Power Book III: Raising Kanan (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Don't Sleep

Previously on Raising Kanan
Still a lot of chatter
about who put down this kid Buck Twenty.
Buck's folks is angry.
Streets need a body.
They're saying D-Wiz got hit
'cause he killed Buck Twenty.
The target's off of your back now.
Don't do nothing to put it back on.
Kanan stays on the stash
until further notice.
I don't want him anywhere
near the street.
That's your new office, nigga.
Whose house is this?
It's just a spot we kick
it from time to time.
Look like a damn crack house.
I gotta deal with these guys.
The guys you steal stuff with?
When one of us makes the call,
we all gotta answer.
Hey, hey, hey.
He's had enough.
You wanna be a singer?
You're gonna sing.
Has Lou told you
that my little brother
Famous is a rapper?
It ain't come up.
Hey, yo. Who are you?
What are you doing?
Damn. Uh, my bad.
It's, uh, Kanan, right?
Reinforced door, security cameras.
- Take it or leave it.
- I'll take it.
I got something for you.
'Nique's re-up.
Quarter million, uncut.
Do your fucking job, Detective.
Deen's people always
circle the block four times
before they get here.
Only one king can rule
the kingdom, 'Nique.
One king, one code, one crew.
You see that bitch-ass nigga running?
That's Trez-G.
He and 'Nique grew up on the same floor.
Played Little League together.
Pop Warner too.
Got their dicks sucked
for the first time
on the same night, at the same party.
Day one niggas.
To the grave niggas.
But none of that adds
up to shit in the game.
We was set up!
How do you do?
Please fucking remind me, man.
Open this nigga ear so he
can hear what I'm saying.
You was getting high on my time, T,
while you was watching my shit!
That ain't me.
You know that ain't me.
You right.
- That ain't you, B.
- Mm-mm.
Just some fucking crackhead
that you turned into, man.
Look at you, man.
Don't even fucking recognize you, man.
One more time.
I don't think this nigga get it.
You know
I kind of blame myself
'cause I brought you into this shit.
And I saw this coming,
but I closed my eyes to it.
You know why?
'Cause you my fucking heart, man.
My fucking heart.
I didn't say nothing to nobody.
I love you, 'Nique!
Love you too, my nigga.
Love you too.
All that history between them,
Trez never thought
'Nique would turn on him.
- P-We.
- Counted on that.
Bet on that.
Slept on that.
And you know what they say.
Sleep is the cousin of death.
You always talking about some cold food
when I'm late.
Oh, but you do it, and then
You already ate.
No, we-we're ready for dinner.
In fact, I was just telling
your mom, I'm starving.
- Mm-hmm.
- Let's do this.
For real. I'm hungry as hell, baby.
Uh, spaghetti and meatballs.
Classic. You can't go wrong with that.
Well, let me set the table,
and, uh, let's get to eating.
I like you keep it simple.
Thank you, baby.
Presentation is dope.
I appreciate you making room
at the table for me, Kanan.
I know you weren't expecting me.
You hear what Symphony said to you?
Yeah, he right.
I wasn't expecting him.
The sauce is bananas.
Even got a little kick to it.
I mean, I'd pay for this.
Where'd you learn to cook, Kanan?
Well, he needs to know
how to fend for himself.
Make some meals, do the dishes.
Still working on getting him
to do his own laundry, though.
Well, Kanan got this pasta on lock.
Tonight's usually when
Kanan makes dinner for me.
I forgot.
Well, it's my fault.
I didn't know when I took her out.
My bad.
Now that I know, it won't happen again.
She knew.
Man, I'm never gonna get
tired of watching this.
You're gonna be, like
like, a big singer,
you know, like, fucking world-famous.
I'm serious.
You know, I think I
need to kick your ass,
knock some sense into you.
Now you just talking crazy.
You think you stronger than me?
You underestimate this white girl
- from the Upper East Side.
- Uh, I let you win.
Now, why would you do that?
What is going on up here?
It sounds like the ceiling's
about to cave in.
Dancing. We're dancing.
Okay, well, you might
want to tone it down
for the neighbors, Martha Graham.
Wherever you are ♪
Oh, my God.
You two are on television.
Yeah, it's a tape. We
made it at the mall.
