Will Trent (2023) s03e04 Episode Script

Floor Is Lava

[ANGIE] Previously on Will Trent
Rafael Wexford, you have a daughter.
Well, maybe she'd be safer if
you changed your line of work.
What else am I gonna do?
[WILL] I think I have a better idea.
This is my home where
shoes will never set foot.
I was thinking maybe we could
try to get to know each other.
How long am I staying here?
Are you here meeting someone?
Sorry, who are you?
I'm Special Agent Will Trent,
GBI. Who are you?
I'm Marion Alba. I'm with the Fulton
County District Attorney's office.
I arrested the love
of my life last year.
You arrested the love of your life?
It's a long story.
I thought you might choose me.
[WILL] I had no choice.
It was all going to come out.
I had to do it.
Regardless of your reason, the result
shows a lack of
respect for your position.
If you let me back on the force,
I will be the best version of myself.
Polaski. Post's decision came back.
Let's make sure that this is the
last time I have to welcome you back.
Yes! Yes!
Thank you.
Hey, I got an email
from the school about
that big basketball
game on Friday night.
Do you want to go with your friends?
Oh. Maybe you don't like sports.
I could drop you off at the mall.
I mean, if that's still a thing.
Not really.
Huh. Okay.
Well, you know you can invite
people over anytime.
Do your friends know what happened?
Why you're staying with me.
Look, lady, it's, like, 6:00
in the morning. Can you chill?
We're leaving in ten minutes.
Make sure you put
that in the recycling.
Agent Mitchell here yet?
All right.
[WILL] Oh. Um
It's, um
It's you.
Yep, we caught the call.
Why are you here?
Um, victim has SAP clearance
through the DOD.
Could be a national security concern.
Lucky us.
Hey! Stop.
Don't step on the rug.
Perp left shoe impressions.
You can see them better
from this side.
Oh, okay.
Um, I'll come to you.
Faith's, uh, running late.
Ormewood is interviewing neighbors.
Your, uh, first day back?
Yes, it is.
They're getting me a cake. I'm
not supposed to know about it.
- I'm going to jump to you, okay?
- Go for it.
- [ANGIE] Hey.
- Whoa.
- So
- Wow.
- Whoa. Yeah, you weren't kidding.
- Yep.
- Angie, we should
- No.
Oh. Um
Welcome back.
It's good to see you, Mitchell.
Polaski, is this man bothering you?
Why are you guys on the couch?
- Perp left shoe impressions.
- Better to see from this side.
The floor is lava.
I'm good at this game.
Okay, so we're all
just going to pretend
like this isn't horrifically awkward
for all parties involved here?
Yes, we are.
So, our victim is Lloyd Witham.
He was in charge of a contract
with the Department of Defense
to develop some kind of
new stealth drone.
He was targeted for his research?
That's what we're here to find out.
Anyone see a laptop?
How am I supposed to get
over there from here?
Try the coffee table.
There is a laptop bag there,
- but no laptop.
- It's glass, Polaski.
Trying to kill me?
- Taking the ottoman.
- Okay. Careful, it looks like it rocks.
Okay. God.
- Okay.
- [FAITH] Okay. So
So, what do we think happened?
Okay. The window in the ba Hold on.
- Hold on!
[MICHAEL] I was Never mind.
The window in the back was broken.
That's how the perp got in.
Okay, so he came in,
he sat in the armchair,
waited for Lloyd to get home,
and then shot him.
Sounds like a movie.
Yeah, we found the casing.
It's 9-millimeter.
None of the neighbors heard
anything so I think
he had a suppressor.
It's a professional setup,
but he screwed up.
He was gutshot.
Lloyd fell right there. Probably
passed out from blood loss.
- Is he out of surgery yet?
- No, not yet.
But can we talk about the footprints?
What, he shot the guy and then
did the Wobble for 20 minutes?
Well, let's map it out.
Our shooter starts here.
He goes to the body.
I'm guessing to steal the laptop
out of Lloyd's bag.
Yeah. From there, he goes
to the front door.
Hang on, when did everybody
get laser pointers?
I've always had a laser pointer.
They gave me one when I joined GBI.
I stole mine
from the GBI supply closet.
Couldn't have gotten me one?
Well I would have,
but Trent arrested you
and you were picking up garbage
on the side of the road.
So, once the shooter has
the laptop, why didn't he leave?
Well, the planter on the credenza.
He knocked it over. It's tilted,
and there's some dirt on the floor.
