Sonic X (2003) s03e13 Episode Script

Mission: Match-Up

Celebration Aboard the Typhoon My mistake.
Sonic-san I'll come back later Done, it is arranged Hey Tails I want to ask you Why do you so much want to have palm tree here ? It's simple Because Chuck always told me "there must have palm tree" Nothing worth more than a beautiful row of palm trees To train to become a great pilot in the wide space That's what was saying grandpa ? Hey, Amy Can you keep this for me ? Please Sonic what ? I wonder what happened to Shadow Ah don't worry, you know him, he always gets out but wait a bit, where're you going ? Fortunately, the Master Emerald was here to save us I think we have been really lucky but you see, to confess, I'm worried about Rouge If you want to know what I'm thinking I think she's deserving all what is happening to her it works We're almost done Are you alright ? It's not the first time we're very hot with the Metarex it's true they are very dangerous It's terrible, to see them crystallizing Plane Eggs Planet Eggs and Chaos Emeralds are wonderful energy sources and I wouldn't be surprised if there were a link among them Metarex are still full of mystery All we know for the moment is that Red King said there 's existing 4 kings which is meaning clearly there's 3 king remaining It's strange Red Pine have been beaten He always used to be very careful You've been mistaken on his abilities We can believe his strategy were not that perfect, but I admit he was different from ones who are only using force What it is ? It's me, and I have enough to hear you chatting, I'm fed up ! Each time we're meeting you are arguing No, we're not arguing we may say, our viewpoint are different Well, okay, let's admit that But, I am only interested on the one who have been able to beat Red Pine We can't say this planet gave us more informations And I really don't care what is thinking Dark Oak But I'm decided to avenge the Red Pine the fastest I can You hear this ?! For me, those are only untrustable words Get ready to leave when I'll command it to you In my opinion, those new enemies had to undergo severe damages at the time of the last fight I really don't have the intention to let them live any longer A Non-identified ship is approaching fast We must find his identification code I don't know, I'm not receiving anything We have an image on the screen Try to enlarge it ok new enemies you think ? Chaotix We don't know how that happened but we get lost into space and I admit it is very embarrassing yes, we don't really have the Sense of direction It's been a while since we meet in space you are lost since this time ? yes, I think we can tell that, yes Oh, but I beg you don't tell Cream, after all, it's her mother who is paying us And why didn't you give us your ID code ? Because Charmy did want to play with the ship and made everything fail It's not true ! What you're saying Well As long as reparations of your ship won't be completely finished You will be able to stay here on the Blue Typhoon But I advise you to not rummage everywhere That's Captain orders, understood ? We thank you What ? it's not true ! It's you who are giving orders ?! Yes, I'm Blue Typhoon's Captain Don't get upset Charmy is still a child and sometimes is speaking too much But since you are accepting to make reparations I'd love a automatic pilot Oh yes, that would be wonderful Oh but sure if you're agree We're agree Time of meal where is Chris ? I thought he was with you He said he will glance at Blue Typhoon's engine and I can handle this reparation by myself oh yes, I know your hands worth as gold oh I'm not doing very much and others looks to be very busy What's happening ? Now I understand better Why He did absolutely want that We stay aside waiting him to finish What are you talking about ? You don't understand deliberately, or are you idiots ? It's obvious ! Tails has seriously fallen in love for this little girl and he wants to stay alone with her without anyone to annoy them I'm worried because I see very well that everbody is tired but it's the first time we all had to fight yes you are entirely right and that's what I was thinking about Ah yes ? and then, what were you thinking about ? It's a secret, I can't say anything Strange, I think they are only talking about weather You really are amateurs I pity you But I am a professional detective I can recognize a Love story when I see one I can see how he is hardly trying to seduce her We can't say he's an expert for things about Love then, he has troubles to go straight to his goal, I see it clearly yes, he doesn't know how to do with girls Are you sure ? I have never mistaken up till now Oh Quick ! Hide ! yes I pity him His shyness prevent him from to confess his feelings and he's throwing himself inside work to forget Oh, I understand how he is feeling, it's horrible I guess you already lived this many times to understand so good It's Horrible ! Anyway, he's repairing our ship It's not really flattering for our Detective Agency that we came like this on their ship It's time we pull up our handles and give a hand to this brave Tails.