Well, this is fantastic.
Laverne, you are fantastic.
What a voice.
That's what I keep telling her.
Wow, look at you two. All right.
This is better than any of the shit
they play on the radio.
Hey, how about you watch your mouth
around our guest?
Well, I'm sure she's heard worse.
Am I right, Laverne?
No doubt.
- "No doubt".
- Well, that doesn't mean
she needs to hear it in this home.
Come on, let's just go
set the table for dinner.
Very fly.
Your daddy says I'm fly.
Super fly, apparently.
So weird.
Your parents are cool.
Yeah, about some things.
Not everything.
- Yes. Yeah.
- Uh-huh? Yeah.
Uh-huh, yeah.
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit, yo.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, I know. I'm the shit.
You want some?
No, I don't do that shit.
What, you just sell it?
Oh. Oh.
Whew! My God.
Come here.
Yo, fuck are you doing?
Mm, cuddling.
I thought you said you dated brothers.
Ain't no brothers I know cuddle.
I've dated plenty of Black guys
who like to cuddle, Marvin.
Well, what happened to all
these cuddling-ass niggas?
'Cause you here with me.
Are-are you for real?
You're-you're seriously gonna leave
because I wanted to get close to you?
Yo, we different, Toni, okay?
Black, white,
bitch, nigga.
I'm from the hood, you from
wherever the fuck you
from that ain't the hood.
So by your logic, you'd
be willing to cuddle
a Black guy from South Jamaica?
Yo, I know you didn't
just call me a faggot.
Yo, LT ain't got no food.
I ran out yesterday.
Dog hasn't eaten since yesterday?
But I bet you ate, right?
Look, Marvin, I like you, okay?
I don't want us to end like this.
End? Us?
Shit ain't ending, Toni.
Shit ain't even start. How
the fuck it's gonna end?
LT rolling with me.
He don't wanna be hungry no more.
LT was a gift. You gave him to me.
I also gave you this dick.
You want me to leave that behind too?
You can't just take him.
Come on. All right.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Deen nervous.
Say he wanna press pause on any re-up
until the police show they hand.
Said it's too hot right now.
We dying out here, 'Nique.
Not enough work to get
us through the week.
If the connect deads us, we dead.
That cop played the fuck
out of us, killed us.
Trez sucking on that glass
dick is what killed us, P-We!
Took his eye off the fucking ball, man!
This ain't about no Howard.
I ain't never trusted that cop.
I never told that pig shit.
'Cause I don't trust nobody.
Let's be motherfucking clear, man.
Any one of y'all can end up like Trez.
Everyone here is suspect!
Load them corners up.
Step hard on what we got left.
Listen, 'Nique,
ain't no crackhead gonna
fuck with us later
if we puttin' out wack-ass rock now.
That's why we gonna put
'em out as orange caps, P.
New batch.
And when we all the way up again,
we're gonna roll out
them tornado testers,
pink caps,
put niggas on they
backs and shit, a'ight?
But for now, stomp on that shit, man.
It's already stretched.
Stretch it some more, then, nigga!
Come on!
Raq's stink all over this shit.
Smell her ass from here.
We gonna hit back, though.
I just gotta figure out if it's gonna be
to the body
or to the head.
Look, I'm sorry about dinner,
but I'm done asking my 15-year-old son
to forgive me for spending
time with a dude that I like.
I ain't heard you ask for forgiveness.
And you ain't gonna hear it.
That's what I'm telling you.
That's what you need to make peace with.
Dr. West called.
Said your grades still slipping,
that you haven't even turned
in some term paper
that you owe in history.
Yeah, had a lot on my mind, Ma.
Well, then let me clear
your mind for you.
I told you that if you didn't
get your books right,
things were gonna change.
You done with the stash
house. You moving on.
I'm ready to move up. Thank you.
What, you think you getting
a promotion up in here?
Hell no.
I signed you up for
an after-school class.
I'm doing the paper.
I-I'll have it in this week.
Too little, too late.
I found you a class at City College
that meets two days a week after school
and every other Saturday.
- Ain't no school on Saturday.
- There is for you.
I just said I'll do the paper.
And I just said that
it's too late for that.
