Young Justice s03e14 Episode Script


1 - (THUNDER RUMBLING) - SUPERMAN: I'm not seeing or hearing any survivors under the rubble.
And the deceased are all Thanagarian.
- No parademons.
- TALAK: Parademons? (SCOFFS) There's no evidence this was done by any Apokaliptan (SPEAKS ALIEN WORD) (CHUCKLES) Yeah, the ring won't translate that last word, but - I can tell you what it means.
- I got the gist.
Thank you.
Commander Talak, this Nth metal refinery fits the profile of other facilities raided by parademons on several planets.
Yet the attack pattern here is different.
I don't see the usual evidence of parademon weapons fire.
And the Javelin detected no trace of Boom Tube activity in the area.
I assume your scans confirm the Nth metal stockpiles here have been Been stolen, yes, Lieutenant Thal.
But the theft of a common element is the least of our concerns.
Sir, Nth metal is only common on Thanagar.
And thus Apokalips checks another rare raw material off its grocery list.
As I said, Captain Hol, there's no evidence this was an Apokaliptan attack.
Our scans have only detected earthling bio signs.
But fortunately for your friends, not their bio signs.
You've been scanning us? (CHUCKLES) Smart.
Trust no one.
Certainly not earthlings.
Sir, we sent you the evidence.
Earth meta-humans are being kidnapped off planet for use by Apokaliptan forces.
The metas are mind-controlled into violent action.
We've seen it.
Then, perhaps we should send a hawk fleet to quarantine Earth's populus since the task is clearly too difficult for certain officers and their human sidekicks.
Don't call us sidekicks.
WONDER WOMAN: Respectfully, the Justice League has been traveling the galaxy in peaceful cooperation with Yes, yes, you've sung this song before, during your first contact apology tour.
You claim then, that you and Lieutenant Thal were mind-controlled into violent acts on Rimbor.
Thanagar is still working to repair our reputation from that.
And now that Thanagar itself falls victim to human attack, look who shows up to sing a reprieve.
- Commander - TALAK: You're done here.
While you were squawking with commander bird brain I did some scanning of my own.
Boom Tubes may have left no trace but I found an ion trail from the attacker's ship.
They flew away on their own power, meaning, they screwed up, and we have a new lead.
You kinda want to kiss the ring now, don't you? Little bit? Kinda want to kiss the ring? Come on! Somebody kiss it.
VIOLET: I cannot believe this is your first breakfast burrito.
An entire meal wrapped in a warm tortilla, pure enjoyment for mouth and hands.
(CHUCKLES) My sister and I were raised in a castle where eating with one's hands was not encouraged.
(CHUCKLES) I guess then you only ate with those silver spoons you were born with, huh? Hmm.
And your life with your eminent scientist father was one of economic hardship? Uh, no.
Maybe this would be a good time to get to it.
Listen, you've all reached a crossroads.
Vic, you have your own decisions to make.
But Brion, Tara, Violet, Forager, we feel the four of you are ready to work with the Justice League's covert ops team to help mankind.
But being a hero isn't for everyone.
This a choice you each have to make for yourself.
And the decision you make now doesn't have to be a permanent one.
ARTEMIS: No judgement from us either way.
You've already risked your lives for each other and for the meta-teens we rescued in Bialya.
That's enough.
I've made my choice.
And Bialya has proven I made the right one.
To protect the innocent, no matter the danger.
But facing danger isn't a mandatory part of our mission.
Troia of Themyscira and Garth of Atlantis both left the front lines.
Now they fight the good fight inside the system as ambassadors to the United Nations.
And you need to know there is no shame in leaving this life behind.
A few years back I quit the team with - Wally West.
- (CONNER CLEARS THROAT) The first Kid Flash.
We went to college, rented an apartment.
We had a life together.
And then, Wally, my best friend, came back to the life and sacrificed everything, so we could all be here today, at the ruins of our former headquarters.
Our former home.
Another sacrifice made for the greater good.
So, the three of us live with the consequences of these sacrifices.
We stand for those who have fallen and we fight for those who can't.
That's our choice.
But it doesn't have to be yours.
And today's the day we are to make this important life decision? Yeah.
Today's the day.
AQUAMAN: After extensive investigation, the Justice League discovered that the entertainment device known as Goode VR goggles is part of a major meta-human trafficking chain.
These devices secretly test users for the meta gene.
Subliminal messages in the goggles' content direct victims to discreet locations for abduction, meta gene activation, and enslavement.
New meta-humans are then trafficked and traded on the black market by criminal organizations.
To save lives placed in immediate danger by this scheme, the Justice League took swift action to shut down these trafficking centers.
Those rescued will be counseled and rehabilitated here at the S.
Labs Meta-human Youth Center.
