Dinosaucers (1987) s01e11 Episode Script
Sleeping Booty
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we me some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Ghengis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
REX: Perfect. Hold that.
That will be the instrument
of a great Tyranno triumph.
Quack. What? The video tape?
No, tail for brains. An
Earth monster like that one.
If you can find one.
Find one? The planet's
littered with the silly things.
You see them on Earth
television all the time.
I found one myself
just yesterday.
Quack. You did? Where?
Just off the coast off the
strange place they call California.
The monster is asleep
on the ocean bed.
Near where the Earthlings
are mining a vein,
of dinasium 18.
Ah Dinasium.
I didn't know there was
any of that element on Earth.
But there is,
and with the power
of dinasium crystals,
we can build new weapons
to stop the Dinosaucers.
QUACK: Great. Quack. What's
your plan, O Ghengis Rex?
I suspect I know.
We'll awaken the monster and
let the humans try to deal with it.
That's right! And then we'll steal
the dinasium they've mined for us.
But first, I want to know
what on Reptillon you're doing!
I'm eating popcorn.
Earth creatures eat it when
they're watching movies.
Quack. Quack. Try it.
If we weren't in such a
hurry to conquer them,
we could let their
diet wipe them out.
Quack. But, Rex
Be quiet and prepare the ships.
We're leaving for the coast.
Quack. Yes, Rex
As soon as I see the good part.
Yah! Go, big fella!
Stomp the Earthlings!
Coming, Rex!
You watch too much of that
stuff, your brain's gonna go extinct.
RYAN: Look at
that. That's radical.
Watch that big fish jump.
It's not a fish, Ryan.
I know, Sarah, it's a
mammal. Now give it a rest.
SARAH: It's smarter
than a fish, though.
Makes you wonder what
else might live down there.
All it makes me wonder is
where Paul is with our lunch.
- Uh-oh.
- SARAH: The Dinosaucers' alert.
Secret Scouts' Headquarters
here. Come in Lava Dome.
Sarah, Ryan, good morning.
Hi, Alo. What's up?
Tyranno trouble, I think.
But we need your
help to confirm it.
Our instruments are
picking up a small, new.
Tyranno base on
the California coast.
Oh, great!
But we're also picking up movements in
the sea nearby that we don't understand.
Now, they may be nothing
to do with the Tyrannos.
I bet it's whales.
Whatever, we're on our way.
Transmitting coordinates now.
We'll meet you there.
We're glad to have
you here, Major Clifton.
There have been some
pretty strange things goin' on.
It's nice of the Air Force to send us
their best expert in strange phenomena.
Oh, I asked to come, Director.
I want to get pictures or else
the phenomena themselves.
Well, ask for anything you need.
Thanks. I will.
Right now, I'm going out with
the divers to check the mining site.
They've seen some
odd things down there.
Well, I hope you find whatever
things you're lookin' for.
Yeah. Especially the
ones I can never catch.
The ones that
look like dinosaurs.
SARAH: Alo, I don't get it.
Why would the Tyrannos want to
build another base by the ocean?
RYAN: Yeah. It's only a matter of time
before people would stumble onto them.
Oh, I agree.
I think they're planning to do
something fast then get out.
ICKI: And our instruments
show that your people are mining
a deposit of
dinasium down there.
SARAH: What's dinasium?
It's a crystal element that
traps energy. Like a battery.
Humans have just discovered it.
We used to have a lot of it on
Reptillon. There's not much left now.
ICKI: You can make
terrible weapons with it.
RYAN: That's what
Rex wants, I'll bet.
I suspect you're right.
We've got to stop him
from getting his claws on it.
SARAH: Well then, it's
Secret Scouts to the rescue.
Dinosaucers, of course.
ALO: Of course!
REX: The silly mammals will
never suspect our presence here.
The receiver ray will wake
up the sleeping monster,
then turn it loose to
rampage in the humans' midst.
And after we wake it up, then
we steal all the humans' dinasium.
Right, bossasaur?
REX: Right For once, Enkilo.
We'll hide it in our little shoreline
base and break it out later.
Oh, the weapons we'll
build with that dinasium.
The Dinosaucers will
never defeat us again!
Ah, Director?
What was that
Major guy looking for?
Moon men or giant lizards?
DIRECTOR: Why? Have you
seen any moon men around here?
