Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman s04e11 Episode Script

'Twas the Night Before Mxymas

- Okay, your parents, done.
My parents?|- Check.
- Perry?|- Right here.
Jimmy, here.
I got Aunt Esther the fruit basket|and holiday chocolates in the shape of basketball players|for the archbishop and the international|assorted cheeses for the mayor.
Oh, no.
She just had a baby.
- Do babies do Brie?|- Lois, relax.
Everything is under control.
It's gonna be a great Christmas.
- How do you know?|- Because, honey, it's Christmas.
And it's our first in our new home.
Speaking of which, we'll never get|the house ready on time before everyone arrives.
|Without super-cheating, that is.
- Lois.
|- Then there's the question of parking.
I'm sorry.
I don't what it is about|the holidays that does this to me.
It's just the way you look at it, that's all.
|You view Christmas like it's a chore.
- Like it's something to get through.
|- That's how it feels to me.
Look around you.
What do you see? Crass commercialism.
Conspicuous consumption,|gluttony, greed.
I'm confusing the 12 days of Christmas|with the seven deadly sins, aren't I? Wanna know what I see? I see magic.
- Magic?|- Yeah, honey, magic.
And I love it.
I just wish you - You could too.
|- You know what I wish? I wish we could have|a nice Christmas alone together.
No lists, no guests, nobody needing Five-alarm fire at|Bedford Street Children's Home - What are you hearing?|- Fire trucks.
- Bedford Street Children's Home's on fire.
|- Hurry.
It's that moment just as I bust|through the interdimensional vortex.
Always gives me a brain freeze.
- Where'd he go?|- Who? L I I targeted him right here to this spot.
|He should be here.
Who? He's moving northeast and fast.
This guy can move.
Hey! - Hey!|- Oh, my.
What's? - What did you do to?|- What? Hey.
Stand back, boys.
There's a new imp in town.
We'll turn in my story, wish everybody|a Merry Christmas and then duck out.
What time do your parents' flight get in? Oh, 7:00.
You're not still brooding about that,|are you? You saved every one of those kids.
It's just sad to think of these kids|being split up for the holidays.
All their presents,|their Christmas tree destroyed.
Well, it was the Christmas tree lights|that started the fire.
You couldn't have done|any more than you did.
I suppose.
There is something|that's bothering me though.
The whole time I was pulling|the kids from the building I just had the strangest sensation|that I was being watched.
Well, you wear that suit,|you tend to draw a crowd.
No, that's not what I mean.
It was something different.
A presence.
- A presence?|- That's weird.
Okay, it's 12 noon.
We gotta leave by|4:30 if we're to make the airport by 7.
Lois, I can get us there on time.
|Trust me.
Oh, yeah.
The traffic on Christmas Eve|is gonna be murder.
Merry Christmas.
|I love you guys the most.
Merry Christmas, Ralph.
Hey, Beth Ann, Merry Christmas.
I love you the most, babe.
In world news, Eastern European|peace talks are progressing tonight.
Representatives from|both sides of the conflict say a treaty could be signed|as early as Christmas morning.
How about that? Maybe peace on Earth, goodwill towards|men will mean something this year.
Never underestimate|the holiday spirit, chief.
- Merry Christmas.
|- Thanks, thanks.
- Merry Christmas, you two.
|- And here's that corruption story.
Smells like a Pulitzer to me.
I will say this about your wife, Kent,|confidence is one thing she doesn't lack.
One of many things, chief.
Oh, so, what do you think?|Had to haul it up the side of the building.
It's gorgeous.
I didn't know|it was in the budget.
Oh, well, I sprung for it myself.
I didn't get one for the house,|seeing as it's just me this year.
Oh, I thought at least|one of your sons would Not this year.
But I'm looking forward to|Christmas dinner at your house tomorrow.
Aren't we all.
Oh, and, Kent, your parents are here.
My parents? That's weird.
Oh, Jonathan, remember what|the doctor said about your cholesterol.
You're gonna eat a big meal tomorrow|at Clark and Lois'.
What would I do without you|to take care of me? - Mom? Dad?|- Hi, honey.
- Hey.
|- Hello, son.
We thought you were coming at 7.
The airline gave us an earlier flight,|and we took a cab straight here.
Your mom gave me|some great advice on women.
She really knows a lot about them.
Jimmy's met a new young lady.
She's really something.
|Rhodes scholar.
- Impressive.
|- Especially considering where she's from.
The worst family background,|but she overcame it all.
