Top Shot (2010) s02e08 Episode Script

Catch .22

Previously on "Top Shot".
After the Red Team wins the tomahawk challenge Joe goes 3 for 3 for the Red Team! And the trick shot challenge Man, I sure did pick a good team, didn't I? Oh! The Blue Team is desperate for a victory.
Here we go.
Ashley's perfect score in the elimination challenge Yeah! There it is! Sends Kyle home.
You've officially been eliminated from "Top Shot.
" And the Blue Team is down to three marksmen.
There are shots that changed history Feats of legendary skill and extreme precision.
Now 16 of today's best marksmen have been chosen.
They come from all over the country and from all walks of life.
Amateurs and professionals, military, recreation, and exhibition shooters.
Each shows the timeless skills of a true marksman Not just with one weapon, with any weapon.
Until only one remains, earning the $100,000 prize and the title of "Top Shot.
" Both of them went home.
Both of them went home.
It went completely freakin' crazy.
Jay and Daryl come walking through the door and nobody else.
We're like "Uh [Chuckles.]
What happened?" Ashley went first.
He didn't hit a single target.
He had six shots, didn't hit any targets.
Kyle didn't hit a single shot, either.
Double elimination.
They're both eliminated.
Ashley loses it.
Totally frickin' loses it.
He jumps off the bench.
I grab him.
We fall over the bench.
We're rolling around on the ground.
What the Get the [Bleep.]
out of here, dude.
I looked over at George, and George is sitting there You know, he's just staring like he just seen death or something, you know? There the [Bleep.]
Yeah, well, let's go again.
You should have seen his face.
He's like When Ashley comes back in, it was like sweet relief, you know? Like, "oh, I'm gonna punch you in the face and kiss you at the same time," you know? So it was good to see the beard come back.
To Kyle, the little man that could.
Ashley's back in the house, and now we're down to eight.
You know, we've cut the field in half, and I'm in the top half.
That's pretty cool.
Why's there so much blue? Now that the field is getting narrower, I would expect everybody is starting to look at themselves a lot harder and go, "oh, this guy shot that weapon a little bit better than I did.
" And, you know, I find myself measuring myself against everybody now and not just against the Blue Team and wondering how that's gonna carry through once we're all going head-to-head.
It's gonna be interesting, and, you know, we've got good competitors left.
That's what it's coming down to, is everybody starting to think about that more and more every time you get one step closer to the end.
Morning, shooters.
Well, we started with 16 competitors, and we have cut the field in half.
One of you 8 will be walking out of here with $100,000 and the title of "Top Shot.
" We're down to the top eight competitors, and it's anybody's game right now.
And whoever walks out of here with $100,000 is definitely gonna have to earn it.
All right, let's squeeze the trigger, shall we? So far, you've competed with a diverse selection of weapons, some of which I'm sure you've never used before.
But today, we'll be focusing on a firearm that's probably familiar to all of you.
It's the first gun many young marksmen learn to shoot The .
22 rifle, specifically the ruger 10/22 semiautomatic rifle.
You know, the moment that Colby announces that we're shooting a 10/22, for me, was confidence, you know? I mean, I'm probably more confident with that particular rifle than any other we've got out here.
The 10/22 is a great example of why .
22 s are so popular.
It's accurate, has virtually no recoil, and the ammo dirt cheap.
How many of you guys have a .
22 at home? Every one of you.
Now that there's only eight of you, we've chosen this weapon to level the playing field and get back to basics.
So this is gonna be fun, all right? We've invited world-class shooter Spencer hoglund to help you prepare for the next challenge.
Your practice with the .
22 will focus on speed and transitioning between targets.
Blue Team, you guys are up first.
Red Team, you guys can head back to the house.
You'll practice later.
Good luck.
See you at the challenge.
The first firearm that I ever owned outside of pellet guns was a .
22 pistol revolver my dad gave me.
And from that, I graduated to .
22 rifles and so on and so forth.
So, I mean, I've fired a .
22-caliber weapon all my life.
Let's go for it.
