey.
Call somebody! Hey. Hey.
We have a medical emergency.
Sovrano Industries, 53rd floor.
- Is he having a heart attack?
- I don't know.
I don't know.
What is happening?
- Sir, breathe.
- Sofia.
You're okay. You're okay.
Just breathe. Just breathe.
Can I get some help, please?
"A homophone of 17-across."
How is that even a clue?
What's 17-across?
"Husky, harsh or raspy."
Will, what is the holdup?
[WILL] We have an emergency.
Look at these.
Now let's see 'em on your feet.
They're covered with tiny teeth marks.
- Betty, what's going on, girl, huh?
Why you chewing on daddy's shoes?
Maybe she's mad at you.
Betty is not mad at me.
Maybe she's sad.
Maybe you left your shoes on the floor
and she chewed them
because she is a dog.
Plus, it looks like
you could use a new pair anyway.
What? Took me forever
to find this color.
Brown is a color family, Faith, okay?
There's a huge difference
between chocolate and walnut.
Oh, my God.
Fine, just put the shoes on.
Okay. [SIGHS]
First case back,
why's it gotta be rich people, huh?
They treat us like
we're on their payroll.
Yeah, I wish we could
just leave this with APD.
- Hmm.
- Hey, speaking of APD,
has Angie had her hearing yet?
Yeah. Um
Haven't heard anything,
but decision should be soon.
That's good.
What? I'm fine.
Nico, call Dr. Bouchard,
see if, uh, she has time to see Betty.
Let's make sure there's nothing wrong.
Wait. What's a homophone for hoarse?
I got a call about a body?
- It's William. He's dead.
- Excuse me. Sorry.
- William? William's a swan?
- Hmm.
He's a cob.
That means boy.
Princess Kate's a pen.
That means girl.
They mate for life,
just like vultures and puffins.
I'll call Animal Control.
Just take him.
Keep the body at the guard
house until it's picked up.
I'm lying alone with
my head on the phone ♪
Thinking of you till it hurts ♪
I know you're hurt too ♪
But what else can we do ♪
You know, you don't
have to mate for life.
Who's to say? You may
be better off without him.
I mean, it's not like he arrested you
in front of everyone you know,
but still, there are other swans.
Why not fly away, find a new pond.
Princess Kate can't fly.
And neither could Prince Williams.
Their wings were clipped
so they can't leave the Waldorf.
I'm really identifying
with that, Poppy.
- [ANGIE] Oh.
Alma, what happened?
That looks like it hurts.
She fell in the middle of the night
when she was going to go
to the bathroom.
- Right, Alma?
- Next time,
I'll turn on the light.
I've seen many chickens
get their wings clipped.
It doesn't hurt them.
Did you know but one rooster
can serve up to 20 hens?
I did not. I did not know that.
That seems fair.
If you ever wanna talk,
I'm a really good listener.
- Thank you.
- You know where to find me.
In the little house by the gate.
With no air conditioning.
I'm all out of love ♪
I'm so lost without you ♪
I know you were right ♪
Believing for so long ♪
Sovrano is conscious and stable.
His sister Sofia's alive
but in the ICU.
And the general counsel?
Jacinta Banchoff?
Pronounced dead on arrival.
Doctors ruled out food-borne illness,
say symptoms are consistent
with poison by ingestion.
We'll know more
once we get the toxicology.
Oh, wait.
Let's keep the denim jumpsuit.
She'll look cute in that.
Amanda, didn't I tell you
that Sunny's gonna wanna
pick out her own clothes?
That child would be a fool
not to let me dress her.
Yeah, because parenting is easy.
They all do what you want
and say thank you.
Agents. You can speak to him now.
- Bye.
We're paying seven figures
annually for security,
and my baby sister's
got a tube down her throat?
Someone let this happen
and I want their head.
Mr. Sovrano, we appreciate your anger.