Real self-starter.
Her family lives on the West Coast,|and I was kind of wondering if If you could ask her|to Christmas dinner tomorrow? - Lf it's all right.
|- What's one more? Thank you.
- I really think she could be the one.
|- Well, that's seven to Christmas dinner.
Lois is learning how to just relax|and enjoy the holidays.
Oh, I understand.
Hey, Mom, Dad you know that you guys|don't have to fly with the airlines.
I know money must be tight|with the frost you've had.
It's not so bad.
We lost crops, but|we've been through it a hundred times.
- The bank covers us.
We're fine, son.
|- Okay.
- Lois, when are your parents arriving?|- They're not.
They're spending Christmas|in Santa Paula at a bed-and-breakfast where they had their honeymoon|over 35 years ago.
Don't say a word.
|I don't want to talk about it.
Maybe in a few years when these|latest wounds have scarred over.
But for now,|just pretend I'm not even here.
He stood me up.
You believe that? I mean, this whole second|honeymoon was his idea.
And then he didn't even|bother to show up.
And that is just so him.
Would you like some nog? - I'm an alcoholic.
|- She's an alcoholic.
- Recovering.
|- Recovering.
Let's make it a club soda.
Well, that makes eight|for Christmas dinner.
We're gonna need more stuffing.
- You want another one of those?|- Yeah, yeah.
That's one of the things I love about|this three-dimensional world, the beer.
- You ever have fifth-dimensional beer?|- Can't say I go much for imports.
They're awful.
In fact, everything|about the fifth dimension's awful.
- You ever been?|- Got an Aunt that lives in Jersey.
- Fifth dimension's worse.
|- Worse than Jersey? Do you know|how much energy it takes just to bust through the|interdimensional vortex in the first place? So you here for the holidays? No.
No, I'm here for good.
No one is sending me back.
See, in the past,|when I used to come here I would pull some pranks,|have some fun.
Fall of Rome ring any bells? Yeah, I did some real nice work,|all right.
And then would always|be some joker who'd figure out how to banish me|back to the fifth dimension.
Not this time.
- No?|- No, this time I'm gonna do it right.
I'm gonna become the absolute "ruler " of absolutely everything.
World conquest.
Tall order.
But I got it figured out.
See, there's only one three-dimensional|biped that can stop me and I have tracked him|right here to Metropolis.
Superman? Let me tell you what this|Superman really is.
Come here.
Superman is the symbol of hope.
That's his whole thing.
|So you take away hope " and" he's the symbol "of " nothing.
See, in a world without hope,|he's powerless.
Simple as that.
Get rid of hope? How do you plan on doing that? Simple.
Take away tomorrow.
No tomorrow means|no hope for tomorrow.
Take away tomorrow? How? Why it's as easy "as " that.
Lois? - Honey, what are you doing in here?|- Taking a breather.
- You okay?|- Oh, Clark, I'm trying.
I really am.
I know how much you want me|to enjoy all this holiday magic.
Maybe I'll feel it more in "January " when I get the pictures back.
Hey, listen " I" don't mean to pressure you.
|I'm sorry.
You don't have to enjoy|the holidays, honey.
L I Sometimes I forget that not everyone|sees things the way I do.
Clark, nobody sees things|the way you do.
But I'd like to.
I wanna see what you see.
Metro Unit 51 and 62.
|Bank alarm at New Troy Bank That better be sleigh bells|you're hearing.
- Bank alarm.
|- Great.
I can only think of one other person|that works on Christmas Eve.
- Thanks, Superman.
|- Of course.
Help! Help! Superman.
Thank God.
L I don't even know what happened.
I heard the bank alarm.
|I came out onto my balcony and the railing must have|just given way.
You saved my life.
- Here, let me write you a check.
|- No, no, no.
No reward is necessary.
Have you no idea who I am,|what I'm worth? Yes, I know who you are.
|You're Willard B.
Then you know that I'm a|multi-billionaire.
I own this high-rise.
Yes, I know.
Superman let me give you something.
Your gratitude is enough.
Merry Christmas.
- What a guy.
|- Merry Christmas.
If only there were more like him.
Christmas Eve.
The longest night of the year|for all good little children and large men in tights.
Yeah, that's right.
I know who you are.
Know all about the secret identity thing.
But don't worry, it doesn't matter to me.
It won't matter to anyone pretty soon.
You're the one|who's been following me.
You peeked.
You're not human.
I'm from out of town.
The fifth dimension, to be exact.