You need to worry less
about who I'm kicking it with, Kanan,
and a hell of a lot more
about your schoolwork.
Energy up. You got it.
You been set up, wet up ♪
Blaze this fucking fed up ♪
My niggas keep they head up ♪
We all about to get up ♪
Came out the Maserati ♪
Blasting with my shotty ♪
Yeah, my nature like naughty ♪
These streets need a body ♪
Not bad. Your flow is nice.
I think, lyrically,
you just may need a little help.
Um, that last line worked
"The streets need a body".
The rest was a little corny to me.
I don't think nobody buying
your high school ass shooting a fed.
You know, heads need the truth,
that street shit, that
dope boy realness.
Now, your audience is
gonna smell your bullshit
from a mile away.
You got this.
It's right here. Find it.
Find it. Take your time.
Famous can do whatever
you want him to do.
- You think?
- Yeah.
Did I tell you that he was on the radio?
Yeah, when he was nine
because he wrote a poem
about litter and it was
the best in the whole city.
Yeah, you told me.
And they started calling
him Famous right then
because they knew that
he was gonna be somebody.
Well, he's a nobody right now,
and I don't think niggas is bumping
poems about litter out they Alpine.
Look, I got a showcase coming up.
It's a opportunity for
a select few artists
just to get in the room and perform
- for some industry heads.
- Mm-hmm.
Famous sign with me,
and let's just assume that we can get
the track in the right place
It's the door on your left.
I feel like putting him in that room
full of trendsetters and tastemakers,
you know, see what they think.
But you know that's gonna mean
we have to work together real close.
Whatever it takes.
Let's do it! Well, shit, if you excited,
- I'm excited.
- Let's do this.
Let's go!
Hey, baby.
What's good?
What's good?
Let me holler at you outside.
What are you doing here?
Business, Lou. I'm doing business.
That's what you call business now?
Okay, you know how your
big sister put you on?
Well, I'm doing the same for Famous.
What happened to all that
shit you was feeding me
about me doing this music thing,
having my own shit?
Yeah, I said you should do it.
I didn't say that I'd
wait for you to do it.
I'm on a different clock than you, Lou.
So is my little brother.
What are you on, Crown time?
I'm on my time.
I meant what I said, okay?
Lou, you
you could do whatever you want.
But I can't do it for you.
You need to do it for yourself.
I gotta get back in there.
Go ahead.
Fourteen-gauge double-reinforced steel.
Got locks and dead bolts
up and down this shit.
Nobody gets in here unless I say so.
- Got me?
- Mm-hmm.
It's my guys.
All right, calm down. Calm down, yo.
Yo, he good. He don't bite.
Just got a shitty attitude, that's all.
Nigga needs training,
just like his owner.
Yo, man, kiss my ass, Lou.
Marvin's gonna oversee
the movement and storage
of our product and cash.
This gonna be the new stash.
More secure, more secret, more private.
I want you to move everything today.
Well, how much more drugs and money?
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it? I-I have to know.
We tell you what you need to know, Gabe.
I demand to know how much you bring.
This is my place of business.
This is my place of business now, papi,
and don't ever tell me
what the fuck to do again.
I don't answer to you.
Marvin'll see you tonight.
Stay out his fucking way.
Look, I'd rather go to
some after-school shit
than have to come home
and babysit every day.
So who watches her while you at school?
Been paying a neighbor,
but it's starting to cost a grip.
Yo, is your mom still
talking to that same guy?
how about this fool
bum-rushed my dinner
the other night?
I cook for me and my mom every Tuesday,
and this motherfucker
just pulls up a chair?
It's nice that you all eat together.
Your moms likes him, Kanan.
Don't you want your mom to be happy?
Look, on the real,
I wish my mom gave
enough of a fuck about me
to send me to some after-school class.
Shit, I don't even know where the fuck
my mom is right now.
Want me to come babysit with you?
Kanan, you don't wanna change diapers.
Shit, I don't wanna change diapers.
Go kick it with your cousin and Famous.
- I'll get at you later.
- You better.
Shit, nigga kissed her.
All right, slow down, slow
down, slow, slow, slow.
What's up, baby girl?
Hey, 'Nique.
I ain't seen you since Buck went down.
May the brother rest in peace.