And if our investigation turns
up shortcomings
in your security staff,
we'll be sure to let you know.
However, we must remind you
that our primary concern
is finding out
who killed Jacinta Banchoff
and poisoned your siblings.
Jacinta, man.
I can't believe she's gone.
- I know, buddy.
- And Sofia.
She has to hold on, man. She has to.
- She's gonna be okay.
- She has to.
You certainly spend
a great deal on security.
Has your company been the target
of any recent threats?
Any individuals who
might wanna hurt you
or your board members personally?
Take your pick.
We've got resorts all over the
world. Cruise ships. Airlines.
There is always
some delusional do-gooder
threatening us, protesting us,
accusing us of destroying the planet,
or society, or whatever.
I'll take that as a yes.
We'd like to speak
to your older sister,
Francesca, as well.
- Is she coming to the hospital?
Franny lives in Europe.
We're not exactly close.
I've tried the Geneva
and Paris houses multiple times.
Still haven't been able to reach her.
- I'm so sorry.
We did everything we could,
but your sister, Sofia, she
[BREATHES SHAKILY] No, no, no, no, no.
- No.
No, no, no, no!
Cause of death? I don't know, boredom?
Uh Can you please
just come pick it up
as soon as you can? Please?
Thank you.
High crime day here at the Waldorf.
You suspect fowl play?
Wow. Y-You should
be ashamed of yourself.
Okay. Well, enjoy the day.
- And the aromas.
- Ah
And the company.
You know what, Bill?
May I call you Bill?
You're lucky.
You got out.
What the heck, Bill?
- Hello.
Ormewood, I need a favor.
Francesca, Marcello, Rocco, Sofia.
Their parents,
Emilio and Eleanor Sovrano,
both deceased,
founded Sovrano Industries.
Rocco, he's the middle brother,
and in my personal,
unbiased opinion, a tool.
He thinks it was an act of protest.
Outside agitator.
Hmm. I'd buy it.
Someone trying to make 'em pay,
hold 'em accountable for once.
Only no one's taken credit.
We've done background
checks on everyone
who entered the building,
and so far, we got nothing.
I think we should be looking
for a different motive.
We'll continue to interview
witnesses and employees.
We also have agents trying
to locate the fourth sibling,
- Francesca.
She lives in Europe.
[SIGHS] Damn it. Who are all
these people who can pay cash?
Oh, you lose out on another condo?
You're selling your house?
It was a rental. I'm ready to buy now.
Fresh paint.
New construction, new life.
Except, apparently, everybody
but me has $400,000
laying around in cash.
- You should ask for a raise.
- You should focus on the case.
Fine. Until we can identify
the source of the poison,
let's assume
that the targets were random.
What if they weren't?
What if the targets were
Marcello, Rocco, and Sofia?
Jacinta just took
Rocco's dose by mistake.
All family.
So you're thinking inheritance?
Francesca Sovrano is estranged,
she's the only one
who didn't join the company.
If something happened to the others,
- she would inherit everything.
So you're thinking she
orchestrated this from Italy?
Or Geneva. Or Belgium.
Or the Maldives.
Oh. I'm going there next spring.
Not if Sunny's still with you.
You're going to Orlando.
Francesca isn't in Europe.
She's been in Atlanta
for the last two days.
Call me Franny, please.
Francesca is so pretentious.
Ms. Sovrano,
can you tell us what brought you
to Atlanta this week?
Don't answer that.
Do your siblings know you're here?
- They
- Don't answer that.
How would you describe your
relationship with your siblings?
Don't answer that.
Is it correct that if they all died,
that you would inherit a
controlling stake of the company?
It's time to leave.
No matter our differences,
Sofia was my baby sister
and I'm devastated by her death.
- Stop.
- And I don't want anything to do
- with that company.
- Stop talking.
Why do you think I moved away?
My family thinks they
can just go through life
breaking things and breaking people
and never taking responsibility!