Name's Mxyzptlk.
It's spelled the usual way.
Since the games were beginning I thought we should do|the formal intro thing.
What games? You wouldn't want me|to spoil it, would you? Your floor, sir.
Traffic on Christmas Eve|is gonna be murder.
Merry Christmas!|I really love you guys the most.
Hey, Beth Ann.
Merry Christmas.
In world news, Eastern European|peace talks are in question tonight.
Representatives from both sides|of the conflict are unsure if any treaty will be signed|by Christmas morning.
Well, so much for peace on Earth,|goodwill towards men.
Merry Christmas? Thanks, man.
What do you think? I had to bring it up the freight elevator.
Didn't know it was in the budget.
He sprung for it himself.
- How'd you know that?|- Wild guess.
Here's that corruption story, chief.
It's not exactly Pulitzer material.
Well, not that it matters.
No one will read it anyway.
They're all into the sports page|or movie listings.
Oh, Clark, your parents are here.
Lois, something very strange|is going on here.
- I know.
That plane wasn't due until 7.
|- No, no Martha? Jonathan? - Hi, honey.
|- We weren't expecting you until tonight.
- The airline called us and|- You took an earlier flight and then came straight here in a cab.
That was eerie.
Did you just|get psychic or something? C.
, your mom's been giving me|some great advice on women.
She really knows a lot about them.
- I've I've been seeing this new girl|- Brenda.
Well, anyways, I wanted to Why don't you invite her over|to our house tomorrow night for Christmas dinner.
Okay, thanks.
No problem.
Oh, look, there she is.
Lois, can I talk to you for a second?|Excuse us.
Remember about your cholesterol.
Crops failed, bank hasn't called.
Cholesterol may be all I have left.
What is wrong with you, Clark?|You're actually being rude.
Lois, something is going on.
He He changed time.
"He?" What are you talking about? Okay.
I left here,|I made a couple rescues and when I got back|- When did you leave? - In about 20 minutes?|- What? Don't say a word.
|I don't want to talk about it.
Maybe in a few years,|when these latest wounds have scarred over.
But for now, just pretend I'm not here.
Oh, is that nog? - What did I tell you?|- Okay, okay.
- Now that's enough.
|- Okay.
Clark, what are you doing in here? Waiting for you.
- Waiting for me? How'd you know I'd?|- Lois, I have to ask you do you notice anything familiar? - What do you mean?|- Just this party.
Doesn't it seem like|we've been here before? Well, yeah.
So then|you're experiencing it too? Yeah, same party they give every year.
No, no, no.
That's not what I mean.
What do you mean? - "Metro Unit 51 and 62.
Bank alarm "|- Yep.
There it is again.
- There's what again?|- Bank alarm.
Well, you should go, shouldn't you? Yeah, I guess so.
You think it's gonna matter? - What?|- Them locking me up.
I'll be out in a matter of hours,|back robbing this same bank.
Why? Because the judges|in Metropolis are soft.
I'll be back, or somebody else will.
Here's your man, officers.
Yeah, thanks, Superman.
Not that we don't appreciate "it " " but" it doesn't seem like|we ever make a dent.
Check the car.
Help! Help! No reward is necessary.
Reward? Who said anything|about a reward? - You were about to offer, weren't you?|- Now just one minute, Superman " just" because I'm fantastically rich|doesn't mean you can strong-arm me.
Your choice to put on|the red and the blue.
That doesn't mean|I owe you anything.
- What is this, some kind of super-scam?|- No, I didn't "mean " Hey, I don't want your money.
|A thank you would have been nice.
I did save your life.
Yeah? Well who asked you to? Get a real job.
This is really weird.
The traffic on Christmas Eve|is gonna be murder.
Merry Christmas!|I really love you guys the most.
Merry Christmas.
- Hey, hey, Beth Ann.
|- Lois.
- Ralphie.
|- Tree's smaller.
In world news, Eastern European|peace talks are stalled tonight.
Representatives from both sides|of the conflict hold little hope that any treaty|will be signed.
- Everything's changing.
|- What's changing? Come here.
- Excuse me.
|- Lois we are somehow|We're stuck in a repetition, a loop.
Well, that's the holidays for you.
|Repetitive, hollow.
It's all just empty ritual|if you think about it which is why I try not to, frankly.
- What? No.
|- Oh, I can't give this to Perry.
It stinks.
- What?|- It's no good.
Perry will hate it.
Lois, honey, this is not you talking.