Every gun has some recoil, but in relation to all the others, the 10/22 is super-light.
It's real manageable.
You could get a good sight picture, pull the trigger, and the recoil isn't gonna blow you off that sight picture.
So you could get dialed in with those pretty quick and be extremely accurate with a .
Daryl went up there and shot every single one of them, so he's shooting pretty fast.
He's hitting all the movers, the ducks no problem.
I mean, he was just picking them off one by one.
Oh, fail.
One thing I'd like to see you try to do is transition between targets.
Going clockwise.
This challenge isn't about emptying the magazine as fast as possible or hitting every shot you fire downrange.
It's about combining the two and finding that happy medium.
That was good.
Good shooting.
One of the things I concentrate on is the manipulation of the weapon.
That's where you can save the most amount of time, not so much while you're shooting, but, for example, like, changing your magazines out.
Now, the way you're holding that weapon and standing, is that a comfortable spot for you to move? Yeah.
Looks to me like a bull's-eye shooting stance.
You need to be moving that gun around a lot, and the bull's-eye shooting stance is not effective for doing that.
Jay shoots with what I like to call a bull's-eye stance.
And he's got his forward hand real close to the trigger guard.
That leaves a lot of weight of the rifle forward of that hand.
And that's the hand he's gonna use to control the swing of the rifle and get from target to target.
Let's work on some transition, some speed.
You know, the expert will say, "hey, do this.
Hey, do that.
" And, you know, 15 minutes, of, you know, trying something new isn't gonna work really well in a competition situation.
I came here because I know how to shoot.
Why are you gonna change something now, you know, a couple of hours before we're gonna go into a team challenge? So, I practiced the bull's-eye, and I'm gonna use it.
Appreciate it.
Good luck tomorrow.
I think it is a mistake that Jay's holding the rifle the way he is.
And I'm afraid that his bull's-eye stance is actually gonna be a hindrance to his shooting.
We're shooting .
Recoil is not a lot to deal with.
The gun is not complicated.
The gun is not hard to handle.
Beginning of the season, they're like, "you're gonna shoot the most powerful weapons known to man.
" Dude, .
22 long rifle is what 10-year-old use to get into marksmanship.
You know, and here we are, special forces guy actually, sniper, all these ex-marines, and we're gonna have a .
22 shoot-off.
Nice shot.
We're not kids, you know? We're grown-ass men.
I want to shoot some man guns, you know? I want a .
I want something manly.
I want something that, when Jay looks at it, it's like, "I don't know if I can shoot that thing.
It's too heavy.
" I want that reaction from Jay.
I'm gonna shoot the tops.
Top shoot and see big one.
Send it.
Top right.
A lot of the guys were kind of complaining, you know, "aw, man, I thought we were gonna shoot the biggest, baddest guns out there.
" And, you know, the .
22 long rifle is a good way to judge marksmanship skills.
If you stand there at 50 yards, offhand, and you're shooting against me, if we're putting up eggs or clothespins or bottle caps or whatever at 50 yards, offhand, either you can hit it or you can't.
In five minutes, I can tell you who is the better shooter.
Zombies are coming, dude.
Go, go, go.
Head shot.
Make it rain! When I step up and pick up the 10/22, it's just familiar to me, you know? I mean, I'm used to this gun.
It's, I guess you could say, kind of like an old friend.
You know, I've spent a lot of time with one of them.
You got to shoot a fine bead and aim an inch low, dude.
The Red Team, again, they're all talented shooters, and they all did quite well.
What I think really set the Red Team apart is they worked well as a team together.
You heard a lot of coaching from the person that wasn't shooting.
Whether it was round management or calling out shots, they were watching each other's back, and they knew that they were either gonna sink or swim as a team.
That's high.
On target.
On target.
Change your magazine.
Overall, the Red Team did quite well.
I'd say that, on an individual basis, the Blue Team might have been more productive and, individually, each shot better.
But as a team, the Red Team really worked on developing what is gonna win this challenge.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Nice meeting you.
Of course.
Likewise, guys.
Good luck.
You guys shoot good? Jay didn't.
