Marvel's Runaways (2017) s01e05 Episode Script


1 [pages flipping.]
Previously, on Marvel's Runaways - Jesus, Alex! - Found it in my dad's desk.
Chase was right.
We've gotta protect ourselves.
I don't understand.
It's never taken this long before.
You don't feel anything at all? We're gonna need another sacrifice.
- The solution is right - We are in trouble here, Victor.
I know I screwed up.
First the girl, and now this false alarm? What is going on with you? Maybe the bracelet is some kind of inhibitor? Which would explain why my mom never wanted me to take it off.
Get away from her! Holy shit, it does what I say.
Give me that.
What is this thing called? Fistigons.
I've made arrangements for you at the Crater.
- What? - I sense that you're ready to go Ultra.
So my parents are serial killers, and Karolina's mother handpicks the victims.
Alex cracked the files.
They weren't about any ceremony.
They were about Destiny isn't the only runaway to go missing from your church.
Alex! Alex! Someone took Alex! [chatter.]
Yo, G! That's my boy.
You off to see that fine-ass lawyer of yours? Whoo! Guess she can't get enough of that Wilder flavor.
Man! You get all the breaks, bro.
You the one who's halfway out the door.
I need every break I can get in here.
Have fun! Wrong room.
You're Geoffrey Wilder, right? Please.
I'm sure you'll be interested in what I have to say.
Trying to run some shit without my lawyer? 'Cause I ain't going for no plea bargain.
Who okayed this? This is a violation of my client's rights.
Uh-oh, did it now.
Perfect timing, like always.
Catherine Henderson, Mr.
Wilder's attorney.
The DA sent you? [chuckling.]
No, I'm here of my own accord.
I have a business proposal for you.
I'm happy to continue with your attorney present, if that works for you.
She's in on every deal I make.
So, yeah, she stays.
Very well, then.
I believe your uncle left you this property when he passed.
- Is that correct? - It's an old strip mall.
How you know about that? I'd like to buy it from you.
My opening offer is $5 million.
Five million dollars for a junk property in South Central? What's the fine print? I understand it's probably more than it's worth, but I'd like to make this agreement quickly.
No white man's gonna drop that much cake on some dump if there wasn't more to it.
What, the X mark the spot to some buried treasure or something? You're a perceptive fellow, Mr.
Truth is, you have a hidden gem on your hands.
I'd like to see it reach its full potential.
You're in real estate, then.
Didn't realize Compton was on the next gentrification train.
I can't speak to future market value, but I assure you I have nothing but the best intentions for this property.
Perhaps you'd like some time to get the clarity you need.
I'll see myself out.
Thank you.
Uh, no, I don't need any more time in here.
I got all the clarity I need.
If someone like you wants to know something in my neighborhood, then you gonna need a partner.
Even with your fine legal counsel, you may be incarcerated for some time.
Doesn't make for a very convenient partnership.
I can handle my business from the inside.
Not my business.
I'm sorry, it's a take-it-or-leave-it offer.
You can keep the map.
What if I were to say that in a month he'd be a free man? That could be a different story.
- It's breakfast time for the cheetah.
- Ooh.
Ooh, got him.
- Hey, hey.
- Yo.
What's up, G? You don't look like a dude who just got a hand job from his Tenderoni lawyer.
What, she break up with you? Nah, nah, nothing like that.
Your Nana B, she still got that, um, that breathing thing? With the oxygen tanks and all that? Yeah.
Somebody gotta go check on it every day.
Why you ask? And Tamar, she got two little ones now, right? What's going on, G? What if I told you I'd look out for them, take care of them for life? I'd say thank you, but why? Because I need something from you.
To call it a favor don't do it justice.
I need you to tell them that you shot Osiris, not me.
I got a deal on the table that'll change all our lives.
The thing is, I gotta get out of here to make it work.
G, man, you asking me to do a dime at least, bro.
I know what I'm asking.
We've always been there for each other, right? Since we was kids.
Yeah, man, but I'm just an accessory to some shit, and like you said, I got my foot out the door Yeah, but you go right back where you were, straight hustle.
But what I'm saying, we move up.
A different life, man, for Nana B, for Tamar and those babies.
For you.
All right, big homie, I got you.
Just don't forget me, G.