Honey, listen to me, listen to me.
|This day is repeating itself and every time it does,|people's attitudes are changing.
Even that tree out there,|that Christmas tree, it's changing.
I don't understand.
I know, I know.
As far as I can tell " I'm" the only person stuck|inside the loop, or outside of it.
What loop? - The time loop.
|- Time loop? There's this There's this guy,|this creature.
- He's here.
I saw him.
|- Where? In the elevator when I was|coming up earlier.
- Clark, we just got here.
|- I know, but that was before.
Or it was after.
Or before or after.
|I don't even know anymore.
- But I'm sure it's a loop.
|- A loop.
You keep talking about this loop.
Clark,|you know that I trust you completely " but" I just don't get|what you're saying.
I know, I know.
I just wish there was some way|to get you to see it.
Wait a minute.
Lois, I Brings a whole new meaning|to the term "statuesque," doesn't she? What have you done with time? I flipped it.
I burped it.
I took away tomorrow.
- Why?|- To get rid of hope.
No tomorrow means no hope.
Or with no hope means no tomorrow.
Yeah, but why are you doing this? Because I'm staying here|in the third dimension " and" no one's|making me leave this time.
Not anyone.
Not you, not them not anybody.
And if you try,|I'm gonna let them destroy themselves.
Destroy themselves? Oh, you hadn't noticed?|As time doesn't "pass " they start to fall apart.
Mortals don't do well|without their tomorrows.
Without hope, they die.
See, creatures who live within|third-dimensional time they're funny like that.
I live within three-dimensional time.
Oh, yes, but I kept you out|for a reason, Mr.
I wanted to show you there ain't nothing|you can do to stop me.
You can't hurt me, tough guy.
I'm not 3-D like these mortals.
|I'm 5-D, baby.
And to you, that might as well be magic.
Let me know when you're ready to deal.
You asked for it.
Maybe Perry will never notice|if I just don't give it to him.
What if the bank doesn't cover|our losses this time, Martha? What then? We lose our farm, our home.
Yeah, I picked it up down the street|at that little lot.
Thought it might brighten up the place.
I haven't had a drink in 15 years.
Gave|it up after my husband abandoned me.
Left me with two teenage daughters|and a mortgage.
It's just gonna die.
|Pine needles all over the floor.
- Why did I give up drinking?|- You gave up your Rhodes scholarship? You worked so hard for it.
This just in.
New threats of war|in Eastern Europe Christmas Eve as peace talks collapse.
To collapsing peace talks.
To collapsing peace talks.
- Forget it.
|- Help! The traffic on Christmas Eve|is gonna be murder.
Merry Hey, Beth Ann, Merry Christmas.
I dug it up out of the basement.
|Always meant to put it up for my kids.
Never got around to it.
- Okay.
|- Clark, what's going on? Just watch.
Helen Kylee is gonna come around|that corner with a tray of food.
She sets it down next to my father.
And now the elevator doors|are gonna open.
Now, out steps Jimmy's new girlfriend.
- There she is.
|- That's Jimmy's new girlfriend? She didn't look like that earlier.
I think that's how she'd be|if she didn't have hope in her life.
Hope for what? Later.
We'll get to that.
|Just keep watching.
Okay, Jimmy's about to turn.
|In a moment, he'll see her.
She waves.
He goes off to meet her,|and in three, two, one your mother walks in.
- Clark, how did you know all that?|- Lois, I have been here before.
So have they, and so have you.
This day is repeating itself|over and over.
And each time it does, the people|out there lose a little more hope.
You're feeling anxious|about your story, aren't you? Well, I mean, it's garbage.
No, it's not, Lois.
I've read it.
It's great.
|Only you don't know it anymore.
You just have to trust that I can|see this, even though you can't.
We have to dig up everything we can|on gnomes, imps, elves.
Anything from fairy tales to mythology.
Specifically, how to get rid of them.
This is what he looks like.
|He said his name was Mxyzptlk.
- He said.
|- Just go with me on this.
He told me that he was not|gonna be sent back this time.
Which means he has been here before|and he has been sent back before.
- I don't think I'm gonna be any help.
|- Lois, if anyone can do this, it's you.
You have to believe that.
- What are you gonna do?|- See if I can get a jump on this thing.
- I still have time before the bank robbery.
|- Bank robbery? Never mind.
|But, Lois, you have to hurry.
At 4:00 it'll be noon again,|and you won't remember any of this.
- Superman.
|- This isn't the solution.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
|- I can't let you rob that bank.