Okay, and then there's footsteps
that go to the hall closet.
- Ormewood, point at the footsteps.
- What's in that closet?
I'll bet you anything it's a hand vac.
Look at all those vacuum marks.
[ANGIE] Hmm.
[GRUNTS] Indeed, there's a hand vac.
Who tidies up
after they shoot someone?
Guys, I know who it is.
It was my mom.
Okay. Um, this hand vac
is filled with dirt, and, uh
New theory.
The shooter had long, brown hair.
The shooter is a woman?
Yeah, 'cause only women vacuum, right?
[ANGIE] You're the one
who said it was your mom.
Know what? I'm tired
of having to be the
one who polices
gender bias around here.
Guys, shut up.
Hang on. Look at [GRUNTS]
Well, look at this.
Are you kidding me?
Long, brown hair.
Uh-huh. She left us her ID.
Thank you so much,
Helen Anderson.
- What a dummy.
- That car belongs to Helen Anderson.
- This is where she works.
We'll cover the front.
You guys take the back.
Assume she's armed.
So, this is big.
First day working with Angie
since you arrested her.
Look, I know you don't like
talking about your feelings,
but this seems like
the rare occasion in
which you might want
to unburden yourself.
- I'm good.
- Let me help.
Do one of these statements feel true?
"I am still in love with her."
"I am angry with her."
"I feel guilty about what I did."
- "I am sad."
- I don't know about you.
I'm going in there to
arrest a homicidal maniac.
But if you want to keep talking
feelings, Pete Chin's nana died.
Maybe he could use
a shoulder to cry on.
- You good, Big Dog?
- Yep.
Cool. In position.
Helen Anderson, show me your hands!
Okay, okay, I will. Just let me
That's good. Yes, perfect.
Ma'am, step away from the dog.
- Okay, okay.
- Hands behind your back.
- Okay! Okay.
Hey, it's okay, Lady Esmerelda,
everything's gonna be all right.
James, she still needs
her essential oils.
You guys have no idea
who you're dealing with.
You're gonna feel pretty stupid
when you find out who I am.
Who are you?
Helen, it's time to start talking.
Attempted murder is a serious charge.
Wait. What do you mean, "attempted"?
Gonna wanna see this.
Found it in her bag.
- Interesting.
Care to explain this?
I think that speaks for itself.
It says that you have
complete immunity
for any acts that you have committed,
or may commit in the future.
A permission slip to commit murder?
Who do you think has
the authority to issue that?
The CIA.
I'm pretty sure that's not true.
You do know the CIA doesn't
operate on American soil, right?
Okay. I'd like to speak
with my handler.
- Oh. You have a handler?
- [HELEN] Yes, that's right.
I'm a spy.
- Oh.
You know I nearly became a CIA agent?
What do you mean by "nearly"?
I mean, I started filling out
the form one time.
I'd have been good at it though.
We're up.
Whoa. Hello.
Officer Case, thank you for joining us.
My pleasure.
You were right to bring the CIA
into this. This is a strange one.
First of all, this immunity
letter is meaningless.
It did not come from our office.
It's not a thing that exists.
And Helen Anderson?
Not a CIA intelligence officer.
But doesn't the target seem legit?
Agreed. That's what
makes it so strange.
Well, somebody convinced Helen
that she's a CIA officer.
And to go after Lloyd.
Well, it's not unusual for bad
actors to prey on people that way.
There are a lot
of CIA wannabes out there.
- My thing's different.
- Right.
Look, the way I see it, we
have two urgent priorities here.
First, where did she
stash that laptop?
And who is out there
acting as her handler?
Got it.
Officer Case, don't worry.
I'll get her to talk.
Agent Anderson.
Thank you for you discretion so far.
I'm Agent Ormewood.
Thank Heavens,
I knew they'd send somebody.
I've just been waiting and waiting.
Forgive us.
Your direct superior has been called
to Helsinki on clandestine business.
I was sent from Washington
to receive your mission debrief.
So, why don't you tell me how
much you were told about the laptop?
I was told the target was using it
to sell state secrets to terrorists.
That's right.
That's why you had to shoot him.
- Take the intelligence.
- Yes.
For America. To keep it from
falling into the wrong hands.
And where's the laptop now?
I left it at the dead drop,
as instructed.
And just to be clear,
the dead drop was set up by
Cutter, of course.
[SIGHS] It's just as I thought.
Listen, we need to set up a
meeting with Cutter, immediately.
Can you help me speed that up?
You just said Cutter was in Helsinki.