[hip-hop music playing.]
Where are we going? Alex, my man you're about to find out who your father really is.
Keep going.
We almost there.
[hip-hop music playing.]
[theme music playing.]
Currently training on Dagobah.
Leave a message.
Alex, I-I don't know if you'll even get this, but just If you do, just call me, okay? I - I don't even know what to say.
- What if it was my church? What if they figured out that we got those files on all those kids? No, no, please don't tell me that everything is gonna be okay.
My mom is a murderer.
All of our parents are murderers.
[crying softly.]
The only way to figure this out is to stick together.
But right now, we just need to get Alex back.
Okay? You ready to go? Where are we going? We have no clue where Alex is.
Did you steal that from your mom? You're in trouble.
You think it can help us? I'm counting on it.
- [click.]
- [Nico grunts.]
Show us the way to Alex.
So much for the magical Wiccan proclamations.
What is that thing? I don't know, but I think I'm in love.
The lights are pretty, but how is this helping? I think it's the heat signature of the car that took Alex.
Yeah, the staff is trying to lead us to him.
- I'll drive.
- Wait! Hold on a second.
I am all for the idea of rescuing Alex, but we have no clue what we're going up against.
- It could be my church.
- Or the cops.
Alex and I found out our parents were paying off the police.
Okay, so, just so I understand, we're either gonna be facing off against Gibborim enforcer types, or a corrupt branch of the LAPD Could just be generic kidnappers.
with no weapons and no plans.
We have the staff and each other.
Plus, like I keep telling you guys, I'm really, really strong! Molly, not now! What about Chase? I sent him, like, a million texts, but he hasn't answered any of them.
Shouldn't he be here? We'll keep trying him on the way, but we can't lose Alex.
Do you think the Pentagon will want to buy the design from me? If you can get the myoelectric sensors operating at a quick enough response rate, I don't see why not.
I figure with the right LAWS, these things will be able to shoot a drone out of the sky.
- LAWS? - You know, laser-aided weapon systems.
Yes, I'm aware.
How is it that you know all this, but you've never gotten above a B-minus in calculus? Calc's boring.
I like practical applications.
[soft chuckle.]
Oh, I got it.
I didn't mean to.
Uh, I-I know I've been hard on you.
I'm just trying to get you to be your best.
I want you to do greater things with your life than I have.
You've, like, actually changed the world.
I'll never top that.
Don't be so sure.
You know, there was a time before the money and obligations when it was just me, my imagination, and my hands.
It's when the ideas were the purest.
Working with you reminds me of that.
I like working with you, too, Dad.
You know, there was an invention in those days I could never quite get right.
It was something very close to my heart.
Maybe we could dig it out, see if we can perfect the damn thing, together.
That'd be cool.
- Try this.
- Yeah.
[indistinct conversation.]
[cell phone buzzes.]
I take it your daddy never showed you his old stomping grounds.
Why leave your part of the world, right? Got all them palm trees, white girls, and sushi.
[all chuckling.]
Give me your phone.
You heard me.
Let's go.
[indistinct laughter and chatter.]
This is my Nana B's place.
Me and your pop spent a lot of time here.
G's mom worked three jobs.
Anytime he needed a meal, place to go, my Nana B hooked him up.
You two were close? Who, me and G? Shit.
Tight as hell.
He never say nothing? Guess I can't say I'm surprised.
You know, I'm betting he never told you that I'm the reason he got out of lockup so fast.
Your pops promised if I confessed to his crime, me and my family would be set for life.
He swore he'd never forget me.
[distant telephone rings.]
You think he kept his word? Never gave you anything, did he? No money, nothing.
Oh, G let me have his old turf.
Acted like it was some grand gesture.
But times changed since your daddy was in the game.
Ain't as lucrative as it was when he came up.
Else I just ain't got his flair for community relations.
[all chuckling.]
But meanwhile, my Nana B, the lady who slapped Band-Aids on his knees and baked him his birthday cakes, barely got cash to pay for her heart pills.
Son of a bitch even had the balls to threaten her just 'cause I asked him to give me what I was owed.
Looks like you already know what type of catch your old man is.
All I know is that I'm nothing like him.
I'm sorry for what he's done.
[cell phone rings.]