Just been watching my sister.
Yeah, you know, I heard
your moms was on one
out in some spot in BK,
out in East New York,
belly of the motherfucking beast.
You know, I'm sorry
to tell you like that.
I know that shit sting.
Look, your moms ain't
all the way gone yet,
though, Davina. She
still in there somewhere.
In fact, I heard her bragging
on you the other day,
talking about how you
put some shorty down
for disrespecting Buck.
Said she loved you for
that. I'ma walk with you.
You know Rudy from round the way, right?
Well, Rudy's married to my cousin.
Fool smoked crack for a year straight,
taxed everything in the
crib but the copper pipes.
So I sent him away on my dime.
Fool got clean,
got a job or whatever.
Coaches his kids' hoops team now.
Shit, he done turned
into motherfucking Heathcliff Huxtable.
Look, I'm just saying,
your moms can get clean like that too,
and I can pay for it.
You see, you Buck's girl.
I know he'd want me to look out for you
same way I know he'd want
you to look out for me too.
Token of appreciation type shit.
And I ain't asking for much.
What's Raq's baby boy talking about?
I see y'all, you know, getting
all close and all that now.
Nothing, Kanan's not even in on the mix
with his mom's shit.
'Cause I know you heard
the same noise I did.
Now, look, I ain't saying
Kanan put Buck down,
but the kid who did,
G-Wiz or whatever his name is,
you know, that's Kanan's boy,
so that stand to reason
that Kanan might know a little bit more
than he telling you, mami.
Look, Kanan we talked about that.
Kanan doesn't know anything.
Oh, all right.
Man, she getting big.
Where did Rudy go to get clean?
Spot outside Utica, Davina.
You should see the shit.
Out in the woods, nature and shit.
Shit make me wanna become a basehead
just so I could get away and relax.
Listen, I wanna help you
and your moms, a'ight?
I really do. All I'm asking for
is a little love in return.
That's it.
You do me that, and I got you.
Nothing happens to Kanan.
On my own kid. Come on.
I saw Kanan outside this house one time.
Yeah, where?
Yo! Hurry up, man!
Fame, ease up, man.
About to take the top spot in this shit.
High score up in here. Ooh!
Swear to God, I been blessed
with some sort of Street
Fighter greatness,
'cause I am just a straight killer
on this machine!
Whatever. Yo.
We about to hear my rhymes on
Stretch and Bobbito, son.
Ah, you putting a beat to
"Litter Makes Me Bitter"?
What, the poem that made Famous famous?
Fuck both of y'all, a'ight?
This dude named Crown gonna put me on.
He got a record label and shit.
I'm even recording a song
that I'm gonna perform
in front of all these
music industry people
at a show.
Crown Camacho.
Bulletproof Records.
Your Uncle Lou know him.
Introduced him to my sister.
How you paying for studio time?
Like I said, Crown looking out for me.
Get your shit on wax, Juke,
and maybe I can put
you in front of Crown,
and maybe you can get on this
mic, too, at the showcase.
But you gotta move with the quickness.
- Show's coming up fast.
- Fuck!
And what the fuck was that about?
She been boosting for months
trying to get loot for a demo.
Then your dumb ass just stumbles on it.
Ain't nobody stumbling, nigga.
Y'all got skills on these
fucking machines.
I got skills on the M-I-C.
Yo, Scrap.
Yo, nigga, I know you home, man.
I saw your Cherokee parked out front.
Yo, fuck happened to you?
Bad kung pao chicken.
It's killing me.
Yo, we gotta move everything
from the stash house to the new spot.
Put some clean drawers
on, saddle the fuck up.
I said I'm sick, man.
There's a bathroom in the stash house.
You good.
My ass is leaking, nigga.
I ain't going nowhere.
Yo, Juke.
Hey, Juke, you good?
Famous' sister getting his
wack ass free studio time
and a shot at this
industry people thing.
Meanwhile, my ass is
saving up all my pennies
just to get my goddamn foot in the door.
Man, you gonna kick that door
open, 'cause when that shit is,
you ain't never gonna
be closed on again.
I gotta go.
A'ight, I'll catch up with you later.
Yo, Kanan.
I been driving all over,
looking for your wayward ass.
Need some help. Get in.