I'm not an idiot, "Agent Ormewood."
Faith, have you seen my stapler?
- Hey, Will.
- Oh.
Ms. Alba?
Is this your office?
- They didn't even give you a window?
- It's temporary.
Yeah, but aren't you, like,
the top agent here?
What can I do for you, Ms. Alba?
Marion, please.
So, I heard a rumor that you have
a CI inside the Grove Park Boys?
Peanut, yeah. He's Faith's guy.
Can I talk to him for my RICO case?
I had everything lined up
to take down Lincoln Spelling,
- but he's now You know
- Dead.
Right. So, is there a new shot caller?
I mean, are there multiple suitors?
Is there a hostile acquisition
in the works?
I bet, uh, Peanut knows.
I'll tell Faith to set you up.
She's next door. In my old office.
The one with the beautiful views
of the Atlanta skyline.
Good to see you. Thank you.
And I have to get to court.
Okay. Hey, um
Do you know you
you have a little something.
What When did I
get that How did
Oh my Oh, God.
I have court in 20 minutes.
Um, I
I have a shirt
on the back of the door.
Fresh from the dry cleaning.
If you want it, it's yours.
I do.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
It's black, metal, uses
standard six-millimeter staples.
I don't care who you
take it from, I need one.
My papers, they're everywhere. Okay
Hey. Hi.
Lloyd is out of surgery if you
and Faith wanna talk to him.
Yeah. Sounds good. Yep.
Why're you just standing there?
Will, have you ever
thought about putting
a little more effort
into your appearance?
You know, it's really important.
What? That shirt's custom made.
I know. It's monogrammed
with your damn initials.
I think I wanna keep it.
Um I mean, um, no
ADA Marion Alba,
Detective Angie Polaski.
Hello, Detective.
Will, I have to get to court.
Thank you, again.
Yep. Yeah. Okay.
Um Faith, we gotta go.
No, I've never seen her before.
Glenn, do you recognize this woman?
No, sorry.
Glenn Evans?
You guys are research partners.
That's right.
Lloyd, what's next?
Tosca or Rigoletto?
Uh, Rigoletto.
- Glenn has an aria for every mood.
[FAITH] Hmm.
Any idea who would want your research?
Well, it's cutting-edge technology.
Tactical drones. Low cost, autonomous.
Lethal, with unprecedented precision.
There are a hundred countries who
would kill to have this kind of edge.
But even if they have the laptop, they
can't access the intelligence right?
That's right.
You need the encryption key.
- Who has the key?
- Myself and Lloyd.
Why? You don't think
I'm in danger, do you?
Glenn, we're gonna put you
in protective custody.
Whoever stole the laptop
may be after they key next.
Hold on. Our research assistant,
Cole, also has the key.
We're gonna need Cole's address.
Ma'am, you have a call from
Riverview Heights Academy on line one.
Amanda Wagner.
She what?
I'll be right there.
- Sunny was in a fight in school.
- You're leaving?
She's been suspended.
I need to pick her up.
I have never seen you
leave early before.
I didn't have a kid before.
Cole Ridgemont, GBI!
Cole, we need you to come with us.
[FAITH] He's dead.
I never stabbed anyone before.
There's so much blood.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It all sounds so stupid now.
We understand a little
more than you think.
Talk to us, Kent.
My mission was to
kill the target, Cole.
Get the encryption key.
And then send it to Cutter
through a secure upload.
Cutter has the key?
What can you tell me about Cutter?
[KENT] I've never met him in person.
He's pretty secretive.
How'd he find you?
We met online.
Said he was recruiting for
a sleeper network of CIA assets.
Everything sounded so important
and urgent.
Where online did he meet you?
- I don't wanna say.
- Hey.
You can tell us.
We met on a message
board to discuss Alias.
It's like a community of people.
Sorry, what is that?
Sydney Bristow is a spy who thinks
she's working for a
secret organization
inside the CIA.
Until they kill her fiancée,
and she realizes they're the bad guys.
She has to become a double agent
for the real CIA.
[MICHAEL] And only one person
knows her truth.
Another double agent.
A man she hardly knows.
[BOTH] Her father.
[MICHAEL] She wears a different
wig in every episode.
- It's so good. It's so good.
- It's so good.
Okay. Thank you.
Sounds like a great program.
If we could turn our attention
back to the case,
because there is a psychopath
who's convincing lonely people
on the internet to commit murder.
Okay. So Kent is 28. He works
remotely, doesn't have any friends.