Who is calling? Oh! It's your girl.
Six missed calls.
But you can't holla back just yet, young homie.
Be easy.
[cell phone rings.]
Big G! What's up? Say something to your pops.
Hi, Dad.
Alex, you all right? I'm okay.
That situation could change if you and me can't come to a hospitable conclusion to this whole thing.
- I got your 50k.
- 50k? Did this player just say 50k? Oh, no, no, G.
50k was the family discount.
We ain't family no more.
New price is a straight million.
Yeah, that's right.
One million dollars, and I don't take checks.
Meet me in an hour at the park.
You know the one.
Dinner's almost here.
Who were you on the phone with? Just a wrong number.
I gotta step out.
I gotta take care of something.
Flores, I need three guys in an unmarked car, now.
We need to slow down, okay? - I don't want to lose Alex! - We'll lose him if we crash! swerving, it's about crashing.
It's not about how sick I feel, but it's also a little bit about how sick I feel.
This kind of reminds me of Magic Mountain or Six Flags.
[Molly laughs.]
Karolina, are you checking your blind spots? We're almost there.
Refill? Oh, thanks.
[machinery whirrs.]
Hey, what's going on? I'm with everyone.
We need your assistance to save Alex from some unidentified abductors.
What? There's a lot of insanity to fill you on, but we'll get to that later, okay? Right now just get in your car and I'm gonna send you our GPS address, okay? Cool.
See you then.
Bye! Relax, bro.
Help is on the way.
[all shrieking.]
That is, if you don't kill us first.
- Karolina, you're doing great.
- Thank you.
This is kind of fun.
How'd you guys find me, anyway? We called your dad's phone, fool.
No, his security's tight.
He'd know if his cell showed any signs of being compromised.
All I did was put a modified EEPROM into his phone signal and snag the serial number.
Five minutes later, his data was mine.
What, you think the only people good with tech lives in Brentwood? I didn't say that.
You ain't had to say it.
That your dad? What? [scoffs.]
Nah, man.
Why do you work for him? I bet the trees in your 'hood grows jobs and scholarships.
Where I'm from, we don't got too many trees, homie.
Hey, who said y'all could get out? What's this? Y'all dating now? [gunshots.]
Go, go! [gunshot.]
[Andre groaning.]
Alex, give me that.
- Please help me, man.
- Dad.
Give me a second, Alex, I need to - Dad, I mean it.
- What is it, Al Too late.
Get in the car.
That-that-that guy has a gun to Alex's head.
- If you hurt him - You gonna do what? Make me pay? Shit, man, I already paid.
You the one that owe the dues, homie.
The odds of surviving a confrontation seem increasingly slim.
- I'm not abandoning Alex.
- But we have no chance! I say we do.
Karolina, go! You shot Andre, huh? You think you a big man now? Huh? Like your pops? I didn't want to shoot him.
You better not say anything.
You better shut up! Hey, hey, stop at this stoplight, yo, slow down! We don't need no more heat on us.
- Wait, stop! No, Nico! - Get off of me! - What is she doing? - Stopping him? Engine off.
Geoffrey Wilder's son.
You can get away Deactivate! [Gert.]
Come back! - Molly! - Let me.
- What is she doing? - I don't know.
[Molly grunting.]
Hey, go, homie! What are you doing? [man.]
It ain't going nowhere! Molly Get out the car.
Get out the car! Get out.
Hey! - What in the hell? - No! Alex, run! You have superpowers, too? She's beautiful and she glows.
Yo, yo, man! I can't hold this much longer.
That was cute.
Y'all little kids best stand down.
Got the whole gang together, huh? [grunts.]
What is happening right now? I think we're kicking ass.
Chase! Nah, nah! This ain't how it's about to go down.
Protect us! You think you can stop him with another shot? I doubt it.
Maybe Molly can.
How about we just call it a night.
Shield off.
I'll catch up with you guys later.
Wait! Alex, wait! [Andre grunts.]
Come on, come on.
[Andre groans.]
Come on.
There you go.
Dad! Hey, Alex! You okay? What happened? Wh-where's Darius? - Oh, he took off.
- Alex, please, man.
I'm sorry, I was just doing my job.
Jesus, Dad, shouldn't he be in an ambulance or something? I know a place where he can get patched up, off the grid.