Moon men, no.
Giant lizards, yes!
DIVER 1: Now, this is
where we saw it, Major.
MAJOR: And just
what did you see?
DIVER 1: Well, it's hard to say,
but it was big and dark and it moved.
Not very fast.
MAJOR: Could've been a whale.
DIVER 2: Nah, it wasn't a whale.
MAJOR: Okay. Let's keep looking.
You haven't seen anything that
looked like dinosaurs, have you?
DIVER 1: You're kidding, right?
MAJOR: Ah, yeah, sure.
Let's keep looking for your thing.
REX: Enkilo, what do
your instruments show?
Uh Well Well?
What do they show?
Well, they show
lots of Um, uh
REX: Lots of what?
Uh. Lots of Monsters!
Lots of monsters?
Good. Get a fix on it and
we'll give it a little wake up call.
RYAN: Uh-oh. It looks
like trouble down there.
SARAH: Yeah. Off-shore trouble.
ALO: The Tyrannos
must be nearby.
It looks like some kind
of Tyranno weapon.
Whatever it is, I doubt it's meant
to do these humans any good.
Let's hold back until we get a chance to
get those Tyrannos away from the humans.
And then deal
with Rex in private.
DIVER 1: Here's
where we saw it last.
MAJOR: Well, it seems
pretty quiet down here now.
DIVER 2: Look!
DIVER 1: What
in the world is it?
DIVER 2: Nothin'
from this world.
MAJOR: I can't believe it.
After all these months of chasing
outer space critters, I finally found one.
All right, my
faithful henchasaur.
REX: Is the reviver in position?
Yes, O mighty Ghengis
I think.
Then it doesn't
matter if Alo is here,
because it's too late!
MAJOR: What the
DIVER 1: Let's get out of here!
MAJOR: No way! I
want pictures of this thing.
REX: That should keep
the humans busy for a while.
Enkilo, get back to our sea
base and fetch the aquasaur.
We have dinasium to steal.
ENKILO: Right, bossasaurus.
ALO: I want to know what
Rex was using that odd ray on.
SARAH: Oh, no. I know that face
even behind a frogman's mask.
RYAN: It's our old buddy,
Major Clifton. The UFO expert.
SARAH: What a pain.
RYAN: My only
question is Who's that?
SARAH: Did they make it?
RYAN: I doubt it. I
think they woke it up.
Look, Clifton may be a pain chasing
after you Dinosaucers all the time,
but if the Tyrannos went to the
trouble of waking that thing up,
it's probably dangerous.
SARAH: We've got to get
him away from that thing. Quick.
RYAN: Too late. It's got him!
SARAH: I'm gonna see if
I can get him to drop him.
RYAN: It's not working.
SARAH: Yeah. But look at
it. It's acting as if it's playing.
RYAN: No. It looks
kind of like a baby.
ALO: Yes. There are baby creatures
on Reptillon that remind me of this.
They attach themselves to the first
thing they see when they're hatched.
SARAH: That's just great.
RYAN: Yeah, and it's not as if
it's not attracting any attention.
Look, it's a monster!
WOMAN: It's got that man.
They're invaders
from outer space.
Call the Coast Guard.
Everyone get out of here!
Those silly mammals. [SNORTING]
I'm going to take their dinasium
right out from under their noses.
RYAN: It's playing
games with us.
Now let's see what kind of
mayhem my sea monster is wreaking.
ALO: Rex, you're out of luck.
This baby creature is about
as dangerous as a teddysaur.
REX: We'll see about that, Alo.
This ray will change its tune.
ALO: Somehow I think the only tune
that's gonna be changed is yours, Rex.
REX: Whoa!
Stop it! Stop it,
you silly thing!
My ship. My ship's half wrecked.
Enkilo, you finish up what you're
doing and get back to the sea base.
Is there anything wrong,
O mighty Ghengis Rex?
REX: No. There's nothing wrong.
Just do as I command or I'll feed
you your tail when you get back.
Ah, yes, bossasaur.
What you said,
bossasaur. [SNORTING]
SARAH: I left Major Clifton on the beach.
He looks like he'll wake up pretty soon.
RYAN: Great. But, what are
we gonna do about Junior here?
We need to get
it away from here.
These humans might
accidentally hurt it.
SARAH: Look, it's
playing. Let's play with it.