Francesca, stop! Enough.
Well, she asked my to do her a
favor, so I'm doing her a favor.
We're all doing here a favor.
- You might say we're giving her a hand.
- This is nasty.
- Hey, Ang.
- Hey, Ang.
Hi, Angie.
Fingers crossed for your post hearing.
Ha. Good one, Pete.
Can we move this along, please?
This was a fascinating challenge.
- It's not every day that I'm asked to
- Pete.
Fingerprint wasn't in the system,
but I'm gonna say male, 40s.
Uh, amputated
within the last 24 hours.
Likely slammed in a heavy
metal door, possibly a car.
There's rust residue in the wound.
Yeah, no reports
of digit-less dead bodies.
No unaccounted for amputations
at the ER.
And since there's no law saying
you have to report severed body parts,
- technically there's no crime.
- Sorry, Ang.
Sometimes a finger's just a finger.
Someone is hiding something.
Maybe you should just report it
to Kathy Thrusts.
- It's Kathy Humps.
- Oh, Humps.
- Who?
- She's a
- It's Don't matter.
- Yeah.
No. The only advantage
I have is that whoever did this
thinks they got away with it.
Oh, I swabbed under the nail,
got some skin.
DNA may help us ID an attacker.
Oh, good.
Also, found some traces
of chicken poop.
Chicken poop? It's not swan poop?
- I hate it here.
- Could be from fertilizer.
Or just a chicken. Right?
This is good. This is good.
Thank you. Bye.
Finger guy. Swan. Chicken.
Anyone else feeling a throuple?
I'ma shoot everyone in this room.
Hi. I'm so sorry. I have to
I have to enforce HOA regulations,
and your sign is in violation.
- Yeah.
- Hi, Angie. You want a muffin?
- Sure.
- Okay.
Careful, pumpkin. They're hot.
That Kathy Humps, am I right?
Here, come on in. Come on in.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
[ANGIE] Mmm.
Thank you.
So you own a poultry plant?
That explains why Poppy knows
so much about birds.
Well, we prefer
to call it an egg farm.
It just sounds homier.
Uncle Davis. We made muffins.
Oh, that's great. Thank you, honey.
I'll tell Alma you're here.
So, uh,
Mind if I ask?
Accident down at the farm.
Caught up in some machinery.
Oof. Couldn't be reattached?
Too mangled, I guess.
They tired, but
That's why I'm happy
to hide out in upper management.
Alma, you going somewhere?
Her mom's sick.
She's gonna go stay there for a while.
Oh, preciosa.
Here. I want you to have this.
And my necklace too,
since yours broke.
Why don't I walk you out? Say bye?
We should really get going.
Airport traffic's gonna be a bear.
"Breaking things and people."
What exactly do you think she means?
Sexual assault, for starters.
I talked to Luke. He gave me the dirt.
Oh, how's he doing?
Job good? He like DC?
Oh, sure. Now you care about Luke.
I never had a problem with Luke.
- Luke moved to DC?
You've been gone a long time.
Don't expect everybody
to catch you up.
Okay. As I was saying,
Rocco, the jerky one.
There have been rape rumors
for years. Never been charged.
Hmm. Well, money makes people shut up.
Fast. Luke give you anything else?
Marcello's an alcoholic,
but that's an open secret.
And supposedly, him and Jacinta
have been having an affair.
de Nico. Llamada de Nico.
What kinda animal answers
someone else's phone?
Well, it was yelling at me to answer.
[NICO] Hello?
- We'll talk about this later.
- Hello?
So? What did the vet say?
The vet said
she's severely traumatized.
- What?
- Not really. She's fine.
But she could be.
After all, you did rip her away
from her home and her things
and the people who love her.
Nico, you shouldn't play
like that. You had me worried.
Now, enough is enough. When are
you gonna let me off the hook?
I dunno. Why don't you just
focus on yourself and your job
as you always do.