I don't know what else to do.
I've been out of work|for almost a month.
I was head of security|at LemCo 16 years.
But they're downsizing, and I haven't|even had the heart to tell my wife.
Tomorrow's Christmas.
Well, that remains to be seen.
Listen, becoming a felon|wouldn't be any kind of "gift " for your wife at Christmas.
|I'd catch you.
I've done it before, and frankly,|I'm getting kind of tired of it.
- What?|- I have some other stops to make " but" I'll talk to you later, okay?|Or earlier.
Do not rob this bank.
Our whole lives, Martha what have we been working|so hard for? It just doesn't seem to make|any sense anymore.
I don't know what|to tell you, Jonathan.
You're right.
Actually, as awful and humiliating|as it was the first honeymoon was worse|because he showed up for that one.
You know what? You are|a very attractive young man.
Hit me.
I guess the thing I regret most is I never got the chance|to play Santa for my boys.
A father should be able to do that|for his children, don't you think? It's a miracle only one of them|ended up in prison.
What the hell|do you think you're doing? Bloody do-gooder.
- Mr.
Caldwell?|- What? You jumped, didn't you? So? What business is it of yours? Has it really gotten that bad? Have you any idea who I am? How much I'm worth? Nothing, that's what.
All the money in the world|and no one to share it with.
No one to To love.
I don't know what I saw in her.
She's not exactly|a Rhodes scholar, is she? Of course, her life's been so lousy,|I don't know what I expected.
Jimmy, I have it on good authority|that she's not exactly herself today.
I just don't see any future for us.
Still more reports coming.
In world news,|peace talks turn to war as violence worsens in all parts|of the world this Christmas Eve.
Bloodiest in recent memory.
Clark, things are really|deteriorating around here.
Your parents are actually|snipping at each other " my" mother's drinking "again " Perry's crying because|he wasn't Santa for his "kids " " and" Jimmy's girlfriend's a hooker.
It's not just here.
|The whole world has fallen apart.
- How are you feeling?|- Not much better than they are.
I tried to do what you asked,|but I don't know.
You have to remember what I told you.
- It's a loop.
Don't give in to despair.
|- That's right.
- You'll have to tell me a few more times.
|- I'll say it as many times as you need.
Now, what did you find out?|Anything? I think so.
Your friend, this Mxyl - Mxyzptlk.
|- Right.
Well, you were probably right|about him.
I found references throughout|human history of magical beings gnomes, and leprechauns, imps.
All taking slightly different forms but there was one thing|that kept turning up.
I can't do it anymore, Jonathan.
|I can't constantly reassure you.
It's not like I have|any faith in the future myself.
- Mom, Dad.
|- No, son.
Your mother|Your mother's giving up on us.
And I don't blame her.
We're gonna lose|everything we've worked for.
A man's future can be taken away|just like that.
- Jonathan!|- Dad! Okay.
I think we've seen enough.
|How about you? All right.
That's it.
You release them right now,|you little gnome " or" I promise I'll send you someplace|far worse than your fifth dimension.
Look, Mr.
Goody-Two-Boots " I'm" not doing anything to them.
It's nature just running its course,|so he's the first to go.
Someone had to be.
Are we ready to make a deal? What is it that you want? All right.
The terms are this: I'll end the "loop " personally restore hope|to all these mortals who will no doubt be so grateful|they'll willingly worship "me " if, and this is a big one if you agree to leave Earth forever.
There's no room for two gods in this|dimension, and I plan on being it.
Well? It's them or you.
Clock's "ticking " so to speak.
Well, it's up to you.
Do you stay and become the ruination|of all these mortals? Or do you accept banishment|and leave their world to me and spare them the suffering.
I love these people.
And that's "why " " I'm" not going anywhere.
What? Do you have to be hit with a shillelagh?|Don't you get it? It's hopeless.
There's always a little bit of hope left|in the human spirit, and I'll find it.
You heard him, gnome.
How? You're supposed to be frozen.
Yeah, well, I thawed out " and" Clark's not going anywhere,|Mazel Tov.
Mxyzptlk! Mr.
Mxyzptlk! Fine.
Have it your way.
Jonathan! The traffic on Christmas Eve|is gonna be murder.
Oh, no.
Now look at the tree.
Merry No, not again.
And now, if anyone cares War is breaking out.
|Perry sprung for this lovely tree himself.
Jimmy's got a new girlfriend, Brenda.
|You should invite her for dinner.