- [Andre groans.]
- I'm coming with you.
Hey, I'm sorry, you can't.
Get on that bus, get somewhere safe, and call a car.
He's gonna be all right.
You're lying! And it turns out you've always been a liar.
Darius told me about everything, about what you did to him.
You don't know the first thing about me and Darius.
I'm not giving you a choice, son.
Get out of here.
Now! [Andre hisses.]
Where have you been? Have you talked to Alex? He never came home.
Alex is fine.
Cat, I got a live one, but I don't think he'll last for long.
Get PRIDE together.
We need to do the sacrifice now.
You're still here.
Of course.
I just wanted to be by you.
And the sacrifice? We're trying.
But it, um it isn't going well.
But we'll find someone.
We'll find a way.
I'm sure of it.
I hope you know how much I've loved you.
- Molly, you were such a badass.
- So were you.
- I still can't get over those lights! - And your staff! Alex! Whoa, you're okay.
Guys, we have a problem.
What are you talking about? We got you back.
Yes, and now we have to save someone else.
His name's Andre, he was with the men who kidnapped me.
- So why would we help him? - He was just following orders.
Isn't that what the Nazis said? He's the same age as us, and I think our parents are about to do to him what they did to Destiny.
- Okay? We have to stop them.
- Are you nuts? We almost got shot back there, and now you want us to risk our lives for some guy that we don't even know? Do we even have a plan? The plan is making sure no more kids die.
Alex, we need to take a beat here, okay? Many of us have just exhibited superhuman abilities after learning that there may be a Chinatown- level conspiracy run by our parents.
My head is exploding.
Molly, how can you take a nap right now? You try lifting an SUV with your bare hands.
It's exhausting! At least you guys finally got to see what I can do.
I've been trying to tell you for forever.
Yes, Moll, we finally believe you, but Oh, and speaking of superpowers? Gert has a dinosaur that she can order around.
Are you serious? What? It's insane.
And kind of awesome.
You never said anything about Gert having a dinosaur.
I kept quiet about your lights.
Okay, yeah, I probably should've told you guys, but I was just worried you'd think I was a freak.
I think we're all scoring pretty high on the freak-o-meter tonight.
My family heirloom is a magic staff-slash-wand.
No matter what we are, Alex is right.
We can't let our parents keep getting away with this stuff.
- We weren't able to save Destiny.
- Maybe we can save Andre.
I mean, we have to at least try.
[soft grunt.]
Here, let me help.
Tina, where's the staff? There was no time.
We'll be fine, just this once.
Catherine, you know how grateful I am to have someone.
You mentioned he'd been shot.
I was just wondering what happened.
I'm sorry.
This isn't one of your grass-fed, free-range sacrifices, but whatever Geoffrey did, just be glad he did it.
Coasters don't work anymore.
I got it.
[breathing deeply.]
Gotta keep him alive, right? Here.
Drink this.
Is it medicine? Sure.
I don't get it.
Where are they? Maybe we just beat them here.
My dad got a huge head start.
Then maybe our parents took Andre somewhere else.
Which means he's probably dead.
Goddamn it! I shot him.
- What? - I shot Andre.
He was gonna hurt my dad, so I used that gun I took.
- I killed him, Nico.
- No, you didn't.
If I hadn't shot him, my dad wouldn't have taken him to be his next victim or whatever.
- You don't know that.
- I pretty much do.
I killed someone to protect my dad.
The worst part is, I don't even know if he's worth protecting.
None of our parents are who we thought but they're still our parents.
I'm just I'm glad we got you back.
I was so worried about you.
Guys? Chase found a hidden camera in the library.
We need you down there.
Fifteen kids have died in this room.
That is so Messed up? What if the ghosts of all these kids are still in here, watching us right now? Okay, Molls, no more Goosebumps for you.
- Anything? - Uh, no.
Thankfully it's not on.
Probably only use it when they're in here doing their thing.
Looks like the footage is being offloaded onto a server somewhere, but I can use it as an access point to see what the camera's connected to and translate the IP address into a physical one.
[keys clacking.]
[whirrs and beeps.]
No frickin' way.
Please no more bad news.
Video is being funneled to your parents' company.