Cutter was able to manipulate him
because he was already isolated.
He spent all that time online
looking for community, purpose
- And he loves spies.
- Right.
So maybe Helen was recruited
from the same site.
Mmm. Let's pull the user data from
the message boards and find out.
I already spoke to Officer Case.
She's on her way down from D.C.
- [FAITH] Oh.
- Did you? Hmm.
There's national security
secrets at stake.
Look, I have a perfectly normal
amount of respect for Officer Case.
- It's not weird.
- No. Not at all.
Let's get to work.
What happened today, Sunny?
I want a lawyer.
I bet you do. Too bad.
When do we get to go home?
You know how many nights I spent
sleeping in interrogation
rooms as a kid?
No, we're not going anywhere.
Dinner is served.
Oh. You might as well get this
right on out of here.
Dinner is for people
who tell the truth.
- For real?
- She's for real.
Oh, I'd get to talking, if I were you.
- Picking up.
- [SERVER] Okay.
Thanks, Tanya.
So, they do the cake thing yet?
Yeah, they had a little party.
It was weird.
Heller gave a speech about redemption.
He cried.
I think he was really talking
about his divorce.
Hmm. That's rough.
And Franklin
Did you know
he's learning to play clarinet?
He played "Amazing Grace."
Oh, my God.
Worst part, though, was the cake.
It was gluten-free
and it was like chocolate sand.
[GROANS] Oh, no. I'm so sorry.
You're sorry about the cake.
- [TANYA] Here you go.
- Thanks.
Excuse me. Could I get
this door unlocked?
Sure. Let me get the keys.
[WILL] Hey, can we just talk?
I don't wanna talk about this.
You didn't give me a choice, okay?
Are you serious?
Of course you had a choice.
You covered up a murder.
And because of that,
five more men are dead.
You didn't say anything to me.
That's what you're mad about?
- That I lied to you.
- Yeah, of course I am.
And because of what you did.
Maybe it was a little hard to
open up to you because I thought
you might arrest me.
And you did in front of everyone.
Can I get some help here?
You know? You're right
I am so sorry that
when I arrested you for lying
about murdering a man,
I didn't consider that you
might get a little embarrassed
in front of your coworkers.
You blew up our life!
I blew up our life?
You blew up our life.
- I blew up
- We were building something.
We were finally in a good place.
We were talking about having kids.
You think I don't know that.
I fought for this
relationship, for us.
I wanted it more than
anything, a family.
I need this door open right now!
Did you do it on purpose?
Did you sabotage it?
Of course not.
It killed me.
Go to hell, Will.
Oh, Officer Case.
Hello, Detective Ormewood.
Oh, call me Michael or Mike or
Mikey. Whatever
Whatever feels good.
- Ormewood feels good.
- Yeah. That's fine too.
Thank you for coming.
I hope we're not pulling you
away from anything important.
Oh, here, please.
Have a seat.
Just dinner with the Austrian
foreign minister.
It's not as interesting
as it sounds, I promise.
So, now that Cutter has access
to the research,
how would he go
about selling those secrets?
He'd hand it off in person.
This isn't the sort of thing where
you want any sort of digital trail.
Keep it off-grid. Makes sense.
And if he is planning on selling
to a foreign agent,
that person needs a legitimate reason
to be on US soil
without raising any flags.
Something like a conference.
Yeah, APD keeps a list of events that
are gonna require
extra police presence.
We can look for ones that
have international pull.
I have my team
looking at our watch lists
to see who we know
in the Atlanta area.
I can draw up a list of suspects,
but it's a big city.
It's gonna be a long list.
You know, we'll find him,
Officer Case.
If it's the last thing I do.
[MARION SIGHS] I can't keep having
the same conversation with you, okay?
Please, do not call
me at work anymore.
- [WILL] Oh. Hey.
- Hey.
Um I wasn't I
- Actually, I came Can I come in?
- Yes.
Obviously. Of course. This is
Yeah This is your office. Please.
Sorry. I was just returning your
shirt, and my husband called.
- You're married?
- No.
Uh, kind of No.
I am not.
We went to high school together.
We were best friends, but it is over.
We're just still
fighting over the cat.
I get it. My last
relationship was a long one too.
Kinda still strange
talking about it in past tense.
Is this the one that you arrested?
Actually, yes. You met her yesterday.
Gotta say, though, you know,
if you're looking to end things,
arresting them is a great way
to make sure it sticks.
What a tip.
Will, you have never been anything but
very kind to me,
and I appreciate that.