We're going to get dirty ? But you're stupid or what !? We'll help him to make his love Story a success And I've got an excellent idea We know that women are falling for strong men The 'Beautiful' ought to be attacked by bad guys Of course, it wouldn't be for real and then, at the most crucial moment Who will gallantly come to save her? Tails The Courageous ! Hey you! Leave her alone! Mind your own business! Take this! And this! Oh, You're so strong ! you saved my life! I couldn't let them hurt you! They fell in love, married and had many childs.
The End We're gonna do something very simple Me, I will draw the girl aside and Charmy will go get Tails so he comes at her rescue And it will be me the bad guy ? Ah no ! No Way ! Everyone knows us here, so we're gonna have to trick a little.
Here's how we're going to proceed Come on I'll explain Who's there? Ah it's me It must not be funny to be cleaning like you're doing You could come have fun with me Ah, no, not as long as I've got work You are such a Knucklehead, it's true Such a knucklehead that you don't know how to have fun So you really want me to come have fun, eh? Then you just wait ! What's this gam? There the work is done ! Oh well done it was perfect And Now We will make him unrecognizable with some black on his face Espio, it's your turn now Okay Vector, What can I do for you ? Hey ! Where are you going ? Little Girl ? Where ? You will regret that you came here This place is way too dangerous to walk alone Scare her, do you hear ? Yes it's good ! Continue ! Go on ! But what are you doing there Knuckles ? Cosmo ? No, I don't know He came right on me and he begin to dance alone Ah well, I totally didn't know that Knuckles like dancing Look he do it again Ah yes it's curious Oh it's no good, Espio leave fast ! You will pay this And I were thinking that Knuckles were someone very serious I found out that he also know how to be delirious Well done, It's Knuckles who mark points If things continue like this, Knuckles will win Now, We look like nothing with this terrible gravity If I knew this would happen I should have born blacksmith it's a shame, cause we can say you're not very gifted Look ! Did you see how tall I am ? Oh, You especially became long and narrow and I don't want you to take my place we're going to arrange this immediately Oh No ! Never ! I never had this size I absolutely want to keep it And you are jealous because you are not such beautiful I never fought you would stay on my ship I'm really surprised it surprised me that you let me stay it's a favor that I had to return you Reconnaissance is a good thing Do you know where we are ? I think we have been aspired in a zone with an abnormal gravity and send into an unknown zone in Space Can you be more clear ? I think we are in a sort of Black Hole Metarex surely own a few places like this through Space Ah I see But What are we going to do if Shadow don't wake up ? I think we don't have to worry about him I think he momentarily lost all the energy he uses to have but he will become himself again I only hope there won't have any other problems than this one You're afraid that his memory come back ? Yes a bit Doctor, Rouge Finally, he woke up it looks like you all got out well Yes and it is thanks to you and certainly thanks to your bracelets too Surely Oh, Sorry No, it's my fault it's me who were not watching where I were going you're not hurt ? no don't worry for me, I'm fine I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry, I must go What's this ? I suppose she lost it when we shocked Now, We will quick pass to Plan B What ? You already have a new idea ? No but I will begin to think But Where is he going ? Cosmo? You discovered my secret Ah then, it's this, the secret you didn't want to tell me about I thought if I were organizing a little suprise party it could make everybody on this ship feel better it's an excellent idea but it's a lot of work If you're agree I can help you a bit You already have a lot of work Oh don't worry about this, I'm almost done Then I'll help you Okay, I really thank you, it's very nice Then, by what do I begin ? Oh wait a sec I think he succeed this time Yes, then it's better if we don't show us But what are you saying ?! You don't know the most important part in Love, it's the final assault, and Tails is not able to make it alone.