They're storing it at Wizard Computers? The most hacker-resistant network on the planet? Yeah.
Well, we have to find a way to get it.
It's actual evidence of what our parents have been doing.
Maybe there's an explanation.
I mean, they have to be doing all of this for a reason, right? What if they have a good one? - Good reason to kill kids.
- Chase, come on.
I know it doesn't make any sense, but I don't know, I was with my dad before, and it just made me wonder.
What if we're missing something here? I mean, Chase, can you honestly think of a single reason to justify their actions? It worked.
You can all leave now.
[knock on door.]
Glad you're home safe.
- I'm sorry, I had to - Where's Andre? You don't need to worry about Andre anymore.
He's fine.
For as long as I can remember whenever I was with you, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world.
You weren't just my father, you were my best friend.
But the more I learn about you the more I realize that you're just not a good person.
Just get out.
I want to be alone.
This is my house.
Your room is just out on loan, so if I want to be in here Oh, whoa, hey.
Hey, Alex.
Come on, man.
You know I wouldn't Well, you hurt Darius, and he was your best friend! How do I know you wouldn't hurt me, too? Alex You know what, you stay here.
I'll sleep in the guest house.
How much did you hear? Enough.
So, go on.
Say it.
I'm an asshole.
I'm a bad father.
I should've never let Darius Darius is just the name of our latest problem one that we both had a hand in creating.
Don't think I don't know that.
But we can't let him endanger our son ever again.
If Darius comes back, I'll take care of it.
If? I think you mean "when.
" I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on.
We have enough secrets in our life with PRIDE.
I don't want there to be any between us.
All my heroes got tired All the days, they got short And a love that I dreamt of Came to me at my worst Yeah, all the nights I don't remember Bullshit! It's all bullshit! forget When all your heroes get tired I'll be something better yet I remember driving out of this state No, nothing dies Until somebody told us Somebody sold us all kinds of lies Hi! Hey, it's just us.
are the ones I can't forget Don't worry, she's not gonna hurt you.
When all your heroes get tired There's always something better yet Gert? Yeah? Why would our parents do all these horrible things? I guess 'cause they're horrible people.
Manual override activated.
Mom, uh - I was I was just - It's okay.
You were bound to discover what it could do sooner or later.
I always thought it was just an old antique passed down from your mother.
My mother never gave me anything.
But that's not how I want things to be with us.
You are the only other person in the world that staff will work for.
Other than me.
Why don't you keep it for the night? I trust you, Nico.
I hope in time you'll come to trust me again, too.
Hi, uh Sorry, I lost track of time.
Some of the guys got together.
Not to worry.
Your mother and I had to run out as well.
But there's something I want to show you.
You inspired me to pull this back out after all these years, and time must've given me some perspective, because I've solved it, the passion project.
A time machine.
That's a time machine? Yeah.
And it can't send anyone anywhere like in the movies.
It's more like a radio.
It can receive visual messages from the future, giving us a glimpse of what life will be like.
How did you do this? It's based on the theory that if gravity can alter time, - and light can create gravity - Then light can also alter time.
You're using light to bend time back in on itself.
That's exactly right.
Shall we give it a go? Show us Los Angeles of the future.
I'm still perfecting some bugs, of course.
Damn it! [high-pitched trilling sound.]
Are you all right? I was sure the the nanotherm therapy was working.
It's a it's an advanced procedure.
The research suggests it could be very effective in cases of glioblastoma.
That's a type of Brain cancer.
Yeah, I know.
I haven't told your mother.
My son, they used to say that there'd never be a self-driving car, until I made one.
I can beat this thing.
I know it.
Let's get out of here.
[wind chimes tinkling.]
What's going on? You didn't make it.
What are you talking about? The test isn't over yet.
Our readings show that Ultra is still out of your reach.
But I felt something.
I'm sorry, Frank.
I know that Leslie will be disappointed, too.
How do you feel? I feel fantastic.
Like I always do.
But that was a close one.
I told you we'd find a way.
We had to.
The gala's just a few days away.
The gala! The gala Who gives a shit about the gala? [laughing.]
Let me look at you.
You're so [laughs.]
When I was laying here my biggest fear wasn't dying.
It was that I might die without ever having looked into her eyes.
I want to meet her.
[theme music playing.]

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