Oh, yeah? No, he holds it like it's a damn olympic style.
Who, Jay? Oh, yeah? Yeah.
You can't do that.
Not in this field.
I know.
Jay struggled a little bit not so much with his accuracy, but with his speed.
Jay's like Daryl and I are good.
Jay is not gonna do well based on his stance and how he's manipulating the weapon.
So we're already, basically, a man down going into a three-on-three fight.
You know, Jay isn't used to shooting targets fast.
He's used to shooting bull's-eye, pinpoint targets.
So he's like, "aimpop.
" And it needs to be, "pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
" But he's also like a freakin' magician, you know? He pulls stuff out of his ass all the time.
So he may get out there and just get in the moment and, "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
" As long as Jay shows up with the magic We'll do okay.
As I walk over the hill, I see a no joke Like an exact replica of a carnival shoot-out.
Come on down, shooters! And as I'm getting closer, I see, you know, big bottles, little bottles, gum balls, all sorts of different stuff that we're gonna be shooting.
And everybody's kind of looking at each other, like, going, "oh, man, this is gonna be awesome.
" Every kid grew up going to the carnival.
You know, you're shooting at the ducks and the bottles and all this kind of stuff.
And once we saw the moving targets, we was like, "whoa.
" Well, a very chilly top of the morning to you, fellas.
Welcome to the team challenge.
All of you practiced with the ruger 10/22.
Now it's time to just have some fun.
we've set up a good, old-fashioned, carnival-style shooting gallery.
There are 80 targets.
Some are stationary.
Those are gonna be worth one point.
Others will be moving.
Those are worth two points.
Team members will go one at a time.
Each shooter will get 20 shots per turn.
The team that racks up the most points in five minutes wins.
You got it? Make sense? Y'all have the .
22, so this should be a fair test of your marksmanship skills.
Red Team, because you have two extra members, two of you got to sit out.
Blue Team, you'll be making that choice.
Remember, Mr.
Brian Zins will be shooting today.
Who's it gonna be, Daryl? It's gonna be Joe and Chris Reed.
Joe Serafini, Chris Reed, you guys are riding the pine today.
I have no doubt that we're gonna be at least as good as the Red Team.
Ashley shoots all the time.
Daryl's a good shooter.
I mean, we're all pretty much equally skilled in the weapon.
I'm thinking we're gonna do well in this challenge.
Go! Coming up on "Top Shot" Yeah! And Daryl steps up there, and he's just racking up two-pointers for us nonstop.
George demolishing the course! The mess that we just made was awesome.
All right, guys, let's get this party started.
Team members will take turns firing 20 rounds until time expires.
Whichever team has the most points wins.
Winning team safe from elimination.
Losing team must head to the nomination range where you will vote two members to compete head-to-head in the elimination challenge.
Blue Team, you won the coin toss.
You guys are on the course first.
Go ahead and take your position.
This competition will not be won with speed alone or accuracy alone.
It's the shooter that can balance speed and accuracy that will win the challenge.
I'm going to this challenge with my reservations knowing that we're two strong and one semi-strong, that being Jay.
I'm still gonna have fun in this competition.
Marksmen, ready, set, go! Ashley on the course, first for the Blue Team.
Loading up the ruger 10/22.
Hits with his first shot! Takes out another target! Ashley 3 for 3.
Fourth target hit.
Making his way across the top row.
Ashley hits another one.
Ashley misses two, now three of his shots.
Connects! Ashley hits another one.
Ashley was on fire, you know? At one point, he was hitting them in very quick succession, "pow, pow, pow, pow.
" Ashley hits.
Ashley doing some damage on the shooting gallery.
Yeah! Gum balls flying everywhere! Ashley very methodical, making his way left to right.
Hey, the wind is horrible.
Like, it's gonna throw you off target.
Ashley steps up for the Blue Team, and he's lighting it up.
And the next person that comes up is Jay Lim.
Jay next up for the Blue Team.
Jay has an unorthodox stance.
I'm pretty convinced that he's never shot a lot of rifles, if any.