I can't. I got class tonight.
What, you got night school, nigga?
Learning a trade?
Is my nephew about to be a plumber
up in this motherfucker?
Mom set it up, a'ight?
Starts in a couple hours.
Yo, this ain't gon' take that long.
Let's ride.
Gotta move shit out the stash.
Mommy told me the stash off-limits.
I ain't supposed to touch it.
Yo, man, we gon' be in and out so fast,
you won't even know we was there.
Neither will she.
I know I ain't working for free.
This ain't work, because
you still in training.
Time to put them reps in.
I need two units,
one on top of the other.
For real?
Building's full.
I mean, no vacancies.
I'd have to throw people
out on the street.
They'd be a'ight.
I'ma hit them off with
some relocation money.
I don't know, though.
They file a complaint or some shit,
then Housing gonna
be up in my ass, so
Well, maybe I should
go over to the Forties
and see what they got available.
Jamaica Houses?
They ain't got no empty
apartments neither.
I might be able to move
the manager over there
in a way that you ain't willing to move.
I might have some apartments
on the seventh floor.
No, seventh and eighth floor.
Like I said, one on top of the other.
Got you.
So Famous gets free studio time
and your niece gets nothing.
It's good to see you too, Juke.
Come on, Uncle Lou.
How you gonna do me like this?
You think I wouldn't get
you studio time if I could?
It ain't my thing.
Famous's sister made that
happen for Famous, not me.
But you can make it happen for me.
You know this guy Crown.
Just ask him for a favor.
Come here.
Let me tell you something.
Favors is just another way
of ending up under somebody's thumb,
and I don't know about
you, but I already got
way too much of that
in my life, you heard?
What about this show
for all these music industry people?
Can you help me with that?
I can't.
You turning into my dad,
good for nothing.
Now, you know I'd give
you the money myself,
but Marvin would lose his damn mind,
talking about, "She's my daughter.
Don't be doing shit for her.
We had to do it for ourselves.
She gotta do it for her".
I don't want your money anyway.
If you had the hookup, that's one thing,
but just hitting me off
See? You same as me.
Don't wanna owe nobody.
That's a good rule to have.
You eat?
I gotta go.
Love you too.
Well, what happened to all that,
"When somebody makes a call,
we all gotta answer it", bullshit?
I need this one, Twin.
Some shit's coming up,
and I gotta get this cash
quick-fast, in a hurry.
Look, I'm going to the same spot.
They the only ones getting
Suicides in the city.
That's why I need someone looking out.
Fuck you, then.
Fuck all y'all.
Yo, bitch didn't lie.
Oh, shit.
Not when she trying to
save her mama, she not.
Hey, get
Get the fuck off me, man!
- Calm down. Stop.
- Let me go!
Stop, stop.
I know you.
Keep it.
We're even now, all right?
You understand?
Get the fuck out of here.
Next time, I won't let you go.
You got that?
Shit messy.
Well, they say messy motherfuckers
is geniuses.
Then you Albert Einstein.
Hey, don't tell your moms.
Shit supposed to be
all counted and bundled,
and tidy and shit.
Look, man, we gonna
load it into them boxes,
cover with that shit.
We gonna march it right into the bodega
like we doing the day's deliveries.
Where Scrappy at?
Shitting himself back at the crib.
Yo, start packing, nigga.
Living on the edge ♪
And taking green in large sums ♪
Always on the run, going to it ♪
We about to tax these
motherfuckers, man.
Yo, keep boxing up.
I'll be back in 20.
Make sure your slow ass is done by then.
I'ma lock it up.
Make sure you don't fucking
open the door for no one.
Yo. For no one.
I saved his ass last time.
And he saved mine.
He let me go with the jacket.
Yeah, see? That's karma.
You do nice things, and
nice things happen to you.
I gotta be honest, though.
This just seems like a regular jacket.
I don't get it. I don't get
risking everything
for a fucking ski coat.
That's 'cause that shit
was made for you, Nicole.
You and all your friends.
See, me
and people that look like me,
we ain't supposed to have that jacket.
Supposed to be out of reach for us.
Part of a world that ain't ours.
Ralph Lauren came up in the Bronx.
And his name wasn't even Ralph Lauren.