The Justice League now calls upon the governments of Earth to investigate Goode World Studios for their role in this heinous plot against humanity.
Yes, the League saved a few kids which they've since dumped in Taos.
But since these heroes failed to coordinate with local authorities, the big players in the meta trafficking game vanished into the woodwork, further antagonizing national and international governments, with whom the League should be cooperating.
Yes, cooperation, folks.
That's how a society achieves justice.
The people demand it, the social media demands it, foreign governments demand it while threatening sanctions.
Even Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon, no relation, has shut down the infamous Bat signal.
A clear good riddance to the ex-Leaguer.
With me today is the latest target of the Justice League's attacks, a close, personal frenemy of the show, please welcome Gretchen Goode.
The pop culture icon known as Granny Goodness.
Thank you, G.
Your flair for drama is always the perfect spoonful of sugar to choke on after the medicine goes down.
(LAUGHS) (LAUGHS) You get me, old girl.
You really do.
What I get is the gravity of the League's accusations against my company.
Just as I get my responsibility to own up to our mistakes.
Why, Granny, I expected a denial, a counter attack.
But a mea culpa? Yes.
I'm afraid one of my closest friends, Dakar Marlo, director of Goode R&D betrayed my organization, my customers, and my trust.
He perverted our goggles without my knowledge or permission.
Sounds like you have the evidence to bring this scoundrel to justice.
I do, and I would.
But Mr.
Marlo was found murdered this past August, likely by the same villains with whom he did business.
Then, perhaps justice has been served up, not by the League but by karma.
No, G.
True justice will be served up by your dear old Granny.
All of my faulty devices have been recalled.
I'll soon be offering new and improved technologies for the people's entertainment.
And Goode World Studios will continue funding the Meta-human Youth Center for families harmed by Marlo's betrayal.
- - So you can rest assured, Granny will make everything right as rain.
(GIRL SCREAMS) He took my purse! (GROWLS) (GIRL GASPS) Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! You're Garfield Logan? (EXCLAIMS EXCITEDLY) Thank you! (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING) The behavior of our stars reflects on this studio, - and you are trending! - Excellent work, Garfield.
Your mother would be so Don't even mention my mom! And cut the Granny gimmick.
I know what you are, Gretchen.
You really have no idea what I am, so mind your manners, child, and your elders.
Bring it.
(GUY SINGING) The nebula clouds round Oa Such glorious beautiful gas And the luminous ring Of Mogo 'Tis a vision That's just world class But when Aria Crossed the galaxy The sight none Can truly surpass It is the sun rise Over the gentle curves Of Giganta's shapely Good gosh.
Two years in space and I have not missed Themyscira more than at this very moment.
Great Scott! Up ahead.
We're coming up on some kind of asteroid base.
One that's easily twice the size of the Watchtower.
MEGAN: It's not every day the team recruits a new member.
Today I'm happy to welcome four.
Terra, Geo-force, Halo and Forager.
Your new teammates, Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Kid Flash, Static and Thirteen will be glad to have reinforcements.
And, personally, I am thrilled we have another alien on the team.
And two more girls.
We're keeping pace.
More girls I have given thought to this.
Despite my outward appearance, I do not know that I am a girl or a boy as Earth languages define the words.
Yeah, but your soul, it's from A Mother Box.
An approximate English translation of the New Genesian word for what I was.
But what I am now is just me.
Is that okay? Beyond okay.
Oh, but I'm sorry.
I interrupted your briefing.
It's fine.
I'm truly thrilled you're discovering who you are inside.
Plus, there's more good news.
Superboy and Tigress are rejoining the team.
Keeping an eye on us? Spending more time with my fiancée.
COMPUTER: Recognized.
Beast Boy, B19.
Are you sure you've thought this through? Yeah.
I want back on the team.
We were just noting the buzz online.
Gorilla heroics got the itch scratchin', huh? It's more than that.
I put Gretchen Goode on notice.
She might have me locked into an acting contract, but she doesn't control my off hours.
And I'm here to help take her down.
We don't have any leads on Goode yet.
But you're always welcome on the team, little brother.
Can't send you on every stealth mission, your powers are too recognizable.
But I'll juggle assignments to keep you as busy as you want to be.
Looks like your team just doubled in size.
We need all the help we can get.
- (BEEPING) - Oh, speaking of help.
Troia and Catherine are taking the fight public again.
Despite Lex Luthor's short-sighted views the Justice League must maintain its autonomy.
Decisions by political committee take too long, and could cost lives.
Behind us is the former site of the Hall of Justice.
It's been two years since the Hall was destroyed by alien attack.
And the committee to renovate the site is deadlocked on how to proceed.
Now, imagine this process Luthor's process applied to the life and death missions of the Justice League.