Jay's first shot downrange is a miss.
Second shot's a miss.
Third shot connects.
Jay 1 of 4.
Jay hits another target.
Jay steps up.
He's hitting bottles, stuff's exploding.
He's moving kind of slow from target to target, but I'd rather take accuracy over speed.
Jay taking his time, hitting a few, missing a few.
Keep going for the big ones.
Jay loading up the second magazine.
The targets are breaking.
I'm starting to get into a rhythm.
Jay misses again.
Hits a big target.
Now Jay's getting in a rhythm.
Blue Team clearing out all of the right side of the shooting gallery.
A couple more bottles.
Drop it.
Daryl's up for the Blue Team.
Did you see that wind? Yeah.
Now Daryl's going for the moving targets! Dropping ducks! There he is.
Daryl taking out some of the moving targets.
Yeah! Daryl steps up there.
He misses a few, but eventually he starts hitting, and he's just racking up two-pointers for us nonstop.
It is definitely duck season for Daryl.
Done! I thought my performance was good.
My first string I think I missed two shots.
The second string I think I missed one shot.
So I did my part.
Ashley cleaning up the right side.
Left, left, big targets.
Cease fire! Cease fire! All right, Blue Team, come on back over.
We come off the line, we said, "you know what? We did some real damage.
" There was only like one or two targets on the right side that weren't down.
You know, all the ducks were gone.
We used up our time.
We were shooting all the way through, and there was no dillydallying around, and we all shot really well.
Blue Team, pretty good shooting.
Guys, we have reset the course.
Red Team, you're up.
Make your way over to the shooting deck.
Up for the Red Team George, Brian, and Jamie.
Even though I'm not part of a challenge, or being able to shoot in this challenge, that's still my team up there, and I'm gonna do everything I can to help us through this competition.
So there's no rule saying that I can't yell from the bench.
Marksmen, ready, set, go! George first on the course for the Red Team.
Loading up the ruger 10/22.
Hits with his first shot! Second shot strikes.
Third shot connects.
George doing damage all the way across.
George with a perfect run so far.
George has not miss Finally misses on his last shot.
George goes 9 of 10 on his first magazine.
Started top left.
From there, I just tried to get my rhythm.
Crack, crack, crack, crack.
Keep it consistent.
My guys were right behind me, backing me up.
"Hey, ninth round, change, change.
" "Roger.
" Bang slapped a new one in there.
George continues mowing them down.
Red Team starts shooting, and George starts off really well, which surprised me.
I thought that he wouldn't be able to shoot that gun really well.
I mean, he's a really big guy, and it's kind of a small gun.
George demolishing the course! Yeah.
George is out.
Brian Zins is on the course.
George shot well.
I think had George done really bad, there would have been more pressure on me.
Brian's moving over to the left side of the course.
Bam! Hits on his first shot.
Red Team communicating.
Y'all are wasting a lot of time.
Y'all are using your time up.
Brian hitting all his targets! Shooting just above the lollipop.
There it goes.
Shoot the big bottles, man.
Brian cleans up those bottles.
Gunny picks it up and like old faithful, man, just starts raining it.
You know, raindrop.
He's blowing through them.
Go for movers.
Go for movers.
Come on, Jamie, go.
Jamie just now on the course for the Red Team.
Get the big bottles across the bottom.
Jamie's going for the moving targets.
There it is.
Now he hits a duck.
There's another one.
My first turn, I focused on the moving targets, you know, knocked out as many of those as I could.
When I came back up again, I was focused on the stationary targets.
Jamie's reloaded and back on the course.
Shoot the big bottles.
Get the points.
Jamie's back on the right side of the course, going for the stationary targets now.
Jamie's out! Jamie's out! George back on the course for his second turn.
George clearing out some bottles.
Everything on the right side's broke.
I loved how the red team worked together as a team.
Chris Reed was the star of that.
You heard him hollering out shot counts.
You heard him hollering out which targets were still in the line of fire.
And when you're the shooter on the line and you hear that in the background, it's reassuring and it helps you engage the targets that you need to hit.