It was Ralph Lifshitz,
and Ralph Lifshitz didn't
come from no money.
He was poor as hell.
Didn't have nothing.
That's what his whole
Polo shit's based on.
Things he wished he had.
Things he was striving for.
Some kind of life that
wasn't meant for him,
A life he dreamed of living.
Ralph Lauren like me.
He a lowlife.
Shit. I don't wanna mess it up.
I'm giving it to you.
But I thought the whole point
was so you can sell it
so you can get money
and get into a studio.
It's like that whole karma
thing you were talking about.
That security guard just
let me have it like he did,
I'm thinking
maybe you're right about
all this boosting anyway.
I want you to have it.
I want you to think of me
every time you wear it.
I think about you
anytime I'm thinking about anything.
Shit. I love this song.
Show me, show me, show me ♪
How you do that trick ♪
"The one that makes
me scream", she said ♪
"The one that makes
me laugh", she said ♪
Threw her arms around my neck ♪
"Show me how you do it ♪
And I promise you ♪
I promise that I'll
run away with you ♪
I'll run away with you" ♪
I've never done this before.
I have.
Mm. What should I do?
Uh, whatever feels good.
I had to make her glow ♪
"Why are you so far away?" She said ♪
"Why won't you ever know ♪
That I'm in love with you ♪
That I'm in love with you" ♪
You ♪
Soft and only ♪
You, lost and lonely ♪
You ♪
Don't even breathe, motherfucker.
How much more?
Yo, you need to stop sweating me, man.
We get busy about five o'clock.
I don't want my customers
to be disturbed.
I'm the only customer
that matters, nigga.
Where'd your mans take the rest?
Yo, I don't know, all right?
They don't tell me shit.
Don't think I don't know
who you are, nigga.
And I know you were
there when Buck got hit.
I oughta just cap you on
the strength of that alone.
And Nixon talking about ♪
"Don't worry worry, worry, worry" ♪
He say, "Don't worry, worry
worry, worry, worry, worry" ♪
He say, "Don't worry, worry
worry, worry, worry, worry" ♪
He say, "Don't worry,
worry worry, worry" ♪
But they don't know ♪
These motherfuckers.
There can be no show ♪
And if there's hell below ♪
We're all gonna go ♪
I'm gonna walk out of here,
or I'ma put a bullet
in this little nigga head, you hear me?
Breathe, brother.
Yo, just breathe.
You know whose kid that is?
Yeah, I know who he
'Nique's boy.
Yo, you hit?
Yo, half our shit just left in that van.
Hey, you should've just let him kill me.
Once my mom find out I'm
here, I'm dead anyway.
Yo, that's why she ain't gon' find out.
We gon' clean this
shit up, get you home,
and she'll never know you were here.
Shit. I shouldn't have left you here.
You're late, Kanan.
Got caught up at the
pizza spot with Famous.
I'll be down in a few.
You got one minute.
Wait up.
We need to talk.
I'm already late.
I want you to like Symphony.
I will.
Dude just feels different, that's all.
Well, sometimes different is good.
I should probably get to class.
Never thought I'd hear you say that.
All I'm asking is,
you just give him a chance, Kanan.
Just don't make no
decisions about him yet.
Nobody will ever be more
important to me than you.
You know this.
It's us against everybody.
Later, Ma.
All right, so we're gonna go back
to the skyscrapers.
I'm glad you could make it, Kanan.
Welcome to History of New
York City Architecture.
Take a seat.
As I was saying,
New York City has the largest
and most varied collection
of skyscrapers in the world,
but it wasn't always skyscrapers.
You okay?
There's no other city in the world
that can rival the size and scope
of New York's skyline.
Why is that important?
When I was in the pen,
I met this dude who had
a disease or some shit
that made it so he never slept.
He'd close his eyes every now and then,
but most of the time,
that nigga was wide awake.
And I remember saying to him,
"Man, that ain't a disease.
That's a blessing.
You keep your head up 24-7".
And he said, "Ain't no gift, nigga.
You don't sleep, you don't dream.
You don't dream, you
don't ever go nowhere
but where you are".
But he was wrong.
You sleep in this game,
the only dreams you have are nightmares.
And them nightmares
all end the same way.
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