Well, I appreciate you too.
[FAITH] Hmm.
Will, you were right.
Cutter approached Helen in
the Alias message boards too.
I just finished reading their DMs.
What did Cutter say?
Is there anything
pointing us to his identity?
He didn't say much,
and Helen's still not talking.
At some point, they moved chatting
- to a secure messaging app.
- But before that, mostly they talked
about Helen's favorite episode
of Alias, "The Telling."
Oh. Wow. That one is an intense one.
Wow, you too?
Okay, well, I guess we're
watching an episode of Alias.
Can I join?
My lunch was just canceled.
Oh, no. Is Bradley Cooper dead?
- Bradley Cooper is unkillable.
- Wait. [SHUSHES]
[MARION] Oh. Look at her fly.
- [FAITH] Ooh. Hell, no.
- [WILL] This is violent.
- Uh-oh.
- She meant business, okay?
This is slow motion. You know
something serious about to happen.
- Got the gun.
- [FAITH] Don't do it. That's the
- [WILL] Too late.
- [FAITH] Ooh!
She just shot her best friend.
Well, technically, it's
her best friend's evil clone.
[FAITH] Yeah, but still.
She's genetically identical.
Well, she actually died before this.
It was in the episode
after the Super B
Guys! She just shot her best friend.
Helen was obsessed
with this episode of television.
I have an idea.
Hello, Helen.
I still don't have
anything to say to you.
You were in a car accident in 2023.
You were pretty severely injured.
The driver of your car died.
Melodie Sundell.
Why are you bringing that up?
The police report said
you guys were best friends.
The night she died, we were
going to Cirque Du Soleil.
I was supposed to drive,
but I had a glass of wine
with dinner so she took over.
Then a driver fell asleep,
came into our lane and
After that I
I couldn't do anything.
I just stayed at home and watched TV,
posted about it.
And that's when
Cutter came into your life?
I was so lonely,
and he was the only one
who understood me.
I couldn't believe
he actually worked for the CIA.
And when he recruited me
I don't know. My life felt like
it had meaning again.
I know this is hard to hear, Helen,
but Cutter was never a CIA
agent and neither are you.
He used your pain to make you believe
you were part of something exciting.
He had you steal those
secrets so he could sell them.
You're not the only person
he reached out to either.
We have a young man in custody
who just killed an innocent man.
We know from Cutter's DMs that
he reached out to a dozen people
- before he even messaged you.
Told them all the same things.
But if I'm not a CIA agent,
then I'm just
then I'm just a dog groomer.
And I shot I shot that man.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh, I'm going to jail.
I should go to jail.
Helen, you can be the key
to this entire investigation.
Who knows how many other fake
sleeper agents are out there.
No more dead bodies.
Will you help us?
I need you to tell me everything
you know about Cutter.
He He lives alone. Works a lot.
He's an interesting guy, really.
Easy to talk to.
He knew about a lot
of different things.
Loved opera
Thank you, Helen.
We're gonna solve this
whole thing because of you.
If Glenn wanted to sell his research,
he could have done
it without killing anybody.
We would have been able
to trace it back to him.
The fake spies draws
attention away from him.
It's more than that.
The guy's an electronic engineer.
He could be innovating
new heart monitors,
instead he's building
silent murder drones.
Guy gets high on power.
Is Glenn in there?
Oh. potassium, that's good for you.
Glenn Evans.
He's not here.
- You got him?
- He's gone.
All right. We think
we know where he's going.
He's got a ticket to the World
Grandmaster chess tournament downtown.
He should be showing
up soon if he still
plans on going through with the sale.
I don't want anyone making
contact until after
the handoff is made.
This is bigger than a murder case
now, this is about state secrets.
I need to see who he's planning on
selling to and catch them in the act.
Copy that. Observe, don't approach.
None of you guys look like
you play chess. Except Will.
Thank you, Sunny.
I'm offended. For all you know,
I could be Grandmaster.
Ormewood, one time, you threatened
to send Max to military school
because he wanted to join chess club.
It was a joke. As a single father, I
love and respect both of my children.
As a single father.
- You guys have eyes on your targets?
- [ANGIE] Yep.
Zhi Muyang, the Chinese coach
and Xu Xing Pei, the player.
We've long suspected Zhi of being a
recruiter and Xu
is his latest project.
I'm all over the Iranians. I have
Mirhosseini and Azimi triangulated.
Hey, Officer Case, just so you
know, I served in Afghanistan.
I speak a little Farsi
if you need me to approach.