All right, there's jars on the bottom row! Jars on the bottom row on the left side! Red Team communicating.
George is out of rounds.
You got to load.
Brian Zins having to manually load the ruger now.
It's gonna be close.
We got to get a couple more of those.
Y'all probably got less than a minute.
Right-side jar.
Right-side jar.
That's it.
Cease fire! That's it.
Red Team, come on back over.
At the end when I saw all the destruction staring back at me, the mess that we just made was awesome Coming up on "Top Shot" This one was close, guys.
Only five points separates the teams.
Blue Team, you guys hit nine moving targets.
Red Team, you guys also hit nine moving targets.
So the winner is This sounds close guys.
Only five points separate the two teams.
Blue Team, you guys hit nine moving targets, for a point total of 52.
Got it? Red Team, you guys also hit nine moving targets, Congratulations, you got a point total of 57.
So the winner is the Red Team.
Congratulations, Red Team.
Nice work.
Brian Zins, welcome back to the party.
You cleaned house on the shooting gallery.
You guys can head back to the house.
You are safe.
It was I mean, to have a team challenge we win and I got to play again, it was great to contribute.
I mean, I was really happy.
Daryl, seriously, appreciate it, bro.
One thing that I saw that really hurt the Blue Team was when Jay was on the line to fire, he was taking his time to aim at each shot.
The Blue Team only lost by five points, and that five points could have easily been made up had Jay shot faster.
Well, guys, you know the drill, so I will see you in a few hours at the nomination range.
Two of you will be competing in the elimination challenge.
You can head back to the house.
I'm I'm disappointed.
I'm frustrated.
Here we are, we're down Gonna be 5-2, you know? It sucks that we're in that boat, and I'm tired of going to elimination every three days.
I'm tired of losing.
Total domination on their face.
Blue Team, they lose again to Red Team nation.
Was it a surprise? Nay.
So they got to send someone home, bottom line.
Sucks to be that someone.
But what sucks the most about it is you have to risk one of your good players to send whoever you think the weakest is.
What I think we should do Shoot every target? Shoot every target.
Make it chance.
And then they're gonna draw a name.
Then that person shoots the same target that he shot the first time.
We're all gonna shoot each other's targets and let them draw our names out of the can.
Let's say they draw my name, "Daryl," and let's say that I shot Ashley's target.
"Daryl, you're definitely in the elimination.
" Okay.
I go up and I shoot Ashley's target again.
It's gonna be me and Ashley.
So it's like Russian roulette.
Someone's got to go, so we said, "just let the box decide.
" I'm down with that.
Head on in, guys.
All right, guys, welcome back to the nomination range.
You know how it works.
I'll call you up one at a time.
When I do, put a bullet in the target of the person you want to nominate, okay? Jay, you're up first.
I walk up to the range.
I shoot at Ashley's target as planned.
Ashley shoots Daryl's target, and Daryl shoots my target.
And we're all sitting there waiting for Colby to pull the name out to see who's gonna go shoot the next target.
Well, obviously, we have a tie.
But we have a twist.
Here's how it's gonna work.
Since all three of you were involved in the tie, I'm gonna draw one name out of the box.
That shooter is safe.
The other two will be competing in the elimination match.
Make sense? We definitely weren't ready for that as a team.
We thought that we would, you know, just keep playing the game until it was decided by us, not by Colby pulling one name out.
So it was definitely 180 degrees out from what we expected.
Oh! You're safe.
That means, Jay and Daryl, you two guys will face off tomorrow in the elimination challenge.
I'll see you tomorrow morning at practice.
Ashley, I'll catch up with you at the challenge.
You can head back to the house.
I'm not afraid of elimination.
I think I can compete with anybody here on an individual basis.
I feel okay going to elimination.
From the very beginning, I knew that Daryl was my biggest competition, and here it is.
When Blue Team comes back, it turns out that they let fate decide.
Jay versus Daryl.
The bottom line is, one of us has to go.
And if one of us has to go, I'd rather it be him than me.
This is a "kill or be killed" situation.