RYAN: You know, you have
your smart moments. For a sister.
SARAH: Thanks a lot.
Icki, your ship can go
in the water, can't it?
Just watch me.
SARAH: We'll get it to
chase us away from here.
ALO: Right. Then we can trap
it and take it somewhere safe.
ICKI: Then here goes.
Ah, what What happened to me?
I saw that thing.
This is too good to be true.
I've gotta catch up with them.
That's it. Now I can hide
this stuff in the sea base,
and get back to
Tarpits 2. [SNORTING]
RYAN: Look! What's that?
It has Tyranno energy readings,
and I also read large
amounts of dinasium aboard.
SARAH: I bet Rex left
Enkilo to finish his dirty work.
RYAN: Let's get him.
ENKILO: Finally.
Once the dinasium is in the dome,
not even the Dinosaucers can get at it.
Oh, no! [SNORTING]
Finally. UFOs. I knew I
would catch one someday.
RYAN: Oh, no! It's
Major Clifton again.
SARAH: We can't let
Enkilo get his claws on him.
Leave it to me.
I don't believe it.
How am I going
to get out of this?
I know I'll take the
Earthling hostage.
That thing. It's been
nothing but trouble,
[SNORTING] since Rex woke it up.
MAJOR: Oh, no, you don't.
Oh, cut it out!
Let the humans
have their dinasium.
I can't let them get their little paddy
paws on our base. [SNORTING]
Oh, boy.
Rex is gonna yell at me.
ALO: I see more humans
coming. We should get out of here.
RYAN: What're we gonna
do about Major Clifton?
ICKI: Leave him with his friend. I
think he'll manage to find it a good home.
SARAH: And as for that
base, I bet it won't be there long.
Somehow, I don't think
anyone's gonna believe this.
thanks to Major Clifton,
for presenting Aqualand
with this wonderful creature.
The first of its kind
ever discovered.
Poor Major Clifton.
What he really wanted
to catch was Dinosaucers.
Well, with a growing sea
monster to take care of,
he won't have time to
think about Dinosaucers.
ANNOUNCER: And now, Major
Clifton receives the Aqualand Award,
for contributions to science.
Thank you.
I Oh, no. No Don't!
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we me some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Ghengis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
REX: Perfect. Hold that.
That will be the instrument
of a great Tyranno triumph.
Quack. What? The video tape?
No, tail for brains. An
Earth monster like that one.
If you can find one.
Find one? The planet's
littered with the silly things.
You see them on Earth
television all the time.
I found one myself
just yesterday.
Quack. You did? Where?
Just off the coast off the
strange place they call California.
The monster is asleep
on the ocean bed.
Near where the Earthlings
are mining a vein,
of dinasium 18.
Ah Dinasium.
I didn't know there was
any of that element on Earth.
But there is,
and with the power
of dinasium crystals,
we can build new weapons
to stop the Dinosaucers.
QUACK: Great. Quack. What's
your plan, O Ghengis Rex?
I suspect I know.
We'll awaken the monster and
let the humans try to deal with it.
That's right! And then we'll steal
the dinasium they've mined for us.
But first, I want to know
what on Reptillon you're doing!
I'm eating popcorn.
Earth creatures eat it when
they're watching movies.
Quack. Quack. Try it.
If we weren't in such a
hurry to conquer them,
we could let their
diet wipe them out.
Quack. But, Rex
Be quiet and prepare the ships.
We're leaving for the coast.
Quack. Yes, Rex
As soon as I see the good part.
Yah! Go, big fella!
Stomp the Earthlings!
Coming, Rex!
You watch too much of that
stuff, your brain's gonna go extinct.
RYAN: Look at
that. That's radical.
Watch that big fish jump.
It's not a fish, Ryan.
I know, Sarah, it's a
mammal. Now give it a rest.
SARAH: It's smarter
than a fish, though.
Makes you wonder what
else might live down there.
All it makes me wonder is
where Paul is with our lunch.
- Uh-oh.
- SARAH: The Dinosaucers' alert.
Secret Scouts' Headquarters
here. Come in Lava Dome.
Sarah, Ryan, good morning.
Hi, Alo. What's up?
Tyranno trouble, I think.
But we need your
help to confirm it.
Our instruments are
picking up a small, new.
Tyranno base on
the California coast.
Oh, great!