Ormewood, shut up.
Evans has no known
ties to Iran or China.
Those are just his most likely targets,
but he could be
meeting anyone, so stay fluid.
As for you, Agent Mitchell?
I'll let you know if he
gets close to anyone else.
Glenn has arrived.
He's moving towards the tournament.
[CASE] Will, you got him?
Got him. He's on the move.
He's getting close
to the Chinese team.
Be ready, Polaski.
Nope. Not my team.
He's going on to Poland.
- [PERSON 1] Oh!
- [PERSON 2] Hey!
Watch where you're going!
What is that?
What's he doing?
I got the shooter.
I got the shooter.
I lost Glenn.
Anyone have eyes on Glenn?
I got him. He's in Poland.
They made the exchange. It's done.
He must be working for the Russians.
- The Polish player is mine.
- I'm on Glenn.
GBI! Freeze!
[GRUNTS] I'm CIA! I have immunity.
Oh, honey, no you don't.
He's headed for the north doors.
I see him.
Where is that?
That's our hallway.
Don't you move.
- Oh, come on.
I woulda had him!
Your state secrets, ma'am.
Thank you.
- You're under arrest.
Okay. That is so badass.
Glenn! Freeze! [GRUNTS]
It's over. You're under arrest.
Hands behind your back.
Let him go.
Ma'am, you are not in the CIA.
This man is a liar.
Thank you.
Well, are you ready
to tell me what happened yet?
Okay. So, this boy Beck
has the locker next to mine,
and I asked him if I could
look at his bio homework,
but then Daphne was like,
"Stop talking to my boyfriend."
And I was like, "I wasn't."
But then she was like,
"You're a druggie hood rat."
So I walked away.
But then she came up
behind me and grabbed me,
and it was
How Cromwell grabbed you.
I don't know.
And then, I don't really
remember what happened.
But I guess I hit her.
How often do you think about that day?
With Cromwell?
How would you feel
about talking to someone?
Like a therapist.
You went through
something really horrible.
I know how long
something like that sticks
to your bones, sweetie.
I'm fine.
Come with me.
Come on.
What are we doing?
You are gonna learn
how to protect yourself.
My father gave me these gloves
when I was your age.
Here. Put 'em on.
Now, your power comes
from the ground up.
So, the first thing you're gonna
need to do is plant your feet.
Come on.
All right.
Now, lemme see a punch.
Okay. Good.
Well, lemme see another one.
Okay. Now, put something in it.
Give me a real punch.
There you go. Put a face on it.
- [FAITH] Hey.
- Hey.
Officer Case leave already?
Yeah. First flight out.
Too bad. I was really
rooting for you two.
Yeah. Well, I don't think it would
have worked out between us.
Why not?
Well, she asked me
for Polaski's number. So
There's that.
Besides I mean,
what do I have to offer?
Taco Tuesdays at Jimmy's Bean Hut?
You okay, Ormewood?
Not really.
No, I mean
This divorce is bleeding me dry.
I'm barely holding on to my house.
I just Lemme give you
a piece of advice, Mitchell.
You ever get married, get a prenup.
I don't care how in love you are.
Get a prenup.
I'm sorry.
That's tough.
Hey, I know
it's not Tuesday, but, um
You doing anything right now?
Because we just survived a hurricane
of awkwardness from our partners.
You got that right.
And I've never been to Jimmy's Bean Hut.
Oh, man. You're gonna love it.
They have a fried burrito al
Jimmy. It's gonna blow your mind.
They start off with a half pound of
cheese, right? And
it sounds like a lot
Evans was able to accomplish all
this because he was an astute observer.
He recognized the
epidemic of loneliness
in our culture and
took advantage of that.
Hey, Will.
Just wanted to let you know,
the paperwork's in the box.
[ANGIE] Yep.
I'm sorry, is that a smartphone?
A lot's changed in six months.
I guess so.
I know things are
intense right now.
But, um
I just miss my best friend.
I know.
Me too.
I hope we can
somehow get past this.
I don't think so, Will.
Not this time. I've had a lot
of time to think about this.
Yeah, me too.
You did what you had to do.
And you did what you had to do
but everything is different now,
and it's not gonna go back
to how it was before.
I know.
We're not lovers.
We're not
We're coworkers.
We've been saving each other
and pushing each other forward
and pulling each other back
since we were seven years old.
We can just stop.
I'm not sure I know how.
You're already moving on.
You just don't realize it yet.
Wilbur Trent
I release you.
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