Daryl's a retired marine.
Jay's not.
So, obviously, I'm definitely pulling for Daryl.
We currently have four marines in the house Brian and Daryl.
Chris and Joe.
It just so happens that the marine corps birthday is tonight.
They've informed the rest of us that they're going to have a marine corps birthday celebration.
Just want to dress nice, man.
You know, respect all the men and women who've served.
Semper fi, baby.
This is the most under-dressed I've ever been for the marine corps birthday.
And I guess we're gonna have a ceremony tonight.
It is customary at marine corps birthday celebrations throughout the world that a traditional birthday cake be cut in honor of our birthday.
I'm not a marine, but it is meaningful to me.
When you think about it, it's more important, really, than the fourth of July.
People that have never served in the military have probably never even thought about it.
The first slice of cake is given to the eldest marine present.
The eldest marine present this evening Chief warrant officer Daryl Parker.
I think Jay might be feeling left out of the entire thing because he's the only civilian left.
And he doesn't have the shared hardships and experiences that the military guys have.
But, umI can't help that.
The cake is then passed to the youngest marine present Sergeant Joe Serafini.
Being the last civilian in the competition really didn't hit me until yesterday.
It's a little bit strange being in a house full of military people.
I pledge allegiance the flag of the United States of America.
I'm taking a peek into their lives, hearing the stories that they have We give thanks to this great country that we have the opportunity to live in.
The patriotism that they all express.
I don't get to talk to very many military people.
And I've taken a couple of opportunities to thank them for their service in keeping us safe here.
We are marines.
This is our birthday.
Anybody that's willing to come in and take observance of the marine corps birthday, they're more than welcome to come in and dine with us.
We will share our cake with the sailor and the two air force guys And the golfer.
Coming up on "Top Shot" A Smith & Wesson .
22-caliber pistol.
If anything with Daryl, I'd say he's shooting too fast.
You wouldn't have switched your grip, right? I might.
With Jay, it's his call.
He's the one that has to deal with the results.
Morning, fellas.
Daryl and Jay, welcome to practice for the elimination challenge.
In the team challenge, you guys used the .
22 rifle.
Now we're gonna switch you over to a .
22-caliber handgun The Smith & Wesson .
22-caliber pistol.
This revolver is popular with small-game hunters and target shooters, and it was one of the first to offer both single and double-action.
Out on the range, there are 5 targets at 50 feet.
In practice today, you'll be working on transitioning between targets quickly and accurately, as well as reloading.
Once again, we've brought in Spencer hoglund, speed-shooting specialist, to help you prepare for the challenge.
Jay, you're going first.
Good luck, guys.
I haven't shot this particular .
22 before.
Can I give you some advice on your grip there? Yes.
Jay was the first shooter in the elimination practice.
I wanted to work on him with his pistol grip.
I see that your off hand is down here at the grip.
It's almost like it's supporting the weight of the pistol.
One of the things that Spencer tries to change, just like J.
and Blake did, was my left-hand grip.
You wouldn't have switched your grip right before a competition, right? I might.
Before I shoot, just let me shoot my way first and if it's completely bad, then we can change it.
It's fine that way.
He didn't want to change his shooting style before the elimination.
It's his call.
He's the one competing, and he's the one that has to deal with the results.
Are you planning on shooting the challenge double-action or single-action? Still deciding.
When you're shooting double-action, with your trigger finger, you have to first cock the hammer and then release it.
When you're shooting it single-action, all you're doing is releasing the hammer, so you know exactly when that round is gonna go off.
I think the single-action is gonna be more accurate for him, and I don't think the time difference is gonna be enough to support shooting double-action.
Knowing that it's gonna be a speed challenge and I fumbled a little bit on the single-action, I said, "you know what? I think I'm gonna go double-action on all these.
" So I spent a little bit more time on the double-action.
Walking away from this practice, I feel really confident that I'm gonna do well in this challenge.
Too quick.
I remember as a very, very young child You know, my dad with his .
22 pistol, showing me how to shoot it and letting me shoot some cans and stuff.