- Betty and I will be just fine.
- You need to stop. Okay?
You know I am devoted
to that dog and to you.
And if I haven't told you already,
I actually love the lava lamp.
It's a wonderful touch.
Maybe instead of eavesdropping
on my private affairs,
you could've sorted this case out?
Well, don't look at me.
I'm here to supervise.
All these motives and people,
that's your job.
It's like a soap opera.
Wait. I know how we can sort it out.
Can I use Caroline?
And maybe Ormewood and Franklin?
- Caroline.
- Yeah?
Do you have any Popsicle sticks?
Of course.
I ran the guy's plates.
Not so much
as an unpaid parking ticket.
Yeah. Well, I can't
arrest him for lying
about how he lost his finger.
Hey. Mitchell needs us upstairs later.
- Why?
- I don't know.
Maybe we should just cool it. Okay?
Especially while you're
waiting for POST results?
You think I'm being ridiculous?
No. No. I think you're really
close to getting your job back.
So maybe just pump the breaks
on the fake investigation
so you can come back
and do the real investigations.
It is not a fake investigation.
I talked to the other nannies
and Alma's mother is not sick.
So, where is Davis taking her?
Right? She could be in danger.
Ang, we'll follow up. Okay?
And maybe Pete's fingernail swab
will pan out.
Just be smart. For me.
Hi. Hi. Oh, my gosh.
It's so good to see you.
Hi, baby girl.
Hi. It's so good to see you.
Thank you.
Is this my kerchief?
Come on.
I missed you too.
This place is
Kinda creepy, right?
- Yeah.
You ever gonna talk to Will?
I dunno.
I guess it depends on
if I get my job back
and we have to work together.
I'm still mad at him, but
I think he's sad.
Betty, what are you eating?
[ANGIE] Is that a candy necklace?
What's left of it.
Guess that means it's time
to get you some real food.
No. Let her keep it.
It looks good on her.
You know you don't need
an excuse to come see me, right?
- Just call me. Anytime.
- Okay.
- See you soon.
- Bye.
Are you looking for something?
[ANGIE] Oof.
You scared me. Jesus.
The handle's busted.
It only opens from the outside,
with this.
All right.
Welcome to the Sovrano case.
We're gonna bring
this murder board to life
by assigning each of you a role
from the case. All right.
Your name and any information
we've gathered about you
is on your cards.
You also all have masks.
That's right. Feel free to use 'em.
We gon' get to the bottom of this.
So, like a murder mystery
dinner thing, huh? Fun.
'Ello, everyone.
My name is Olivia Broadus,
and I am Marcello's assistant.
- Olivia doesn't have an accent.
- Actor's choice, sweetie.
- Wait. Can we trade? Your guy seems cool.
- Sure.
So, I am Marcello Sovrano.
And I'm his brother, Rocco.
And I have a checkered past
that may include assault
and catching vermin.
What are you talking about?
It says he's a "trapist".
They catch wild animals, right?
No. And that's not a T, Ormewood.
That's a plus sign.
Wait. Hold on. This guy's a rapist?
No, no, no, no. Switch me back.
- No way.
- I'm Jacinta Banchoff, General Counsel.
I'm Sofia, and I have a secret.
Actually, you all do.
I didn't get any cards.
Because you're only here to
elucidate the forensic results, Pete.
Well, I'd like to elucidate
that I'm being underutilized.
I've been taking improv classes
for over ten years.
Really? That's amazing.
- If you wanna come to a show
- Probably not.
Okay. Pete. Forensic results.
- Go.
- Fine.
The victims were poisoned
by ethylene glycol.
And based on their stomach
contents, it was likely syringed
through the tops
of their fresh squeezed juices.
I had the kale.
I had the grapefruit.
And I had the beet juice.
So, this was random.
Not quite.
So, one beet juice was poisoned.
One grapefruit juice was poisoned.