But we're also picking up movements in
the sea nearby that we don't understand.
Now, they may be nothing
to do with the Tyrannos.
I bet it's whales.
Whatever, we're on our way.
Transmitting coordinates now.
We'll meet you there.
We're glad to have
you here, Major Clifton.
There have been some
pretty strange things goin' on.
It's nice of the Air Force to send us
their best expert in strange phenomena.
Oh, I asked to come, Director.
I want to get pictures or else
the phenomena themselves.
Well, ask for anything you need.
Thanks. I will.
Right now, I'm going out with
the divers to check the mining site.
They've seen some
odd things down there.
Well, I hope you find whatever
things you're lookin' for.
Yeah. Especially the
ones I can never catch.
The ones that
look like dinosaurs.
SARAH: Alo, I don't get it.
Why would the Tyrannos want to
build another base by the ocean?
RYAN: Yeah. It's only a matter of time
before people would stumble onto them.
Oh, I agree.
I think they're planning to do
something fast then get out.
ICKI: And our instruments
show that your people are mining
a deposit of
dinasium down there.
SARAH: What's dinasium?
It's a crystal element that
traps energy. Like a battery.
Humans have just discovered it.
We used to have a lot of it on
Reptillon. There's not much left now.
ICKI: You can make
terrible weapons with it.
RYAN: That's what
Rex wants, I'll bet.
I suspect you're right.
We've got to stop him
from getting his claws on it.
SARAH: Well then, it's
Secret Scouts to the rescue.
Dinosaucers, of course.
ALO: Of course!
REX: The silly mammals will
never suspect our presence here.
The receiver ray will wake
up the sleeping monster,
then turn it loose to
rampage in the humans' midst.
And after we wake it up, then
we steal all the humans' dinasium.
Right, bossasaur?
REX: Right For once, Enkilo.
We'll hide it in our little shoreline
base and break it out later.
Oh, the weapons we'll
build with that dinasium.
The Dinosaucers will
never defeat us again!
Ah, Director?
What was that
Major guy looking for?
Moon men or giant lizards?
DIRECTOR: Why? Have you
seen any moon men around here?
Moon men, no.
Giant lizards, yes!
DIVER 1: Now, this is
where we saw it, Major.
MAJOR: And just
what did you see?
DIVER 1: Well, it's hard to say,
but it was big and dark and it moved.
Not very fast.
MAJOR: Could've been a whale.
DIVER 2: Nah, it wasn't a whale.
MAJOR: Okay. Let's keep looking.
You haven't seen anything that
looked like dinosaurs, have you?
DIVER 1: You're kidding, right?
MAJOR: Ah, yeah, sure.
Let's keep looking for your thing.
REX: Enkilo, what do
your instruments show?
Uh Well Well?
What do they show?
Well, they show
lots of Um, uh
REX: Lots of what?
Uh. Lots of Monsters!
Lots of monsters?
Good. Get a fix on it and
we'll give it a little wake up call.
RYAN: Uh-oh. It looks
like trouble down there.
SARAH: Yeah. Off-shore trouble.
ALO: The Tyrannos
must be nearby.
It looks like some kind
of Tyranno weapon.
Whatever it is, I doubt it's meant
to do these humans any good.
Let's hold back until we get a chance to
get those Tyrannos away from the humans.
And then deal
with Rex in private.
DIVER 1: Here's
where we saw it last.
MAJOR: Well, it seems
pretty quiet down here now.
DIVER 2: Look!
DIVER 1: What
in the world is it?
DIVER 2: Nothin'
from this world.
MAJOR: I can't believe it.
After all these months of chasing
outer space critters, I finally found one.
All right, my
faithful henchasaur.
REX: Is the reviver in position?
Yes, O mighty Ghengis
I think.
Then it doesn't
matter if Alo is here,
because it's too late!
MAJOR: What the
DIVER 1: Let's get out of here!
MAJOR: No way! I
want pictures of this thing.
REX: That should keep
the humans busy for a while.
Enkilo, get back to our sea
base and fetch the aquasaur.
We have dinasium to steal.
ENKILO: Right, bossasaurus.
ALO: I want to know what
Rex was using that odd ray on.
SARAH: Oh, no. I know that face
even behind a frogman's mask.
RYAN: It's our old buddy,
Major Clifton. The UFO expert.