Really, Lex Luthor, how do you find the time to be a leader of nations and the super villain the League frames you to be? (LEX CHUCKLES) It is exhausting, G.
Honestly though, I have grown weary of these tit-for-tat public statements.
Certainly the League sees the difference between autonomy and oversight.
We need accountability and transparency.
That's why the UN has had a satellite parked near the Watchtower for the last two years.
So, we watch the Watchtower, but who watches the watchman? Even your own LexCorp has oversight, correct? Of course.
To avoid any conflict of interests with my current duties, I place LexCorp in a blind trust.
My sister Lena now runs LexCorp.
Miss Luthor recently made headlines by pledging LexCorp funds to the Meta-Human Youth Center.
Are you saying you had nothing to do with Lena's charitable grandstanding? Why, G.
Gordon, I'm not saying anything at all.
GUY: The ion trail leads directly to target base.
GRANNY GOODNESS: An ion trail? But my dear Barda, that cannot be correct.
Not when we have a clear policy of Boom Tubing back and forth from all raid sites.
I was laying a trap for these vermin.
The time to hide is over.
Now we can fight - (BUZZING) - (GROANING) What has Granny Goodness taught you, child? We serve only Darkseid.
- (GROANING) - And through me, his will be done.
Granny will choose the time for conflict.
(CHUCKLES WICKEDLY) And to be clear, that wasn't torture, Desaad.
It was discipline.
I love Barda enough to punish her for her own good.
But you'll see torture soon enough.
(WOLF HOWLING) BRION: The Watchtower is very crash.
Never in a million years did I think I would travel into space.
Victor, maybe next time you can No, no, no, thank you.
Uh, despite appearances I'm not the Watchtower superhero type.
I'm getting my old body back.
And the only space I need is my own room.
If I have to hear your phone chime another text from Violet - I may go all Fatherbox on you guys.
- (PHONE CHIMES) - (WOLF HOWLING) - It is from Violet.
- How did you - Please.
She's always texting you.
I suppose she is.
- - (VIOLET GIGGLES) - (DISHES CLATTERING) - LIAN: Not me! ARTEMIS: Violet! Lian spilled her juice.
- LIAN: Not me! Not me! - VIOLET: Coming.
ARTEMIS: Tara, it's time for Brucely's walk.
Oh, you got him.
- Full house, huh? - Yeah, yeah.
Never a dull moment.
But the girls pull their weight, so, we make do.
Caffeine me.
We'll be right back after I clean up this juice monster.
Not me! You've built a home full of love, William.
It is nice to see.
- Helga.
- I I feel so useless.
- Helga - Hear me out.
You've all done so much for these children.
Yet I also wish to contribute.
Victor refuses to return to his father or S.
And I believe I could be of service to him.
But I would need a fully equipped laboratory to provide any assistance at all.
I realize it's a lot to ask.
But how else could I repay the kindness you've shown me.
Big Barda, open fire for Granny.
Hail Granny Goodness! Hail Darkseid! (GRUNTING) Apokaliptan canon fire ain't no joke.
You're lucky I'm here to cover your butt.
Returning fire.
Missiles through their shields.
Hitting target.
Now! BARDA: Cursed Hawks gave them Nth metal missiles.
The impact triggered a decompression in section 16.
It hid an incursion or failed to.
Barda, summon the Furies.
At last.
Huh, underwhelming security.
Stay whelmed.
We're not out of this yet.
- Stay what? - Oh, uh, - guess I picked that up from - The children, I think we found them.
The missing eight from Markovia.
All of them.
The end point of the light's trafficking of meta-humans to the forces of Apokolips.
HAWKWOMAN: That may not be the worst of it.
Look at the size of this thing.
Scans read all of the stolen elements within it.
- Can you tell what it's designed - BARDA: Furies! Attack! Stop! We don't want to hurt you.
Makes it easier to hurt you! - (GRUNTS) - (GROANS) - (GRUNTS) - Whoa.
Enough, Desaad.
I know our master's machine isn't ready.
But if the Earth heroes destroy the device, will you explain to Darkseid? (BEGRUDGINGLY) Hmm.
I thought not.
Their pain.
- (DESAAD LAUGHS) So excruciating.
So glorious.
So instructive.
SUPERMAN: Everyone, out! (GRUNTING) You saved me.
Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, catwalk above, their leader.
Go! Showboats.
Always leaving the hard work for old Guy.
GRANNY GOODNESS: True justice will be served up by your dear old Granny.
All of my faulty devices have been recalled.
I'll soon be offering new and improved technologies for the people's entertainment.
And Goode World Studios will continue funding the Meta-human Youth Center for families harmed by Marlo's betrayal.
So, you can rest assured, Granny will make everything right as rain.
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