But all the kale juices were poisoned.
Well, I'm the only one who likes kale.
I'm the only one who drinks it.
That means Jacinta
was the real target.
The others were just cover.
Okay. Now we're getting somewhere.
Rocco should've been
the real target. He sucks.
Hey. Get into character.
Use your mask.
It's not fair.
That was the first grapefruit
juice I'd had in three years
and there was poison in it?
Why did you suddenly
choose grapefruit, love?
Well, I'd finally stopped
taking my Valium.
- That was my secret.
- Hold on. How come he survived?
Marcello had high levels
of blood alcohol.
And alcohol's
an antidote to ethylene glycol.
You and I were having an affair,
which was against policy.
Could that be why you were targeted?
I highly doubt anyone in this
awful family cares
about your stupid affair. Okay?
Rocco was an accused rapist.
And all y'all have no problem
protecting him.
I care.
I know you only see me
as an assistant,
but according to all the other
assistants at the company,
I love you, Marcello.
And I always have.
Which means that I hate Jacinta
for stealing my man. Innit?
Yeah, but if she
really loved Marcello,
then why would she risk
poisoning him too?
Oh, another fizzy water with a
splash of lime, Deputy Director?
That's it. A good assistant
knows everything about their boss.
Olivia knew Marcello was an alcoholic
so she made sure he had plenty
of liquor in his system.
That was her way of protecting him
in case he picked up
one of the poison juices.
You saw how upset
Olivia was when Sofia died.
She wasn't expecting her
to choose grapefruit.
Oh, my God. [CHUCKLES]
It was me.
It worked. [CHUCKLES]
Kathy can't find it.
She's calling a locksmith.
- Okay. My turn.
Yeah, I got one. What's your sign?
- [SCOFFS] Taurus.
- No. Really?
- Taurus.
- I'm getting water sign.
No. I'm Taurus. I'm the bull.
Are you s I don't think
you know what your sign is.
- What? [CHUCKLES]
Score one for your gut.
DNA under the fingernail match
the parolee who just got out.
A real sicko, too.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I mean, he raped and murdered
a 17-year-old. Cut out her tongue.
We're gonna head over
and pick him up for questioning.
Wait. Where? Here?
Yeah. Yeah. The guy's
a handyman or something.
His name's Jonathan Shelley.
Okay. Funny enough, I am not
at the guard shack right now.
I'm locked in a shed
with our handyman, John.
Hang on. We'll be right there.
Angie. You okay?
Because if you're
claustrophobic, it helps to lie down.
You know, close your eyes.
I'm okay.
[MICHAEL] Police! Open up!
- Don't move. Don't move.
- What's happening?
Get up. Let's go.
He wasn't even on
my radar as a suspect.
Maybe I really shouldn't
be back on the force.
No. Don't talk like that.
- What?
- He wants to talk to you.
You don't have to.
Uh-uh. We take him
to the police station.
- We call his parole officer.
- Five minutes.
- You a civilian.
- Five minutes.
Can't believe you're a cop.
I'm not anymore.
I didn't kill Alice Finney.
Okay. What if I said I believe you?
I believe you didn't
kill Alice Finney.
- Did you hurt Alma?
I was trying to protect her.
What happened?
I was changing a bulb. Okay?
[SOBS] One of the path lights.
And Alma was walking fast.
Looked nervous.
She had one of those
expanding file folders.
It looked like it was stuffed
with papers.
And, um And then that big guy.
- Poppy's uncle.
- Davis.
I saw him coming and he looked angry.
He was shouting something about
papers. "Where are the papers?"
And Alma just shoved
the folder at me, okay?
She said, "Hide these." Then ran.
And Davis grabs her,
he knocks her down
I dropped the folder
and jumped on him. Okay?
I-I slowed him down.
But he threw me off
and kept going after Alma.
Well, then what?
I didn't see. I heard
the door to the shed slam.