SARAH: What a pain.
RYAN: My only
question is Who's that?
SARAH: Did they make it?
RYAN: I doubt it. I
think they woke it up.
Look, Clifton may be a pain chasing
after you Dinosaucers all the time,
but if the Tyrannos went to the
trouble of waking that thing up,
it's probably dangerous.
SARAH: We've got to get
him away from that thing. Quick.
RYAN: Too late. It's got him!
SARAH: I'm gonna see if
I can get him to drop him.
RYAN: It's not working.
SARAH: Yeah. But look at
it. It's acting as if it's playing.
RYAN: No. It looks
kind of like a baby.
ALO: Yes. There are baby creatures
on Reptillon that remind me of this.
They attach themselves to the first
thing they see when they're hatched.
SARAH: That's just great.
RYAN: Yeah, and it's not as if
it's not attracting any attention.
Look, it's a monster!
WOMAN: It's got that man.
They're invaders
from outer space.
Call the Coast Guard.
Everyone get out of here!
Those silly mammals. [SNORTING]
I'm going to take their dinasium
right out from under their noses.
RYAN: It's playing
games with us.
Now let's see what kind of
mayhem my sea monster is wreaking.
ALO: Rex, you're out of luck.
This baby creature is about
as dangerous as a teddysaur.
REX: We'll see about that, Alo.
This ray will change its tune.
ALO: Somehow I think the only tune
that's gonna be changed is yours, Rex.
REX: Whoa!
Stop it! Stop it,
you silly thing!
My ship. My ship's half wrecked.
Enkilo, you finish up what you're
doing and get back to the sea base.
Is there anything wrong,
O mighty Ghengis Rex?
REX: No. There's nothing wrong.
Just do as I command or I'll feed
you your tail when you get back.
Ah, yes, bossasaur.
What you said,
bossasaur. [SNORTING]
SARAH: I left Major Clifton on the beach.
He looks like he'll wake up pretty soon.
RYAN: Great. But, what are
we gonna do about Junior here?
We need to get
it away from here.
These humans might
accidentally hurt it.
SARAH: Look, it's
playing. Let's play with it.
RYAN: You know, you have
your smart moments. For a sister.
SARAH: Thanks a lot.
Icki, your ship can go
in the water, can't it?
Just watch me.
SARAH: We'll get it to
chase us away from here.
ALO: Right. Then we can trap
it and take it somewhere safe.
ICKI: Then here goes.
Ah, what What happened to me?
I saw that thing.
This is too good to be true.
I've gotta catch up with them.
That's it. Now I can hide
this stuff in the sea base,
and get back to
Tarpits 2. [SNORTING]
RYAN: Look! What's that?
It has Tyranno energy readings,
and I also read large
amounts of dinasium aboard.
SARAH: I bet Rex left
Enkilo to finish his dirty work.
RYAN: Let's get him.
ENKILO: Finally.
Once the dinasium is in the dome,
not even the Dinosaucers can get at it.
Oh, no! [SNORTING]
Finally. UFOs. I knew I
would catch one someday.
RYAN: Oh, no! It's
Major Clifton again.
SARAH: We can't let
Enkilo get his claws on him.
Leave it to me.
I don't believe it.
How am I going
to get out of this?
I know I'll take the
Earthling hostage.
That thing. It's been
nothing but trouble,
[SNORTING] since Rex woke it up.
MAJOR: Oh, no, you don't.
Oh, cut it out!
Let the humans
have their dinasium.
I can't let them get their little paddy
paws on our base. [SNORTING]
Oh, boy.
Rex is gonna yell at me.
ALO: I see more humans
coming. We should get out of here.
RYAN: What're we gonna
do about Major Clifton?
ICKI: Leave him with his friend. I
think he'll manage to find it a good home.
SARAH: And as for that
base, I bet it won't be there long.
Somehow, I don't think
anyone's gonna believe this.
thanks to Major Clifton,
for presenting Aqualand
with this wonderful creature.
The first of its kind
ever discovered.
Poor Major Clifton.
What he really wanted
to catch was Dinosaucers.
Well, with a growing sea
monster to take care of,
he won't have time to
think about Dinosaucers.
ANNOUNCER: And now, Major
Clifton receives the Aqualand Award,
for contributions to science.
Thank you.
I Oh, no. No Don't!