What's going on there? You got enough time.
You don't need to Rush your shots.
Daryl understands that this is a timed event, and he's shooting quite fast because of that.
If anything with Daryl, I'd say he's shooting too fast.
I think you know when you're about to miss, so just don't pull that trigger until you know it's gonna hit.
Even here in practice, I see Daryl rushing shots.
And I'm afraid that when he's competing against Jay, he's gonna Rush them even more.
Another thing you might want to try is What I see you doing is you're cocking with your right thumb.
And what that does is you loosen your grip a little bit, and you probably lose your sight picture.
And have to get back on it.
So maybe try with your off hand cocking the thumb.
Take you a little bit to find it.
There you go.
It is better.
It's a lot better.
Pulling that hammer back with your weak hand versus your strong hand It keeps your hand on the gun.
You don't have to change your grip all the time.
Son of a gun.
I'm still feeling really confident about the challenge.
If I go to the challenge tonight and I just keep my head, I'm gonna come out on top.
What's up? Guys, what's going on? What's the word? What are you guys doing? It's a Smith & Wesson .
22 revolver.
Head shot.
I feel that Daryl's gonna be the one coming back.
I think he's more skilled.
We will see.
Daryl is a more well-rounded shooter.
He's got a lot more experience shooting than Jay does.
If I'm not back tonight, it will be a complete Surprise.
I don't doubt you, bro.
Never have.
I'm gonna guess it's gonna be Daryl.
I think he's a better competitor.
All right, man.
All right, brother.
He's another military guy, so I like him a little bit more, personally.
My time in the marine corps is what really developed me as a person.
You know, I was in the marine corps my entire adult life, from 17 until I retired at 38.
I'm staying.
I'm staying till the end.
Elimination doesn't mean anything to me.
I don't care.
I'm gonna be staying here.
From the very beginning, I'm the golf coach with no title against, you know, world champions and, you know, military special forces.
And, you know, to make it this far, as the only civilian left, that's a win in itself.
Good luck to you, bro.
Hey, Joe.
Take care, brother.
See you, dude.
Head on in, shooters.
I walk up to the challenge, and there's two weapons.
There's the .
22-caliber rifle and the .
22 revolver.
And it looks like transition shooting.
I see some pretty big targets, but behind those targets are littler targets.
This is gonna be a tough challenge.
Well, guys, welcome to the "Top Shot" elimination challenge.
Let's get to it.
We've tested your skills transitioning between targets.
Now we're gonna test your skills transitioning between weapons.
For this challenge, you'll be using the Smith & Wesson .
22-caliber revolver you just practiced with.
You'll also be using the 10/22 ruger rifle you competed with in the team challenge.
Out on the range are two sets of targets.
The first set is at 25 feet and has 10 targets ranging in size from seven inches all the way down to an inch and a half.
They are aligned one in front of the other.
Using the Smith & Wesson .
22-caliber pistol, you got to knock down that first target so that you can see the target behind it And then so on until you've hit all of them in that set.
Then you move on to the second set of targets.
You'll be shooting the second group with the ruger 10/22 rifle exactly the same as the first, but those are set up twice as far at 50 feet.
You guys are gonna be competing head-to-head.
The first shooter to knock down all of his targets wins.
Make sense? All right, fellas, take your positions.
Today's challenge is vital to me.
I plan on being the Top Shot.
These guys like Daryl are, you know, trained and military shooters.
Good luck, man.
Don't get taken out by the golf coach.
Coming up on "Top Shot" I'm knocking my plates down pretty quick.
So now it's neck and neck on the rifle.
Jay's dropping the targets! That's it! Daryl and Jay, each of you will shoot at 10 targets at 25 feet with the .
22 pistol, then 10 targets at 50 feet with the ruger 10/22 rifle.
First shooter to hit all his targets wins.
Loser out of the competition.
Also for the winner, the $2,000 gift card to the bass pro shops.
All right, let's do this.
Marksmen, ready, set, go! Daryl already hitting targets! Jay striking his targets! Jay misses! Daryl on his fourth target! I'm knocking my plates down pretty quick, one right after the other.