I heard him cursing. And then
he came back, hand all bloody
Why didn't you report this?
Because I didn't want any trouble.
Davis told me to keep my mouth shut
or he'd say he caught me stealing.
I can't go back to prison, Angie.
I brought Marcello
a gin right before the meeting.
- He drank it in his office.
- Just gin?
He says mixers just get in the way.
Are you in love with Marcello?
What? No.
Hey, you're not jealous that
Jacinta was sleeping with him?
Maybe you decided
to get her out the way?
No, I That's not
Look, I don't have feelings
for Marcello. Okay?
Okay. Maybe I did back
when I first started, but
This job is a big opportunity for me.
My parents work at a laundromat.
If I do well at Sovrano,
my future is set.
I worked like hell
to get a chance like this.
So, why would I ever, ever
do anything to jeopardize it?
All right.
Well, we'll talk to Davis Fierro
- and get his side of things.
Keep John in custody
until his story checks out.
Double homicide. We gotta go.
Wait, wait, wait. What about Davis?
What if he has Alma right now?
Soon as we can, okay? I promise.
Just hold tight.
Don't do anything reckless.
I need the rest of the day off.
Absolutely not. Our community
has been traumatized.
Kathy, I quit.
Go hump yourself.
Olivia's the one who
picked up the juice order.
She kept the bottles
in her office until the meeting.
Yeah. But other people
had access, right?
When she wasn't in the office.
I don't want it to be her either,
but until we know more
Don't you get it?
This thing is gonna get
pinned on the person
who lacks the resources to fight back.
- That's not gonna happen.
- It happens all the time.
Is Olivia here? She in custody?
Are you here, you little traitor?
Hey! All right. Mr. Sovrano,
you need to step back.
- Calm down.
- You arrested my brother's assistant?
What the hell?
What are you doing in Atlanta?
Olivia had nothing to do with this.
How do you know?
Why are you talking to them?
Our brother is in the hospital.
I will not stand by
and watch my family
railroad yet another person
from lesser means!
What the hell is going on out here?
- Oh, Saint Franny.
- Hey. Settle down.
Yeah. "I'm so moral.
I care about the little people.
I only use my private jet
when I absolutely have to.
Which is every single time I fly."
You shut up.
What you waiting for? The e-vite?
Get in there. Do something.
- Stop it!
- Hey!
- You need to stop it right now.
- You're a disgrace!
I want that woman released.
Absolutely not.
I want her arrested right now!
We don't work for you.
The GBI will charge or release
whomever we damn well please.
Faith, Will, let security know
if someone needs an escort.
If I had to lose a sister,
it shouldn't have been Sofia.
Ms. Sovrano, this is your
chance to do the right thing.
[FRANNY] Jacinta contacted me.
She asked me to come.
She was going to leave the company.
Did the others know?
She was going to announce it
at the board meeting.
But my siblings, they have
eyes and ears everywhere.
I'm sure somebody found out.
You really think that someone
poisoned three people
just to prevent Jacinta from quitting?
It wasn't just that.
There were things Jacinta
wanted to discuss with me.
Things that she would
only talk about in person.
What things?
Ms. Sovrano, I understand.
You know, the thing
about family is, they're family.
You can reject each other,
you can put distance
between you and them,
but no matter what,
even when you know
having them in your life
- will lead to pain
they're family.
[INHALES DEEPLY] I can't help it.
[CRIES] I love 'em.
You know, sometimes loving people
means letting them
take responsibility
for the things they break.
Hey, this is Ormewood.
Leave a message after the beep.
- Hey, Ormewood, uh
I'm just thinking.
John said they were
arguing about papers.
So, do you think maybe
immigration papers?
The family owns a poultry plant.
They probably rely on foreign workers.
Even if they're here illegally,
if Davis has their visas,
then they're powerless, so
I dunno. Maybe just
Can you run it by the AG's office?
See what they can find?