But me, the Wonderful Vector, Love Story Specialist I will immediately give abit of help Hum, Hey, How are you doing ? Vector-san Without wanting it, I occurred to hear your little conversation just now And if you're agree we will help you You're willing to do that ? it's Strange I have a bad premonition What are you talking about ? Why are you so negative And think a bit, ask yourself who we really want to help in this affair Well, it's not really severe if I'm right, this shy Tails will try to not approach Cosmo too close.
Then, we will close lights for them and at this time Espio and Me will bring them closer and the fact that their both hearts will beat so close in the dark will immediately raise the power of their love And We will call this "The Heart Beat in the Dark Project" I beg you Vector, Stop to laugh like this, you're frightening me It will pass like I said Let's Go ! Are you hurt ? but what a fool idea to run like this in the dark yes you're right, and I promis I will never run again in the dark Do you have a Plan C ? As you see me now, I'm projecting myself in the vision of the best solution according to my personal experiences I think the best thing to do would be to let them in peace You really understand nothing to what's happening You can't fall in Love by reasoning like this ! Then, How ? But I still have more tricks in my bag Next time Tails will meet the beautiful Cosmo Espio, who sure will be invisible, will drop a handkerchief Mademoiselle, you just lost this handkerchief Oh yes I'm really clumsy Oh you are really very gentle Permit me to tell you Mademoiselle; I think you're really beautiful and please, accept to take a cup of tea with me Oh, but with great pleasure This way, they will begin to go out together and eventually fall in love Yes, it seems perfect to me, and ordinary encounter and a handkerchief which fall totally by chance Hey, Cosmo What Am I doing for this decoration up there ? It fell, is it yours ? No, it's not mine I don't know why I ask you this question, this handkerchief is way too dirty to be yours Hey look ! it seems there's a name embroiled Yes, Vector Vector ! It should be good if you were washing your handkerchief sometimes Yes, Oh euh yes, You're right We can say that all you're doing is devoted to be failures In reality, it's that this Tails a lot more sharp than the impression he gives I don't think they come from him, all your failures it's almost finished It's thanks to you if we have finished, Thank you You have been wonderful We are so much good friend together it is totally natural to help you that's what you think ? that's right, everyone is really nice with me on this ship I'm really lucky and it makes me very happy it delights me Did you already hear this proverb ? Ones, who manipulate feelings of others, finish to be taken in their own game Then, when are we going to begin to help them to prepare this party ? But what're you talking about ? You don't see it is almost finished ? Oh just you shut up when you are so finicky you don't get interested by girls Watch Out ! Tell me, you're not hurt ? No And It is thanks to you if I'm alright Euh Excuse me Yes it's nothing What are you doing by watching us ? Oh Excuse us Well, you can hang it it's done, it's really very nice that you helped me Oh, Tell me Cosmo Yes, what ? I think you are very very light Oh , it's useless to say, He's very timid Light on It's so beautiful, Now we must find how to make come the others How are we going to do that ? Let us handle this, it's a work that can be done by the Detective Agency Chaotix And now, I wonder how we will be able to do that ? You should have shut up, you big malicious The only ones able to do a such thing are them It's awful what you did I swear you will pay this ! Wait, we will speak about it Speak about what ?! Run away ! Come back ! I'm coming in I wonder what happened ? Cosmo were organizing a little party, and I came to help her She wanted that everybody relaxes but now it's spoiled Sorry This beautiful party won't happen anymore But Sure it will happen ! Even through there's a little mess, nevertheless, we will do this party ! It is indeed a too rare opportunity Sonic-san Thank you, Cosmo Oh no My plans fell to water Oh, Look at me Sonic ! Do I please you in this dress ? Oh yes, you're very pretty with that ! I am like a flower floating in the air And for one time, it will be Me the Princess of this evening And you You will be my Prince if you want And who do you think could be responsible of this crime ? it was 2 dangerous bandits wich were called the "Diabolic Twins" Cosmo? Tails-san.
It's true it have not been easy but it was great anyway Because of you, Tails-san I know Here I forgot to give it to you this last time Do you like it ? Thank you very much It's so pretty I'm glad you like it You're so beautiful Cosmo Yes, it's true the view is really beautiful We can stare at the stars together for ages, isn't that fun ? Is that so
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