Jay loading back up.
Daryl loading the Smith & Wesson back up.
I see Daryl doing really well.
He's taking out plate by plate.
Jay back on the course.
Jay missing.
As you get smaller, these targets get down to 1.
5 inches.
Daryl only two targets left.
Only one target left.
Daryl one target left with the Smith & Wesson pistol.
I've got one.
Jay's got three.
At that point, I was feeling pretty good.
Jay's got three targets left.
Both men loading up the gun.
As the targets get smaller, my shot pattern starts to waver a little bit.
Jay back on the course.
Jay struggling to hit the last three targets.
Both men having trouble dialing in these tiny targets.
I could not dial in on that small target.
I kept trying to shoot around it to find out where my rounds were going, and I had to reload one more time in between that.
Jay looks to have three targets left with the Smith & Wesson.
Daryl's back up.
He's only got one left.
Jay's back on the course.
He drops one of his targets.
Both men taking their time, getting close.
Lumber's flying all around the targets.
Jay closes out the pistol course! Now he's moving on to the ruger 10/22! Now Daryl closes out the pistol! He's got the rifle in his hands! Transitioning to the rifle, Jay and I are neck and neck.
He got there half a step ahead of me.
I think we were actually loading our magazines at the same moment.
Both men loading up with the ruger 10/22! Jay's dropping the targets! Jay two targets left! Both men got to reload.
Now Daryl's catching back up.
So now it's neck and neck on the rifle.
And Jay's just plunking away.
Daryl's shooting away.
The smallest two targets The only thing left for Jay with the ruger 10/22.
Daryl's loading up another magazine.
He's got to catch up at this point.
Jay has one target left.
That's it! Jay wins! Daryl plowed through the handguns really quickly.
But then he starts missing a few targets, and I can see him getting flustered.
If you're standing with no pressure and there's no competition and you don't have any adrenaline going on, it's still a good shot to hit that inch-and-a-half target at 30 feet.
I get to the rifle before Daryl does.
The problem with my reload was that I didn't fully seat the magazine.
I felt that magazine fall out and hit the ground.
Now I knew I had problems.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
They all fall.
Load the second magazine.
And before the second magazine was done, all my targets were down.
I did my best, and I got beat by a better marksman today.
Jay shot his course well, fast, and he won.
There are no excuses.
Jay, congratulations.
Come on back here.
You can join Ashley.
Nice work.
Thank you.
Nice job.
I thought that I was gonna win this challenge, but I knew that Jay has surprised people in the past.
I've actually been one of the ones who's always said that he's dangerous.
Daryl, tight race, brother.
Man, that was close.
Unfortunately, you have fired your last shot.
You have now been eliminated from "Top Shot.
" Come back over here.
Say goodbye to these guys.
I think he's an awesome guy.
He's definitely a competitor Man.
To make it this far, I know how I would feel if I didn't make the final seven.
And that's what he's feeling right now.
It's easier to deal with winning than it is losing.
Jay Lim is full of it, you know? He tries to come out with that "hey, I'm just a golf coach" thing.
But in terms of performance, he out shot me today.
The first thing I'm gonna do when I get home It's deer season.
I'm gonna go shoot some more guns.
Ashley and Jay, well, as the Blue Team, you guys may be down, but you are certainly not out of this thing.
The two of you have definitely picked up your performance level.
There's only seven of you guys left, all of you with a damn good shot at winning that $100,000.
Head back to the house.
I'll see you at practice tomorrow.
Thanks, Colby.
Nice work, Jay.
See you, Colby.
On the next episode of "Top Shot" The biggest gun of the season makes its debut.
The Barrett m82a1 .
50-caliber rifle.
Aww, money.
And the competition is taken to a new level as red and blue jerseys are exchanged for green.
All of you have made it to the individual stage of this competition.
At stake immunity.
Whoever wins this challenge is safe from elimination.
There are only four episodes left, nine incredible tests of skill.
Who will win the $100,000 and the title of "Top Shot"?
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