[DAVIS] Go. Go on. Move it, move
it, move it, move it. Let's go.
I know you're in here. Come on out.
Did you send backup?
Good. 'Cause I might have done
something a little reckless.
What is it?
Jacinta Banchoff was about to resign
and go public regarding the cover-ups
of multiple sexual assaults.
Committed by you, Rocco.
- Get out. I'm calling my lawyer.
- Well, call his too.
Because he's the one who's been
making Jacinta clean up
your messes all these years.
Including the death
of a hotel housekeeper,
who fell off a bridge after
she refused to sign an NDA.
She was about to destroy the company.
You couldn't let that happen.
This is absurd. Marcello was poisoned.
Sofia died. He would not
No. No, no, no, no.
He poisoned himself
to throw off suspicion.
Knowing that as long as he had
enough alcohol in his system,
he'd survive.
You were willing to sacrifice
a second innocent life,
just to further obscure the trail.
Only it ended up being your sister's.
I'm sorry.
No. Tell me this isn't true.
I'm so, so, sorry, Rocco.
"The raid resulted in the arrest
of multiple executives and managers
accused of detaining workers
with H-2A visas
under the conditions of forced labor.
The operation would not have
been possible
without the brave actions
of Alma Marquina, herself a
former employee of Happy Hens
and a stubborn-as-hell-rent-a-cop
with a gorgeous sobriety sponsor.
- That's me.
- Good job. Way to go.
POST's decision came back.
I had a discussion with the Chief.
Let's make sure that
this is the last time
I have to welcome you back.
- Yes! Yes!
Thank you.
- Yes.
- Come on, baby. Welcome back.
- I told you.
- We should celebrate.
We should celebrate you guys. You
wanna go to Kay's Slaughterhouse,
drink nonalcoholic sodas
and watch me get smashed?
I wish I could, but I got
a date. He's a doctor.
Oh, okay.
Those are called appointments,
I am not gonna miss having you
as a partner, Ormewood.
- You probably will. A little.
- Nope. Not at all.
- Nope. Sure won't.
- All right. I'll take him.
The DA's filed to overturn all NDAs
associated with Rocco Sovrano
and Sovrano Industries at large.
Francesca is creating a victims fund.
She's vowed to compensate everyone
who's been harmed by
her family's company in any way.
So pretty much the entire world?
Yeah, we'll see if she puts
her money where her mouth is
once she has to start
selling off her houses.
Oh. Speaking of which.
Here. Come take a look.
- A condo.
- Mm-hmm.
I was talking to Quan.
He details my car.
The unit's in his building.
It's a great price and
he says there's not gonna
be a lot of offers.
I'm sorry, the man who details
your car owns a condo?
He's very good.
Why aren't they
expecting a lot of offers?
Well, the last tenant died there.
Left a little bit of a mess.
Other people get turned
off by a dead body,
but it's just another day
at the office for you.
Not bad.
- Hmm.
- Well, give Quan a call.
Thanks, Aunt Mandy.
[JOHN] Angie.
Thank you. They're releasing me.
I heard what you did.
And about Alma. Is she okay?
She'll be fine.
That's such a relief.
Maybe you could tell her
John. Rape and murder
of a 17-year-old girl.
We're not friends.
So, how is it?
I'll admit, there are certain
upsides to having you back.
I thought you'd like it.
Hey, girl. What? You hungry too?
Is that, um
I found it. I'm sorry.
No. It's okay.
I took Betty to see her.
Oh. Um
How'd that go?
Do you think, maybe,
you and Angie might ever
I'm sorry, Nico. I don't.
Hey, um Why don't we go sit
at the dining table, huh?
Gotta rip the Band-Aid
off sometime, right?
We're home We're home, we're home ♪
Oh, we've come home ♪
Ooh ♪
We're home We're home, we're home ♪
[WHISPERS] Yeah. I know. I know.
We've come home ♪
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