My parents are already here.
|Took an earlier flight and then A cab from the airport.
Lois, you remember.
Even Mxyzptlk.
|What a name.
- How?|- It was you.
I could feel you rejecting hopelessness.
It hit me like a wave.
That's what broke me free.
And you are not going anywhere.
No way.
But if I'm not going,|that means that he has to.
- What'd you find out?|- According to mythology to send him back|to his own dimension he has to say|his own name backwards.
I can't say it forward.
You don't have to say it backwards,|you have to get him to.
What about them? If we let things|continue the way they have been My father I know.
At 4:00, the loop starts over.
Then we have a little less|than four hours to ourselves.
Let's use that time|to restore hope in the world.
We could do that.
Weston? Mr.
Weston - Doris?|- Hi, honey.
Kids? What's going on? When your family heard you'd be|starting a new job here at the bank they wanted to be here|to congratulate you in person.
- New job?|- As head of security.
Snyder, the bank's manager|has been looking to fill the position.
Someone with experience someone who could anticipate|possible robberies.
I suggested you.
All the necessary paperwork|is waiting for you and an advance check.
Thanks, Superman.
Jonathan, you have to relax.
But, Martha, we're broke.
|We're gonna lose the farm.
I can't relax.
Yes you can.
I'll show you how.
Don't go away.
Bad nog.
Try one of these natural sodas.
|They're delicious.
Oh, Bren, hon, when you get a sec,|we should talk hair.
It would be a mistake, Mr.
- How did you know?|- I know.
I know how you live here|locked away from the world afraid to let anyone in, but needing to.
You don't have to be alone, sir.
That's right.
You're doing really good.
Are you ready in there? Honey, you look terrific.
- Superman.
|- Mr.
White, are those your boys? Yeah.
Years ago.
|I was just trying to figure what I got them that Christmas.
So, what's this about?|You got a problem with the story? No.
I did have a problem|with the fact that those kids weren't gonna have|Christmas this year.
But that's all been taken care of.
One of Metropolis' top "citizens " has agreed to replace all the gifts|that were destroyed and to open his doors to all|the children who were displaced.
But if you don't mind me "asking " what's it got to do with me? I was wondering if you|might be able to help him.
Oh, this is This is ridiculous.
Santa Claus! What have we got here?|Good little boys and girls.
Come on down here.
Gather around.
|That's right.
All right, "now " It's almost time.
If he stays true to form,|he's gonna be here.
We need to beat this thing|before he shows.
They don't look too hopeful yet,|do they? You guys can open them.
Thank you.
All right, here we go.
Let's pass these|things out.
Here comes a nice blue one.
All right.
All right.
Now, pass them all|the way back to the back.
That's right.
Thank you, Santa.
- Are you okay?|- I miss your father.
- What?|- I don't know.
It's crazy.
I wish he were here.
Just pass them around.
What is this? Come on, everybody.
|Sing one more time.
You're not supposed to be delighted! Hey! Don't be so chipper! You've have 10 acres|of worthless seed, remember? Keep singing everybody.
How about a drink? Father Christmas your own kids hate you|after all these years of neglect or did we forget? You think this love and good cheer|is gonna break the loop.
Fat chance, buster.
All right, that's it.
No, Santa.
There's one left.
Once that clock ticks over you'll be right back where you started,|and I will be Is there a Mxy? Who is that? - Mxyl|- Mxyzptlk? That That's it.
- For me?|- Yeah.
But " no" one's ever given me|a Christmas present before.
Merry Christmas.
Can't imagine what it could be.
Read the card.
See who it's from.
Oh, right.
I've never done this before.
"I " "To Our Beloved Mr.
" Beloved.
- Who is it from?|- Right.
"Love Kltpzyxm.
" Kltpzyxm.
That's Mxyzptlk backwards.
Oh, rats! No! No! I'm not leaving.
You can't make me.
I'm taking over, you hear? Over! Merry Christmas.
And in world news,|warring Eastern European factions called a permanent cease-fire as treaties were signed|on this historic Christmas Eve.
- Sam!|- Ellen, sweetheart.
When I got to the bed-and-breakfast,|they said you left.
I've been trying to get here all day.
It seems like it's taken forever.
Oh, it has.
It has.
It has.
It's happening.
- What?|- This.
It's It's magic.
This one's for you.
It's just like you said.
I mean, I may not be able|to see through walls but right this second I feel like I can see everything|through your eyes.
Well, then you're the lucky "one " because I'm looking at you.

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